Hospital Management System - eHospital Systems - Demo

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[Music] hello everyone my name is ritesh and i am a business development manager at android info systems uh today i will be i will be giving you a brief demo about a hospital system and before i could start i would like to inform you that our system or our software is completely customizable and it is configurable so uh and you can of course you can host it on cloud and you can host it on premises so this is how the logo would look like for your hospital and i'm gonna quickly log in so we will go through each and every uh workflow as to how the patient moves from one department to another this is how the dashboard looks like so we will start from patient registration screen so this is how the patient registration screen looks like the black color highlighted fields these black color fields like name and date of birth and religion these fields are mandatory fields and if you want to make any changes to these mandatory fields we can do that because our software is completely customizable so you can fill in all the details you can take the pair information if the if the patient is going to pay by cash or by insurance that is something can be selected from here if the patient has insurance we can you know we can do the configuration of your all the insurance companies so right now we will uh just take one existing patient so i'll take maybe mr good luck from here you can take a picture of location you can also print the registration card and the registration card would have a barcode so that you can scan it with the help of barcode scanner and all the information will be filled up automatically as soon as you register a new patient one registration number gets generated automatically and this registration number will be unique for each patient this will never change now we will create one outpatient visit and you can also check the previous visits for this particular patient so you can just mention the visit types even this is customizable this can be changed so for now i will just take general visit let's say if the patient is at front office he says that he has fever so we will take viewer you can select the departments from here and the doctors from here and simply click on save as soon as you click on save you will there is one visit number that gets generated and this visit number keep changing like 181 is is is this visit number the previous visit was was 180. so the visit has been created now at the front office there are some hospitals they ask you to make some payment like some consultation charges folder charges so we will take that for now we search for the patient from here select so these are the charges again these charges are customizable if you have taxes in your country we can add tax you can also give discount to this patient percentage-wise and amount wise and value you can put it over here now while collecting the payment i will simply click on save you can collect the payment by cash check credit card double card this is optional for accounting purpose if you don't want it we can remove this option click on save so once i collect the payment i click on save there is this invoice that gets generated this is how it is consumable consultation folder once this is done once the patient makes the payment he will go to the nurse so i will log in as a nurse now nurse will go to clinical management this is the patient mr good luck we will acknowledge and select she can collect vitals uh blood pressure let's say 100 20 temperature may be 100 maybe he has fewer weight uh let's say 70 kg height 152 centimeter so as soon as you you take the weight and the height the bmi it gets calculated automatically this is how it is and then if she has any instructions you can type in click on save as soon as she clicks on save this is you see this yellow color this shows the condition of the patient because we have made a triage this is for adult this is for children this is for infants this is the triad system score wise so this patient's code is 3 that's why it is yellow so if it is yellow then doctor will have to see this patient in less than 60 minutes if it's green then he's okay but orange in less than 10 minutes and if it is red then immediately the doctor will have to see this patient or this patient has to be referred to emergency and she can also i mean nurse can also collect vitals from here you can just collect energies and immunization we have all these things okay now the nurse is done with her activity now the patient will go to the doctor doctor also will go to clinical management the dashboard looks the same as nurse new patient nor seen doctor scene he will get the list of patients here even doctor will acknowledge select then it comes to the page called consultation if you want to make any changes to the vitals you can do that allergies can do that we can also see the nurse assessment because we can give one form to nurse to fill it up so we can check that current medication you can see what all the current medication is taking he can also check he can also mention present complaint now the patient says he has fever so we can add viewer then he said he says that cold you can add cold okay then history and examination now this is template base we can you know do the customization you can give us the template for each and every specialist and we can just put it over here then diagnosis it's a chronic acute or emergency principle and provisional means provisional means doctor does not know what exactly happened to the patient principle means he knows exactly what happens so we'll take as provisional primary disease or additional disease you can select now the doctor thinks that this patient has malaria as soon as it selects malaria you also get the icd-10 code right here okay add it from here then investigation and procedure so the doctor gives order for let's say lipid profile that's a laboratory order then it gives one for x array for now we will just take anything we add it from here prescription let's give one one medicine dosage let's say four four tablets you should take it maybe in the morning should take it two days week month here you can select from here he should take it maybe yeah after lunch and root should be how we should consume the tablet so we'll take it over an instruction would be have it with warm water add it from here then advice he can call the patient for the follow-up visit that can be selected from here or he can refer to emergency or refer to admission visit complete so all these things again these are customizable options whatever you want you can put it over here you can also give medical certificate here so this is again template based you give us the format and we will import it once everything is done we'll click click on save and we'll just make sure all the details are saved successfully okay then we have medical records so doctor can actually check all the details he can also check the test results from here okay i'll show that to you once we come to this part but for now since doctor has given prescription and lab and radiology orders patient will have to make the payment so let's go to the pharmacy first pharmacy is a part of inventory because that's where you maintain stock and you can create different stores like mailward female ward pharmacy central store you can create different stores here so for now just to give you example we have created only one store that's pharmacy dispensary so pharmacy will receive this order for the prescription and they will go to outpatient scale because they have to make the bill so we will go to orders doctor's order and we will select this patient our visit number is one eight one so that's for today so we'll select today's or the first request and then you select click on save okay oh it's taking a bit longer than expected you can also print the bill from here or if you want to give discount you can change the discount authority to the pharmacist and he can give discount then you have payment details payment mode type amount bank check everything you have here okay this one is taking time so let's let's do one thing let's go to the billing first collect the payment so we select our function good luck so we have selected this patient so this is the the order that we have given save it or you collect the payment the same way that we collected earlier again you have this invoice for lipid and forex so you have successfully collected the payment let's go back and check once again i'll click on pending orders now so that i can check if there are any pending orders okay there's nothing for good luck mr good luck okay let's let's go to the pharmacy medicine dispense let's see if we get anything here outpatient cell doctor's order like this we click on save okay now we cannot because it's already been saved so now in order for me to collect the payment for this medicine i will go to billing once again so this is multi uh multiple bill concept but if you want to make a a single bill concept we can do that for you that's that's not a problem because there are different hospitals they have different rules so accordingly you know we have to make the workflow or the rules as per their requirement three okay there is nothing that means the pharmacy they have collected the payment because maybe a separate pharmacy they can collect their own payment and they can dispense the medicine and that will go out of stock from the inventory so now since we already have collected the payment for laboratory let's go to phlebotomy to collect a sample of that patient so we have is the good luck so first of all you do the sample collection in phlebotomy sample collected and then you have this label that gets generated that is something you can stick it on the sample on the blood sample you have barcode for this as well and you have instructions like lipid profile this is the lab number uh patient name registration number all the details then you dispatch this sample to the laboratory you have the dashboard here start order partial sample sample collector dispatcher lab so this has already been dispatched to the lab now we'll go to laboratory to do the investigation for lipid profile okay so we got this order in laboratory you select first you acknowledge that the laboratory will acknowledge that that they have received this sample then they will investigate they will do the result here they can put all the result entries i'm not sure how to do that that's lab people would know it or if they want any kind of customization we can do that here here they can simply put some numbers like something like that i'm not sure how to do it but let's say we click on save result saved successfully the results have been saved see this result one now once the result has been saved they have to put it for finalization so we click on finalization and it will be finalized report finalized successfully finalized so we're done here so as soon as it is finalized it will go to the doctor automatically i'll show that to you first let's complete the radiology as well because when you have integration with lab machine and our system or maybe radiology machine in our system then it works electronically well it's not showing here but it works same as that the workflow that i showed you on for laboratory it works like that so let's not waste time what we can do is we can simply go to the doctor's module and check how the result would look like oops let's login as a doctor first so i'm just gonna quickly log out you can doctor can see this go to this patient information like i told you earlier he can go to his medical records and you can check everything allergies immunization health issue what whatever what all the things he had in the past you can see the diagnosis you can see the the medication you can see the test results this is how the test result would show up so this is the test result you can see you can also see x-ray but since we did not do x-ray so it is not showing here then he can see medical history or if he wants to put anything here he can put it again this is template base we can make changes here social history you can again make changes and you can put it here visit history you will see how many visits the patient had how many times the visit the patient has visited the hospital in clinical history and finally the patient document so if we if the patient has a document they can simply go ahead and they can upload it over here by choosing a folder which folder they want the document to be saved choose file the scanner 7 on the desktop and select it from here so that's all about outpatient now i'm going to show you in patient management how that works all right so we are back we have logged in now we'll go to inpatient management so the very first thing is that a patient can come to the hospital in two to three weeks he comes to opd the outpatient doctor can ask the patient to get admitted in the same hospital or there are patients who come in emergency first and then they get admitted or there are some patients who who get referred by outside hospital so if the patient is not already registered with with our hospital we have to do the registration so we will come to inpatient management and there is something called patient registration screen it looks the same as opd registration so we can do the registration for that particular patient same nothing nothing no difference at all then you have this patient admission you can do the admission you can select what which word you can select bed category bed number then clinic and department admitting doctor bill category so this everything can be customizable for you everything if uh yeah one more thing then we have something called bed transfer we can transfer the bed for this particular patient once it gets committed so we have transfer date category floor ward this everything is customizable you can also check the bed status from here which bed is occupied or which batteries is beckoned you can select it like select word you see like maybe female word you try and search and here you will get to know this is how it is and if you see this bed this bed is vacant or empty you can just select this bed and you can give it to the patient simple as that then you have discharge you have discharge cancellation and we have some reports as well admitted and discharged patient list you can also check the list of all the patients who are admitted and who got discharged you can check it from here admitted and discharged you have all the details now we'll go to nurse station so as soon as patient is admitted in the hospital the very first thing is that the nurse not doctor but the nurse comes to do the assessment so for now uh we will just select any one patient uh let's see yeah let's select anuroi so we will select this patient first and i'll show you what all the things that the nurse can do all right so okay so we are in nurse station now as soon as the patient is admitted we will select this patient and nurse she will do her assessment so for assessment we have nurse forms you can give us any form that you have all you want and we can just import it in the system and then she can just fill that form up like if the patient has come how how he did he arrived to the hospital ambulatory with a wheelchair stretcher she can mention everything here so in the form so we have this form if you want we can give this to you or if you want you can give your form to us we so we have two forms for now then we have blood transmission so nodes can document here this is the blood transfusion form that she can check and she can fill that up then we have photograph so everything is customizable everything that you see okay then you have not shift assessment for example if there are two nurses one works in day shift another works in night shift i'll show you so if you select so let's say there is one nurse who comes who types anything blah blah blah she saves it then the log gets created which nurse has made what so for example so this nurse at this date at this time you just click here because this is the new entry so let's do another entry save it okay maybe i'm logged in as admin that's the reason why it's not showing but let's say if i type in today here and tomorrow if someone else types it you get multiple entries and as soon as you click you will get to know what all the things have mentioned here and by who see now it came here so this is how it is i hope you understood if not you can definitely ask me then blood transfusion reaction so you can fill all these things then you have monitoring chart so you can actually monitor with the help of these so maybe fluid intake and output chart so you can just put intake date kind of fluid everything so we have these forms this is easier monitoring chart so you can give it to us whatever you want and we can put that we can put it in in the system now we're done with assessment let's come to diagnosis so you have doctors diagnosis and you have nose diagnosis as well nothing you can just simply mention malaria whatever this is diagnosis even he can do that any one nurse can do that is the same because in some hospitals nurses are allowed to do that to do the diagnosis if you don't want nurse to do the diagnosis we can remove it that's fine even you can search it from here okay now notes doctor notes nurse notes advice notes so doctor notes means if the doctor types in anything and doctor goes and the nurse comes to the shift she will get to know what doctor has notes for her so this is just a view only for nerds but when doctors logs in he can type in so if you go to nurse let's say if the doctor says okay 12 o'clock afternoon please give one injection to this patient so nurse will give injection and she can mention injection given and doctor can see here when he logs in he can see nurse notes that the nodes has already given injection to the patient advise mode again this is doctor advice not the nurse one so doctor can type it nerds can see it some camera kind of advice so this demo instance is on on on the hospital that we made the hospital is in africa it's it's called peki and as for their requirement we have this demo instance but uh when you would like to go ahead and you know if you like the software and if you want to go out with this software then yes then then we can customize the software as per your requirement now she can take vitals for this particular patient so nurse can take vitals it's the same that you see that you saw in outpatient then she can give order yeah service order like same lipid profile x-ray can be done here consumable request so from here you can select anything that you want nurse can do the sample collection from here now here you have drug requests you can order for drugs you can acknowledge that you have received the drugs so that the store the fire master store ores or a central store or a watch store would know and what you exactly need okay this is how it is uh she'll get to know here you can actually select acknowledge and then if you let's say if you order something and uh there is something you know left you can if you want you can return it even that can be done you can add you can do the administration for the drug for your patient so you can keep a track see this dashboard do those next dudeos delay administered not administered there you here you come to know that there are those dosages that are you know scheduled for this patient maybe in the morning he should take this tablet in the afternoon take that tablet so the nurses will go and you know they will do it here they can track it because for each and every patient they don't remember so they can just see in the computer and they can do it from here we have clock time and everything previous or next but today you can select it from here then you can order for blood as soon as you do blood requests it will go to the blood bank and you can request for blood right from here and then blood receive a blood return then you have something called discharge you can do the recharge planning discharge summary and discharge notes again this is a template base you can give your own template we can import it so this is just to give you an example this just somebody you can just three notes you can type in okay and then the child notes then you have this inpatient building so let's say for this particular patient the bill amount is 2966 so if i click on this amount it will give you the entire bifurcation of the bill like for bed for services for nurses all the charges it's drug laboratory again drug then you have bifurcation but this is just the demo but in real you will get the entire bifurcation for they're staying the food and everything and we have some some reports but yes these reports can be customized so we can give you the reports that you need then ot is nothing but operation theater medical records that you already have seen in outpatient medical tracker and then you have some constant form so if you if they have to go to go through any kind of operation or even at the time of admission if you want them to sign any kind of constant form you can find all the constant forms here and you can upload it in the patient details you can sign it you can ask them to sign it electronically it will be done so i think inpatient outpatient it you know revolves around the same there are no you know anything else because there are small things uh like operation theater and procedure room so these are like very small things uh i can show you one one module that's emergency so this is how it is so once the patient gets admitted in emergency room you can so you can give service order you can issue medicine you can check allergies you can transfer to inpatient there are some forms you can update details get vitals patient medical record bed transfer er blood so we have these things in emergency and then you have these some symbols so vitals done doctor scene new medicine order new service order notification and these are some remarks okay this is all about i think inpatient and operation and i think this is all you require for your entire hospital we have lillian and laundry we have mortuary management we have feedback management mrd is nothing but medical record department so the hospital in the medical record department they will have all the details of all the patients and all the activities you know will be here so they can you can track it system control is nothing but you can give access permission to users what all the screens they should have access to custom template is like i i was mentioning about template based like the constant forms any kind of form that that is something can be made from here uh i think that's that's all about it from my end so i'm just gonna quickly uh i'm done with this and i'm gonna end this uh demo here but if you have any question or if you would like to see any other module and if you would like to see a demo once again you can always get back to me and i'll be happy to you know give you in-depth or maybe i can say i i will be happy to give you the the training on the entire software all right so bye bye for now and uh thank you so much for your time and patience okay bye-bye take care [Music] you
Channel: Adroit Infosystems
Views: 10,718
Rating: 4.9832983 out of 5
Keywords: Hospital Management System, Hospital Management Software, eHospital, eClinic, Practice Management System, Practice Management Software, RCM, Revenue Cycle Management, Telehelth
Id: EnN6zQ0fbBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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