House Hunters International September 27, 2021 "A Dutch Homecoming"

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my parents probably were never going to move the kids back to the netherlands jason and vera are risking it all for a dutch family life wow wow wow that means really perfect his ongoing optimism can be a bit much for my dutch nature i can see the appeal but it's a bit more than we were hoping to spend maybe it's worth it but even while living off savings jason still has american sized needs we actually had a bigger bedroom in new york you're gonna have to get used to the dutch lifestyle you always know where you stand with the dutch they're very direct [Applause] [Music] okay bikes and pedestrians together got to pay attention here yeah is this close to where you lived in college it is actually jason and i met in minneapolis minnesota i was there on exchange year we got married in oregon we were supposed to move to netherlands the end of that year where vera is from and where her family lives but i got a great career opportunity in new york and so we delayed it for a year and before you know it it it's 15 years and we never made it did we play hide and seek here that's a good idea that is a great idea i'll i'll be in and i'll find you away you're gonna be it okay okay where do you want to hide let's go find a place to hide we um picked amsterdam as our next home base because my family lives close by and casper told me that you speak english why do i need to speak out street yeah so we felt that it was it was almost like now or never if we wanted them to have a truly dutch upbringing ready or not here i go enjoying the city enjoying the museums enjoying the parks the nature um spending time with family but we're also moving without any jobs lined up i could just stick you from there so i'm a marketing executive and i've always been the money earner so vera is pretty stressed about finding work in order for me to be able to stay she needs to sponsor me and to sponsor me she needs to have a full-time job um and so that's a lot of pressure and they've never been through that before i am excited about the thought about moving back to my country also a little nervous i haven't lived in the netherlands for 15 years so they always say you can never go home again so we are about to find out i went to college in amsterdam so i have lived in the city for a few years to me it's a bustling big city that also still feels small you can get everywhere by bike and it's just utterly charming i gotta say the real estate market in amsterdam is just going through the roof i mean prices are going up so it's insane and you have to act fast i would like something a bit older charming vintage close to the children's school so we'd be able to bike there and then i also would love like a little backyard but i think even a balcony already would be such a great addition to have okay so some outdoor space yeah are you on the same page uh i'm looking for something more modern um clean minimalist nice modern kitchen american style big windows and hopefully an open view so what uh price uh are we talking about what are you willing to spend we're looking to spend about fourteen hundred dollars per month but i'm willing to stretch we had a really great lifestyle in new york and i wanna have that here as well it's gonna be completely different yeah i'm not trying to scare you or anything but you're gonna have to get used to the dutch lifestyle yes i tried to prep them but well it's helpful if you also do something i know they want to be closer to the kids school and this is just a little further out but then again an important element is obviously the price you know with them coming from the us to netherlands without a job i want to show them a cheaper apartment so this is um typically amsterdam with the canal and the boats and it's it's a good neighborhood for kids i do see a lot of kids bikes around i actually used a bike around past here all the time when i was still a student in the city so you actually know the area i do know the area and i i always remember thinking it would be so nice to live around here well the property i'm gonna show you is actually in this building it's on the top floor um it has two bedrooms a nice renovated bathroom it is a tad small i'm telling you that up front but you're gonna like the prices it's twelve hundred and fifty dollars a month you'll be saving some money that is amazing it's a great price it's a great location so even if it's a bit small i'm definitely let's let's go look yeah let's go inside steep stairs prepare oh god does it have an elevator absolutely not you know you know i worry about our parents oma and opa and my parents like uh there's a lot of stairs it's a lot of stairs yeah it's true is jason are you okay back there i will be fine let's go into the living room oh but it may be worth it wow this is very airy and bright i like the kitchen yeah let's check that out it's not big it's very dutch no but it's super nice there's a dishwasher oven fridge yeah it has everything it needs kind of subway tiles it feels like new york kind of i like that it's open to the main room yeah but i do worry about when you when you're trying to be in here with kids and with toys i think it will depend on how big the kids room is yeah how much of their stuff can go in there exactly let's go into the main first this is a very small room the closet stays yes and it has a french balcony i like the balcony it's beautiful it really opens up this bedroom yes getting very positive vibes from rivera yeah i feel i'm feeling at home good i'm glad so i'll show you where the kids will sleep jason is not really feeling this apartment i get a sense he was he's a bit quiet i think he is worried that i like it a lot this is tight remind the price think of the price and the location and location yeah i mean it's just hard to visualize how this would look as a kid's room yeah so there's not much to see here because everything will go out and then on the right hand side you'll see a door wow rain shower i like the shower but for the kids i'm not so sure apart from the good price um there's one special feature i've got a surprise for you guys come on oh wow wow yes i bet you didn't have this in new york our own roof terrace no we did not oh oh my what's back here this is like a it just keeps going is it a barbecue yeah it looks like it we can make a lot of memories up here i like that wow this is this outdoor space is spectacular i love the view of the rooftops i love seeing the church spires i love it ready to stay yes if i could just get a a jet pack to jump up here who knows maybe in five years yeah right living at the top of these stairs 25 minutes by bike to the kid's school i'm a little worried that vera likes this apartment too much i mean it doesn't get more dutch than this right so the property i'm going to show you is actually located right here it's on the ground floor it has a garden it's more of a dirt patch at this point am i supposed to get on this thing no you're gonna go to opinoma yeah you would never see this in the states i don't think it's amazing jason and vera are moving their kids casper and willa to amsterdam for family we had no family on near new york or on the east coast we were constantly flying to the west coast or to europe to visit family my parents i think are very excited about us coming home because they had given up they thought we were never going to do it they did the dutch don't seem to be the naturally uh optimistic type again again three well this move uh must be a big adventure for them i mean you know they've got two little kids they don't have a job in the netherlands uh i mean that must be that must be difficult and they must have you know so many nerves about that yes it's slightly nerve-wracking because jason cannot stay or work here unless i find this elusive job in time for us to request this permit i worked in government in new york city so i'm hoping to transfer that experience here and work either for the city or just for the national government a bit nervous about working in dutch i you know i haven't lived in this country for 15 years 15 yes so my dutch is maybe a little bit rusty for me you know i've worked for um a really large beauty company based in new york uh for a long time i think there are other big companies in amsterdam i think it's just a matter of time yeah but i'll definitely find something here for sure oh good positive vibes yeah his ongoing optimism can be a bit much for my uh for my dutch nature we've come back a lot over the years to visit vira's family and i love amsterdam it's it's definitely my favorite european city with the canals the boats the bicycles yeah i think amsterdam is going to be much more laid back than new york i don't have to sell it to you guys yeah that's so convenient we've been planning to come for 15 years so we've been dreaming about this yeah so you're ready yeah yeah okay so if you look around um you'll find yourself right in amsterdam in the middle of the hustle and bustle you see a lot of shops a lot of restaurants you can really see the amsterdam lifestyle and really feel it as well yeah it's about a 15 to 20 minute bike ride to the kids schools okay but also it's a very family-friendly neighborhood there's a lot of expats around as well so i think this this neighborhood has a lot to offer i'm not sure the kids could play outside on their own here it's a little busy it's made me a little busy but i think it's very charming i love the architecture i love the trees i mean it doesn't get more dutch than this right so the property i'm going to show you is actually located right here it's on the ground floor um if you look you see it's old but then again the inside is completely new it's two bedrooms it has a garden wow there's a small catch uh it's a little above what you're willing to spend this one is actually fifteen hundred dollars a month a little higher but might be worth it it could be worth it so let's go in great great uh amazing that we might be able to get a backyard in this location we could never have that in new york city we're going to the kitchen first because i know you want an updated kitchen wow wow wow wow i like how big the sink is the faucet's nice so the kitchen has a dishwasher oven big fridge um basically everything you need and more i don't see that much in amsterdam i know wow that's great holy cow you in heaven yeah that's great that's awesome there's a lot of space for you to cook definitely definitely i mean this is perfect twice the size of what we have in new york so easily yes well there's so much more to see so let's go okay into the living room again very modern very new but has old elements sliding bars okay yeah sure classical elements yeah well this table is great it's big enough for the four of us for sure and for oman oppa when they come over yeah manopa too yeah yeah great that's a nice family couch yeah let's go look at the backyard because that's really just very exciting it is a dirt patch it's an outside space in amsterdam it has a lot of potential you can tell that she's very excited to move back to the netherlands but i think he's a bit nervous so i'll show you the main bedroom that's nice it opens out to the it's nice as a part in the garden yeah we actually had a bigger bedroom in new york yeah i mean it's an amsterdam apartment what is this space this would be the kids room i don't know how you put two kids in this room where do you put all their stuff all their clothes it's it's right in the middle of amsterdam it has a garden and has a great updated kitchen and you can't really have it all but then again maybe that's not what they really want you know so i want to show them something different that's a little more outside of amsterdam and also very family friendly as you can see everything is just one or two years old it's very modern very new it's really nice i mean it's a unique feature to have an apartment right on the water but it's also maybe is it too quiet we lived in new york city i'm ready for something different [Music] look how big their ears are i think i'll just maybe we love living in new york but with a family living in the city it was just getting a little harder all the time and we found that as the kids got older we weren't doing the things in new york that you lived there for but i'm i'm also really excited about a change in our lifestyle these are my new best friends my new dutch friends uh yeah jason is not he's not who i imagined i would end up with he is very american he likes being the center of attention all i have to do is take out the one holding the tray you want to throw the other one i like to laugh a lot all the time and you don't watch comedies i just watch detective shows and yeah you know watch people die yeah but i also i'm looking forward to i think that that should have a very good balance between work and family life yeah so i'm also looking forward to really taking full advantage of that i'm gonna be at home for a while while i'm waiting for my visa paperwork and while i'm looking for work my main job is going to be taking care of the kids so you'll be a proper dutch dad on your bike biking the kids to school yeah that's i yeah i guess that's the gig you know i'm trading in uh my metro card for the subway for a dutch bike i guess yeah yep very different in a good way yeah do you like change i always say in job interviews i say yes i'm great with change i know that pharah wants to be in household in boston but then again she also wants a family life so right now we are in dima which is a suburb of amsterdam it's a uh as you can see a new build area i say balconies that's that's nice yeah everything is just one or two years old it's very modern very new it's really nice it doesn't really have the dutch charm though it has a canal so i'm i'm positive so yeah but there's still some shops around um supermarkets and other than that it's actually very close to the kids school it's just a five-minute bike ride so that's perfect yeah wow that could be really handy and listen it's so quiet very different from new york yes so the apartment i'm going to show you is actually in this building okay okay um gotta tell you up front the price is 16.15 per month so wow yeah now that is a bit high for it it's two bedrooms it has a great balcony uh it's very new so i think you'll like the place maybe it's worth it i'm sure it's worth it i've always been the money earner but i'm also a bit of the spender wow we'll go into the main bedroom first big bed these are some big windows these are really nice the first thing you see it's not a big room but it's practical yeah so let me show you the bathroom because that's really nice it's modern and it has a tub look double sinks that is a huge tub very exciting every girl needs a top give it a go oh yeah should we see if the water works definitely not this is great for the kids yeah no that's a big plus for them so let me show you where the kids will sleep that's in this room wow a bunk bed not a lot of space to play yeah um so the kids can play in the living room it's so bright it has a lot of natural light coming in wow that's a lot of windows that's great it's a good living room i can tell you that this feels bigger than our living room in new york and look how bright it is i mean look at this wow so many windows they're huge it's quiet here and it's maybe it's too quiet how far is it to the city center it's actually not that bad it's just a 20-minute bike ride to the city center of amsterdam no i'm not i like the city all right how about the kitchen this is nice it's small yeah it has everything you need dishwasher that's good all right wow do i need to say more the balcony looks great yes the tier is ready it's really pretty i like it i mean it's a unique feature to have an apartment right on the water but the neighborhood is a bit too suburban for me okay i can see the appeal but i'm not ready to let go of amsterdam quiet i think for vera that's disappointing for me i think it's really great to be this close to this kid's school especially going there back and forth by bike living here will be an adjustment for him but moving is hard the location in the city is great but this move is actually more about family to me but what about the rent [Applause] this is a really cool park no the dutch know how to do their playgrounds it's a lot more adventurous than you would see it is new york it's kind of dangerous i think i'm the dreamer and she's the dream killer she's he means that i'm a bit more realistic about what we can and cannot do or should and shouldn't do what did you think about the the rooftop apartment it's beautiful i love the natural light i love the wooden floors i know it's on a top floor with a lot of stairs but i think that makes it like extra special the stairs make it special you get all the natural light because it's on the high floor what about the backyard apartment the location in the city is great it really speaks to me i really feel at home there it's the amsterdam i remember it's great to have the backyard space we've always wanted that but it's not a backyard it is not ready to go it's not a backyard yet but the new apartment in demon i thought was really nice the windows were great um i mean so much natural light everything was brand new which makes it really low maintenance of the three properties it's the most move-in-ready the rent is so high that we go through our savings a bit more quickly and also it feels like it's in the suburbs [Music] the one that i think we should take off the table is the backyard apartment that second bedroom well you make a good point there that kid's room was just too small so i think we're on opposite sides here i like the rooftop department a lot the kitchen was new yeah had a great flow with the rest of the living room i like that family couch the big dining table but that was a lot of stairs it's in the middle of the city and that to me was very special plus it's below what we were willing to spend so that's amazing yeah but this move is actually more about family to me and i think that the new build in dima the time that we'll save five minutes to the kid's school the only one with a bathtub and we can go to amsterdam all the time it was just 20 minute bike ride life with kids is a little different and our daily logistics are much easier in that apartment than they are in the rooftop department so you're okay with the new build edema if you find a great job yes awesome okay i'm really excited about that one great [Music] yeah my my fear of living too far away from the city actually has been unfounded because within 20 minutes we're in the heart of the city we're very close to where the kids go to school it's been i think especially lovely for jason to spend all this time being part of their daily lives i found a job in the meantime which has been really really great which means that i'm now able to work and i'm excited about it thank you you're welcome so the apartment has been very comfortable it really was move-in ready for us and right because of those big windows it's completely changed our family dynamic and it's been great
Channel: House Hunters TV
Views: 11,362
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Id: bueVM2ZL0yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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