House Flipper 2 - Part 1 - The Beginning

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what's up guys and welcome to the start of a brand new series here on the channel this my friends is house flipper 2 very very excited about this one we started playing house flipper back in 2018 and I absolutely loved it it's one of the more chill just like viby games that we play just get to sit back relax have some fun be creative and uh the sequel is even better we played the like preview demo a couple months ago Graphics are way better there's way more freedom and and material and changes that you can make so very excited for this they've even got like a fully fledged story mode now so we're just going to hop right into it starting up a brand new house flipping career we'll see how this goes see how qualified your boy is oh good morning 6: a.m. don't know if I love that welcome to pinov looks like we may have just moved in got our suitcase here no matter what happens remember that I love you that's sweet Tom Marino's calling us look who's decided to message me after all these years so you're interested in house flipping and you came back to good old pinov to find a job like that uh yeah the job of the coast from the the preview that we did the renovation you asked about wasn't just an example you actually wanted to work on the Driftwood house well then I'm afraid I don't have good news for you the Town Council put turning it into a community center on hold interesting I think this might be Mom's house here uh what happened that it was due to financing issues but later just listen after the first crew left inovation half finished someone named it the ugliest house on this side of the coast it quickly became a new tourist attraction you know great for a funny social media post of course the locals aren't thrilled about the whole situation they would rather have a proper Community Center yet the Town Council have decided to keep it as it is for now well that's unfortunate but it could be a long-term uh goal maybe for the Driftwood house but not for you there are other job opportunities it so happens that I can offer you one what do you say better be getting paid Tom would you help an old friend for free just kidding of course I'll pay you and the job is pretty simple just cleaning a small house just cleaning I can do more than that bud but it's always better to start small I'll send you an email with the job's details okay you'll see it's a great way to jump start your house flipping career don't forget to check your mailbox okay so it looks like we moved home first jobs waiting open up the emails have us saw the computer in the kitchen it looks like this was like our childhood home maybe Mom has moved out it's kind of in a bit of disrepair but it's not terrible I mean the these are choices on the walls the birds and the zebras and the everything else going on orange and blue polka dot cabinets as an AI ey fan will take it but yeah it looks like this is our kind of starting point here you know we're not starting get a shed like we did in the first game so we're going to be able to fix this up over time and we got to start little by little with our first job here in the pinov suburb so this is from Tom uh hey I've been tasked with selling this little house but right now it's a total mess I need someone trusted to help me clean it up I worked with the new interior designer for the first and last time she over decorated the house and left the windows open to let the fresh a in which wouldn't be that bad if only a raccoon didn't take it as an invitation to pay a visit the aftermath is in the pictures if you're looking for a chance to flip a house this one really needs it overall simple job Easy Money welcome back to town so we can kind of get a preview of what we're looking at oh gosh yeah he came in he knocked over some plants and stuff scratch behind the TV we might have to get some paint brushes out okay we can handle this let's begin the job we going to start off as a house cleaner obviously can't flip from the the bottom up right away but we're we're going to get there so yellow our Quest you could check tab yada yada yeah we we played the preview before I think I should have this I mean this this is nice the graphics are so good in this game now going to get started here I would imagine probably starting collecting trash out front get all this picked up this guy set up and then we can throw our trash in there do we have uh got a little cleaner here we can get this muuk up off the ground curb appeal is one the most important pieces of flipping a home looks like that's the front yard complete we're going to be able to go up top here oh gosh okay so this this is our method of Entry here he knocked over the plant so we're going to reset that back up broke this flower pot so we're going to take care of that let's clean the rest of this dude the graphics looks so good climbed his way in the window looks like we can get some of the table and stuff here pick up the trash on the table all right are we good here we have one more stain right there got it all right that's complete inside the home this is where oh man all right we've got a Lou laugh love sign on the wall so that is very unique uh apart from that I actually really like the decorations the the green chair is interesting blue rug blue couch really not afraid to pop some color in here that's something I want to work with on this series feel like we did a lot of white and black modern which is great I really love that but definitely want to try to get a little bit more varied in our opportunities in this one just GNA slowly work our way through so it's interesting there's like mean we had a skill tree before but there's way how do we get to it there are way more perks and stuff in this game and like it it's so much deeper you're still flipping houses obviously but there's just a lot more going on look at this we've even got a harder bristled brush for rugs and then we've got like a a cloth for hardwood floor that's a nice little touch there got our scanning ability looks like we can just rub the scratch marks off the wall which is good start picking up some of this stuff get this guy in the corner where do we think I mean somebody fishes for sure maybe we put this up here Rd system is nice all right so we got that let's go ahead and try to get the rest of this trash here oh got our first trash bag we're going to have to pick this up Kobe beautiful the TV is not damaged unfortunately I can't do much about that oh my gosh being able to Center things now is going to be so nice all right so we got that I'm imagining this is probably here somebody's flipflop I mean we could probably put these by the door set them up like that we got a plant down in the corner and we're definitely going to have to clean up underneath that get these boxes back on the shelves here those are kind of interesting they look like like quartz or something if this one was was flipped upside down I don't know how he managed that but he did dude look at all the like individual books and stuff oh my gosh we're going to be able to go so ham this looks a little off-kilter so we'll set that up I I hate live laugh love signs dude I I don't think I've ever met a single person who has one of those it's like nice hopefully none of you guys have one but I feel like anybody who's a live laugh lover is is not a liver laugher or lover most of the time get the vase set up in the the middle of the table there let's looks like cook monster stole from the cookie jar so we're going to want to get this set up back in the corner he actually got into multiple of them so homie at least he got a a good meal out of it right clean up these floors here oh my goodness dude look at the Cabinetry look at like all the little sponges and everything there's just so much detail compared to where we used to be so let's check how have we done we need to go into our quests uh we're done in this room oh it wants us to sell things should tell us with this thing what do you want me to sell that guy down there okay are these broken is that why it looks like that I did think those were kind of a little weird looking it looks like they're they're broken all right so it wants us to get rid of all of those wants us to get rid of the paddle and the fish okay so we're we're getting rid of the fish he said she over decorated I I get it now he wants to get rid of some of the the handiwork that she put in a fish I don't know why you would sell this this looks great this is the house he was talking about in his intro Beauty turned Beast check out pinac CO's ugliest house it found an equally mysterious buyer interesting all right hopefully eventually we're going to be able to take that project on but how are we looking in here we've got some more stains and some windows that need to be cleaned Yep looks like he he tried to do some work on this one so we're going to get the cleaner out we're going to clean the window one of the most satisfying things you can do here in house flipper oh my goodness dude this game just jollies my jammies do we see Okay so we've got these guys in here got that wants us to sell the live laugh love and the vase I agree get rid of that thing and then the vase I think we put here yep that thing's done do we want to sell the shoes nope shoes are staying and it looks like we're done in this room all right moving back here we're going to grab our trash bag we should probably just kind of run through let's just pick up all the trash maybe oh you can finish the job we're not done yet job's not done there's a star for you that means your client is happy with your work you can finish the job now and get paid but note you have one out of three if you keep going you'll get more stars make them happier and earn even more your boy doesn't cut it short we're going to get in here we're going to try to pick up all the trash we're going to clean everything just do it all in a row we go in here does this actually have anything want to get rid of the fish really not a fan of the the fish stuff I guess I don't blame them look at how all the the furniture you can actually like open and close that's impressive even these if they open up into the chair you can't open them so you got to move the chair and then you should be able to open it that's yeah this is so much better fish trophy gone I mean I I like fishing don't get me wrong I don't mind that at all but to to put it all around a house that you're trying to sell I just feel like that's not going to Vibe with some buyers so we can put that there wants us to get rid is that this oh it's that no seashells on the wall I mean I I kind of like the seashell not going to lie get on our hands and knees here make sure we get all this cleaned up yeah the little guy just he he came in the front door got some snacks went in the living room tore up the TV and then ran out through the the back bathroom door we should probably shut those and it looks like we got to clean that thing as well just a little bit of dirt on the exit but honestly he you know it could have been worse let's get some candles over here got to love some different colored and shap shaped candles what that's just kind of like a little table that's interesting all right we can get some more maybe a candle next to toilet paper pink toilet paper is a choice I don't know if it'd be my first choice but it is a choice got a basket here I mean maybe a basket up on the window where would you put a a basket maybe ah there under there oh we tore up this bedroom door too but we can fix that really quick that's nice dude that's a nice door with the wood paneling in there the varied colors and to end things off we're going to get rid of some of the extra stuff looks like we're just getting rid of the nautical theme in total which honestly I don't hate the nautical theme but I guess it doesn't really Vibe with this house I love this house all the colors this is nice make sure we shut up before we leave don't want that same thing happening again and uh voila look at that that is our first house complete going to earn 2100 credits we got a three star that's what I'm talking about looks good we have some before and afters oh there's there it is right there okay no before and afters but we got it done give me a call Tom I'm ready for something better something bigger something more intense we honestly could probably start picking up our uh our mom's place here it you know it's it's not terrible but it it just needs a little bit of work we got some stains outside and stuff we wouldn't take pride in where we live I feel like we could maybe sell this whole thing doesn't really make sense I really liked building up our own personal space but yeah in the last one like being able to buy new houses and building up your own personal space and just kind of being being proud of where you're from was was nice we can't get the leaves there we've got a dogghouse in the back I like that see what we got going on over here I kind of like the log got a little mushroom growing in there I don't I don't mind that little generator or something on the side of the house okay we don't have a lot of stuff unlocked yet so there's not a whole lot we can do but we can at least pick up a little bit some molden mildew here on the driveway take care of all that get all these old papers this thing must have sat vacant for a while and Mom's letting us take over sorry about the trash she says it's all good M don't worry about it I'm going to take care of it baby we're we're going to get this thing looking nice we're going to finish her up I feel like you know what let's just get rid of this I will save the tools but a lot of this stuff is outdated here so let's just get rid of all of it get the mess cleaned up here a look at that yeah see it's starting to come together all old dust and mold and mildew and everything else we just you know we're polishing a bit of a turd here but it's it's going to be fine I'm not going to lie it's it's it's kind of a Vibe it's not my choice but the the yellow zebra wallpaper is kind of a Vibe like I I I could see somebody really appreciating this as we start to get all the gunk and and mildew off this this is nice I don't know if this is the best use of our time right now but I definitely see you know there there's some potential here this could be really cool so let's just let's move forward we're going to take on our own at some point once we have more money and tools and stuff uh Tom says hello again thanks for last time since you did so well I have another job for you I help my friend buy a new home and it seems she needs help unpacking her stuff you can read the message by yourself so we forwarded hi Tom love the house so cozy I lived in my old place for so long I forgot how much work comes with moving houses where does all this stuff come from to be honest I wish I could hire someone to do the unpacking for me actually that's not a bad idea do you know somebody all right got to work our way up not going to be able to go straight into remodeling houses off the bat and uh now we're unpacking for people this should be interesting going to start with the trash here always start with the trash the curb appeal is always important I don't know who's wearing these dirty boots all over the place but we got to find them and we got to end their life cuz it creates a lot of work for us I mean this is a a look I kind of like it to June how how you doing you've got a very Pink House un packing person right uh At Your Service that's so nice of you you're about to improve my life so much I couldn't find time to do the unpacking yet oh and the thing is I'm calling to apologize for the state of the place it's a bit messy that's all right I didn't expect Tom would find help so fast I didn't even think about cleaning up on my way out or you know what since you're already dealing with my stuff maybe you could clean the house as well already on it June I true Angel you know that wow I can't believe I'll come to a clean organized house today no more living out of boxes yay thanks so much for everything have a wonderful day bye that sounds really nice I'm not going to lie and it's something that I have never been able to do I did that you know moving into a new place just having somebody do all the work for you and unpack and clean and just get it all done I feel like you know I feel like it's a a right of passage into your new home of doing that but it'd be very nice that's for sure not to have to so uh let's see what some of our our objectives are we've got trash and unpack boxes so we can put things wherever we want I've always wondered how that works cuz this is you know this is a very common service obviously some of the big stuff is really easy you pick it up you know a TV from somebody's house and you move move it over to a new place and you just put in the living room again but some of the little Trinkets and stuff would be kind of fun to figure out places for it to go I guess the boxes are kind of already in the right spots too so I'm just going to try to get all the trash picked up first got a bunch back here there's a for sale sign obviously going to be getting rid of that we got a vacuum here can I use this don't think I can use that this our back door I love that things like interact with each other there's not phasing through and stuff like the this is legit she's got green light switches a pink and green house this is a choice start by tidying up a little bit we're going to get your chairs tucked into your bar here get your slippers tided up it does say we've got two pieces of trash in here that we want to get rid of is that this no I can't seem to find whatever else we want to get rid of maybe we'll find it as we start to unpack things I guess let's open this oh okay okay take the item out this is like a little little Cube thing we can put put that up there we've got another item get you a nice little tic TCT toe thing going on we got a one with a door we can put on the top side here sure we get it nice and even all right is that going to count as as trash nope how do we how do we get rid of this can we sell it just move it out of the house maybe got a little box here let's see what we've got going on all right little vases and stuff so it kind of shows you about where it one stuff to go this is obviously in front of this bookshelf so we're going to put all the things in here get this guy put him out front can I put a box in a box I can't so I'm just going to put them down there we've got these little are these llama statues little culty but I guess it's okay could put this guy in there we could put this guy up here got a lot of boxes in the kitchen so we're going to hop into this we got a pan I guess we could throw this on the stove we could put stuff like in here let's put your your pans away so you've got a nice clean countertop I me one pan on the stove isn't bad but if we start filling up every single thing that's when it starts to get a little questionable this can be your pots and pans area here dude this is the fact that you can put things inside things is really really cool I don't know how to get rid of these boxes but I want them out of the house so we're just going to keep doing that got some little boxes here let's just open all this up all right we've got little containers for your flower and whatever else get all these guys lined up assuming we're going to have a lot of these so let's just little cookbook action 101 uses for dough tomatoes and basil interesting get that guy out of there let's see what we've got in here all right little blender action or coffee maker sorry maybe put this here start your morning wake up with some folders in your cup we got a microwave is this going to fit underneath it doesn't maybe microwave over in the corner Ah that's how you get rid of them you reclose them okay reuse recycle we aren't going to waste around here last little box probably going to have some cups and trinkets got some cups we'll put cups up top here some of these are like flower pots and others are like coffee cups all right so that's all good to go can definitely tidy up a little bit more here we could put your plates and stuff away can you stack plates you can't stack plates that'd be pretty cool oh you totally can stack plates just kidding dude that that is amazing all right so that's up there I love your little Vine thing up here I really chelse I've been talking about we really want to get a ton more um like plants and Greenery and stuff so we're working on that soon excited to uh to add that to our house looks like this is a candle you can maybe put this under here put your sponge in the sink jar would maybe go over here with these guys little stash box I don't know what you put in this but we're going to put that on top of the microwave maybe you'd like that with your coffee I don't know so things are looking good in here it says we've got one more box in this area we're just going to keep going back here in the bedroom see what we got going on first of all let's get this luggage inside the closet nice and organized we've got what is this a candle yeah that's a candle so we could put that there we've got a wall clock maybe put that over here just going to throw paintings on the wall or pictures on the wall for now cuz I'm not sure how many we have so we're going to wait and oh you can finish the job I'm not done yet job's not finished we're going to get it done all right we've got some books to put on our bookshelf got to love a girl who reads Chelsea's been a obsessed with that lately she's really like she's always enjoyed reading but she's really been putting some hours in on her Kindle lately I'm happy for she's enjoying it see what we have going on here a vase maybe put this let's get this guy and put him in here oh my gosh the fact that you can stack that is amazing we can shut that and look at that nobody they're wiser just kidding it's not going to fit like that so we'll put it like this so we can close the doors all the way it's actually pretty cool luggage too all right have this a little whale okay and some fish and that's got to be a rra I'm going to say let's put the fish here let's take this whale that's kind of a fun little side piece on the the side table here let's get these nice and centered you can hear the clock ticking that is amazing all right so this room is complete looking good I'm a little concerned about this area cuz it says we're missing two pieces of trash and one box I do the scan thing and I'm not seeing it bro what you can open it tell me you could put oh missed opportunity you can open up the shoe cabinet but you can't actually put the shoes in the shoe cabinet like that that would have been insane that's cool though all right so that's done there we've got the bathroom coming up next let's open this stuff up just start pulling stuff out we got a rubber ducky we've got mascara maybe I don't yep nail polish all right got some nail polish and stuff I think we're going to be putting a lot of this stuff in oo some perfume let's just start putting these away in the uh handy dandy drawers so we don't have to look at this perfume I feel like should should stay out well it does look like she's got it lined up in the basket so I think that's where she wants it I would prefer to have stuff neatly organized in drawers and out of sight when you don't need it but to each their own can we put your toothpaste in here we can't put your toothpaste in there but we can stand it up next to it so we'll put put that there we'll get your toothbrush oh man if you could put it in the toothbrush holder that would be so clutch we'll put it right there for now we're going to put the rubber duck Over Yonder I really like that when you pick up a group of things it picks it up as a whole that's pretty nice we'll try to put this up here if we can looks like we're going to have some toilet paper rolling in so we're going to get some extra toilet paper set up never know when you're going to need more soldiers so we're all good to go there we've got some face moisturiz and all right there it is that's the bathroom done again I don't know what we're missing our three star I really want our three star I'm just going to run around and start clicking on everything we got sandals everywhere we look oh there's there's the box right there okay honestly this is a pretty clutter desk already so I'm just going to you know this is an arts and crafts desk you aren't going to have that too organized what could we put trash in oh that was it we had to unpack the trash and get rid of it I think I don't know bam second job done love it let's go ahead and finish that thing out let's get paid $2,400 backto back three stars your boy is the ultimate made all right we're back at the crib we've got good and bad news the good news is we've got two jobs one of which actually gets our hands dirty we're going to be transforming the Forgotten dungeon under the living quarters but I'm not going to take that one yet we're going to go with this my ex- roommates mess broke me hi my roommate moved out recently my brother will be living here at his place but the state of the bedroom I can't let let him move in while it looks like that so could you clean it up I don't even know where to start so we're going to go take care of this for this guy you know again I kind of like that we're starting small we're proving our worth I mean this is a really cool looking house dude all right looks like we've got a bunch of trash out front so we're just going to clean this up for you you're going to start a new life with your brother moving in I'm excited for you guys nothing better than family let's get it all cleaned up for you looks like the the roommate left in a hurry huh just going to scrub the tire tracks off the driveway here he was not very happy we got a perk Point that's what I'm talking about got to start unlocking some perks but yeah I like that we're you know we're getting the the basic missions out of the way here obviously it's going to be a lot more fun to make some design choices and stuff but this is super chill I actually kind of kind of enjoy we've played power wash simulator we've played all kinds of weird stuff so big old oil spill here these books are uh tutorials and stuff we already know about those I didn't know if those would maybe give us new tools we have so many tools we need to get we need to get painting the spackling looks like we've got electricity knocking things down building things and vacuuming the vacuum we really need or some sort of a leaf blower or something to take care of all the leaves all right we want to get rid of the tires and all the newspapers in here and then also pick up the trash so we're going to just get rid of all this stuff might as well sell it over just getting rid of it in a trash bag if we can we've got tire marks where the tires leaned up against the wall that's impressive looks like we've got a couple pieces of trash we can throw away here let's close up our Uh current trash bag that looks good all right can I I wouldn't mind moving this entire thing and centering it for you looks pretty solid all right we can uh move on into the bedroom he said was bad right we got a little kitchen here dude this place is really nice look at this so this must be the guy that that had issues with his roommate dude I I love this red in a bedroom is is not normal red inspires hunger doesn't it looks like this is our oh yeah okay dirty roommates nothing worse than that and this must be the bedroom over here oh my God Steven Steven here the unfortunate owner of the house you've agreed to clean so how are you doing you're still up for the job right or did the garbage dump in my roommate's room scare you off oh my God uh I mean no trash is going to defeat me but this is gross I felt defeated right after I opened the door so I closed it immediately but to the point I have one more request I had a microwave which disappeared mysteriously some time ago if you'd find it in his room could you move it to the kitchen I have it since I went to college it would be a Pity to lose it now I feel you bro I uh well um I'll do my best so I asked Jack my roommate about the microwave once he said he had no idea what happened to it and since he also didn't like me entering his room and I don't like confrontations I just let it go he paid the rent on time so I turned a blind eye to his Shenanigans but since he's gone I'd like to get my microwave back if it's still there of course all right well I'm I got you bro I'm going to look for it always says I should stand up for myself but it's not really in my nature and in the end it turned out okay right I mean jack won't cause me any more problems the mess in the bedroom is the last one and it's taken care of thank you for that and for the possible recovery of my microwave have a nice day no promises here but I'm going to do my best dude this is disgusting look at this room what what is that dried hard stuff on your bed sir what's all this on your chair he's got a triple monitor set up with some lotion next to his keyboard he's got wee posters all over the place heart flipper bro what is going on this is disgusting no entry all right we're underway this this is going to take a while but don't you worry this is crazy look he's like a young professional he's got his MacBook his computers everything is that a journal oh he's journaling every day even better he's got plants all over the place very well put together look at him he's nice and organized and then this is what he's got going on next door and he doesn't have the backbone to be able to defend himself that's just sad man you got to take care of yourself there's the microwave right there found it I was wondering if it was going to be under the desk so we can take oh no the kitchen's upstairs isn't it we can put the microwave in the kitchen homie took the microwave and you didn't say a word that that's despicable all right we're just going to I mean I don't even really have to look to do anything here you just click and and blindly turn around and you're going to be able to pick stuff up we got broken pots we got kettles we've got oh God the chair is just the chair and the bed I just I feel uncomfortable in here there's nothing worse than a dirty roommate dude I hate it it it's it's hard to deal with I've had a couple of them throughout my years and it's it's just I mean I'm not I wouldn't say I'm the cleanest person in the world and I'm I'm trying to get better at I'm trying to get not I'm not unclean I'm clean but I just sometimes I tend to not hoard but I just hold on to things more than I should and it it adds to a little bit of clutter and it's tough especially as like a YouTuber just cuz I get so many PR packages and things we have a stop sign in here but I get so much mail and there's just so much stuff that comes and I'm like oh I might use this one day and then I put it away and then all of a sudden it's you know finds its way onto a shelf somewhere and I just I'm trying to cut back on that a little bit but um this is a whole another level butt sweat stains and whatever that oh that come on dude that is so great just sell the bed can we sell the bed it's not going to let me sell the bed it should that's disgusting all right we're going to have to uh I'm going to open this up we're just going to take all these trash bags we're going to shoot these down the hall get them outside little water jug thing do you want me to put this maybe in the fridge oh you got a birthday cake in the fridge happy birthday bro just kidding I think he wanted me to sell that all right so we're I think we're selling almost everything in here not the desk but we're selling the PC the plants the board games I'm just going to try to see what we can sell here ooh the speakers the TV Monopoly I don't know about that I would have kept some of that stuff at least but like look at this dude this is disgusting let's make sure we clean this window oh yes bro didn't clean a window since 1992 what is this the most satisfying part of this game oh my gosh I love doing the windows and a one here all right that's all good to go let's see where we're at want to sell a couple of rugs we've got some more trash and some more stains so all the rugs are going do we see the stains oh stains in here okay all right I think we're good to go bathroom is is good right we've got one stain somewhere a little footprint got that all right we're going to be able to uh shut this up shut his room looks good kitchen's all good to go don't have anything in here and then we're going to take the trash out and finish this off make sure we get rid of the uh the Clutter there and there all right can we shut your garage door shut that door shut this door and that my friends is another three star $2,900 so we're making money we're leveling up we got three stars and stuff but the question is can we actually flip some houses we're going to find out on the next episode of House Flipper 2 thanks for watching guys I'll see you in the next one peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 309,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house flipper 2, house flipper, house flipper 2 gameplay, house flipper game, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, house, flipper, flipping, rehab, house flipping, money, make money, make money house flipping, house flipper 2 steam, house fipping, house flipper gameplay, house flipper 2 game, house flipper 2 ps5, house flipper 2 sandbox, house flipper 2023, house flipper 2 review
Id: xIMPO89yAlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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