How a $1,000 investment can help you earn $100,000 or more a year!

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how's it going everybody i wanted to first off wish everyone out there a happy memorial day a lot of thanks out there to the men and women of the us armed forces that have paid the ultimate sacrifice so a salute to all of you have you ever wanted to know what it takes to get yourself to that six figure salary range the 100 000 or more per year income level well it's a question i get pretty consistently and it's not normally through the normal channels i normally get stuff through so what is something that we can do in order to do that in this video we're going to talk about how you can set yourself up with a thousand dollar or around a thousand dollar investment to earn yourself a six-figure salary let's go and take a look at what that's going to look like okay so when it comes down to labbing things up and learning new technologies and things like that there's usually a pretty steep ramp up period of time anyone that's ever spent any time certified certifying or working on a certification whether it's ccna vcp mcse you all know where i'm coming from but how do you get there right what is the the the steps that you need to go through as a engineer that's trying to get from a to b and then from b to c and then from c to d etc well the main thing you need to do especially if you're starting out the entry level and you're hitting like say ccna and stuff like that well packet trader is going to be a great first step it's free you can run it locally on your computer and stuff like that but what about after ccna what do you do and one of the common things that i tell people on a regular basis is that once you get your ccna get out of packet tracer packet tracer is going to be the biggest detriment to you if you continue moving forward it's great for up to and including ccna but anything beyond ccna if you're serious about networking or any other pair any other vertical whether it's microsoft vmware cloud whatever your interest might be get out of packet tracer get yourself on some real equipment and i have a few things that i'm going to be sharing with you guys as we continue to move forward and go through what it is that you need to take into consideration now i'm going to break down my process what it is that i did and things like that so the next evolution for most people once they have a ccna done and everybody's you know you're good to go with that is to typically is to go the gns3 route which means you can download gns3 from the gns3 website it's free to download and you install it locally in your computer if you have a decent computer with like an eight core processor and you got like 32 gigs of ram you can run a decent sized apology and if you happen to have access to the dynamips images you know the 7200 router the 3725 router things like that you can take those operating systems and you can associate them to gns3 and then run virtual routers on your computer and then you have to play around with some other things like your cpu limiting and things like that to get the idle mode to where you want it to be but once you have that you're good to go now that's how i evolved from packet tracer was the next step was genus 3 which definitely helped me go from ccna to ccnp but you don't have to do gns3 if you don't want to and even though genus 3 is still widely used by a lot of people i don't use it anymore i haven't used gns3 in probably four or five years i've switched over to even g about that same point in time and i'm my first step out of gns3 was to start playing with virtual routers and deploying ovas inside of vmware and that worked out pretty well and then i came upon even g but back then it was known as unl unified networking lab and i couldn't get it to work i had a lot of issues getting it to work couldn't figure out how to so long story short i decided to forego trying to get it to work and i stayed on the oba thing and using virtual switches and 80.q tags and that's how i did a lot of my ccie preparation was going that route well that worked out pretty well until i got to the point where okay i need to take this a step further you know i needed to learn asa i needed to learn nexus i needed to learn wireless lane controllers i needed to learn a whole bunch of different things at about that same point in time i also was learning vmware because there's jobs that i was working on that i needed to be better with vmware so what i had done is i bought a server i bought a the first server that i ever bought would was a dell c1100 this is probably seven eight nine years ago at this point in time i honestly don't remember specifically when so i'm giving you kind of a wishy-washy answer i bought this server and i installed vmware on it back then i think it was es6i 5 or 5.1 i installed esxi on it and it had like 24 gigs of ram it did the job right i was able to deploy some obf templates i was able to uh deploy a windows 7 pc and install gns3 on it and run gns3 for a while there there's actually quite a few videos of me demoing that type of stuff on this youtube channel a long time ago and then as time progressed i went directly to the ova thing once i realized that ccie was going to be using csr1000vs on 15.4 code so because back then the cca lab tested on 15.3 now i think there are 15.6 or 15.8 but irregardless of the situation what ended up happening was i needed to come up with a game plan in order to make this thing happen so the first initial investment was the server so i did a lot of research on what to buy and all that type of stuff but i didn't really know a lot about servers i've learned a lot about servers since then and i've got a a couple of recommendations i've got another tab open in or google chrome window with a bunch of tabs open i'm going to switch over to my desktop here and walk you through kind of my flow of the direction i went with so let me go ahead and switch over to my desktop oops one second so here we have the server that i would recommend all of you by for around five to six hundred dollars this is the server that i would recommend this is a cisco ucs c220 m3 if you want to play around with some of the different options you don't have to buy cisco it's just what i happen to recommend you can buy a dell you can buy an hp you can buy whatever form factor or base one that you want it's up to you and how you want to proceed with that but this is the one that i happen to have i've used quite a bit and it's a it's a great server it gives me a lot of flexibility allows me to play around with a lot of different things where it comes into play is you need virtualization right this is a box that definitely works well with virtualization if we were to click around you're going to see all the the cool parts of it but it's going to give you a lot of scale and the cool thing about this is with with 32 when you have two eight core processors and you have a 2.6 gigahertz you're going to end up coming up with 32 logical cpus with hyper threading turned on and you're going to have 128 gigs of ram to work with that's going to give you a lot of a lot of latitude to play around with so you're not only going to be able to learn vmware you're not only going to be able to learn cisco but you're going to be able to learn microsoft and servers and linux and a bunch of other stuff the next thing that i would recommend you guys guys go out and do is after you buy the server is you're going to need operating systems to work on so i would definitely recommend the cisco modeling labs it's a 200 investment and the cool thing about it is it gives you all of the these operating systems right here so you get to play around with regular enterprise infrastructure cisco route switch then you get nexus and nexus 9000v you've got ios xr and ios 6r 9000 you've got ios 6e the csr 1000v has the asa so it gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of how to play around with the technologies and things like that so cool thing is is it gives you the flexibility to play with these technologies and you can integrate them as well so now that you pay the 200 bucks you download all these instances and you're away you go now one thing that i always recommend is learning vmware so go get yourself a vmug advantage license so it's 200 a year you pay the 200 a year guess what you get access to all this cool stuff so you also get off a percentage off training discounts you get the 365-day evaluation license you a vmware world discount test drive by vmware you can play around with a lot of stuff and if you click on this little guy here it's an open it opens up the email experience and the cool thing about the eval experience is it gives you access to literally every platform that vmware puts out so you get to play around with a vcenter server you get to play around with vsphere esxi cloud foundation tanzu for doing containers vcloud director you get nsxt for data center you get vernee which is a be realized network insight vsan srm vrealize orchestrator vcloud suite you get horizon advanced edition and vrealize operations for horizon you get a virtual desktop if you wanted to run workstation pro and things like that so you'll have access to all the operation operating systems as well as and this is the best part the licensing that goes along with it so the licensing comes with it you get a 365-day license and that's really the big win here you get a long-term license that goes with it now because of the fact that you're going to have the vsphere bits you'll be able to download esxi and license it for a year and then you're going to take and download the esxi you're going to install esxi on your server and then once you have esxi installed on your server you're going to want to deploy something to run the cml images the best way to do that would be to you guessed it download eve download eep i run both professional and the community versions it works out really really well and the cool thing about it is when you you don't have to pay for for eve if you don't want to now if you want to run this i recommend that you do you download the community version if you want to run it for free but if you want to run it and have all the advanced capabilities and cool stuff that goes along with it guess what you're going to want to buy the license for it i believe the license is 120 yeah it's 120 with taxes it comes out to be 126. so i definitely recommend you do that you download eve install it license it it comes pretty quick it's a couple of hours and you're going to be licensed and you're going to be able to take all of your images that you downloaded from cisco and you're going to be able to upload them to your even g server and be able to deploy with that so you're going to be able to run even g you're going to be able to run vmware so you'll be able to deploy vcenter server and a bunch of other stuff as a matter of fact let me go ahead and show you kind of what it is that i'm doing here this is one of two servers that i have in my home lab let me go and show you real quick what this looks like let me go ahead and drag and drop this guy over here let me go ahead and log in to my server there we go so here you can see i've got a lot going on if i click on virtual machines i have a lot of virtual machines running i have eve pro like i said running eve pro i've also got cisco call manager i've got nsx i've got the virtual router running there i have a couple of esxi hosts running here i got a data center the vcenter server appliance i have a network monitoring server i have nsxt manager i have a second data center i have some more additional esxi hosts so so on and so forth so it gives me a lot of flexibility when it comes to playing with how everything comes into play so i can play with all that plus i can learn vmware if i want to learn microsoft i can i can deploy microsoft inside of my esxi environment and i can learn how all of it comes into play so the cool thing about this is it gives you a lot of latitude let me go back over here why spend the money well the reason why you want to spend the money is a small investment up front in your career will allow you to learn a whole bunch of additional things on the back end so do i do you need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on hardware like going out and buying a nexus 7 000 or buying a ucs b series chassis or going out and buying hyperflex or pick insert your platform you have going on depending on the situation at hand you may you may have to go out and you know get access to stuff like if you need palo alto or if you need access to a vendor that doesn't just allow people to download after registration you just have to work with that vendor reach out be like hey i'm studying for this exam just out of the other maybe they'll be cool and let you have access to an eval copy i don't know but things that you can pay for and gain access to with a small monetary upfront cost that's going to be huge i pay about 500 a year for access to different things and guess what that's going to be cisco modeling labs vmug and eve pro 500 a year allows me to keep all of my access working it works wonderfully and it gives me a lot of flexibility why am i able to do this because i've put the time and effort into building out the environment so i can do that this is stuff that i recommend you all do as well it's worth the time it's worth the effort so if you want to take yourself from from here to here you have to put the time in to do that and there's only one way to do that you have to have some sort of base platform do you have to go out and spend a ton of money on online rack rentals no you don't not everybody has the means and capability to do what it is that i'm doing here some people live in apartment or they live in their housing situation doesn't allow for it i completely understand that i'm not saying do something to piss people off but what i am saying is if the opportunity presents itself for you to take yourself to the next level and play around with it that's something i also recommend doing so this is some of the hardware another one that i recommend you guys do is go get yourself an o'reilly account so let me go ahead and jump back over here to my desktop this is right here go get yourself a safari o'reilly account so go to forward slash home and then you can go ahead and look at the pricing for a whopping 50 what's up it's it's gone up in price but uh for a small nominal fee per month you get access to all kinds of stuff this is where all the cisco press titles go anything that's done for cisco presses up here they offer video courses there's books there's an app for it on your ipad for your phone so you can basically have it anywhere you want and that's something i also recommend you guys go do one other thing that i will recommend would be an ine account iae is great for if you're dealing with cisco if you want to learn vmware i'd say that cbt nuggets is more or less the direction you want to go with vmware but also do your research you know you might not like the direction i send people in that's okay it's just recommendations recommendations and some advice but that's up to you if you don't want to go that way that's completely up to you and how you want to handle that regardless of which direction you go with i wanted to put together a quick little video on how to how a thousand dollar investment was able to net me a six figure plus salary you know that's what you want to learn how to do that's the steps that you want to go through you know what it is that i used this is the stuff that i used so hopefully that will answer some questions get you guys on the right track i want to again thank you guys so much for uh for stopping by we're nearing that 24 000 subscriber mark so if you haven't already done so please so hit that subscribe button hit the notification bell to get alerted anytime a new video drops please like share and subscribe and i'll catch all of you guys in the next video take it easy everybody
Channel: Rob Riker's Tech Channel
Views: 4,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, vmware, microsoft, value, certification, learn, study, investment
Id: 3dhGVik7wdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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