How a PTRD-41 works
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Channel: Si vis pacem , para bellum.
Views: 201,265
Rating: 4.8851352 out of 5
Keywords: PTRD-41, PTRD, How a PTRD-41 works, PTRD-41 how it works, Semi-automatic, how it works, how works, gun, weapon, World of Guns, WoG, World of Guns: Gun Disassembly, Si vis pacem, para bellum, Si vis pacem para bellum, ПТРД, как работает, Degtyaryov, anti-tank rifle., Degtyaryov Anti-Tank Rifle, 14.5, 14.5×114, Wz. 35, przeciwpancerny wz.35, PzB 39, PzB 38, PTRS, ptrd 41, Degtyaryov plant
Id: fG-suKxIoog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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