Horses Take Over Meditation Circle

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[Music] you that's the host and owner of these horses I was really nervous about having an entire group of people who although they were experienced meditators they had had zero experience with horses but at the same time both the horses and the humans wanted this to happen so we thought let's go for it let's see what happens let's see what purpose the divine has for all of us here in this space [Music] and just know that all of our senses are extra height you know to really accept and invite everything and anything in any imagination and any sensation into your experience of this time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we climb anything they will hold us feel it all whoa all the Leila [Music] oh how ugly I am wrapped and lying quiet next to you at first I was startled when Adelina put her nose in my face and chest nuzzling me with her lips but as she made eye contact with me I began to feel such an overwhelming love flowing from her directly into my heart and the tears just began to flow [Music] as the meditation wore on and the horses were getting pretty aggressive with some of the people there I was getting really worried and at that point Montero said to me teach them the energy technique that I showed you which I call as above so below and I thought well I don't really know if I should interfere because they're meditating and I said okay here's the thing if you want me to teach that if I meant to interrupt what's happening here go over to Lisa and right now go straight to her and he looked at me he walked straight over to Lisa and he bit the back of her shirt so I said okay I will teach everybody the technique like you push it out push it out and this is what the horses wanted everyone there to learn on this day I don't know why but they know why and the people who are there that day will also know why obviously some of them maybe all of them really needed to learn how to set loving boundaries this group of wonderful Souls from Lotus Wacom they give to people all day long their whole purpose in life is to enrich and heal and enlighten other people on the planet through the use of flower essences so perhaps they had a specific need to learn how to give in a way that they themselves were still protected or how to be around so many people all the time and yet preserve their own sense of self who are these messages actually for like it's all it's all for all of us if there's a resonance here that your message is your messages your messages your missus like it's all eyes it's not just I mean jeez that can't be any more obvious you're sure you're whose message and who's saying it where is it coming from and it doesn't matter thank you we don't need head but thank you or bytes we got it through this as above so below technique is a cheeky prana energy building technique where you pull from the divine above and mother earth below and you swirl it in your Center you build your personal power first and then you take that power and you push it out so that it basically creates space around you and it's it's a technique that comes from a place of love and it is a technique that works immediately with horses you can immediately push them back or get them to stop doing what they're doing just using this energetic technique and in the beginning you might combine that with you know holding your hand up and kind of like a stop motion but you don't have to touch the horse or push it or god forbid hit it you just need to build this energy and push it out and this technique works equally well with people too so it's something we can take into our workspace personal life business negotiations or group events where the number of people make it overwhelming at times I mean it was interesting to practice it and then the question arose then what is the relationship alone beautiful and and so then I love that question sit for a minute and then the answer was there but think about it you know it's like you can be in that kind of power and in fact it it allows it's like it works together it becomes inseparable from the world yeah so it's not an either/or it's not by a personal power and then I'm pushing everything away it's that it creates this space where it's inseparable and it's totally and that's what that love can be so overpowering it's also got strength to it that allows it to be because of you if you're so permeable than the love Oh flow through me let me shine I'm in your head now come through my when I [Music] when I see tell me that's your goal right there
Channel: ListenToYourHorse
Views: 34,093
Rating: 4.7982345 out of 5
Keywords: meditate horses, set loving boundaries, boundary setting, lotus wei, listen to your horse
Id: ZrVFesXdtzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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