Full Episode: House Proud Parents vs Misbehaving Kid |Real Families

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today on firmly matters Kyle is a very challenging child nothing on let him have his toys around there move all the ornaments for now oh you're really trying to say when my family highways a palace you're putting too much pressure on yourself you really are I would really like it if mom and dad stop stressing because they're not really happy what touch the nerve there I just feel bad looking back at that don't even notice that she's sometimes you've actually got to the point now where you're picking them up and dragging them out the room I think that the children spoiled they do not do as they're told they have everything that comes across as really aggressive yeah no my point is this never ever been a to know [Music] [Applause] hello and a warm welcome to my brand new show Family Matters my first guest Carrie and her husband Chris say that their family is suffering because of the wayward behavior of their three-year-old son Kyle they say he's demand for attention is taking the time away from their own relationship and they want my help before he ends up coming between them take a look at this videotape I'm Carrie I'm married to Chris and we've been together for 30 years we have two children Cara who's 11 and Kyle that's just recently turn 3 Kyle is a very challenging child we get in from work and it's just stress shouting it's just that every day's a challenge you can't take him anywhere oh by the way he won't sit still don't run off Kyle where you going just wants his own way all the time his behavior it's it's got worse I need your legs why'd you make it so difficult he thinks everything is a game and he just laughs at us he thinks everything's funny it's not funny in the morning trying to get him ready is one of the hardest things to do he won't let me dress and this just shoes on you Kyle coat on now when I then tried to give up and walk away back there not putting on nope he then goes into meltdown just pull himself on the floor and sometimes he really hurts himself it's hard to balance everything you know we work full-time tried to keep the house clean look after the children it adds to the stress hi welcome to the show thank you thank you when you watch the tape what do you feel you need to implement more that you see that's missing from that tape gosh I just don't think we've got any control what do you feel you're not in control of of Kyle no he just likes to destroy everything I don't destroy yeah right fabulous everything GU in calm does he does he live in our home that's practical for children probably I'm probably not know why tell me why doesn't because I'm a real perfectionist but me and Chris are both the same we like nice things yeah and I want to keep it as well for Chris because I know that he's also you know he's very much been brought up and grown up in that kind of okay just for me as for yourself I'm just saying I like that for that reason as well because I know if you're complete mayhem it would stress you out would it yes talk about that then because that's that's a real issue that a lot of you know periods that you have it's just me I just like everything to be clean yeah I do yes I like the bed maids yes I can't get into a bed if it's if it's like I've just crawled out of bed in the morning yep I can't get back in with the court has to be made yep otherwise I can't sleep in that bed yeah I try we try we both tried to tidy yeah he literally pulls everything apart like the BlackBerry thing Oh is there a play area for him downstairs areas his bedroom no his bedroom is bedroom let's bring the toys downstairs we allow them to do that don't get me wrong again yeah yeah you could say that [Music] okay so talk to me a little bit more about that because you're very meticulous about things been in a certain place yeah but the reality is is that you left didn't you I did talk to me about that because I mean it obviously got to a place where you felt you put Mannlicher all the time I just had enough I just I was sleeping on the floor for a year why because kaya was sleeping in our bed okay so had to sleep on the floor I could move I was literally on the edge why was he sleeping in the bed cuz he I he had to sleep it out but he wouldn't we couldn't get him an only thing is Carrie I remember you saying to me that he's gonna be our last child please just lay in bed with us and I said you're making a massive mistake massive mistake and that's the reason why I just kind of thought oh I'll just let him because I'm not gonna have another baby get him because I was so close with him but then I suppose yeah before we knew it Chris was on the floor and it months was passing and I don't know why but I would get resentful to him about the situation and I think he would be getting resentful to me and then it got to a stage where we just literally didn't even talk mm-hmm so then you were downstairs because you were holding on to the baby yeah so it got to a point with what happened then Chris I just yeah we decided we argued all the time so I just I need to go and then what brought you back um because I really wanted to come back I missed the kids I'm mr. Carey yeah and I want to work at it so that's the reason why did [Applause] well we made when Chris came back we then decided that we had to do something because him sleeping on the floor was just well you were getting such a bad backache and not just that like the same [Applause] [Laughter] very very hard work if he doesn't get attention 24/7 he will literally cry I cry crying I don't know how it's humanly possible to sit there and ignore it it's like something takes over him attention that's all he wants meal times are very stressful as well I love that Kyle won't eat his dinner no you did not I can't actually sit down and eat a meal I'm up down up down all the time I can't sit down and relax the always plays with my dinner all the time never be it for me that's daddy's dinner no I don't want to Kyle no you're spilling it over me come on can you just leave it please why can't you just sit down and eat your food on your own and give daddy a break for five minutes I am give me a break please Disko parent feels very left out Kiyo yes I'm gonna bang on kayo come to me not lying on I would really like it if mom and dad stopped stressing and cuz they're not very happy most of the time and I do want them to be okay touch the nerve there Cara I just Nora so what you're feeling what you're feeling I should be crying he's what you're emotionally feeling what about Cara spend any time Cara she's left out all the time just feel bad looking back at that cuz I give her no attention nothing she's just goes to a room every night unike don't even know is that she's there sometimes she just encloses herself with a room and she just closed her car used to be so close he's do everything for Cara you know everything so you feel like you've lost your relationship with her a little bit just kind of becoming visible mm-hmm in dealing with car how was it different with Cara who shouldn't call now she was much more relaxed she was she was an easy child to look after she was very shy so yes used to just cling on to us all that's why in her she was never she didn't do the naughty things that Kyle used to do car has always always been really close to Chris because um I think I really struggled to bond with Cara I'm not an overly maternal person anyway and but you did though you did bond with Karl yeah so your second child who did bond with yeah is he your last years is that your choice together yeah is that something that you found difficult did you PI over say okay we got it difficult all I don't think so anyway I think the thing is Chris never wanted any more after Cara he always made it very clear that you know I'm happy with one and don't want any more and that is it so Kyle was tight it wasn't planned today so how did that it was a bit more on my part mm-hmm all right out on a minute what's on your part so now you actually play catch-up now so yeah unlike a year after we had got married a year like honey I mean sort of thing and I just thought I might accidentally leave my pill behind okay so you did and then obviously he doesn't know and when that happened what I mean was there like hello where was I in this decision mmm mixed emotions yeah I must I was I was happy but at the same time because your friends knew before me as well so it's a little bit naughty to say the least to say the least so did that cause any kind of when you were carrying did that caused any kind of friction I mean was that hard for you then to get past it was it kind of vine that's okay happened here let's move past it anything else you want to tell me that you feel any tonight no still to come on family matters let him have his toys round there move all the ornaments for now you're really trying to say when my family highways a palace honestly Caribes I don't want to hurt the feelings cuz but it's the truth you need to just think I can help this when they're bigger you're putting too much pressure on yourself you really are you [Music] I'm Carly and I'm Carrie's younger sister I do get myself into a state sometimes when I know Kyle's coming because I have to move things in the house get things out the way that I know he's gonna be picking up and throwing so it becomes quite a bit of a worry really and which is quite upsetting because that's the last thing I want to feel knowing they're coming over and I'm actually panicking because Kyle is so destructive they have since Kyle's behavior changed their relationship has changed it's difficult really because I don't know if it's the fact that Kerri went straight back that she went to work full time towards the end of last year Chris went to his dad's for a week I was at home on my own with the children there was just no communication and they were just taking things out on each other constantly Carrie's is at that voice of desperation begging Kyle pleading with him and with Chris it's to the point where he his voice goes he shouts that loud right now children obviously aren't silly and they can see that it's just more of a show for them I think hi hello welcome hi so we've been discussing Carl and his behavior and good-cop bad-cop behavior and everything else what do you see I'm a parent myself two three yes I'm not perfect I also can lose my temper and I find it hard at times but their relationship with Kyle is a lot different because he has so much more demanding he can't just sit down and do the things that I've seen like Cara be like I might my children yeah he just terrorizes everybody yeah and my little boy is so petrified because no matter what you'll just throw things at him not sit down and play with him every tweet your children how to sit down in color at the table yes you sit down you do puzzles Joey learning games Oh No thank you for your honesty thank you thank you so the attention span is not there the reengage in in the toys is not there no the ability to problem-solve and to enjoy the experience of those games is not there is the environment there for Kyle and he's home conducive to that type of learn I don't lay myself believe it is why because they both have a beautiful home it's lovely and they love to have it so nice and tidy and that but like we've always been saying it's not the ideal environment for children because those ornaments there are enticing him there's many toys really around it just does it's not much of a home I've only home when you say homely home well you're really trying to say when my family home is a palace in other words it looks like a showpiece rather out of my front my door yeah toys are still on the living-room floor that were there probably from a week ago you can't do that tell me why you can't do it I've just I don't mean you're our tech guy yeah I'm just like a car let's go work on my floor it sounds just so but I can't go up to bed at night and to come downstairs in the morning and there be so it has to be completely so why don't you add layer it than one ez bed new toys just go that long that's well you don't not dirt its toys let him have his toys around there move all the ornaments for now that's what I used to do everything went up a level as they got bigger moved to things I didn't want broken away out the way I'd used to look bare but nothing then could get broken all those things around him it's he's gonna wanna know his interest he's got no toys down there so he's gonna be going for the ornaments but lacks now but you know that I know you know that she doesn't but you want Kyle to fit him with what you want now you've got him in this bubble where he can't move he can't do anything he's worried that he's gonna drop something because you've got him so tightly bound where does he get to learn how to be had to become more agile with anything that he's doing more coordination you know more pincer control you know the attention comes from early learning education the more he can sit down and be given games and toys and interactive learning from yourself over the weekend you know we've got that half an hour in the morning when he's alert in asleep and ready and he's learning that obviously at school and he's obviously ready for its scorn and loves it yeah you need to be able to support that back at home as well it's not and I say this for all parents there is so much you can do with your children we don't have the early ages you know it's not your job as parents to say I'm going to do nothing and it's the teacher's job your job is to prep your kids from when they get to school the teachers are there to continue academically with them that's your job as parents three America caters and being able to given that early education is not only stimulating and developing their brain because in the first five years you know their brain is going to absorb 80% of the information but actually what's going to happen as well is that they're going to learn the life skills to reengage themselves back into what they felt straight frustrated with and they have now completed the puzzle you know all the problem-solving game that they were playing or the mix-and-match that they were doing you know all the trace and they were doing there's got a more tape I would say that it's um it's having quite a negative effect on me and sometimes I just think I just I just need to numb it I need to you know just so you know I'll have to have my glass of wine and and I know that that's caused you know a lot of arguments between me and Chris because he doesn't want to see me getting that way but it's just been a kind of a coping mechanism that I've kind of turned to it sometimes she can drink a lot and arguments escalates as well you know what it's like in the about alcohol you like to speak your mind sometimes and it can be hurtful at the same time as well both Kerri and Chris are very very house proud people and they love things to look lovely and everybody does but it gets to a point where it can't be perfect so they just need to just take a little step back and realize that they're the most important thing right now is Kyle and Cara and not having to have the best of everything this is why I'm here this is why I want the change because I want anything to happen anything bad to happen so I just want to make things better I think nobody's been wanting to say it like we all have seen their house is stunning but you've got kids and you don't need to have such a beautiful house now you can have it later honestly Carrie I don't want to hurt your feelings cuz but it's the truth you need to just think I can ask this when they're bigger right now I'm not I don't ever want you to think I'm making out I'm perfect you know I'm not but just relax a bit you don't need to worry about the bed being all those beds being made in the morning okay if you want yours done fine but the kids and that you're putting too much pressure on yourself you really are and you get in from work and you're then worrying about the state of the house not about how was your day at school Cara sitting with Karen you're missing out on all of that because you're thinking about that your house first and how it looks and you you you're not thinking about everything else just I've been they've seen it you know I like to have a tidy place but it's not perfect because you chose to go and get all those your kitchen units in the glass and that and you regretted and I told you you worked because there's finger prints but you're not going to stop that cause you've got I just I know I just don't stop I stopped keeping all the time I feel bad because all the weekends that's what I do you plan your weekend and you want people take it so you can so I can just clean and painting but do and I'll spend the whole day just cleaning and it stresses around what you get out cleaning I don't know I just like I have this high expectation within myself at like on it's like I can't help it I can't control it Kyle's at mine and he's destroying and we're and somebody says cut Carrie go do that and you're like oh don't worry about it but when he's at yours it drives you mad you can relax around everybody else's you know Chris Carey anyone said you know I want things a certain way for when you come home I mean there's a realistic truth here that you expect things a certain way as well and she's trying to meet those expectations yeah I do I do like I'd like to have a tidy house but really similar we are very sitting where we are you know I don't want her to feel under pressure to make sure the house is nice and tidy but for when I get home yeah I've never put put Carrie under any type of pressure to do that no but I know that's sometimes it frustrates you like you look at the state of this place look at you yeah so yeah you know so I just feel like not very much like it as well anyway so just over the same yeah both the same in that way I just I think it'd been unrealistic I know you put you know these pressures on yourself to have a perfect home whatever there is perfect home and the reality is a happy home is a home that's conducive to children bloom in and thrive in and having great relationships with their families and siblings and having fun your kids can't move - you know find that healthy compromise pull that perf a back you know open up the space bring down a nice now bring down a wicker basket where it's got some of these toys and he can play at the end of it the day when it goes to sleep you can tidy those up and keep them in there put the lid down you know and then they'll be times when you'll be sitting down talking to one another or do what you're doing you know and they'll be playing you'll be on the floor eases that tray event like we can't have a conversation like we get in from work like this is just like this week and we were wanting to talk about there was something we wanted to talk about we were trying to like talk and he was just in like by us just purling and screaming and I eventually though I snapped the crest he's not so we both shouting at each other take it out on each other and then we just don't talk because the lights are on but no one's at home and you're both there but you're not doing anything you're not being productive you're not giving him what he needs from you as parents you know you're not and you're more consumed with how everything looks yeah and you're missing what's truly important you're missing what's truly important what do you see now come on your eyes must be open yeah I know I can see at this like terribly wrong I know like dreadfully very and you both have to work together I know I think cuz that's what's so hard productive and understand what you need to follow through on today after us all been together and empower yourself so that you become more confident and then at the end of the day as a family you're better off as a whole do we have a plan yeah all right good still to come on Family Matters day-to-day life with the boys is a complete lot of battle lots of arguing lots of pushing lots of shouting and it's an absolute nightmare that comes across as really aggressive yeah teach them no my point is it's never ever been a teen loan my next family contacted the show because they feel they'd rather be at work than at home with their kids since the arrival of identical twins Jake and Harvey Vanessa and Paul feel the family dynamic has changed and the twins are ruling the roost to the point that the couple's marriage is at breaking point I'm Vanessa I'm married to Paul and we have four boys Jordans 10 Alice's 7 Jake and Harvey the twins are 5 day-to-day life with the boys is a complete and utter battle arguing lots of pushing lots of shouting it's an absolute nightmare our attention was on Jake and Harvey if one's not kicking off the other one more people really do change the dynamics they work as a team against you there wasn't one of us able to be free to look after the other two I think Ellis got lost along the way being the middle child I think he just kind of got left behind but he is bad in himself he is for trouble I can't put all the blame on the boys because it must be something we're doing because otherwise they wouldn't be the way they are it has put a lot of pressure on our relationship we've fought against each other just because we don't know what to do hi welcome to the show hey welcome crying already you're watching that and you're crying already she's just watching us this is hard what do you see absolute nightmare a battle battle an absolute nightmare but when did it start to become overwhelming for yourself it become hard when the twins were born it really changed like I said and with two of them constantly going on at you the other two wanting different things as well along the way it all just just made the dynamics of the family just blow up and go wrong when did the trouble start when did you really start to feel the heat when they came out by Tommy how are we got six seven hundred pound by pram how have we got four hundred pounds by to disease how did you work that out well we had to go without majorly you know we ended up getting his debt things like that to try and buy these things because how can you not you have to there was no no way around it now did the behavior of the other children change yeah because they've got kind of lost along the way they were just kind of let you get on with it yeah left to get on with it because it was always I've just got to do the twins I've got a few the twins got change the twins nappies we've got you know get the twins the sling all right straighten did that put on your own relationship because now you're anxious you know everything is Nikki picky you've become really tunnel vision yeah you know then you've got the physicalities of that you know that mean a lot didn't we literally quite a lot it yeah I love wine a night each Wow we put on a lot of weight because we weren't in junk food because it was just grab what you can while you can it just losing existing really kids baby argued along we nearly spit up a lot it was a lot of pressure I had a stress of the kids he obviously didn't understand I used to ring him up when he was at work screaming and shout and if you don't get home from what I'm leaving these kids I can't do this anymore they're gonna be on their own you all have to deal with it I'm down I've had it if I used to say her phone number come up with my phone I used to avoid it because I knew what was coming and optimized to go the long way home serious if that yeah yeah I used to boy going on yeah but obviously I had to work seven days a week because you had to financially provide for them yes of course yeah all right let's go to more tape home life is stressful shouting screaming totally I would rather be at work Ellis acts like a four-year-old these tantrums he cries an LS pushed Harvey off of his bike resulting in him breaking his arm the twins are completely a team they really do mind your nut yeah Jordan doesn't want them in there and he will actually pick them up and forcefully remove them from his bedroom [Applause] they just won't give in and I was crying fun cry until you just want to go shut yourself in another room stay away from them sometimes I look for backing up when he's not there like main stance and disciplining the boys is shouting basically sometimes I think Paul goes far over the top no I think maybe part that is where we're going wrong it makes me not want to spend any time with them because it makes life hell okay so what I want to do with you both is you know to break things down so you're not overwhelmed here you know talking to me where do you think you both go wrong but I know exactly where I go wrong Michelle I mean I I would never smack my children I had it when I was little and I won't have it but the only way of escaping out on me a shout in yourself I shout and I think I don't listen to them enough okay but it's not effective of course not I just want to look at the videotape here I want you to take a look at this you know I look at this situation here where you know the kids were in the room and you know Jordan didn't want them in there you're quite rough in the way that you manhandle them rather than just kind of saying right out off you go let's move let's move you can see where you just you've got to the point where yeah because they don't listen but I'm not even like that the fact is is that you've actually got to the point now where you're picking them up and dragging them out the room rather than rushing them from their back and saying right off we go yeah because it's got to that point now where I'm not going out there just it's like I've cut out that middleman I've cut out the trying to reason with them that comes across as really aggressive yeah you do you by the look on my face body language yeah you do yeah completely teach them no and that's why now we need to put the right procedures in place to teach them because we can't carry on like this I want to meet mum hi my name's cinder I think the problem being is that we've got four boys and they don't ever do what they're told so contradicting myself please I don't think that the children respect their parents at all when they've got to come over to their nanos that they do cry and the only reason being is that they have to do as they're told after you really do know you're moaning about you're hungry so you can eat that please come down I think Kelly's feels pushed out since the twins have come along and Ellis will tell tales all the time about the twins they have to stop what they're doing and do what Ellis says then the cruises for it I don't think oh I'm Vanessa discipline the children enough the simple reason is you don't have time if they constantly mum then it's easier for them to give in and we need to get it sorted now while they're young hello hello welcome thank you so what do you see I mean I'm it's a little bit hard isn't it to say what you feel still to come on family notice basically I think that the children spoiled they do not appreciate anything they do not do as they're told they have everything I think you know they do their best obviously for them but the twins know how to get around their parents basically I think that the children spoiled yes in what way they have everything very materialistically materialistically they literally have everything and if they if they have like an iPad and or tablet whatever and it's thrown downstairs by the twins and it smashes when it's their birthday they'll have another one you know they have an iphone to play with yeah you know they have too much and Vanessa whatever and say well they have to because all the other children have it they do not appreciate anything they do not do as they're told do you agree with that I mean would you feel they are they you know they get a lot they they do show have a lot have I don't think they appreciate it now but in defense the twins broke Jordan analysis electrical gadget and he we did then about a year and a half later replace it but it wasn't Jordan and Alice's fault the twins were young so they broke it what an accident happened downstairs so that wasn't an accident that don't know they were young they were they were only 18 months old two years old how did they have that to do that because Jordan Ellis leave him laying around I mean after mm-hmm what they're doing in the rooms that's exactly what I've said to them you know again there's the etiquette of the respect yeah absolutely you need no down they don't respect any of the house yeah there's there's no you know I had a real fun opportunity to meet your kids before the show take a look what am I here today why we all here just y'all our family out why what's wrong with your family there's any ever need moaning argh and arguing mostly you you and you nothing to do with me and then to boss me about who boss and javi and Jake Jake your boss him around do you push your older brother around yeah they do sometimes we bought loads he does it that much like literally loads so when you're all when you're all aggravating each other okay you're all bickering and sometimes it looks like you're having fun when you're doing it as well does it drive mom and dad mad [Music] let me see they mostly do it they mostly if we get annoyed with each other those three cry and then they get shouted at for cryin what could i teach mom and dad today but do you think they need to know they would need to know that you need to stop us arguing and if we get if we not we're naughty yeah we should well basically we should just be quiet oh you sure get sent to bed at 6:35 give me five give me five four give me five give me five Oh give me five give me five to give me one nice to meet you all okay go meet mom and dad now catch you later [Applause] [Music] you you spend a lot of time shouting yeah and it's not effective when I when I look and I break down the videotape watching you all there it has to be an example and I don't think the examples there at the moment and you're not going in and showing them fairness and Alice has not seen fairness he's not seeing you go in and listen to all sides and you see the beauty about that it's when you actually go and you listen to all sides you start to realize who's telling fibs who's not who's telling half the story who's giving you the whole story and what I got from the children when I was talking to them is that none of them really feel like they're made to say sorry if it's genuine you know and I and I feel that if you're more in tune with the children in being able to spend the time to sit in front of them and actually ask them what's gone on you start to pick up these little cues these facial expressions their tones their body language you know that's all cues for us to make us observe our children more and know yeah let's take a look at my tape here my worst time was when the twins were about 18 months old two years old and I stood on the side of the a14 was screaming in the back and I was tempted to jump in front of a car Paul was working seven days a week I was on my own all the time we all four kids I was a breaking point and I nearly had a breakdown at one point I just broke down one evening and put my hands in my head and cried I physically mentally and emotionally couldn't take any more it was it was hard work and it really pushed us to the limit in later life I'm gonna feel feel guilty about the lost years which I should have had good times with my children and that would really affect me scared of what worst-case scenario could be to be honest with you it petrifies me if we don't become the family unit and nothing's ever gonna get any better I love my kids more than anything in the world and I'd do anything for them but I need to have my happy family unit taking one of the children out of the equation does change your whole family dynamics but I wouldn't ever like to think that could happen I don't want to think about my in-laws you are a family unit you are a family unit I feel that when you look at yourself in that place and you are watching yourself objectively on there you can see how anxious you have been about everything I say it's a it's a wake-up call to see yourself talking about your kids because you're able to empathize with yourself listening to yourself you know you do need that time where you can go and take a night out you know I think it's perfectly okay for you to feel like you know give a weekend I don't think they say anything wrong with that thing is healthy because you're feeding your own relationship but the truth of the matter is you know you do have to be on the same page what do you need from each other as a couple for this support and listen mm-hmm who's going first me okay I want him to remember what I've told him because he's listened not it's gone over his head I want if maybe I'm standing back out of the situation looking in because it's easy when you're looking in and think he's dealing with it wrong then maybe step back and listen to me and we can help to it work together to make it right instead of him just going off and doing what he does or me going off and doing what we worked together at getting them to listen to us so in order to do that that means that you've got to recognize that as soon as you hear noise you react you react by then going in as shout it's a happy you've got yourself in a neighborhood which is counter productive it's just stop nur doesn't do anything might make you feel better for two minutes but then afterwards you're not feeling so good afterwards nice right step back you observe you step back in you can be effective you can make a difference in doing that so how do we then stop you from getting to a place where you getting round up as much you're decompression between when you finish work so when you get home it's critical yep it's just acknowledging that you're going home and leaving work and coming home and you're putting on a different hat change your mood shift it help yourself to be able to do that whatever that case is - normally a big bubble bath you know what I'm saying find that place the reason why I feel that Gil is knowing that you're at work yeah you know and you're not seeing him as much as what you would love to I think that can be said for every parent right now in Great Britain I don't believe that there's an easy solution for that but there has to be somewhere a place where you have peace in knowing when I'm with my kids I'm gonna have fun and I'm gonna have quality time my kids or what's a family that's what you know what I'm gonna work everyday providing for my family don't beat yourself up over that please some way you've got to recognize that you've got to find peace with that because how you're behaving because of it is of detriment to the children yeah do we feel like we have a game plan in place do you know what you need to do now yeah yeah definitely all right brilliant thank you you [Applause] you
Channel: Real Families
Views: 289,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child development, children upbringing, effective parenting, family conflicts, family counseling, family dynamics, family harmony, family relationships, fostering positive behavior, healthy family relationships, home organization, household responsibilities, misbehaving kids, nurturing environment, parent education, parenting guidance, parenting support, respectful parenting approach, structured routines, work-life balance
Id: iJSEcnSo4eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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