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dr bishop henry davenport iv and first lady dr pamela davenport solomon's temple is located at 2341 east seven mile road detroit michigan 482-34 in nashville true way church is located at 2715 clarksville pike nashville tennessee 3720 now let us prepare our hearts and minds as we go into the sanctuary to worship and to receive a word from the lord [Music] [Music] jesus promises [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] me [Music] don't have to worry [Music] [Music] he'll make everything all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll make everything [Applause] [Music] everything all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't have to worry [Applause] is [Music] [Music] he'll make everything all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't have to worry [Music] [Music] [Music] everything all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus christ [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh you can call them in the morning you can call them in the middle of the night hallelujah don't matter his line is never busy because jesus promised he'll take somebody ought to give the lord a hand praise he promised he promised he promised he'll take care of you in the name of our lord jesus christ welcome to solomon's temple again amen the church in the heart of the city with the people of the city in his heart uh where the anointing makes the difference we're pastored by bishop henry davenport first lady is pamela davenport also to our sister church some of you may be watching from nashville good morning to you all right those that are watching by social media and the parking lot the parking lot in detroit and some may be watching from nashville it's time to sow a seed amen hallelujah let's give the lord a hand praise for that many ways to sow a seed you can look at the screen you can give by giblify cash app and you can raise your hand if you're out in the parking lot or you're in the sanctuary someone will be along to help you in the name of our lord jesus christ let us have a word of prayer before we do that lord jesus christ we thank you for this senior day a day where we bless our seniors and lord they have been a blessing to us down through the years we love our seniors today we love them lord oh god in the name of jesus christ we ask for your blessings on this offering we ask you to bless those that have to give those that have not in jesus name amen and amen god bless you in jesus name [Music] so [Music] i've learned to pray in and out of season for any time and for any reason prayer is the key faith unlocks the door if you believe it shall be done you hear every word you say and why you're calling he's on his way [Music] i've learned to pray in and out of season for any time church for any reason prayer is the key faith unlocks the door i said prayer is the key faith unlocks the door he'll hear every word you say and why you call him he's on his way [Music] [Music] he's on his way [Applause] [Music] thy holy name he'll hear every word you say and why you calling he's on his way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's always on the line he's gonna hear every word we say we need to call him he'll be on his way and pray i will fix it all you have to do is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he'll hear every word you say you call him god to be on his way and prayer [Music] [Music] locked in a roman chair had nobody to cold hair [Music] [Music] [Applause] remember when martha came running to jesus she said jesus if you hadn't been here my brother would not have died jesus said your brother will rise again father say i know in the resurrection jesus said [Music] jesus said [Music] jesus said [Music] show me [Music] [Applause] then jesus prayed a prayer i said jesus prayed a prayer he said father i know you hear me always and i thank you because you hit me always but i'm tested for the benefit of things that are standing here i want them to know that you sent me and then he called out he called out last night [Applause] [Music] came forth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got a problem you can't solve it get on your knees [Applause] get in your closet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all you have to do is [Applause] [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our father which i can heaven [Music] hallowed be thy holy name he'll hear every word to say i said he'll hear every word you say if you're in trouble he'll hear every word you say and when you call him and when you call him he'll be on the way because prayer [Applause] [Music] if you're in pain if you're lonely hmm [Music] amen we'll fix it every time let us all receive our senior assistant pastor bishop william hall let's give god a hand praise for him today [Music] hey [Music] oh yes lord brown fix it every time [Applause] [Music] did you not know that more things are wrought by prayer than the world has ever dreamed what is prayer bishop paul well song picked it up and says all it is is just having a little talk with jesus tell him in all about our troubles hey he knows but he still wants us to tell him he said ask it shall be given seek and we shall find knock and the door shall be opened nothing's like prayer hallelujah thank you jesus father god in the name of your dear son jesus christ the one who you sent into the world that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly able come up as we stretch our hands to thee in the name of jesus lord for no other help we know if thy withdraw thyself from us jesus whether shall we go lord you have the words to eternal life you have all power of heaven and earth in your hands hallelujah not only that but you rule in the armies of heaven and the earth beneath among the sons of men who who can stay your hand i'll save what does thou art you work according to your own good will and your own good pleasure and we give you thanks for that lord hallelujah oh jesus we love you today we love you lord we love you because you first loved us while we were yet in our sins lost and had no hope within you came hallelujah and you died for our sins according to the scriptures it was buried and rose again according to the scriptures hallelujah therefore it gave us hope beyond this life for your seer for your messiah for you have said in your word verily verily i say unto you he that heareth my word and believe it on him that has sent me have everlasting life and shall not come into judgment but has passed from death unto life hallelujah thank you jesus for settlement for saving my soul making me whole giving to me die great salvation so full and so free that's why i love you i love you i love you lord today and every day because you have cared for me in such a special way my heart my mind my soul belongs to you jesus because you paid the price for me way back on calvary hallelujah thank for you for all that you have done lord not only for what you have done but for what you're doing right now and for what you're going to do lord hallelujah oh jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you oh how can i say thank you for the things you have done for me lord things so undeserving yet you gave to prove your love for me [Music] the voices of a million angels cannot express my gratitude oh that i am and ever hope to be i owe it all to you jesus told to you be the glory thank you lord jesus precious name i pray amen amen and amen praise the lord everybody i just thank the lord this morning for being so good i was so blessed uh and i have to tell it on saturday about pastor who gave that how many heard him teach that class on this pandemic and the saints saturday y'all didn't hear that oh my goodness do you know we have a pastor that tops them all hallelujah the lord jesus christ bless my soul because this pandemic demon hallelujah is robbing us hallelujah changing lives causing problems in the world spiritually mentally physically financially and otherwise and what made it so wonderful that dear wife of mine hattie lee hall came behind with a testimony of the pastor was asked the question about this pandemic demon says should the saints take the shot oh my baby came crossed with a testimony she said she was afraid to take the shot but she prayed to the lord jesus christ hallelujah she was afraid of needles and the lord spoke to her in prayer and what he told her take the shot hallelujah now i know some people think the negative aspect of it and say well you ain't got no faith in god it's not that we don't have faith in god he gave us common sense isn't that right hallelujah thank you jesus so she topped the top the cake with that ice with that testimony you know the lord is good his mercy is everlasting in his truth and do it to all generations we are blessed here at solomon's temple i don't care what nobody say hallelujah because when the lord called pastor bono home yeah all souls got sad a lot of many souls got said what are we going to do now hallelujah you know we we're in the hands of jesus isn't that right hallelujah that's why i thank god today that i am one of his thoughts what you mean bishop call you one of his thoughts did not the scripture says those whom he foreknew now to know a thing it used to come from the mind thoughts comes from the mind and god has a mind so those whom he for knew he did predestinate and whom he be predestinated he called in whom he called he justified and whom he justified he glorified what can we say to these things if god be for us who can be against us i'm going to get to the word of god hallelujah i know you came to hear something from the lord and i'm going to give it to you right now that's what jesus i'm asking you to use me right now turn with us this morning as we give honor to the lord jesus christ and our wonderful pastor and his wife and to all of the saints of god and thank god for our uh church amen true way thank all of you all for tuning in to these listen to these two beautiful churches who are in two different locations but guess what we got the same address did you all know that same address and i think it's filed in the scriptures where it says for by one spirit are we all baptized into the one body first corinthians is that 12 13 hallelujah let us say amen all right this morning we want you to turn with us to the book of hebrews the book of hebrews and let us uh look at today uh i have a lot of notes here but let us go to i think it's verse 20 8 verse 28 and it reads thus listen to the word of god so christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them who look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation when i read that scripture i've been meditating on it and what jump kept jumping out to me i want to talk briefly today about those who look for him all right those who look for him the epistle to the hebrews the authorship and date are really uncertain excuse me the epistle is anonymous and has been ascribed to paul vonimus luke apollos and various other persons the most that we can be can be said is that the weight of opinion seems to favor the paulino authorship so we want to know what is the purpose of the book of hebrews the epistle was apparently written primarily to hebrew christians now catch this these converts were in constant danger of relapsing into judaism or at least of attaching too much importance to ceremonial observances the chief doctrine doctrinal purpose of the writer was to show the transcendent glory of the dispensation of the christian dispensation as compared with the old testament the word trend instant from webster's dictionary is existing apart from the material universe uh god all right well i have to give you classes on that okay all right now i just want to say briefly that in the book of hebrews the first chapter speaks of how that god in southern times spoke to the fathers by the prophets you know the word old testament prophets really were a blessing because they spoke of things that had not been documented in other words they spaked as they were moved by the holy spirit when they spoke of the coming of the messiah it came of them out of their mouth twofold in other words one line of prophecy spoke of him coming in weakness and humiliation as opposed to the other line of prophecy spoke of him coming reigning and overthrowing everything in other words he was coming in power and glory now these two line of prophecies spoke of jesus's coming now there are some key words in [Music] the epistle to the hebrews and one of them would be the word better the word better now above by following this word the reader will discover the main current of thought there were other words and phrases that occurred such as the word sit down set down now this was actually referring to christ's finished work all right because verse 3 spoke of jesus as who being [Music] the brightness of his glory in other words the radiance of god's glory and the express image of his person in other words the exact reproduction we think of the word reproduction we think of we can think of human beings first men adam amen all that descended from adam's adam was only people in the world we're only a reproduction of our parents all right and it says and upholding all things by the word of his power other words now care is the meaning of jesus not only sustaining the weight of the universe but also maintaining the coherence and carrying on the development hallelujah it says and when he had by himself purge all sins and he sat down uh at uh and he did sit down at the right hand of the majesty on high now this speaks of the finished work of christ and that the sacrifice was accepted by the father that means so much what jesus did on the cross was accepted by the father because by the fact of him being resurrected from the dead in fact jesus was the first one that was resurrected from the dead the raising of lazarus and even those who died before jesus died on the cross was not really a resurrection it was just being raised from the dead hallelujah what made jesus first one resurrected from the dead is because when he was resurrected hallelujah he was resurrected to die no more hallelujah in other words he was resurrected in immortality hallelujah never to die oh thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah i thank god today for this wonderful salvation as the scripture says for the grace of god that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men teaching us denying ungodliness and bullying us we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world hallelujah so when we look at the scripture again that says those that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation as actually speaking about the church and the rapture well there are those who do not believe that there is going to be a rapture because that's the next greatest advent hallelujah when might it take place it might take place before i get the next word out of my mouth when it's going to happen and what's going to be it's where it's going to be it's going to be when the god himself shall descend from heaven with a shout hallelujah and with the voice of the archangels and the dead in christ is gonna rise first then we which are alive and remain we gonna be caught up together with them in the clouds what are we going to do we're going to meet the lord in the air and so shall we forever be with the lord we are to comfort one another with these words hallelujah i'm looking forward to it oh thank you jesus i'm looking forward to today when this mortal body is going to put on a body of immortality that means no more death no more sin oh hallelujah no more sickness no more heartaches no more pains hallelujah oh thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah did you not know hallelujah that it is said hallelujah that when it comes amen to this old body it says though this earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved i got another not made with hands hallelujah thank god hallelujah that the bible also tells us of the resurrections hallelujah is there how many resurrections are there a lot of people don't know how many resurrections are there well john says i'll let you know how many resurrections there are he says the hour is coming into which all of those that are in the grace is going to hear his voice and come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation oh thank you jesus hallelujah so we look at the resurrection of life hallelujah how many parts does it have hallelujah does anybody know how many parts are to the first resurrection holiday because it speaks of one part it says blessed and whole is he that has a part in the first resurrection on such the second death has no power hallelujah so how many parts hallelujah the bible lets us know there are three parts and little do the world of christendom know a lot of people in the church don't know that a part of the resurrection has taken place already for the scripture says for now has christ risen from the dead and become the first troops of them that slept amen for since by death uh by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead for as in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive oh thank you jesus i'm looking forward to it hallelujah when jesus left here he said let not your heart be troubled ye believe in god believe also in me he says in my father's house of many mansions if it was not so i would have told you he says i go and prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again to receive you unto myself that where i am there ye may be also thank you jesus hallelujah oh yes lord many mansions many mansions many mansions oh thank you jesus hallelujah i'm going to look forward to it that's why i'm looking for him to come thank you lord hallelujah this pandemic demon hallelujah is not going to take my focus on looking for him to come i don't care what come what may hallelujah my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest phrase but holy lean on jesus name that's why on christ the solid rock i stand all other grounds is sinking sand hallelujah i thank god for this life hallelujah because paul says he says thus you are not in the flesh hallelujah but in the spirit he says so if the spirit of christ dwells within you he says if any man has not the spirit of christ he is none of his hallelujah that's why i'm glad i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ liveth in me hallelujah he liveth in me because there is a law of the spirit of life that is only in christ jesus this is the law that has made me free from the law of sin and death hallelujah made me free for the bible says for whomsoever the son set free is free indeed hallelujah so stay focused thanks holly you don't let go wait on the lord be of good courage be not weary and well doing because in due season we gonna faint if we and we're gonna reap if we fake not hallelujah thank you jesus luke's here your demon hallelujah oh yes lord i dare not trust as i say the sweetest phrase but holy lean on jesus name you know the lord has brought me a long ways hallelujah even though it's not about me it's about christ he has brought me a long ways here recently hallelujah not uh not too many years ago we had a revival here and uh bishop zioway was here and uh i was taking him home and the lord told me to go a certain way and i didn't listen wind up in an accident and to make a long story short the man actually ran the light i was making a turn on ryan and nine my road and i had the light the man was trying to make the yellow light and ran it and hit me and when he hit me amen uh i thought that uh i sat there because i thought it was going to get out nobody got out i thought he took off so i drove around the corner because it was construction there and i sat there and i sat there so hey man i went trump tried to go home but my left wheel wouldn't let me so i went back to the scene and the man had gone so i went to the police station and i told him i had been in an accident man sitting at the desk he called the officers who came to the scene but i wasn't there note now i have on my record now drunk driving and i hadn't had a drink since 1960 just to show you how the demon world that's why i thank god for the blood of jesus i went to the man to just sitting at the desk and he called the officers and he had to speak to them and i heard him plainly say what shall i do with him you know what evidently they didn't want to get themselves in trouble because they all wrote me up for drunk driving how you gonna write a person up for drunk driving and you never tested them huh hallelujah thank you jesus so they let me go i've been trying for all of these years to get it off my record because it was on my record they said they tell me the state once they write it up so you can see here where jesus intervened hallelujah he had to intervene because that's why jesus says if you walk by the way i'll lead you whatever is wrong i'll make it right before you it might be on my record here but it's not on my record on high hallelujah oh thank you jesus hallelujah lord i love you i love you i love you lord today we were my wife and my family and i was coming from church one night and uh we were in the car and all of us together was singing a song the windows of heaven are open fires falling tonight and we were just singing drove up this man drove up to the garage door on the side of my house over there on marks i got out of the car to open the garage door because it didn't have an automatic garage open and i bent over to open the garage door and before i knew it i was over on the side the power of god picked me up and put me over on the side of the garage my the car had went through the garage door and the garage door was up in the air and here i am on the side looking at all these scenes what happened is my wife was going to amen while i was open garage door she was going to slide up on the other side to help me in other ways driving on it and made a mistake and her purse hit the gearshift that i had left it in neutral and it started moving and in the excitement she reached from the uh passenger side to thought she had hit the brakes and she hit the accelerator and all she could see with that took off and i was under being drugged you tell me my jesus isn't real [Laughter] [Music] hallelujah oh thank you jesus oh i can have a story to tell that god is real i don't care what you're going through god is real hallelujah he's our protector oh yes lord use the job from my house over here on marx every morning at four o'clock still dark out there and as i was jogging down seven mile road i was going down all to mound road a car was sitting on the side amen loaded with guys and they saw me when i passed them so what they did they knew where i was going they went around and sat out there on persian's track waiting on me and i had no idea they was waiting on me hallelujah i went got my uh my you know rounds in and then i was as i was coming off the track they were still sitting there and they look all looked at me and you know what they said have a nice day the lord said they were gonna hijack you man oh god is real you can't tell me god won't make a way of you you can't tell me god won't steal through oh yes he will so be encouraged don't let what's happening now as i say take your focus off the coming of jesus christ now in my closing i want to make something clear because most people don't have it clear of god coming for us and god coming with us when it comes to the rapture and the resurrection the first resurrection the rapture is the second part of the first resurrection hallelujah and so being the second part of the first resurrection amen that makes it might happen any moment the third part is in the book of revelation when john says i saw the souls of them that was beheaded for the witness of christ who in the tribulation period that happens right after amend the rapture that in the tribulation period they the 144 thousand sealed jews 12 from each tribe would not take the mark of the beast hallelujah they said we're not gonna take your mug he says if you don't take my walk you won't be able to buy sale oh i'm gonna cut your heads off they said there it is cut the heads up so john says i saw the souls of them that was beheaded with the witness of christ amen they are the ones who concluded uh was at the the third part of the first resurrection that's why john says behold blessed and holy is he that has part uh on the first resurrection on such the second death has no power what is the second death here again i'm looking forward to jesus coming because not only amen is hell going to be put into the lake of fire so there will be no more hell hallelujah but the lake of fire is the second death oh thank god today jesus is coming hallelujah oh jesus is coming hallelujah he's coming dear hearts hallelujah that's why i thank him for all he has done all he's doing right now and for all that he's going to do yes my mind often goes to when brethren amen do you not know that the bible when we read it is written basically and primarily to the masculine i'm talking about m-a-n hallelujah that's why the writer pictured and said what is man what is this about man that thou art so mindful of him amen you don't see and read about angels being redeemed but man yes in fact what is man that i doubt our that thou art mindful of him are he will have made him a little lower than the angels well let me correct something today i'm not saying that the bible is wrong amen but the mistranslation hallelujah that word angels there should be translated elohim elohim and in the old testament elohim is never translated angels elohim is god so brotherly we are made a little lord and god hallelujah that's why the the reason the world that is in the shape it is in today is because of man hallelujah man he has messed up this him the human being and in the world and the world today until we are having uh the earth stick holding where this these things are coming from well i'm going to mention a little something here because i'm crossing a whole lot of a territory did you not know that our american history is very distorted i don't care nobody is very distorted because when i was in school the continents of the world the largest continent of the world according to american history i guarantee you most of you don't know going into measuring history asia biblically speaking that's a no no because when god created man it says in genesis 2 and 8 and god planted a garden eastward in eden so this is where civilization started in the garden of eden and at that time the so-called continent of africa is actually eden right and adjacent to it was what they call now the middle east which is saudi arabia the lands what you call them landscapers or whatever have you they divided the land they cut saudi arabia off from the so-called continent of egypt had they left it and it was originally adjacent to the so-called continent of africa according to biblical history asia is not the largest continent in the world eden is i say eden is you might as well say amen hallelujah thank god for the blood of jesus hallelujah oh thank you jesus lord i love you and i ask you that something said today to help somebody hallelujah to keep their focus on you to not let what all of us that is happening now take that focus off of your coming lord jesus christ hallelujah because you're soon to come and you have said in your word that you would that none perish but that all would come to repentance bless today only as you can jesus and we'll give you the glory honor and praises as we thank you for your blood your word and your precious spirit in jesus name i pray oh man amen and amen is that soul today who want to be saved the only way you're going to be able to be in that group that looked for him at the rapture not the revelation now because that the revelation is why we are coming with him in order to come with him he has to come and get us first his el sol here again in my closing the lord laid it on my heart very heavily to talk to one of my brothers before he passed i didn't want to bother him because he was a young man and it was about three him and his buddies was watching television and i didn't want to bother anybody watching television i says the lord wants you all to give yourself to him my brother was the only one responded you know what he told the last words i heard him say i'm not ready [Music] there is somebody here today who have heard the voice of god don't leave here because you don't know what's going to happen the next minute you're here today and gone tomorrow one thing is uh uncertain that is life all you hear anybody want to be saved out in the parking lot anyone want to be saved ministers will will baptize you today all right all right bless your hearts thank you jesus all right you have heard a man today that is myself who is blessed to be standing here because at the red cross at the veterans administration building they are still puzzled and even my buddies who i was over in korea with cannot understand how i am still living anytime a man has his brains knocked out of his head they say i actually when you got hit bill i actually saw your brains still living and wake up every morning in my right mind oh thank you [Music] thank you lord all right let us stand thank such wonderful words by our senior assistant pastor bishop william hall [Applause] amen certainly we want to take this opportunity to extend to you the opportunity if you would like to make solomon's temple your church home you can do so by taking the right hand of fellowship on this morning is there anyone amen that has received the holy ghost speaking with other tongues does the spirit of god give others that would like to make solomon's temple their church home on this morning you can come at this time amen and certainly we thank god for the wonderful words there's no need to fear in all of the testimonies that our assistant pastor has given of how god will take care of you and how god will see you through thank you for joining our solomon's temple and true way church family in worship today bishop dr henry and first lady dr pamela davenport along with our entire church family would love to welcome you with open arms if you're in the detroit area worship with us at solomon's temple located at 2341 east seven mile road if you're in nashville worship with us at true way church located at 2715 clarksville pike nashville tennessee 372 zero eight for a list of our weekly virtual services and various ways to give to this ministry please visit our website stcdetrey.com or truewaychurch.com you can also find us on giblify and cash out under solomon's temple church or true way church please be sure to verify our address once again thank you for joining us stay safe and be blessed
Channel: Solomon's Temple Church
Views: 436
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: xBLshG17R0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 17sec (4157 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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