How a 1900HP+ Rimac Hypercar Is Built | Nico Rosberg

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Da da Rimac proizvodi baterije za Porsche Taycan! :)

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/DajZabrij 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies


Ovo je genijalno. Nisam mislio da je to sve na ovako visokoj razini. Dizajniraju hypercar, rade samostalno skoro sva testiranja, kompletnu proizvodnju i sklapanje automobila... I uz sve to još dizajniraju i testiraju baterije/motore za potrebe nekoliko velikih auto proizvođača.

Privukao je velike ulagače, velika imena i svaka mu čast. Jedva čekam vidjeti gdje će tvrtka Rimac biti za 10 godina.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/govnonapanju 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

A jeri dizel?

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Wota86 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

rimac izgleda kao loš render iz Just Cause 1

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Trollmaster2040 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

izgleda gotivno ovaj rimac

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tryingtoquitgames 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to croatia so today customization of the remake one of the most exceptional cars of our time i'm super excited [Music] this is the man himself this is mata hi nice to meet you great to be here we are here in eight locations actually so we will go to see some of them today and then later we'll have some fun with the car [Music] okay i'm going to take you into the configuration room i really like this one this is like the batmobile so we just got to the testing site now [Music] welcome to croatia so today customization of the rimac one of the most exceptional cars of our time i'm super excited and surprise surprise there's a tycon here and i'm like what the hell is that doing there and i'm so excited to also be able to drive the taikan then a complete surprise and because porsche owns 15 of rimac so that's why they're actually picking us up today with the tycoon so that's so epic so let's go for driving taikan and the crew today alex rubin charlie in the house who you know who jumped into the ocean in monaco thank you for picking us up that's a surprise we weren't expecting that it's all about surprises that's fantastic i i look forward to trying it wait should we go straight for the acceleration flat out on the throttle okay so i've got a hole some flat out on the oh [ __ ] plus yeah okay now foot full on the brake yes flat out on the throttle now launch control activated i hope this is patient this car that green green this is like the power of immobility yeah jesus and that was probably now like if i had to guess i would say two point uh if i had to guess and the re max does 1.9 so [Music] so i've just found out miro is the remark test driver so a bit of a preview is the remax c2 uh quite cool [Music] yes okay you don't need to say more than that we get the point i'm pretty confident we don't need to explain to you anything just let you just push the accelerator once and i'll be uh i'll be convinced it's nico rosberg here hello lucky mikey i'm driving i'm driving in the car with niko rosberg so he took the call instead of me can i call you later okay bye bye speak to me later bye-bye thank great to speak to you bye-bye bye-bye please don't run off run on the bearded guy we need him yes yes so where do i where do i put the car just leave it here and we can i see you're having some fun niko no this was an amazing surprise they didn't say how do we do it like this so everybody in case you don't in case you haven't noticed that this is the man himself this is mata hi great nice to meet you great to be here thank you for having us yeah thanks for coming all the way we were talking about it i think already a year and a half ago one and a half years now yeah in in portugal when we i think vegas in vegas in a nightclub in vegas yeah yeah so welcome to rematch the company as you know was 10 years ago just myself in a garage so we are still in a very much you know phase of expansion we are here in eight locations actually really so we will go to see some of them today actually too so the headquarters here in our production location and then later we'll have some fun with the car great and this was the first car that we built so that was in 2011 we were like six guys at that time we had absolutely no idea what we were doing i hired the first guys in april 2011 and we showed the car for the first time in september 2011 at frankfurt motor show so it was totally we were totally inexperienced we ran out of money immediately because the investors screwed us so it was a total mess and at that time we started to work for other car companies to survive and that's the best thing that actually happened to us out of necessity we had to start working for other car companies like aston martin for example so this is the as the market valkyrie battery the first let's say really high profile project came from koenigsegg so christian came here and we were like 30 guys for the regatta for the regular but like he was telling me on the phone like mata i have this idea of a hybrid car with electric motors and no transmission with a combustion engine with a hydra coupe and like christine i don't understand like can you come over and he jumped to the next plane from sweden came over here we locked ourselves into the meeting room and sketched it on the whiteboard and so on and the guys were downstairs doing the calculation and at the end of the day we had an idea of how to build the regera but it took a few years until we actually did it i met christian as well it's so cool yeah similar to you this real passion for for the details for the engineering and he's also fantastic you know what they say don't meet your heroes because you'll be disappointed in christian's case it was absolutely like he's an amazing guy one of the most brilliant people i met and definitely the guy who was the best intuition technical intuition that i have ever met yeah you know he was he and poratio pagani were the guys i was looking up to i want to build my own car and i knew that hundreds of people have tried and failed but there were these two guys who have actually made it and christian so i thought i'll try it myself and here you are yeah just 10 years later so this is the powerpoint of the c2 so we have here the battery pack and you can see here that it's not like a skateboard yeah like most other electric cars yeah so why is that because we wanted to have the seat as low as possible and that's not not so much for weight but more for aerodynamic performance dynamic and design so we don't have batteries here so the seat can be as low as possible you do have battery modules under the feet of the driver and the passenger to give more weight to the front because when you accelerate to have weight on on the front wheels to use that and for weight distribution obviously then a big chunk of the battery is in the rear and this is the power distribution so distributing the energy between the motors and other devices and then you have the axles so in the rear you have two motors independently with one megawatt of power so this is just this part is 1300 horsepower and then in the front we have another two motors with 400 kilowatts of power which is like 600 horsepower so we have 1900 horsepower or 1.4 megawatt of power in the car and 120 kilowatt hours for a range of about 550 600 kilometers incredible range i mean we were just on the on the porch this is different numbers well the porsche is like 93 kilowatt hours this is 120 so and the beautiful thing about electric cars is like you know when you have a very efficient car let's say volkswagen golf um diesel yeah and the ferrari engine you know the ferrari engine has high performance more power and so on but it's also less efficient with electric motors it's not like that so this motor is no less efficient or even more efficient than the family car so by having more power if you drive it the same way you don't actually consume more energy except of course wider tires and more aggressive aerodynamics okay but then generally the power so if you let's say have a family car of 100 kilowatt hours and a supercar of 100 kilowatt hours if you drive them one behind the other the range should be very similar yeah and and weight you managed to even though you have 120 versus 93 on the tycoon you've managed to keep the weight similar on the battery system the battery system is actually lighter i think like really yeah i mean it's different this is just your awesome engineering skills that i want and cost you know when you when the battery can cost like the whole ticket yeah then you can do stuff like the whole structure is carbon fiber there's so much complex carbon fiber there you won't believe it like out of five hyper cars that are hybrid or electric uh three of them have our battery pack so we are i would say leading that high performance segment batteries and just to help you with your modesty i think i already said this in a previous video i spoke to the chief engineering officer at porsche and he's like i'm very talented but mata that's another plan so that's to help you with your money i'm getting ready now okay so i want to show you our production yeah and so in the headquarters here we'll go have a tour and then we go to our other production site we are now building a campus huge one which is 20 times bigger than this location it's already being built at the moment we are just getting the permits to be starting building in uh early next year how much is that going to cost well just the building itself without equipment and so on it's like 120 million euros that doesn't come cheap yeah what we have here is a little bit of production which you will see so machining and carbon fiber production um then in the other location you will see the car assembly power chain production and so on so i'll show you already okay but in between we're also going to go through the customization absolutely which is i'm very very excited yeah okay let's do it so what we have here is uh machining so here for example we make the tools so the designers design the parts engineers engineers then we do all the simulations and iterations and loops and loops and loops but this process i know very very well yeah because the f1 teams f1 is the same yeah a lot of people told me that we look like a formula one team well this looks the same so here we make the tooling and here uh thousands of different parts a door handle of the car yeah or this is a nice part like a 3d printed metal part that you then machine yeah all the different parts are made by us and why we do that because it can be really fast so we designed it one day the other day we can have it in the car yeah and you know if it's really urgent these guys will work over tonight and over the weekend the supplier might not do that [Music] except the press structure so the monopod is the biggest one in the world yeah so you will see it later it's uh the front and rear suspension are on the same piece yeah so it's not a separate subframe or anything like that um the body and interior are all kind of fiber so everything battery pack structures carbon fiber so a lot of the the cars are private mata's company here is exactly like a formula one team i mean everything is the same all this thing is mercedes f1 team it's all here yeah it's exactly identical so that's really impressive nice to see so what you see here is like a you know you wouldn't think this is specifically stiff yeah but this is creeper carbon fiber basically the same used in uh formula one yeah and this is going to become a structural part of the car which is going to be super stiff and super light but you wouldn't think if you look at it so that's according the gregara part right there yeah that's how many cars they're still building no no there's one one piece of carbon fiber in the end you can have like any layers many layers i was just testing and then it's cut here by the machines and then it goes to the lamination she's here operating the machine to cut the common fiber pieces are you anna you're excited to see how the the carbon that you're cutting ends up in the in the c2 eventually [Music] and you're a fan of materials or you're also a car fan material [Music] how are your wind tunnel numbers are you happy with the end result we have like 98 percent correlation between the uh simulations and the models but also efficiency uh you're happy with that the hardest thing for us was actually not efficiency we are quite good there the hardest thing was to get enough cooling into the radiators yeah the rear and front cauldron have different cooling systems yeah so in the front we have a big cooler in the middle for the um for the front it's easy because also the front has a smaller powertrain and the rear we have a bigger powertrain and it's a separate cooling system so it was really hard to get the air coming directly on the opening on both sides yeah but like the motor is 90 percent efficient while the combustion engine is 25 30. yeah it's really less yeah so we've got koenigsegg riguera there battery pack and aston martin battery pack and both of them have been through hormone negation yeah they look a bit used yeah so they were actually on fire oh [ __ ] that's why yeah so the interesting thing is you know when something new comes along people are very cautious the combustion engine car gets crash tested with no fuel in them it's just water yeah a hybrid or electric car gets tested with a full working battery fully charged and everything is monitored so one of the things they do with the battery actually is to put huge amount of fuel under the battery like i don't know 50 liters they set the fuel on fire the battery is on top of it and then they remove the fire after 30 seconds or so and the battery has to stop burning within five seconds otherwise test the test is not passed okay so these two batteries went through that test yeah this was actually the first one i think that ever went to that new regulation test and it passed for first try [Music] so they get all the parts cut out from anna that you saw before then they have instructions on how to put every piece of the of the puzzle together basically it's a little bit like lego so you know each part where it has to go it's exactly in the right sequence and the right angle and it's different materials it can be like 10 different materials for one part not just carbon fiber but also kevlar or or copper or anything else so after the lamination process the parts go into the vacuum bags and they go to the outer place they get baked and then they get out of the molds cut trim some parts get upholstered into leather or some parts get painted some parts are pieces of a bigger system and have you do you think you're like incredibly technologically advanced even in the in the materials and composites in carbon fiber compared to other car manufacturers have you managed to innovate that as well a lot or is that difficult i think we are very good with carbon fiber because we have because on the engineering side on the production side it's like everywhere else i would say yeah but in engineering we have very very good invalidated dynamic models the monopod for example was crashed into a wall a million times before we actually produced the first one and then we when we produced it it was very very close it was like 97 there so that's the most important part because when you go through the whole process of designing making the tool making the part crash testing and so on it's a lot of money and it's a lot of time yeah so if you have a good trust if you can trust your model yeah and start your systems then you you are much faster and that's where we are going and i'll show you that so you you're even pioneering in simulation i would say we are state of the art really wow so not only electrical engineering also simulation there's all different areas it's a lot of different skill sets i think all the human knowledge is combined in one product raw materials simulation software fluid dynamics aerodynamics electronics i.t connectivity everything comes together also in the head there you can stay modest again just say oh i'll take over that part do you still know the name of each of your employees anymore okay so this is something now we can film but probably you'll have to remove most of it because there's something secret inside but i'll show it to you so just as i said tomato before really everything is exactly like a formula one team so i'm super impressed and it really feels it feels like i'm in a formula team it's incredible and so just to top it off we're now going to the dyno which is exactly what the formula one team has as well testing all the power train drive train just in the engine everything so same here just without the combustion engine yet without without the noise yeah i guess exactly [Music] this is actually the rear axle of the c2 so this one has 500 kilowatts and 900 newton meters of torque and 18 000 rpm so this one did you say c2 so this is actually just one of them is like 700 horsepower so here you can see the advantage of an electric powertrain and this motor can accelerate the car from zero to 100 under two seconds and over 400 kilometers per hour top speed with a single speed gearbox so can we just repeat that zero to a hundred under two seconds this is official now mata said it huh yeah there's no going back on this so no going back one point nine seconds zero to a hundred yes and with me driving 1.8 by the way right you're the expert we'll see [Music] okay so this is the recall engineering so these are the guys who are developing the car itself these guys are just working on the c2 and integrating the components into the car i'll give you some examples so an area that you are also very familiar with vehicle dynamics so just to show you how it looks there gerard or gerhart he's south african so it's so i guess you you know how this kind of stuff works so this looks like a nice computer game but actually what's going on here it's all of the models of the car working together to simulate how the car behaves so this is one left on the nurburgring and like battery energy is not a problem but you can see here as the the temperature increases we have to start so this actually temperature so this is maximum we can go with the battery temperature so then here like two thirds uh through the lap we would have to start reducing the power of the car to make it to the end of the lap so there you lose a lot of time of course so then now it's a lot of development to not have the d-rating but actually to go all the way through so and that's the kind of stuff we can do here so he can tell the guys okay the battery has to be cooled much much better before we actually build the battery it's interesting how you use uh how to use nurburgring and such a such a reference yeah yeah so like uh the thermal performance of the battery is usually defined in how many nurburgring laps you want to do one two or three without de-rating yeah and at which point the rating is acceptable and what's the target laptop actually that's when you develop amazing how cool is that yeah so when is the rematch going to go live onto the notch lighter i don't know when are you taking it i'm not ready you're not allowing me to yet yeah he was responsible for the aerodynamics development of the car and this team so he has been working on for four years now on the for the car yeah and before the battery systems i had a place in imperial college to study aeronautics yeah yeah but then i took a gap year to go racing and i won the championship and so then i said okay i go i try the racing good choice i would say i think it was okay yeah i think it was okay so what you can see here uh where the air is needed so actually you can see it in the front cooling systems in the it goes through the rear cooling systems and brakes so there's a lot of devices that have to get a certain airflow problem compared to a combustion engine is so you have a lot less heat rejection so combustion engine would waste 60 70 percent of the uh or even more of the energy from the fuel into heat but the the electric car doesn't do that the difference is that the maximum temperature of the component is much lower so the battery temperature maximum is 60 65 maybe 70. so if it's hot outside if you have 35 degrees of air temperature you cannot cool it with air at all the delta t is too low so then you have to have a specific air conditioning unit just for the battery to pull the battery down so you lose the energy it's a very complex system with a lot of systems that have to interact with each other yes can you tell us also what the biggest challenge was originally for the performance the biggest challenge were the targets at the beginning because we said yeah because we set very low targets for the drag coefficient so we had to have to satisfy a big variations between the low track and very efficient car for the range to the truck performance car which should have high lumpers that was the biggest challenge i would say yes that's great what we do we try to replicate the the phenomenon the way it should be basically we have to make sure that the thing will be the same as when we have here so this is what we did after the crash we have to disassemble the car we have to measure the things to make sure like we were expecting 200 millimeters here we have to make sure that we have this 200 millimeters that's a great benchmark to see where you are so let's say the the simulation tells you you should have 197 millimeters after the crash yeah and in reality we have like 200 millimeters so yeah and then you know where you are and you need to change some things like especially at the beginning you can do totally different cards totally different layouts before you actually design you decide to build it because if you don't do this at the beginning and you go in one direction and then you figure out oh this doesn't work then you have to go a lot back and lose a lot of time and the money and everything so this is super important and this dynamic modeling of carbon where you don't look at carbon as one solid piece that's something that very few companies do so that's i would say something that we are quite good at good thank you thank you thank you okay that's it in the vehicle engineering so now we are going upstairs to design [Music] as kids we used to do pranks like this and then so adriana is our the director of design he is with me from the very beginning for 10 years he's designed the concept one on his own basically and now you have a team of about 20 people here designing various things not just the c2 but the c2 from the beginning till the end what what i always like to say is that people think the design is sketching and then the designer sketched something on paper in it the first star was sketchy no it's always start with sketching but that's one percent of the pro of the whole process they have to fulfill all the regulations all the engineering requirements produce ability a lot of conflicts between engineering and design but can i have his can i have your input in the customization he will be with us ah okay yeah but i'm not trying to i would like to use some of your skills then to help me out sure yeah but it's uh not just the car design it's a lot of other stuff as well like for example infotainment all the screens and all the user experience is also part of their work not just for us but also for other customers other car companies so when you already make the part our philosophy is like why not make it beautiful it doesn't cost more if it looks good or looks bad so they are also involved in like you know gearbox development because we want the gearbox to also be nice you know ferrari when you open up the engine cover and you see the testarossa engine you know it's different than when you see a plastic cover on top of an engine so that's what we try also to represent to make it jewelry okay thanks good thank you see you in a bit then i already i already got a sneak peek on some some potential colors [Music] this is the concept one infotainment system i wanted it to be very geeky stuff that maybe doesn't interest 95 of the people but i wanted to they can have access to it so it has the normal stuff like you know a nice navigation system and stuff like that but the important stuff for me was the vehicle data so for example you could see the torque on every wheel where the energy is flowing to so to the power train or the air conditioning or whatever you could see every battery cell so when you accelerate you can see how the voltages of every cell drops it's a little bit like you know the turbo boost like why would you look at the turbo boost in a sports car so with electric cars that could be the equivalent or like the the temperature of every system inlet and outer temperature that's crazy we'll have something like that in the situ as well the whole system so that's actually developed by these guys here the whole pack so it's the motors are just one part of the powertrain system really important part is of course the gearbox but also the inverter one thing that's very important for us is that these people are sitting together that all is developed under the same roof and then you can integrate it much better so this was from the beginning developed as one unit so these motors will not be something very special without this inverter yeah because the inverter is designed for this application there is no one megawatt inverter on the market so we had to develop all of this from scratch to be able to reach the performance targets so basically what happens is the inverter is connected to the battery and then you have one cooling plate and one inverter for one motor and the other inverter for the other motors so it's two inverters they are connected and through the motors and the inverter converts the vc current from the battery into an ac current for the motors each motor is then connected to one gearbox and each uh is then connected to its output shaft so they are in the same gearbox but this is not the differential it's just two separate gearboxes in the same housing so theoretically one wheel could turn in one direction the other will turn the other totally independently so now explain you have to put two gears into here to get the acceleration of 1.85 you have to put two gears initially you would plan one gear yeah explain that please so we initially so the concept one had a two-speed gearbox and i hated that and it was a very different layout so just because it's extra weight and it's extra weight it's inefficiency it's super expensive all the stuff in the gearbox just adds to the losses you lose energy and so on and it was a different design the motors were in the middle the gearboxes were on the sides so when we started to design the c2 that was like 2016-17 i said i want less than 2.5 like 2.2 2.3 200 yeah and 350 top speed yeah i thought that's the benchmark uh figures and just like three months before geneva before we presented the car um we we were finalizing the car it was a single speed gearbox so i didn't want any two-speed gearbox in the car we we were having good uh results we could achieve those targets with a single speed gearbox i was happy and then tesla came out with the roadster they claimed 1.9 seconds zero to 100 and more than 400 kilometers per hour top speed like i said we can't be slower we have to be faster so but you know the monocoque was already defined so what you have around here everything is very tightly packaged so the monocoque is right here and then you have you know a few millimeters of monocoque and then you have the suspension so there is no space you can only make the car wider but it's already two meters wide so we couldn't do that so we were doing again like simulations and iterations day and night before geneva to see if we could package a two-speed gearbox into this package we couldn't have more space and we found out that there was a solution which was super complex with you know formula one type of titanium as the gears and super complicated and we managed to do it and to achieve less than two seconds zero two hundred and more than four hundred kilometers power but i hated the two-speed gearbox it added a lot of weight we were like 60 kilos heavier because of that yeah and then after geneva and a few months when we tried the gearbox and i wasn't so happy and so on i was like okay we have to start from scratch and achieve the targets without two speeds so we went back to the drawing boards we started to work on the motors and increase the speed from 12 000 rpm to 18 000 and the torque from 700 newton meters to 900 newton meters again in the same package at the same weight and by investing more in the motors optimizing that we could get rid of the two-speed gearbox again design a new one-speed gearbox because now we were higher torque and higher speed so we three times redesigned the whole thing and the guys here were going nuts like how can you now change everything again but we reduced 100 kilos of weight from the water huge yep and also i mean that's really pioneering to extract so much torque right it's torque torque and power yeah torque density is the biggest part because actually you know what people don't understand i think electric cars have huge torque yes but there is a difference what actually accelerates the car is torque on wheels and torque on wheels is the engine torque in the combustion engine car multiplied by the gearbox ratio multiplied by the differential ratio that's what you get on the wheels here we we just have one gear in this case now so the bugatti chiron for example has thousand five hundred uh newton meters on the engine but on the wheels in first gear it has fifteen thousand i think fifteen thousand so it multiplies ten times through the gearbox and through the differentials here we have also multiplication but it's it's like driving in seventh gear it's like you start with the seventh gear so you have to have huge torque so we have all motors combined 2600 newton meters and then we have a 5.7 gearbox ratio on all four motors and we have around thirteen thousand five hundred newton meters on the wheels which is less than the bugatti chiron in first gear but as soon as we are in second gear we are way above so it's a little bit different with with electric cars than combustion engine cars you can't just look at you know motorcars like for electric cars motor torque is really irrelevant what you should really look at is wheelbarrow okay let's move on [Music] this is our battery development this is where most of the magic happens so we have here some very interesting projects that are of course some of them you know about but a lot of them i would love to tell you maybe where the cameras are so just for everybody who's watching so mate and his team you're world leaders in high performance battery systems so can you tell us like how do you have this incredible expertise and where is the area where you're so much better than everybody else well it's no magic it's just we started pretty early and we are focused on that like you know somebody like bosh is focused on making the cheapest battery for golf yeah we are focused on making the highest performance best performance battery and in the early days we were doing that for hyper cars and racing so ultra high performance but ultra low volume and very expensive now we are shifting that towards serious so we have shareholders like hyundai kia porsche and we are trying to apply that now from from the ultra high performance and low volumes to mass production and we actually have lots of projects with our shareholders but also with others that are not our shareholders various german and other european car companies where we are developing some really exciting cars at the moment so we've just recently moved out uh 100 engineers from here to another building and now they have grown to like 200 there where we do all the electronics the infotainment the autonomous driving system so we are developing this driver coach where the system teaches you how to become the best driver you don't need that but maybe some other customers do it teaches them on a race track yeah it's called a good driver it's called a driver coach so the idea is that you have maybe the means to buy such a car but not necessarily the skills to fully utilize it so you go to a racetrack and the car can show you first like two perfect laps on its own really yeah well as perfect as it gets with ai at the moment and then when you take over that the car can tell you how to better drive like turn in breakpoints welcome to driver coach demo now relax and remember every day is a journey and today you live it to the fullest and that's something we actually wanted to discuss with you if you could help us with your inputs and maybe even give the voice to the to the driver coach sure sure but how how close do you think the ai is going to get to my lifetime at the moment i think that's something you should try because i've heard that it's very very difficult yeah it's it's not just uh like in the simulation itself it's easier than of course in the actual real world because there's so many factors that you can't influence for example if there is a spot on the track where it's silicary it might be easy for you to detect it and you know react to it for for autonomous driving system it's much harder but at the same time the system can predict some things much better than the average driver so i don't think it will get to like your level uh that soon but to be better than 98 of the drivers yes okay i'm going to take you into the configuration room adriano adriano is the master at adrian yes he's a master designer so this is going to be super cool to jump into this and of course i want to hear your comments as well which color i need to go for well we'll put that up in the video soon let's check this out our addition the signature edition the colors are more vivid red is also quite cool and now we're just going to finalize the computer to see what what it looks like [Music] so we just got to the testing site now [Music]
Channel: Nico Rosberg
Views: 481,838
Rating: 4.9531646 out of 5
Keywords: nico rosberg, hot lap, supercar, hypercar, 0-60, supercars of london, car review, acceleration, leclerc, aston martin valhalla, koenigsegg regera, Rimac concept two, mercedes amg one, mercedes project one, fastest electric car, rimac c two, 0-60 in 1.85 seconds, circuit paul ricard f1, rimac c_two, rimac concept one development, supercar blondie, richard hammond crash, full rimac factory tour, mate rimac explains, rimac history, how to build a hypercar, buying a hypercar
Id: WAf1_zWThyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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