How 2021 Shaped The New Royal Family | Kate: A Young Queen In Waiting | Real Royalty

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this has been a turbulent unprecedented time for the royal family we have had the oprah interview and the devastating fallout from that interview of course the very sad and relatively sudden passing of the duke of edinburgh [Music] the huge impact that that has had on the monarchy and its foundations [Music] the pandemic and how that forced the royal family to change the very way it worked and of course prince andrew and all of the negative press attention that attracted to the royal family kate has been very much a peacemaker behind the scenes it's no secret that the brothers fell out really very badly at one point they weren't even talking uh there have been deep strains and tensions and a rift which has really divided the heart of the royal family and that's been very upsetting for kate to see she knows how close william and harry have always been but actually it was kate who ultimately brought them together and you know in many ways the royal family have lost the patriarchal figure prince philip was often the one who would sort out rifts within the family and here was kate stepping into that role and i don't think anyone could have watched that funeral and not thought of the brothers walking behind diana's coffin william didn't want to walk and philip said to him if i walk will you walk and i think we've almost seen kate say to william if i talk will you talk and she instigated what seemed like a very natural coming together of the boys and they did talk we wanted the world wanted to see them shoulder by shoulder and they were and i think she would never admit it because she is actually quite like the late duke of edinburgh very modest but she played an important role in that kate didn't escape scrutiny in that interview megan wanted to settle scores her reaction to that story i think speaks volumes about her she could have issued a statement she didn't her silence spoke volumes she was dignified and i think what certainly struck me as very illustrative of her character was that when it came to that public reunion with harry whatever feeling she may have had about him about his wife about being pulled into that oprah interview she set aside and she was the one who made the piece kate now has 10 years of royal service under her belt and i think certainly the past year has proved that really she can deal with anything and everything that life throws at her kate's had a natural evolution of her role in the last few years and we're seeing her more at the forefront of the royal family her children of course are out of the baby stage just about so she has more time but also she's developed so much in terms of her role her experience has grown her confidence has grown she has put in the work over the years the nearly a decade of being a member of the royal family and she really knows what she's talking about now she absolutely dotes on her children she loves being a mother and it's no coincidence that that her cause her plight her mission for the rest of her life is to invest in the mental health and well-being of the next generation people often ask why i care so passionately about the early years many mistakenly believe that my interest stems from having children of my own and while of course i care hugely about their start in life this ultimately sells the issue short parenthood isn't a prerequisite for understanding the importance of the early years if we only expect people to take an interest in the early years when they have children we are not only too late for them we are underestimating the huge role others can play in shaping our most formative years too there's something special happens with kate when she's around children her eyes light up she lights up she she becomes radiant and open and i think she knows that's her calling you've been here before yeah i've been here before there you go yeah because you do fun stuff like this because you learn all the time don't you that's good and do you find do you find that you can concentrate on things better when you're outside hugely impressive on many levels but slightly reticent too and possibly that's because she's her focus has been on motherhood and that's understandable but she seems to have sort of grown enormously this year um her popularity has soared her her maturity seems to have uh uh spread out in in intriguing new areas and and i think she's she's showing a bit more of herself too i mean one of the criticisms i think one has had of kate in the past has been that she's sort of been reluctant to reveal too much about herself and i think the more we learn about herself the more interested we the public are in what they find kate understands um the importance of her future role as queen queen consort she knows that you know she's being incredibly closely watched at all times scrutinized [Music] i think they have a very good sense of what is needed in a modern monarchy and i think they recognize what monarchy can do and what monarchy should do william has always been a great admirer of his grandmother and i think he has modeled himself on his grandmother more so than on his parents [Music] and i think he takes a lot of advice from his grandmother and kate knew what was coming when she married into the family william and kate in particular i think recognize that they have to remain relevant the monarchy has to remain relevant to the next generation and if that means them opening up more you know finding new ways to communicate whether it's via social media or appearing in television documentaries um they're willing to embrace that he's a one-man fundraising machine we're seeing her open up more on a personal level and a lot of it's to do with the way that she has been communicating there's been a lot of video messages we have been privy to some of the video calls that she and other members of the royal family are making and that feels a lot more direct and accessible i'm catherine and this is william next to me and are you holding out pictures of your mummies and daddies yeah yes this this is a picture of my woman she works for the nhs and as an admin for the health visitors and i'm really proud of them oh yeah well done you can you hold it up a bit to your left so we can see it that's it brilliant look at that well she certainly seems much more comfortable in putting herself forward in sharing things we've had her appearing on a podcast you know exposing some vulnerabilities as well which i think people really can connect to so she's talked about the challenges of being a new mum and having underestimated the impact it would have on her life this is a couple who want to be respected and who want to work hard who want to be able to connect with the public who want to be relevant i mean they realize i think better than anyone else that the future the success of the monarchy is very much in their hands [Music] i believe a lot of this springs from kate's own upbringing and how she how how the middletons her parents um brought her up and on what they felt their sense of purpose was if you contrast her upbringing with diana's upbringing diana came from a very unstable background a broken home and she she had nothing solid behind her kate has got this real solid normal family as a as a back as a backdrop to her life and one of the things that i think william really loved about kate was her family kate obviously wants to replicate that strong family unity in her own family going forward and she's talked about you know wanting to continue things that she used to do with her mother and her grandmother whether it's doing lots of arts and crafts or being outdoors with the children she's very much focusing on on you know how to give them that normal stable and loving environment to for them to to go forward and prosper [Music] it's absolutely the case that kate's upbringing has shaped the woman that she is it's shaped the mother that she is and you know i remember being told by courtier that whatever she's doing work-wise the most important thing is is her husband and her children [Music] william and kate have always made it very clear they wanted to give their children as normal an upbringing as possible so we've seen prince george and princess charlotte and of course prince louis will in future go to thomas's at battersea which is you know fantastic school but i think what's interesting about it is that while it's brilliant academically it also has a big focus on well-being i would think it's no coincidence that they've sent their children to a school where the motto is be kind my own commitment is to the youngest and most vulnerable in the early years babies toddlers and school children and to support all those who care for them they've done a great deal to keep the younger generation um tuned in to what they're doing if you look at mental health if you look at young people's welfare in particular they've both been very closely involved with that particularly from the mental health point of view and i think that is going to be on the consciousness of young people and i think with williams earthshot prize that will really capture the attention of a younger generation so the asteroid prize itself is really a way of of elevating people's voices and solutions that may be out there that we've never heard of or haven't had the chance to scale up so it's really the most prestigious global environmental prize you can imagine and it is truly global we've got a prize council that spans the entire globe and we've got scientific experts and panels and people who are going to filter through a number of these solutions to try and really tackle some of those greatest environmental challenges we know that young people are very motivated by agreeing issues and genuinely are concerned for the future of the planet and i think by him enlisting some high-profile figures and bringing it to the world stage they are able to engage with with that younger generation i think that will continue possible solutions to fixing and tackling some of the world's greatest environmental challenges the only power that members of the royal family have are this convening power because of who they are they can get people together and william has demonstrated that he's learned about that with this program he announced recently the the earth shot program he's put together some very impressive people obviously it's predicated on the response to to global warming issues and their the long-term impact on the environment um and that is something that monarchy can do without being party political and it's again it's a force for good if you like they're both very caring people and i think they appreciate the incredible privilege that they have in life and they're aware of that and they want to do what they can with the positions that they hold to to improve the situation for others kate in particular i'm thinking about her work on mental health and early years has very much stemmed from the problems she's seen adults encountering whether it be depression or family breakdown addiction things like that they will have their roots in early childhood and by focusing on that it's her way of trying to contribute to a real societal change over a long period of time this isn't just about turning up unveiling a plaque cutting a ribbon and then going home they really are connected to the issues that they're focusing on [Music] i was with the duchess in 2020 kate launched her new campaign her involvement with the early years which i think you know has actually allowed us to see far more of the real kate you know side to to the duchess that most people don't really get to see and i was actually with kate um in cardiff for a day where she was visiting a children's center and you know she really does have a natural affinity with young children a bit like prince harry you know whenever you were in a room with harry and children he would just light up the room and kate's the same she just knows exactly how to be around little people she forgets about the cameras she's not at all self-conscious she gets down on her knees she engages on an eye to eye level and you know she's really really impressive and i think it really struck me working with her following her that day that you know this is this isn't just a stop gap until the next project comes along no this is her campaign for the rest of her life it's taken time for her to find her feet but now she's really found this direction for not just now as the duchess of cambridge but i think for her future as as the princess of wales and and later as queen consort there is an authenticity in in how they deal with with small children now again uh i hate bringing back the lessons of the past but it's clearly something that william will particularly remember from his mother the way that diana got down to a child's level so that she could look eye to eye to children whereas royals up to that point would put their hand down and look down at children and children would have to look up uh and that's something that kate and william have started to do they will make a point of getting down to the child's eye level and it's all that to do with that eye contact they've learned that that it means so much more to a child if an adult gets down to their own level kate is very interested in the early years of children and their development and how if things go wrong within the first five years of a child's life it can lead to problems later on such as addiction and family breakdown do you think you would have accessed it access it earlier or did it get to the pushing point for you to then sort of come to quite many ways she's recognized quite early in her royal career if you like that we can tackle these problems right at the very start and she's made it her mission to make sure that every child has the best possible start in life too often people feel afraid to admit that they are struggling with their mental health this fear of judgment stops people from getting the help that they need which can destroy families and end lives initially it started off that whole mental health campaign i saw the heads together thing harry william and kate and megan briefly but she's got much more involved than perhaps people realize and i think she might have had a little bit of experience from within her own family her brother james had had problems with his own mental well-being he he's very bravely talked about it and in fact wrote wrote about it too and and that may have helped sort of form an idea in case head and and she came with a bit of knowledge if you like about these kind of issues kate is a patron of the anna freud center for children and families and that's where she has really learned a great deal about the importance of parents mental health in very early childhood and you know she's really learned that parents need to be supported as much as the children to provide this nurturing environment in which children can grow up and hopefully be resilient to what life might through them later on we are all here today because we care so much about transforming the mental health of children young people and their families i have learned so much about early childhood development and the importance of support for parents through your work here at the anatomy center this is something i really do care about in the same way that the duke of cambridge has taken on difficult sensitive issues such as male suicide um you know we see we see the duchess take on issues that we perhaps don't traditionally associate with the royal family so for example she is patron of the anna freud center and she has made a real commitment to mental health to addiction to helping young children and families deal with problems before they manifest themselves and become something more serious in that child's adolescent years so she's very much invested in in the issues that affect society she's not hands-off she's engaged she's involved i think she's obviously very interested in children having been a mother herself now for seven years i think that she's also encountered so many times adults who have suffered as a result of things that happened to them in early childhood and she recognized quite early on that if you can treat these problems before they become problems before they develop and have early intervention you can prevent so many social problems later down the [Music] line it's quite a difficult thing too isn't it [Music] so the monarchy in the form of william and kate and the prince of wales and the queen herself have i think really really [Music] not so much upped their game but they have they have filled a vacuum there could very easily have been a vacuum during the coronavirus pandemic we had obviously no tours no or very few engagements in person and of course various members of the royal family no longer taking part in rural duties prince andrew stepped down at the end of 2019 harry and megan relocated to los angeles and they're no longer senior working members of the royal family something clearly went wrong in the relationship between the fab four william and kate and and harry and megan when megan first appeared you know it looked as though they were going to be the most fabulous fall um they they all seemed to be on the same page in terms of of what they wanted to do with their working lives make the world a better place you know they were all interested in the same seem to be interested in the same sort of issues aaron i used to go to a lot of engagements and see these incredible charities doing really great work but felt that we we could give more and how could we do that and so the foundation idea sort of bubbled up as a sort of vehicle to to be able to do more when we when we walked away from these engagements and it all looked as it was going to work brilliantly but then it did all fall apart as we all know um i think there's no doubt that kate and megan are two very very different people uh who didn't ci but that wasn't enough to to cause this kind of rift i think that william almost certainly did fall out with harry not intentionally i think that william asked harry when he first knew that harry was galloping galloping into um into a seri you know serious commitment with with megan um he just suggested that he might put on the brakes a bit was he absolutely certain um which was a very reasonable thing to hear for him to ask because they were the product the pair of them their childhood had been wrecked by having parents who rushed into marriage far too early so it was a reasonable question from a caring and loving older brother harry i think took it very very amiss and was angry and i don't think has forgiven william william probably does have a major regret over the conversation that he had with his brother around the time of the engagement when harry and megan got engaged um when william basically sat down with harry and urged him to just take his time not to rush into anything what was intended as well meant brotherly advice didn't go down with harry at all harry felt that he didn't have his brother's support and that really was the beginning of the breakdown of what was up until then an unbreakable brotherly bond my personal feeling is that the reason that that harry and megan left the country and left the royal family was because megan was very unhappy here and harry who has always been very knee-jerk in his in his reactions to things very instinctive and and um impulsive said right i'll take you home we'll go thinking that it would be possible to have one foot in each camp and then discovered of course that that was not going to be possible the duchess of cambridge is a very warm engaging and kind person you see her compassion and her empathy through her charity work you see that that sparkle in her eyes as a mother i was told over christmas 2017 that megan and harry felt that the cambridges hadn't rolled out the red carpet sufficiently for them um but you know if you speak to friends of the cambridges they say that they welcomed megan and harry into animal hall their norfolk home they made them feel at home it was william who sort of extended that olive branch after that sticky patch with harry harry and megan's absence is a big one and in in many ways kate and william have filled that void and we've barely noticed uh and we've had these little homilies sent um down the ether from los angeles or california from from from the sussexes where they tell us how we should be living our lives um while sitting in a multi-millionaire mansion uh whereas william and kate don't give us lectures uh on how how we should be living our lives they get out and meet people they're interested in in how people are leading their lives the more we we hear the sussex is complaining the more we hear of high court cases and privacy battles i think the more admiration people have in fact for william and kate for simply getting on with the job and doing it with a smile on their faces which they always do i think the business of harry and megan leaving concentrated the minds of those that remained and by that i mean the queen and prince charles and william i think the three of them in some ways have probably become rather closer and have probably talked more and thought more about what the monarchy going forward should look like i think everyone has huge admiration for the way that the queen has handled this crisis she delivered arguably two of the best speeches of her reign her v-day message and of course the address to the nation as we went into lockdown which was we will meet again she managed to make people feel unified at a time when everything else seemed to be spiraling out of control and i'm sure other members of the family will want to emulate that we are an immense debt of gratitude to the doctors the nurses the technicians the staff currently working in the health service and those coming out of retirement and the voluntary workers who will be working within it and i can only offer my special thoughts and prayers to all those who will receive care within it and let us hope ladies and gentlemen that it will not be too long before this terrible disease has left our land the scale and the speed of what's going on in hospitals bear in mind also the isolation a lot of these patients are sadly dying with no family members around them and i think for the nhs frontline workers that is that is very difficult because they they are there right next to the bedsides you know looking after and caring for each and every patient who's in a critical condition you know what we're saying now is is the nhs and the frontline workers doing the most extraordinary job and that's really come to the forefront in the last um a few few weeks and i think it's going to dramatically change how we all value and see our frontline workers and i think that is one of the the main positives really i suppose that you could take from from their stage an extraordinary job it goes unrecognized daily and and and now i think all of us um as a nation can really see how hard they work and how vital their work is we've seen them take on more substantial projects so the earth shot prize which is going to be williams you know chief project for the next 10 years and it's something you can compare to the prince's trust or even the duke of edinburgh awards in terms of the impact that it can potentially have and kate at the same time has done her hold still competition for the national portrait gallery her five big questions for earlier's childhood development it feels like they're taking on meteor projects and getting results as well tangible results her photography is has become much more than just a a fun pastime it's actually become really quite an important part of her life now and she is using that passion for photography those connections through her patronages for example with the national portrait gallery to stage very important exhibitions such as hold still so obviously we launched um hold still back in the spring which was a project spearheaded by duchess of cambridge who's the patron of the national portrait gallery and we did an open call to the public to submit images of their experience during lockdown there have been so many amazing entries to hold still over the last few weeks from families up and down the country showing how they're adapting to life during lockdown through to some of the most amazing nhs and social care staff who are putting their lives on the line to save the lives of others [Music] [Music] and i think what we saw with kate was use her passion for photography to tap into the public mood and come up with a a very unique um and very successful photographic exhibition i mean the first virtual exhibition of its kind and here at the helm driving it is the duchess of cambridge [Music] kate's fascinated by people and she has this art history background which has obviously given her a great eye for photography and for representation i think the project that i found particularly moving was the portrait she took of holocaust survivors with their grandchildren i think she was able to tell their stories in an image in a very powerful way and that's obviously come you know after quite a lot of careful study and consideration it was kate who took a photograph of charles and william william with his arm around his father's shoulder towering over charles and you know it was one of those rare royal photographs that so captured not just a moment but a relationship you could see the closeness between father and son well listen but i must say i'm i'm so thrilled to have this opportunity to be with you all today and i feel but now at last um as you can see the hereditary principle is is now coming into effect and i'm delighted that my eldest son is taking over from me it's a great honor to be here with my father to accept the presidency of the british tobacco club continuing that from my grandfather as well clearly he admires his father um he admires what he's done on environmental issues and other issues but the difference i think is that william whereas charleston sort of has a view on everything william is not going to do that william is going to concentrate on those core issues which means something to him or on which he's confident about um you do see them obviously having a bit of fun together at engagements at family events there was a joint engagement with william and kate and charles and camilla at the start of 2020 which is quite unusual and i think it'd be great to see more of them doing things together [Music] there does appear to be a very warm friendship between the duchess of cornwall and the duchess of cambridge camilla is someone who's got a great sense of humour she's very good fun and of course she knows the ropes she has had a life on the outside if you like and she has learned um you know through some fairly difficult uh circumstances how to work as a member of the royal family and i think that she and kate would have been able to support each other quite a lot from that point of view [Music] she's really eased into the role and she looks really comfortable doing what she's doing she's got her own style it is i mean i i find her hugely admirable because she very often appears and and during the lockdown period appeared a lot alongside william she doesn't take over from william at all they are they are like equal partners she is not outshining him she's not making any bid to be in competition with him she's good on her own and and they are very good together uh and and of course it is reminiscent of another era i mean it's you know you could turn the clock back 30 years to the early days of charles and diana and the way they engaged so purposely around the world and and it's a an echo of all that one of the key um things i think that makes it work for them is their shared sense of humor so it's quite self-deprecating there's a lot of very affectionate teasing of each other and there's this competitive edge which is always great fun to watch i particularly enjoyed them having a go at gaelic football on their visit to galway at the start of 2020 [Music] there was a lot of discussion about who was handling the hurling stick better i mean they're both incredibly competitive they were both very good uh sporty young people in school and university um and and i you know it's something that they're quite prepared to show in public and many members of the royal family wouldn't dare to reveal that side of their character catherine is going to pick out the first ball okay so the first number is 5 8 58. having done a virtual bingo calling session with a care home in cardiff as soon as they were able to travel once restrictions were lifted they headed down to cardiff to visit the residents some of whom you know remembered this call having happened others were less certain do you remember we came you might recognize the faces but we did the bingo with you yes you won yes yeah but you said we didn't do a very good job [Laughter] excellent it was one of those moments which was just a complete joy to witness they clearly really enjoy it when things don't quite go according to plan and at one point this lady also asked kate are you his assistant which she took with great good grace and she just sort of giggled and said yes well i've been your assistant for a very long time they're the sort of couple that will finish each other's sentence you know kate knows what william's thinking before he's even said it um she'll crack a joke that'll make him laugh william and kate are very good at using humor much as the duke of edinburgh although he has sometimes been criticized for it and it's all about breaking the ice and making people feel comfortable and i think it's important to remember that perhaps they don't always get the tone right but what they are doing is saying to people i'm laughing at myself i'm laughing at this situation it's okay you can relax and i think that is really appreciated by some of the people that they encounter i believe that the queen feels very optimistic about the future of the monarchy because she has a son who has had years and years and years of training and the prince of wales when he does become king i'm sure will be a very good very effective king but the real future of course of the monarchy lies in william and catherine and you know the queen has had many years a lot of opportunity to counsel to guide and to prepare william for this role with kate by his side [Music] well there is i think a relevant point is the role of monarchy and at times of national crisis um monarchy seems more relevant than ever and when we have a a very divided nation as we do and political infighting that carries on almost on a daily basis the fact that the royal family because it transcends all that and can make us feel better about ourselves um is a good thing and it's really where william and kate have been in their of sort of smoothing over troubled waters if you like in terms of uh william and kate preparing for their future roles it's ongoing work and it's something that has been ongoing for since the time of their marriage they are stepping up though into more serious positions we're seeing them take on bigger diplomatic roles they had you know high-level tours to pakistan it was really important to come to pakistan and one again see all the different range of environments there are pakistan and really trying to get the feel of the country but also to to use our voice to lend our our position and our visits to kind of talk about issues like climate change issues about the environment and and we've seen around the world now the young are getting very engaged in what's going on and i think it's fantastic that we can can all come together and really have a very good conversation about what we need to do and the action needs to happen very soon because a lot of people rely on this and if we take too long about this we will lose many of the precious things we care about william's been to israel and the occupied palestinian territories there was a big trip to ireland at the start of 2020 [Music] and these are all politically sensitive tours that you'd expect a senior member of the family to undertake and the fact that they're being given these responsibilities is you know is just one level of the preparation for their future roles that's taking place the crisis if you like for monarchy during lockdown of the course was it it depends on its visibility being seen and they couldn't be seen in the conventional way but kate i think and william too grasped the the metal in a remarkable way and they they realized that they could use technology to overcome these obstacles and i think that's why we saw them become the duke and duchess of zoom and skype and everything other measure they could use to get out there and and be seen in that way the royal family um have understood that this is a scenario where they have to be visible they have to bring some like relief in some ways but also to show some stability and unity at a time when the country's really struggling but they use that opportunity to to spread the message if you like that the monarch is still here we're here how can we help what can we do you can compare it to the late king george vi and the queen mother going out um to the east end and visiting homes that have been bombed during the blitz it's about being there as a stable reassuring presence and i think william and kate have done incredibly well they have spoken to doctors midwives teachers they've you know done the round of key workers trying to boost morale but also to say thank you on behalf of the nation that is very grateful what one of the things that will be remembered about lockdown will be the sight of william kate and their three children standing outside their front door clapping for carers on those thursday nights when the whole nation came together that was a scene that was replicated across the nation and it was very much a moment of them saying that we are going through this too they were living the same experience kate talked about missing her family she wasn't able to visit them for many months and that's something that a lot of us can relate to william kate charles camilla the queen what they are all exhibiting is is real leadership a sort of moral leadership they are all people who do actually have a great strength of character they are using their position to reassure to stiffen our resolve if we can just concentrate on the last six to nine months i think the way that kate and william have sort of taken the lead if you like of the monarchy's response and and its role really as as as being uh how the nation relates to it and what it expects from the monarchy um they have become uh the sort of the the senior figures it must be very reassuring to the queen to the prince of wales for the future of the monarchy that in william and kate a young future king and queen they have a couple who who do have that ability to connect and a couple who want to be visible want to be seen um will rise to a challenge when it's called for um and can be accessible it sends out a strong message that the uk's you know keen to do business um they are as i've said before the weapons of soft diplomacy for a long time she was criticized for being sort of an empty vessel she smiled a lot she looked great but there wasn't much going on she's a bright girl my name is segment she had a good education she got a good degree and she's you know using some of that sort of natural intelligence that she possesses i mean she was a girl from a middle class family in bucklebury in in berkshire she went to marlborough she then took a gap year before she went ups and andrews she's a shy person i think she's not you know prone to big showy public demonstrations and i think you know she probably had to work quite hard at honing the public speaking and becoming more relaxed for the cameras but at the same time i think she she's a strong person and that must come from her background i think what we've seen in kate over the last year two years is she has grown into the part she's had her children now but she has essentially she's ready i think to take on the world she wasn't sort of quick off the blocks and and racing to make an impression she has learned and she's grown into the role as her responsibilities have increased she was always going to be measured against diana the future princess of wales it was inevitable but i think what kate has succeeded in doing is carving her own niche and being her own person she is going to be the next princess of wales i think that was a title that sort of overwhelmed her at one stage but i think she's now ready for that and in time she's going to be queen um she's going to be a very different kind of queen than than than we've had in in in the last few years of course but that's all something for the future well i will always remember the photograph of kate middleton as she then was sitting on the top deck of a bus in traffic in chelsea looking out at the horizon daydreaming about goodness knows what but one wonders if that daydream might have been about what would one day be her life and here we have a future princess of wales a future queen consort and you know an absolutely sparkling asset for the royal family she has the responsibility of protecting the brand just as much as her husband does and so she is careful and considered in her approach to things but she's had a long apprenticeship as well however long prince charles is king it isn't going to be for a long time i mean he's he's in his 70s and i think that is widely accepted so at some stage in many people's lifetimes um william will be on the throne and i think he is preparing him and kate are preparing for that eventuality now kate is obviously a queen in waiting she's aware of that but what kind of a queen is she going to be what kind of a king is william going to be william and kate and their family do represent the future of the monarchy and while we see them flourishing and thriving and doing great positive work that's incredibly encouraging for the future of the monarchy i think that they recognize that the monarchy needs to adapt and move with the times and it's no longer a question of perhaps it never was you know taking that position for granted they really want to give something back and to make changes and to bring about solutions to problems rather than just be symbolic figureheads [Music] in many ways the pandemic may well be the making of the new royal family when you look back at 2020 the standout frontline royals have been william and kate [Music] but in william and kate you know they are the bright future of the monarchy they proved that [Music] they understand a bit about real life i mean often the criticism made of the royals over the years they're sort of they live in in their ivory towers and they really know what it's like for ordinary people and how and how they live their lives and somehow you get that sense with with william and kate kate in particular that she she understands she gets it [Music] you
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 1,668,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history, covid, covid pandemic, covid and royals, kate middleton, duchess of cambridge, prince philip, prince philip funeral, harry and william, harry and meghan, harry and meghan oprah interview, future queen
Id: CFL5JxJCnlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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