Disappointing New Heljan Class 45 | Unboxing & Review

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[Music] hello there everybody Sam's trains here welcome back to the railway and welcome to another review today I'm looking at a brand new Loco from hellgin [Music] I would say that the last couple of new Locos I tried from Helgen were much better than normal in terms of quality so today I've decided to spin the Elgin wheel again and try another one of their new logos today then I'm looking at this it's the all-new class 45 or Peak as they were also known from Helgen now I have got a class 45 in my collection already and it's behind me over there that's the Bachmann one very lovely logo but it dates back a good number of years so I'm thinking there should be plenty of room for improvement on that old Bachmann Peak and hopefully that is where this new Helgen Loco comes in so the ROP for this is 189 pounds 99 which is definitely up there isn't it I bought mine from a retailer hattons for 160 pounds 65. so yeah a little bit cheaper than the Acura scale Locos that I've been looking at but not by an awful lot so the expectations for this are relatively high but if it's well detailed if it's good quality if it runs nicely if the mechanism is good then this could definitely be a great value logo but for now I'm going to stop talking about it and we're going to find out for sure so here we go elgin's brand new class 45. so I'm fairly sure that this is a new packaging design at least to me I'm sure the packaging has been slimmed down quite a bit for this logo and that's probably a response to the increased shipping costs probably so this should have saved a little bit of money and that's fine I think provided the Loco is still well protected inside hopefully it will be the front of the box has this nice line drawing of the locomotive on it doesn't really give away much in terms of Livery and incidentally there's quite a lot of choice in terms of the different versions of this model you can get from Helgen and if you're interested in those I will include an affiliate Link in the description so you can browse the range in terms of what I've got though let me show you this end of the box so I've got product code four five one double O it is a br green class 45 D31 it is DCC ready it has a 21 pin socket inside it's got interior and exterior lighting sprung buffers which I like very much nem couplings apparently and error five so we've even got the era on there doesn't mention whether there are any DCC sound speakers pre-fitted into this logo so that's a question for later on I suppose anyway relatively simple packaging design apart from that so let's get in let's see what's cracking off inside Okay so we've got a booklet here I like the look of this uh the last Helgen logo I looked at the ES1 had a nicely produced booklet inside and that was good to see so let's open it up so we've got a little bit of information or I'll say a little bit quite a lot actually on the class 45 in real life so if you want to pause and read that feel free to oh we've got a list of parts here quite a lot of them actually it doesn't show everything in terms of the mechanism but yeah there's some sort of parts list there anyway all right servicing and DCC information so the first thing is removing the body and apparently this is held together with screws Not Just Clips so that sounds like a quality solution converting to digital that seems very simple light functions so obviously you can control the lights with DCC or if you're on analog like me there are there's at least a couple of switches some of those switches are magnetic by the looks of things that's the cab lights yeah the directional cab lights so apparently there's a magic wand included to enable customizability over that feature so that's interesting technical data we've got a 12 volt motor with twin flywheels that sounds great three axles powered per bogey so that means all of the wheels except for those leading ones wiper pickups on six axles so again it's just the driving wheels that pick up then control system yeah that's fine basic lighting functions optional detail Parts uh yep you've got a picture there to sort of illustrate some of those and a little bit of instructional material on how to fit them and then on the back uh it's just some general information looks like it's supposed to run on Radius 2 curves so that's fairly standard right let's have a look at the Loco then the packaging seems to be good actually um quite thin yeah this foam is a lot thinner than we've seen from other manufacturers and same on the sides but hopefully this will have been packaged properly in the container or whatnot so that it's good and safe and in good condition let's pull it out then let's see oh it's heavy yeah right let's delve in then let's see what we get you can see the accessories through the top so we'll have a look at that first this is an interesting one so this must be the magic wand for operating the cab lights it's just a piece of plastic with a magnet in the end but this is the first time I've seen this feature on a diesel yeah that's quite clever actually a nice way of allowing cab lights to be enabled and disabled because obviously it's actually not prototypical for the cab lights to be on while a loco is running and on analog in many cases there is no way to easily customize that sometimes you'll get switches at best but sometimes you don't that's quite cool well done Helgen I like the sound of that right let's see what's in this accessories back then all right so we've got the bits and Bobs that were outlined in that diagram here I can see the usual buffer beam Parts there's sort of sand pipes there's both couplings and this is not a resealable bag so actually to get the couplings I'm going to have to cut this bag open and unleash all of these detail Parts which is unfortunate but there are some screwlink couplings in there which is good that's a great feature and some of the detail Parts in there are etched as well so there's a sense of quality here which is good too all right let's open it up let's have a look we're going to get our first look at the Finish any second let's unwrap interesting okay so there's quite some detail Up on the Roof there uh the finish at the moment looks to be quite flat quite matte really but we'll have a better look at that in a moment when I when we look at the side of the body right let's see what the weight's like yeah yeah I would say it's fairly heavy actually yeah certainly a good bit of weight to this and here it is it's got some sort of support in the center here yeah now that's screwed on so the full reveal you'll have to wait for but yeah the Finish little bit matte I would say the last few diesels and electrics I've looked at have had a real sort of sleek satin finish which has made them look quality this one it's not terrible it's not completely flat or anything but it looks a little bit on the plasticky side doesn't it there's definitely some decent molded detail on there though I will show you some more of this in just a second first of all though here's a bit of background on the peak in real life the British Rail class 45 or the sulzer Type 4 was introduced in 1960 when the first of 127 locomotives entered traffic having been constructed at Derby works the class played a key role in replacing the final steam locomotives still in service and was faster more efficient and offered greater acceleration than basically any of them the class 45 featured a Souza 12 cylinder engine capable of delivering 2 500 horsepower and interestingly the same engine would be used in quite a few other locomotives such as the later class 25s from the following year except they just had six cylinders instead of 12. the class even had steam heating boilers when first introduced so as to heat passenger carriages although this system was eventually replaced with an electric one in the 1970s in select Locos the Peaks as they were also known were heavily used until the introduction of the hsts when they began to be gradually relegated to lighter duties before being more or less completely withdrawn by 1986. today 11 remaining preservation while the rest sadly were scrapped so there it is the new Helgen class 45 up close and personal for you and yeah I think this is okay I'm I'm trying to be objective about it but I just I'm not 100 keen on it if I'm honest with you I think ultimately we've been spoiled by the likes of Acura scale and Bachmann because when I opened those last few Locos the class 37 from Batman the 92 and the 55 from Akira scale I was physically excited by those Locos they blew me away this one there's nothing particularly wrong with it or anything but I'm just not feeling that impressive factor from it and there isn't one specific issue with it or anything like that I think it's just a number of things that maybe place this a few steps behind the likes of Bachmann and Acura scale now first of all obviously you saw that there was quite a lot of extra detail to fit in the accessories pack and the reasons for a lot of those parts not being fitted at the factory do seem to be valid there are some parts such as the sandboxes that go on the bogeys that were eventually removed so they haven't fitted those to give you the chance of not fitting them but yeah we've just got four holes instead on each bogey now which don't exactly look great so if that's not prototypical for your particular model if you don't want to fit those you've got holes there are other parts such as the steam heater pipes which it just says on the instructions for static display models only so if you actually want to use your loco is is that it end of story you don't get those details it's just a Pity there was no way to compromise on that to still bring those details and have the Loco work so as a result without the accessories fitted it does look quite naked in places also yeah the Finish isn't as good as we've seen on other Locos if I show you the backman class 37 that was a recently toured Loco you can see the Finish just makes That loco pop and we don't have that with this it just looks kind of plasticky the decoration leaves a fair bit to be desired as well there are a few places where the paint just doesn't look fantastic as you can see this axle box looks really bad I reckon somebody must have caught that before it was dried you can see there's a bit of overspray on it and a lot of the paint has just come off the British Railways crests they just don't look great do they anymore if I show you one on the backbone this is a new Batman Loco class 24. it looks way way better than this one from Helgen the detailing is relatively simplistic as well I mean some of the grilles are just molded into the Bodywork but some of them are actually separately fitted Parts which I wasn't expecting they are however just made of plastic they're not etched so they do lack that depth that you get from the proper etched grills although the quality of the molding has to be said it's very high you've got the handrails around the cabs which are just made of plastic and they look quite chunky compared with photos of the real thing and this isn't helped by the fact that they haven't been cut particularly accurately from the sprues because there's quite a bit of excess plastic visible on those and one of them over here is even bent and you've got stuff like this on the axle box this piece is just not connected to anything is that I'm not an expert on the peak is that how it would have been would that have just been dangling like that yeah I'm just not really feeling it with this one the weight comes in at 563 grams which is fine you know that's plenty heavy enough but it is lighter than the Batman Peak which goes back a good few years it's a good 100 grams lighter than Akira scale's new class 92 and it's 200 grams lighter than the Acura scale class 55. again not a massive deal but it's still a couple of steps behind those other manufacturers and then when I consider the price this is 189.99 RRP or 160 pounds thereabouts at the retailers it's not really that much cheaper than some of the other Locos I've been describing so the value for money doesn't seem to be too great but let's talk about some of the things the Loco does have the join between the body and the roof is reasonably clean I would say and the color certainly looks good it matches other Locos in the collection and it seems to match the color of the photos I've seen online little plates on here but again you can't read those on a lot of new tool Locos you can now read that sort of text but here it's just a little bit of a blur the bogey detail looks good and much of the detail here is actually separately fitted so all of these Springs I believe are separate parts which is quite good to see they stand out beautifully as a result and we have got some separately fitted steps and such the trailing and leading axles look very strange it almost looks like there's a piece missing from the axle box of those Wheels but no that is how the real thing looked it just wasn't ever represented like that on the older Batman Peak so that is quite interesting to see the ends of the locomotive are quite detailed you've got these wire handrails on the end which are very very fine the buffer beams are quite detailed but again they're just poorly painted you can see the black through the red in a number of areas and you can see the red through the black where parts are supposed to be black it just doesn't have the same finesse that we've seen from other manufacturers but there is a fair bit of detail here as you can see but hopefully not so much as to foul the Loco as it runs along the nem pocket does seem to be reason clear and there are separately fitted metal sprung buffers so that's a good quality feature sprung and metal buffers very good the camps look fine as well in fact the cams are quite a strong area of this logo the glazing is nice and flush you've got what looked like separately fitted metal wipers and those do seem to be Quality Parts and the cab Interiors are very well detailed you've got print work on the back wall of the cabs and in this area yes this is very much at the same standard that we've seen from Bachmann and Akira scale recently which is good up on top there is a lot of detail much of this separately fitted and the way that most of this detail is separately fitted is great there's very little glue visible I think there's one splodge on the Loco that I've seen but that's not too bad there is what looks like an etched Grille above the fan of the Loco you can unfortunately see wires and plugs underneath that fan again that spoils the realism of it a little bit but overall not bad at all so the local is not bad by any means I just think it could have been painted better the Finish could have been better and perhaps the design of some of the detail cells could have been improved so that more of it could have been fitted to the models at the factory but besides that yeah the quality is fair the weight is okay if not super impressive and at least this Loco wasn't up and above the 200 pound Mark at least it only cost me 160 pounds whether that's cheap enough for me to overlook some of the issues with it I'm not sure but I don't think it's a rip-off at the moment but we need to get this down onto the track let's see how it runs let's have a look at the mechanism and see if there's a bit more quality in there so there it is the peak down onto the track and the first performance test has already been filmed I'll save that as a surprise I'll show you that in just a moment but you can probably guess how it went next I went and did a look at the mechanism and you probably will be surprised to hear what I'm going to say next but that is that the mechanism is great yeah the quality is really good it's a sensible design it's easy to service helgin have clearly really really listened to feedback here and made some changes for the best so let's start looking at this first of all I was a bit concerned by this from axle design it's got quite a few moving parts to it and a lot of movement as well it's also sprung so it stays on the track but it does the job it does actually work well so that is a good design the base keeper plate is still clipped in place it's not screwed on but this time the clips are very easy to access and they're extremely easy to overcome so actually accessing the axles is easy to do this time and here's a surprise bearings yep we have proper turned metal bearings on the driving axles so finally we can welcome Elgin to the bearings Club the exclude well no it's not exclusive everybody's in the club but Helga is now part of that club as well great quality feature really pleased that Helgen have listened to feedback next the body removal requires the removal of screws so the body's not just clipped on we've got actual screws which is an easy and long lasting Solution that's very good inside we've got the heavy diecast chassis which is where most of the weight comes in because the local body is largely plastic you've caught the circuit board with the DCC socket built onto it it's a brilliant white color for some reason which explains why it was visible from the outside of the logo that's a strange decision can't see any speaker on this Loco unfortunately but then again I don't mind that at all because it's reflected in the price at least here I'm not paying for a speaker that I'm not going to use if you want to chip one of these with sound then obviously you could buy a speaker which yeah is an extra expense at that point but at least that will be a feature you can use the cab light boards are part of the chassis so they're not part of the body that makes it easy so they can be hardwired nice and smart design there I did notice though that the centrally mounted motor which does have flywheels on it was not straightly mounted it was definitely an angle that first flywheel was up in the air and this one is facing downwards so I did delve inside to just try and straighten that I found that it was quite free to move it wasn't really fixed in that position so I straightened it out tightened the screws and I hoped for the best shouldn't really try to improve a local while I'm reviewing it but I thought why not and then the gauging comes in at 14.2 to 14.4 millimeters back to back that's actually fine pretty close to the standard so there's nothing really to complain about the slightly wonky motor was a bit of a concern but that didn't seem to be making any difference so the mechanism is a big Thumbs Up Performance though well let me show you what happened Moment of Truth time I'm really interested to see how this logo works and also to see whether it can rival those latest locos from a QR scale and backman and the like so forwards Direction were already set let's give this some juice and see if it works here we go now that's 50 percent and yeah it's very much come to life now it hasn't been running yet so obviously not expecting this Loco to be necessarily at its best yet I will give it the full 30 minutes in either direction before obviously uh giving my rating or anything on the performance but yeah it seems to start off smoothly it seems to run quietly there's no sign of any hesitation or anything like that yeah that's really good we've got some lights coming on here we've got the cab lights coming on in the forwards direction as well as the number boards on the front and then when the local runs away from you you've got the red tail lights which come on automatically all right that's good what's the talk like I do wonder that so let's stop it I'll put my fingers on the buffers can the local turn its Wheels no it's stone cold dead there and then it accelerates slowly so there's little talk at the moment again that could change as things run in but moment poor talk okay let's do a crawl see what that's like straight out of the box and just easing it up easing easing easing still easing oh there we go that's not bad yeah that's fine that's not bad at all um it's not terribly slow but for a relatively heavy Loco that is quite controlled yeah that's not bad not much cogging in this mechanism either backwards is even better I'll give it a bit more yeah that's legitimately a very good crawl isn't it yeah I like that so the performance seems good on straight track I have got questions about those trailing and bleeding axles I hope they are going to be stable around various curves and inclines and such and there's only one way to find out really and that is to give the local a try around the layout so let's do it off she goes 50 speed oh slowed down a bit entering that curve blimey see if it does it again oh yeah so the lack of torque is even showing through in the performance that's less than impressive isn't it is he going to do it at the top yeah every single curve slows right down but to be fair you know it's only been running for a few seconds at the moment it does need to have a proper run-in so I'm going to let it do that um let's hope things are a lot better after the fact and hopefully after that we'll have a good running Loco that is worth 160 to 190 pounds please keep those fingers crossed all right folks I am back um that yeah it was I'm not sure quite hold on let's start again okay folks that is running in complete and I'm not too sure where to stand on this in some ways yeah it was a good experience but Loco never derailed it was absolutely fine even with this unusual sort of leading and trailing axle design absolutely perfect no issue with that at all the curve issue though is still a thing it was slowing down on basically every curve on the layout and I think more than anything it was getting worse as it went it's also started making a noise when it reaches curves it's like a metal scraping noise it sounds like the Tin Man's coming or something but yeah it's just it's not great on curves and the torque is really poor and I I have to be honest to say I don't really know why that is because obviously I looked at the mechanism to me it looked like it was good quality I would suspect the motor maybe the motor isn't the greatest quality and possibly mine is faulty I have no way of proving that mine's not faulty or anything so take this test with a pinch of salt because your mileage might vary and if you've got one of these let me know have you noticed any talk issues or do you open mind it's just faulty I don't know anyway I've picked out one of the couplings from the accessories bag and I fitted it into the bogey here the coupling is actually fixed in into position it can't pivot in any way except this does not cause problems and here's why the actual frame of the bogey is free to move independently from the wheels now I don't know if that has been designed with the coupling in mind or whether that's just a byproduct of the general design but it does mean that that coupling can move left and right as it goes around curves with Rolling Stock coupled it's also this movement that makes the Tin Man noise as I'm calling it you hear that I don't know folks I don't know what's causing it it sounds like it could be pickups moving against the wheels honestly at this point I'm I just I don't know I'm trying to be nice about this Loco but really it's just not doing it for me the pulling power is not very good yeah there's no talk there like I say 0.38 Newtons the dapple class 59 that I reviewed some time ago was about two and a half times stronger than this logo so some sort of talk issue it could be by Design could be by faulty motor I'm not sure but to demonstrate it to you I've set up seven coaches not a huge number of those the ones at the front there have the modern Hornby tension locks so they should be compatible but let me first show you the performance now it's still nice and smooth I have to say and while the bogeys are not moving around on the straight it's free from all of that horrible Tin Man noise that I've noticed I'm sorry I need to keep mentioning uh my little Tin Man analogy there it's getting weird but yeah it is perfectly smooth let's see if the talks any better I mean I doubt it because it wasn't a second ago but let me do it on camera turn it up to 50. yeah it's not even close keep going until it all right so its wheels are starting to turn now at speed 70 out of 100. even there it's struggling it's got a bit more yeah and at full speed it can actually turn them but yeah it's just not a Powerhouse unfortunately let's see what the crawl is like though because that was at least good and generally it is smooth yeah it's a smooth logo those flywheels obviously do it proud and the bearings you would think would reduce the amount of friction in the system so I wouldn't have said it's the bearings to blame but yeah look at that it's odd that it's got such control at the low end and how about the other way yeah so the performance is good in areas and appalling in others it's strange to see the Loco being both of those things at the same time there we go it's amazing there you go a bit faster smooth acceleration so to an extent the performance is good it's just that talk problem it's appalling right let's go and couple up to the coaches and uh yeah not got a good feeling about this I'm quite confident I can do this smoothly although I did nearly crash there didn't I go a bit further apparently if a loco doesn't stop before coaches in real life and it coupled straight into them that is considered a collision so I'm glad I didn't do that no that was fine though wasn't it coupling looks like it's perfectly at the right height so that's another Improvement yeah no shoddy coupling design this time let's move off 50 speed this time right on the middle line I have my backman Peak which is admittedly less finessed and less detailed but it runs better it can crawl just as well but it is I think smoother it's more consistent at all speeds and it certainly doesn't slow down on the curves and such so that is still my favorite in terms of performance and then on the inside line I've got the new Bachmann class 37. which is more along the lines of what I was expecting from this new class 45 in terms of the finish the detail and the quality and such this one's not actually an amazing performer it's the talk of this one's not fantastic but it's not as bad as the the Peak at least in my experience wow look at that thing absolute Powerhouse at 50 speed here comes the Elgin straight into that curve slow down oh scraping noises slowing right down not too impressed really folks it's all right it's not a horrible Loco but the way it's performing is not right oh it's ground to a hole yeah at this point it's Touch and Go whether I'm actually going to keep this or return it I'm definitely leaning more in the direction of faulty than just underpowered and uh yeah I'm not sure this was really worth my money let's give it a nudge and carry on I'm trying not to be nasty or anything about this but frankly we've moved on from the sort of locomotive that Helgen is producing when you look at what Batman and akura scale are releasing now for largely similar amounts of money they just offer more in basically every area and needless to say they work a lot better than this as well so I I probably will return this yeah I really would rather have the money from the Loco which is very rarely true I you know I love my locals I enjoy collecting them whether they're good or bad but this one just seems like a bit of a waste it's just not doing it for me um but let's see let's see what the pros and cons are so the pros are it's sort of inexpensive it's not a bargain or anything but it's cheaper than some that's true the level of detail is an improvement over the old Batman Peaks that's true as well the downside is obviously the performance it might be that mine's faulty but certainly mine is not performing well yeah the Finish the build quality is not the greatest either but then the mechanism is a bit of a pro as well so I think your mileage might vary on this I would look at other reviews figure out whether this performance is common or not it might be different on DCC that's another Point might be worth putting a decoder in there and trying it seeing if it's any different but on analog on the same tests that I subject every local to it is not performing well all right I've sped it up now to I think 70 I think I set it to on the controller so it's obviously a lot faster now and now up here it's having enough momentum to get itself up this hill so again I'm just I'm not sure I think if there was an issue with the motor it wouldn't be able to do this surely I'm not sure I might also try it on my Hornby feedback controller see how it goes with feedback Maybe right so it's now running on my Hornby hm 2000 and the slowdowns on the curves are much less noticeable now so if you've got a feedback controller you should be all right but then again it's not really good enough is it because in the world of cordless Motors we can't always use feedback controllers and it's a bit unreasonable to expect people to have an HM 2000 around whenever you want to run your Helgen class 45 all those other Locos that are too weak to work on a non-feedback controller let's have some ratings then for the new Peak locomotive from Helgen yeah I'm not dreadfully keen on this one it's not particularly egregious in any area but it doesn't really do much to impress either the level of detail for me has to be three star it does have some good details on it it's got the spring buffers very detailed buffer beams great Camp interior so it definitely gets some marks for that but it loses marks for the Finish which I think is quite plasticky the decoration isn't the greatest the British Railways Crest in particular doesn't look great and a lot of the detailing parts were not fitted at the factory so you've got a logo that looks a little bit naked in areas you can improve that by fitting some of the details in the accessories bag but you can only fit some of those parts and still will be able to run the Loco the performance for me is a four star which might seem a little bit generous but I will explain yeah down at the crawl it's very very good and smooth on straight track it is nice and smooth it does slow down very very dramatically on the bends though due to a lack of torque and this is why it loses a star I'm not marking it down for its lack of pulling power here because there is a separate power category where it will lose marks for that so the pulling power 0.38 Newtons or 24 coaches on straighten level track that is bear in mind if you hook this up to 24 coaches I wouldn't expect the Loco to actually be able to move that's less than an H2 Atlantic and it's even less than a Batman 94xx pannier tank your mileage might vary on this maybe there's a faulty motor in my example but that is how mine ran the mechanism though I am not going to fault I'm gonna give it five star it's accessible a lot of it is held together with screws Not Just Clips it's got proper bearings on the driving axle the non-driven axles are a good design I think it's got pickups on nearly all of the local Wheels which is great decent sized motor in there not sure if it's three or five pole but I'm not going to knock it down it does at least have the massive flywheels I'm not going to knock it down for the fact that the motor wasn't fitted in straight because I think I've been suitably harsh Elsewhere on this Loco so here I'm going to be slightly generous because I don't really know what a difference that will have made when I fix the problem nothing changed in the performance so yeah it is a five-star mechanism clear evidence that Helgen have listened to feedback and tried to improve the quality of their mechanisms and I definitely want to reflect that in this review the quality then for me is three star there are issues with this one the quality of the paint is not great quite a few blips in that the Finish like I've already said is not fantastic and the weight isn't that great either I don't think there's a massive issue with the weight but it's not the big heavy logo that you might expect these days that said a lot of the detail that was applied was done nicely the amount of visible glue was kept down to a minimum one or two slight glue splodges I I did spot but nothing too crazy here so yeah I've given it a three star it's kind of middle of the road I think the value for money is middle of the road as well I've given it three star it is cheaper than quite a few but then again it is quite simple and of a slightly questionable quality so it's not a ripoff or anything but it is cheaper for a reason and possibly the Loco is cheaper in its features than it ought to be at 160 pounds overall then that is 6.41 out of 10. definitely mixed feelings on this one that's a grade e and into the log book it goes Seventh Place below the Hornby trying Victorian set yeah it's okay it's slightly better in detail than the backman peak but the old Bachmann Peak still wins on performance so it really depends on what you're looking for if you want a detailed Peak that looks accurate this might be your best bet if you want a good runner I would still say backman right let's try the current draw see what that's like 50 on a non-feedback controller it's about 135 milliamps it's stable it's not too high so that's normal that seems normal so if I had to guess in my opinion it's just a bad quality motor rather than a faulty one I don't know that for sure I haven't done any Diagnostics but that's my opinion yeah there's not a lot of talk there what if I put it what if I put my finger against one of the wheels see now under load that's not so normal 300 milliamps and on the stall it's kind of more like 400. it was quite easy to stop the wheels though yeah I don't know could be faulty it could be please do let me know what your experience with this Loco is so yeah overall I'm not too impressed with my model I think if the quality was a little bit better if the paintwork was better and the Finish was better and possibly an improved motor was fitted then I would say this was passable and fair value for money otherwise though yeah it's it's not really my cup of tea so let me know what you think do you think this is an acceptable logo for the money do you think not have you got one of these is your experience different from mine if so please do let me know in the comments I'd be very interested to know for now though thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the review regardless always interesting to look at a new logo regardless of how good or bad it is so I hope you enjoyed that at least but for now folks thanks for watching I'll catch you very soon alright cheers folks take care foreign
Channel: Sam'sTrains
Views: 46,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samstrains, model, trains, hornby, steam, tri-ang, 00 gauge, railway, diesel, class, review, unboxing, bachmann, layout, H0
Id: -lBDJGuI5ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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