HORRIBLE Truth About Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

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at the time of uploading this video it's been more than a year since Pokemon brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl came out the long-awaited remakes of fan favorite Gen 4 games failed miserably in the eyes of many fans who beg for these remakes for years in this video we're gonna take a look at the problems with these games and why they failed his remakes and if you stick to the end we also recommend another not so well-known alternative you might want to try and set if you truly want to experience the remakes in a better way and yes we know we're coming a bit late on this train but listen we too have things to share about these remakes so sit back and enjoy our review of Pokemon brilliant diamond and Shining pearl Pokemon brilliant diamond and Shining Pro Bryn it as faithful remakes of diamond and pearl came out November 2021 on the switch the remakes are the first games in the Core Series not developed directly by Game Freak instead they were developed by ILCA or I love computer art which was responsible for projects like Dragon Quest 11 and Pokemon home now since brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl are remakes of the fan favorite Gen 4 games the expectations were high although the coming release of back then highly anticipated Pokemon Legends Arceus overshadowed the hype of the remakes a bit it's worth mentioning that the actual fan favorite Sinnoh game was the more enhanced Pokemon Platinum which brought huge improvements over the previous two so although the remakes were supposed to be faithful most of the community was expecting them to contain all the improvements from Pokemon Platinum but that didn't really happen among the other expected features were new and expanded post-game Mega Evolutions improved Aesthetics new minigames contests and underground changes and making HMS less annoying and although some of the features like improved Aesthetics and Concepts and underground changes have been implemented it didn't really go the way the fans had envisioned it so what is missing what's really wrong with the remix let the ranch begin problem number one missing Platinum content as we've already mentioned most of the Platinum content we love so much was completely excluded the Giratina story The Distortion world the redesigns of places like Stark Mountain the Battle Frontier and even the quality of life improvements from Platinum are missing and yes you could argue that brilliant diamond and Shining Perler remix of diamond and pearl not Platinum but when we look back at previous remakes heart gold and soul silver had implemented the features from Crystal and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire included those of emerald the choice to exclude the features from Platinum which is the better version of the Gen 4 Sinnoh games is completely unreasonable in our opinion problem number two game difficulty we do realize that this is primarily a game for children but this problem could be easily preventable you see brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl have the same level curve as the originals but there is an always turned on Exp share for the whole party which results in your Pokemon being constantly over leveled and as if this wasn't enough the game features an affection system which also cannot be turned off affection with your Pokemon increases as you use them and walk around the world and after reaching a certain level of affection your Pokemon will start hitting Critical Hits every other attack and sometimes even stay alive at one HP instead of dying whole party Exp share and the affection system wouldn't even be a problem if a player could actually turn them off to increase difficulty so despite the efforts to make the game Harder by improving certain battles and making a lead form more competitive the games are still way too easy and completely unrewarding problem number three glitches and clunkiness let's start with the fact that brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl were released as unfinished games requiring an update a week later for them to be playable and even after that the amount of glitches and actual soft locks present in the game was crazy although the game was updated multiple times and many glitches were fixed it still contains a ton of them now the remix coming in 3D and allowing the player to move diagonally too may sound like a good thing but the game still use a 2d map for objects this results in a really clunky feeling around every object and makes walking through tight spaces feel truly unnatural it's also worth mentioning that precisely this diagonal movement causes a few glitches itself like the ability to skip half of the puzzles in snow Point City gym by glitching through a slope even the added feature of Pokemon following you as you walk doesn't feel right the Pokemon are scaled weirdly and sometimes just moved too slow problem number four the clear lack of new stuff the main selling point of the remakes being faithful to Originals actually developed into one of its main problems the games have basically nothing new to offer and when we look back on the previous remakes we can see that attic content is exactly what made them so successful heart gold and soul silver set the bar So High by adding Pokemon following you the almost complete storyline from Crystal Battle Frontier and the Poke Athlon just to name a few Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire follow the trend by adding Mega Evolution the post game happening in space or even the ability to soar above the cities on Latias or Latios simply adding the aforementioned Platinum content Mega Evolutions expanding the story a bit or at least adding Pokemon from other Generations would greatly improve the remakes these four problems were the main ones we have encountered but there were many other irritating things in the game like The Comeback of single-use TMS but we will spare you of those details with the rants being over we can now look into things Pokemon brilliant diamond and Shining Pro got right but there's not much compare compare the originals which are notorious for their slow pace the remakes improved noticeably on this front as we've already mentioned ILCA also made an effort to make some of the battles more difficult and competitive especially the Elite Four the HMS were brought back but because they were handled by the poketch you don't need to worry about them ruining your move sets the last Improvement is the character customization although being a bit lacking the option to customize your character definitely enhances the immersion of the game among the changes made in the remakes there were some questionable ones the decision to make all the characters look like Chibis to reserve the original feel of the game is nice but it ruins the more serious scenes a little just imagine trying to take seriously chibi Cyrus making a grand speech another questionable Improvement is the ease of getting Legendary and mythical Pokemon you truly don't have to do much to obtain most of them which makes getting them feel unrewarding for example Mew and to Roger simply given to you before the second gym by NPCs the super contest turning into them games and the rework of underground received mixed opinions too now with an overview of what the remix positives and negatives look like we can speculate why the games turned out this way as already said before the efforts of ILCA to stay as close as possible to the original Diamond and Pearl was the biggest source of the game's criticism to address the glitchiness of the remakes it's possible and considering the unfinished State the game was released in even probable that the game development was simply rushed why you may ask one guess we have is that with the new OLED version of the switch having been released just a few months earlier it makes sense to want to put out a new Pokemon game as fast as possible for it to sell with the new variants one of the other theories circulating in the community was that Pokemon brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl were simply meant to be placeholder games until the big title Legend Arceus was released who knows maybe if the remakes were the main title being developed at that time we could have gotten an open world Sinnoh experience we hadn't even dreamed of we can speculate all day but the fact that these long-awaited remakes are simply lacking will not change now what if we told you that there's a way to fix most of the problems brilliant diamond and Shining Pro contain you've probably heard about Pokemon Renegade Platinum before which was a rom hack that greatly enhanced the experience of Gen 4 games a similar hack exists for the remix called Pokemon luminescent Platinum Pokemon luminescent Platinum simply overhauls everything in brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl with the added Platinum content new Pokemon from other Generations true size Pokemon and many other features missing in the remakes so if you struggle with the same problems we did while playing the games you may want to consider looking into this interesting rom hack in conclusion Pokemon brilliant diamond and Shining Pro might have some good points but the glitches lack of difficulty and new content plus other missing features heavily outweigh the positives the games could definitely be enjoyable for some people but but as remakes we consider them failures what do you think of the games have you actually enjoyed the games or are they not what you had dreamed they'd be let us know in the comments also don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel check out our other videos too and as always have a great one
Channel: PokeRebels
Views: 6,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poketube, gaming, pokemon challenges, smithplays pokemon, poke, ranking, Pokemon, pokemon facts, nintendo, pokemon trivia, Jrose11, Nuzlocke, pokemon news, new pokemon, pokemon leaks, elite four, hidden pokemon, starters, Pokemon Challenge, rpg, game freak, pokemon analysis, false swipes gaming, poke rebels, anipoke, detalles pokemon, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, sinnoh remakes, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl
Id: seBxUdwoG0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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