House Tours: $1500 Brooklyn Studio Apartment

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Welcome to my 375 square foot apartment  in Crown Heights Brooklyn [Music]  Hi Apartment Therapy I'm Kayla. I lived in  a lot of different apartments throughout my   time in New York City being a native so  you know I've seen it all from basement   apartments to just apartments that generally  just wasn't really getting a lot of light,   so when I walked in this apartment I knew that  the place had a good energy and I knew that it had   the bones for me to do anything that I wanted to  creative wise. So this is my living room this is   probably the most energetic place in my apartment.  I play music, it's really an entertainment space.   I think that's why it was really important for  me to lay out the couch the way that I did is   because it allows movement around this area and  also separate it from the rest of the apartment   that might need a bit more relaxed energy. My biggest challenge in this apartment truly   is the layout. I flipped and switched and  revamped this place a thousand times before   I settled on the layout that truly works for  me; and I would have never honestly thought I   was a terracotta girl. It was originally white  and then I painted it gray, but I knew that the   gray just wasn't me because I needed something  a little more spicy and warm; and I actually was   in the process of having a paint partnership with  a company called Lick. I went on the website and   I found this really awesome warm dusty orange  color and I did one wall and never looked back.  Style is I think it's in my bones. It's Brooklyn,  like Brooklyn has a certain je ne sais quoi and   if you've been here your whole life you  definitely just embody that and so simply.  The rug as well as the chandelier  came from a company that I used   to work for called Lulu in Georgia. My dresser is a Thomasville dresser. I scoured   Facebook Marketplace and I found this dresser  for a hundred bucks the coffee table also is a   Facebook Market fine and I love it because I don't  have all the same type of monochrome colored wood,   so it's really important because this kind of  shows every piece of wood. It's also marble   and glass which helps bring out a lot of the  textures that actually show up in this apartment.  My bike was also a gift from a black community  organization called Goodco Biking Club. And then   next to it is also my plant that I found in Bed  Stuy she's grown almost close to 10 new leaves   since I've had her so she's definitely  flourishing I think she's really happy.  So my kitchen AKA the most interesting DIY and  the smallest, most-used space of my home has   been a project to say the least. I was a bit  nervous when I moved in that I wasn't going to   be able to function in this space the way I want  to and caused me to eat out; however I've made   some of my bombest meals and fried chicken  meals in this apartment. It really carries   a lot of soul and it makes me feel powerful  because I can do so much in such a small space.  So over here is my bedroom and I really wanted to  create a simple, cozy nook in the apartment. It's   the hardest wall in my apartment where  I probably could never drill holes in;   however that's the perfect place for a bed in the  language of feng shui. Your bed should never face   the door and it should always be on the most solid  wall in your apartment, so I had to really think   about about the way I wanted to feel when all the  lights off are on this apartment and how safe I   needed to feel in the corner of this room. My light fixture is an Ikea lantern; it's   a paper disposable one and I needed it to feel  more like warm uh unique lighting so I decided   to bring in the scarf that I wasn't using that  often and really add color and warmth to this   picture and it became one of my best DIYs. The name of the wallpaper is strawberry   Thief it really acts as like a bind for  all the other colors in my apartment as   well. It is from Lulu in Georgia, but  the collection is William Morris and Co.  When creating this work space, I do work for  my desk every day Monday through Friday nine   to five, but it's important for me  to keep a simple space to work from.  I intentionally make sure my screen isn't ever  facing my bed because I never want to just have   that energy flow into the same space. The  desk comes from Facebook Marketplace and   it is kind of like a lacquer shiny top,  so it does get scratched quite often,   so I lined it with this wallpaper from a Walmart  collection that Apartment Therapy actually had.  I believe it was the Drew Barrymore collection;  so I put it on my desk and it definitely helps   from protecting from scratch and scrapes.  My workspace is simple — it's a desk it's,   a chair it's, a lamp and I can turn  off my work life whenever I need to.  Through this apartment I found a greater sense  of community. I lean into my neighborhood harder,   my neighbors and I have a group chat and we really  just keep each other grounded. We share a lot,   if I don't have a vacuum or a drill that I  could just ask my neighbor. It goes back to   like generation of ancestors and how we leaned  on each other for resources, you know, and Crown   Heights is also just that special place for me  too. Another challenge when I first moved in here   was definitely storage. I do have one closet and  it could have been a drawback but, like I said,   I'm a girl with a loves a challenge. I have a good  eye for hiding clutter in the secret places under   my bed. I have like six cans of paint under there,  I have two large 32 pocket shoe pull out under   there. One of my favorite not-talked-about enough  parts of my apartment is my bathroom bathtub. I'm   a person, I love bubble baths on a Sunday after,  like, unwinding from a week's worth of movement.  So one of my other really secret sauces in this  apartment for organization is my over-the-door   closet. I saw it on Apartment Therapy  "Shop Talk" and it has been a game changer. When does designing this apartment, having  a dining room table was something that was   a non-negotiable for me. I love sitting down and  eating with people; I feel like it's one of the   most intimate moments that you share with people. So behind the table, you'll find that it's   basically the front door. So this apartment  doesn't really have an entryway and that is   something that I was a little fearful for when  I first moved in, but I knew that I would just   have to really find the right pieces. This table  is from the 1930s and it originally was used,   from an artist called Olivia Khan, so it was  really important to me to leave this piece   the same, because I hope that this piece  just brings me good luck in my creativity   and that her soul lives in it forever. A sacred place in your home for me is a   place that makes you feel like you exist in the  world. It's a place that you can go back to when   you need to remind yourself of who you are and  the impact that you've had with other people   and the impact that people have had on you.  I have a few crystals, I have a small Buddha,   I have my bib from my first race that I ran and  one of my favorite quotes in the world that I've   had with me for a long time. The quote is by  Barack Obama, "Focusing your life solely on   making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition.  It asks too little of yourself. Because it's only   when you hitch your wagon to something larger than  yourself, that you realize your true potential."  If I can offer you one piece of advice, it  would definitely be to lean into your story.  Growing up, I was adopted from a very young age,  so a lot of my life I experienced a wide array of   housing insecurity; and entering homes where the  home was temporary, or entering home where you   couldn't be your best self, you had to condense  and make yourself really small. So, I knew when   I had the opportunity to, when I grew up, that I  wanted a home where I can truly unleash and just   be whoever I wanted to be — whether that's  like get up in the morning and put a wig on,   or get up in the morning and make an elaborate  breakfast just for myself with no one telling me   I couldn't do something. So, being told "no"  a lot in your life makes you really wish and   long for the moment that you can make a "yes" for  yourself. My adoption is my superpower. It's why   home means so much to me. It's why I give myself  the space to be. I's why I enjoy living alone,   because I truly have gotten to know myself  more than I ever have in my entire life. So,   home means three things to me: it means  safety, it means stability, and it means soul. [Music]
Channel: Apartment Therapy
Views: 362,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apartment Therapy, Apartments, How To, Interior Design, Home Decor, studio, studio apartment, brooklyn, nyc, nyc apartment, small space, apartment tour
Id: qWk48RnyHGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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