Hospital Management Software Demo Video

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welcome to Allen's excit solutions Private Limited this is HMS demo video there are various problems that hospital management might face keeping a medical history of a patient is near to impossible also if the hospital is a multi-specialty hospital managing the patients of various doctors is very difficult daily financial statistics is difficult to record require more manpower and time to keep track of stock if the hospital is multi speciality visiting doctors management need to do it is very important to secure data synchronization between different departments of the hospital is difficult to manage solution to all these problems introducing hospital management system with HMS the process of a hospital is simplified and managed very easily let us consider one case where a patient comes into the hospital if the patient coming first time to the hospital it is necessary to do its registration in registration patients basic information is saved also if the patient has some medicinal allergy or chronic diseases it can be saved in it if the patient is company patient it can also be specified in it the chronical diseases displayed here comes from the diagnosis master we can see the list of all master forms in master menu masters are nothing but one-time entry forms a user has to fill data once and it can be used later on in the day-to-day operation for example if the user wants to add another chronicle disease into this list it can be entered through master form and it will appear in this list same incase of the company master users saves associated companies through company master and a list will appear here once patient get registered it will appear in the patient to view the patient list click on search patient and click on display all the patients who have done registration will appear on the list you can search by different criteria like first name last name phone number etc then select the row header of the patient and click on send to queue then allocate doctor dialog appears in that window select specialization and doctor to Hull me you want to send patient and click OK after allocation of a doctor the patient gets added to the queue in patient queue status of all patient is displayed by viewing the status the administrator can get the idea about each and every patient in the hospital this is also helpful for doctors as they can see how many patients are waiting for them if a patient is waiting for the doctor the status will be waiting for doctor if a patient is waiting for the lab test the status will be waiting for lab if the patient is IPV patient the status will be IPD patient at the doctor side doctor views the patient queue selects the patient the doctor can send the patient to LPD treatment or IPD treatment if the doctor wants to give the patient OPD treatment he has to click on send to LPD this screen is a very crucial screen for doctors there are various tabs like the previous history health details documents prescription lab test procedures consumables other charges in the previous history list of the previous history appears if the patient had already visited the hospital in the first tab and her basic health details if the patient has some documents or reports with him he can scan the document to add that document to visit click on select image and select the image you want to add and click open then click add document the image will get transferred to the list if you want to remove that image click delete document next tab is prescription tab this is the most important section of the visit a doctor can select the symptom and click get diagnosis the disease is mapped the symptoms are fetched into the diagnosis list select the diseases from list and press get medicines the medicines associated with that diagnosis appears in the medicine list select medicines and click on add prescription or if you don't want to go through all these steps you can simply select medicines and click on add prescription the medicines get added to the prescription in the row of medicine name there are more columns that is dosage dosage note quantity select dosage from dosage list enter dosage note for example before food after food etc enter the quantity of the medicine if the medicine does not available in the list of medicines you can enter its name directly into medicine column of the prescription list the next important field in prescription is doctor note a doctor can enter a private note in this field which is not going to print on prescription next tab is lab tests tab in which doctor can specify any lab tests - the patient is required to give the patient - lab tests select test type then select test subtype and click on add test in procedure tab dr. can add procedure which ever carried out on that patient the charges of that procedure will automatically get added to the bill the next tab is consumables tab whatever the consumables used against the patient can be selected from list in other charges the doctor can add other charges if any also the discount can be added to the bill to add the discount click on give discount enter discount details like type of discount the amount etcetera after filling all this detail click Save to save the visit after saving click on print prescription to print the prescription preview prescription to preview it print bill to print the bill and preview bill to preview it to view patients previous history go to previous history double click on patient visit numbers row header all tabs will get filled with the details of the previous visit if the doctor gives any lab tests to the patient and there is an in-house lab the patient will be sent to the lab to the lab queue contains a list of all patients waiting for the lab tests to be done the initial status will be waiting for lab if the patient has given two tests and completed one test and another test is remaining the status will be tests pending after all tests completed the status will be all labs completed to prepare a lab test report the technician has to click on lab 2 in this form there is a list of patients waiting for the lab double click on row header of the patient of whom result technician wants to create the report editing window opens the basic information of patient will get filled automatically select test type test subtype the available template list for that lab tests will appear select template you want to you after selecting the template appears in the template editing area edit the report and click on save the report will be saved after saving the report you can preview or directly print the report if there is another test for the patient do the same procedure for selecting test type if the technician wants to do changes in the already saved report click on lab menu click on display list to view that day's created reports if the technician wants to edit previous dude's report he can select that date and click on search report the list appears click on the patient name and click view report the report editing window appears make changes to the report and click update report next important section is IPD section the doctor has to select a patient from the patient queue and click on send to IPD in order to give him IPD treatment IPD form is very much similar to OPD form only some IPD related additional details are included in it in IPD you must have to allocate bed to the patient to allocate bed go to allocate row tab check allocate room check box then select room type room number and bed number health details documents prescription lab tests consumables other charges tabs are same as OPD form first time while creating visit enter the details and save click on save the visit is created click on reload to refresh the form now go to previous day history tab the visit appears here double click on patient visit the day it appears double click on day it all tabs will get filled the billing details will appear if the patient wants to pay some deposit he can pay it by entering an amount into add deposit enter a mountain's name of the person and click calculate total the amount details will be displayed like total amount discount total bill amount pays amount I'm out if the patient has deposited extra amount it is displayed an extra amount click on save the additional tabs here are billing and discharge in billing section wise bill of that patient is displayed dot that is lab tests charges procedure charges at day wise bed charge is also displayed in it the main thing in IP de is the patients can be admitted to hospital for more than one day and patients daily treatment has to be carried out every patient who got admitted is added to the IP DQ he will remain in IP DQ until getting discharged from this queue the doctor can assign treatment to patient the nurse can take follow-up of that treatment and doctor can view the treatments carried out by the nurse or not to assign treatment to the patient the doctor has to click on IP DQ select patient and click on treatment IP d patient visit treatment forum gets open there are various fields fill up the details in treatment section there are two tabs first medicinal treatment and saline treatment to give medicinal treatment select name enter quantity select date and click on add to add Saline treatment select Saline tab select Saline name and date on which Saline has to give then click on safe to take follow-up of the patient's treatment the nurse has to click on IP DQ select patient and click on treatment nurse the medicines and saline ena added by doctor can be viewed here if the medicine had been given to the patient check on the status and enter time to add Saline is given go to the Saline tab select Saline name date and time and click on add click Save if the doctor wants to view the treatments carried out by the nurse he can click on View treatment an IP DQ in this form the dr. can view the treatment given by the nurse to prepare BPT PR chart the nurse can select patient name click on BP t PR chart enter date time Paul's VP take output and click on add the details will get added to the list click on save if you want to print this chart click on preview be PT PR if the doctor is the gynecologist then there are various options like death report sterilization reject sterilization newborn report etc to enter purchased stock information into the system go to stock purchase select stock name then enter purchased quantity purchased price per quantity in applicable price per quantity enter the price you want to charge the patient for that particular item click on safe to save the record to view the daily collection of OPD click on daily collection OPD click on display to display current dates collection if admin or doctor wants to view the collection of any date he has to select the date and click on display to view IP Dee's collection click on daily collection IPD a next procedure our same is OPD daily tasks menu is intended to carry out day-to-day work the first submenu in this category is daily attendance to fill attendance details select employee name select date enter in time out time after selecting a date employers shift details are displayed in a spine shift section after entering in and out time total hours of your work will get automatically calculated also if there is over time it will get displayed in overtime section if an employee is on leave that day it can be managed in this leave section if the shift of the employee has been changed for that particular day tick on shift change check box and select change shift for that day admin can view all attendance lists at a glance by clicking on view daily attendance to add daily work done go to daily tasks click on add daily work done select employee name the tasks assigned to the employee will appear in the job profile list select the work you'd have done today and click on save admin can view work done by employee and view work done form the last menu is reports menu in this menu all gynecology and ot related reports can be seen this includes birth register ot register guardian consent etc also there are various types of consent forms and certificates provided these includes birth certificate medical certificate birth certificate etc this is all about HMS software if you have any queries you can contact our technical team thank you so much for your valuable time
Channel: Allentics IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Views: 16,579
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Hospital Management System Software, Hospital Billing System Software, Hospital Information System Software, Best Hospital Management Software, Hospitality Management Software Systems, Hospital Management Software India Hospital Management Software in Pune, Hospital Management Software Demo
Id: DZwVmSVOi7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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