How About Seeing the 5th Dimension in Real Life?

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so you decide to give a ball a good kick across the floor it goes flying but here's the cool part for those few seconds it's soaring through the air you're not just witnessing the usual three-dimension of height width and depth but there's another dimension in play time now I know what you're thinking how on Earth can we see time well we can't exactly see time itself but we can observe its effect and what better way to do that than by watching the ball's movement as it travels through space we get a glimpse of that progression of time it's like a sneak peek into the fourth dimension but when we dive into discussions about space-time we often throw in an extra Dimension the fifth one think of it as a micro Dimension not as obvious as the other four you won't spot it just by kicking a ball around in the Epic movie Interstellar there's this whole thing about these Fifth Dimension beings secretly helping out the main characters these beings are from another realm or something and they hook them up with a sweet spaceship and a super convenient Wormhole for Intergalactic travel at the end of the film they go through a black hole and end up in this crazy library of infinite knowledge and those mysterious beings are actually McConaughey himself before we get too deep let's start with the building blocks of everything in this universe Point yep that tiny little dot holds the key to it all let's label it as zero Dimension Dimension number one is just a lie a super skinny line stretching from point A to point B like a tightrope Walker Defying Gravity it's like a ghostly concept that we can understand but in reality our world is all about things we can touch and see even the tiniest stuff around us has some length and width unlike this elusive line Dimension number two is a plane when you take a line and give it some width you got yourself a plane it's like a flat surface that you can view head on think floors ceilings tabletops TV screens and movie screens as easy as it is to imagine a plane it just can't quite exist in our reality yep even sheets of paper have some depth to them however you've seen the second dimension if you've ever watched any pre-internet cartoon typically all the Vintage cartoons out there are two-dimensional now welcome to mention number three which is space it's the one we call our own when you add a little something to a line it magically transforms into a plane and guess what when you blow it up from a different angle that plane becomes an object in our super cool world we're all about length width and depth here they're totally our Jam [Music] time is dimension number four close your eyes and imagine yourself right now in this very moment now picture yourself two minutes ago or how about two days ago wait let's take it up a notch two years ago and what about two centuries ago now here's where things get funky imagine all these versions of yourself from different points in time connected along a timeline it's like you're physically linked to each of these variations of yourself it may sound complicated but in reality the jump from the third dimension to the fourth dimension is just like the previous jumps we've made imagine you're looking at a line if you change your perspective a bit that line becomes a whole plane it's like a revelation that the super skinny line you saw before was just one part of a bigger physical object its length to be exact now let's take it a step further when you shift your gaze from the plane to an everyday object or even a person that plane becomes like a frozen snapshot of that thing it's just one side of it without any depth or perspective but if you physically turn around and look at that single face you're entering Dimension three if you repeat this process once again you'll find yourself in dimension 4. now you're not just looking at an object from its three special dimensions but you're seeing it as one face of a timeline it's like realizing that any object we know is just one part of a whole timeline if you could step outside of time and zip across that timeline you'd witness all the different versions of that object it's past present and future like flipping through a crazy flip book it's like having all those individual frames strung together forever in both directions and what about Dimension number five this is where we find McConaughey and that bookcase scene get ready to leave the fourth dimension behind and dive into a world of Endless Possibilities you see those physical manifestations we witness are just one side of the story they represent the realm of possibility now imagine a timeline as a bunch of possibilities stemming from a single moment let's use your birth as an example each moment in your life is like a face on a never-ending you from the fourth Dimensions perspective now picture this timeline as just one face on a crazy object made up of countless other timelines each line represents all the different moments and faces that could have happened after your birth it's like the fifth dimension's view of you back in 1905 Albert Einstein dropped some pretty cool knowledge on us with his special theory of relativity he revealed that space and time are all tied together by the speed limit of light so technically our universe has four dimensions of space-time but for our everyday lives we like to keep things simple and think of the universe as having three dimensions of space you know north south east west up down and one dimension of time which is past and future easy peasy in the 1920s a couple of Genius physicists named Oscar Klein and Theodore Kaluza were like hey what if there's a fifth dimension of space they got this wild idea from Einstein's theory of relativity which showed that mass can warp space-time so they wondered could this extra Dimension explain another Force called the electromagnetic force turns out it totally could but here's the catch the electromagnetic force is way stronger than gravity like 1040 times stronger so for this extra Dimension to work its magic it had to be super tiny we're talking smaller than an atom like microscopic small so small that we wouldn't even notice it picture a particle like an electron zipping through space and doing loop-de-loops around this Fifth Dimension like a little hamster on a wheel Colusa and Klein's five-dimensional Theory got hit hard when two more fundamental forces were discovered in the atomic nucleus the strong and weak nuclear forces but many other scientists who believe in string theory brought back the idea of extra Dimensions explaining forces and it's been about half a century since then according to this Theory the universe's fundamental building blocks are not particles but these super tiny strings made of mass energy these strings do their thing by vibrating in a 10-dimensional space-time with six of those Dimensions rolled up way smaller than an atom String Theory suggests that our universe might be like a three-dimensional island or a brain just floating around in this massive 10-dimensional space time this could explain why gravity is so ridiculously weak compared to the other three fundamental forces the idea is that while the forces are stuck on the brain gravity sneaks out into those six extra space dimensions making it super diluted on the brain in 1999 Lisa Randall and Raman sundrome had a mind-bending idea they suggested that there could be a bigger Fifth Dimension all curved in a way that we can't even see and this extra Dimension might solve one of the biggest mysteries of the cosmos dark matter you know that invisible stuff that outweighs all the visible stars and galaxies by six times yeah it might just be hiding in that mysterious extra dimension foreign
Channel: How About
Views: 6,607
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Keywords: how about, bright side, 5th dimension, 5th dimension explained, the 5th dimension, how to live in 5th dimension, 11 signs you are living in the 5th dimension, how to see the 5th dimension, 5th dimension meaning, living in 5th dimension, how to get to the 5th dimension, what happens in 5th dimension, 5th dimension explained in hindi, 5th dimension interstellar, living in the 5th dimension, how to be in the 5th dimension, how to know if you are in the 5th dimension
Id: WvK8ybhtUK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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