Horse Progress Days 2005 - Draft Animal Power Event

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[Music] hi I'm saying more welcome to 2005 versus horse progress days here at Lebanon Pennsylvania I'll be your guide today as we look at some of the new machinery that's on the ground there's a vast amount of horse-drawn machinery being made these days that's mighty fascinating to look at [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a peck wait 25 bushels ground driven lightweight manure spreader mainly for use by small horse farmers hobby farmers it can be pulled by pony with a fork cart we pulled by a garden tractor working we pulled by a bigger tractor but it'd be kind of a waste but anyway it's made by Peck way machine company on a Newhall in Pennsylvania it's got a lever to throw it into gear and it's got a lever to set the rate of feed to spread more or less manure as you travel down the field the jack is standard on this - they ask you to watch the excellent spreading action on this this is a 25 bushel ground drive manure spreader made by Lancaster manufacturing and it's distributed by mascot sharpening in sales out of rocks Pennsylvania it's got a top beater that pulverizes the manure and this curved shield shoots the pulverized manure down onto these widespread paddles and the widespread paddle spread a nice even layer of manure its ground drive 25 bushel again it's for a small hobby farmer guy with two or three horses and that doesn't sheep something like that he can pull it right into his barn with his garden tractor or he can pull it with a single pony single horse or a small team the dealer is here they have a booth that we really want to talk to you this is the original spreader company they have heavy-duty casting throughout the polychloroprene beater designs you can get an end gate and if they do show them an option for a front front ground kit [Music] there's another Lancaster spreader this is a 50 bushel capacity and it's all loaded ready to go when it has the same features of the green one we just looked at it's got the upper beater inside the pulverizes the manure the shield that shoots the manure down onto the widespread paddles it's a little bigger capacity its ground drive and it's distributed by mascot sharpening in sales out of wrongs Pennsylvania again this is a two wheel job so it needs a four cart to pull it this is a 35 bushel ground drive spreader made by easy spreader company out of Sugarcreek Ohio so they're one of the small spreaders that are supporter nowadays this one has a top beater and a bottom beater to help pulverize them the manure and then it's fed back into these paddle paddles which spread it in a wide spread wide even swath behind the machine she's got poly plastic boards on the top on the box to keep from rotting out because manure is very caustic and it will rust out metal and rot out would but this poly plastic holds up very well gotten levers here and set the put the thing in gear and this sets the speed of the track and controls how much manure spread per acre all spreaders are ground drive options for the tailgate of there's a lime lime attachment bands brakes and a one-year warranty this is 75 bushel four-wheel ground drive spreader made by easy spreader manufacturing out of Sugarcreek Ohio you can see it's got a the seat on a platform and a safety bar for the driver so you don't need a four cart with it just hook your team to it and go this lever here sets the sets the speed of the conveyor and the bottom and governs how fast you're spreading your load of manure the lever on the other side puts the spreading mechanism is mechanism in gear it has a top beater a bottom beater and then the widespread paddles in the rear this spreader also has the poly plastic box to prevent rottens okay this is an H and s model 125 nor spreader it's park takeoff driven versus the park take-off shaft this would normally be hitched to a power take-off coming out of a motorized four cart or a tractor this track this machine is made by the H and s manufacturing company they're out of Wisconsin and this particular one was furnished by your country farm and lawn in Co incorporated which is a local farmer would be ler they make these in your work 25 bushels - all one thing 660 bushel spreader now how many horses would it take you compute that Roberts full of 660 bushel spreader what do you say boy 660 bushels spreader how many horses will bullet for for balance [Music] another spreader from Lancaster manufacturing which is distributed by mascot sharpening sales it's 100 bushel model made similar to the smaller ones we looked at earlier it's got steel sides steel box the upper beater lower beater and the widespread paddles to distribute the manure this is a two-wheel job pulled behind a tractor or a for Clark ground drive it doesn't need any part takeoff to drive it lifetimes more very well built with heavy-duty ears rabbit bearing you can have a two-wheel ground drive model here we have six web speeds it's available with John Deere green or you all in red under Boise you'll ground driven two wheels spreader from peck away manufacturing out of New Hall in Pennsylvania Peck way makes a full line of manure spreaders most all sizes got the upper beater lower beater and the widespread paddles same as the rest of them requires a four cart but it is ground drive so it doesn't need any power take-off it's on steel wheels a lot of the Amish farmers prefer steel wheels rather than rubber this is the original spreader used on farms across America for 30 years a three-meter design with a poly floor you can get an optional front end and yeah pick weigh 175 bushel power take-off drilling machine there's a large capacity and it requires a motorized four cart it's got a steel box rubber tires and the single beater spreader in the rear maybe by Peck way machine out of Newhall in Pennsylvania [Music] [Music] [Applause] the heaviest point would be about right here but when you draw your straps up nice and you hook it about here these carts kind of counterbalance and this isn't heavy at all here I know I use a cart similar to this every day in the woods ears young horses old horses and I've never had a sore neck because of the log cart or because of the tongue weight it's all about fitting your collars right and keeping that tongue nice and high this here is Forrest Manufacturing's log cart it's got a lot of nice features place to hook your PV or can't hook whichever the case they seem to prefer can't hooks around here that's real nice a lot of times you a log gets tight against the tree or something and you can't back your card and it's real nice to have this PV with you to be able to roll the log or like the question was just posed what do you do when you run out of room you could take this can't hook and roll the logs a little bit closer a feature I really like about this cart we'll have to turn it a little bit but there's actually a slot in this PV holder and the PV cannot turn it's ok we regard and the PV can't turn what can happen some of these homemade carts that don't have a slot if the PV is over here that point rides right on your tires and a lot of loggers spend a lot of time repairing tires because of that and I'm sure this was trial and error until he he figured the way so he wasn't replacing so many tires a couple other nice features about David cart he has a couple hooks back here to hook your lunch on extra chokers anything you'd like I think there's enough room under your feet put your chainsaw in there or maybe you could even hook it over one of these handles a pretty good comfortable seat off a it's a pioneer seat with a spring a guard between you and your team and this tongue is removable that's really nice when you're hauling the cart a lot of us put the cart in the front of the trailer and the horses in the back so we don't have to make two trips to the log job and if you take that tongue out it just makes it so much more efficient and if you've got a couple different teams they had a big team of Belgians that weighed a ton and you also had a team of half wingers you could use the same team on the same cart just put a little bit shorter tongue on there a real rugged hammer snap right here that's real important in the woods these even errs are similar to the ones that most of the horse pullers use and they're also made by forest manufacturing this white single tree is real nice for big horses especially these Suffolk's with all the muscles what the white single tree does it keeps this tug off the side of the horse a little bit especially you could see some space right back here and that keeps the horse from getting sore a narrow single tree will have that tug right right close to the horse and when these horses get down and they're really lugging the harnesses can really make them sore but if you use good good techniques good fit and harnesses and collars like chad has and a good set of even errs you can really cut down on a lot of that and of course the best feature of this log cart is the slotted choker bar and I just remembered I don't want to be standing back here because these things flop up I can get my leg pinched or something you want to come around to the side when you unhook this choker bar just step on the head a bit and you see when he steps them ahead it comes right unhooked Chad's gonna hook that team right on the farmer Brown's log cart you can just back up until the front of this arch hits the log he knows it's right there he can hook it up tight and usually there's just the right spot in the woods to pull the log up tight what you do you kind of run over a rock or a high spot the front of that log will be right up in the air nice drop your cart the wheels down in a hole and you can get a lot of lift another option also and I think we'll do it right here since we've got a lot of shame and this is a great method for skidding big logs what you can do you can hook your chokers at a three o'clock and nine o'clock position with two chokers I trust these horses quite a lot there's not just every team I'd stand here and put my hands in there while they're still hooked to the log you'll see us Chad pulls away that this this system even without a good spot to get lift can really lift a funnel in front of the log and that logs up three or four inches anyway maybe six inches on the front a lot of carts not much good if all you can do is hook here on the flat and pull straight across the field the woods you end up getting a lot of tight spots and doing some weaving and these combs really simulate that and show how maneuverable a log card is see chad miss a cone right there and if that was a tree and he barked that tree on the way by he could have pulled the bark on that off that tree especially this time of year when the bark pull is easy and that can damage the tree for as long as the tree lives and you can see is making the good wide corner you notice too as these carts are pulling along there's no tongue sway a lot of carts that aren't specifically designed for logging have a lot of tongue sway and that gives you a sore necks in a hurry but these log carts are well balanced and well designed and they've there a lot of trial and error anybody who really build a good log cart probably built five junk ones or maybe ten junk ones before they found a good car [Music] Whitehorse makes this three-point hitch cart the carts got the wheels the the frame the tongue and so forth and it's got three-point linkage to which you can hook any category one three-point implement these this cylinder raises and lowers the three-point it's got tongue steer hydraulic tongue steer you can move the move the frame this way or that way on the tongue by use of that hydraulic cylinder there this particular frame is set up for use with a plow which white horse also makes they make this to bottom three-point hitch plow and what's unique about this plow is the fact that it has hydraulic reset for each bottom some plows have shear pins that break when the bottom hits a stone or an obstruction others have a spring hitch that unhitch is it from the pulling power but white horses come up with this hydraulic reset which is plumbed into the hydraulic system you see the cylinder here and the arm at the back of the bottom and if this bottom hits a rock or a stump or whatever on the ground it overcomes the pressure in the hydraulic system and this cylinder this arm moves into the cylinder and the bottom swings back this away right over the obstruction and the hydraulic power then resets the bottom automatically you don't have to get off and do anything with it it just resets itself automatically it's a real nice feature and I'm really unique to back in the old days every plow manufacturer made gang plows two and three bottom sometimes larger than that but probably in the 1950s they all quit making gang plows and this is the pioneer equipment from Dalton Ohio as is making the first gang plow that's been built in this country for since the 1950s this is a version of it it's right hand they make it in both right hand in the left hand they make it in 14-inch bottoms so I think 12 or 14 and 16 inch bottoms it's got a platform for the driver safety rail this is a lift lever to lift the bottoms out of the ground he's got other levers to set the angle of the plow and the depth of the plow it's got high speed bottoms cover boards throw away shares a two-way plow made by white horse machine from Gap Pennsylvania this has a ground driven hydraulic system which is just a little different than the one we looked at in that this hydraulic pump instead of being driven by a growler chain there's a cam on the axle and it operates this roller and this roller and operates this plunger which and then this is the plunger pump and this plunger moves in and out and provides the hydraulic power which is accumulated in this accumulator tank but this is a purpose-built machine that's just used for the two-way plow to a plow of course you plow in either direction the same fer down that way use the right-hand bottom turn it to the field drop the left-hand bottom you come back in the same furrow this has the hydraulic resets feature the white horses there's perfected if the bottom hits an obstruction it pop the cylinder operates allows the plow to come back jump over the obstruction and then the hydraulic power resets the bottom in the position these two weight plows are handy for hillsides you want to throw all the first one way they're handy for small fields or irregularly shaped fields this one I've never seen this before it's gotta got rein holders on it hold the reins these little weights are on an eccentric you can slide the reins under them and drop the weight and it holds the rein in position that's a that's an accessory I'm not sure whether it's a white horse accessory or guy put on there by someone else this is an older McCormack during two-way plow it's been reconditioned by Beiler machinery they they rebuilt the thing and then added high speed bottoms with the cover boards it's got a lift lever for each side he's got some other levers that set the angle of the plow it's got a the old-style hitch for a two-way plow in that whichever bottom is down your double tree slides towards that bottom that gives you the correct line of draft that's all automatic when the right-hand bottom is down it'll slide to this position you get the end of the field and turn around drop the left-hand bottom this slides to that side and gives you the correct line of draft it's not a new machine but it still works this is the right hand 14-inch sulky plow made by White Horse machine from Gap Pennsylvania they make this in 12 14 or 16 inch versions with our either a right or a left handed bottom depending on your preference it's got high speed bottom cover boards the blade type throw away shares got various levers to control the depth and the angle of your plow the furrow wheel can be steered with this lever here kind of a basic little sulky plows works pretty good yeah this is a 14-inch right-handed sulky plow made by pioneer equipment from Dalton Ohio this is also this is available in twelve fourteen sixteen inch right or left-hand bottom depending on what you want it's got levers for setting the depth in the angle the bottom it's got a steering lever for the furrow wheel got a nice toolbox this can be this is this one has a tongue I think it's available also as a tongueless version and this is the tongueless version where we just looked at built very similar to the one we just looked at but this one doesn't have a tongue as you can see which we've seen around for a long time is featuring a pond and the subject may never have seen this is the european-style cumberland bottom it does a better job of plowing and all types of sports oil especially inside and heavy bucket types oil turn soil and a longer and slower motion than standard bottoms the Coulter's have a fluted blades of an adjustable stem and a tapered roller bearing hub this this particular style of bottom has been fought over by pioneer from norway it's something that's been designed in Europe where they have a long history that that kept going after week with designing horse plows in the forties they kept working on some of these innovations and they've come up with something that's a little bit more easy on the horses now I was talking to the lenders family they were telling me that all of their tests indicate this particular bottom is pulling anywhere from 10 to 20 percent easier that's a very significant savings in and drafts efficiency if you're going out to the field of work it could may make all the difference in how your horses feel the next day when you go back out to the field Farmer Brown flower shop up in New York buys up these old plows and rebuilds them this particular model is a John Deere Syracuse two way plow still got the cast Syracuse moldboard and Cher this is for throwing a furrow either to the right or to the left you can plow down the furrow and turn around and come back in the same furrow throw in every ball you're throwing all of your furrows the same direction Farmer Brown splash off from New York kind of specializes in Leroy plows which was a famous old plow maker also from New York many many years ago and this is a Leroy plow that he has brought to show how the old plows worked as you can see it's got wooden handles it's got a cast iron cast iron mold board share chin land side it's got a Colt jointer gauge wheel in the front got clevis here for adjusting your horizontal line a draft and this clevis can be raised and these notches can be moved up and down to get your vertical line of draft straight farmers Browns plow shop 14 inch right hand wall all made by pioneer equipment from Dalton Ohio we've got a wooden handles everything else is made of steel the braces the rail for riding on when you flop the plough over at the end of the furrow it's got a high speed steel bottom got a jointer gauge wheel clevis for the horizontal line of hitch holes from the vertical line of hitch pioneer makes these in twelve fourteen sixteen right and left hand models they feature a Sun freakin jointer for better trash cover coverage adjustable depth wheel depth gauge wheel steer handle slide to protect the wooden handles when you're dragging it along the ground and a convenient swivel it's clever next up is Robert Redford younger sister rich holdings and he's fightin and I and J 3 point 10 inch player mounted on an ing manufacturing or car this unit can come in 8-inch we're 12 inch radix bottom is also available it has a simple walk behind there's a four bottom Oliver tractor plow that's been modified slightly for use with horses by the addition of a uppers platform guardrail and seat now this is this has a mechanical lift this rope operates the mechanical lift the rope used to go forward to the tractor but now it's operated by the driver up here this particular case is being pulled by a white horse hydraulic Cardinal the hydraulics not being used it's just the machine just being used as a basic for cart this four bottom plow is used to demonstrate the twelve mule hits it's a popular feature of every horse progress days everybody wants to see the twelve animals pulling that four bottom plow and they handle it very nicely to the four mules and the wheel team are hooked to the single trees and double trees and even ER at the back right in front of the cart the swing team is hitched about about the front of the tongue and the lead team is hiss to the front of the of the ropes and with the pulleys the pulleys even the load and it makes every horse pull his share of the load and it works real well it saves all the weight of three rows of even errs like they used to use with a twelve horse hits you'd have had three rows of Eva's just like those ones on the at the base of the tongue and they're heavy they're getting away and horses step over them this rope even system is much improved over that this is an 8-inch one bottom walking plow made by I&J manufactured from Gap Pennsylvania it's just a pretty simple little machine it's got two handles it's got a rail here too to ride on when you're pulling it that way it's got a small ats bottom with a throwaway share it's got the adjustable clevis hitch you can just adjust it this way for your horizontal side draft you can adjust it this way for your vertical sight or your vertical line of draft be nice for a garden plow [Music] [Music] [Music] 9j springtime herro I&J calls it in the back as you can see it's got three rows a spring tine teeth with duck foot shovels on the end of them it's good for weeding made by I&J manufacturing just another another use for their little three-point hitch cart on a small three-point implement lifting and loosing action which you'll see when it goes down through on that disc ground there this little five-foot disc is made by a gruff deal machine from Loyola Pennsylvania you see it's a small small disc he's got a hand hydraulic pump to raise and lower the discs it's got rubber tires so on the distal raised you can transport it very easily on the rubber tires both gangs are permanently angled there's no you can adjust the angle slightly by unbolting them and they'll pivot a little bit but the angle is pretty much preset the rear gang is locked in position right now to follow directly behind the front gang by operating this catch this latch you can unlatch that rear gang and it can swing to follow the front gang and curves and so forth this particular one is the m12 because it has 12 discs on it it's four feet wide so it can easily be put in the back of a pickup or a trailer and hold around to do custom Gardens if you like it's got the shock absorber up top there on that adjustable front there for back or back and forth so that you're not cutting in more heavy with heavier with the front disc or the back just this real nice and even as you can see there that's probably going down there what about five inches at least this is the three-point hitch cart made by NJ manufacturing from Gap Pennsylvania got a hand lift cut three-point I judge the adjustments here for your angle on your three-point arms this particular case there's a small four foot three-point disc carrier mounted on the on the cart the disc era is not made by I and J but the cart is this is a roller hair it's made by horse manufacturing company and it's made and sold by Beiler machine company it's four feet wide it's got two rows of bring tooth hair teeth in the front it's got a roller in behind nice for working up a garden and smoothing them before you plant there you can see the way that the break up clubs in the springtime if you have some hard dirt clods and you put that roller over top of it it'll do a real nice job for you you got the weight of the driver on there to help to make the roller work well flip over transport disk right now it's in the transport position with the wheels down in order to use it in the disk position you unhitch it flip it over bring your tongue around and hook it up and then you've got your disks down about as simple to transport discs as you can find here we have retired be with his viewers and he's pulling this flip this Henry's demonstrating how it works he just bring it out and turn it around and hook it back up again and you're ready to go another innovative idea for making a disc of transport this takes a little bit of a little bit of cold push and pull and it work [Applause] 9j 4 foot tiller tillers of course power take-off driven and it's got these tines that spin around and dig up the dirt and it's one-pass soil preparation you over once with this and your soil is nice and smooth and well worked up and pulverized makes a nice seed bed and the demonstrations they were using this ahead of the most layers to work up the soil and get a nice seed bed and then they laid down the most in the drip tube and then they come along later with another implement and plant [Music] [Music] [Music] this color ators from inj manufacturing Gap Pennsylvania it's also for use in the mulch produce business you can see that the tines are sent four feet apart so we can straddle the row of plastic mulch and cultivate between them between the most roads just a modification the vine J's regular two row cultivator it's got got the lever for raising the lure in the gangs she's got foot steer which D to steer the wheels so you can dodge around things you don't want to hit this little 5-time walk-behind cultivator made by inj manufacturing from Gap used for behind a pony or a halfling or a small horse so there's not much to it it's it's got a lever here that you can set the set the teeth wider apart further together closer together depending on the width between your rows all you do is you start your horse down the road and you walk behind it and hold it in position and away you go we used to use one very similar to this when I was a kid in our big garden at home once you lay plastic down usually you'd put that on 7-foot centers you get about three foot in between and this is just an ideal piece of equipment to call ovate between the plastics got one horse you can steer that kolevatov by leaning one way or the other and if you get a small garden and a large pony you know this would be an ideal piece of equipment for working at home you can handle a lot of several acres of produce with plastic just to cooperate in between the plastic grows pioneer three section spring to ther Oh made by pioneer equipment out of Dalton Ohio it's handy for Oh breaking up clods digging up weeds the hair of teeth our spring steel so they take four rocky ground it's real handy too because these spring teeth will ride over the rocks the angle of the teeth is set by the lever to be more or less aggressive it's got raker teeth on the back for smoothing so it's kind of a combination spring to smoothing hair this little one wrote cultivators made by IVA Manufacturing out of Narva in Pennsylvania it's got foot pedals one on each side steer the wheels foreclose cultivation it's got a hand lift lower and raise the gangs cultivator gangs got spring tying cultivator teeth with duck foot teeth on them just a pretty basic little one row cultivator the two row cultivator made by inj manufacturing from Gap Pennsylvania it's got a hand lift raise and lower the gangs it's got foot steer for close cultivation it's got spring tine arms and ducks duck foot teeth here and that's a crow al crows foot teeth duck foot teeth whatever you wanna call them here it's for elevating to rose this is an older John Deere KB a disc six foot and width Groff Dale machine from Loyola Pennsylvania has made up specially out of rebuilding and refurbishing old John Deere tractor discs and they use them for Houston behind four carts these particular discs are probably 40 or 50 years old but they are a nice machine they put Groff DL replaces all the bearings the spools puts new disc blades on them rebuilds everything so it's nice and tight this lever there's a rope on this lever that the driver can set the angle of the disc the disc gangs it's got two gangs in the front and two gangs in the rear the two front gangs come out so they're ones angled this way in ones angled that way and the rear gangs are angled so that one is angled out that way and that one's angled out that way and these various holes here just set the the degree of angle of the disks this gangs there's a pioneer to section spike tooth hair each section six feet so the total width of the hair of this particular version of the Harrow is 12 feet it's a pretty simple machine this lever sets the angle of the teeth for more aggressive if you want a real aggressive heroine you move it back to the backs of the teeth of vertices in a vertical position for less aggressive you move it as such transport move a teeth flat pioneer makes this and just about any width you want a pioneer six foot blade this blaze handy for leveling moving dirt it's adjustable the angle of it's adjustable you pull the pin out here and you can swing the blade to straight throw it this way or throw it that way this is the lever that raises the blade it's got a couple of shoes to keep the blade from digging in too deep they're adjustable this is a raised bed plastic where this is manufactured by smoke manufacturing and the olefin Sylvania this is actually one of their new innovative models it's got steering mounted for site draft card on the back that's what the guys I would seek to have a do he's gonna keep especially on a little bit of a hillside it's pretty easy to make and rose and with this steering you can keep it straight this will make a raised bed the next layer coming up it's going to do a flat bed the raised bed gives you a little bit of advantage if you're on soil that gets wet easily it helps to dream especially if you get a lot of rain and the weather we've been having around here lately you know this isn't a problem but early in the spring this raised bed also helps warm up the soil a little bit more gets those points grow a little bit faster this one will a plastic you to three feet or 4 feet today we've got a four foot roll on there and you'll see the others that the the dirt in front and then the bists back on the back there will cover it up on the side and we really take some for horses to pull it [Music] [Music] the soil seed beds prepared and the mulch is laid they come along with this transplant er this is also by Nolte produce it's got a water tank it's got racks that you can put flat the flats of seedlings in it's got a wheel that turns this wheel is lowered on the center of your plastic mulch and as it turns these teeth puncture a hole through the plastic and into the ground there's a hole through the wheel here which is the wheels full of water or has water in it so as the holes punched there's a spurt of water is released into the hole to give your seedling a little moisture to start with then two people will ride back here one on each side they've got flats of seedlings in front of them and they take turns sticking a seedling through the holes in the plastic mulch and they give it a little to each seedling they got to stick it in and give it a little twist to kind of set the roots the water gives the seedling a start the mulch keeps the weeds down and you end up with a good crop hopefully and usually we mix in with that some Miller's twelve forty eight eight fertilizer which is a good starter fertilizer gives the plants a good shot of energy to get started growing as high in phosphorus and gives them a nice shot of water and you'll see as that wheel goes around and punches a hole in the plastic they'll fill that hole up with water and as fine as this ground is today that that silk just kind of sucks into that ball and the boys are going to push those tomato plants down and now they're not going to drop them in the hole they're actually going to push them down in there and give them just a little bit I&J manufacturing from Gap Pennsylvania has made this machine it straddles the plastic mulch and you can have a liquid fertilizer which you're going to apply at the same time this has got a 24 volt battery which powers the pump which pumps the liquid fertilizer into the rose this is called roar sprayer now there are some folks in a produce business that are laying their plastic in the fall or close to winter time in planting wheat or rye or rye grass in the aisle ways that's the area between the plastics and then we let that grow up to maybe 1218 inches tall and then go through with this machine and the rollers roll out and roll down that living mulch and then the shielded sprayer sprays on roundup to kill it chuckwei planner company makes these horse-drawn planters using John Deere planting units Peck way planter company is located in Gap Pennsylvania and they make these in one two three I guess that's all I ever seen one two and three row version so they probably make any any size you want they used the John Deere maxi merged planting units they build through the frame and put the wheels on it it's got a bin for fertilizer it's got the seed cans for seeds it's got 24 volt hydraulic lift system to hydraulically raise the the planting units from up from the ground it's got V disc openers which open a trench in the soil got pressed wheels with at that time the seed is dropped into the trench got these pressed wheels which firm the soil on each side of the to the trench and then these Wheels is a these V wheels clothes the clothes the trench behind these are precise to roll planners using John Deere maxi merge units they come with or without fertilizer attachment dry or liquid fertilizer the Truax flex to a TRO drill that covers a width it's a little over five feet it's for no-till drilling it's furnished by ions a manufacturing quasi remote hydraulics to operate it these discs till uh power strip of soil ahead of the planning units planning units then have each has a V disc opener which opens the trench in that little strip of tilled soil and the seed and the fertilizer dropped in and it's got press wheels behind that closed the trench and firm the soil over the over the seeds trash disks remove the trash to allow seeds to get proper soil contact result is good turf germination handles a broad variety of seeds pulls easily with four to six horses the double-fold sprayer made by fisher spring company out of wrongs pennsylvania it can be anywhere from 45 to 60 inch 660 feet wide the side booms are extended hydraulically the height of the booms above the ground can be adjusted with a hand crank here in a winch they can go up as high as seven foot clearance over your rows this particular model is a 45 footer it's got a 300 gallon tank it's got foam markers at the end of the booms as you can see some foam is leaked out of this one that's how you see where you've been and you got these booms spread out 45 feet go to the end of the field to turn to come back it's pretty hard to tell where you been so that you watch where the foam is and that's how you tell where to where you were the last time got a separate freshwater tank for rinsing any chemicals out of the system when you're done or for rinsing off your hands once you get stuff on you get chemicals on you he's got a Subaru Robin engine on it the power of the pump and the hydraulics this sprayer is made by IVA manufacturing from Northland Pennsylvania it's a single boom the moon can be extended hydraulically this particular one doesn't have a foam marker but it does have those seven horse Subaru engine fires the hydraulic pump and over there's the pump for the liquid that's in this in the sprayer these are used for spraying pesticides herbicides whatever you want now this one will raise up to eight feet and you can spray right over top of sweet corn with this one options on this our tandem wheels rinse system inductor tanks and up to four hundred pounds pressure this one right now is set up but 300 psi and tank sizes from 200 to 500 this trailer type field sprayer from hive a manufacturing on an Argo in Pennsylvania it's got a four and a half horsepower Subaru throbbin engine here that drives the pump to pump the fluid the liquid through it I've got foam markers the ends of the boom boom is manually extended and it can also be raised up and down the boom can be raised up and down by means of this winch they do have available options of boom sizes anywhere from 30 foot to 45 foot the trailer type has 150 gallon tank but can come all the way up to 750 gallons if foam markers and hydraulic folding booms [Music] field sprayers made by fisher sprayer company from wrongs pennsylvania it's got a 35 foot boom six horse our Subaru engine the power of the pump it's got a freshwater tank for rinsing your media tank and it's a manual fold there's no hydraulic on it you know the boom folds out this way and that boom folds up that way and it covers an area 35 feet wide 50 150 gallon tank is on the one we're looking at 15 gallon water tank with a rinse nozzle is available on the front 35 foot boom 7700 by L roller pump six horsepower Robin engine 150 gallon tank no drip nozzle bodies 14 30 inch rows [Music] I'm charlie penny from Wales in the United Kingdom and I farm with horses on top of a mountainside we've got about 30 acres of good ground and then another 20 or so woodland round the edges and we make most of our work with the horses now and I'm over here just to try and show what the European view of the machinery is we started off doing ground drive stuff which has a lot of uses because it's low and pollution and so on but it has a lot of limitations too so that's why we've come up with this multi-purpose four cart with an engine on it which you can take off and use it as a simple for card as well the most important thing is because you can take it into different sections to do different jobs the horse is only pulling around a bit of equipment that's needed for that job in other words as in the configuration at the moment with the pasture topper on it that's fine but it would be silly if we wanted to go plowing to have to have the engine on as well because the engine isn't needed for the plowing so we've designed a system that the whole engine unit slides off and you put in its place a bench seat with a little hand pump to work your hydraulics so that in fact you can tailor the configuration and the weight of the hitch cart or the forecourt whatever you'd like to call it to the job in hand and that's the unique thing about it for example as it is in this full wheel configuration now that's at its most complex if you like we've got a standard category one three-point hitch at the back so that you can hitch up your implements and we've got a 540 PTO ok now what you can do for example I mean this isn't a hay cutting machine but supposing you imagine we've got a conventional sickle bar mower we go out and cut our hay with that okay in that layout then on the same layout we put our Turner and swather and make the hay ready we're now ready to bail it ok the sun's been shining unlike in Wales all the time so what we do now is to take the whole rear axle away and we then got back to a basic two-wheeled four cart with an engine on it which we can use to pull our baler ok we've bowled the hay we've got all my neighbours around to come and cart it so what we then do we don't need the engine anymore what we do is to slide the whole engine unit out it has four legs that actually clip into the frame so that you just slide it out of the hitch cart frame onto its little sub chassis pull it out the way and put a bench seat in the front and all we've got then is just a simple basic classic two-wheeled four cut with a bench seat we couple it up to the trailer and go and drag the hay in so we can tailor the layout of the machine - exactly - each operation precisely and that's the most efficient way of doing it my name is Park Orson and I'm from York County Pennsylvania and this is a Norwegian harness the things that make the Norwegian harness different from typical English harness if you will one thing is the collar the collar is joined top and bottom with straps and then there's a wooden hame on each side which is padded so instead of having the collar separate from the Hames they're attached and it makes it easy to put on and it also means that the collar can move with the horses shoulders a little bit instead of rocking like a full neck collar does sometimes the second thing that makes a Norwegian system different is the back pad or saddle is a metal or sometimes wooden rod that's rigid and then there are these pivoting pads that sit close to the horses Withers and the third thing that makes it different is the harness ring and when it's set up the the draft comes here from the collar obviously and hooks there the saddle hooks there and the breaching does too and then the shaft is connected to this harness ring my shaft is not typical Norwegian it's kind of jerry-rigged but you get the idea the the connection between the harness and the load is this plate of metal called the order and it it's just a plate that you can slide through if we were in Norway there would be a slot in the shaft it's just very apparent how when I saw them using the horses in Norway it was it looks was so easy that they could just put that slot through the shaft and hook the horse quickly without having to worry about traces and then separate backers the way I was having to do with my English harness so we just were plowing with this horse a little bit with this this set of shafts and it worked pretty well and I'll just drive her around a little bit so you can see the harness and how the collar moves when she does more recently I went to Norway and worked with a horse trainer over there named Olaf Newby and then I asked Olaf if he would make harness for me and he did he comes to the States once in a while and measured done he measured my horses and made a harness to suit them so I've had the harness for about four or five months now and I'm still learning how to adjust it and and how to use it properly but it's a it's it's been a lot of fun and I've so far I haven't found any disadvantages really to it it is quick to use I find it easy to put on it it's adjustable between my two draft mayors that are there both draft across the horses and so they're a little different in the way they're built but the harness is adjustable to either of them and I can use it for a draft work for plowing or skidding a log or I can put it use it in my cart my name is a harsh way and I'm from Germany I am publisher and editor of German drops of magazine and I've been here for the first time in 2000 in Kansas horse progress days and I'm interested in the development and equipment and machinery for draft horse use we've got the horse progress days that are similar to your progress days we try to promote working with horses and to demonstrate people the possibilities of working horses and we try to feature modern horse-drawn technologies there the main different to your horse progress phases that our German ones is probably more American than us so we have a lot of different competitions like plowing or logging or pulling competitions and a really big show program and we normally have between fifteen and twenty thousand visitors each year I'm interested to see to see how you do things and I'm one of the organizers of the German host progress days so it's interesting to see how you manage that and yeah I think we can learn a lot from your work and maybe you can draw something a little bit from our [Music] I&J makes this 7-foot mower they take a three-point hitch tractor more mounted on this frame they build and it's powered by a 25 horsepower Subaru Robin engine it's got a hydraulic lift it's got the course the PTO drive to the mower the more knife in the guards working off the directions it's kind of a scissors cut the guards moving this way in the lower sections we'll be moving that way the mower could be can be removed from that three-point hitch cart something it could be used for any other for other implements [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] s manufacturing makes this mower conditioner it can be used as a mower strictly it can be used as a conditioner alone or it can be used to condition as you mow whichever you prefer it's powered by a 25 horsepower Subaru engine you've got a nine-foot cutter bar which is which is hydraulically powered there's a hydraulic motor right there that runs the belt that powers the cutter bar it's got two rubber conditioning rolls underneath if your conditioning as you mow you've got your blade down of course and you're cutting a swath here in the meantime you're conditioning the swath you cut the last round and the conditioning system of course is it picks up the hay and squeezes it between these two rollers and that crimps and breaks the stem so it dries faster and more evenly conditioners with rubber or steel rolls this unit is all hydraulic if the conditioner has a spring flotation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] peachie mowers shopped from Belleville Pennsylvania reconditions McCormick Deering mowers probably as old as I am but anyways it's been rebuilt with a six-foot cutter bar new clips nice sections guards so forth it's equipped with a front truck which keeps the tongue weight off the horses and this is a caster wheel type truck recently when more machines had a two-wheel front truck sat out a little further and actually steered it this case the tongue just steers the mower and the caster wheel follows but anyway it does the weight of them up front of way to the front of the motor rides on the caster wheel and that relieves the horses of the weight of the mower some folks don't know that the Cormac Deering paid these mowers right until 1948 and underneath a toolbox if you get down in underneath it you'll see a raised cast plate that has a series of numbers that will tell you the day month and year this came off the assembly line [Applause] [Applause] this is an older new idea more conditioner and it of course this part take off driven and it mows the hay passes it between two steel rolls which are crimp rolls conditions they and shoots without the back end in a windrow this case it does it all one operation in Mo's end conditions at the same time [Music] [Music] a manufacturer makes this nine-foot hay conditioner each manufacturer is located in Lancaster Pennsylvania its power takeoff driven machine it's got a hydraulic cylinder to raise and lower the conditioning rolls it's got two rubber conditioning rolls with a herringbone pattern and they picks up the monje and passes it between the two rolls and the pressure and the herringbone pattern crimson breaks bruises the hay stems so that they dry more evenly and more quickly this case of course it's a standalone conditioner so you have to mow it first and then come back and run and run the conditioner over it this is a more for basket hate Tedder it's made in Italy power take-off driven hydraulic cylinders to let the end baskets down into operating position as it moves forward the rotors turned this way and kick the hay to the rear and lift it turn it so it can dry out in case it's dam [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is a little ion j2 basket hey cheddar power take-off driven as a tine spin they kicked the hey loosen it and fluff it so it can dry better got an adjustment here for your height above the teeth above the ground [Music] there's a peck way 7 foot hate cheddar this is ground driven instead of being the basket type hate tears like we've been looking at this is a real type and as the as you move it forward the tines turned this way and it kicks the hay up fluffs it dries it [Applause] [Music] from the rotary center bottle number kW 550 th this tenor is list price at $6,350 local dealer is houghtaling for lunch WF will over at Triple H equipment you can get these headers up to 49 feet wide the heaviest strongest built tenor on the market this unit will handle to 9 foot lower swats hydraulic folding and adjustment rountine arms with five wraps on the teeth staggers teeth the sheer bulk teeth strike the ground evenly thanks to pioneer equipment for letting crowed use their power car [Music] there's a Vermeer ten wheel wheel rake there's a hydraulic control on it that allows these arms to come down and it's int then the wheels are in a V a V formation says it will rake three seven-foot molar swathe into a single wind row in the center because there as the wheels come out like this well you've got a V formation as such it requires a hydraulic four car to operate it's got a center kicker wheel which picks up any a little bit of loose hay in the middle that that the might be missed otherwise they say it's good for use on rough ground because these wheels have spring tines and they'll ride over rough ground very easily but still rake the hay into a windrow and these are not these wheels are not powered they just turn on their own by contact with the ground is what causes the wheels to turn [Music] [Applause] this is a another ten-foot V wheel rake actually built in Italy but it's distribute in the USA by AG equipment out of Luverne Tennessee it's got remote hydraulic hoses so it requires a white horse hydraulic for car to operate it and the hydraulic cylinders when they operate they let the two arms down you got your ten wheels and a v-formation you've got a kicker wheel pick up anything left in the center and this operates again why the wheels contacting the ground causes them to turn and move the hay into a v-shaped format into a windrow this is a Miller pro-park take off rotary hey Rick as you can see it's got the arms coming out from a center hub it's got the teeth here as it rotates in this direction there's a gearing in the hub there that causes right about here that the these arms the rake arms start to turn forward and lower the teeth down to contact the ground they move around to the other side and then about the back corner at about 11 o'clock up there that he start to raise by the time they reach here the teeth are fully raised and that drops the hay in a windrow right back here this is a just a wind guard to help maintain the integrity of the windrow these rotary rakes are said to they invert to hay for one thing so they're good for wet hay Rick and wet hay like to turn it over let it dry plus they don't rope the hay like regular side delivery Rick does they just leave it in a straight wind row without winding it in a rope [Music] this is another rotary rake made by inj manufacturing out of Gap Pennsylvania and this is a ground drive model although I&J makes a power take-off model as well this model was driven right from the ground wheels and it operates in a similar fashion to the Miller Pro we just looked at in that the rake arms as they rotate this way they also rotate this way on the shaft starting right about here they're straight down and they catch the hay move around move the hair around and then back in the back they start to raise and they drop the windrow at this side along this side here these this can this is kinda it's a 10 foot width and it's kind of wide for transport but it all folds up these arms can be easily removed from the hub there are holes here that you can stick the arms in to carry them this folds up the other side folds up and it comes down to about a 6 foot width for getting through gates and stuff next way hey Trey wrong number a chart 10 is available of two additional sizes this this particular rank has an 11 foot braking width with an 8 or 8 horsepower engine standard hydraulics from lifting made in the u.s. tandem walking beam axles on there and it has a pretty slick lifting action on there boy yeah you want to notice this once he gets out there this is a Vermeer 5400 round baler it was furnished by Glenn by dealer of Freiburg Pennsylvania a local dealer it makes bales mix round bales the big large ones they can be anywhere from 4 feet by 5 feet to 5 feet by 6 feet and it's good for either dry hay or high moisture hay that you make silage out over it's got of course the park take-off shaft here which comes from the fire cart and that furnishes the power for the for the rubber belts which roll the hay inside and make the big round bale it's got wheels here to guide the hay into the pickup which is underneath the front of the baler gadget right here tells you how how large your bill is and when you have to stop and tie it off this arrow moves down the scale and when it reaches here then that's a 5 foot in diameter bale course you can stop it sooner than that but you have to stop it and then it ties it off it wraps the twine around the Bale to tie it off and then you eject the bail out the back ideal for teams due to its late 4000 pound weight it handles both dry and sigh chain requires one horsepower to operate this unit is equipped with hay saver wheels and flotation tires monitors are optional [Music] [Music] this is a bottle of four for seven from here country farming lon incorporated they also have a four four four five seven which is the four by five four six seven four by six five five seven five by five four five five four seven five by six and our five by five and they also have a five by six this being this baler that were looking at is owned by Henry Stoltzfus crow round baler model Kor 125 kroner Baylor's have low horsepower needs and little repair cost all crows Baylor's will handle all types of hanging wet work drive an additional bail kicker is available so the team does not have to back up to drop the veil this is a new idea of 7200 five straight through square baler a company called Johnny Landis they mounted this engine on the baler to eliminate the need for a power take-off this is a Briggs & Stratton twenty nine horsepower Vanguard v-twin engine and it's belted right to the floor the flywheel of the machine normally your part take-off shaft would have come forward to your tractor or to a power card but this eliminates the need for power take-off pickup reels underneath picks up the hay and shoots the right straight into the baling chamber and right straight out the back this is a new well I wouldn't say it's a new concept but it's a more recent concept the older Baylor's all had to pick up off to the side and the hay had to go up and in in and then into the bale chamber which created a lot more opportunities for jamming so this straight through design is much better in that respect got the two daughters here on the top to tie the strings and of course the bale has just pushed out the back this shoot is set so it'll push the bail out and raise it up and there's a hook a wagon behind and push the bale right onto the wagon packing chamber into feeder for uniform in solid bales vanguard big-block engine for torque and power pity Baylor is burning the hole and mini valor it makes an 8 inch by 11 inch bail with self-tying otters converted and this has been converted from a New Holland prosthetic ash hey equipment is the manufacturer de Strasbourg PA and they're also the dealer on this baler can be semi or field or stationary baling it can be powered by PTO hydraulic or electric the bail makes baler makes these little tiny bales with variable lengths according to the setting the bail has many uses the main one being decorative straw bales for for cheap decorations also can be used for horses like one bailiffs one feeding for horse great for in horse trailers at races her shows no open bails scattered around [Music] this is a bale loader and hauler it's made by Brandywine welding out of honey Brook Pennsylvania it's hydraulically operated and they've got a 13 horsepower Honda engine on it to operate the hydraulic pump this is a tank for the hydraulic fluid and these levers operate this fork which comes down and then you pull it forward and that slides those Forks under a round bale and then the hydraulic power lifts the bale back up and dumps it in here on the bed and there's a conveyor belt in the bed that you can move that Bale back put another one in front of it and then move it on back further it hauls three small round bales and two large round bales when you're ready to unload the conveyor moves the Bale back to here the hydraulic one of the hydraulic levers raises this and lets pushes that down that way and then the bale just rolls off after the first bales off operating operate the conveyor belt again it moves the next Bale into position and it can be rolled off [Applause] this is somewhat similar Bay loader it's an elk obey lay loader it's made by Sonny Holloway equipment out of Lincoln's Pennsylvania and it's got the hydraulic tank thirteen horse Honda engine she got the hydraulic valves up here to operate the various components of the machine it's got the fork which can be let down slide under a bale raise the bail back up and dump it on the conveyor move the conveyor to the rear and the bale moves back pick up another Bale listen to again will hold hold about three four foot round bales and probably maybe probably hold holds three five foot as well to unload bill's moved on the conveyor back to here and this back end tilts this way hydraulically and that just tilts the Bale when it rolls off that direction once it's unloaded then you move another Bale back and do the same thing with it [Music] this neck Tecna bail 900 bail mover is also furnished by Glen binder from Freiburg it's made in beaumont quebec canada by the innovation Agricole atom company it's somewhat similar to the others we've looked at in that it has the two forks that are let down hydraulically slide under the bail raise it up and it rolls onto this tray here which is a solid metal tray there's no conveyor on this but there is an a-frame type arm and a pusher and that's operated hydraulically and it just pushes the bails to the rear to unload the bales are pushed back onto these two arms a bale is policed back onto these two arms and the arms are let down and the machine's pulled out from under it it's a round bale mover by trail farm supply from Dundee Ohio got a five and a half horsepower Honda engine to run the hydraulic pump I've got two control valves says it'll haul two 4x4 bails or two 5x5 bails and to load that I'll bail on this machine these two arms are let down level with the ground and then there's slit apart hydraulically things backed so the arms are on either side of a round bale then you operate a hydraulic lever and the two arms are moving underneath the bale and then you operate the other hydraulic lever and these arms come up and set the bail right on these rollers and the rolls are just free--free rolling so in order to unload when you get to where you're going you again let these down and just manually push the bail right off and then pull the thing out from underneath the bail [Applause] this is a an Anderson RB 9000 Baylor can make to grap bales from Martins farm supply Greencastle Pennsylvania the bales are a round bale is laid on this platform back here it's moved forward through the wrapper which is right here and has moved forward it comes on to this these roller these rollers another Bale is put behind it and as it's pushed forward it continues to wrap this platform is down at the time so the bales the Royal Bill just keeps coming off of this coming off these rollers when you get to when the bill the end of the Bale tube gets on the ground then these drive wheels can be activated and the whole machine just moved that way that way you could have a string of bales from here to Fort Knox I guess okay this whole machine is powered by a 13 horsepower Honda engine right here which drives a hydraulic pump and from there on everything is operated hydraulically all the hydraulic cylinders have moved to various functions and cause their hydraulic motors then to drive the front wheels there's a hydraulic motor that drives the bail wrapper [Music] this is a small square bale wrapper made by ish manufacturing from Lancaster Pennsylvania fired by a four-cylinder Kubota diesel engine and hydraulic hydraulic motor in this case a number of small square bales are laid in that area right there there's a plunger that comes up pushes them into the chamber compacting them as those compacted bales are pushed out of the chamber they're immediately wrapped with several layers of plastic poly film which holds them into a in in their compact state this can make a long tube bail just keep pushing the bails through and this keeps pushing them out and wrapping them as it goes they use a big foam end board start out with that and this wrapped in as part of the part of the tube when they get done with as long a tube as they want they put another one of these plastic foam plastic end pieces on the other end wrap it and then you've got a solid tube should be airtight and this system these these bail wrapping systems are used for making hay leads the bail high moisture hay and wrap it tight exclude the air and it ferments in there and makes a form of silence [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] for a wealth of information and insight into logging farming with horses mules and oxen be sure to subscribe to rural heritage magazine every issue features a wide array of articles to suit both the novice and expert teamster from ideas on new techniques to the latest in equipment advances rural heritage magazine is the indispensable tool for every logger and farmer making a living or just having fun with draft animals also don't miss our extensive collection of books and videotapes covering everything from driving mules to logging with horses to training oxen call nine thirty one two six eight zero six five five or visit the end
Channel: Rural Heritage
Views: 163,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rural Heritage, horse progress days, draft horse farming, farm show, draft animal power, farming with horses
Id: EdG35_kFX5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 26sec (7106 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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