Houdini Beginner Tutorial | Intro To Procedural Modeling (3+ Hours of free lessons)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a and welcome to the robow fundamentals course this is a really exciting course for the new Houdini users we really want to explore every aspect of Houdini and how you can generate geometry and create terrains and simulation and doing a little bit of Destruction and yeah we've got some nice effects going on so this is really full fully packed course and it's really touches on the basic level of each components of of how you would achieve a shot and what we want to really do with this course is give you a nice grounding and at the end of the day be able to for instance this turntable here we want to able to Output this and possibly in your own variation of the building and setup and we can you know come up with something that's really nice to present on your show as a a stepping stone into learning Houdini and yeah we've obviously got some nice effects so uh just going to the first uh couple of uh sessions in in what we're going to be learning we've got the actually this is probably going into like week one we're going to be modeling this building but if you haven't uh used it any at all and you're totally new we've got a week zero that's a online course as well and this is a uh full-fledged course of just exploring the interface and installing hini what versions to use so definitely check that out first if you have not uh explored or utilized hudini any anyway and then we'll work onto the first week which is creating one of these buildings and there's a couple of variations we can do but it's really about modeling this these shapes and and getting everything right and like I said it's a mixture between you know creating a procedural setup and then having a little bit of artistic control over the placements and really crafting the look and how we want to see things we'll move on further on to the next week and we'll start exploring adding assets to the building just for like decoration and added interest and these are procedural setups that you can have in place and like I said it gives you that procedural proceduralism but actually having autistic control of where you exactly want things to be placed and I think that's key is to you know utilize these tools to really enhance a a product and just yeah give you exactly what you want instead of just procedurally generating a whole bunch of stuff it's not always ideal you don't always get exactly what you want and this way we will learn how to manipulate the data and do exactly uh create exactly the elements we want to do in the next uh kind of setup we'll start looking at the terrains for specifically like the turntable and how we generate the outer terrain and the circle and and how we integrated into the bilding setup and stuff and we'll then move on to a slightly bigger setup which is uh creating these these mountains and these were mountains that were generated for the trailer we'll we'll look at how we generated that and you know these are background mountains but they got quite a lot of detail and they look really really nice and it's definitely worth exploring how they come together and then we'll move on to some volumetric stuff so we'll be touching on the Houdini clouds in Houdini 20 and just how we actually manipulate volumes and what the difference is between a SDF and a a fog volume we'll explore that as well you can see some nice interesting stuff happening there and and then we'll be moving on to some effects work in in the later weeks so we've got some some particles some fireworks going on and just to see how you know how we set up these workflows and basically what's happening is the you know get these streams and then what happens at the end of the stream you get another burst and this is a procedural kind of firework setup and we'll look at how we do that and and then we'll move on further on in the week we'll go on to some Vellum and we'll be simulating some cloth and we'll move on to the feature Rich uh version of villen there's so much stuff going on in Vellum it's an awesome simulator and we can do cloth and we can do soft bodies and Grains and fluids and we'll be looking at all the different aspects of vum and just touching on each one and the different types of you we can see soft bodies and how they behave the different ones behave so it's a good example of that and then we've got some nice fluids and we've got fluids interacting with soft bodies so this is also really nice to just explore and and get the feel of how villum works and how we can use utilize it in in a bigger production environment and then we'll go on to some rigid body Dynamics and we've got some nice destruction of the building here but beyond that we will look at some some uh other effects and just really you how you can actually use rigid bodies in a different way and we've got some you know following a curve here and stuff like that and covering how the constraints and everything work Works in bullettin just to give you a good basic understanding of the workflow of uh rigid body Dynamics and then we'll be moving on further on in the week we'll go on to some um some pyro stuff and this is where it really gets quite cool if you into your explosions stuff so we'll be looking at how we can set up these uh setups at the explosions and there's a shot from the trailer we'll pretty much be looking at this one explosion that's coming up here and just how we could how we set that up and how we extend on utilizing the rigid bodies from the previous week to create some extra trails and integrate the explosion with that and and then we'll also look at some dust setup so we have a a dust setup here um it's quite nice and it's got some additional grains in it and yeah so just to to kind of make it feel quite nice and and and the behavior of dust as it's kind of sinking down as it travels and stuff like that and then we'll move on to a little bit more of other kind of examples so we've got some spreading fire and we'll utilize some of the bolting tools and to see how we can actually generate these quite quickly um some really nice nice feature Rich tools we have to our disposal uh this is um yeah it's really fun to work with and you can just manipulate the data and and create some really nice results very quickly so we'll be looking at how we can generate some of that stuff and then moving on we'll be going on to some fluid stuff we've got some uh flip simulation stuff here some white water coming up and we'll have a look at some various options of of fluid simulations and how we can manipulate that data and obviously oceans you know large scale oceans and how that uh works with the flip and then we can move on to we'll do some scene assembly and we'll be be be building these uh turntables specifically just to to create a nice really nice look and and we'll have a look at the lighting context in Houdini and we can as you can see we'll go through some of the setup and manipulate the data bring everything in assign shaders some lights and then explore the different uh render Styles so we've got comma xpu and we've well nice F previews and then we've got the CPU render which will be for our final ERS and yeah we can explore how all this stuff comes together and and then yeah so like I say it's really exciting I'm looking forward to getting started with this course and yeah good luck everyone um hope you enjoy this one thank you hey and welcome to week two of the fundamentals in this week we're just going to take a deeper dive in the geometry context and we're going to start modeling our Star Wars building uh for that we're going to look at different node types and we're going to explore how we chain things and track the data through the nodes but before we get started I just want to do a little bit of housekeeping so I've got a new scene open here I'm just going to go to file and I want to go to create a new project new new project let's just give the project a name so I'm going to call this fundamentals fundamentals and then we got a set of paths so I'm just going to open up this up and in my case I'm using my Z drive and I've got a reway folder and then you can just click okay so it will use that folder and then it will create another folder with this fundamentals name click accept so now I've got this path and then I'm just going to leave all this for now some of them we won't be using it but let's just leave this what it does is it just creates a bunch of directories on disk for you but what I want to do is I want to add two more so I'm going to go to custom and I'm going to type hip and this is where we're going to store our hip files our hoodini files and then another one I just want to add is a reference and I'm just going to call this reference unless if if we've got reference data you want to load in and we can check that out like that and accept and then you just want to go file save as and you'll see I'm pretty much in that folder structure already you can see all those folders were created and then in the hip I'm just going to create my save my hip file so we've got an immediately a saved file even though it's blank so I'm going to call this building start and then always good to give it a version you can call this whatever you want accept all right now that we we've got the scene saved let's just move in to one or two other things and I just I really want to clean up this desktop a tiny bit I'm not going to remove a lot of stuff uh just because I want to keep it as default as possible for you guys uh while you're learning but I'm going to go to this um desktops and I'm going to go to the desktop manager and I'm just going to duplicate this build so click on this arrow and let's duplicate the build and under this I'm going to call this uh build um space JS for my name you can call this whatever you want and I'm going to accept or apply and accept and I'm going to switch to this BJs and now let's just do some editing so I'm going to remove this guy going to remove the composite view for now the render view the animation editor it's not really useful over here we'll be using it but in a different place CU you need a viewport and a animation edit while you're doing it so let's just close that out and then just coming over to this panel on this side there's a text list we're not going to use all leave the performance monitor for now and the tree view we're going to delete out this material pallet we need and the assets browser we're going to delete out and then I just want to go from my motion effects view to my scene view let's just make sure we back in our object context here and then I want to split this scene view into two so I'm just going to split this top and bottom like so and then obviously we don't want another scene view so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click on this guy and I'm going to going to change this to the inspector's geometry spreadsheet now the geometry Spreadsheet will come into play just now it's quite important when to have this open when you're tracking your data and what kind of attributes and stuff you're setting up so we definitely want this and then I'm just going to click another one and I'm going to go to the um animation editor so we've got an animation editor you docked as well just for possible future reference let's click on that and then go back to my desktops at the top and let's just save current desktop and you'll see it's successfully saving this desktop one thing to note while we're here is this is version based so you'll see currently the scene I've got open is 19.5 and we'll change that but if I go to version 20 you have to copy this desktop across manually otherwise you'll have to reset it up uh folder specific okay but I'm just going to click okay all right okay the other thing we wanted to do while we over here I've got some reference images we want to look at for our building so I just want to open up the directory where our project is sitting and I've got some reference files that I want to use in my network editor and I'll show you how to use that now but I've basically got under this reference little folder we created I am dropping in a week two I've got some building Stills and there's a couple of different variations here and we'll have a look at them but I want to use them within hini now so what's quite handy I'm just going to let's just go into geometry context so I'm going to create a geometry by hitting Tab and start typing geometry and then click on that to place it and let's just call this uh building Main and what we're going to be doing is we're going to be building one building and then we'll do some variations around that building and we'll just use utilize this and and copy stuff out of it and transform things around but for now let's just double click to go inside or enter just enter and then first rid just make some space here what I want to do there's this little image icon and we can add images so if I go to my fundamentals folder and then we go down to reference over here let's just expand this window out bit uh week two and building STS and now I've got a bunch of references in here first run we can loading is this main building base model click accept and you'll see now I've got this image in my networ Network viewer and you can zoom in and out on your network image viewer and if your middle Mouse and you can pan around and this image you can see is actually stuck to the network viewer what we can as well do what we want to do is we can move this around and what you can do is go to um tools and go to edit background images and you can actually scale them up and down here and then move them around and while I've got this on is I want to bring in some of those other images now you can see this one I've colored different colors to these almost sections and that's what we're going to be building we're going to be building one section at a time and then assembling the building like that so let's just start off by bringing those images in so I'm going to click on the image icon again and let's bring in building block a and I'm going to put this here and scale it down a bit let's do B same thing scale it down can change the opacity on these as well which just can be quite handy depending on on the image and then let's just continue so we got C scale this down a little bit move it out and then d and you can see I'm just going to carry on and place these quickly and then the last one e is this little purple guy at the end here and I'm just going to drop this over here at the end so I'm kind of setting them up next to each other and we can maybe space this out as we go but I want to build the the network for this block underneath each of these sections so we get an idea of what we're doing okay when we're more or less happy with our scaling and our positions and we can just uh go into our tools layouts and then just disable this edit image and there we go now they lock to the desktop again so or to the panel should I say and let's go ahead and start looking at creating our first component so I'm going to zoom into the network here and you can see I've actually created low sizes here just so it's easier for us to get started on not guessing the sizes in the viewport this is not quite um 100% um to scale it's a little bit larger than scale the doors and stuff but it's fantasy so we not too concerned about it that at the moment okay so starting off this I want to just create a simple box to start with it's a really straightforward shape so I'm going to hit Tab and then type box on here and you can see it's highlighted so I'm just going to click on that and then click on the mass again to drop it and let's just place it directly under here and you can see it's now we've got this little box and if you actually look at this geometry spreadsheet we've got some coordinates here and this is kind of your base attributes it's your position position coordinates your PX Y and Z and then what I want to do is just give it size so we've obviously get some measurements to work with so I'm going to make a 10 units and this is Houdini scale is 10 is units is meters so we quite good with this so we just have 10 units is 10 m and then we want to go 8 m in the xaxis and I want to do 3.5 m in the Y AIS it's up now you can see if you look at this picture this house is sitting on top of the grid whereas now we've got if I rotate around you can see I've got this box and it's sitting halfway through the grid and what you can actually do is you can come up here to this Center and this is basically controls the centroid of the box and you can lift this up you know up here and you can say okay it's more or less on there and that's not entirely ideal because what happens now if you decide this this building is too low and you go I want it to be I know 5 m now you've got it dropping down below this grid again and now you've got to come in to the center and try and adjust it again and get it to line up again so what we can do is actually copy this parameter and then we paste it in this side and we divide the with a simp simple math function we divide the value by two so let's do this we go copy parameter if we right click on this value and then what I do on this one is if I right click and down here there's a paste relative reference and you'll see let's just clean this out for some reason it's given me a bad value you'll see this is what you should get if I click on this Center one it will give me that exact value cuz what it's doing is it's copying this channel directory so it's Channel and this channel is actually called if you hover over this thing you can see under parameters there say says size X size y size Z and you can just see okay we're using size Y and we're calling that channel this parameter Channel up here but then what I can do cuz now it's obviously high off the grid is I can just do a simple divide by two and now we've got this box and it's sitting perfectly on the plane and now if I go back to my height which is 3.5 3.5 you can see only the top moves down because we compensating for this value with this divide okay then we want to look at you can see this building's got a little bit of a sort of edge it's not straight up it's kind of tap it inwards and we can do this in two ways and there's a a non-procedural way and a procedural way so the first way I'll show you if is a non-procedural way and you can go ahead and SE use the select icon here and then you can select this top face and you'll see it's going yellow and so now we've got that selected now what you can do in the viewport you can also hit Tab and it comes up with all the nodes you can use and now you can start typing edit so go edit and this brings up a little edit and you'll see it's dropped a new node for us here in the network called edit and you can see it's targeting A Primitive and this primitive that I've selected you is actually called primitive 2 um I could change that up to one of these other ones you can actually look at primitive numbers by clicking over here and if I zoom in you can see see there's a little four there it's hard to see here it's two and there's one on this side and five so each primitive has a number and you can select by number now this is a little bit dangerous but we'll get into that a little bit later but for now I'm just going to go to my viewport here and you can see now I've can move that top fa on so what I would want to do in this case is I wanted to switch to scale and you can hit scale here or you can actually go to Y on the keyboard and that if you click on y it will cycle through uh Gizmo with uh rotation and transforms and just scale this are the scale handles and then you've got your position handles so let's just go to our scale and what we want to do is we want to scale this guy down so the building looks like it's taped so the middle one if you click it will do uniform scale of everything so we just click that and we can of drag down a little bit to the side and down and you'll see now we're getting that scale and that's great that's kind know looking all right but ideally what I want to do is I want to make it a little bit more procedural without having selections of faces so I'm going to delete this edit I'm going to just go with my mouse and box selected and then I'm going to press delete on the keyboard now another option what we could do here then is do a deformation and for this I'm going to hit tab over my network here and I'm going to type taper and this is a little deformer so once I've got it selected then I'm going click on it and click down here it's giving me an error because obviously I haven't connected it to this it says required geometry to bend and we're just going to drag and select this line to connect it up and now that aror disappears now it's worth noting that this is a little bit of a global uh modifier or deformer and it's got a couple of options and when you type tab in the on the keyboard and I do my taper it's dropping the same node uh as if I would go Bend and I drop that bend you can actually see this is exactly the same load and if you look at the top this first parameters is Bend even though this is just called linear taper uh just a preset has been adjusted for us automatically so we get the correct preset that we want when we actually drop it you could just manually drop a bend and then switch these parameters out to use the taper instead now I'm just going to select this and delete it again and let's have a look at our taper so then we can just quite quickly just go okay we've got a taper value and we can slide that inwards or outwards and you can see well there's a little bit of a problem at the moment because it's tapering in the wrong way and we can adjust that quite nicely there's some viewport controls for us if I press enter in the viewport it's giving me a little icon here and then and I just want to use some viewport controls and you can see there's some controls up here and it's uh there's let's just look at the toggle capture toggle deform and you can cycle capture and you can fot capture so let's start off with this B because what we want to do what the cycle does is it will change the capture Direction and the capture direction is the almost the direction that it's going to be deforming at so at the moment I pan around you can see it's deforming on this axis and if I hit my B and now you can see it's deforming on this in a different axis and if I hit B again now you can see I'm tapering inwards based off that axis and what it does is it's changing this capture Direction on this node so if you look at this capture Direction and it's just cycle through that again over the keyboard and keep notes of that capture Direction so if I hit B now you see my one is on my Zed axis and now if I look at this it's on minus one on my X and then I'm back to one on my y AIS which is what we want and then you've got other options which we'll look at uh you can do um too deform and this basically controls it's not really going to be useful in this case but it controls you can control the viewport here how you want to squash and stretch it and if I had a higher rise mesh you would see can see my little guides are going out so you would bble to do quite interesting defamations if you had a higher resolution piece of geometry but we're not doing that at the moment we're keeping our geometry quite light so we that's not useful to us just going to set that to one again and then just let's just di this in a little bit and look at our reference picture and that's looking all right now we want to move on to just some maybe some beveling around the edge so the edge isn't so hard you can just hit escape on the keyboard here and that will take us back to our camera mode and out of that um viewport Gizmo that comes with the bend I just going to turn off these little displays my primitive display button here and yeah there we go so now let's look at how we do this little poly bevel so for that I'm going to in my network edit again I'm going to hit tab again and this T type poly bevel the first thing that actually com comes up and you can just click on that and then what you can actually do if you want is you can actually click you can actually drop it directly onto this button and if I once I click and let go on my mouse you'll see it automatically connects it and then it drops it down into a reasonable space and it's lined up quite nicely it's quite a neat way of attaching uh nodes together and let's just view this and we'll zoom into this thing and on this node we've got a couple of options uh the one we're concerned with at the moment is the distance and that is basically how much we're going to Bevel and you'll see as I drag that up there is a bevel starting to happen and you can actually look at this if you press enter in the viewport while you over it and I'm hitting space just to orbit around while I've got the the skismo and entered into the viewboard you can see it got a little bit of a green color going and you can see quite quickly where the bevels are being applied and these bevels are being applied everywhere because I don't have any groups or any setups here so we'll get into some of that kind of stuff at this later stage but for now you can see these bevels are quite flat and what I want to do is you know round them off a bit so they're a bit smoother and then you can do this fill it and we can set different shapes so I can do solid crease camper or round in this case I just want to keep it round and then you can increase the divisions and if I zoom in you a little bit more you can see now I've got some divisions and there going around doesn't really have to be too high we just want it to be at a decent curve and that's not looking very too bad let's make the bevel slightly bigger just looking at our reference here again and then we can see zoom out and there we go we've got the real the base walls where our building currently now just want to move on to this garage door and not actually creating the garage door but the placement of where it's going to be and I'll show you what I mean it's sort of just the indentation of where the garage is so for that what I'm going to do is let's just have a look so we've got our box in our taper and how could we do this essentially what we want to do is create another box with a similar shape and we actually want to cut it out and for that we can use a Boolean operation so I'm going to go ahead and create another box let's drop it here and then I'm just going to scale it up a bit and let's just give this a value of let's try it 10 10 okay that's a bit large maybe make it a bit smaller eight not really so still quite large so let's just scale this down a ladder in the viewport so it's quicker see I'm just rotating around just to see I want the you look at this picture it's so uh just a little bit over halfway I guess and it's inser to the side so so I'm going to go ahead and create another box and let's just tab again and type box press enter now we got this little box in this screen here in the viewport we can see it and a pan around and pressing enter on the keyboard to invoke the little handles and what you can see is got these little red ends on each end and what we can actually do is we can click and drag each end out so let's just click and drag and I'm going to rotate around holding space bar down and clicking my left Mouse button and then just go to a nice angle and we can see this one now so let's drag this art to this side and I'm going to move around again and then just click on this front one I'm going to bring this quite far out and then we need some height here so let's just bring this up to a decent height and looking more or less to the front let's just scale this in on this side just looking at this building kind of halfway maybe just over halfway that garage door and let's just have a look at that not too bad for now we can adjust it just now but what I want to do is I want to get this taper in yeah uh into a similar kind of range and for that what we could do is we could create a new one or I can just copy and paste this and what I'm going to do is is come to alt and left click and drag to the side and drop the let go of my mouse button and drops a new one and you can see this is obviously connected to my previous box stol and what I can do to reconnect this is I can actually just click and drag on this line uh this connection line and you can see it's got a like a midpoint where I'm got my mouse and I can just push it to this button and it will snap there and when I let go of my mouse now you can see it's connected to this box too and let's just switch the display over I'm going to click on this display icon and now we can see our box has got a bit of a taper but now we can't obviously we can't see our main building so we it's hard for us to judge if it's working correctly so I'm going to go ahead and use this template option and this is the second button here the purple one and if you click on this basically ghosts the other objects in your network and you'll get about to see roughly where they are so I'm going to come back to my taper and have a look at that I think our box is more or less in the wrong position so I'm going to go up to the box and then let's move this box over a little bit and maybe move it up and scale this uh maybe a bit higher yeah roughly like that now one thing you'll notice is this taper isn't quite sitting right it's scaled in on the one side but it's squared off here and what's happened is when I copy this and paste it here it's using this original capture details uh that created that was used to create this box and it's basically you can see the this capture line is sitting in the middle of the scene and that's not IDE deal we want this capture line to sit in the middle of this box so it tapers evenly inwards on all sides and what you can do if you got if you press onto the keyboard so you can see this manipulators here there is if you look at this list there's a couple of options and further down there's a fit capture and that is n and so if I hit n on the keyboard you can see immediately that's kind of in the center now this lines in the center and if you look at the parameters up here on the on the Node itself you can see the um origin and stuff's changed according to the center of this box and I've got this box that's tapered quite nicely but you can see obviously it's a there still it's a little bit smaller than the other box and it's lower down so the tape is not quite correct so we're just going to manually pull that in a bit let's just adjust this box up a little bit more and I don't want it to go so far in this is quite useful cuz I actually want this Indo inside of this door to be a little bit flat so if you look I'm kind of as I scale it down it's the it's quite cool the capture region of that deform is actually picking up on this side of the box and now you can see I've got this taper and I'm just going to pull it back to around you here somewhere and that doesn't look too bad at the moment and now we need to combine these guys obviously and like I said before we want to try and use the Boolean function and we can do that quite simply by let's just click on this little button here this time and I'm going to hit Tab and type Burling and that comes up and click on it and press enter now I've got this buling and it needs a second input and that's going to be my little box on the side so I'm going to click and drag and drop on Geometry B and now let's view this buing and you can see immediately it's given us what we want and essentially by default the bullion is set to subtract and there's a couple of options here we could actually Union it so this booing becomes now one object or we could intersect and that leaves us with just the intersection points of that outter building and this door area that we wanted to create in then there's one or two other options but we'll just go back to the subtract for now and we can see we've got that little shape starting to come in together um think moving on now we just want to create some windows and then we create these little ledges just before we get into The Ledges I just wanted to clarify that you could move this box around still and you would still get your boing operation this is the again that procedural nature where you can modify data upstream and that's this data is the point positions which you can see change here and that's being modified and then the Boolean still works it tries its best to work sometimes some some cases it will break and that just it depends on the geometry using but for now let's start having a look at doing some of these windows and again we're keeping it some simple and we're going to use some boxes again and this time we're going to utilize some basic duplication of those boxes so I'm going to drop another box again let's just drop this a little bit lower down okay but this time I'm going to pretty much leave the values at default and what I want to do now is just view it let's just view this box and let's template the uh existing building that we have so far let's have a look at what we how we can get this into into the correct place so I'm going to drop a transform node and hit trans type transform on the tab here and you can see there's a transform node and I'm going to drop this on this button and to connect it immediately and let's just view this and you can see now we've got our box if I press enter on the keyboard I've got those controls and if I now select the transform node you can see those little Gizmo scale things go away and I've just got a transform handle and this transform allows me to just move this box around while still keeping the position of the original one and what's quite good about this is if you want to make variations of something you kind of want to work at the origin and that's the same as what we're doing with this entire block here is we're working at the center of the grid and then once we've done with this block we'll move it into a better position and I'm going to do this with the same with the windows I'm going to move it out and let's just for instance so let's just have a look at this setup here so we've got two kind of big-ish Windows on the sides here and let's move one into position so I've got this box and what we're going to do again is use another Boolean operation to kind of put these together so now this box is obviously not looking perfectly at the moment so we just want to maybe change the shape a bit so now what I can do is I can click on this box and I I can scale maybe along x with a ladder or Y and I can scale it up and down and it's keeping that position that I've just created and this is quite useful for just finally adjusting stuff later down the chain or earlier up the chain and it kind of propagates through the to the bottom and then what I want to do is just maybe taper it a bit and let's just go back to this top level and before our transform and let's look at doing a taper so I'm just going to do another quick taper here and let's drop that in the middle and you can see now I've got I'm viewing this box but I've got this selected and when I've got this selected you can actually see the ghosting of the box come up here so you can you could work like this if you want and comfortable with hini and then I could kind of scale my values over here and you can see them updating at the end of the node Network where I've repositioned it but for now let's just view this so we can see exactly that box and visualize what it's doing now again the axis is in the wrong way I wanted to taper it towards the top so what we can do is again look at our list and we've got this cycle capture again so we can hit B on the keyboard B again and now we've got this kind of tapering up to the top and we kind of adjust the values here and that's not looking too bad it's just a little bit of a taper so the window looks a little bit more interesting let's just view the output of that again and I'm going to rotate around my viewport to have a look it's not looking too bad but what again I want to do is I want to give it some round corners and again we're going to use another poly bevel and I'm just going to copy and paste this one again so we can alt click and drag and this time we'll just drop it down here and then I'm going to click and drag my connector and connect it to this transform one actually before I do that what I want to do is actually want to do it the other way around and why do I want to do it the other way around so if I want to adjust this I can do that quite easily but if I want to change the scale of this then it's going to change this bevel scale at the end of the chain so if I view this beel now you can see this beel is getting big because my object's small and so if I scale this back up and if I look at the bevel now you can see the bevel's gotten small again so let's just just a different order of doing things if you imagine you want to Bevel at a specific size and to stay that size according to your model then you can just do it before you're scaling up if you're going to be scaling up so what I'm going to do quite handy with the you can just shake this node and it will become loose and then I can just drag it and I can hover over this line and you'll see it kind of tries to connect then as soon as I let go of my mouse button it connects that node now I've got my little bevel sitting here in the center of the scene and it's got my bevel amount let's make it a bit more that's not looking too bad and then just let's go back to our transform so I'm going to click and view that and now you can see I've got my transform which I've actually scaled up over here and I'm just going to reset this to one oh we've got this and it's a decent size not looking too bad and let's go ahead and Boolean this into the rest of the building so I'm going to drop another Boolean and I want to connect this first input to our existing structure with the door in or that garage door and then let's just view this and then I'm going to connect this transform to the boing in the second geometry and now you can see I've got this window indentation and now what I can do with this transform I can now move it down to decent location and just yeah gets yeah reposition it in a finer manner to exactly where I want it let's just have a look at our reference not looking too bad but there is two of these on this side so we could essentially select all these and if I could duplicate them by clicking and dragging and now we have two of them and I could do a merge operator click this and if I connect this one and this one and then connect my Boolean output to that now I've got two and then if I hit this transform on the second one I've created and then just drag it over now I've got my two windows but we don't want to do it like that because now we're duplicating a whole bunch of networks and if I change this window size or or the taper amount on this or even the bevel on the one you can see now I've only got the one being affected and that's not ideal because now if they make a change we'll have to go to each one and manually update that I'm just going to undo that change on the bevel and I'm going to delete this side that I've just created arts and this merge now what I can do is I can actually just duplicate this and for that I can use a duplicate noes so I'm going to hit tab again and type duplicate and let's just drop this after our transform onto this wire and it will connect automatically now I've got this copy it says copy in not and it says copy and transform and you've got a number of transforms you can do or number of copies you can do and you can do transforms and stuff like that and you'll see there's a handle in the viewport and I can just slide this over as far as I want it and what it will do is it will create a copy in that direction that I'm moving it so for instance I could actually even rotate it a bit and then if I make another copy so it's got total of two copies and if I copy and every time I copy it does the same offset in the same rotation adds onto that so you can see you got this quite cool effect and you can now rotate this and if you want a bunch of windows together or something and maybe offset them different angles so you can have quite interesting setups and I've got some windows I know falling out the out the ground or into the ground and yeah so that's the copy so let's just set these values and I obviously don't want to do this and I'm going to middle Mouse and control click on this transform and it's going to set my values there you can see I've still got the rotate so I'm going to middle Mouse on this value and click again on my to reset it okay now I've got this and now I've got six copies and I actually only want one copy and then I'm going to click and drag on the X and let's move this up oh sorry I wanted two copies and then we can position that so now what's happened now is I've got a duplicate of that setup and now if I change my taper for instance both of them get tapered at the same time I can change the height of my box up and down to make it longer and thinner windows and I can also change the B if I need to make a bigger bevel and slightly rounder Windows what I do now is go ahead and create some additional Windows this let's have a look at our reference here so we can see we've got three windows in the front here and I know in my original model you I've got some additional windows on off on the side here as well and let's have a look at just adding those in so let's just scroll down back here and now instead of recreating all this stuff what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this transform and I'm going to duplicate it by using my ALT again and left Mouse button and let's just zoom around to where we are so we can see okay there's my selection so I can view it let's view this transform and let's move it to the front of the building and I'm going to rotate this around so let's rotate this around on the uh y AIS and what I want to do is I want to snap it to 90° angles so I'm going to hold down my control key 45° angles and let's say okay we've got our 90° rotation here and then let's just move it into place so we're going to have it around here somewhere and let's bring it into to the building a little bit you can see it's a little bit bigger than what's in the reference these reference windows are quite skinny and for this is I'm just going to on this actual transform is I'm actually just going to scale the window down on one axis and you can see you can scale it up and this isn't exactly 100% ideal but in this case it works um just because it scales the the window a little bit and without basically what we I don't want to do is duplicate a whole on a lot of data all the time so I'm Bolding this data and using it in multiple locations so we can just now do our copy again or duplicate and this time I want to duplicate this window along the Zed axis and I'm just going to move it out a little bit and I want three copies this time so let's just move it out a little bit have a look at our reference it's maybe a little bit high up I think perhaps other windows are a little bit high up as well so we can fix that but let's just for now what we can do is I want to use the same Boolean operation and you can see that's not obviously not connected so what I can do is just I can object merge these two streams so there two windows and these and if I do Tab and type merge and let's just select both of them and then select the buttons and then click and drag into this merge and now let's just view the merge and you see I've got my window shapes alter shapes are kind of all to all combined together now and now we can just go to this transform and maybe let's lower these windows a little bit or to these ones a little bit as well and we can make them a little bit skinnier I think just for visual interest and move them in a little bit so I'm I'm moving this first one and it moves the cop all three copies inwards and then we can rewrite this wire to our Boolean so let's just click on the wire and drag it to the merge one and reconnect it there now let's view our Boolean 2 again and there we go we've got our little window setup coming together what we probably want to do is just call this a reasonable name so let's just call this [Music] windows windows and let's say buing garage door okay and then we've got some windows on this side I want to recreate as well well so again I'm going to do the same process and then merge it in so let's copy and paste these ones that we haven't scaled down so I'm going to click my ALT again drag art to this side and I'm going to go right ahead and I'm just going to connect this into my merge as well so now I've got three inputs into my merge and let's just rotate around to see so now I've got my windows here I can click on here I will drag select over the transform and you'll see a handle comes up there if I've got enter in the viewport in my viewport State and then I can just move this along my Axis this way my Z axis and you can see now I've got something happening they so to come through this side but I perhaps don't want them this big so maybe we can just scale them down a little bit this side as well let's just scale them along this axis so they're a little bit more squared off oh sorry didn't want to rotate them and we can just bring them up a little bit this way now I've got yeah quite interesting little Windows happening up on all the sides okay let's have a look at what we need to build next so just going to go back to my reference and let's have a look at this so we've got these little Ledges we can build but what I'm going to do as an assignment for you guys is I want you to add these on yourselves is essentially just adding boxes placing them and booing them in quite a simple uh structure to follow so let me know how that goes but then I want to move on to these columns and they've got a bit of a curve in them so let's just have a look at a nice efficient way of how we're going to set that up okay let's just go scroll down here you can see we're starting to add quite a bit of nodes so I'm just going to drag these two and maybe let's organize it a bit more so we're a little bit further under our little picture we can always move the picture afterwards but can see we're starting to build up a bit of a tree of data okay so moving on to these little pillars what I want to do is create that specific shape and what I can do is I can actually use a curve tool and for this we can again type the curve tool in here so let's just type curve and for now I'm going to change I'm going to use curve busier and let's just click on that to have a look at it so I'm going to view this we don't have to yeah we can keep this templated for now um so let's have a look what we can do so we've got some options to draw curves initially there's different styles of drawing the bus is quite a good one so we'll stick with that but I want to draw this curve art and if I try and draw a you now and a you just click on the viewport and drag down and click and every time you click it creates a point and let's just connect this up here can see it's not doing too bad a job but sometimes what happens is if you building at an angle that it doesn't stick to the correct axis so you can see that Line's gone off now backwards and that's not really ideal we want to keep it make sure it's flat so one way to ensure that is we can actually um let's just reset this you can delete all this data that you've created by just hitting reset and what we can do is we can go into one of our side view ports so our front view board and to do this you can if you press escape on the keyboard so we're in camera mode and if I hit three key you can see now I'm in front mode and let yeah have a look so we've got our axis here so we're at zero location there and going up and now we've got an idea of where we are and with the scale of this uh building that's templated here we can see roughly what we need to do so I'm going to build my curve in this viewport and this will help me just keep the curve uh aligned to a flat position so let's go ahead and do this I'm going to press enter on the keyboard to invoke the handle and let's just start at the bottom so I'm going to click on the zero here and click upwards to let's just say up this value um and you can actually hold down shift on the keyboard and that snaps it to 45° angles so if I now I'm dragging up and down I'm not clicking yet I'm just got the mass freely held and I'm holding down shift key so I'm going to hold down shift and now I'm going to click here you see it's dropped another point there and then again we want to create another point so start clicking here hold on shift again and I'm going to go like this sort of two units out and click again and now let's have a look this part of the uh geometry was curved and what you can do with that is you can if you let's go here somewhere and you can click but it just don't don't click and let go what you need to do is click and drag so if I click and hold down and I start dragging you get these handles and there my busier handles and you can see when I drag them out the line gets curved and this is quite useful so now I can just give it a nice curve and let's let go of that and then once it let go it gives me another option to create another Point further down and I'm going to create this point over here somewhere just by clicking down and then I want to bring this down to the bottom but I want it to have a bit of an angle still just click it down here and then create my point there and then lastly this point that's freely now hovering I just want to go over the last point and click on that and now you can see it's created this curve that's closed you can see it's created a piece of geometry and it's a flat curve which we'll look at it from my angle in a second but I just want to reshape it a little bit this curve is a bit awkward so what we can do is just go to this top menu and it's got a select edit mode going to click that and select it and I can come in and if I click and select and let go it will give me this handle again if you click and drag it will move the point around and we can move the point maybe a bit in and if I click and drag on these handles I can move these handles around so let's just give this a nice bit of a elegant curve to it and I actually want to bring this one down a bit so it's not straight up so let's just click and drag and move this down a bit so maybe a bit in so we've got this like tapering field everywhere in our building and let's move this one out a bit so almost lining up the values a little bit just to make it look a little bit better now let's have a quick look at our reference again we've got a kind of shape happening if you imagine it from the side view but now we need this thickness and how we're going to do that so let's just zoom out and we go back to our curve and what I want to do is just press escape on the keyboard to go back to camera mode and now you can see we're still in this front view and what you can do is you can click on here and you can select your views here so there's a view you can do a viewport but what I'm going to do is I'm just going to while I've got my Escape key in this camera mode I'm just going to hit one on the keyboard and that takes me back to perspective mode and now I'm just going to zoom in on this and to do that I'm going to hit space bar G and that basically home homes in on this specific piece of geometry and now we can see I've got this and it's quite it's nice and flat on this 2D plane so let's have a look at extruding it outwards and for that we're going to use well an extrude so again going here into my network panel I'm going to hit Tab and type uh poly extrude we need a poly extrude for this and there we go po extrude I'm just going to hit enter to drop it and then click to drop it and then let's just connect these two up okay so now I'm just going to view this poly extrude and if I hit enter on the viewport you can see this little line comes up and this is this is allowing me to click and if I click and drag on it gives me an extrusion value that I can extrude outwards and you can see that's the distance it's extruding along so I can change that here as well and we can just give it a nice thickness here and that's really what we want to do but if I rotate around you'll you see there's a gap here and there's just a couple of options on this poly extrude you can use to deal with that so there is output here and you can say output front or back or side and if I disable front you'll see now this front Extrusion is gone and I've only got sides so I can click on front again now I've got that front back and then I can click on back now I've got a back Extrusion likewise I could disable sides and I've just got two sides left so that's quite useful to know and you can also output these extrusions each one as groups and we'll utilize that later on it's quite handy to use and then lastly what I want to do with this I'm quite happy with the shape is I want to do a poly beel on it again so let's do a poly bevel and I'm going to just drop this on this little button to create it and drop it automatically and let's click on this to poly bevel okay and let's just give this a little bit of value and let's just give it it a nice little bevel now you can see what's happening is we don't have any groups or anything assigned to this object so every face if I just go to back to zero almost every line that's in between each primitive is giving us a B and you can see it indicated by this kind of green blue line and when I bevel those are all beveling out and let's do a subdivision so we can see it's doing that and that's obviously becomes messy and we only want to do the outside edges and there's two ways we could deal with this the one way is there's this exclusions and this is quite intelligent we can click on this ignore flat edges and we can set a minimum angle and if we adjust this angle up we can see all our angles of Disappearing below a certain value it will not pick up the poly bevel and this is quite useful so you can see I'm still getting this corner here and I'm still getting these Corners here and that's a little bit better another way just to show you what you can do I'm just going to disable this again is remember when we looked at this poly extrude and you so you can output these groups so I can output this front Group which is this face here and then what I can do is output the back Group which is this back group here that we created and now I've got two groups essentially and if I press the info key on poly extrude you can see here I've got some my point attributes which are these guys and they down here there's a little bit more extra information that's come up and this is saying two Prim groups poly extrude and poly extrud so those are coming in and there's one primitive in each this is one primitive this whole uh B here along the side and then we could utilize those groups in the poly bevel so up here on groups I can click this drop down and you'll see the two groups are populated in there and if you click on one you'll see it populated into that dialogue and you can immediately see something's changed and then if I click on the front one you can see now I've got extrusions just oh sorry I've got poly bevels just along this side sides of the sky and there it's no longer on the front face here just on the very side so if I example just remove it again move the front one so now see I've already got a poly bevel on this primitive and I can go back to the front and now it's on both perimeters and this is a really useful way to kind of just control exactly where you want that poly bivel okay the last little bit of just homework I want to do here just to clean it up and this is for copying and positioning later on is I want to do what we call a match size and this just moves this object into a Center Point here um and what we can do with that is just do this match size so I'm going to Tab and hit match size you can see this over here and I'm going to click on the this button again drop it and let's view it now you can see it's essentially moved this whole column if I view the body beel 3 and then I go down to the match sides it's moved to the center I don't really want it at the center I want it at the bottom of the on the grid like the building and what we can do now in this case is what's happening is this is taking this whole piece of geometry and it's centering it on the grid no matter where it is in the world if I for instance let's just do a another transform node this is just for demo and let's just wire this transform in and let's move this up into space somewhere out here this match size a really useful tool allows us to snap something to the center of the origin or it can snap to a different object and if I view are this match size you can see it's back at that location and no matter where I move this transform around in the world my match size is keeping it there and that's just a convenient way you'll utilize this uh when you get effects setups uh from animation and stuff and you want to perhaps Center a model to your origin to make it easier to work with you can do that and then you can once it's centered you can do what you need to do with it and then move it back afterwards the post process to the location you needed it I'm just going to delete this transform for there the demo and what I want to do now instead of having it like I say dropping out the bottom of the grid is I want it to align to the bottom of the grid and what I can do is there's a justify X Y and Z and I can justify by a certain bunch of parameters and I can do minimum and that will basically push it up to the Top If I do maximum it will push it down to the bottom of the grid of the sping box so for now minimum is good we're going to leave it there and if I just a disable this node with you can see I've just moved it to the center point and it's just a a better place to have it if I want to deal with things after ws and I've got it in that location okay so let's have a look at placing these in a decent place on our building so now what I'm going to do is I'm actually just going to Center these and create them in put them in a decent location okay so let's just have a look at placing these in the correct location so just having a look at our reference here again quick we've got two on either side of this garage door and on my original model I've got two at the back and they're a little bit smaller so let's just set that up so I'm going to drop a transform node and hit transform and let's just connect this guy up so we've got this transform node and let's view it and I'm going to press enter on the keyboard and we go into this transform handle mode and let's move this out to our location we wanted and we can see that's kind of in a decent space and again what we can do is use our duplicate node and then just connect this by dropping it on the button again let's view it and then view our node and then we can just slide the copy on Z axis and move this outwards a little bit now you can see we've got a little bit of issue because we've built our garage door a little bit too close to the side so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to move my pillow in here and put it in a reasonal position and then we're going to go back to our garage door which is up here which we've named your garage door and this box too I'm just going to move this over a little bit and then I'm going to scale it in on the side here so we can scale it in and now we can see we've got a little garage door is lining up a little bit better there and let's just now merge these guys together so we can see exactly how it's looking so I'm going to do another buring actually just combining all the geometry in a nice way and connect them up and let's view this output and obviously you can see now we don't have those pillars anymore and they're intersecting on the building but what we want to do now is change the operation of the Boolean so we've got the Boolean selected we move this operation and we select Union and now it's combining those two meshes into one decent mesh other thing I wanted to do just as a last thing was just move these a little bit down um I don't want them to be quite so high up so if we have some sand for instance that's a little bit low let's just make sure that they are kind of almost like pillars that's been driven into the ground and those won't be exposed if the sand goes a little bit low so we can go to our match size for that and you can see where we've set it to Min there's an offset amount and we can offset this value a little bit and we can move them down or up so let's just drop them down a little bit and now we've got slightly below the ground so you can imagine they a structural support and they're giving us that base where the building's attached to and it's not looking too bad just want to actually bring the them out a little bit and I think that's all right yeah that's working for me and then what we want to do as well is I want to create two at the back here just to add extra detail to the building so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to just copy and paste these two notes by selecting both of them and then doing my ALT click drag again and what I want to do is merge these two streams together so let's use our merge node I'm going to select both those copies and then click and drag on the button to select them both and now let's just view that and we can see they're in the same place cuz I haven't transformed it but I'm going to move this back on the xaxis so let's just to see what we're actually doing I'm going to connect this merge one back to this spine and I can just click and drag on this and actually replace that wire that's connected there if I just hover over this button and connected now you can see that that wire is actually been replaced and let's view this booing okay so let's move the second copy out I'm just going to go on the x-axis here move it outwards and you can see I've moved it directly backwards but obviously this is not ideal I want to facing other way so on my transform on my y- AIS I'm going to click and hold and I'm going to hold on the control key and I'm going to snap it around to 180 now we can see we've got them facing the other way and let's just move them along x a little bit more again not too bad but I don't want them on to the side so let's move the Z axis I'm going to move them out a bit like so and on my copy let's just change the distance of this copy and by that I can just slide with the ladder backwards and forwards here to give me a better idea of what's going on that's not looking too bad I you don't want them sticking out the top so I'm just going to go to my x-axis again and let's just do this so they actually look like a slightly different structure they're just facing inwards there at the bottom so yeah happy with that and let's have a look at our building here again to see what we still missing what I want to look at now is this little bit of a top detail in the roof here and how we can go about doing that okay let's just go down into our Network right to the bottom building up a nice little Network here just going to name this booing cols okay let's view this output okay what I'm going to do is you can see it's got this ghost and this is displayed like this for the boing operations okay so you can see the different boing operations um as soon as I press enter on the keyboard and I want to do another operation and it's kind of hindering me so what I can do is drop a null over here this is just to clean up the network really it's not the null doesn't do anything it doesn't contain any information but I just want to add this here just to make life easier so I can select things a bit easier it's just a workflow and then what I can do now is I want to isolate this top part of this roof so what I can go into is my selection mode and I'm in my geometry selection mode and here you can see you can select points I can select edges and then I can select Primitives and I'm just going to select Primitives I just want this one primitive so if I select it you can see it goes yellow and now what I can do I can either type Tab and I can hit delete or blast and I'm do blast enter and you'll see it's deleted that or what I can do I'm just going to delete out this blast that we did it's select it again so I'm going to select it again and I can just hit delete on the keyboard and now you'll see in the network it's created this little blast node now that we've done that I'm just going to go out and delete this just we don't need it don't really need it but you'll see now I'm missing that face and I want to use that face so on the blast what we can do is there's a delete non selected and this kind of inverts your selection you can see now I've just got that top face okay okay so let's have a look what we want to do just double check our reference here see some stuff's moved around some just going to select all this it down a bit okay let's move back to our reference so we've got this little inset to the sides and then these little Peaks it's extrudes up so you can see it's just an extrusion and some more extrusions so let's have a look at how we can do that scroll out here deselect everything and then I'm just going to move this over to the side because I want to eventually merge it back with this building so it's going to be I'm kind of building everything off to the side and keeping this stream on this side almost clean it will change later on but for now it's that's the structure I'm following and let's do a inser on this and what we can actually do is a poly extrude again and we'll be doing some other nodes at some point I promise not just poly extrudes and for this one we can actually do a inset instead of a distance outwards so if I do distance outwards it will lift it up but we don't want to lift it up we you want to insert it so I'll get this little edge here but I want to insert it towards the inside I don't want to go outwards I want to go inwards let's just template this building over here with this boing so we can see the building you can see I've got that be wall and I've got this little inser that I'm creating here just to create that edge but now you can see there's a solid bit in the middle so what we want to do is we want to disable the front and this leaves us with essentially the sides of that extrude and then what we can do is then now we can do another extrude so I'm just going to do another poly extrude oop sorry note extrude and drop that on there the end and this view it and now I can basically take my little distance handle and move it up you can see now I've got a little bit of height I want to make a to ey that doesn't look too bad so I'm getting this nice edges formed now the only problem is we've got go back to our reference here we've got this little Corners that are raised up and you can see there's no information here to be able to do that I need a I need to be a to select a certain face to be to do that or put certain polygon and essentially what I want to do is just extrude that part up so if I had to do another extr SC and then on my actual grouping you can you can manually enter groups here and this is a nonprocedural part you can select this and I can select this one face when it's highlighted I press enter and you can see on this poly extrude I've got this group N and you can see now I'm extruding that one face up only at one primitive but that's not ideal obviously we want to all to get to do these Corners so there's another option we can do and this is actually dividing the mesh up and for this we can use a node called divide and this gives us quite a few options of things to do and one of the options is to create um these individual lines that we need to break up these polygons first of all you'll see when you select it I'm just going to disable everything else you'll see see there's triangles on here and immediately what it does when you drop it is it creates triangulated edges so I'm going to click on this convex polygons to turn it off and you see those triangles disappear and some of these triangle value uh ramet gray art okay so let's look at use getting those individual almost subdivisions but they're not they're actually called Bricker polygons and this actually works out quite well these default values but you can see what happens is and I'm going to zoom in here to this area as soon as I turn it on it's creating these nice edges for us but there's one here in the middle and this is not what we want we want we want it to look like this all the way around so there's a couple options you can try mess around with but see as we got a simple piece of geometry here what I can actually do is I can just with my little ladder windows I can just offset the the values a bit and you can see now when I offset it to the one side now it's creeping on that side so then maybe we'll just change the scale a bit so let's change the scale up a bit and then play with the offset and you can see now I've got no in no little bits creeping through there on the side so got a fairly clean workflow this is not 100% identical but it gives it a bit of organic look you don't want everything to be perfect anyway now that I've got that divided what I can do is come back to my little extrude that we created here and you see I've got that one group selected and that group is called zero currently cuz it was before I did this procedural non-procedural workflow yeah before I added the Divide I selected A Primitive called zero and the Primitive zero has changed because now I've created a lot more Primitives so an example of this if I disable my divide now you'll see that whole Edge get selected and if I middle M to have a look at my details of what's going on you can see I've got 12 12 Primitives on this whole structure and I'm just going to pin this here you can use a pin icon to keep it up and then I'm going to go to my divide I'm going to enable this bypass and so we can see now I've got it selected here now if I go info on this divide you can see I've got 78 Primitives so what's interesting is the poly extrude node and this is now where it becomes non proed because now it's confused because it's going well it wants to Poly extrude on primitive zero and now primitive zero is only this little piece that's just a bit of a side chat because what we want to do is select multiple of these I just wanted to show you that that's exactly what was happening if you're confused uh let's just select this poly extrude and there's two ways you can create these do these groups you can select them here like I say you can select in the viewport so I can select here if I hold down shift it selects another face and then I can hold on shift and select another one and so on and then when I press enter it creates that um not group but it enters those values up here you can see the values are entered up here for the face or the Primitive numbers but another option what we could do is actually create a group node and for this I'm going to create drop a tab and I'm going to create group and I'm going to put this after the Divide now this group node is quite handy because this allows you to do a multiple things and we'll utilize it a little bit further down the line in in doing exactly that but for now you can see it's got the same kind of option here's a group name that we can specify and let's just call this uh for instance corners and I'm going to keep the group type it Primitives because I want to use Primitives and you'll see there's the space group and now I can go instead of having this selection up here I can have the selection here and then I'll go ahead and select those so select one and then shift select the next one select this shift select shift select shift select shift select and lastly shift and shift select these I've got all these guys selected and if I press enter now on my keyboard you'll see now I've got this name your corners and the base group has got these primitive numbers in let's just check I've actually looks like I've selected some stuff at the bottom no I haven't don't have a bottom on there it all looks good and we can verify this group by clicking on here and we go to the info and we click on open on the info now you can see I've got this little primitive group that's come up and it is eight Primitives in that group and you could count them as 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 eight Primitives in that primitive group and let's go back to our poly extrude and I'm going to clear this out and then in this little drop down over here you can click on it you see I've got my Corners now essentially that primitive extrude is only being applied to these Corners that I've created and let's just dial that down a bit and I'm going to do a bit of an inser over here kind of looks like that a little bit similar to what I had in the previous build and that's our top or what last thing I want to do is just give it that bit of a poly bevel again and I'm just going to drop that and snap it in here let's view it and then create a little bit of a distance here and let's up that a little bit and we'll maybe create two sub divisions two two divisions on the corners so they're a little bit rounded and that's looking all right so now last thing what we want to do is just out here a bit and I want to merge this top back with my original building so again we're going to do another buan function and you could actually just merge these as separate pieces of geometry as well using the merge function it gives you a similar result um but later on there's just one or two things I want to do and it's the booing going to perform a little bit better when you do that so I'm just going to collect the connect the Boolean let's just view it and then again we're going to change that operation to Union so they're combining two together right and just pressing escape on the keyboard and let's pan around and have a look our building's looking think that's pretty good so far let zoom into our reference line up the angle here okay and then the next video what I want to do is I actually want to create start creating this garage door and the panels inside hi and welcome back so let's have a look at uh this garage door and perhaps it's made out of wood or metal panels but we've got this Frame and these little struts or panels facing inwards and then we've got these vertical panels and let's have a look at how we're going to construct this so I'm just going to go zoom out and go to my model what I actually want to do is I want to start right at the top here so let's view this bin garage door and let's have a look at this model so what I want to do is I actually want and work with this front edge but ideally what I need is actually this face that's missing and if I view this you can see it's not really I want it's all the way out here so but there's a potential edge here and what I can actually do is just if I duplicate the boine here B dragging and just give myself some space and I can change this operation and if I change the operation to intersect you can see now I template this I've actually got that front kind of face here and this is one single polygon or primitive we can play with so first off we just want to select it uh like that and you can see it goes yellow if I move my mouse away and then I'm just going to press delete on the keyboard and now that that's deleted you can see I've got this hole and it's not entirely what I want I want the other side of it so I'm going to hit delete non selected I've actually got two faces here by accident uh actually just want the one face and then what we can do we want to start off with the little outter frame and for that I'm going to use the poly extrude again and let's just drop that on that button and visualize it and then I want to extrude backwards and let's use my distance again and now you can see there's possibly a problem here because we actually want this door to go inward straight inwards and not going down at an angle and if I view my template my um I'll just view my building you can see this Edge goes straight backwards and my little polygon extrude KN going downwards and that's not ideal so there's actually another option on the poly extrude that we can utilize let's just go to the top and under this front transform we can say transform extruded front let's click that on and then this distance I want to set this back to zero so I'm going double click to select everything and then just press zero on the keyboard and then I'm going to change this this is obviously still you can see the gizmos come up and it's still pointing in the same normals as that face or that permitted so I can change this space to World space or in this case called Global and you can see now that the transform has changed to the x-axis which lines up with this little Gizmo in the bottom corner and now if I slide this backwards you can see I'm extruding straight back and that's really what we want to do so it's quite handy that you can do that and then I don't need this one face so and that's actually in this case the front so I'm just going to disable output front and now I've got this little frame but it's also got a little bit of a bottom edge here and we don't want to frame all around we just want it around the walls so what I'm going to do is some another manual delete going to select mode again and then just drag over this primitive and as because it's one primitive it's quite easy easy to select and then I'm going to go ahead and delete on the keyboard again and let's just leave that as that and you can see now I've got this Frame that's essentially just where the wall area would be and what I can do now is just do tab again and I could hit and I could type in poly extrude again but just wanted to show there's a history at the bot bottom here of your tab menu and it shows the last few used nodes so I can just click on that and then click over here on on that node and then that creates that poly extrude for me again without having to type it in just going to view it and now I can adjust my distance as usual and bring this little frame out and there we go you can see I've got this little frame inser make it a slight bit bigger there we go and what I want to do is I want to work on those panels that run inwards next so I'm going to use part of the same setup here and basically come up to this level where we were so I'm just going to Mo select all three of these and move them off to the side to get myself some space so what can we do here is if you look at my point count for instance and like we say we didn't realize quite a lot on points so this is quite important to have a look at we've got all these points but I need if you looked at the reference I've got all these panels and there's a whole bunch of them and that you would imagine as a a bunch of polygons almost running down the side so essentially what I need to do is I need to almost subdivides this panel into Ed in so I've got a bunch of edges here that I can work with or Primitives and how can we do that so we looked at the Divide node and that could work for us we looked at that and it's not too bad but there's another method and this is really or single faces and mainly for Curves actually but it's a node called resample and this is a really useful node so as soon as I connect it just watch the edge here and I'm going to view it and now you see I've got all these points along this Edge and this is seeing this structure as a curve and if I change this length you can change the length to how many points you want I can go massive M it's just metal Mass control click to reset to default and you can also disable this and you can say maximum points I only want 10 points or I want 100 points in this setup and this is also useful for a procedural setup where you want to have full control of of what you're creating but for now we're just going to stick to the the length one and we're not really doing much variation here and let's just up the spacing a bit that's not looking too bad if you imagine these are in between our panels and what we're going to do with this now is we're going to do another extrude and I'm just going to Tab and then hit this poly extrude again here and then drop it click and drop it on this bottom button again and let's view this again we want to extrude straight backwards so we're going to use this option rather the transform transform extruded front and set it to Global and I press enter on the keyboard and now what I can do is just extruded back quite far so now you can see I've got these faces and this looks like a subdivided edges with and there's a whole lot of perimeters that we can look at I'm just going to disable the front so we again got a kind of a frame and another manual delete I want to do is just remove this bottom Edge so what I can do now is just go back to my select node and move it to a decent angle and I can just click on one and drag and select to the reasonal point and then we can let go and we'll see now all those have selected and just hit delete on the keyboard again to do that same operation as before now I've got this Frame again which looks quite cool and we can you guessed we could just poly extrude it inwards and let's just poly extrude it inwards and now you can see you've got this Edge but what if I disable my point look up and going to well maybe smooth shaded mode with no poly lines you can see I don't have those individual panels they're all just one panel essentially because it's one piece of mesh I'm just going to change my smooth shaded view here again so we can see those lines so we could essentially change this and let's have a look at how we can actually do that so what we can do is we can actually I'm just going to go back to this blast so we've got a flat surface here there's a handy tool that we can actually split these individual polygons and if you look at for instance the point count on these points at the end here you can see there's a point number 42 43 42 yeah it's 42 41 and so on and what we want to do is we want these to be individual faces so there's a handy little node and then that is called Point split uh let's just type that in point split and let's drop that down connect it into the middle between these two and let's view that now you can see as soon as we view it let's just a disable it you can see I've got a bunch of overlapping points there's actually a lot more points here and if I get my information and it's just always it's good to check the data it in here my information on this blast I've got 116 points and if I do this point split and uh do information on it now I've got 228 points and essentially it's broken up these into individual pieces and now these points are just overlapping each other now how can we modify this in an easy way well there's another handy tool and this little so is called A Primitive property and you just type Prim and there's a perimet of properties and we can click on on that and let's drop this in over here and view it now there's quite a few options but what we want to do just on this is actually do enable this two transforms and we can actually scale down the perimeters and what this node is it scales down into individual Primitives so if I just midle Mouse over here and go to small value on my ladder and start scaling down you can see now it's scaling each primitive done evenly and you just getting this Gap in between it and that's exactly what we want except we don't really want to scale it in this direction which is our X Direction so we can just if we're happy with the scale let's maybe make it a little bit thinner we can just set this axis on the scale to one and now essentially I'm scaling two axis only and I've got creating this little Gap so disable enable it we can see exactly what's happening and now if we go to as poly extrude again and click on that now you can see let's just disable the point count and the point display now you can see I've got these panels and it looks like little wood strips or metal poles I guess flat metal pole sheets all right cool the next thing what we want to do is now is move on to the actual garage door and let's see how we're going to generate that okay so I'm going to go a little bit back here again to the top and let's just have a look at this garage door Boon and we've we working on this front face which is all very well but our garage door is actually straight down so we actually would like to work on this back face which is a little bit straighter so what I can do I can just basically copy and paste this if I want to or I can just just select this and view it and then go to my select node and select the back face and press delete on my keyboard now what's actually happening is it's dropped this new blast node but it's dropped it after the booing and it's still connected to below which we don't really want we want this to be a separate chain so what we can do here now is just click on this connection line con ction wire and we can just drag this directly to the booing so I've got now my front face and my back face let's just delete non selected so we've got this front area this back area and let's start having a look how we're going to use this first of all you can see that if I scrub around this way it's this kind of nice gray color but if I look at this direction it's blue and this blue is indicating that the face is reversed and that the polygons normals as such is facing this way and if you look at the actual box or if you look at the house itself everything's blue oh sorry everything's gray and if you go inside to the Reversed faces let's just zoom right in everything's blue inside means this is the back side and we don't really want the back side so bu faces so we're going to have a look at this again a single face we created I just want to create a template again of my rest of my model and we can use another node and this works on Primitives as well and this is called a reverse soop and we can just drop that and let's just drop that onto this little button and set the view and and now you can see by default does exactly that bypass it bypass it again and you can see this now the face has been flipped around great so now we just want these vertical panels let's just have a look at our reference quick so we've got these vertical panels here and we just want to create those so the easy way to do that again is this time we're not going to use the resample but we're going to use the Divide again and I'm going to connect this up and then as before we want to disable this convex polygons to disable triangulation okay let's just go in we've got enabled our Bricker and we're just going to adjust some of these values so we just want these downward panels so I'm going to make this value quite large large so we can start only getting these vertical lines and then on the um on a different axis so I have to adjust my Bricker here and let's just go into a small value and give it something reasonable that's not too bad let's maybe do one more let's offset it a little bit okay it's not looking too bad just make sure we've got decent coverage here so going to move that out a little bit and then just shift things over just you it's when to try to get to a decent looking setup and it's working quite well and then we can do the same processes before we want to essentially scale it inwards and then poly extruded so I can do my split points and I'm just going to copy and paste this again and I'm going to connect this node up by dragging onto it and then I've got them now they split so looking again at these Point count can see the point count changes and I can do this primitive again and let's just copy and paste that in and we're scaling it we don't want to scale it on that on the Y AIS we just want to scale it on the one axis so let's just bring these panels in a little bit put on big gaps between and we can do our poly extrude again and I'm going to copy and paste this poly extrude as well and you can see now it's working on because the poly extrude works on extruding along a a certain face it's going to just automatically extrude based off my previous settings that I had here that's quite handy just to quickly get consistency throughout your models so now your the scale is the same as the previous one and there we go we have kind of a we have our little frame of these panels and this back garage door and what we can do now is just merge the these together so we can see them as one object and we've got this quite Keen setup so you can see there a bit of a gap going on here and this is just my Center bit of these panels we need to extrude them a bit further back so going back to the chain where we actually extruded it and it was this one so I'm going to view my merge again and then then I'm just going to select this extrude and then in the viewport I'm just going to pull this back a little bit and we can see now we're behind here and we're not too worried about the internal stuff overlapping here this is going to be hidden behind the rest of the building and then just for to differentiate it I'm going to drop a little color node and I'm going to connect this to the merge and view it and let's just give this a slightly orange tint let's make it a not too bright color we go something like that and then I want to go down to my building again and this time I just want to merge that in as a separate model or not model but a separate almost a separate piece of geometry whereas the Bing is a combined geometry so I'm just going to do a merge here and then I'm going to merge my color and my Boolean and then just view this output and there we go we have our this little garage door and our building everything's looking pretty good we're just missing those little panels that are running down the sides of the building but I'm going to leave that up to you to come up with all right let's move on to our next uh model that we're going to be building and let's zoom in here and have a look so we're going to build this little Tower and essentially it looks like a fairly simple model so we've got a a cylinder or in Houdini's case we call it a tube the model and then we' got a swear and this is kind of the Dome and it looks like just a half a swear so what we can do is get started with that and build those two structures first so I'm going to start off with the base and let's just zoom out here a little bit okay we got some space still so I'm going to drop a tube and just hit enter here so now we've got our little tube and let's view it and let's just explore some options here so um we've got different primitive types and it's just a A Primitive isn't really controllable it's a one piece of geometry and then we've got our polygons and then mesh and other options which isn't really too important right now so I'm going to stick to polygons and then we can see we've got the connectivity and we can change to different types of connectivity and we can do rows and columns and stuff like that or just just output triangles even and you'll see the mesh is triangulated but we're just going to stick to the quads and then we've got an orientation so we can actually initialize the tube at any orientation we want obviously for now we just want it on the Y AIS and then you can also close this tube so we'll we've got our end points here we can cap them and we're just going to go ahead and do that and then you've got your your position and your rotation all the the generic stuff and then we've got this radius and you'll see there two values here and the one's actually controlling the top and the bottom so you can actually scale the one side down it's being the top and then you can make cones or go the other way and make a cone the other way and this is really quite convenient because that's exactly what we want to do we just want to create a light shape like this and then you've got an overall scale that you can bump up I'm using the ladder here to scale it up and down and then our height and you can see scales up up and down the tube's height so and then obviously we've got we can see it's quite a escape on the keyboard got quite a lowr polygon going on so we can just increase the columns here that is a starting point and we'll see we've got starts smoothing out and becomes quite a nice smooth shape now obviously the one thing we got is cylinder sitting in the middle of the origin again and we want it to sit on top of the grid so in this case we can go ahead and copy this height parameter and you can see it's called parameter if I have over it and I can copy parameter and in my Center my y should Z here and I I can just paste relative reference again and then do that divide by two okay so now I've got a starting point and I can adjust the height and my little cylinder code is sitting in the correct place now I just want to go and I just want to template our original model so we can see roughly what size we're working with even though I've got the sizes written down uh let's just have a look at our model and and to see where we sitting in relation it's just good to have a almost a reference of what you're modeling around you and then we can just zoom in here again and have a look at the scale so we've got a height here up to this point is 3.9 I make my height 3.9 looks about right and then the radius we're going to adjust so this is saying it's 7 4 M kind of in length sorry in diameter should I say rather and then we've got this value that's in radius which is obviously our Center Point outwards of our Circle if you imagine it's a circle from the top down so we need to work out the radius and I've got 7.4 M so the bottom of this part is you well there's an extrudate so it's actually a little bit thinner than what we want but for now I'm going to type in just to see how this works we can do 7.4 units and you can see it's massive and then what I can do is just divide it by two and I want the center point and then I've actually just I've actually messed with this scale here so this radius scale should be at one and now we can see we getting a better size and then the top I didn't really work out the top here um but we can just eyeball that and because I've got this other geometry templated we can just kind of go to this side of it and let's just up it so the angle is roughly the same as this so it just looks a little bit neater and that's looking fairly decent I think maybe the bottom is a little bit wide so like I say we've got on this AR measurement 7.4 so I still want to create this little lip here so I'm just going to go ahead now that I've got this expression in here I'm just going to delete it I'm going to bring that value down a tiny bit just looks a little bit better and then let's see we've got these two little lips there's a smaller lip here and a bigger one at the bottom and there's two ways we could do this we could add new cylinders into this build and just merge them in or booing them in or we could actually subdivide it and then do a poly extrud in I'm going to do that method I think it's a little bit cleaner model wise so we're going to go to our rows and let's make quite a few rows so we've got enough detail to work with so because I want a a middle Mar and up my columns a bit try and get to a slightly more Square polygon let get some more rows going so I've got quite a thin I can select one of these rows and you know these little rows of polygons or Primitives and that's quite thin and then we'll select some other ones at the bottom so think that's working out now what we can do is we can actually do some geometry selection and let's do this in the viewport this time so you can see what's going on so I'm going to go to my select tool and uh let's just say on this one down I think that's a decent one or maybe the third one down might be visually more interesting you want to select this what we call a loop this entire row around you and you could shift select and that's kind of difficult and time consuming you could also try and drag and select again time consuming so what you can actually do what's a lot easier is you can actually just highlight one polygon by clicking on it and then you can hold down your a your a key and then you can middle Mouse button and if you click middle Mouse button now it selects that Loop for you okay now what I want to do is I want to select the bottom here and in order to keep this selection going I need to hold on shift on the keyboard and then what I want to do again while I'm up I've got shift holding down I want to hit the a button as well and then hit that midle Mouse button again and then one row down so going to hit shift again and click and then a and middle Mouse button the one next to it and then same here shift click and still holding down shift I'm mdle Mouse buttoning with the Aon click and there we go we've got a selection here now and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to do my poly extrude from the viewport and I Can Go tab poly extrude and let's just enter that and now you can see it's dropped a poly extrude in the viewport or in the network editor for me sorry and currently it is not doing anything but I can adjust the distance and again you can see it's going at an angle and that angle is based off the spes that's these Primitives that are at angle so we don't want to do that so I'm going to get to zero and you can see at the top this selection here is come by the way it's come up on this group so it's just these are the numbers of The Primitives it's selected and what I want to do is my extrude front again but this time I want to keep it local and obviously I can't move it in a direction because it's just going to move in any direction rotated for that matter let's just reset this what I want to do is actually just scale it out and we can do a uniform scale here by Middle massing with the ladder and scaling it out or we can select this Center Point or just go y press y on the keyboard press y a few times so I can go there's I've got my scale handles and now I've got my transform handles and this is the global Gizmo and just just go back to scale and then I can scale it out in the Viewpoint as well just to get a a visual look on what we want that's not looking too bad and then I'm just going to press escape to exit out this mode and that's looking all right so I think the last thing what we want to do is add our poly bevels again so we're going to poly bevel here the network edit to this time and drop it on this button and view it and now let's just change that distance out again and you can see what's actually happened is quite interesting is it's picked up that previous selection that I had um which is actually not really what we want uh so let's actually just doing the bevel on this and I actually want to do the bevel on the top Corner as well so I'm going to clear out this group here and now you see it's trying to Bevel the whole setup and then we can go to our exclusions again and we can just uh ignore these faces and go to that and yeah that looks quite good so we've got some beveling happening around here and on the side edge that's quite nice so it might be a little bit much and then we'll just up the subdivisions a bit so gets a nice rounding there we go that's the base part of that and then what we want to do now is move on to the there's a little window here you can't see it too well but I've got a window there and then the the hole for the door we want to create now and we're going to do it in a similar method to what we did before using the Boolean so to start out what I want to do is let's do this door and just having a look at it it's a it's straight up on the sides and it's got this curve at the top and how could we do this well there's obviously a couple of ways we could okay so we could come in and just perhaps draw a curve so what I'm going to do is uh type curve here and we do curve busier let's view this so we could essentially draw our curve and click and drag and draw out the shapes and it's not too bad to do obviously take a little bit of practice to get the nice Arc correct here another way we could do it though is let just delete this okay so what I'm going do is create a box here and let's just DOA I'm going to template my uh poly bevel here so we can see the structure we already created here and let's just select this box and let's move this box out towards the side here and give it some height and just overlap it a little bit cuz we want to do that Broan operation that's not looking too bad maybe a little bit wider okay and now what we can do is we can actually just do another poly bevel here and I'm going to connect this up and view it now I can just increase the distance and you see now I've got this beveling all the way around but obviously there's not not any subdivisions but soon as I add a lot of subdivisions you can see now I'm getting this rounded Edge and just increasing it a bit more now we can see now we've got almost that shape we've got this straight up Edge and then this rounded top and I think that's a pretty decent solution it's going to move this box out a little bit this way moved it I just want to zero out the X so it's perfectly aligned or sorry the Z year and that's looking pretty decent and now let's do our Boolean oper ation here and let's just connect the first input our building to our door shape and there we go we've got the door shape and that's looking pretty good now let's just add that window shape and we're going to do the same thing so or similar things so let's just copy and paste this by all dragging on it and I'm going to use the same Boolean operations so what I can do is actually just merge these two streams these two guys so my door and then my window and let's just connect this in Dragon connected into this merch 5 so I'm keeping my booing visible so we can see what we're doing upstream and then I'm just going to come over here and place my window like this and let's just rotate this box around a little bit and we can scale it down using the handles for the box and as you can see it's just quite easy just to get the shape exactly how you want it and where you want it just make it a bit smaller here inser a little bit more and then obviously my poly bevels a bit much so let's just reduce the distance it's slightly more round window we can reduce the subdivisions as well just to simplify the geometry a but and let's make this window aot tiny bit smaller think it's a little bit large so just going to do that and keep it roughly in line with the door height and let's make it a little bit more lesser that's looking really cool next part I want to move up to this model is this top part and this is like a little cap and I want to treat this separately and why I want to do that is if you look at the model up here you can see there's three of them so essentially we basically want to duplicate them and it's pointless remodeling them every time for each component so I'm going to build a separate little model and then we're going to basically put it on top of this building and I can show you how we're going to do that in a great manner so let's go ahead and have a look at what this is made up of so there's looks like another little cylinder at the top here and then basically a dome and this could just be a swear so two simple components and let's go ahead and start creating that so I'm going to template my current little building and let's go ahead and do another tube and I'm going to view that and then I'm just going to bring it up or now just to so I can visualize what the size is and we're going to increase the radius here our ladder button and then not looking too bad yeah let's give it a bit of space on the side so looks like it's inside quite nicely I want to reduce the height quite a bit and then obviously we need to up the subdivisions here so I'm just going to increase my columns quite a bit it's not looking too bad and then I'm going to polycap it yep it's looking pretty good so let's just move on to the next component and that's that little swear Dome and for that we're going toly use a swe and the polygon's preset and let's just view that now and what I want to do now before I actually do anything to this s is I want to actually move this tube that we've created I want to move it back to the origin and why I want to work at the origin at zero coordinates is because I want to copy this around and if I had to copy it around from this location I'm going to get offsets every time I copy and I'll show that or file that affects things a little bit later and so we're just going to reset this Center to zero and then I want to just view my swear an arm just going to template this tube here so we can see what we working on and we're kind of working isolating on just this cap top cap of the building so I'm just going to increase my radius of my squ a bit and I want to increase the rows and columns just to create a nice detailed squere all right not looking too bad and then we want to find a way to just efficiently cut out the bottom and there's kind of two ways you can do it so you could come in here and go into your select mode and you can press y or you can hit enter on the keyboard and this goes into your selection mode just going to disable and select your other and we could go into our polygon mode and we could drag and select all these points try and get them lined up and then we could it delete on the keyboard and now we've got that D office where that's not exactly efficient and it's actually not very procedural either cuz if I had to change anything so I decide later on there's not enough resolution in the sere and I want to up the subdivisions and you can see as soon as I start changing things that selection changes too because the count the Primitive count is changing and it doesn't know where that selection was so it was a very specific it's selected by numbers you can imagine now the numbers are changing so in this case what we want to actually do is I want to drop What's called the clip node and let's do that and see what it does so let's drop it down and clip and then let's just view it and now you can see immediately it's basically what doing exactly what it says it's clipping it and by default it Clips it exactly how we want it but you can clip in any direction so for instance if I rotate the clip around I can move that clip around and I can clip it in any way and it this is a fully procedural way of clipping geometry so now if I had to go in and change these the resolution of the squar you can see nothing changes don't get any random selections on the side and that's just because it's actually the way it's this clippies bolt is that it just deletes everything that's below the line so I'm just going to go ahead and select this and I'm going to reset the direction here and the origin to zero so everything's at zero where we want it and now that's not looking to bad maybe we can break bring this little Dome around a bit slightly down a bit just kind of just offset a bit so it's not straight on the edge here and then you can see there's a hole at the bottom and while this isn't really too important for this model what we can do there's another node and we're going to type poly full um and we're going to drop that down and let's just connect it up and what this does is it it tries to fill in where it sees holes in Geometry so we can go here and then we can you can see it's giving me an error it's not really working currently and I'm going to just change this thing to single polygon and what it does is just creates one single large polygon it's not concerned about connecting any points or anything and that's just quite that's efficient and this just helps you close out Geometry with holes uh there's some other options here we could look at not going to cover them more but you can look if you click on triangles for instance you can see the bottom gets triangulated and there's a triangle fan and this one works quite well you can see it's selecting all these points and almost trying to create a center point for us but we just going to stick to single polygon now we don't really need to need any detail in here it's just to close the J out to make it solid and then what I'm going to do is just go here and I want to Boolean these two together and I'm going to Bo in my tube with my Dome and now we've got these two pieces that are you can see they it's not disappeared so what we actually want to do is we want to set the operation to Union that combines the two pieces of geometry and then lastly we need to add our little poly bevel again so let's do a poly bevel again connect this up and I'm just going to view it again and then let's just change our distance quite nice and little around and add some subdivisions and then again do our exclusions just up that so we just left with these edges and we've got some round happening make this a little bit smaller and that's looking pretty good now what I want to do is like I said we've created this in the center now I actually need to put this little Dome on top of the rest of the building so first off I'm going to create a null here and I'm just going to drop this down at the bottom now null doesn't do anything it's just a an empty piece of information and this just allows me to create names so I'm going to call this Dome and that's just gives me a clear indication that this geometry Upstream here is part of the Dome let's just compact my little setup here a little bit to organize it and I'm actually just going to color this as well so let's make it let's make it a greeny color so it stands out and we can see it later on quite easily when we want to attach it to the other parts of the buildings we're going to model now we want to place this like I say on top of this building we've started building here this structure so I'm going to view this guy again so we can see it and now what I want to do is I actually want to create a match size sub and let's have a look at what this does for us now we've used this previously just to offset things but what I want to do here is I actually want to use both inputs you'll see there's two inputs and what I can do with that is I can actually use the second input and then I can place the position of the first object on top of this it's quite useful so we're going to get some cross wires here so I just want to let's just neaten things up a little bit so I'm going to pull my Dome onto this side just for clarity and I'm going to move that rest of that building out this way so now I've got my Dome up here and let's connect the Dome into the first input now you can see immediately if I just view it it's put my dome in the center here and that's obviously not what we want we don't want to really do that but we actually want to use this building as the second input so if I click on that now you can see what's happened is I've got this bounding box it's created a bounding box for this entire building and it's what it's doing by default it's actually centering this object into this building and even if I again go ahead and try and translate this cap around it's always going to end up in the center of this building and that's just the settings your this justify settings you can disable it if you want and that's quite useful but we obviously like said we want this to be justified to the top so we want to affect the Y AIS and what we can do is there's essentially two bounding boxes you can imagine if you look at the I'm just going to delete out this transform if you look at our Dome and you go let's just for instance this is just for visual you don't have to do this but there is a bounding soap and you can actually look at the bound so that's the bounding of of my cap you can see there's the top and the bottom and obviously it's just a flat box no so just visually you can imagine there's a bounding box around this and if I go back to my match siid the first input here is looking at that bounding box and so what I want to do is I want to get I want to use the minimum of this bounding box which is the bottom and you'll see now that's snapping to that bottom here and while it's doing that by default the second operation is set to same so essentially what it's doing is it's saying use the same value so if I said this it's basically doing setting this bonding box minimum to this bonding box minimum but we want it at the top so in the second one which is our building we can set this to Max and then this is the maximum of that Bing box and now we've got this little Dome sitting at the top and wherever this building is if we had to even move this building around that transform and let's just move our actual building to a different loation you can see that bounding is always going to stay there it's always going to stay at the top is very useful so I'm just going to delete this art and then one thing I just want to change if we zoom in um just going to zoom in your and you we've got this bevel on the edge here and I also want to offset this a bit so it's kind of inset into this building a little bit better and on the match size we can do do a slight offset so this keeps it procedural as well so whatever object I put it on top it's always going to be slightly inside it cool I'm happy with that and now if I disable my template you can see well I've only got this one object now even though I've got these two objects connected and this is essentially just a um like I said it's using the bounding as a reference it's not actually piping it into this and outputting it it's only in it's only using the input and we outputting this Dome so what we need to do now is we need to merge these two geometries and we can go ahead and let's just use our Boolean again and you can just Boolean these two together and again we want to set the operation to Union and now we've got our little setup with our door in the hall for our door and our window and that's looking all good we could obviously use a instead of booing we could again use a merge but in this case we want to try and combine the geometry into one clean piece of geometry okay now I just want to move on to creating this door and let's have a look what we can do here this door is slightly different from the garage but some of the structur is the same we've got this panels on the side and and obviously we've got a backing but the shapes in in the center is a little bit different but we're going to use some of the same techniques and again what we can do is come to our Boo and let's just make some space here this Dome I'm going to move this Dome actually a little bit more out the way cuz I I'm using it multiple times I'm actually going to put it at the top here and I think once be before we start modeling this section what I want to do is space these pictures out a bit more you can see now that we've started modeling we need them to be spaced out a bit a bit better so let's just go to our tools and we can go edit background and then I'm just going to move this model over here and these ones I'm just going to move out we'll probably have to to move them again later just just move them to the side and then our little current model we're working on we'll leave here and then let's just move this main picture up at the top here make it a bit bigger and move it up here so we got the idea of what's going on now okay a little bit better and then I just want to go to my edit background images and toggle it off again Okay so we've got some more space I've lifted up this area here so we can so it's out the way and because I'm doing because I want to use it on multiple models I can basically Branch off here and connect it to my models down further down the stream here okay so just going to back to here before we've actually done the Dome we've got our little door merge and like before we did a door model and we did the um the intersect of this spooling so I'm going to do the same here intersect now you can see I've got this Edge but now I've actually got just escape on the keyboard now I've actually got two things going on here I've got this little other window in obviously but then I've got this lip here and I don't really want that so what we can do is actually we can utilize our setup a little bit higher up the stream so remember we created this lip by doing these po by this poly extrude so I can just bypass that poly extrude and go straight to my tube so if I use my um connect my output of my tube into the first input of the booing now you can see I'm just using that edge of the tube and that just cleans up away that edge and then obviously we don't want to use this combined mesh for the boing and our window was our first piece of geometry oh sorry our window was the second geometry our door is the first one and we just so we just want to connect those two together and I've got that shape going okay so I'm just going to move this down even more so we've got even more space to work up up here here with and let's just carry on here and create the door I want to keep the door to this side so in this in this model we had the building and then the garage door on this side of the building so I just want to keep it consistent and keep it on that side so let's just view this and let's have a look at what we did last time so last time we had if we go back to our door here we had our box and then we blasted out this one primitive and this is one primitive your metal mass and you see it was one primitive but now the problem is if we look at this Boolean let's go back to other model and view it now they can see there's a whole lot of Primitives on this front face and what I could do is come in and obviously delete all these art uh just for example just go here and delete some polygons I'm not going to delete them all cuz I'm not going to use this technique but if I go non selected now I've got say for instance my door but I've got a whole bunch of Primitives and the rest of the operations that we did over here isn't going to work we kind of relied on it being one primitive so we can do that obviously multiple ways and the first part is I want to show you a different kind of delete and this is going to allow me to delete this setup procedurally and it's a little bit more yeah it's a little bit more efficient when it comes to proceduralism it won't always work but in this case it's going to work for the setup and we'll show you why so we obviously used a blast here and this you enter the group into now we've got another node is actually called a delete node and let's just connect this up and let's have a look at it so this has got quite a few options um that we can do and we can delete by this pattern which is this will allow us to enter values so I can you know enter the PRI of numbers here and it will delete that there's also different options here like delete by range and this is quite handy in certain cases but you can actually delete specific um yeah like every second primitive Etc is not a good example to see this on but we're obviously not going to use this so and there's this is an expression and you can delete by expression but we're not using that either so I'm just going to disable this enable here and you'll see there's a bunch of tabs and these perform different operations so I'm going to disable this and then let's have a look at the second one and enable this so now I've got a delete by bounding box and this is so really useful for proceduralism so if I look at this and I view it now and I can actually view this box and I can slide it around and as soon as I go into an area where there's geometry it's going to delete that geometry and this is quite useful um the only thing is it's I guess it's static to this poin in which is all right it's kind of works for what we want but if you had to for instance transform this measure around and let's transform the measure around you can see then I'm losing my delete again and likewise forwards and backwards that's obviously not ideal if we decide to move our door a little bit so let's go ahead and delete this test transform and so yeah it it works in certain cases but we don't want to use this in this case then there's another option and we're actually going to use this option and this is the delete by normal and this is quite handy so deleting by normal is actually essentially what it's doing is deleting by Direction so you can go it says normal up here but if you look it's actually Direction so we've got a x axis a y- axis and a z axis which is currently set to one and then an angle to delete by 180 if you look at the model would obviously be 180° so that's all a well pretty much halfway around the model so we don't want to do that we want to limit the spread angle so now if I come down and I drop this value and start limiting the spread angle you can see now I'm deleting along an axis and that axis is my currently it's set to one so that's that's my Z AIS so you can see now I'm deleting everything that's on that side and I can actually set this to negative one and if I go around you'll see now it's deleting that side so then we can obviously use this so this is quite handy so if I set this to zero I don't want to use that direction I actually want to use the X Direction which is facing this way and I'm going to set this to one and see what we get and there we go got this front face is deleted I can change the angle a bit and make sure I've got all my points that I want in the front deleted but obviously I don't want to delete it I want to keep that and delete everything else so again on the delete node you can actually set the operation and the operation to delete non- selected now we just left with this face and that's kind of giving us a a procedural delete without manually selecting anything next we'll have a look obviously at now we've still got all these Primitives so you can see I've actually got a whole lot of Primitives here still and like we said before we only want one and there's I guess a couple of ways to can do this as well but one really useful way is if we use this divide node and we used this before but it has quite a few different options and I'm just going to view it so by default again it triangulates it and we don't want that and it's got all these operations like the breaker and we used the breaker before but it's actually got this move remove shed edges and this is useful and if I click it you can see it's removed all the Shar edges and so while if I view the points it's still got the points if I just disable this again you can see these Edge connections but it's removed all the Primitives in the middle and now if a middle Mouse on this or press the info on the Divide if you look here you can see I've got one primitive now only so now we kind of back to the point where we had if we go to the side and we look at this where we did a manual delete delete of that box and we were left with one primitive now we've got this one primitive back in the setup and what can we do with that well maybe we can take what we've built already and see how much of that we can actually just reuse so I'm going to go ahead and I'm actually just going to move this out the way for now it's really not not in a good spot I'll we'll move it and sort it out into a better location once we've built the door but I'm going to select all these nodes that we create use to create the door apart from this blast cuz we don't want to use the blasts and then I'm going to copy and paste this and use my alt and left Mouse drag and drag it over to this side now you can see obviously it's still connected to that all these points are connected to that and what I can do is just drag select all these lines or these connection lines and then I can click on them and I can just pipe them all directly into this divide and now you can see they connected in there so I can now look at my poly extrude that we did before and that's working I had a blast here and this blast again not procedural this blast in the previous build was if you remember it was deleting out this bottom Edge so we will have to change that and again we can do this in a more procedural way again as well so let's try our delete again and just put it up here connect it Sor up there and then just delete this blast start we don't want that and viewing our delete we can disable our by number again and then we can go to our normals and enable that and let's set this to zero and we'll set our YX because we want to affect the up this upside the sorry the y- axis only and then we can change our spread angle and you can see now I'm deleting out that bottom area only and that's procedural so that will propagate through if we copy this setup to something else it will then immediately work and then we ping extruding it again just to give our door that little Edge to the little um yeah the little boundary Edge and let's go have a look at this side so this side was the um little panels the inser panels and we did that resample we're going to resample it again so we get you can see there's on this divid left us with points but they're not evenly spaced so once we do a resample we resampling all those points so now you can see they evenly spaced out again and again I can come in and do my extrude backwards and then we've got this blast so to delete the bottom what we did previously so I'm just going to trash this out and then I'm just going to copy and paste this again to this side and drop it into this network right here and let's view that and now you can see immediately I've got the bottoms missing there's a bit of a extra edge here so maybe we can change the angle a little bit and there we go it's disappeared always with checking those things and then just moving on we've got yeah a poly split which we described before as it splits all the points into two and then we've got our primitive scaling and our little extrude and now we've got that setup already going and let's just view the bottom the last thing would be obviously the door and the door is different so let's just disconnect this for now so we can see we've got and I'm going to disable my point display just so it looks a bit cleaner now we can see we are we've got our little border and our little little struts here panels going in and it's looking quite good but now we need to have a look at this door and how we're going to treat this door let's just have a look at the reference again and you can see we've got this flat panel with this almost cross in the center and let's move back down to our geometry zo much here again so we were at this divide and let's have a look at what we can do here so this is a angle and we want kind of our door to be straight down so we don't really have to use this geometry but because the doors kind of inser into the inside and you know we we don't really need to use it it's just like a flat panel that's curved at the top and that could intersect with if we look at our building we could create a just a flat grid inside here and that would be easy enough but for this example I just wanted to show you what another wet method we could possibly use and is to straighten out this geometry so it's aligned um yeah straight up in y so for that what we're going to do is I'm going to drop a another node this is called a point and I'm going to connect this one into this point and this allows me to do Point Expressions um with various options and we'll explore some of this a little bit later on so but currently what I want to do on this attribute I want to affect the p and then there's this little uh Dex expression thing and we're not going to type anything yet there's a little drop down on here with some preset expressions for us and you'll see there's a whole lot and there's a flatten here which we can possibly use so let's have a look at that and see what it does if we click on it now we're going okay well that's not really what want it's flattening it down and if you look at the expression and we know we're dealing with X Y and Z it's saying basically flatten on X or it's keeping X sorry and it's keeping Zed so these two values is keeping the current positions and that's why you can see there got it's going outwards in the uh the Z axis this way and it's still got size in this if I set this for example this self self.x to zero you can see now let's just enable my point display you can see now this is moved to this origin but the points are actually flat and obviously this is what not what we want but that's just to show you what it's doing so let's just undo that quickly and then I want to keep my y position so what I can do then is instead of this zero here I can do type in self doy and now we back to where our model was and that's obviously not flattening it out but I want to flatten it art to this exp position so if I set this to zero you can see now I've got a flat panel door and it's obviously moved to the zero position of my um coordinates cuz this is set to zero so it's setting all these Point positions to zero while keeping my my Y and my Zed positions on my attributes and you can look at this if you look at our geometry spreadsheet and you can see there is all my x positions now if I scroll down all my points are set to zero and all the other ones are retained if I disable this point node you can see now I've got values back in my Exposition but what I can do because this is not ideal I don't want it directly here so if I just let's template maybe we'll template a little bit higher up and have a look at our building so here's our building so we want our door to be obviously in the door frame area so we can set this point position to a value instead of using zero which can be maybe one and you can see now we're starting to move forward so let's make it three maybe three units it's a bit far so 2.5 now I've got this flat panel in here and this could be essentially the back of my door and it fits in this area quite nicely just moving this to the side a little bit now I just want to extrude this art a little bit so the door's got a bit of thickness so we're going to do our poly extrude again connect this up and let's view it and then we can just extrude outwards a bit I'm going to make it quite thick and what we want to do is we want to take to our reference again we've got these panels and I actually want to inser the shape into this panel into this door so we're going to make it quite thick and then I'm going to create geometry that we're going to booing into this and to create that rough shape what we're going to do is um let's create a box for starters and let's just move this box into place this again is not very procedural cuz I'm manually moving it into place I just wanted to see the scale of things and what I want to do is just I'm just going to view it and then template my door so we're working in this isolated area I'm just going to scale this out I want to look at the top part of the door so we're going to just do that let's move this up a little bit so we I'll show you exactly what I'm going to do now so we now I want to taper it in to get this kind of vshape you can see it's almost a triangle at the top and the bottom so let's do that and we can do a again we could edit this manually or we could use our uh taper deformer let's connect that up and now let's again just go into the to enter onto the screen so we get our handles and before like we did we can fit the capture so we'll do n it fits it into the region now if we just adjust the tape a bit we can see we're not really in the right zone so I want to cycle through the capture directions and we can see that's not too bad it's kind of in the wrong facing the wrong way so if I tape it out that way that's going the wrong way so I actually just want to taper it inwards and like that not a total triangle just giving it a bit of bit of a edge there shape like that and we can see we starting to get a interesting shape I just want to make my box a little bit narrower like this and obviously my taper is the that Center Point is sitting obviously there but I want quite a straight edge at the back here so I could just move my box let's move it a little bit back again and then adjust my taper position so what I want to do with this is I want to um toggle the capture area that is g and we can see now we've got this um transform handle and we can transform our deformer around a little bit by moving the capture areas so it just go a little bit more sideways so you can see now I've got creating this almost wedge and want a bit of an angle on it just to give it a bit more interest I want to try and make sure this bottoms overlap there so that's working quite well what I actually want to do with this box you can see it's offset if I look at it from the front my door is sitting like this and this box is offset a little bit and that's actually offset if you look that's actually offset in the Z axis and you can see the there a value here so just going to set this to zero and now we can see our little boxes in a better space however our capture region is now little offset as well so we can try and adjust that in the viewport as well and line it up but again there is a value here we can adjust on the on this axis and we can set this to zero on the Z and now we've got this lined up box perfectly and now we can go ahead and let's just Boolean that into the outdoor shape so drop a Boolean again and connect these two up and let's have a look at what we've got so that's quite interesting we've got almost that bit of that shape going but it's not quite there yet we obviously got the sides to do and the the Bottom now what we can do with this is we can actually use this shape again without redoing it and you could copy and paste it and rotate it around but we could utilize a mirror Mo mirror node and let's just type mirror and let's just drop this and let's view this before we do anything else so you can see by default again there's a little handle and it's displaying a center point this is actually centered at the origin here and if we look at some of the parameters we going okay the origin is set to zero which is this so if I move it you'll see the origin changes go to zero again there's a distance and this is just how far away you mirror objects and you can scroll that up and down and if you set this back to zero again you can see that the distance is equal on either sides of this zero origin and then we've got a direction that we can mirror in So currently we mirroring in the x axis and let set to one in the direction here which we don't want to do so we can set that to zero and then maybe we want a mirror in the Y AIS so we can set that to one and now we've got a mirror in the Y and we obviously want to adjust then the distance so we can adjust the distance here and we can make the distance a lot smaller there we go we have our shape mirrored in there and let's have a look at our boing again and you can see we're starting to get that shape it's not 100% there yet we could possibly go in and adjust our box a little bit so maybe make our box a little bit um narrower just increase the height a bit I think maybe maybe that's all we need to do that's actually not too bad and let's just make the Box a bit wider sorry hitting rotate here and let's just scale this out on either side a little bit and that's not looking too bad like that and let's just make sure our boxes in Center again and then let's just create the two outsides and we're going to do this same setup again but just with a different angle so what I can do then well what I want to do is just copy and paste all these guys art and then I want to move my box down into a better position let's just say like that for now and then we want to change our taper so again we will go into the viewboard mode and we'll adjust the the bounding Box by pressing in to fit it and let's cycle the capture and see what we can get and cycle it again and that's all right let's do that again no it's not working this one's working for us so what we can do now is we can just obviously adjust our taper oh so it's a a little bit bigger on the one side but we don't really want to do that so I think what we can do is just move this box to the other side of the door so we get our taper working and then this time I just want to go into that uh toggle capture which is G pressing G on the keyboard and I'm just going to move this manually and as you can see I move the y axis manually I'm moving it into to that capture region and you can see now I'm getting the capture detail on that's looking pretty decent I think a box is coming too far on the end so I'm just going to squash this in and let's just adjust our capture length so I'm going to scale this up so you can see there's quite a bit of options to play with and now we can have a look at what's going on here so we've got this sliding out I'm just going to template my door here so we've got a visual of where we want to place this next box and let's just move our capture region again out bit let's move it to the back so we can see we deforming it now towards the back and trying to maintain that shape our box is a bit higher so let's move our box down a bit and what we can probably do I mean if you just look at lining it up I guess this little visualizer or the axis Y is we want to try to center it here and there would be other ways to do this procedurally I'm just showing you a manual method um just so we can learn what these tools do and then yeah just adjust the wire bit again and you can see now I've got a quite a nice little setup I can adjust my taper out a bit and let's just refine it up here and it's not looking too bad and maybe we should just drop this into the door and let's see what it actually looks like so I've got a mirror here still that is obviously set to my Y and I don't want to do that so let's just set this to zero and I actually want to mirror this in my Zed Direction and let's just move the distance and just refine this bit so zero is not too bad and that's because we are actually at the zero uh plane of my grid here you can see it's on zero this zero this is the zero line um along Zed and we can see oh that's not looking too bad so let's just merge these two guys together now those two are together and let's have a look at our booing and that's looking fairly interesting what could perhaps do and just to give it a little bit more character maybe is let's do a poly bevel on this um inser so we're going to on this section we're going to do a poly beel and let's just create some rounding on the edges here give it some subdivisions I'm just going to disable my point display let's pipe this into the bin so I'm basically poly beveling both these geometry at once and then view this you see I've got this little bit of edge here and that's quite interesting I think that's working this demo and that's looks quite cool for the door so I'm just going to go and delete this old pieces of geometry here and let's just line these guys up a little bit better close up the gaps and then I'm going to color all this yellow again so it indicates to us that that's a door geometry and let's merge this bin with this merge here and now we've got our complete door structure and let's just give it that same color again and let's merge that back into our entire building so got our building down here there's our cap that we've moved off to the side so I'm going to give myself a little bit more room here just so things are a little bit clearer move this over and I want to merge it with this merge here so let's just drop a merge down at the bottom connect this in here and then connect my bolean in here and this is this main part of the building without the cap and I've got my little door in there sitting nicely in there and lastly you just want to bring this little cap back and let's just think of it a nice way what we can actually chain this in year while having it in a separate location and obviously we want to use it in multiple places so what we've got is quite nice in in here we've got these little um dots that we can add to the lines um connection lines and we can if you hold down alt and you click on the dot it will create this little dot node and while I'm holding down alt I can actually let that let alt go while I've got it selected and I can move this line now to the side and you can see now I'm basically instead of Crossing all my lines I'm just moving across to that way and again I'm just going to move this up here we've got a cross line here but that doesn't really matter it's not too hectic and then my Boolean is crossed again not hopefully not too confusing but yeah these little lines are quite cool and you can go ahead and delete Del them just by selecting them and pressing delete uh again let's just bring it back by Alt clicking on the line and you can just place it by like that if you let go the M will just place it in that location but then you can also click and drag on it to move it around and if you want to connect things to this as well you can Branch off there and you can create a new connection here to something else that's quite useful so now got my booing here with my let's call this uh door and windows and then this is my cap I'm just going to call it cap okay that's all working and then we can just change this connection point to this merge so we've got our full model here going into to our door and there we go let's have a look at our reference we've missed anything that's looking pretty cool at the moment there some settings we'll come back to and modify later on but for now I'm happy with that so after we've done this I just want to go back and let's review some of the nodes we've already used and maybe have a closer look at one or two of them before we move on to any more modeling and we've got a couple that we've used we've obviously used the bend we've used the the bevel and the extruder lot we used some blasts we've used a delete node and resample so let's just drop these down I'm just going to go perhaps on this side here and let's drop a group and I'm going to type group and as I type group you can see up here the list is quite long there a whole bunch of group options and let's have a look at some of them we won't be looking at like the group joints and stuff that's based for um rigging but we've got all these other ones and we can have a look at that and then after that we can have a look at the delete node and see some of the other options within that uh so I'm just going to drop a grip first grip and this is pretty much what we kind of we briefly looked at once before and let's just have a look at doing some grouping on this model for instance so I'm going to connect it up and we want to explore different type of groups so you can do on your base group on Primitives you can select the each primitive or a bunch of Primitives you select them and then hit enter and then that gets populated within the Bas group you can also change the group type so at the moment I've been working with just Primitives really but we can also do edges or points and edges so you'll see that changes because now I'm selecting the points with those numbers so I can just go in again and select a specific amount of points and then we've got edges as well and you can see every time it changes because the these values are different to the point value again so let's just select some of those and we've got that and then vertices we don't really use much grouping in that so I'm just going to leave that out all the same thing really and then just going back to the the points we can disable this group so if I don't want anything to group like this way I can disable it and then we've got a bounding region option which we can which we used on that previous delete node and you can press enter on the keyboard and you can adjust the bounding region and that will create groups I've got my group set to points at the moment and like I said this is useful for procedural workflows and you can not group things without worrying about if you change the size or well if you change the size it's going to change but it's always going to stay in this area there that group cuz it's by B it's grouping by these B there's another option on this you can actually change this to group by another object and what I can do then for instance let's do a swear I'm going to drop that here and then plug this into the second input of the group and you can see now if I move my swear around to a decent position make a little bit bigger and you can see now if I select my group I'm grouping by that sweere and that's quite useful as well so you've got perhaps another object like this that's intersecting and you want to do a group only at that time this could even be an animated object and you could animate it in see there's no group now and if I slide it in I'll start grouping that object and if it goes out again it deletes that group and this could be like a dynamic Dynamic grouping if you need to do something specific in that area and just viewing the group again and that's it there's different there's a different type of grouping with volumes and I won't get into that convex holes so that's the bounding region and then like the delete we've got the group by normals and you can just change a spread angle and you can create groups like that as well yeah we've explored this in the delete delete no so we want to we won't mess around with these directions too much and then we've got a group by edges I'm just going to disable this normals and this is got a few options one of the ones we will use and it's not really going to show up here on this specific model I'm just going to delete this s to give you example of uh incl edges or unshared edges let's drop something a little bit simpler uh let's make a grid and let's just view this grid and I'm going to plug it into my grrip and then now grip again let's just up the point count and you can see now I've got this group which is gone yellow the points and that's grouping everything that doesn't have a connected Edge so everything that's on the outside so if I had to go for instance and come here and select some of these faces let's just get a primitive selection and delete this art and I've got a hole in this grid and if I go back to my group now and view it you can see now it's grouping these edges as well cuz that's a edges don't have any connections so it's it's unshared edges it's grouping by and that's also really useful again if you want to delete or group in a specific way very handy to do I'm just going to disable this and then there's a random chance delete just remove this blast quick and we can delete byas percentage and you can see they I'm deleting 50% of my points and that's randomly deleting them and I can change this value so I can only delete I can delete 2% and can see I've only got a few points selected and then I can go up and pretty much select their 100% all and then there's a seed that will just give you the variation so every time I change that value it will randomly select another one to change into that group it's so worth noting when we're in this geometry spreadsheet and we'll at this in a second a bit more but you can see there is a group here with a group name and when I've got the group selected you can see these highlight yellow for me as well just to give me indication that those specific points are in a group and these are the number Point numbers if I just go away from it so I've got if I mle Mouse here I've got 2,500 points and if I scroll down to the bottom of this you can see got that 249 but it starts at zero so it's 2, 2500 2,500 and yeah you can see there's the position and then when I go to the group now I've got that highlighted and there's a group pop up here and this is quite useful so if I give this a name uh like test for example and you'll see it says group test and that value everywhere it's grouped there's a value of one and when it's not group it's a value of zero okay then let's just explore some of the other groups we looked at briefly just going to move this to the side and type Tab and and sorry a tab and type group and we've got a group combine I'm going to drop this but I'm going to get back to it CU we need more than one group so let's type group again there's a group copy which is uh another utility and that's just copying a group I've got a group create and this is pretty much this group it's just called group create actually it's the same as just typing group and then there's a group delete and this is useful as well if you want to if you got a bunch of groups and you want to clean up your geometry I can just go in and select that group and delete it and out deleting that data and sometimes you want to do that just to clean up your scene and make your geometry a bit lighter the more information you got in it the heavier the scene so it's so just optimization and let's type group again to see what else we got we've got group expand this is quite useful as well and if I just go here and let's just change this group test to something else so I'm going to reps uh go to Primitives and I'm going to enable some Primitives and just manually select them for now let's just select these and press enter and now you'll see I've got this group The Su perative group and if I click on the group expand what it's going to do is actually expand out that group uh test so if I select the test as the base group and I can go see the original one highlighted it over here and I expand outwards so I can shrink it actually by going minus values and then I can expand that group out and it will kind of select all the faces around it and there's a couple of options around this that you could explore really useful if you don't want to spend a lot of time grouping something and you know more or less where you want the group you could for instance just select say one of these points and then do your group expand on that one point and you can get quite a large area quickly and then let's just hit this group tab again and we go down to groups sorry I didn't type out the word and we've got expand and then expression is similar to some of the stuff we've looked at over here with the group like group by chance and let's have a look at that so if I group a expression um for instance there if I look at this expression you there's a little drop down and I can it's got various options and but I can say here by chance and essentially what it's doing is the same thing as if we had to group a chance random chance here and you'll see there's a it says random element and it's taking a randomized um selection of these Primitives and then it's just saying 30% Min yeah less than 3% so if it was one it would be the entire thing and 0.1 would only be 10% chance to do the group and there's a a couple of things you can do with you can essentially create an attribute for instance and have it in one area and then you can actually use an expression to group by that area only and then moving on we just want to go to the uh group invert it does exactly that it will just sorry invertuals we go our test and there here we can see we've inverted that group disable it it's actually using this test sorry that's one that I created up here um it's no not sorry it's actually using this test up here s my apologies and if I do the group expand you can see the group expand actually gives me a new name and by default it's called group expand and now if I go to group inverts and I say group name name group expand and you'll see it's giving me both of those at once so let's just remove the test group and now you can see this is now baing correctly so I've got my initial group and then I'll view my invert and it's inverting that group and let's just type group again in the tab menu and we've got group joints we're not like I said we're not going to look at it that's rigging stuff and and then we've got group paint and just another useful thing but also not very procedural let's just select my grid I can just select on that and then I've got a little um I can just paint on the surface and what you can actually do is if you scroll Mouse wheel you can expand the brush scroll in and in and out and you can expand the area that you want to paint so you can quite easily create groups that you want and just that's actually painted so that's quite useful but look's say it's also one of these non-procedural workflows so use it with caution not that there's anything wrong with nonprocedural just depends on the kind of setup you're doing and let's type group again and see what else we've left out so promote we haven't used and let's just have a look at that another really useful way to group things so um for instance now I've grouped this let's call that's called group paint that's a point group essentially called group point if I middle Mouse and see this info what I can do is I can go to my group promote and I can say group name I can bring that in so that's my group paint and you can see there it's giving me that group but now what I can do is I can change it to another group with the group promotes and this will change it to a different um type of group so from points I can go maybe to Primitives and now you see that group has changed to a primitive group and if I mle Mouse on you and get the info you can say I've got Prim groups now and the other ones missing so now if I go back to the first one and I go info I've got Point groups group one and what it does is it actually changes the promotes the group as best as it can to the new Surface around it and it also deletes out by default it deletes out that original group you can keep that group if you really wanted to and it's keep original group and you'll get some warnings as that it exists so it's not really a good option to do you if you do that you want to rename it so let's just call this group paint two sorry underscore two and now if I press my info on it you'll see I've got my point group and my point group 1or 2 and that's not giving me any warnings anymore but now I can now I've got access to both those groups and I can doop different things with Point selections versus primitive selections okay and then I'm just going to Tab and type group again and lastly what I really wanted to look at was this uh Group by lass here and this is quite a cool one as well it's similar to the concept when we go to um Group by bounding regions this is not just set it back to box so we've got an area that we can select and wherever we move our geometry underneath we'll always have access to that group in that location you see the group stays there if I move my box around to the side my group is still in that location even though my geometry is changing underneath the lassu works in a similar way except it allows you to paint like lasso paints of a group and we just need to do that actually to visualize what's going on so let me connect this up and I'm going to view this on the keyboard and then while I'm over the viewport I'm just going to press enter and this allows me to draw lines essentially or strokes and I can select regions like this and now what's quite interesting is if I actually move my viewpoint away from where I'm looking you can actually see now if I rotate I'm actually painting based off the direction I'm looking so if I go this way now and I painted area here and let created this blue lassy line now if you look at the paint it was painted in the direction that I'm looking and another example just do confirm paintt again and now I've got painted in that direction that I was looking on and this is a nice way if you got a specific scene and you need to do something like maybe from the top down and you just you got very specific areas you want to group so you know you can come in and group things out like this and you can actually middle Mouse as well and it gives you this little red uh lassu area that it draws and that's just basically subtracting the group you can see it draws it there so I've got all these little lines and then what it is is those are just as well they stuck in space so if your geometry is moving underneath that that group will always be in that location and that's quite handy again if you've got some some effect you want to happen and only in that specific space you can group it there and no matter what it will always group there or if your geometry changes so for instance if I go to this and I get a really low Point count and you can see I've still got my group in that location and that's really handy to use and on this node you can disable The Strokes so you can see I've got a couple of strokes and just disable them and it removes it from that group and you can add to groups or replace it and you can also just clear them out so it will clear you if I press clear um Al these lassus only show up when you're selecting the group so if I had to do something underneath for instance you don't see those lassus anymore it's only when I'm got the group selected and I'm viewing it with my active um my viewboard active here that's just good to know and then we can like say we can clear it out and that will basically remove all those strokes and let's just clean this up a bit the last one I want to look at here is the group by range and this is quite nice to look at on a grid because we can see exactly what it does So currently I've got my group type as Primitives and my start and in let's not worry about that but there's a range filter here and what I can do is I can group every second primitive and you get this nice value of every second primitive or I can do every third primitive and you you can see I start getting these lines happening and this is really useful at points to do procedural selection and if I keep going up you'll see those kind of change and then not only that is I can if I say maybe group every five but but then I can select two or five and that will expand that group downwards and then we can offset that selection as well and that's just really useful for procedural selection of geometry and lastly on the third grouping I just wanted to look at this group combine and let's just say for instance I'm going to connect this to my group bar range so I've got my grid I've got this bounding box grrip grou that's called test and then this group by range let's just give this a reasonable name and on the group type and we call this range sorry about that range and then we're going to connect this group promote and what this allows you to do is different operations of groups so you can combine groups you can subtract them and do like a Boolean operations on them so I've got these two groups and what I want to do is give it a group name and this is going to be a new name so this just call this [Music] combine and I want to say equals to my range and my test group and well that's just bringing in one of those sorry what I need to do on the second one let's say I've got my test group and then I want to go Union with my range and now you can see I'm combining those two groups together and then there's other oper operations I can say equals all but test so it's basically inverting that there and then likewise you can do intersect your inclusive or uh subtraction which is kind of your typical Boolean kind of operation ation s and then you can also change this value as well so you can go Union with all but range and that will kind of invert that range uh likewise with any of these other settings in intersect to I can go to give you that and butt range and then if you have a bunch of different groups you can actually add them here and you can control a lot and now you've got if I middle Mouse I've got a combined group and I've still got my range and my test and now I've got access to three different groups that I can do different things with that's all I just wanted to have a look at just exploring some of the group options uh quickly I just want to go over the delete nodes quickly in the blast in the next video okay just going to delete all these groups out uh let's just drop our blast node and we we can obviously connect that and like before we can select something and we can blast it out and as we said that's not very procedural um we can do this in other ways so we can actually work with groups to do this so let's again just go back to an example of the uh let's go do the lassu group group by lasso and let's just create a group and I'm going to actually just call this lasso and let's view it and let's just paint a group here so now I'm doing group up points and I want to select do my uh blast here I want to switch it to that group and just clear out this and I want to work on points because my L is a point grip like that and I have a delete num essenti doing a procedural delete and if I move my grid around you can see now I'm deleting wherever that L is uh very useful and then that's just one option of deleting and obviously I can do a delete non selected and that gives me all the inverted and then there's yeah there's there some extra options that we don't really ever use much the one that's quite useful is delete unused groups and if you've got a whole bunch of groups and your piping something out to the side it's a quite a useful feature to have but we'll have a look at that at some other point and then I just want to drop the delete node and just plug this into this Vu as well so we can do the same thing I can bring in my group here and I can switch my entty here to points which is what I want to use and this this gives me the same result let just turn off that and view the delete again and you can see yeah it's giving me exactly the same results and then I can delete non selected and what you can do as well then you've got your we've explored before you've got your bounding box so then you can add to actually add to that with some other options quite useful just to delete things in one go so you've deleting by group but you're adding to that group at the same time and we've got our normals and we're not going to look at this degenerate and then your random again deleting by chance um that's just also quite useful to use so just being able to combine them uh with other groups and use the delete at the same time and then just going disabling that and going back to this first tab the number you can see up here is by a pattern and that's just giving me a pattern of pretty much everything but you can change the operation and yeah we've got to delete by range so I can now delete like we showed with a group you can delete a certain by certain range and let's just disable this or take this lass out the equation and maybe switch it back to Primitives and now we can see we doing exactly like we did with the group except we're doing it on the delete node it's just another option to do it and that's if you specifically want to delete stuff and then we've got the delete by expression which will allow you to delete based off attributes if you've got any yes I hope that gives you a little bit more clarity on groups and obviously grouping is quite a a large topic and there's not too many deletes you can delete actually by well like Expressions but you can actually delete in in wrangles and in Vex and we'll get to using some of that at a later stage as well so just exploring another way to delete geometry
Channel: Rebelway
Views: 11,634
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Keywords: Houdini Tutorial, Houdini, SideFX Houdini, Nuke, Nuke Tutorial, VFX, FX, VFX Industry, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Hollywood, Simulation, VFX Tutorial, VFX Tutorials
Id: JTEcEBY2-pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 5sec (12965 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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