'Hot Ones' Guests Impressed by Sean Evans' Questions | Vol. 1

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can you rank these rap dances from the lamest to rest gotcha schmutz stanky leg lean back cat daddy yeah audience if we go from lameness I would say stinky lady okay then can't daddy lean back [Music] my guess is that near 25 years on this planet you've had to deal with some severe hangovers and your life is not like mine like you can't just nurse 64 ounces of Gatorade smoke a little weed and watch Netflix and just sort of rest it off so it leads me to believe that you have to have some sort of ritual or some sort of hangover cure that you use in a question when I like come it like kind of like like everything shakes that I just got clean yeah I think this is my favorite interview I've ever done in my life are you serious yeah I think a lot of people try to be cheesy about [ __ ] and I think that's what's cool about you is you actually you give it straightforward I mean I've watched you in so you're straightforward honest and and I think from the first interview when somebody does that it's you got to figure and sense them out a lot of people how people do interviews you can sense them out a lot and see what they're feeling so I'm fascinated by the idea of camp camp awesome and all these sketches that go see the light of day isn't that the purgatory that you guys put the sketches that don't make [ __ ] wait now you remember that our blind is the rocks are so so I'm having a stroke if you were mayor of New York what would be your first order of business what would be the day day 1 action ok this is a good one I really think that the answer is to constantly maintain healthy and equal opportunity for competition in this country the Republicans are constantly trying to remove competition and create monopolies and create industries that are too big to fail hoping that then the money trickles down it doesn't work but then on the other side you have to help the smaller businesses absorb this and also help the small midsize businesses to retain talent businesses that you could open or I could open they're not available as options we allow these things to get so big and monopolized that four dudes like us on the ground I mean what can you create we have to maintain competition and we have to help build more opportunities for people to be small business owners I know you love Chipotle oh you know that we do everything I don't anything I knew that I'm I'm realizing things about myself here it's interesting to think about rap dad's you know to think about rappers having every day dad issues and you're a rap dad yourself absolutely and when you go to like the ballet classes or you drop your son off at MMA like do you find that the coaches the other young dads they talk to you like Reggie or do they think of you as red man good [ __ ] question some that feel that they're heavily educated in the hip-hop game they know who tang is they they know to call me Reggie visage red man some people might show their cockiness and do that but I get Reggie I know yeah and then there's red man like hey Redman you know white people say Redman and black people they say red man is [ __ ] they're wiping the Redman I like that respect to that means that they know they've been in Redmond alright so this last one I had a feeling this guy would be your favorite I don't know if he is but I have a feeling he has a special place in your heart all right you ready to sing is it Val Venis oh well Venus hello ladies definitely my favorite wrestler Belle Venus is your favorite it was are you a little bit of I'm impressed I am very impressed and move on you have a very interesting line in that when you talk about how you basically have to do your own interviews because everybody and hip-hop media more or less asked to do the same [ __ ] and since there's a lot of people in hip-hop media that maybe want to tell you how to rap or tell you how to act I wonder if you have any feedback the other way I wonder if you have any criticisms of rap media that's a pretty good question I know I think all you guys pretty much do a phenomenal job I'm not sure I believe you I think you guys represent the culture I think you guys helped to move it forward and I haven't seen anything ever reported false or inaccurate with any of you guys it sounds patronizing when you say that Joe a little bit when things used to boil over in hip-hop it would be about the lyrics and it would be about the cosines it would be about the occasional face to face now you kind of need to understand the internet need to have like a multimedia 360-degree strategy when it goes how do you think an artist like Eminem or another great punch line artist from that era would fare these days do you think that they could be that they could keep up good question all right let's see MC would always be R well 10 years from now when I don't know how music sounds the same way I didn't know how my phone would operate 10 years ago the emcees will still be able to MC as we've talked about this whole time you're one of our day one fans we've been trying to work this out for so long and finally you're here and when that happens it's a great thing but it's also kind of a bad thing because in some way you have to be a little let down by your experience here you have to be disappointed in some way it's probably something you were hoping I'd ask you about that I didn't or some way that you thought it was gonna go that it didn't I want you to take a bite reflect and if you were to do this differently and what ways are you disappointed in hot ones now that you're here okay I might be the best question is fast okay how did we let you down I thought you definitely have beer for me and I could write off getting drunk too working I heard you met an ex-girlfriend on myspace who is not only how do the kids in junior high treat the kid who wears a suit to school every day is that a cool thing to do or do they tease you and they make fun of you this is a great question you know I've had my fair share of kids who Stoke gum in my hair these to throw a gummy look at me now [ __ ] I mean hot very hot wing big up big up puff cuz that was my favorite restaurant Justin's I don't I don't know if people know I heard that you used to break glasses on the horn no you listen this guy's [ __ ] a lot of people understand that the reason why I came here is because he's like nod watt nod wad no [ __ ] that nobody else I'm not sure Evans is the best [ __ ] host on internet what a Def Jam Vendetta get wrong about your fighting style oh I forgot how good you are actually a good knock harder your knockout guy in my past life chef Padma and Shaq yes you fit some good juicy ones I did of all the animal testicles that you've eaten your life I want to unpack into this honey G thing the older I get these characters kind of pop up in the United States every once in a while too you'll see like slim Jesus flare up or on the other side of the spectrum even somebody like Matty B and it gets harder and harder every day it seems too personal what authenticity even is in hip-hop anymore that's a good question because even you know if honey G was as corny as she was in terms of musically as long as she was being herself I wouldn't care and I obviously understand this is entertainment sound signs people glamorized pings and you know they might spice things up but at the end of the day when the cotton comes down you need to ask yourself was you the best you one of my favorite projects that you did is it's crime up north okay I know that you're big on finding guys that no one else is discovered one knows he's wandering that's good that's raizy but I want to relate that now to food if you were to do that project over again and instead of looking with the rappers that no one has found yet and instead you're looking for the regional dishes that you love the most which ones would you feature oh that's a great one so if I could travel up north and ensure some food I'll go to York shop for great traditional British roast I'll go to Liverpool get some gravy and chips a climate talker this is wild how you're talking what am I gonna do just sit here silently was so easy um and then we go to Scotland Scotland summer house do you have an opinion on the American versus Lafayette chili dog situation first of all I applaud you for even knowing that that is the civil war that exists in Detroit but yes we are a Lafayette family emcees I think used to be really influenced by superheroes and even like Method Man and MF DOOM those sound like comic book characters do you think that that's sort of been washed away and if so do you think that there's some other thing that's bubbling up and filling that void oh that's a good question cuz you don't really hit so many comic book references you used to hear them all that you see them all the time I think it's because people play the streets too close so all of their material is coming from leg what's going on in the hoods like back in the day two artists were like a lot more creative so they were like literally rapping about any and everything like you hear kung fu references you'd hear comic book references you'd hear like great sitcom references now everything is about to trap am I reading Oh comic books in the trap so in your book astrophysics for people in a hurry you talked about how the shipping industry could save billions of dollars if they shipped in spheres rather than the boxes because I read the book on Saturday so please don't fresh in my mind what are the biggest mistakes reality TV stars make when they experience overnight celebrity oh wow what a good question um don't be like oh this is my new life I'm a superstar this is gonna last forever cuz it's not I would say keep your day job if you're on a reality show don't be a dick you know when you think about these songs that come out of housewives whether it's Google me or what's uh what's a good one money can't buy you class very good which one of your celebrity friends smokes the best weed oh um oh wow that's a good question uh which one I surrounded I'm everyone I'm thinking of it's like indeed jiminy pie yet they all [ __ ] take my weed I'm the guy that gets all the pot it's important to pay homage to those who paved the way so what I want to do is bounce some of the most legendary figures in the field off of you and then just get your snap reaction sound good yeah because I love that you brought up that question because you always have to talk about where you get your inspiration mm-hmm you know I love that if you could work with any animal that you haven't already what would it be Oh such a good question I've done it with the snake what was I gonna say an elephant what was the most savage off-camera prank that was ever Bob yeah what a great question that is there was the one that was actually on camera but a little known about because it lived on and an obscure DVD that I put up by myself I filmed myself ejaculating onto the computer keyboard and desk of the most germaphobic producer of Jackass back in the early days of the TV show and then I wanted to go in there and film him just typing away but my blabbermouth I had told too many people and so he found out about it and really forensic ly cleaned everything so when I went to film him I found him giving me the most hilarious lecture ever you know sooner up is you're on your way back to Florida when reality finally said something ran there's a lot of stuff I could've been doing well it's too busy jacking up on Scott's desk yeah Steve Oh as we've discussed today you're a man who has long had Hollywood dreams and through swimming with sharks and jumping off of buildings and putting hooks through your face you've been able to realize those dreams you really are a living example of how you can do anything you want in this world and that's coming from a guy who eats chicken wings on YouTube holy [ __ ] the teleprompter this guy's good there your impressive talent I'm impressed by you okay thanks Eva speaking of Harlem icons do you [ __ ] with nutcrackers yeah you been stood a mommy spot no no no yeah yeah Nutcracker definitely folks in nutcrackers when you think about all the times that you've been named checked in rap lyrics which one's your favorite oh that's a great question Jake : me out on this last album which went double platinum that was pretty cool Drake did on his last album busting drug flows yeah yeah glad my friends love that on my soul yeah you listening to these guys and they throw your name out there makes you feel pretty established you ever had the courage to go through the door which country made you most hopeful for the future of civilization wow that's a great question hmm walking the streets of Tehran and having people stop me with perfect English like why are you here where are you from I'm from America Wow you're here alone yeah why so I've always learned to come to Iran thank you for coming here please don't kill us where you see that they want the future I go what about your government that I get what about your come on yeah I know where all the sudden you have things in common and so I have found in a lot of my travels a lot of hopefulness where you find a lot of people are um they want what you want you know clean water a day without conflict basically a fistful of 50s in a day without fear as they say what's something that you hear EDM fans complain about that makes you roll your house okay that's I like that this is something that actually pisses me off a lot and I think it pisses off from a lot of artists where fans will always be like man I missed the old Dillon Francis Jay Z's already talked about this a long time ago or its listen to my old music you'll be happy again but it's it's obnoxious when those fans keep saying that to any any new release and then if you release something that sounds like the old version of you they'll just say oh this sounds like the old version of Dillon Francis I don't really like this that much I try not to complain anymore even give it the time of day where she's like all right cool go complain in a thread on reddit I don't care you're actually in a movie called scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse all 'some that's the house right there Dillon Francis besides your assistant Teddy which Stern staffer did you fight with most often quite probably Gary what do you throw at that first pitch and I goofed on him he was mad about it it was really me are you talking to the same guy when I call in a dying of heroin role do you play it on the air so you throw out a first pitch like my the Olsen twins and I can't [ __ ] make fun of it so when you were coming up and you were doing a gig in Cincinnati whatever you would say it would just be between you and maybe the three to four hundred people in the comedy club right and these days now every punchline can go from a smartphone to a Twitter firestorm in a matter of minutes is that a death nail for the modern comedian do you ever think about it yes I do it's a great question and that is preventing people from taking risk you don't take risks you're not gonna get you'll have the same seven minutes have a sickening it used to be like true art in the sense that it's just you and those people in the room I say what I got to say to get offstage and get paid but now it's the whole world literal and then to you've leaned into some things that have become no-fly zones in popular culture have you ever been checked by another comedian on it or is it just sort of Twitter armchair pundants the public that are up in arms it's funny that that's a great question because I am Bob Schimmel Toby some what you do is just for the shock thing I'm like I know like I never claimed the means I'm very comic I just make I'm good enough at it to make some sort of living I don't want to be known as a good comic I don't wanna be no I don't to be on any list because then you have to answer questions that he's gonna show me to be a fraud some of the best questions I've everybody has that for sure you have a good guy next pick we have male with fellow DC icon Vernon Davis who is also in the sabotage video hmm if I have my [ __ ] right yeah this is great research if more people did their research like you are promised you I wouldn't you wouldn't be I wouldn't have any many nothing these outbursts would be by far a few between sure I appreciate that whose opinion do you respect more Anthony Fantana or DJ academics do with Nick we're not gonna slow cop down as questions are grilled oh and I do believe that you care about the culture I do believe it I'm sure I'm not being sarcastic I think you really care about the culture some people are in it for personal gain I directed a movie when I was 21 about my nephew have in his face reconstructed oh you want on that makes me hungry you want a student Academy Award for this yeah how do you know this I've been reading about your up first would you rather have a receding hairline or a proceeding hairline Winona Ryder would you expectations A Tale of Two Cities and David Copperfield do you enjoy a good Dickens I do love a good Dickens so I think that it's natural to kick things off and your pre-wrapped days when you're working in the kitchen making drums and flats at Wingstop row yes I don't know about that and then there must be something about Montgomery County and rappers and Seinfeld because just like wale you know I see you what the Seinfeld tees and stuff and then you had that great line from growing pains where you say you see these Seinfeld rappers talking a whole lot of nothing do you feel a special affinity towards Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld and if so does it inform the music at all bro I'm so [ __ ] impressed with these questions Thank You Man sometimes you do interviews and [ __ ] don't really take the time to like yeah so it means thank you um you know I've heard a lot of people say this especially Chappelle I think every comedian wants to be a rapper and every rapper wants to be a stand-up comedian in some way I just feel like my life is one long curb episode of a bunch of [ __ ] that's going crazy and I don't know how to deal with it so last year you launched the YouTube gaming channel and I've heard you brag about logging 70 hours in a week and a half to beat watch or three as a musician and producer which video game do you think has the best original music oh [ __ ] nobody's ever asked me anything like that Chrono Trigger is one and then if we're talking more up-to-date pretty sure Hans Zimmer did like the modern warfare 2 but even if we're even if yeah uh uh no I gotta go Chrono Trigger said you talked to him yeah I talked to him I was there what do you what kind of questions yeah I talked to him what do you mean
Channel: Jasper Liang
Views: 9,175,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot ones, season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, good question, impressed, interviewing skills, sean evans, best questions, compilation, part 2, part 1, research
Id: nnhnYABROAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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