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oh my gosh i look like wednesday adams i guess it is time for halloween hey everybody wednesday adams here hey everybody welcome back for those of you that don't know me my name is ashley and this channel is all about good vibey houseplant stuff so if you enjoy things like plant tours plant halls plant shopping we do a lot of plant shopping feel free to subscribe i do try to post twice a week some good planty content i'm also on instagram and i usually post like some behind the scenes so look me up on there at life with ashley anita i always love to make new plant friends so i'm really excited for this video i filmed a houseplant tour a few months ago where i shared my 100 plus houseplants i've collected in the last year and a half and i did share my cacti collection in that video however i really just glanced over it when i first started collecting houseplants i really didn't like cacti when i was watching videos i'd like fast forward past the cacti collection i just like wasn't into it shame on me for saying that i know but it was because i didn't know anything about cacti i didn't realize how many cool ones there were out there and i have to say pretty quickly into my collecting i developed the cactus bug i am obsessed i love them and i will also be going a little bit more in detail about care tips where the cactus come from just interesting stuff like that and please keep in mind i'm not a botanist i'm just a plant enthusiast hobbyist so if i say any incorrect statements or facts during this video you know feel free to leave in the comments below some corrections i did try my best to you know do my research and and get as much of it correct as i could also mainly please forgive my pronunciation i don't know how to pronounce these words i haven't heard them said before it's i just go through and read it so you know it doesn't sound great a lot of times but i'm learning as i go all right so let's get started on the tour you guys know this um spare bedroom is actually i've turned it into my plant room and uh yeah they love this room it has northwest lights so it gets light in the afternoons hi honey you coming to say hi to everybody yeah oh um and my couches love this room because they get a ton of afternoon light it gets pretty warm in here so i have some of them here and some downstairs so let's jump into it the first one i wanted to share with you guys is actually this beautiful spiral cactus this was a wish list plant for a long time and it's absolutely beautiful how it like grows into a spiral this was one of the first ones that i was like oh my gosh like that's kind of interesting that's not super boring from the time i got it a few months ago it's already put out a lot of new growth and it is a fat more of a fast growing type of cactus and you can actually like i could take this little top part off and propagate it and it's in a little cactus planter that i got from walmart for i think like eight dollars or something out in the wild these can grow upwards of 13 feet tall they can bloom quite a bit however this one's not ever put out of bloom and it can produce a fruit when the blossoms have been pollinated when i first started collecting cacti i was under the assumption that they don't need much watering you know they're cacti they live in the desert they're not used to rain oh i was so wrong i started noticing that my cacti which i love from the bottom of my heart they were all going so pruney and they were dying turns out during the growing season they need regular watering like regular regular watering they really needed like once a week or once every two weeks like a good watering you know lesson learned maybe it'll be a helpful tip for you guys and during the fall and winter months you can be sparing with watering so next up is this beautiful astrophytum cactus and look how stunning it is when i first saw this plant i couldn't believe it um i had never seen anything quite like this i it really reminds me of a piece of art and i absolutely am obsessed with this plant however they can be pretty expensive and hard to find so i am actually growing this type from sea astro vitamins are native to mexico and also some areas in the united states and like most other cacti they enjoy full sun and make sure not to leave their roots in water because it will quickly cause root rot for them now there's about six different types of species of astrophytum this one is astrophyta mysterious the reason why they're expensive and somewhat hard to find is they take years and years to get to this size they also have the most incredible blooms this one put out a yellow bloom and it was absolutely beautiful here is another type of astrophytum that i have called a bishop's cap or astrophytomyria stigma this is a very very popular one that people love little dots on it those are actually the spines i ordered this one on ebay i believe for like ten dollars or something i found it a great deal on it [Music] i bought this one because i saw that it did have you know an interesting spiral happening it doesn't have many spines which is nice you've probably heard people talk about blue cacti now this is another cacti that i have that really shows more of the blue color this is a blue candle when a cactus has something that's a little bit more on the blue side that's called glaucus that's what you would call it like a glaucus green or a glaucus blue color and what that blue color is it's actually called an epicular epic epic cuticular i don't know i'll put it here but it's the type of wax that it produces and it's only produced once as only new cells can produce it so once it's exposed to the elements or people touch it that blue color comes off and as you can see here there are certain spots where the blue color has come off and it will not come back it helps to reinforce the waterproof quality of the cactus it helps prevent bacteria and pests and it also helps to reflect part of the excess solar energy that it gets so you know too much sunlight it's able to reflect that being in the desert so if you ever find a blue cactus that doesn't have that wax removed from the outside and it has a good blue color uh don't ever touch it and that is a really good find [Music] and i think this one might actually be my number one favorite uh tied with astrophytum but it is my booby cactus this one is awesome as you can see it looks like boobs it is a blue cactus as well uh it is also easy care it enjoys you know regular watering during the growing season um and all these cactuses also benefit from a little bit of fertilizing from like a 20 20 20 type of fertilizer i found this one at the victorian in atlanta and i also got like a little tiny one i'm not sure if she has a little bit of scale or what's going on there but i'm thinking about getting some insecticidal soap to put on there because i read that with cacti that can be helpful because they are you know they can be prone to scale um and some insecticidal soap will take care of that and these are native to northern central mexico all right this next one is called a sukur butia not i will put the name here so you can see um but it forms a clump it puts out lots of pups and then it just grows kind of up bigger and bigger and more clumpy they put out absolutely beautiful blooms and it is native to bolivia this little cutie is a gymnocalycium horsey don't know how to pronounce it it's described online as resembling a loaf of bread i guess i could kind of see that and it occurs only in the southern brazilian province of rio grande de so if you have one of these take super super good care of it try to propagate it as you can we have a responsibility as plant collectors to try to bring back some of these um some of these species i'm a little bit torn because i don't know if plant collecting helps rare and endangered plants or if it makes it worse because our people going in and uprooting these plants to sell to plant collectors like like myself like i'm not really sure i think there's a dilemma there and i've seen him around at some different nurseries so hopefully he's not as endangered as the internet said but [Music] i i'm obsessed with paper spine cactus that's the common name for this kind it is a tephrocactus papi racanthus fabricant this and it just means it's a paper spine and then if you have the ones that look just like this but without the paper spine those are called pine cone they originate in argentina the spines really feel like paper like you can touch them so here we have a super super cute cactus it is called a plumosa cactus and or feather cactus and as you can see it is because the spines look feathery and i'll tell you what they are quite feathery this one is pushing out a yellow bloom and they're said to have a strong smell well i don't smell anything they are native to mexico i think with cacti moisture meter is key and also making sure it's in super super well draining soil whether it's a succulent soil cacti soil or you know make sure it has a lot of gritty rock and stuff in there next up is this beautiful euphorbia lactia also known as white ghost now euphorbia is commonly mistaken as a type of cactus however euphorbia is an entirely different genus with over like 2 000 species ranging from something like this all the way to poinsettia now this one is really interesting and is my personal favorite amongst euphorbia because it doesn't have any green and uh it's it's different in how it you know photosynthesizes it because it doesn't have the chlorophyll one of the differences that i found was interesting is that cacti their spines are actually leaves where with euphorbia their spines are thorns that the white ghost will actually turn pink if given enough sunlight and uh it can get quite tall up to 15 feet and you don't want your pets munching on them and even for humans you don't want to touch euphorbia um you know and or get that sap on there uh without you know washing your hands because they can be quite poisonous this one is from tropical areas of asia india thailand ouch pendejo you got me so next up we have this beautiful domino cactus also known as the edcanopsis or actionopsis don't know the pronunciation but as you can see it's very clear why it is called a domino cactus because it looks like a p a domino piece with all the little dots on there they are native to south america not specifically one country they're really you know seem to grow in many countries in south america and it's also known as the easter lily cactus it puts out beautiful blooms it can put out multiple blooms at a time you know varying colors i believe the blooms only last 24 hours so if you get a bloom make sure to take a picture of that baby because it won't last long i have to say when people come over a lot of them point out this one and they're like i really like that one out of all the crazy cacti i have this one gets the most comments next up we have another type of euphorbia which is known as a euphorbia snowflake this is a different type of cacti i don't even know what that is it is known as snowflake because it has the like white wax coating on there and it is absolutely beautiful again they can become very clustered sometimes if you're looking at euphorbias you'll see the name spurge and that's another word that um people use for euphorbia this particular euphorbia is native to south africa i just noticed that as you see here there are some pups growing look at all your babies mama next up is a very popular type of cactus which is an old man cactus yes that is a hairy looking cactus isn't it so you see old man cactus and old lady cactus and there are different types of old man cactus which is what this kind is but i believe that this one is specifically cephaloserious cinilis native to eastern mexico the spines that are hairy are called tomentum and it helps to keep the plant stay cool in the hot desert sun reflects the light that kind of thing helps with absorption helps with moisture don't let the cute little soft spines fool you it has some serious serious spikes in there i don't know up next is a really cool cactus called a totem cactus and as you can see it has no spines it's totally smooth it has a really really interesting shape to it and based on my research it was discovered in 1931 on the baja california peninsula off the road in a small area by a plant explorer named howard gates apparently it is a mutation that causes it to look like this and you know doesn't have its spines and that kind of thing it is slow growing it can reach up to 10 to 12 feet but it takes many years to get to that point it doesn't produce flowers or seeds however you can take propagations off of it so next up we have a christmas cactus now these are very very popular they're quick growers they you know they don't mind a bit of watering and they're native to eastern brazil and they all came from there and when i say they all came from there there are different types of these they have there's easter ones which are more rounded there's a thanksgiving one and i forgot to mention the most interesting part is that the reason why they are called christmas easter thanksgiving cactus is that they bloom around thanksgiving easter and christmas so depending on which one you buy it'll bloom around that time so if you're not sure which one you have wait and see when it blooms and it will let you know you can usually find these at different grocery stores nurseries around the holiday season they make great house plants they're absolutely beautiful their blooms are stunning they also make great gifts as well if you have a fellow plant lover this is another interesting cactus that i have i don't know if it's an old man or old lady i don't even know what type it is so if you know please leave in the comments below i would love to know it's really cute i found this little planter at ross for really cheap let me know if you guys know what kind this is i wish i knew so in here i have my astrophytum seeds propagating now i ordered some seeds on etsy of the type i'm interested in which is like super kabuto or something and um i got one of these little containers from walmart and it's like a tupperware container and i just poked some holes in there i used regular all-purpose potting soil um and here they are it's been a few months now and they're just slowly coming along as you can see they're like barely starting to develop their signature little like polka dot spines on the very tippy top i keep the soil moist based on my research it needs it at this stage but yeah they're doing great my little astrophytum babies this is one of the windows in my bedroom and i have a few hoyas up here and then i also have some of my cacti next up we have another type of euphorbia this is called a corn cob cactus usually a lot of times is what it's called but again as we've discussed it's not a cactus it is a euphorbia now again be careful when handling euphorbia because they are poisonous but it's pretty easy to see why it is called a corn cob um homicide cactus why it's called a corn coffee phorbia because it looks like a corn cob um this one is native to south africa duke put out a lot of pups next up we have the super cute bunny ear cactus it's pretty obvious to see why it's called bunny ear cactus it's actually a type of opuntia and you'll see them in different like where their spines are different colors now this is where the spines are more white colored i've seen them more yellow i've seen them almost like orangey brown do want to be exceptionally careful handling these types of cactus their spines come out really fast they are in the skin so quickly and it's not just one in the skin it's like 30 in your skin at one time they're native to northern central mexico really really cool cactus next up we have another type of a puntia this is an apuntia canterrae i really love this one because it looks like polka dots to me and it is absolutely stunning these are also known as a type of prickly pear this one is native to argentina and brazil but for the most part the spines are cute little polka dots what is that oh my hair dog hair story of my life you see how it's kind of becoming a little um puckered looking here like this part is smooth but here it's puckered and it looks like it's kind of pruning a little bit here as well since it's gone too long without water and you need to give it some good watering so i will be giving this one some good watering today that was a perfect example for you guys here we have another type of astrophytum really really beautiful i love the way the stems are this one i you kind of see around it's quite common versus the more uncommon mysterious that i showed you before so now i'm in my living room yes i was watching the great british baking show um i keep most of my plants upstairs in my plant room and then the rest of them down here i have some more dotted throughout the house as you saw in my houseplant tour but for my cacti it's mostly just those couple areas i couldn't do this video without sharing my little lithops i've read some only need be water three to four times a year some need to be watered once a week during their growing seasons which are spring and autumn i can't really figure it out but i still am obsessed with them they are called living stones they're also called butts a lot of people like think they look like butts here's some other ones that i have um they're really really cool they are native to south africa mine are pretty boring compared to some other people's i'll post some pictures here so you guys can see like what they can look like they're really really cool thanks so much for watching guys that finishes up my plant tour and my cactus euphorbia collection i i hope you enjoyed if you did please subscribe and i always love and appreciate feedback so let me know what you thought in the comments below look me up on instagram i love to make new planned friends and i will see you guys soon i hope you have a fantastic rest of the day bye
Channel: Plant Life with Ashley Anita
Views: 28,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houseplant tour, house plant tour, plant tour, houseplant collection, plant collection, plant haul, houseplant haul, cactus collection, cacti collection, cactus, cacti, plant collection 2020, houseplant tour 2020, plant tour 2020, rare houseplants, rare plants, ashley anita, houseplants, houseplant, plant shopping, houseplant shopping
Id: ORRzygnFd58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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