Draft Horse Logging & Cultivating a Field!!! #493

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foreign I'm not back on there you know what I mean good morning everybody Welcome to working horse with Jim today is such a huge difference in weather than what we've been having the last a week or so it's been up into the 90s which is uh 30 Celsius and today it is supposed to be a high of 68 and even now it's not even 68 it's just barely 60 maybe or 55 something like that I mean uh Fahrenheit anyways uh Chris and I are out cultivating the corn as you can see what we're doing right now is we're I'm driving a row and he's running a cultivator and then we swap and he gets the driver row and I run the cultivator as you can see we've done to the right hand side here and it's coming along pretty good there's a tremendous amount of quack grass weeds in this field and we're living with it and we're hopefully going to get it under control off to our left here is where we haven't done yet and as you can see all the green grasses that are there that's quack grass the corn itself is hasn't even completely popped through at least I hope not because it hasn't come through as good as I'd hoped for so I'm hoping there's still more that was probably planted a little bit deeper that will still pop through but as you can see there's a tremendous amount of grass down through there and if you look carefully you can see that the yellow rows are the corn and I say yellow then they're really not yellow they just look kind of yellow compared to the green quack grass anyways we will get to work here um Brenda came out to film us a little bit and then she's going to get to work on something else and we have to keep at this job another thing actually let's let's I can talk where we work Capital step so as we cultivate along here I want to talk about a couple different things um so we're using tan a lot of different ways we could be doing this I could be um cultivating with him alone although I've never actually done that but I might try with that when the corn gets a little bit taller but this works fine just the way we're doing it and I have Chris to help me so it's it's not a problem if Chris wasn't here I usually would have used the girls one of the girls to ride 10 and I would have done the cult of it um and that works fine too but what I would like to do is actually get Baron and maybe even bill out here for a little bit of time cultivating neither one of them have done that before with a single cultivator I am sure both of them would work fine but uh they are would not be able to do it alone for some time to come Barron is a horse that I could potentially see being a good horse on the cultivator down the road but for this year if we just get a little time right here just practicing him driving between the rows that would be great now I do have a now I do have a two horse cultivator which is still just basically a one row cultivator it cultivates kind of between or it goes it straddles to the corn and cultivates a little bit on both sides this cultivator I'm using right today is also one horse cultivator but instead of straddling the corn it does the whole width between the cornrows at least that's what it's designed to do thank you so with my two row cultivator which I've used a lot um and that works fine but generally in this early early porn I it's easy to to cover it up if I'm not careful and so in a way careful careful stuff in a way this uh single horse cultivator works even better but of course it takes a little more work down here at the end it kind of comes to a point my cornrows do so it's a little bit difficult to see where we're going but I think I can see them all right this is not a very big piece of corn um so it really won't take us too long to cultivate it and I hope to cultivate it quite a few times because of all this cracked and the more I cultivate it the better off it will be it's very easy in spots to be going along and trying to lose track of where you're at because some of the Corn like I said hasn't actually popped through so it's not a clear path that we that we're following oh so this is the very center of the field and this was that one row that is down that doesn't go the whole length but we won't worry about that right now [Music] place is this really hard to see what we're doing isn't it yeah on the right side is pretty good right good to see uh but the last time I have to find them and I'm on the left side so that's kind of what I'm watching when I look way ahead I could see it better oh this cultivated by the way is one we got from Linda right Kathy Kathy's this cultivator by the way is one we got from Kathy earlier this spring and uh it's uh it's a it's doing us doing the job um my cultivated from last year I actually made the mistake and ran over it with the skid steer so I kind of smashed that so this one here came without a handle on so we actually went to an Amish place this morning and bought two brand new handles for it but until we get it fixed we have this old handle that was broken got two bolts see what and we got it bolted together and wrapped up with black tape this is kind of my way of doing things and uh it will it has been work just working just fine we say it's a it's the French way this is the French wrap the French way that's what the Germans see what would the Germans say I mean what would the French say if they saw a German do it it must be the German Way probably G it is so hard to see the rose with all this crack in the way foreign we're not going to eliminate all this quack I'm sure but I think we'll probably be able to get under control enough to still have a decent drop of corn I hope corn is actually clear and better over this side of the field I can see it all the way down too oh oh that's right it's your turn to arrive forgot driving is easier I think anyways what do you think Chris it's less exhausting but what sometimes if you lose the the tracks and it's it's harder because here I can rely on what you do so I I know I'm not completely out of track just following the horse why whereas when you're driving if you mess up yeah I mess up okay go ahead foreign rocks we certainly could not get rid of all the rocks in here there are tons of them and the Rocks do make the cultivating more difficult Direction all right this is really good though because it's getting all the broad leaves a lot of them a ton of them well I'd better get in and make finish my soup and bread for lunch you guys being in a few minutes yeah what time is it going to be [Music] it's 11 46. oh good yeah quitting time we'll be right in hi it's Monday morning and we had a nice day off yesterday and Chris and I are down here in the woods we've come to visit Jim and see what's going on with Jim and Baron and Bill and he is doing some logging this morning um Chris yeah can you chest desk can you tell me what your impression of the woods are so far here compared to your Woods it's all way bigger of course than Europe and but I'm I have to say Jim is really taking good care of his Woods as I I don't see any really heavy big old trees so yeah good job yeah but you you said in in Europe a lot of times you see you see some bigger trees yes yes okay all right well here's Jim and the horses how's it going good morning everybody going it's going good um this morning I I came down to the woods alone and I want to get we've got a nice day today and then we get some rain coming in but it sounds like for the rest of the week so I want to get a few loads of logs ready to go and probably this afternoon I'll haul logs home with me um Chris actually went up to the hunt shop this morning to talk to Eli and he's seriously thinking about I'm assuming you're seriously thinking about getting a set of harness and Eli's gonna make it for him but we'll talk more about that even in maybe another video um so I will so I've been getting out some log this morning uh most of these logs are what I get out today um I had a few here from before but I've been kind of I have a small Landing here and so I have to kind of toss my logs I got a pile over here and then some over there and then I've got these two right here I'm not gonna move these because I've got two trees down right now we'll go get and so um Chris can kind of see how I do my logging up you know up front he's been watching my videos but he to be able to see up close and hopefully he'll have some questions for me and I can stop and answer them and maybe those same questions he's having you guys might be having also and so we'll get those two trees out and then we'll probably head home and uh um this afternoon I'll come back and get they'll bring the wagon back when I do with the wagon is this this is a trail that kind of Loops all around this Plantation and um I'll bring the wagon through here and pack it right here and load up onto the wagon so but let's go down and get a get a tree tree or two out so maybe this might be interesting for YouTube uh I would say this is the biggest piece I could pull with my single horse right right which is still I think that's a fine fine size without a card right yeah I know that is he is really too bad yeah but he's probably not in as good a shape as my horses so and yeah that's that's not unusual to be that's the size you would you would handle for one horse so all right [Music] [Music] [Music] this particular lot is my own land so I can you know do whatever I want with it and I've been dealing with it for quite a few years and I've actually uh have changed kind of my uh I guess you start to call out my Land Management plan and have gone to this spot right here I'm cutting all the trees in this one spot but I'm not gonna talk about that now I'll talk about that in another video exactly why I'm doing that but today we'll just hit you on to these these two trees and get them out that's not Baron who can do a really good I'm very pleased with him sometimes it gets a little bit antique when he's pulling he falls down so often type of thing but that's okay [Music] all right [Music] so both you guys should be back [Music] [Music] here but I got a big limb right here that I gotta roll off and I'm gonna have to cut that foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay so what I did what I'm as I'm doing this I knew I had this stump here and it's a it's we're gonna straddle it so I stop before I get the stump so I've been shortening up my chains really good so that when we hit that stump it would hop up over it unless you have to get snubbed up as you've been skin logged to your single horse you know that when you're pulling along if you hit a stump or rock it can easily just stop them dead and it's the same even with the cart it can happen but it's very like unlikely to happen because of the higher hitch usually what I do I have to I have to pay attention for the horse and what I do if I have to do something like that way before uh get like so that I can roll it over you know that that the log is like this and the horse is pulling like this and roll it over okay okay but you wouldn't in this situation wouldn't you just go high above it and just go around it with the one horn in this situation I would yeah because there's enough room but you don't always have enough room when you're using a single horse you have a narrow Trail um you had asked about my my Target and the d-ring and this might be a good time to talk about that um we were talking earlier about in the barn about the the a d-ring harness or a straight tug harness and I was trying to explain to him that this line of draft stays basically the same no matter what height your evening is at and I don't think you quite understood that but you see it's clearer now you're telling me yeah so if you've got this this tug right here and that tug are not a straight line yeah and when you have a long tug without a d-ring harness you will have more of a straight line which would bring this much higher definitely yeah and that would change your line of draft and that's one of the Beauties about the d-ring harness it will keep that line of draft in place so whether you have a high evener or low evening I was telling Chris this morning when you just think of this as you're going through a big dip in the in a on the road that your evening no matter where it is on your cart there is going to be a huge difference when you go through a big dip that evening is going to change and by having the d-ring the short tug won't change or at least not much and it'll just be back here that it would change so it keeps that line of draft where it belongs that's that clear role also does this play a role um in the in the in what to to keep that in position no I mean I mean I suppose it could some yeah but no uh the the belly girth would actually stop it from coming too high okay um and just everything connected makes it stay there um it is to a degree that does make a difference on a pole like this because it's very heavy so you know this I've talked about this so many times before you know you're transferring the weight back to here but so you have a lot of pressure on this strap right here and that will help keep this down and keep everything in place too it's the combination of all this stuff together so have you ever looked with a would you say loose even though okay have I ever yeah yes okay so then you have this this you mean with this type of hanging yeah yeah this is the lazy strap yeah all this is and so so when evening is down low to the ground this keeps this from uh it helps it so he doesn't step over it so much now in your harnesses in Germany do you have but I have these yeah okay but I have the maybe my because my horses are too small I don't know but if I put it too low they step over okay when he steps over if I put it too high I sometimes have the problem that this line of draft is somewhat broke that holds it yeah and then yeah yeah and yes you do have to adjust these accordingly yeah but with this I don't even need these because the tug is so high yeah he'll basically never step over oh Baron has been improving in his pulling abilities so a lot of these small trees I'm hitching right onto the whole tree it's quite often I'll cut it in half these two pieces but he's seems to be able to take it quite well even with my rough terrain I have I have stumps I have rocks I have everything in the trail and he's he seems to do quite well and it's a little bit steep as you go up closer to the landing too [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] as it comes out in the videos you plan it looks deeper in the videos than it is oh vice versa okay the reality it looks it is people but it comes out of me yes I find that it's really hard to catch depth perception in videos or pictures yeah I found that when we traveled out west you cannot get the you can't really show what it's like maybe if you're an expert photographer or something you can but now somebody could have a house back here [Music] what do you think about the chainsaw nice I just was wondering comparing the size because all my chances are steel our son leave it Levi uses all steel too is that German that's a German yeah yeah some people may have made a big cousins oh yes yes but I don't actually care it's a big thing in our family I started out this thing because my dad you always used it so I I didn't care and yeah and it's nice to have a com comparison yep yeah some of it depends on what you have available to get you know get things fixed and all that I have I [Music] um [Music] come on [Music] Chris I was wondering if you realized what I did back there a piece of lumber was stuck in between the stump and this piece and you made it like come over the other one right basically so I was coming there and something so I stopped and what I did is I loosened this chain up tighten this chain up so that my first foot or two I actually pulled just that one piece so it gave it that oh it gave it that uh easier start yeah so they started with that and then boom that one hit but they were rolling so we took it right out of there and I do that quite often that's why I like a lot of times I'll take a lot a tree like this instead of just hitching onto the whole tree and pulling the whole tree out if I cut it in half like this I have the ability to do little tricks like that and they're they're big tricks they really help a lot yeah foreign did you notice that it as it hits the stumps how it pops right over this apple I remember I think I probably shared this story before but I can remember quite a few years ago now I was on a log job and a friend of mine that had horses came over and I was kind of bragging or just telling the good things about a cart and I said you know I basically never get hung up on a stump and didn't I turned around and asked them to go and where I just let them win a little ways and I got hung up on this stuff it stopped me dead and I I had to do something I put a rolling hitch or something on but generally speaking I just don't get caught up because of this High hitch as soon as it hits something it pops up over yep there's a lot of advantages to the car these carts but there's also a lot of disadvantages and dangers with this cart when I first got this car this particular car is I got it 40 years ago yeah a good 40 years ago I bought it and it was second hand at the time this car has pulled out so many thousands of beats it's unbelievable I've had it for a long long time but when I first got this 40 years ago I was a young 20 year old and I would flip this card over literally five or six times a day until I got the hang of knowing when and how and the and the what's the word um physics until I got the physics of it that's that's what I'm looking for um I would flip this over I mean it's pretty basic stuff but I guess I just wasn't too bright because I would just flip it over all the time and now I I still flip it over but fairly rarely but when somebody new starts on a cart like this it is so easy to flip it over and so that's the big dangers with these thank you tap stuff that's why you gotta stay behind those suckers going around the corners okay I wanted to get to this point so there they're a straight shot out of here because coming around that corner it pulls really hard because it's binding on that that stump that I was going around um I I generally do not want anyone to drive a horse a situation like this because he's a young Colt so I I just generally don't let people drive but I'm gonna let you drive okay so I want you to go to the left hand side of that stop and go right on up through till your logs line up with the rest of the locks okay if I don't see anything wrong oh but if I see anything but I just want to explain um a young horse like him if he gets stuck at this stage it's really bad but if he gets stuck mentally it's really bad for him yeah yeah so I that's why I don't let people other than myself when they get to be Bill's age it has had the experience he has had and young people people driving himself um like when we were up at Paul Smith's college I had the class come in and a lot of people go for them even tall even all along um so anyways let me uh get off and I will ask you to go so what I want you to do though I want you to put both legs right up here and kind of stretch your legs out and I want you to get good grip of this lines before you take off if I want you to get that good grip and when you have to go oh bill will take off faster and he'll be more aggressive because he's more used to him but Baron is right behind him but I need you to hold Bill back and kind of watch it even though and what we want is that evening to stay together so let's see what you can do it episode [Music] is yeah [Music] oh well what did you think interesting interesting uh let's go ahead and jump off of it okay so it was it definitely it's definitely different needs a different feeling to steer them when they're pulling that hard it does yeah you've you've gotta you gotta have you gotta know there's that old saying you gotta know when to hold them won't know when to fold them type of thing I like to say that quite often Kenny Rogers song I don't know if you've heard of that yes but you do you have to you have to hold really tight but you know you have to know when to release a little bit too so that you can steer because when you're pulling really tight like this it's hard to steal but you gotta still you can't really so much because they'll just take right off on you um so yeah but you did good you did good this uh this tree probably has I don't know let's be desperate how many boyfriends but I don't know I would say that's really good um this is I guess all I'm gonna cut for today um I it's gonna be lunch time by the time we get back so I will just unhitch and um gather up my saw and we'll head back to the truck um I I'm not very efficient right now because I have two I have two log wagons that I can use but one of them needs a little bit of work and what I should be doing is driving up here with the truck and having a the one wagon up here so I can come in here get my load take it back out with me to the truck so then I go back home and bring the empty wagon up grab the loaded wagon and I can just keep going like that um but until I get the second wagon fixed I can't do that so anyways uh I uh hope you guys enjoyed this video today we'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Working Horses With Jim
Views: 26,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: draft horse logging, cultivating a field, draft horses logging, draft horses cultivating a field, horse logging, horse cultivating a field, darft horses, logging with draft horses, cultivating a field with draft horses, horses cultivate field, percheron horse, belgian horse, suffolk punch horse, horses logging, horse farming, horse training, draft horse harnesses, horse drawn equipment, horse feeding and maintenance, voice commands for horses, wokring hroses, working horse
Id: GEk1pE81KNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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