House of Gucci reviewed by Mark Kermode

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so how's the gucci yeah and immediately simon falls into that because that's what i'm so late from ridley scott um who made headlines recently by saying that the reason that the last duel hadn't done well in cinemas was because of millennials and short attention spans due to the phone generation and and in fact the reason i know about this was because there was an article about it that cited me complaining about the movie and saying well he's hardly a millennial and he's hardly got the short attention span of a mobile phone because i had i had reservations about them and you know adam driver came on the field adam drive was also in house gucci um and uh you and i had talked about that there are there are problems with the last duel it's an interesting it's an interesting concept yeah it was uh adam came on for house of gucci and it was yes ridley who came on i beg your pardon i beg your pardon it was ridley who came on for uh for for the last deal i'm sorry you have so many famous people jody kemmer yeah you're talking to that i lose track of it but i think the problems with the last duel weren't to do with millennials and weren't to do with you know iphone generation short attention span i think they were to do with the film itself is problematic there are things in it that are interesting but it is it did feel like a very wieldy axe with which to crack a very you know small and this metaphor isn't quite working but his wheeled its wieldy axes are good okay sleek isn't it is it an unwieldy action yes it's it's it was it's like in the same way that what the duel in the last duel was trying to do was to solve a problem by having two people run at each other on horses it felt like it was dealing with an issue yes that the film itself felt like it was two people running at each other with horses rather than dealing with the issue anyway so now house of gucci which i think is you know is on much more accomplished and enjoyable territory this is uh inspired by the book about the true story about um uh patricio ricciardo regina played by lady gaga who uh a is a larger than life figure who uh meets maurizio gucci who is played by adam driver she's kind of brassy and go-getting he is sort of bookish and wears these glasses and is studying law she immediately falls for him or he immediately falls for her depending on which way round you see it um his father uh played by jeremy irons absolutely disapproves of the marriage he says they're truckers i mean they're not truckers it's a it's a haulage trucking company but he's marrying into trucking companies so he says you can't possibly marry her because she's a she's a gold digger she's after your money he says but i love her and this is you know this is this is who i am so she then becomes a part of the family and then through the sort of affections of al pacino's morganalis aldo who's also the father of jared leto's character paulo they find a way in to the family through the fact that he gets on with her and this opens doors is a clip you have a gift i'm telling you oh stop stop you're going to make me you don't want it to make me cry nobody has ever said that to me nobody paolo why don't you have your own line these are just mock-ups i can't afford to get serious with your gift and your talent and your vision are you kidding gucci needs no blood goodbye 1930s hello it is huh played by uh jared leto so look so hang on let's stop folks good stuff okay lady gaga i think is great uh patricia she really gives you the full character because actually what you're doing is you're playing a character who is larger than life who was dubbed you know lady gucci and black widow by the media became the center of a big scandal and yet somehow gives you a way into that character makes you feel like that character is properly three-dimensional that that character has a journey they're not just some femme fertile surface there is stuff underneath there you know properly developed character i think also the relationship to maurizio has played by adam driver is well done because adam driver does a very good job of underplaying it one of the things that he's always been good at is he has a very expressive face without looking like he has a very expressive face adam driver's resting face is never resting and so you have these two performances one of them is kind of big and you know outside of something the other one is much more kind of you know restrained and that works really well together then you have a series of jeremy irons who does this kind of vampiric thing al pacino al pacino but in italian because everybody's speaking english in italian accents yes except for when the telly's on when it's in italian the new towers are italian newspapers are italian but then they speak english okay so all those things are going on and the film zips along because it's you know it's fashion and money and you know and crime and intrigue and backstabbing and because modern medici family and all that stuff now two things to say firstly the film is nothing like as camp as the trailer suggests for better or worse i kind of wanted this to be a mummy dearest camp fest you know and the showgirls um and it isn't like that it's actually much better behaved than to try to suggest the trailer does a good job of selling it as a kind of you know ripe yarn true story but you know very kind of all that but it's actually not as camp as it looks like that's the first thing the second thing to say is al pacino who who is in full haha mode is positively understated when put on screen next to the ridiculous car crash of a performance that is jared leto i am sorry but can jared leto start acting like he's acting in the film with everybody else and not like he's going i awards voters look at me acting look i'm bald i've got some prosthetics on and i'm doing a voice i'm doing it it's i'm doing a voice to literally people going hey you know i don't know what you're doing hey what do you think palo alto [Applause] you're a whale what on earth is he up to he's not going to win an award i bet you right here and now that he does i bet you i won what will he win golden globe yeah we already know that doesn't i don't yeah but they're rubbish we know that they don't they don't count you you know they don't count no i know but you just said an award okay well and the razzies are an award as well but not a proper no proper it's a terrible terrible performance okay over to you for just a moment it's not just me is it it is it is an absolutely ridiculous performance oh it's yeah i mean i enjoyed it slightly less than you i felt i liked it i liked the film there's there's there's some you know gaga is very good adam driver is very good very good if it's the quintessential less than the sum of its parts he should have been so much better i thought it was very underwhelming and it made me want to go home and watch succession which does which which you know and i also think it took an awful long time to tell its story it could have again half an hour less would have been fine but one thing we do agree how long is it 158 i mean there you go but we certainly do agree on gerry letters jared leto i've never seen somebody take so many acting pills it's just just stop just do a performance that makes it look like you're actually in the same scene as everybody else i mean little things was hard work but my word and i'm not the voice i mean you heard it in the clip right you heard it okay i'm not putting it that's just it's just it was joe dolce that's what he was doing yes in in in the words of donald sutherland in that adaptation of the jane austen film you have delighted us enough you
Channel: kermodeandmayo
Views: 241,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4OvLdy2W0uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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