Houseplant Tour Series | Desert Collection | Every Cactus, Euphorbia & Succulent I own!

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hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm so excited because today is the start of my house plant tour by genus series I'm gonna be doing three videos my first one is today it's going to be all of my Cactus desert plants succulents so forth then next week you can look forward to my Hoya tour and then we're gonna end it with the Glorious airroid collection I have equal parts of everything I'm coming to find out today we're going to be in my basement area where most of my plants are but we're also going to venture upstairs because I do have my donkey tail up there in the kitchen window and then we have some Cactus up there as well I have three of the shelves from Ikea now and each one has a Genus on it and I when I was setting it up I was like wow I really do have kind of equal parts to my collection like some people's collections are very air ride heavy some peoples are Hoya heavy some are maybe Cactus heavy if you live in the desert at one point mine was very Cactus heavy but I got into Hoya I got into lecca and then you know I always had a special place in my heart for my aeroids so I'm kind of like across the board now and it's kind of fun to see how my houseplant tours have changed over the over the years I was looking back and the last time I did a full tour was when I was upstairs in my kitchen and that was in 2021 when we first moved in another video that's coming soon probably in April will be plants that I've lost along the way because I really want to watch that back and kind of see what plants I have still in one plants I don't have and maybe my new plants that I got you know so just a little bit to look forward to in the coming weeks anyway let's just jump right into it and get started with my cactus I'm gonna call this my desert collection let's go here we have all of my desert plants on this shelf and we're gonna go over it uh one by one starting in the back with my old man cactus this was a gift from a friend she literally sent me all three of these in the mail and they've gotten some sun damage from being outside over the past couple of years but overall they're doing really well I think they're gonna need a repot this year but look at how fuzzy these are ooh they're very deceiving because they have some crazy spines underneath that fuzziness so you don't want to touch them and keeping in the old Cactus family this is my old lady Cactus or mammalaria haniana she is also very fuzzy but you can see her spikes much more clearer than the old man cactus she's a little less deceiving but view from up top she's pretty cool this is a cactus that flowers pretty much all summer it actually still has some spent blooms on it they're just so beautiful this is a type of mellow Cactus it's the Turks cap Cactus it is this like silvery blue color which I really love cactus that are this color they're so cool you can definitely see the spines on that it's Fierce it's definitely Fierce I don't think I've ever seen one of these in like a landscape in Arizona I mean I could have maybe it was just extremely large this color Cactus is just so amazing back here we have a golden snake Cactus these are really popular amongst the desert landscape this spines on the sky are also very Fierce you're just going to want to stay away from that um I'm not big on touching my Cactus I think we all know that I have a fear of their spines I still think that they're so cool but this guy is fierce I'm not really a big fan of the yellow spines oh they kind of creep me out but uh it's cool it's still cool this is my loaf of saris marginatus and it has started to grow kind of elongated I wish it would have stayed short and stubby well not short but I wish it would have grown with a little bit more thickness it kind of stretched out towards the light it does really really well outside so that's why I like to bring it out in the summer months but I do love this Cactus and I can't wait for it to get much bigger than it is this is a patch of Podium it is a Madagascar palm and you can kind of it looks like a palm tree with its little foliage that it pops out here it usually pops out a lot more so it'll look more like a palm tree but um without that foliage it's like really creepy looking look at how ugly that is it looks so scary but I love the wonky ones so I've had this one for quite a few years now it started off very small and it's gotten pretty large this is a politos echeveria and I when I purchased it it did have the blooms on it but these are two new ones it put out I think it just likes being under these girl lights flowers are so cute they don't smell very much like anything but they're still pretty and I love looking at this from the top view because it's just so full and I know this is going to end up needing a repot probably by the end of the summer but I love it in the corner here is a cenaceris Thirlby eye and again with the like orangey yellow spines this one is a deeper green it's kind of like it looks like it's in the dark but it is it is getting some light from up there um but look at how scary those those spines are like ouch this guy is cool though you can kind of tell like where I bring it in for the summer and where I bring it outside um this past summer though it has been benefiting from the grow lights it has not been getting leggy so I can appreciate that look at my velosa stealing the show get out of my shot you're coming next week sir here we have a serious forbesi spiralis this is a spiralis cactus and you can kind of see it starting to turn it's such a juvenile plant so I'm really hoping that in the summertime it will start to get a little bit bigger I did have it outside last summer but I got it in the middle of last summer so hopefully it doubles in size okay here's my silver sword I've had this silver sword for years and I just have not repotted it I'm pretty certain that it's root bound but I love this Cactus because I love the white spines I mean the top looks fuzzy let me try to get in here like it looks fuzzy but it's definitely not I think I'm gonna repot this this summer see what the roots look like and put it in the next size up pot so it can it can get bigger this is a stenos aires panosus and I could very well be pronouncing these names wrong but they're all labeled so if you have any questions just leave them in the comments and I'll tell you what the plant was if you have any questions but this has like a silvery Hue as well I'm trying to get a good yeah you can kind of see it there sorry I'm my lights adjusted for my for my grow light shelves but it's got like a silvery Hue it's so pretty I love it so much I recently got this and I just hope it makes it because the soil that it was in when I bought it was not good it was very compacted so I put it in this like Airy mix I literally just knocked off a piece of my pepperonia cool way in the back here is my euphorbia obesa and these I like I don't know what's going on but this is how I always thought and obesa was supposed to look because it's it mimics like the shape of a baseball and this is how this one looks and I'm very confused one is female one is male and I did that so I can possibly try to cross pollinate but I've never I've never attempted it before it did Bloom this past summer it gets little flowers in the center but like this is off all these other little bases like they're all over the base it's kind of crazy I'm gonna need to repot this because it hasn't been repotted since I got it I want to say I bought these in Tucson like three years ago love those this is my new sand dollar Cactus it's an astrophytum and I love these because they are spineless cactus and these little fuzzy guys on the side are soft so I can actually touch this Cactus and like feel comfortable repotting it these are really cute and I have yet to see one as like a full mature plant I'm excited to see a girl this Joseph's coat prickly pear has a little bit of sun damage on it but it has grown quite a bit like it has a new Sprout up there there's this new pad right in front here and I love the markings on this one it's got like a green variegation to it it's super cute prickly pear um in their natural environment are pretty invasive so if you have them in your landscape you have to kind of be careful that they don't take over your other landscape plants because they'll choke out the roots and just take over I believe that prickly pear are actually hearty cold hardy in the area I live in I'm in Illinois in a Zone 5B so they I think you just have to like cover them when we get snow but I've had prickly pear outside and they've done fine aside from getting root rot eventually which was my fault but if you have them in your landscape you should be able to have them year round I'm not 100 sure if the prickly if the if the Joseph's Coats is one of those I'm not I'm not exactly sure on the different kinds of prickly pear but from what I know I think you can have them outside this is a Sunita Cactus it has that like blue tint to it I'm not sure of the nickname of this one but I really like it I'm kind of mad because I think it got some scale last summer if you could see up top there there's like a little chunk and it kind of like gave it bruise which sucks because when Cactus gets bruised they kind of look a little ugly but still cute okay this is a variegated guest area or a little warty because it has like little bumps on it outside pieces here like I guess they're leaves I don't want to call them leaves because they're not really leafy but the outside pieces here are dead like I kind of have to take these off they're spent but it's getting new growth in the center there you can kind of see a new piece coming in this is new this is new so it's kind of like any other plant where the oldest leaves tend to get spent and fall off but then it also puts up little pups if you can see here there's some new pieces coming in there and then on this side I just noticed there's a little piece there our little warties happy this is a Barrel Cactus and I love this plant to pot combo I think it's super cute the size is perfect and I think it just goes together so well it's one of my favorites but this is called a horse crippler and every time I say that I get sad because I think of these things just growing in nature and they're taking down horses because of their spines a lot of people don't like these because they kind of remind them of like fingernails let's see if I can zoom in here they're they are kind of gross I do like the colors though they have like vibrant pink orange colors to them and they they do get sun stressed and they look even cooler but I wouldn't want to see a horse getting taken out by one of these how awful this is a piece of my elephant bush and actually it's not mine it's my mom's and it's a piece of hers from Arizona she got this huge elephant bush when she lived out there and she wanted to bring the plant back and we actually did but we left it in our garage and it got some Frost damage so most of it died I was able to save a piece of it and it's like tripled in size because the piece that I saved was like this big well actually it's like quadrupled in size then so hopefully this will grow more in the summer months this really benefits from being outside in the humidity not necessarily really the humidity but the heat like it loves to be outdoors so I'm excited to see what it does this summer this is my jade plant and I got this from a friend of mine and this plant is so funny because every time I see it kind of growing towards the light I give it a little spin and it gets so mad at me I'm sure but like within a couple days it'll be facing this way again it's a really good way to even out your plants especially with with this Jade I have to turn up the light here to show you this the undersides of these leaves are so pretty they're like a almost like a maroon color there can you see that Focus it's really really cool I love how that looks I don't know if it's sunstress from the grow lights but these can get to be so huge like giant bushes of these I've seen in people's homes so I'm really excited for this to get bigger because it's just a gorgeous hearty plant and it's happy it's so easy to care for too this is a euphorbia it's a variegated African milk tree and I love the markings on this I recently picked this up I have a few African milk trees and I've never seen one with these colors the green variegation is so pretty and once this starts shooting out like little arms it's going to be so cute I also like the pot that it's in I really kind of try to pay attention really kind of try to pay attention to the pots that I'm using because it's just that's so cute this is Cooper's haworthia and I've had this for a long time I just kind of kept it on my desk and really didn't care it's not potted up in this pot which I got thrifting actually it's so pretty it's actually in terracotta I just have it placed in there but I think I'm gonna plant this in a bigger pot and put it outside because it's getting leggy um it's getting a little bit leggy so I don't know I think I'm gonna make it so that doesn't happen but these are like the the leaves on these if you've ever really looked at them they look like they're filled with water it's a really cool plant my variegated string of Hearts is back here I'm going to bring it down it doesn't have tons of hearts on it it's a little sparse but this is like two Vines wrapped up on the top here I put them on the top of the soil so that maybe it'll grow aerial roots and kind of fill out on the top I could always just take like a little bobby pin and push it down into the soil but for right now I just kind of wrapped it up and put it up there this one is pretty long I don't want to undo it but it like I said it's just very sparse on top and I want it to fill out like my little flamingo I don't remember where I got that here is my experiment Cactus my echinopsis tuba Flora this is in lecca it's a cactus that I put in like a quite some time ago can't like the roots are not growing through oh a little bit you could see a little bit of the growth there but it is um popping out some babies let's see if you can see there's like a couple babies on the side there and then down in below there you can kind of see it so up top it's happy I like this cash po I have it in too it's perfect that's my Apple Leaf decidia this is more of a succulent plant so that's why I included it in in this video but it um it's looking kind of weird up top I'm not sure if you can see that but it's like some of the leaves are super dry and they have like it almost looks like they're cracking I don't know um I think I'm gonna repot it it's been in this pot for quite some time like this side looks healthy you may need to turn it these leaves are huge actually I think it needs a repot but at one point the vines were so long and then they just started to get leggy so I chopped them this plant is really cool the leaves are so thick it almost reminds me of like a silver dollar or a hoya like just the leaves are just super thick and succulent like this plant up here I got from a friend let me see I don't even know the name of it I can't remember it is a wing pod purslane um brought to Cola interesting it gives me succulent Vibes so that's why it's with my succulents the leaves are super tiny but they're also pretty thick and the stems are like this bright pink color and they have this bright pink flower there's a lot of spent flowers on there I need to clean this up I think that this is going to look really pretty in like a basket in the summertime I think it's a landscape plant so I think it's going to do great out there okay here's another Turks cap I think I had another one up there right I think so um this one's a little bit more short and stubby same thing with the like orangey orangey spikes still a cool Cactus though like when you think of cactus I feel like people think of these it's your basic cactus I just got this one it's a reboodia heliosa and I thought that it was a grafted cactus it looks like there's a euphorbia at the bottom and then a cactus on top I'm not 100 sure if you ever had one of these let me know in the comments below I don't know a lot about them I literally just got it I was repotting it and the spines on this like there are spines on this but they curl inward so like you are able to touch it without getting a spine in your finger unless there's like a rogue one gotta be careful the pot that it's in though classic I picked these up from Target because I thought it was hilarious for starters okay these are Cactus growing kits these aren't a tin with no drain hole and the instructions say that you don't need to repot them for three to five years the false information that Target is giving blows my mind this is why people can't be successful in keeping cactus in their home like maybe growing them would be fine but not for three to five years I do this in every tour I almost miss a plant but I didn't this is my peperomia rotundifolia and it put out these crazy Vines recently but I think it needs to be repotted because it's losing some leaves there's a couple leaves on the floor down there but it has gotten so long on backlit I'll get it this way it's like trailing all the water down but some of the leaves let's bump up the light here some of the leaves are kind of like yellowy so and like they're curled I think they need to be a little bit straighter it's just the pot size to the size of the plant the I'm sure it's root bound I haven't repotted it in a long time so I think I'm going to do that pretty soon actually I almost forgot my String of Pearls that I have here this is definitely a desert plant she thrives in the Heat and in the sun she put out this new Vine not that long ago and um I have her in this cute little terracotta pot what do we think my mom's doing laundry upstairs so if you hear a humming in the background I apologize here is my euphorbia ab and cynica and it is such a big plant I have it in this basket but it's in soil with like just a rock on top and it is just huge I mainly put the Rock in there to prevent it from falling over it's currently being propped up not that it needs it but I just didn't want it to touch the wall by a very long bamboo stick long and strong bamboo stick it's it's a big plant I love it it's so pretty then I have this San severia whale fin here because it doesn't fit on any other shelf and I know it's a sansevaria it's not a desert plant per se but this thing is so cool guys I got this at Costco for 25 bucks size comparison like that's my hand it's so huge and it's beautiful it's like the markings on it are so pretty I love it so much I have not repotted it it seems like it's happy in whatever medium this is I think it's like a cocoa Coco coir cocoa chip Coco Pete I don't know my guess is that it doesn't have a very significant root system it's in a very small pot so it's probably just like a cutting so we're gonna leave it alone for a little while this is my hedgehog Cactus very skinny little guys they have always been skinny so I'm convinced that these are just like a skinny form because I had these outside every summer and they're just these little tiny little Twigs they're so cool though they they started out really small and they've gotten kind of big and at first like I said I thought they were growing just leggy towards the light but they spent their time in full sun and they still grow this way so it's just how they grow I really love to have my cactus in terracotta uh with like a rock top dress I just think it's just kind of mimics the look of the desert and I've always loved that look boom my blue myrtle Cactus now this is one that it is actually an arm from a cactus that I have upstairs which is you know the the mama Blue Myrtle so I'm going to show that to you but this came from Arizona it was in my mom's landscape it was super leggy for a long time and then last summer it put out this nice little little chunk it has that like bluish color to it so pretty here's another one of my African milk trees this one's not variegated but this has like the red tint to it and it has leaves on it still it gets this foliage in the summertime but being down here I actually had it directly under that girl light for a long time it never lost its leaves so it's pretty happy it did get some sun damage this is all sun damage from years past but this is the cathedral they call it the cathedral Cactus it's not a cactus it's a euphorbia but that thing is massive like I showed you my hand comparison to the whale fin it's pretty big and I'm just excited for it to put out like new Sprouts new little arms and have it on the floor eventually and just have it be my height I love big Cactus and that's my goal for these like euphorbia on these Cactus here's a photo of me which I wanted to show in Arizona and I'm next to a saguaro like in the desert and I'm trying to like make it look like I'm leaning up against it try to be cool but you can't touch these things like it's illegal to touch these or to mess with them in any way so I'm actually pretty far away from it but like look at how beautiful that is obviously that can't be in my house because it would crush through the ceiling but I want plants like that like just huge ceiling height in my house like that's that's my dream okay so now we're gonna head up these stairs over my shoulder here and we're gonna go to the kitchen and to the office area where I have some other Cactus and there's other people up there so there might be some noise but it's hard to record in this house with lots of people let's go this is the blue myrtle cactus from Arizona it's Mama's we kept it alive I literally brought this home in my suitcase I don't know how well it's like tripled in size since then but it's pretty big here's my donkey Tails this is the OG this is the one that everybody that knows me talks about and I love it so much it's gotten pretty full I've had this for going on five years now she's going strong what are you doing always in your way what a time and do you remember my variegated guest stereo wardy downstairs this is Mom's guest area little warty and it is huge like there's tons in this pot and it did that from her just having it outside in the desert I also forgot to mention that most of my Cactus are in a very well-draining soil with just a stone top dress whether that be lava stone pea gravel something um I just like the look of that you can also amend it with lava stone too so some of my Cactus are amended with lava stone but you just want to make sure that the the soil is very very well draining they like to be in Porous well-draining Soil and Water your Cactus thoroughly I actually bring them outside and when they're outside in the windy city I water them every other day pretty much when it's dry out if it rains I just skip that day when they're inside usually for the winter months I water them maybe once a month that's really all they need because they go dormant in the in the winter for the most part um I have grow mats but they're not on grow mats right now I think I'll put them on grill mats in the fall but they do also benefit from that warmth too I think they didn't grow as much this winter because I was moving and I came downstairs with all my plants and I just kind of took the romance up the heat mats did I say girl mats I meant heat mats anyways guys thanks again if you have any questions drop them in the comments for me below and if you want to see more Cactus content let me know thanks guys and I'll see you in my next one bye [Music]
Channel: My Clean Leaves
Views: 3,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house plant tour, grow with me, plants, my clean leaves, potted together, podcast, youtube channel, plantuber, repot, plant, cactus, houseplant enthusiast, houseplant collector, houseplants, houseplanthaul, houseplanttour, all of my plants, low light plants, high maintenance plants, plants in my home, houseplant family, shop for plants, repot plants, garden, grow, houseplant101, vlog, chat with me, lets talk, how too, grwm, shop, plantshop, plant store, i love plants, a day in the life
Id: -mN8OSGAzLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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