HOST A DINNER PARTY with me! | Decor, Table Setting, Planning & Hosting Tips! 2022

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it's Morgan Yates and this video is one I  wanted to make for so long I've been waiting   for the opportunity to have my schedule line up  with my friends for them to come over to host a   dinner party so for today's video I'm going to be  bringing you along with me um in the days leading   up to and the day of a dinner party with some of  my best friends I'm going to show you the florals   the table Decor details prepping our dishes and  showing what everyone brought and vlogging the   party so for this dinner party I was going for  like an end of the summer Italian maybe like a   little garden inspired theme Italian food was  the core of it it was a small thing it was just   for six people total so three couples which is all  the fits at my dining table anyway so I don't know   what I'm saying and me and my friends thought it  would be fun if we each brought a Dish as well as   brought a wine pairing just to kind of like I  don't know feel a little fancy and someone who   does love hosting and has hosted a lot of things  it adds up fast so if you're wanting to do some   kind of dinner party just asking everyone to  bring a different dish like a pot look style   thing is the easiest way to go and I just had a  lot of fun making this video so if you like these   hosting videos like bringing you along throughout  the process let me know I am having a Halloween   party coming up soon it's going to be bigger and  hopefully better than ever and since Halloween   is right around the corner I also just wanted to  quickly share that I've created a 33 page Harry   Potter party guide Harry Potter and turning my  house into Hogwarts was my Halloween party theme   last year I'll have the link below if you want to  check that out just sharing all of my information   in like weeks of planning in one document and  let's go ahead and get into my dinner party   fine flowers also shopping for our wine pairing  Pinot Noir we're making multiple things and   we're gonna have multiple one flowers have been  acquired I love that we decided to do this while   we were just on a walk started to carry this like  a mile back and we bought wine the dessert line   so that's in here Kate them leaves off thank you  my flower prepper over here all right so we are   three days out from my dinner party if you want  to be really careful about your flowers you could   get them closer to the day of your event to make  sure they're going to be fresh and perfect but I   was just walking by Trader Joe's and went in for  something and then saw kind of the color scheme I   wanted and I wanted to snatch them up for this  little Italian dinner party I feel like when I   think of Italy I think of like yellows or maybe  that's just like a malfee I don't know I think of   just like yellow tones and like lemons and blue  so I'd already bought some flowers in a ranch   yesterday which is all arranged face up which I  think are very pretty I thought I'd do two pretty   little arrangements and so the flowers I picked  out for my dinner centerpiece um I don't know   what kind of flowers these are but I think they're  so pretty I wanted yellow but I didn't want like   bright yellow you know what I mean so they have a  lot of bright yellow options and flowers and not   a lot of just like more subtle um yellow options  so I found these and they only had one pack which   is unfortunate so I don't know how I feel about  this still but we've got some of this whatever   type of flower this is got some of that so we're  gonna see I don't know how I feel about all the   greenery on that I don't really know what to do  with that got some spray roses I've got some more   of this like eucalyptusy Vibe not a flower expert  I don't know I'm just trying to make it look good   she's like you can come over here I don't know  how to do it because I normally goes before and   I always keep arches I'll always keep some I  recommend having your little stem bag nearby starting with this kind and just kind of set  down a base layer with Freddy it was this or   sunflowers I don't know why sunflowers are  just my least favorite flower so the garden   weeds it is what is wrong with it it's like a nice  healthy green leaves a few times I'll get on that oh you don't have to I'll do it also at Trader  Joe's I decided I wanted to have a dessert wine all right the arrangement has been made I  don't know if I love The Greenery in this   like the little things we added here so on  the food note or I guess why no there are   three couples coming to this so we've each  kind of today in a group text picked out   um dishes of what everyone's going to be making  and we're going to kind of bring a wine for like   a little wine pairing but we also I thought just  as a bonus I wanted to get a dessert wine since   I'm coming off a big Europe trip and was really  loving having dessert wine there so we're gonna   sample it to see if this is even good cracker open  I'm sure it's gonna be good but we just don't want   to serve it to our guests if we've never tried  it also you're making whoa also you're making   Focaccia right now right to do a trial trial run  of that pour it up pour it up just to sit that's   enough for both of us you're trying to have  a whole glass no give me a splash like done see that's why we try these things I feel like  it could be sweeter yeah caramely Rich what do   you taste what do you taste I don't know I'm  so bad at this what do you taste black cherry what do you mean what do we think do we like  this or do you want to get a sweeter I feel   like it could be sweeter it tastes like a sweeter  just regular red wine all right well consensus is   maybe so Giselle and I decided that we wanted  to make a panzanella salad for a light and   bright flavored first course we also thought it  might be nice to have a little appetizer option   for when friends got here we're not gonna like  sit down and start eating immediately so you'll   see we decided to make some little spritzes for  like a welcome drink and then Giselle made some   homemade pesto to serve over burrata as well as  some homemade rosemary garlic Focaccia that all   of our friends know before I feel like it was  by request of Caitlyn then she make that again   and then for wine we do end up getting another  dessert wine that was a little bit better it was   like a ruby port and then for our panzanella  wine pairing we went with a I don't know how   to say this sofready Tuscan wine they actually  bought about a year ago it was a little bit of   a nicer bottle and we've just been holding on to  it and this just seemed like a good occasion to   open it I've also usually for dinner parties or  like any kind of Hosting where wine is involved   we are not that serious about it normally I just  get my wine from a wink which is one of those   like wine subscription Services my tip here and  what I do is I'm not like a monthly member where   I pay every month I'll just join it like the  membership when I want to like buy in bulk or   you don't even have to buy them both but that's  just like how you get the best savings I think   this isn't sponsored I think I still have a link  a referral link that would get you I want to say   it's four bottles for like 29 and just look at  the reviews and order the ones that have four   stars and above that's how I normally Source  my wine we're not normally trying to do wine   pairings is what I'm saying so that's just like  a little hosting tip that I follow is using wink   because I'll just goes come look at my bread  I'm gonna make so much bread oh just held to   the trial run of her Focaccia did it two kind  of different ways this one is a no-go and this   one's great if you're ever worried about a recipe  or if the steaks are high not that they are for   this dinner party but just make it in advance all  right it is the day before and I've had everyone   send me their little description of what they're  gonna be cooking and I made a menu I always get my   menu templates off Etsy downloadable and then you  can just instantly make all the changes you want   I'm gonna print it on some cardstock cut them off  and then have one of these at each person's place   setting we also picked up another Port because we  like the other one didn't love it so this one now   buying some final items three hours before a lot  more flowers once finally opening the decor we're   gonna cross our fingers it all works normally I  do this more ahead of time that way if I don't   like something if something arrives broken or  whatever and I have time to get a replacement one   thing that I wanted to do to bring like some pops  of color to the table my like Italian yellowish   green color palette I didn't want to do blue  just because I feel like it doesn't match like   my home decor as much so the way I wanted to do  that was to get some fun like yellow water cups   kind of like goblets these like vintages looking  drinking glasses as well as these turned out cute   these are just basically like recycled wine  bottles I'm pretty sure that are kind of like   that pretty green color and this is just gonna  have like water in them to refill people's water   glasses but to have this like already ready  on the table so I got these Moment of Truth   for these oh cute these are gonna be our water  glasses for the night how's it going good what   are you doing up some bread we tried to go the  make it stale route because it's like a sale or   like a I don't know toasted broth I suppose that  goes into Pan's melt salad but the sale were all   developed mold so I think we waited a day too  long and then she saw her Focaccia Rising back   here I'll show you guys the flowers from the  other day are a disaster they're dying and I   hate them so bought new ones all right so here  is the before normally I'll get some kind of   like table runner situation like a fabric thing  but for my inspo picks I liked an example that   had Greenery going down the middle instead  so I got this and we're gonna set the table all right it is crunch time I have set the table  with the basic Decor I need to come in with the   plates wine glasses silverware so this is what  it looks like I think it looks pretty good we   resurrected the giant flower arrangement so  we made a little Spritz station closer when   people get here ice is going to be in here in our  Prosecco so that they can either go for an aperol   Spritz or a Hugo Spritz style type thing um which  I really like some mint in there everyone will   put their wines out here instead of using a napkin  ring like I normally use I was just gonna fold the   napkin up and put it underneath the bowl and then  the menu on top I think it looks really pretty   I like The Greenery in place of a table runner  also just now I bought these yellow candles and   I wasn't sure if I was gonna like that or not  but I think it looks pretty good also just got   these little candlestick holders from Amazon I'll  have those linked coming up next are the clips   from the dinner party but I did want to kind of  explain my Decor I just wanted to share kind of   what I think about when it comes to setting a  table and I have four elements this is not any   kind of formal design thing I didn't really this  anywhere these are just like the things I think   about but I think through do I have an element  of structure is the first one so that could be   a table runner that could be placemats usually  both I feel like without that things are just kind   of you know floating throughout the table there's  nothing like anchoring any of it or like bringing   kind of like that design element to it the second  element is height so that could be flowers that   are a little taller it could be tapered candles  I think that's like the easiest thing to do and   I think just having like a little Dimension  instead of having just like a flat table where   everything's really low like just your plates and  things I just think it adds a lot number three is   life so basically just flowers since that flower  arrangement I was making ended up getting out of   control that thing was huge I kept it over on  the island where we were gonna have apps and I   already have on hand these little uh like mini  glass faces that I think are really cute to put   just a couple statement flowers in each of those  and like spread them out throughout the table that   way you have that floral element but it doesn't  like take over a ton of room on your table it   doesn't block the view of the people across from  you those will also be linked and then number four   lastly is light so I think setting the vibe you  know the Ambiance of your dinner party is very   important that also includes things like music  and just like your lighting like probably don't   have all your bright overhead lights on so again  the candles were my light element and I do love   having a cloth napkin I just think that elevates  things a lot I have like one set of those and I   just wash them over and over and they've lasted  me for years so I think that's a good investment   friends have a ride here's our guest   Alex Jill Caitlyn Connor and Giselle let's go  we got some welcome Fritz oh is this the one   Fred I haven't even taken a look everybody  brought more than one bottle let's see wait Giselle playing oh my God  it's just a basil with rice choking thank you all right first course Tuscan wine to pair  with a summer panzanella yeah oh oh Alex yeah Gisele went to like dinner at her house  one time what it was like Memorial Day   and something she had a Barbie to her  house we're getting some nice Connor or   Riley for us oh no that's good Jill knows our  sommelier always the one to come pour the wine flame your wine in your dish please okay so  the dishes are called puttanesca which is a   um spicy savory tomato sauce and  then the wine is a Pereira Connor   had a lot to do with that right this  is garlic rosemary a little sourdough based off the world famous  Carbone in New York City oh looking beautiful let's do it better than our bum five things some after dinner activities  they're playing influencers   in the wild trying to make our way to  the pink wall just a limoncello break   also right after I got voted as the  recipient of this card let's cheers
Channel: Morgan Yates
Views: 63,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morgan yates, morgan yates vlogs, dinner party, dinner, how to host a dinner party, dinner party ideas, hosting tips, hosting a dinner party, friendsgiving ideas, how to set a table, Lone Fox table setting, dinner party recipes, dinner party 2022
Id: BeSOwgo5ZlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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