House of Commons erupts into complete chaos over Gaza ceasefire vote

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keep shouting keep shouting you're just embarrassing yourselves quite honestly you've given up governing absolutely giving up regrettably Mr Speaker has inserted himself into that r with today's decision and undermined the confidence of this house in being able to rely on its long established standing orders to govern its debates thank you madam deputy speaker I know that the speaker is a servant of this house and that he takes his responsibilities to us extremely seriously it is that Duty towards us and our rights as members in this place that commands our respect of him we all have obligations in this place to ensure that all views can be expressed and that individual members and parties of all colors and Si can have their say as a member of the government benches sometimes that is difficult on opposition day debates motions are always deliberately confected to try and engineer the greatest possible backlash against members but we on this side of the house have never asked that the procedures of this house be upturned in order to m G against such project even when we have faced extreme abuse Mr Speaker has stated in the decision that he has taken today and that he is entitled to take that he wished for all propositions on the order paper to be put to the house however this decision has raised temperatures in this house on an issue where feelings are already running High and it has put honorable and right honorable members in a more difficult position it also appears from the advice of his Clark that the decision is taken against the longstanding and established processes and procedures of this house and that the consequences may be that government is not able to respond to opposition day motions and as such the government does not have confidence that it will be able to vote on its own motion for that reason the government will play no further part in the decision this house takes on today's proceedings I would like to stress that the government's position on Israel and Gaza remains unchanged as my right honorable friend the Prime Minister outlined today we want to see the fighting in Gaza end as soon as possible we never again want to see hamus carry out the appalling terrorist attacks that Israel was subject to and we are we know that just calling for an immediate ceasefire now which collapses back into fighting within days or weeks is not in anyone's interests we will be reiterating the government's position via a written ministerial statement I fear that this most grave uh matter that we are discussing today and this afternoon has become a political R within the labor party and that [Music] regretably and that regret order I want to hear the point of order thank you and that thank you madam Deputy speaker and that regrettably Mr Speaker has inserted himself into that r with today's decision and undermined the confidence of this house in being able to rely on its long established standing orders to govern its debates long established conventions that should not be impaired by the current view of a weak leader of the opposition and a divided party I would ask Madame Deputy speaker I would ask that the speaker take the opportunity to reassure all honorable and right honorable members that their speaker our speaker will not seek to undermine those rights in order to protect the interests of particular members and that future opposition day debates will not be hijacked in this way and I say this Madame Deputy speaker for the benefit of all members order order order I will take further points of order but I think it will be helpful if I just explain that um I thank the right honorable lady um for alerting me to her point of order and just to explain that if the government is not going to move its Amendment the questions will be first of all on the current Amendment and secondly on the motion itself either as amended or in its original original form that I just hope that is I hope that is helpful and it would be helpful if I could be heard thank you than you thank you order order I am first of all I'm first of yes I'm first of all taking a point of order from the shadow leader of the House Lucy pile thank thank you thank you very much uh Madame Deputy speaker obviously I haven't had advanced notice of the point of order from the the leader um so I'm I'm responding uh in terms today of course we support what the speaker was int intending to do today well hang on a minute hang hang on a minute we support disce we are no we are we are going to listen to the points of order the leader of the House Was Heard and the shadow leader of the house and then I will come on to the leader of the SNP but I expect everybody to be heard with respect Lucy Powell thank you very much Madame Deputy speaker sorry I mean last time I looked the government benches had a majority in this house so if they don't like the Amendments that are before them they could vote this evening to defeat those amendments but but but they have decided now not to I understand vote in those debates so perhaps perhaps we have to ask the question whether or not they do still command a majority in this house uh this evening or whether they're trying to hide behind some other reason because keep shouting keep shouting you're just embarrassing yourselves quite honestly you've given up governing absolutely giving up up the speaker is trying I thinker order it's so bad just to be shouting the shadow leader of the House Down members and right honorable members should think what what they are doing in behaving like this the shadow leader of the house will be heard and I am sure she will be coming to the point of order that she wants me to rule on a large number of members on this side of the house who wanted to express their view this evening in being able to vote for a motion in their name for an amendment in their name okay the Govern they're still outing me down Madame Deputy speaker they have an amendment in their name which they obviously clearly don't have the numbers to now get through this house because you know and it's astonishing really Madame Deputy speaker that the party opposite are now suddenly finding themselves standing in defense of the Scottish nationalist party uh something I didn't think I'd see very often but if they've got the numbers to command a majority in this house then they should vote for their Amendment the speaker had every right to let us have a say on ours this evening to have the maximum number of options and the leader of the House might want to consult the former leader of the House the member for Northeast Somerset who said that the speaker had in fact taken the right decision to make sure that the maximum number of options were available to this house this evening so thank you very much brother well
Channel: Times Radio
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Keywords: lindsay hoyle, house of commons, lindsay hoyle order, lindsay hoyle speaker, pmqs, lindsay hoyle pmqs, sir lindsay hoyle, hoyle, lindsey hoyle, who is lindsay hoyle, lindsay hoyle best moments, speaker lindsay hoyle, lindsay hoyle election, commons, lindsay hoyle funny, angry lindsay hoyle, lindsay hoyle today, lindsay hoyle shut up, lindsay hoyle elected, speaker of the house, lindsay hoyle meltdown, sir lindsay hoyle funny, lindsday hoyle, britain house of commons
Id: Dth3n4q40SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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