House of Cards | English Full Movie | Crime Drama Mystery

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] he [Music] you [Music] o [Applause] don't what round is it still the first I've been on this floor three times already four well I said a world's record [Applause] huh now what now we go back to Paris and then what and then we go get us a cold beer some place you're running out of things to do my friend it's time to go home Reno take a job in your brother's chicken ranch write the book you're always speaking about make something of yourself chickens get up awful early Lou TI sound like it somebody's shooting at us a little bit past your bedtime isn't it get a load of this H it's very small they're going to have to steal a Beretta what are you going to do about him I don't know come on [Music] mush who do I see about this kid [Music] oh looks as if you've been out for a little walk in your pajamas and slippers or running away from home maybe you didn't leave me a note you didn't kiss me goodbye maybe you don't love me anymore I was going to come back well that's good to hear anyhow it wouldn't be much fun around here without you I see you brought home a friend Davis is the name the beef is that kid tried to kill me and the bought him alone not 15 minutes ago this 58 lb boy tried to kill you he's sure as hell did he won't go to the bathroom alone if it's dark besides I put him to bed myself at 7:30 with his teddy bear well he got out again with a gun lady I came within 2 Ines of being cold meat in the Paris morg tonight now what the hell are you going to do about it he's 8 years old you're scaring him well damn it he scared me Paul I think we must have an explanation is this man telling the truth I wasn't aiming at him I was only trying out the gun take him upstairs we'll talk about this tomorrow hold on a minute if we had a Woodshed handy we'd settle it out there as there isn't you grab a deep breath and you say I'm sorry sir anything along that line will do I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to alarm you I apologize for any inconvenience that may have caused you it's more than I bargain for but okay dismissed dismissed my name is is CLO Deon I am the boy's very much shagreened Uncle youo Davis Paul's father is dead he has no one to follow no one to emulate you must forgive us my old man died I crawled on the front porch for 3 days they had to get a fireman with a hockey stick to get me out then you won't find it necessary to mention this to the police forget it may I compensate you in any way for your trouble no trouble I can find the door I wish there was something we could do there is you can run bed check on that boy from now [Music] on [Music] leaving town Mr Davis trying to can't you get any action looks like I'm getting some now get [Music] in broke well if I bought a nickel candy bar it would Dent me I've gone to a lot of trouble tracking you down your concierge told me I might find you here if I hurried what do you got in mind lady Mr Davis my son thinks you're the greatest thing since vanilla ice cream that's nice I'm looking for a tutor for him not the usual kind he's had those but he's never seen America I'd like for him to know what it's like 4th of July opening day at the ballark trick or tree well why don't you take him there I could bring it to to him with someone like you you don't know anything about me you don't know anything about me either do you want to take it on yes or no lady I'm no Mary poppin it pays 3,000 Franks a month Mr Davis that's $600 American dollar that's a great little kid you got there I love him already I thought you might be available for hire not for sale I want a TV set uh American coffee and um every Sunday off every other Sunday [Music] okay I'll see you later back at the [Music] house [Music] Reno Davis I know this way I'll take one of your cigarettes an American is time I suppose you'll want a bath every day that's right and no garlick in your food Americans wor You by breath all the time oh not me mine's sweet as babies we had one before you he wore silk shirts and Italian shoes yeah what happened to him this they work that hard my name is Jean Marie I'll be looking after you doing your room your laundry whatever else you require I expect to be tipped what's it going right I leave that up to you where do I leave the money on the dresser why not you'll get very good service yeah but I'm kind of hard to please I like somebody there to pick up the soap in the shower when I drop it stuff like that you don't look like the type the other man in this house find me attractive they're right you are real yummy it's just that I like to put the ball into play myself if it's all the same to you so where's your room do if you are so independent find it allow me to present you to the rest of the family my mother-in-law Madame Gabrielle Deon most venerated member of our family and M vazer my cousin and his Charming wife yes and my secretary M bordon we dress for dinner in this house I would have worn my navy blue suit ma'am except I hot it my govern took her meals in the kitchen we grow alarmingly Democratic PR once called Madame a snob she regarded it as a great compliment what will you drink montra or shamban equally Pleasant I don't know try the montra you'd better drink something the going can get pretty rough at these dinners and's afraid I'll bore you with our misfortunes we talk a great deal about the old days all that's been lost we had the most beautiful house a white stone grapes for the table came from our own Vineyards you see Mr Davis we're Colonials run out of Algeria stripped of everything Exiles from the home we love and could never see [Music] [Music] again [Music] I'm displeased with you for not Consulting me about the American an made the choice complications will arise from this one I don't foresee any they've already begun you're over 21 do you have to show your driver's license around you to get a drink she's the head of the house we defer you're not a falling down drunk are you I'd like to be well there I too if I had to visit the old plantation in Algeria every night twice on Sunday but that's not wir trink you get better Reasons I'm a poor little widow woman and when everybody goes to bed and they turn out the lights the bats begin to fly you seem tired my dear why don't you go to bed I'm not ready yet you need your rest Madame deont has not been well lately Madame deon's been crazy lately Madame deon's crazy now as a matter of fact I just got off the Happy Farm you see people keep dying all around me like I was one big traffic accident it's the damnedest thing pole has fallen asleep would you mind taking him up to his room now sure uh but just to keep me in the picture what happened the fellow that had this job before me he was found in the River floating on top like a Japanese paper flow is that right well if I don't make the grade just can me [Music] I thought I'd met him all I'm not a member of the family Mr Davis I'm Dr [ __ ] and lilon is my patient well this is Paul lilon you've got the wrong room doc I look after the child as well I call by every night we have a quiet time together before he goes to sleep well he might sleep easier if they moved him out of here this isn't a kids's room it's a battalion headquarters these standards may look like rags to you but men have wrapped themselves in them and died in Sagal in the Sudan at benu he can sleep under them you're the doctor I'm more than that I was his father's closest friend he died in a hot Street in Algeria they threw a bomb in the open window of his car ashes from the fire settled on our white suits there are times when I wish I died with him at any rate we still have his son the line is unbroken there will be another General de vmore supposing he blows it and turns out to be a dentist this one will drill men Mr Davis not teeth [Music] all right Paul baby right on wind up [Music] B [Music] right one more strike we got him up baby he's out a boy Mr [Music] Davis I don't want my child disappearing on me I want to know where he is every minute if you leave the house you check with me first is that clear you just don't bundle him off look lady that kid has got to be let off the leash and you are holding up the game here Louie receiving handle a curve have a seat in the bleachers who is the man my friend Louie nice man keeps elevator doors from closing on little old ladies also likes kids who doesn't I wish I had a dozen of them what's stopping you I don't happen to have a husband well you're young goodl looking you'll get another crack at it I'm not interested in getting married again and I'm not in the least anxious to discuss my personal affairs with you furthermore I don't want you to do any night prowling while you're in my house in other words stay away from the maids I've got a youngster to think about don't worry there's only one woman on the premises that interests me that's his mama I'm paying you to look after my son and you concentrate on that it's the only thing that concerns me maybe too much sometimes I'm in bed at night and I think that he's gone and I run into his room and he's there but one night he won't be you been threatened no and forget it I'm afraid I can't well look if if it'll make you feel any better I'll bunk in with him I'll never let him out of my sight oh that's not enough short of packing a gun I don't know what else I can do carry one this one you can blow a very big hole through a man with this maybe you could lady when did you get this the lady of the house her fear of kidnapping it's come up before she's being treated by our doctor for this very thing I understand what it comes from her husband was killed by terrorists in Algeria the boy is very like him she's afraid he might become their victim too but there's no threat Mr Davis there's no plot no danger to the boy except one Anne herself it might become necessary to protect the boy from her you seem agitated why no no it's nothing still our young American friend grows curious why should there be any curiosity about us Dr [ __ ] the eminent psychiatrist V our celebrated B VI you a prominent man of business my own modest self a publisher of some repute all of us pillars of the French society Samson pushed pillars and the temple fell our Temple is not going to fall no you my dear Deon are going to give a nice little party and invite our young gentlemen yes we'll soon see if our American Samson must be sure [Applause] [Music] here below is the king of Cups it means that there is a powerful man who may either become your good friend or your deadly enemy this is now being waved in the balance you drew the tower my dear are you sure you're dealing off the top may make light of it but in tarrow this card predicts ruin and [Music] disaster I didn't get your name Davis reeno well what do you know sure glad to run into an American around here Jesse Hardy tractors in hardwood you like this town son you're having yourself a good time here bring it in ah well you're young I've had an acid stomach ever since I got here they can keep their fancy wines give me good old walkie beer what are you a friend of the family or what I I work for them these are inspired people Davis they see the termites nowing away at the foundations of the house and they damn well intend to do something about it before the walls came in I saw you fight in the Val div about a year ago the night you knocked out that big senales I got lucky right if you hadn't run him to death he would have cut you to pieces I'm Leu I was a boxing myself also a onetime priest and unfrocked communist bad poet a good lover and a big eater what are you I'm a vaccinated white Protestant American male with a slight sinus condition you're more than that you right I've read you something in the Paris review wasn't your papa Hemingway also handy with his fists laid out a few critics in his time what would you like to fight for I don't know a place in the subway maybe what about a new world without any weaklings without any would be suicides do not have the guts to cut their own throats sounds groy but what do you do for lasts my boy is a writer you have a duty to reveal the true nature of the enemy must join us not great to say black and yellow hordes are advancing must hold them off sigar would you believe me if I told you I'm freezing to death sure I guess it's this marble staircase it's been a lifelong problem projector someplace else where so we you go to the kitchen raid the ice box I've never seen the kitchen I own the damn house and I've never seen the kitchen how do you get at the leftover turkey I ring bells and I get things on trays under little silver covers tough life Lonesome I never see the Milkman you don't approve of all this what do you approve of Mr Davis I started out approving of you lady very much and now you're beginning to change your mind let me change it back for you good night boss it's early mhm but I don't want to turn into a pumkin good gray doctor good evening Madame you're late must be pretty sick out my apologies Mr Davis may I present Dr [ __ ] the man who polies my psyche uh Mr Davis is my son's name we have met you've missed several appointments lately guilty I think you should take your situation a little more seriously Madam oh I know I'm in trouble lead a quiet life Madame a discreet one be more concerned for your health I I don't really care that much Davis would you help steer me up these stairs I'm not so sure I can make it under my own [Music] Steam night night Mr Davis please don't leave I want you to help me get out of here I'll pay you a lot of money where do you want to go New York Zanzibar Iceland any place out of France buy a ticket get in jet I tried that Paul and I got as far as the airport they brought us back who my brother-in-law de gond and the other one Edmund dragged your back huh you don't believe [Music] it I'm listening I had a breakdown they put me in a sanitarium at Izzy I spent 3 months cutting out paper dolls and there was only one way to get out I had to put myself into gon's charge and that's where I am now under house arrest huh that's right you think I'm making it up as I go along I don't hurt your feelings honey but we have to take into consideration the possibility that you're a little bit out of your skull your doctor thinks so so does your brother-in-law and so do you how can I overcome that Mr Davis how do I get your help if I can't buy it do you want me to go to B with you the Ida has a lot of Merit somehow I reached my manhood without using slugs in the telephone company or taking advantage of distress cas [Music] Scotch Mr Davis I've left my cigarettes in my coat would you be good enough to get them you want me to get your cigarettes you find the suggestion outrageous not if both your legs are broken you must forgive me if I misunderstood your position I thought you were a servant have one of mine you take a great interest in Madame and she in you you make a few house calls yourself doc let me speak to you plainly let me tell you what I think of a man who tries to make love to an unstable neurotic woman he belongs in the clinical textbook with your other degenerates you better have some aspir in that little black B of yours doc cuz you're going to have a hell of [Music] a you're too tense Pablo that ever bite but how can they tell believe it they can tell hey Reno only for such men of character would I Arise at 6:00 in the [Music] morning Reno how do you like my little veronic she replac Adel who replaced Marie I found her in the police station when I went to pay a fine for committing a a public outrage oh Louie I've been warning you about that no this time I was caught writing on the wall anyway this little pigeon is is going to see if there's a dossier on your Dr [ __ ] while the prefect of police is pitching her bottom she'll be pinching the papers I could lose my job what if I do you won't baby we decided to let the matter drop why have you changed your mind as of an hour ago the lady doesn't want me to mix in I'm not surprised it fits in with my theory I have one you know yes that the lady and her lover this handsome viral doctor did the way with the husband and that murder breeds others there is a delicate young man named Sydney Scott her son's tutor Madam gets drunk one night and lets him in on the secret another victim you like this scenario might run second on a double Ville [Music] take the kid to your place and [Music] fast [Music] just like Sunday night television huh Pablo the good guys and the bad guys only we're okay now Reno my friend I'm [Music] sorry [Music] touching such tenderness I've told him what happened it was you you're lying in your teeth somebody was waiting in this room who was it nobody but you his friend his best friend with a knife in your hand the boy was here he was standing right there where is he what boy there was no boy where is he talk lady why you still can swine i' be there when the GU drops I hope so sweetheart right under it [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] what [Music] oh my dear fellow what are you doing here where's everybody where's the boy the family is taking a holiday they walk on to their country residence in djon it's an annual occasion a friend of mine just had his throat cut ear to ear the boy I was responsible for has disappeared into a rabbit hole are you trying to tell me that everybody's off on a picnic I'm about to join them [Applause] myself every cop in par is looking for me I need that kid he had a grand stand SE he's the only ticket I got out of this jam and you and I are going to find him Pronto and if I don't agree if I wind up in the Patty wagon dad some of this family is going to be in there with me how would you accomplish that what could you say about one of the first families of France that the great General Sebastian de villamont got handed his head by his loving wife and his best buddy how would you like to read that over your morning croissant not particularly but if as you say the police are one step behind you how' you get to the garage without the danger of being seen now this is a big house there must be another way out there isn't find one or dig one Eddie if I'm going to be frame for one Mur I just as soon go for two [Music] [Music] there's no light down here [Music] Make Love Not War cause is just I serve in his ranks willingly just another Well motivated Soldier what would you know about these matters what did you ever own in your life that couldn't be touched on a dumb peep without regret my Vineyards in ALG brought me in a million a year till France took them away from me and gave them to Savages who leave their filth in the house where my grandmother was born okay they had a nice little piece of real estate you took a loss on it now you blind kids in the streets Chuck plastic bombs into apartment houses leave Sharpshooters on street corners and knock off your elected officials one day we shall one day France will be ours I'd hate to see that happen you'd lose the tourist [Applause] [Music] trade [Music] right there [Music] shall we walk Mr Davis beautiful day you may observe little architectural resemblance between this place and our Paris residence they both contain an element of gracious living combined with massiveness solidity it's a fascinating study architecture edmon tells me you've been through our Cellar looks like Chicago when Capone was a big cheese we are men who have an answer Mr Davis there was a time when I'd hoped to enlist you as one of us you don't want me I voted for ad Stevenson no as it turns out we don't want you Mr Davis you've been very meddlesome You' shown a distressing curiosity in my family's Affairs I didn't come here to smell your cigar smoke or have my ear bent I'm in a bind Mister indeed you are want to see the mother right after that I want to see the kid Madame Deon is not well she's not to be disturbed and I'll settle for the kid I'm certain you would unfortunately the witness you need isn't with us you move pretty fast of necessity what did you do with him Out Of Reach but you're not are you threatening to thrash the information out of me there are 40 muscular young men about this place even a small Japanese karate expert we only lack a moat in fact sounds impressive we're prepared to offer you two choices one very pleasant the other less so you can have an amusing life in South America with this mild climate and this lovely women or an end to life in a shallow ditch by a country road which is it to be I think I'll brush up on my SP finish in a few days we'll be taken to marsill and given passage on a ship for Argentina the meanwhile we'll have a room at the Chateau and be made as comfortable as possible you have made a wise decision one should cling to life above everything [Music] else [Music] I'll have this taken to your [Music] room for [Music] n I see you finally got to my room it's taken you a while sorry about that you came over the roof had to the Management's acting like I haven't been paying my hotel bill I hear you have stepped on somebody's feet mhm what are they going to do with you knock me off or buy me off it's up for grabs what do you want with me you are going to take me to toam Deon for how much 50 bucks that's all that's all I got unless you can let me put you on a credit card the door at the end back to your room open up oh table's dead the cues are crooked they're short on balls but as they say back home it's the only game in town grab a stick what the hell is your name again Davis Reno DAV I'm bad on names remember the face so you joined the team well if you can't lick them you're going to fit right in big strapping kid like you you'll be working with me oh this outfit's got frogs and wops and what have you but you and me will be working the American side of the street bucka Point all right with you if I win you know when you're being hustled don't you I told Leon all the night I met I met you that you had a lot of lead in your pencil and we ought to get you bless you know he's the team captain you better know it but I run things in the states how long since you've been there some time you wouldn't know the place anymore sex and smut smut and sex in the magazines in the movies T you get you all worked up everywhere you look my own family doctors told me that sex is exhaustive and destructive it can damage your nervous system and shorten life I tell you we're going to stop it hey now wait a minute Jesse we mean business we've got weapon Stash from New York to California 9 mm machine guns easy to handle deadly accurate we've got rifle clubs and men and men on the ready we're going to take the country back all right you don't believe me you know what this is a list of commanders of action groups their names and addresses half them are in the states the rest are in Leo's territory so you see we're not just whistling through our teeth this boy is going to be a redot addition to my staff I like my men with flat guts Clear Eyes clean fingernails he's got them Mr Davis was involved in a killing yesterday in Paris now on his way to South America just a few steps ahead of the police damn let me give this some thought see if I can't come up with a way of getting him back into the country by way of Mexico we will work something out Mr Davis and I you will come with me you owe me 20 bucks if you're short on cash get me a 2-year subscription to Playboy you're a difficult man to confine Mr Davis well actually I seen a reason why you shouldn't have the run of the house since escape from it impossible even if you should manage that you''ll be wasting your time you might tell your tale to a diplomat but he's ours you might get word to a newspaper but it belongs to us might even go to the police you'll find us there once more so if you wish to play games Mr Davis please join me for chess after dinner [Music] can you make it to my room [Music] yes you okay I I will be is my face badly marked I'm afraid to look look at it don't for a couple of days he was wearing a ring heavy gold one I gave it to him on his 18th birthday what you I down for while no you have been very kind they are going to murder you you know it has been planned that you and Anne will be taken South by car tomorrow night I thought would be an accident on the road the two of you will be found dead in the car at the foot of the mountain why the lady I thought she was a paid up member in good standing the doctor suspect she's having an affair with you he has turned against her they are completely mad you know all of them tell me I can help you but we must make a bargain like what Edmond and I are going to The Village tonight we will be back at 9:00 you must be in the hallway by the door when we step out of the car I will leave the motor running you take it and you get away let's get down with the nitty-gritty what do you want from me you are going to kill edmo wa you play rough there will be a gun under the car seat you will be close to him for a second that is all the time you will need one small point before we go cooking anybody's Goose where have they got my little friend stashed where's Paul I dare not tell you that well then you'll spend your golden wedding anniversary with lover boy unless he kicks the hell out of you before you get there the child is with his grandmother at the Villa frascati they home by the lake they'll be watching all the cars in the road I'll need a train ticket it will be in the glove compartment okay lady you made yourself a Grizzly little deal I will wear black for one year and then Dove gray and then white as I did when I was a child I would take his gold C links and his tie pins and his Signet rings and have them melted down for a candlestick stick for the church what about the gold in his [Applause] teeth fire [Music] fire let's get out of here I just set the house on fire come on wait let's go [Music] dark glasses make you look more conspicuous than you did without them what the devil's going [Music] on big [Music] K him it's the [Music] americ you can stop and let me out anytime now where I go you go it's going to be a long hul so hang loose I'll grow on you I doubt it I'm missing something Mr Davis a small boy he started out with you and never came back that doesn't exactly endear you to me I'm still your best bet honey your in-laws were going to put our lights out car wrecked on a Mountain Road we were scheduled to make it for eternity last night they drank to my health no wonder they knew how frail it was we're going to find Paul he's at a lake house near Villa pascotti it's their summer house outside of Rome first thing we got to do is dump this car see there's a railroad ticket in there there is one to Villa frati and 20 Franks four bucks you can't get off the ground with that what have you got passport peppermint lifes Savers false eyelashes that's all no money no cigarette case nothing to Hawk I thought you had 15 million I don't carry it around with me going have to do some cheese pairing if we buy a candy bar it's going to get split right down the middle and if there's only one bed I'm going to be in half of it if there's only one bed you can have all of it I'll be on the floor suit yourself get on board go to the compartment if the birth isn't made up tell the ATT tenant you don't feel well and have it made up then up to the conductor Happ settle a customs declaration first thing where will you be getting our dinner what's compartment number compartment 2 car a good see you there what do you do for a ticket freeload have that Bender fixed and tell Bobby not to be his little sister do palm C play hey [Music] Miss [Music] I'm almost glad to see you I was just getting ready to panic save it I'll tell you when the conductor has my passport he's changing the money into lra he said we'll be in Rome at 3:00 in the morning and we changed trains to Villa frotti at 4 he was very helpful so I let him pinch me he would have anyway but where are you going to be when he comes back we're going to go to bed together sorry where else am I going to hide all right I don't want to be nosy but um have you got anything on under that certainly get down to whatever it is and hang the Rest In Plain Sight come on there isn't much room is there well I don't think I could fade back for a pass I trust not can you uh open the door from there yes okay when the conductor comes back open it like that and take the money in the passport without letting him in [Music] I went squirrel hunting in Maine One Summer and slept in a sleeping bag with a girl named Bobo Henderson I was 15 she was 14 did you get any squirrels no they didn't get Bobo Henderson either just as I was about to her daddy happened by and gave me the word he also gave me the business end of a shovel it was like that all the time I was growing up bad luck when did you finally bag your prey I'm still working [Music] on washed your hair today didn't [Music] you yes smells good makes my pulse whack a little you also have B ankles I'm getting know quite a lot about you I also have a large mole which you will not come upon I'm sorry to hear it you don't even like me Mr Davis not a hell of a lot still you'd make love to me wouldn't you you take any man in the country and jam him up against a woman wearing half an ounce of lace underwear lady why don't you like me because you're about as dangerous as an open manhold that a lot of guys have dropped in and never been heard from again take the late Sydney Scott they drowned him in the bathtub like they drown an animal and they threw his body in the sa because he wanted to help me and Paul what about your husband you didn't pull a plug in him either huh I have your passport Madam and I have changed your money to L thank you I'm afraid that you will have to sign your isit for the money I'm in bed as you can see oh nonetheless very well you appear to be staring at me miss you madam for 30 years my wife has worn a green flannel night dress to bed a tent with a high neck and long sleeves and many many buttons naturally I stare do you blame me no indeed let's see you keep it cool don't you yes can I intend to see that you keep yours look out the window and tell me what you see I see a man eating a sandwich oh I wish I had one what else I see two men with rain coats at the exit gate they're checking everyone who goes through one of them is looking at a newspaper I made the front page last night then they're the police how are we going to get through Queen for speech foreign speech [Music] when hold you out well I freshened up and then I bought a lipstick lady we only had four bucks I bought a toothbrush too and a comb and some soap and a razor for you well it just made me feel [Music] better I have nothing of any great value my son what are you looking for maybe a pistol P oh a man of God with a gun a man of God with a manicure there's a reason for my hands being as they are I am fret of Ky I am guarder of our Monastery I was given the honor for presenting some of these buls to his Holiness in person when arrived in Rome yesterday I noticed that my nails were disgust inside and so I did this extraordinary thing for the first time in my life I assure [Music] you [Music] [Music] who are we going to run into Senor brai the caretaker there shouldn't be anyone else wait a minute in case there is be careful I want Paul back just the way he was with nothing but a vaccination mark That's the way I [Music] wanted who's the only [Music] mama you know got to get this kid to help with a housework instead of working on the suntan all day what did they tell you about going around naked take your hands of her where's my son seimon so it's you is it where's my son gone Dr [ __ ] himself came to take the child away where did they take him I have no idea you better give your memory a little jog Mama this thing's got a big bite you'll get nothing from me give me a hunk of that clothes tie her up sit down what are you going to do even if you torture me I won't speak sit down you only kind of torture I know about is when the laundry shrinks my jockey shorts no I'm just going to kill some time mess around a little bit what's your name honey Daniela I tell you what Daniela we're going to go in the other room you and me do a little Indian wrestling two falls out of three huh [ __ ] murderer God himself will stke you down if you H that girl where did they take the Kid born in hell not scared what can I do you have a gun besides I've had a long boring summer I you bastard that hurt let her alone I'll tell you I'll tell you what you want to know now you stay in here and keep your mouth shut the child was taken back to Rome to the Villa Mon castellani and an hour [Music] ago no that would be a mistake it's no longer retro I'm afraid I am Petro Rossi I regret I'm not the gentle brother so benevolent so simple so different from myself it's a all I enjoyed playing now I take your gun very well we'll just wait it won't be long boyfriend didn't bring any 2-b box of chocolates this trip why is he gone in the house it's going to be a nasty accident he doesn't want any Witnesses what can we do you think of something you've been in the sack with him this I have well you should have tried harder honey we might have made it to Medicare [Music] let's not face each other with guns I've had my man put his away don't you think the time has come when we must come to an understanding can we talk how tired you look at all this running in circles so pointless I'm sure you're planning a long rest for me last time it was to be a carreck in the mountains what is it to be now a drowning in the lake my dear if you persist in these delusion you will most certainly end up in the mad house well I've been living in one with you Mr Davis may I present my husband of 10 years General Sebastian Andre Renee deimon six times decorated three times wounded a Chevalier of France a butcher in blood up to his armpits for the sake of the New Order a father who turned over his own son to a bunch of fascist bastards to save his own hide oh he's a hero and a half my general Deon yes if I die Paul will die do you think I love our son any less than you if I hadn't agreed to this terrible Arrangement you Madame would have gladly sent me to the guillotine as a tra long ago you would have betrayed the one movement capable of making this world a fit place for my son to live in you have some papers belonging to me Mr Davis is that right for all I know all I got on me is my driver's license you know exactly what I mean you stole a list of names from a rather stupid countrymen of yours oh yeah those papers I want them there's Brandy up at the house has tie into it the marriage ended for me in Algeria when he planned his own death he went underground to collect his army of crackpots and he picked a boy of 25 to die just just because he looked like it and plastic surgery did the rest touch you one another shout of this no no Paul's only an hour ahead of us I I don't want to lose time we're short on cash it's a long walk oh his sister keeps a car in the aut maresa but she uses it only for weddings and funerals I'm not in the market for either one but let's grab it [Music] h [Music] [Music] don't worry it'll be all right hungry no we'll need whatever money we have to buy gas it's funny you should bring that [Music] up that's all we got left it adds up to one American scent not even enough to put in a dead man's eyes come on we've got a long walk then what we attack by night I don't think we should do it we need gas don't we but this money goes to charity it's gravy for the guys are between the fountains anyway is for the needy I'm sure as hell one of them wait in how much have we got this only gives us driving around money half of what I'm getting are bottle caps oh how can people be so damn dishonest we got company where no don't turn around you're about to be kissed and unless you want to spend the night in the Pokey I suggest you give it all you got in then some hey Mar sopia well good evening officer there aren't enough park benches there aren't enough hotel rooms what are you doing in there well uh we just come over from Philadelphia we're Americans welcome how would you like to go to Jil oh well now I explain this now of course it might sound a little funny to you if it's funny I love otherwise you pay a very large fine well my wife mild here got hold of one of those sex books written by a doctor that says that anything two people want to try out is all right as long as both Partners enjoy you enjoying this well officer but once Mildred gets a bee in her Bonnet I have 11 children Senora all of them conceive in the same double bed with the door closed the blinds drawn and the lights out no embellishments were necessary get out of the fountain Gra well you got to give them this they like their houses roomy no you drive around the block a couple of times we need an outside [Music] man Mr Davis are nice we were expecting you I get the feeling the former occupants were more inclined to meditate quite right Mr Davis this was once a seminary curious isn't it that was a room for contemplation and now it's our communication Center you'll see Mr Davis yeah we also have a mission oh yeah well where's a fat man at his prayers well hardly he better be I had hoped to see the last of you instead you do away with two of my most trusted friends run out Dear Boy and fetch us some champagne would you care for some fruit these uh black grapes come from my garden they're quite AR where would I spit the pits I have very little else to offer you I'm afraid we strive for the aesthetic life here you know simple food Simple Pleasures sounds simpleminded a bit simpleminded of you Mr Davis wasn't it to come here you'll never leave you know oh I'll leave John I got something tucked to where you're real hot for now what could that be the list yes that is the one thing that leaves me rather vulnerable yeah it's a meat hug right through you my my take it has the valuables mhm and the price cheap you hand over the boy I'm not a graceful loser childish isn't it well suck your thumb if you feel better boy isn't far away we could finish our business here in half an hour not here I want Elbow Room locks of it oh what about the Coliseum what could be ruia should we say it Dawn you do want the boy meet you in the Royal [Applause] box I must say Mr Davis this precaution shows a deplorable lack of trust well I wouldn't want to hurt you feelings but let's face it you are a sneaky murderous old bastard yeah I assume you be relying on my skills in the morning your skills I know I have more exotic plans for the Coliseum I insist on being there you are a saucy V remember I would was the murder who's murder Mr Davis's friend I know it was you who was behind the door I know it was you who did it my testimony could clear the American and this is how you repay your indulgent old protectors that perhaps some pretty little trinket from carties have neglected to volum I think I'm entitled to due respect now that I'm so basic to your survival my dear being basic to my survival can be very dangerous besides as Mr Davis to fear from the law before the S has cleared the Roman rooftops he'll be dead [Music] well when in Rome Live It Up mosy run the lobby for half an hour if you don't hear from me by then call your Embassy I'd rather they not think about that or am I getting in over my [Music] head what's given is given [Music] lady nah n nah nah nah nah nah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nah you're on the wrong ballpark aren't you sweets I play all sorts of games Mr Davis so Leo pulled a switch huh no this satisfies a personal need ah for for [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] H where are my [Music] documents so is he I don't see [Music] him a he's going to kill you I've told him to kill you he must do it yes he knows he must kill you I've told him how you murdered his doctor I've told him of the blood congealed around those Dreadful wounds he knows what he must do he knows what his honor and his pride demand what his great name demands he's determined to kill you he must he will now at this [Music] moment [Music] French please not precisely as you may have surmised we have been interested in this matter for some time I hav't Sur a damn thing in any case we picked up the others as they were following you and the lady to the hotel where is she in my car [Music] outside [Music] for [Music] [Applause] love
Channel: Film Fanatic Collection
Views: 80,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, CrimeMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, House of Cards, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, John Guillermin, George Peppard, Inger Stevens, Orson Welles
Id: hF5WifMQCQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 31sec (6091 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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