Hot dog we have a wiener - Eden Streak 155

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welcome back everybody jumping back into Eden 155. [Music] hard mode we have really bad stats really bad Health we have a semi-okay early active item like I could use this to save my life potentially we have the thing that we had before the uh get a little Wiss when you take damage item which is bad with this health oh my freaking gelord LOL it says chat laughed the chat Army flies they can be sneaky we can't afford any hits here I kind of feel like I should open up those chests DPS is so bad I'm not sure that getting almond milk would make it that much worse almond milk might level it out a little bit almond milk just like soy milk except for those random worm effects Associated I'm not sure why almond milk has worm effects if there's some sort of play on words there I want you to go this way I should go over there and then I'm gonna go back into that room it's probably not going to be there son of a [ __ ] oh no chat there better be a solar for sale oh my God I can't believe I I bombed myself right there I did I found I found the secret room right was which was good of course it gave me that nickel which allowed me to buy this so hard but man that was just poor timing do this oh you're such a [ __ ] you're such a [ __ ] why let's see if I can do it again definitely top secret remote that room somewhere this is another Eden run you could have just blown that right there right then and there the [ __ ] is wrong with this boss you can't spawn a fire bomb under me and then have me take contact damage because the fire bomb is literally inside of my anus the entire time that's not good that's not good period you're gonna make a an enemy that spawns in undodgeable damage you obviously when you're gonna design that you can't just design that so you could spawn it inside of someone that's step one of design that's gonna give me more range isn't it no it's gonna get my damage back buddy if I had like one red heart I'd consider the almond milk I don't have one red heart chat so buzz off is Tim a Conan event Conan event it's time a Conan event get almond I should bomb for two bombs that's what I should do Canon Tim McCannon Conan the Barbarian I was gonna push it over left too what it's so there [Music] you're jerking my nipples I said here then [Music] Google goo almond milk hey that doesn't count as a red heart okay Bad Blood five months okay fine I'll take it twist my arm chat twist my arm s because now we got bad blood you feel nutty now we got a problems son of a [ __ ] chat holy [ __ ] dicks dude the [ __ ] do you want me to do about that you [ __ ] [ __ ] you game seriously it is the most [ __ ] up [ __ ] I've ever seen in my entire life right there giant [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] game [ __ ] you I just use that for nothing oh I'm so angry I'm so filled with absolute nothing but rage game trying to kill me like that giving me that immediately what the actual [ __ ] dude it's not fair that was not good that's not fair that's not a good room design for the second freaking floor you [ __ ] on my neck [Music] garbage the toughest room I've ever seen you remove that eye blob and it's still a ridiculous room but putting the eye blob in there is cruelty absolute cruelty five cents go to the shop if I would have my active ready that would have been nice obviously I was going to use it on the freaking boss though [Music] who would have been dead had it not been for that top secret room find and then Eternal hard keep that in mind probably gonna use it because it can't kill me speed but it could sure [ __ ] try this is the Run ah speed down even more 0.61 speed that's what I needed thank you nice so hard for sale I love it love it steering game with 100 bits are we going to witness the end of the streak you can do it huts sounds like just not Widow please oh that's not Widow new and improved Widow Alpha upgrade feels good curse from is a little risky and whiskey makes my baby feel a little frisky but there is a red heart out here and I would like to get a soul heart if it's red chests and it teleports me to my devil room that could be bad [Music] that's what I wanted that's what I wanted to see Lucky Penny yelled Lucky Penny Wally saved this shot we're not out of the woods just yet we still have almond milk I don't know if almond milk would it would have made any kind of difference right against those spiders I was hoping that the knockback would would do something but it just seemed like it they were unaffected those spiders specifically I don't know why well the caves curse of the blind oh boy give me something like tiny planet just to end the entire run only know where the secret room is definitely gonna end up blowing myself up here about one by one three by three this secret room is there it's there they're just kidding they're playing a prank [Music] the classic classic prank soften them up a little bit here oh my God that scared the poop out of my butt [Music] hang on wait a minute I got something in my eye give me a moment [Music] oof yeah dude what would you what what do you want from me how much are they paying you I will double it what are you doing I don't even want to kill you good job probably off this room was the secret room because of those guys they were telling me that it's probably right there or right over here see now the last room would have been the secret room room but they put this room in there so the game had to decide which bomb fly room is it gonna be in I don't know I'm gonna go like this paying the the boy could have been a pretty okay thing see if we can get more Health out of that not the worst play I'm feeling good about this feeling less good about this get some baby tears up that was what white yellow freaking knew it was gonna be out that room freaking knew it you Fricks still can't bomb into my item room yet though we could see if we can pull out another bomb out of our butt I won't say no to More Tears laugh at it if you will just because we have almond milk doesn't mean we're done with tier upgrades we're done when I say we're done probably just end up using a key to get into here though could be really good could be trash fly bomb could be like a Mr me right Here Comes godhead to save the Run Chad what do you think would be the best thing to get right now with uh almond milk [Music] this [ __ ] game knows exactly which items that I hate and it intentionally gets them every single time we have any curse of the blind foreign we get some trash like whatever I'll be fine but still these stupid bombs hurt me all the time and I'm like I'll never take those again games like PP Tango sexy amazing tier three sub 19 months oops oh I dropped my monster three tier three sub that I used from my Magnum favorite streamer xtp oh ding [Music] we got some dang y'all that's pretty hype judgment we already killed a beggar right so save it for next floor I guess that helps a lot this automatically makes shots take a 90 degree angle if it is going to miss the enemy or an enemy [Music] chat ask me anything ask me a question right now we'll answer it to the best of my ability go are you okay no very angry how do you prevent the nail you cut from flying off into the fourth dimension that's a great question when you're trimming your nail don't trim off pieces at a time try to keep the whole thing connected as one is the weird shape in there will get caught in the the thing you can also buy one that's got a little extra thing that you got [Music] everyone called butts gaming no that's I don't even what what's a butt what's your favorite dinosaur um that's a good question over the guy with the big spike tail super badass or or bronchiosaurus or whatever they're called with the long necks the classic that's your favorite tea I don't I haven't gone too deep on the teas so it'd probably be like a chai tea what's sense of life like the meaning of life I think that we are all as far as we know it just an actual accident but that doesn't when I say that it doesn't sound right to say that like it was just chance but when you look at everything it looks like it's just chance that like right the primordial soup and then like lightning hit and it started the first cell the organism that ended up blah blah blah over billions of years and all that jazz right seems weird we got our speed back that's good so it's almost like would almost be more believable if like we were literally planted here on Earth as like an a science experiment for some super Advanced aliens right right that's I think that's honestly plausible and I'm this isn't like I'm I'm trying to go into like Scientology like we were planted in a volcano but like more like single-celled organisms were dropped on a planet and like we're a petri dish of sorts and and that would also explain why um we haven't found any other aliens of course there's a lot in the news about like aliens aliens aliens but like what is coming of it I don't know we'll see I'm not holding my breath for that chat I gotta be honest it's super exciting but it's you know also like they're just they're just trying to distract us anyways um simulation Theory yeah kind of but like the reason that we don't see anybody else when we look out into the night sky right we have no contact with other aliens it's not because there's no other aliens because at this point in time we're wondering we should have seen aliens by now we should have had some sort of at least like a dead civilization there should be some sort of like old radio waves or something floating through space that would give us some sort of hint as to the fact that there's something out there and we haven't discovered anything like that it's because they're intentionally blocking those signals from coming to this planet because we're a petri dish foreign experiment all right we already fought the boss had an Enterprise space all right I think we're making something out of this who says that there are thousands or millions of light years away even if they were there it would take way too long for us to detect we are receiving some signals and for a long time is there a difference between a God in an all-powerful alien yeah I'll say yes one has magic and the other one has technology Mage gods don't have magic but it's magic though tell me it's not tell me the difference between Magic and a godly power where they can like Snap their fingers and like a plate of food it shows up in front of you explain to me like I'm five it's not the right spot exactly nope they're going the opposite way now nope you're not doing it that's still going the opposite way you know Jesus dabbed for your sins magic is just technology we don't understand yet no I'm literally talking about magic though like magical powers like using some sort of unseen extra Force that technology couldn't describe ever that somebody like like we couldn't describe it yet but if the aliens can't describe it besides like I don't know I just I don't know I was just born with this power attacks on galaxian with 100 bits and he plans to play the big game release coming up alternate Skate 3 arms core six star field doesn't have to be steam per se you know I don't actually I don't have any plans to play any of those and I don't know if I should there's other questions up there is Tim and you the same person Tim is obviously its own his own where's someone right here hey do you look the same room's not there oh did you see those like weird moves how they collided and then went together oh my God I was not expecting that to blow up right there hey I thought we had cursed the blind was that last floor that was last floor when we got the bombs yeah super bandage is good looking for maybe more DPS things but have you ever eaten snails not to my knowledge I'll just gate with you and Jamie would be so fun it's single player correct like we're just shooting the [ __ ] while we're playing it problem with starting a huge series with Jamie is that we just can't get our our schedules to line up and we already have about like three or four games that we would like to play together and finish together one of them being Zelda that it's just I don't know if it's worth it you can play multiplayer should be multiplayer one difference may be the source of the power where as magic may come from different places in nature or conduits willingly or unwillingly God Powers come from a certain potent being directly employed or given to the believer right and also you can have a magic wielder that gets Magic from a god and in that case I would say the the same right whereas like a wizard might get that from from knowledge um a warlock might get it from a a demon or a deity right and in that situation we've now just combine the two there has to be a start you're a bad trip got it from a rock it's time like King Arthur King Arthur's like that's not a boulder that's a rock pull sword some of y'all play it never played D in his shows I'm gonna slow these guys down I could say we're the boss so we could go charge it up too not a big deal definitely top secret room definitely 100 percent no doubt in my mind that it's right there losers you can tell just because of the way that it is oh interesting not interesting enough 80 Angel chance how do you play God of War games yeah I played the original god of war and I loved it never touched a single one after that we've got some heck and tears now four interesting I don't think I would have re-rolled my my health but then we have that option for the boss it gives me trash I don't think it applies to my angel room so the secret room to be found as well have you heard of Evil Within [Music] where's my bottom bar there it is [Music] oh well my God hello you are beautiful go behind it go behind it go behind it go behind it nope never heard of that sounds like a really dumb game [Music] out of War 2018 Ragnarok really good old Huts wouldn't that technically be young huts or my Benjamin Button Benjamin butthead circular saw surely we let's see here looks down there it's got to be it's gonna be right here have you considered playing Throne fall reminds me of side scroller Kingdom game but 3D I don't know if I've bombed with one of those guys yet I have not 90 chance Angel nice Throne fall oh yeah this new one [Music] is it out yet and defending your little mini positive August 2nd oh my God it's already out yes we should definitely play that 100 thank you for bringing that to my attention I've been following that game for a little bit now and I thought that I actually signed up I signed up a thing to get a key for that I don't know if they ever got back to me I completed the Google form please check your promotions updates tab in Gmail [Music] phone no can I get that key please I filled out a thing to get that code a while ago there we go steam review code Early Access yeah I got it from somebody else this is how I so I'm gonna do my job welcome to my day today go to steam am I signed in activate a product Shazam activation successful Throne fall all right we got it we now have thrown fall y'all once again thank you for reminding me that that game exists that sparked a thing that like I got to do it now otherwise I'm gonna forget can we play today now today's gonna be a short day today's a really short day because I have to get prepared for tomorrow I'm planning to do a YouTube live stream but we'll see how it goes if I can't get stuff to work I'm not gonna do it I'm gonna wait I do like little base Builder kind of games like that though I just feel like the past 500 of them that I've tried to buy and and play have have not scratched that itch [Music] YouTube live yeah together with twitch I I think that there's some sort of like some sort of rule that you can't do both you can't multi-stream twitch and YouTube at least Phantom 2 crowns is amazing yeah Jamie and I were playing that a little bit foreign [Music] increased chance for soul heart drops or an active item that gives me soul hearts let's just go with this I bombs myself [ __ ] cluster bombs are so dumb I hate them with a large passion they're better now that they just immediately explode no they're not it's actually harder to dodge they're actually much worse but their explosion radius is smaller Tim your peony wall is smaller bra oof bandage can give gulp when hit bandage I don't think so [Music] don't think so thinking of marbles and how you've lost yours got him boom roasted oh it's for sale again in the shop was there anything worthwhile I don't remember no it was a great fight was a greed fight onwards oh uh we were talking about potentially re-rolling stuff we got a damage upgrade and then after that nothing mattered when I could jump on the floor to see if it changed anything in my no there's nothing in the shop but isn't there something like maybe it's a three room could actually create a shop where a shop wasn't I don't know there's a lot going on there but get a key I guess make the beggar payout in the secret room and then re-roll yeah and I was gonna say this for Angel chance but that's a pretty good that's a pretty good method pretty good way to do it but it's a demon beggar I'm gonna find you judgment [Music] [Music] he's coming to your house judgment secret room where the Shady Shadow live foreign [Music] could blow up the machine it's just not going to give me that much health back so like what's the point right it was bragomeo oh no make bigger pound secret on memory roll all of them last one of them what's going on Eden run saying the same thing he'd been saying for hours earn them all I think that's one we ready we ready to be this deep foreign a trench brine I don't know how deep your brine is though that's why I'm asking that is the question how deep is your brine where's my money Brian for this friends till the end best friends forever ring is it worthwhile to buy this super cheap mom's bracelet and then start chucking some of these oh my God an immediate response five cents for both of these I need Jamie to come home so she can feed me oh three out of three suck on that rocks I don't see you do [ __ ] rocks if you can do don't let me drop you up [Music] can't quit giggling at butt bot the tinted Rock in there probably worth oh I've got a freaking mom's bracelet what am I doing what am I doing either way it's all good can I pick up a rock and make a bridge that's not a thing right I've never thought to ask and before Chad's like thoughts you gotta find a crawl space you should be able to pick up turrets and eat them foreign very eventful lovers death Worlds the world it's great chariot yeah oh good shot of a dip toot [Music] you should have thrown the poison mushroom at him [Music] knock knock who's there this boy out here answering their own knock-knock jokes more wisps for me six plays gets him to pay out the first time was that not six very rare to get a seven play beggar incredibly rare so it's like that huh it's a chariot that's what I thought Loki's horns it's great for a high fire rate but we really want something like a rubber cement to really throw it up and over one magician that's pretty good rubber cement with rubber rats don't want to walk into the stupid poops the poop and Stoops linger being crying Makes me too I'm gonna shoot out a lot of those then because of our Fast Fire right be able to push them around easy too [Music] I've not found the top secret room technically could be here could be on the right as well who knows no it's every 7.5 seconds or a toot I was wondering why that active item was an onion or a ring is that an onion ring bracelets stem cells all right uh I I kind of nervous about this going late game here once again we need something push it epic gamer breaks 28 months welcome back to you thanks for the supports recorded pseudo regalia today for a video that's the next video from Blue that's coming out pretty fun stuff it's like that idiot Ace of Spades give me a room with more enemies than three please a lot of enemies here but they're like across the Gap and stuff yeah just do it Ace of Spades um yeah soulheart seems fair I just buy it but it'd be really difficult to get these nickel eye dudes without blowing myself up without blowing up the machine [Music] don't really need that it's a little too late we do have a PhD right we also have a Tarot cloth I think all cards would still be a mistake with the PhD perfect that's a great trinket I mean I could have picked it up before grabbing the money but wow Surgical um you know the whole two trinkets probably if I can come back for that all right oh Angelica said sexy tier 2 Sub 25 months three streams open so I can make sure I announce my sub-aversary how you been Mr butts something great well um we did get death certificate one time I have been having fun with the bracelet but in before D100 um is the one that re-rolls your active so it's not like it's gonna use it on me it if it gave me a D100 I could just drop or not to use the D100 um let's see if anything's changed with this no nothing's changed guess what chat guess what I bought flat Bush the Platypus 13 months one year wow one whole year not even part of one entire year I bought American Truck Simulator y'all I sat down to record American Truck Simulator carrots was it a Tesla and I was like you know what I can't do this without a full wheel shifter knob and pedal so tomorrow that's coming in the mail the the whole setup I'm gonna I spent probably a hundred times more on this damn thing than I will get out of this stupid video that no one's gonna watch No One's Gonna gonna care about me doing American Truck Simulator whatever I told Jamie she's like why did you do that and I was like I'll have fun playing other games with you I'm using my space bar shouldn't it be re-rolling got to pick something up first am I gonna be stuck with that thing above my head if it re-rolls it Mario Kart after American Truck it's always good to invest in your knob apple juice truck stream Redkey how about we just go ahead and we drop now red keys you know it's not necessarily good but Ultra you know getting a chance for another potentially super spicy item I'll take it I'll take them odds drink or drive don't do both I will 100 watch American Truck Simulator American Truck Sim is MP now right what's MP is some making pancakes making bacon pancakes multiplayer oh my God I gotta buy a second wheel for I spent 300 chat three hundred dollars so if anyone wants to help me out by sending some bits my way 100 bits at a time zaxon thanks for those hundred bits you can play Isaac the way it's meant to be with the driving wheel that could be fun simulator first person mode how far till 1000 butts 961. so 39 more thank you for the bits you guys TP thank you it says Nicosia with 100 bits 39 still Subs you thinking about bits Isaac drift oh wow what a Dodge oh and he still snuck up on my butthole still got in there bird Barrel what did you do what did you do oh my God still counting 39 tier one Subs just like that from bird Barrel if you got gifted a sub from bird Barrel make sure to thank bird Barrel now amazing amazing stuff absolutely phenomenal you are today's wiener this is what I should be wearing when I'm driving the truck American Truck Simulator heck yeah this is for you oh hell yeah wiener hat yeah it's devast voiced voiced something like that no Ultra this way did get two bombs for it though [Music] sausage party cosplay bird Barrel thank you thank you thank you again Chad you think this would be a good start to a hat stack or not hermit card if there had been a greed fight I think it would it changes it to a normal shop I remember correctly infinite ways to bomb myself please go for Trekker hat and dungarees [Music] oh what is the doubled Moon card do again let's see here Isaac Terra rot cloth let's go find to Moon no matches you're a [ __ ] liar the Moon the Moon the Moon the Moon is there actually no moon on this spawns two items no it's actually not on here um really how what what do you mean it's not on here how could it not be on here it would either be in the section that does something or the section that says it doesn't do anything what the hell it doesn't do anything dude somebody update the goddamn Wiki okay whoever is in charge of the Wiki's been falling off Criterion with 100 bits what's up thank you for that I appreciate it yeah what's what's by a 39 by the way times five oh I get what 60 take 60 of that did we hit our 300 that we raised for our uh our knob and wheel it's 195. where's the fun if there's no risk do I use it before or after I go into the room right that's the question that I have or I could save it I could save it for a floor where I don't have a golden bomb one more sub to 1K we're at 1K right now 1K flat so nobody's sub ever again no I'm kidding it's honestly probably gonna fall down under a thousand during this stream I thought it took you to the ultra secret room no that's reverse Moon card you guys are getting crisscross applesauce this is a Tarot cloth double effect Moon card it's about 117 okay well still thank you I'm not trying to say it wasn't good I might try red key over here you gotta try the nipples sometimes even the dongs with the red key on that Ultra I don't know if we know that one just to use it what does it freaking do what does it freaking do this Moon card it teleports you to the secret room yes but what does tarot cloth do with it the secret hidden effects No Effects this is what actually no effect Moon doubles does nothing I don't know I don't know I don't know um [Music] that's interesting we tried it last stream it did nothing well for example the uh the shop card creating a new shop had there been one with a greed fight might be the case that we just don't know what it does suppose just do nothing teleport twice resulting in same [ __ ] now you guys there's special effects for a lot of these it might just do nothing because they never made one I'm not crazy for thinking it could be something good with it 300 bits from Criterion thank you for that appreciate it I'm gonna go with big fan here you know Dio isn't that bad in fact we could go pick up the um and see what it re-rolls into now it devolves enemies instead of randomly re-rolling them like he used it on an early floor and you get nothing but like late game really tough enemies probs the ultra secret room I'm okay I'm never asking chat for help ever again we are not on the same page uh um with Redkey yes I'll take this sir there was a battery it's a micro I don't know if I want to charge this thing up just to lead again excuse me I'm through looks like it blows up would be unnecessary though you don't have red key where did it go Chad are you okay today y'all feeling all right double Stars card oh that's fine I'm not gonna do anything Stars yeah now at least hmm Ultra Ultra Ultra Ultra Ultra maybe out the shop no I like the way too tired to from work to think you don't have to answer the questions also I don't know is a completely acceptable answer I'm I am the stupid okay our self-deprecation oh it was a curse room and I walked into it I think a big silly pants the alarm was gonna go ahead and use my moon car to get out of there and it did nothing did nothing let me let me look at what uh the other one would have done one took me to my item room Stars if the treasure room was not entered before it will have two items to choose from as if more options was active so that is the tarot cloth for stars card of course this is the last floor that we're gonna get one so I just popped it I guess I'll take that micro now is anything in this curse room brain damage it's a new level of tired [Music] what's gonna happen with that is that good or bad with this fire raid oh it looks good it looks real good besides the fact that I can't see anything but other than that this looks great yo look at the spoons we're shooting doing a heck and Spoon infested fasted infested I think it could be the ultra office it's definitely possible what if we try to make our way into the boss trap room instead though this is blinding we found it on accident I'll take that it's gonna be trash isn't it ooh space of Spades oh yeah it's not trash [Music] it doesn't give me a whole lot currently but we'll stop spending money eventually very happy to see that item I had just joined love you Thomas you down what's up Mass I love your big wiener huts what do you want me to laugh at that I had a nickel I had a nickel chat dad I'm craving some trash food right now looks like we're not gonna make into our boss trap room but we found our Ultra so I'm still happy about it I don't know if actually brain worm is doing anything anymore did you notice it working I didn't I feel like it would be a little bit more hectic if it was put your wiener away if you like mustard maybe it is working am I saying I think I am staying at work I think I am seeing some 90 degrees in there hard to tell but this is is kind of hard to look at let's hope we get some more damage so we can just finish the Run sooner and our Angel room opened up before us despite the fact that we don't want it anymore go away Angel room you're drunk go home cool hat Rose Ski seven months what's up thanks to the Sam broski looking for a spot to pop this red key I'm not gonna find a [ __ ] death by a thousand come tears okay try to read that out loud does look distinctly a little bit more yellow tinged on this floor Moon still got hurt though Rizzo what's up 22 just watch the tear down video we'd love to see you play more of it people are really liking the tear down I was a little nervous after it it came back I was like was it not something that people are gonna like I know people love the game and I was worried like maybe they only like the mods for the game I don't know it's feeling it's feeling a little bad about it today I'm happy to hear that people are really liking it reassuring I think I was just in my own head do me like that sometimes though let me get off that way no this way no [Music] Where'd I pop this go for imera room maybe you're thinking about making more uh yeah we'll see once again I don't want to take away from Blues editing capabilities to make another tear down video because inevitably it's not going to make us uh it's not gonna get as many views I should say um but then again let's say that I dipped into Mods and I did something where like there's a mod where you can like push a button and call down a meteor that might get more views could could really go either way with it foreign [Music] we're not going to Shoal right buddy Crown the the show one or is that the in the womb one I always mix those up [Music] late game or DLC content that's crazy yeah people are saying that the game gets really really difficult it's interesting hope you are well Dad I'm feeling good I'm feeling good meteor how pedestrian there's a mod that keys that Keys you call down a piano from the heavens yes battery buddy love ya go to trash food order specific order I want to know what number what are you getting in this order chat go like you're getting the the nacho cheese chalupa Taco Bell that used to be one of my go-to's by the way Dorito nachos big wiener chicken quesadilla and a Fiesta potato you guys ever tried the nacho cheese chalupa I don't even know if they still have them mixed HSP with garlic barbecue sweet chili sauce which ate what's HSP local snack pack hot chips meats and cheese sour cream a Lal Snack Pack durum what's up Burger anything foreign snack pack is that like an Irish thing I feel like I I saw something on Reddit and it was about something like that hello Snack Pack I might have been able to find the Ultra secret room by now I don't know if this is the best movie to try to go I am here South Eastern Turkish I think Dan Hamm 22 months what's up there was something I think it was like UK or it was like Ireland or something like that and they're like if you're here and you want some delicious food you should order the blah blah blah because it comes with like Euro meat and like all this stuff that's like distinctly not from there specifically but it's just like a thing that they do maybe it's Australia Turkish we love them in Australia I think it might have been Australia might have been mixed up so that was our IM error room we'll come back for that hello I thought that was Muslim version of Jewish kosher I mean just that doesn't mean that you're you know in a specific country like how Curry is super popular in the UK or Kebab in Germany [Music] hmm big Australian thing lots of hsps Yep this will be super easy to dodge good wow wow fire rate oh hell Halal Snack Pack I'm gonna look that up a lost neck pack fast food dish meat on chips in New Zealand fast food dish popular in Australia which consists of Halal certified Donna Kebab meet lamb chicken beef chips also includes different kinds of sauces usually God damn it I gotta go to Australia now that looks like excellent trash food oh man that looks great you know what somebody from Australia I got big money for you okay it's gonna take quite a bit of money to like a down payment but what you're gonna do is you're going to open up a food stall at the Minnesota State Fair and you're gonna sell hsps I'm telling you they are going to sell you are gonna make so much money off of the yearly you don't even have to move here okay you just get a stall and you start selling these things they are gonna fly off the shelf big money in that okay Minnesota State Fair is the it just goes the hardest and then I get to buy them from you and enjoy them that's my benefit that's my part of the story right up there with mini donuts oh please waste my time with mini Donuts mini Donuts guy over here proper donut kebab still great preferably from its place of origin find bucket of cookies oh that can't be the secret I don't know why it looks we actually found both the Seagram's already look at you you big weenie head what's up Sage uh are we ready to go I might be ready to go I could look for Ultra secret room all day if I really wanted to can I do it in Wisconsin and insult people while I'm selling it yeah I don't know if Wisconsin's worldly enough to handle your your hsps I walked right by a tears uphill in a luck up hill and a speed uphill I forgot I was gonna come back and use these this is a nice little surprise sometimes it's nice to forget things instead of going to Weenie Hut Juniors you mean Magnum Hut for Magnum thongs that what do you think Ultra secret room up here no well we got one more check we got one more chicken us might be off down this way could be off the um the corner of the oh uh well I'm guessing right here I'll take that we take this here no complaints consume thy enemy Wham why not I'm error we're going there now we just wanted to finish everything you you can't leave the I am error room silly face are you silly in your face I'll go for some would I take the chalky milk though soy milk chocolate milk is a pretty good thing and it takes away the charge it just gives you a flat damage I think is flat damage of course sometimes soy milk with chocolate milk I'm assuming almond milk is the same it's nothing you inspire me to play gungeon Binding of Isaac love you Huts star kill phenomenal I'll touch this first we'll see what we get interesting interesting to see that here wait use Moon [ __ ] anyone got advice for me asking out my crush how old are you just do it why do I have to leave Huts inspired me to get and play at Thomas crops depends on your crush Red Hearts blood donation machine money equals power yeah just be yourself roasty toasty Prime sub turns out HSP is originated in Australia right kind of like uh General Tso's chicken in the U.S and you guys are like I prefer it from its place of origin Ally got that early well that's garbage experimental pill experimental Switzer cheese with the prime sub what's up judgment pill I think you know depending on your your age and stuff especially early on you might sit there and live or die on whether or not some random person wants to go out with you and you might actually not even be thinking about how right they are for you so you know go for it do your thing just know that like generally speaking the younger you are the more [ __ ] your choices are when it comes to like actually finding a partner could totally work out it might be like you know you end up dating this person and end up with them forever and ever and ever and ever but probably not but that's okay not a reason not to try gotta play the field gotta play the field be nice be respectful [Music] and by Tesla I mean obviously what happened to the bloody crown I left it I couldn't remember which one it was oh it's kind of nice maybe I don't need more than 55 keys all right these homing spoons are wild guess we're gonna go for another I am error room if it allows me to is that was that top secret room there's no door there's nothing there that's weird best tip for dating is don't think that they will be a perfect fit I learned that the hard way and people only reveal who they really are six months into dating I would say one year into dating for me has been a more accurate thing even two years people can really change once again depending on how old you are but uh once again don't let us taint you and like whatever you want to see light through US Rose Colored Glasses right now puppy love all that stuff it's great do your thing don't listen to us we're just curmudgeons when this when these action when these tips actually sink in and hit You're Gonna Know broke up with my ex after one year and a half because he killed my fish and my plants like on purpose maliciously some of us are just old farts with broken hearts Chad has short-term memory loss that's an I am air already okay some of us are just old hearts with broken farts not on purpose I was in Vienna for a couple weeks and he didn't take care of them like I asked yeah your partner should care about the things that are important to you partner should make those things easier for you to do and support you in trying to do them let's just fight the boss quick ly now [Music] on an angel room oh look at that Olay Brim holy wiener [Music] look out honey he's got a horny wiener what no I don't oh my God what now I said horny wiener is this on look at the stuff that we're getting in here [Music] look at that stuff one of your horns is lopsided yeah that's normal they don't always hang the same depth don't let anyone tell you that you're broken you're perfect to me yeah yeah a lot of Health going on stop what was this bill love your dedication man I love how much you love my dedication unlimited bombs was there a bomb bagger that means now if it was secret room the Red Room would have opened up to it right golden bomb I'm glad that we didn't lose that run this run that one this one we got the thing charge it whale whale [Music] almond milk Google goo you guys excited for uh what the hell is the name of the other game dis figure free to play overwhelmingly positive reverse bullet hole game it's gonna hype right trying it man empress this figure looks good pick it up myself so not tried it yet oh that's a whole quarter that's a whole ass quarter last quarter Lexus here one sub welcome thank you so much for the supports thank you I got you a quarter one day this seems like an oddly tanky enemy what's up with that I should be using my lasers more that helps okay that guy just immediately died just gave up 99 cents of course we don't really need to grab anything else black cops would be nice but oh [Music] let's go my Eggo you got me you got me good shot get shot foreign [Music] ly weak on some enemies incredibly strong on others is there [Music] we didn't find the top secret room on this floor yet did we average almond milk DPS there it is you son of a gun is that gonna take me down or is that going to take me up or is it going to end the Run I raw dog my Eggos it should be up it is it's correct okay we cool uh would I really want to I mean obviously I could play the machines and then get my health back and then play these guys and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah but I think I might just leave I don't think I need to do that there's a reroll machine I'd be more tempted but oh wow that's really good all stats up can't say no double healing is fine I guess I'll take my snatch or snatcher it's a Snatcher [Music] [Music] butts snatch emo when I'm actually eaten frozen pancakes before foreign but the pancakes microwavable pancakes they're just as good Frozen as they are microwaved because they're already trash they're already garbage so what eat it Frozen as compared to what making a rubbery puck in the in the microwave what's the difference what's the freaking difference son [Music] garbage or garbage oh you got me fried poop room is the toughest room black says 100 bits now I've been watching on YouTube for Years first time on Twitch you have fans in Latvia awesome thank you so much for the sub and the bits from such a troll red poop room yeah mycosis we get that one a lot [ __ ] up love that Guillotine might as well I can't see anything anyways so it's like dodging is already out the window you can butt him I'm a doctor you can butt me I'll pass five Priestess nice you're a spawn 66 three months until greatness welcome back I'm so small [Music] breakfast steak sandwich I don't need to say anything else if I'm oot in a boot and there's any kind of sandwich that is breakfast themed I will probably be getting that and putting that in my mouth any kind of like a burger with like an egg and hash browns on it with some hot sauce very good sandwich with some like thick cut bacon [Music] chorizo Burger breakfast burritos [Music] hmm [Music] glazed donut burger with egg I don't know about that one I would probably try it at least those spikes and do dark remu coward you are small Bean no horns foreign mom just gave you ten dollars and you're gonna walk up to the deli meat counter and buy something what are you getting impress me go Mr Beast Burger lawsuit I have heard of it yes ten dollars worth of cheese mild salami mortadella some salami with olives roast beef sandwich a block of pepper jack I'm gonna stand there like an idiot choosing for 15 minutes because I don't know the menu no one's made the jail Cuts gaming being a horn dog or did I just miss it the pap honey ham I had uh recently honey pepper ham and it was actually really good oh wow okay have I ever double dipped the brim oh it's a constant firing brim too I ain't nothing but a horn doggy horn and all the time more horns look at this wackiness [Music] you're already dead Mega Satan time Somebody went for olives I think that was maybe the most unique thing at the deli counter they also have like that like mac and cheese that you can get there some of them have like a buffalo chicken dip it was like ready-made things sun-dried tomatoes Oreo Cookie salad my red key out of here it was next door for a while I have become Cthulhu thank you for enjoying the estate stuff not sure who the last character to unlock is Supermarket Deli in Australia you can also get fresh seafood like cod prawn Etc have something similar but I wouldn't say that's necessarily at the deli meat counter the deli meat usually extends from you know the deli meats cheeses sometimes there's a fancy cheese section uh and then sometimes the fancy Meats section there's one at my grocery store we can get like charcuterie meats and stuff like that like dried Meats um sometimes they'll have the extension on that where they got like the potato salads and the macaroni and the you know buffalo chicken dips like that but there usually is like an actual butcher spot too and a seafood Place generally speaking I see those separately not actually attached to the deli meats thank you tough one hanging on there there we go salami pepperoni provolone just a bit of each and you stay under ten dollars you know what's really good on a sandwich I've said this before but I will say it again if you're just gonna go out and get your standard like ham or turkey sandwich and put a slap of Kobe Jack in there like your standard boring midwesterner throw a slicer to a pepperoni in there like the thick cut stuff from the deli meat counter not like your standard little tiny bag of those mini pizza throw those away get the big ones okay it's gonna be worth your while thank me later
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 11,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 3N1-n0YJNpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 29sec (5789 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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