Hot Hatchbacks in Monte Carlo | Top Gear

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Well, it's very much a party sort of place. It has very elegant properties. It's like Monaco in many ways, actually. Have you ever been to Hammersmith? At the end of the evening, we met up to compare notes. Have you found anything about the track out? -Yes, I have. -It's just over there. There's all these boats and it's really busy. Have you talked to a single racing driver? -Yes, we have. -Who? A very nice man called Tim O'Glock. An Irishman... -Timo Glock! -Timo Glock, yes. The next morning, the producers decided that because the track has no run-off areas, and is very dangerous, none of us could drive around it unless we had a bit of tuition first. Richard's tutor was Red Bull team boss Christian Horner. I got former Renault boss Flavio Briatore. And Jeremy was given an elderly gentleman. Bernie Ecclestone. Bernie Ecclestone, as I live and breathe! -How are you this morning? -Good. Michel! Bernie. Listen, we need these other two cars disqualified, huh? No problem, no problem! It was time to begin. There's a flag waving. Oh, we're off. Try and hook a right here. We have to stay left, I reckon. No, you have to go there. Bernie, you old cheat! -We gained a bit! -We gained a lot! Let's go over to the right a bit, shall we? That's it and then... -What was that lift? -You didn't need to lift there, did you? -I have to slow a bit. -Further. Go down with the gears. Jesus Christ! -That's a tight right. -Brake, brake, brake. What are you doing? Brake. Oh, my God! There are actually people watching as well. What do they expect, I wonder. They expect an accident. I'm terrified! I don't know what's going to happen! Oh, God! -It's secondo for this one. -Just brake, Jesus Christ. -Be careful now, huh? Left, right... -Yup. It's too complicated, this. Get the kerb on the left. You missed it. Get the curb on the right. You missed it. Try and get this kerb. Christ, we missed that one as well! Now, Rascasse. Brake now. Oh, really late? Accelerate now. Tuition over, we ditched the teachers... That was quite good. Come on. That was good! Jesus Christ. ...and set off on our warm-up lap. I am out of my depth to a degree I've never before experienced. The crowds were beside themselves as we started our first lap. Here we go. Okay. Now, this creeps up on you. Whoa! [bleep] I'm struggling! I'm struggling! Come on, Rich! Wait till you can see the Armco before braking. That's now. Flavio corner. Jesus Christ-ah! I caught them up. Well late going in there. Get in, get in. It is simply terrifying. You just have no... I mean, look... fine, dead. Oh, dear God. That's Hammond dealt with in the tunnel. Now, James will not know where he's going. Okay, now we come down to the chicane, I think. Or is it Raser-ma-casse-er-ma-casse? Jezzer's going to have me here. I can feel it coming. Under-braking. Get the grip from the zebra. Got him. Get this kerb. Oh, this is risky. I don't know the way! Hammond, you bugger. Oh, God almighty! I may have cocked that up a bit. We now had just one lap left. It had to be a fast one. My last ever lap of the Monaco Grand Prix track. Don't mess this corner up again, Jeremy. Whoa! Just leave it in third. Change into second. That was better. Careful, the barrier! It comes out-ah. Get it in now. Flat, flat, flat! Oh! He's getting away! My mighty Fiat roaring in the tunnel at Monaco! Topless women. Mustn't look. Mustn't look. I can see why racing drivers love this track. You are just on it. Don't... Oh, God, strewth. I think this is it. Come on, everything you can. Oh, my God! What an extraordinary day! I have to say, that's pretty special. What a fantastic moment. Thank you, Bernie. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 6,699,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, BBC Worldwide, Top Gear, Cars, Car, Auto, Motoring, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, Citroen, DS3, Citroen DS3 Racing Renault, Clio, Renault Clio Sport Fiat, Fiat 500, Fiat 500C Abarth, Challenge, Hot Hatchback, Monte Carlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2011
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