How a Title Got Me RICH in Blox Fruits

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there's total of 177 different titles on BLX fruit and amongst all of them there is one specific title that is liked by everyone and that title is a squad officially a noob water gang don't ask your fam okay yeah those are also liked and wanted by the most people but they are nearly impossible to get so I'm not talking about those the actual title I'm talking about is Raging demon to unlock raging demon title you have to get 20 Bounty without dying in a single server to put it in a more simple perspective it's basically killing seven people three times without dying now it might not seem hard for a regular Bounty Hunter with a kitson fruit but for a player who doesn't really like bounty hunting or not really good at the PVP it's really hard for them to earn this title so for that reason I have decided to grind seven different accounts to level 1,950 to help people earn this title for free for payment I I I'm not spending all of that time for nothing so in today's video I will be sharing sh ing how this title change my inventory from this to this so let's get started all right since I wanted to make a really detailed video about this topic this video will be split in couple of parts so you can click on the time steps down below to choose where you want to watch it almost a year ago I have learned a very good way to earn fruits in BL fruits that being Services basically for a fruit payment you are helping people with variety of stuff such as raids doing rip Indra lisos on after I found this out I wanted to try it out since I like free stuff you know like free stuff is my favorite thing in the world and well I quickly found out that it wasn't really worth it now I will say right after the bat I was extremely lucky to have YouTuber rooll in blo first Discord server because like that gave me plus 100 trust buff like holy sh I wish I never B this earlier it's because in about 2 months of helping people with mainly raids and dark blade V3 I I managed to get all 38 fruit permanent in BL fruits my best deal was probably getting permanent though for helping this dude fully awaken his door fruit like I still can't believe this offer till this day like God damn I just got extremely lucky because like he was only level 700 and he probably didn't know about prices so I mean I still take it I'm also glad that I could give lots of people a trusted servers I I might have taken very expensive fruits only but still amongst everyone I helped I never scammed the single person and brother you're not getting this one you're not getting this one you better you better give it back what happened to that SC and I delivered what they paid for so for that reason I managed to gather 162 VES in total as I'm writing this script it also showed me that not everyone in this community were toxic I genuinely had some people who were extremely kind and just D to help me for example you know there were this person called a cool kid who gave me fruit Notifier Game Pass and three permanent fruits for almost for free what the hell but you know if there is something good there is also something bad so for that reason it's time to move on to the second topic and now we are at my favorite part because I will be pouring down all my rage to one person which I will talk about later on so the main problem for a new starter is probably G G some watches which is still doable if you can just do services for cheap and gain some watches then you can just make the prices higher when you are at a certain level where you have enough VES and if I have to be honest void system is like 90% useless because even though I have fake scam Watchers I will mention about it in a minute I still got lots of fruits from people maybe it's because I had the YouTuber role so for that reason people didn't bother checking my vouches but yeah I mean I don't know other than VES it's just some people dming you just to troll you know like giving some good offers and when you say okay they go like psych kill yourself you mother you know them like they you know you know them like those kind of people who just waste waste who just want to waste your time you know another type of person I will just call them 9-year-olds it's because what they are doing is if you don't accept their bad offer they are just scam watching you without any proof you know you just don't accept their offer because you know there's trade limit and you just don't want to waste your time on that and I don't know they are becoming mad and just scam watching you I mean how that works I guess and some of them are just doing it for fun for example these two people I don't have any single DM message with them yet they still did a scam watch for me you know you know all right now it's time to talk about certain fake scam watches but a warning beforehand following footage will include lots of rage and SAR wordss so if you're not old enough or just doesn't like people swearing move to the time shown in the screen thank you all right now that that's done I can finally start our story starts when a guy called trillion wonders DMD me and asked about my raging demon title H and I can't show more messages because I'm a dumbass and I didn't just took screenshot of the messages and since I'm talking lots of people per day yeah I can't see his user I mean I don't know his user so I can't find him anymore his offer was for Venom fruit which is still could be good for I many people but I just declined since I was trying to obtain more high high value fruits and then that piece of that fatherless trillion wonders couldn't take no as an answer and just went to the raid call outs to make a scam watch for me you know because he just couldn't take it and that's not How It Ends by the way to clear up evidence I suppose he made a new account called billion wonders you know I wonder where he got the inspiration from and this fatherless piece of filled my mansions with full of fake scam watches and it's not even only one time that he did it since this dude never loved by his parents he's just coming to rate call outs at a random time of the day watches me couple of times then dips okay okay so as I'm writing this script I realize that this clown us either got banned from the server or just left the Discord server I swear I couldn't be more happier than seeing this getting banned because I just couldn't like I'm glad that he got banned because if he would fake scam watch me one more time the DM message he would receive from me wasn't going to be very pleasant and yeah I guess those were all the bad stuff I could think about Services you know it's mostly worth it if you're just doing it honestly but you know there is just bad apples in the community so you can't really do anything about them but anyways time to move on to the next topic I wanted to add this section as well to flex how lucky I got with certain offers cuz you know you will never be able to get these offers so the first offer I will be talking about is permanent dark which I got it by helping this person with dark blade V3 pretty good pretty good deal in my opinion since most I was getting either food storage or a leopard for dark blade V3 servers at the time second best deal I will say is dragon and blizzard fruit for permanent eyes yeah I saw this person on this I didn't really thought that he was going to do it but he really did it why I didn't thought that he was going to do it is because you know when people see the Perman TT they go crazy they go crazy with the offer so I just thought he was joking or like trying to waste people time but I mean he didn't do it and he actually gave it anyways moving on my next best deal was permanent sand for only one leopard I was just randomly so hooping and I saw this dud were trading so I just sit on the trade table and he put the permanent sand and I put the leopard he accepted it in my opinion it's a pretty big W next deal is also like that I found this dude who traded permanent rubber for only one leopard you know I also got very lucky with that and for my last and by far the best offer rocket for permanent T-Rex well I mean I still did that too but I don't count it since it was a it was kind of a gift from this Giga chat my best deal was getting permanent D for only helping with fully do awaken God I'm still shocked to this day that I managed to get that trade anyways time to move on to the last topic of this video so obviously I haven't grinded all the accounts by myself I might be a no life but I like keeping my sen at a certain level so for that reason I have asked my friend if he could help me grind the accounts promising that he will get 50% of what I earn and after we were done with grinding I calmly blocked them anyways all jokes aside from this servers I mean uh with the pay he got he managed to get himself a permanent D so he got his pay don't worry so I have done this title servers for 20 days as of now so I will be sharing all the offers I have gotten in 20 days and I feel like I will regret this though because I saw lots more people started doing raging demon servers after me I guess I don't know and since I'm sharing my full profit now yeah it will be a little problem for for me but anyways you know I already got lots of fruit so anyway it's fine you know but it's going to be a problem for me when I'm all the fruits because of all the new fruits they have added so for now I'm good but in the future I will regret this but anyways but yes let's start talking about the offers so on the first day I managed to get a kit soon dough another dough and another dough and lastly you won't believe it one more do fruit so I guess it's three or four D fruit one two three yeah it's a d it's for D fruit yes and on the second day which is the day I got lots of fruits so let me just start explaining I got one dragon leopard D another leopard Mammoth and control two more leopards two D and lastly a dragon which I also gave do fruit but still it's a w because yes anyway leopard and another leopard and yeah so we total there lots of lepers lots of those and lots of dragons but yeah I mean I got lots of anyways moving on to the third day on day three I managed to get two dragon and three leopard fruits still amazing day amazing fruits yes on day four the Raging demon himself came to claim his title for for a dragon fruit yeah it's it was kind of a weird moment but yeah and other than that I got T-Rex and a do fruit on day five I got two lepers only on day six I got three dragon one T-Rex and one leopard foot and unfortunately there is no day seven because on day seven the city needed me on day eight I got d and a T-Rex fruit and on day nine I managed to get three leopard fruits after that I decided to take a break for 6 days or so just to chill a little bit and edit videos because you know I also have to do that and I feel like commentary is getting repetitive so I will just show what I got and end the video after that so if you haven't done it so far please like And subscribe and leave a comment if you can to help this video reach more audience I I at least can be happy to see a video performing well and thank you for [Music] watching be quiet I ha a thumbnail that comes from far away it's like a noise in my head oh this world heart this world heart it that's you li and leaves us God oh this wor heart this wor heart it got to th need to get out fall apart and it free your heart it's no longer the same to get out cuz it's full of BL and it free your heart it's no longer [Music] the we need to get out [Music] here
Channel: Yavuz the Skeleton
Views: 485,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits perm, blox fruits free perm, blox fruits raging demon, blox fruits titles, blox fruits raging demon title, blox, fruits, roblox, blox fruits dragon rework, raging demon
Id: oN_7W35uc6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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