Hornady LNL AP Press Set Up Hints and Tricks, Part 3

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today we're going to go ahead and start our third video on the Harmony Lock and Load progressive press today what we're going to cover is we're going to cover the entire powder measure assembly we're going to cover it from the base up okay when I get done with this video you'll know how to take your powder measure assembly from the ground up clean it put it together prime it so you get accurate charges and you'll know how to adjust it for different type brass okay this is the third video if you haven't seen my first two videos my first video is on the shell plate and any related issues that are caused by that shell plate second video covers the entire priming assembly if you're having any types of problems with your primary system go to that video okay now if you're a if you don't own this a reloading press yet and you're really thinking about buying it I highly encourage you to watch all the videos on this series okay when you get done watching these I'll guarantee you you'll buy this press okay to maybe you bought the press and you haven't set it up you're a little bit intimidated watch all my videos when I get done with these videos and you watch every one of them you're going to know how to set it up from the ground up and three if you already have this press in and it's working for you still go through and watch my videos I'm going to show you a lot of hands a lot of tricks and it's going to help things work smoother for you now and what I want to say if after you watch my videos and you're still struggling with any part of your press call customer service those guys are excellent ok Hornady is number one in the business okay if you're new to reloading they have every Bell and whistle you need they can start you with basic reloading and from there it all goes up or the one-stop shop for reloading ok that's why I run with Hornady ok so with that we're going to go ahead and right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you what I do to clean all the components of the powder measure assembly and this is also what I do to clean my shell place my press everything ok I take what if you do is I take rubbing alcohol now I've already cleaned everything on this bench so we don't have to stop and clean everything but I'm going to just show you a few of the basics okay take your some rubbing alcohol the reason you want to use this it does a good job cleaning okay it removes any grease you might have on things and also evaporates masks so you're ready to take right off okay this powder hopper baffle it's already cleaned but just take your rubbing alcohol wipe everything down okay get everything off of it just nice and smooth okay now this is what I'm going to tell you when using the rubbing alcohol on these parts be very careful you don't want to get it on your overhangs if you get it on the o-ring it's going to swell it up dry it out and crack it and your o-ring is done what I do is I have extra o rings of everything okay you can call Hornady order them an order them okay they'll sell them to you they'll send them to you and just keep them as backup okay but these are the originals they'll just last forever so give everything just a real good wipe down even if it's brand new brand new you're going to like everything down okay everything wipe your powder through down get it all clean what you want to do is take some q-tips and go inside everything get it all cleaned out keep going and throw the q-tip away just keep drawing it away to that beautifly then you're ready to go okay so that's the first thing so you get to get everything wiped down now we get to assemble this bad boy this isn't where the fun begins the first thing you're do going to do is you're going to take the base of your powder measure assembly this tube here go ahead and get your Lock and Load la creme put on there go ahead and in and run the Lock and Load bushing up there and just round up there you don't I'm going to show you how to dial it in okay we're going to go ahead and put the bushing in there and twist it in with your fingers so the bushings locked okay so there that's set to go now set dist or the shoulder bolt bolt is to the back right and the rest is facing towards you okay now go ahead and take the powder measure a a base assembly here and make sure once again is it's all cleaned up clean the inside out real good clean where your powder rotor goes in there and the nice thing about the rubbing alcohol is it dries fast and you're ready to rock and roll okay so don't forget your powder through put your powder through in there and just light this in there like so now at this point we're ready to attach this long arm on the linkage to the shoulder bolt but I want to show you what I did okay a lot of guys they they complain that this linkage comes loose because this shoulder bolt backs out okay so I want to show you what I did okay let me pull this children bolt out this shoulder bolt here's the the bolt head and here's the shoulder I put this o ring on okay let me show you some I want that watch this o-ring kit okay went over to Harbor Freight and I bought it and I take this one point five by one point nine millimeter oh ring and you put it on the shoulder of this shoulder bolt let me put my camera back so now go ahead and run that shoulder bolt back in get it ran in there let's get our linkage set up over that okay and now just keep right on that shoulder bolt up until you're snug you don't need to tighten it with anything more than your finger there or set up now this shoulder bolt is not going to come with it'll stay that way for as many rounds as you want to look okay so there we go so we got that set up now the next thing we want to do is want to our rotor in but now I want to talk about rotors okay there's two types of rotors that come with this press and what I'm going to tell you about these rotors is I'm going to throw up a lot of mystery one rotor is a pistol rotor other rotor is a rifle roller roller okay a lot of guys don't understand okay where the switch off is they don't know when to use the pistol rotor and want to use the rifle rotor rotor with my advice when you're loading pistol you run the pistol when you're loading a rifle you run the rifle I know that sounds funny but here's the deal this is the pistol rotor okay as you can see the diameter of this shaft going into the pistol rotor is a lot smaller so this rotor isn't going to be able to charge as much powder as this rotor as you can see the full diameter of this all the way through the hole in that is much larger than the smaller hole inside of that now let me tell you this this pistol rotor will hold roughly ten grains of unique powder it will hold roughly eleven and a half grains of bullseye okay so anything up to those weights this pistol rotor is good for okay if you're going to go any higher than that you want to go rifle okay but I always use my pistol rotor for my pistols it's always enough a lot of guys say well I don't know when to switch over well here's the problem a lot of guys they take this rotor out of the equation and they run the rifle rotor okay here's the problem if you're going to throw four grains of any powder you want to choose you're running four grains you're down to four grains you hear a lot of guys say well you know it doesn't throw accurate charges well the problem is is you're asking this to do what it's not intended to do okay another thing to get four grains of powder out of this bad boy hang on let me set my camera down I want to do something here guys and okay I just put this up the meter in and it's coming through the other side of this rotor for four grains of powder hang on guys for four grains of powder as you can see I'm adjusting that this top portion is beveled to get four grains of powder any less than that and this is going to begin scraping on the inside body of your powder measure and in other words this isn't designed to be measuring minimal charges like that okay when you start getting down to you know those minimal charges you need to bring your pistol rotor into play and you need to bring your pistol rotor into play when you're measuring anything ten grains or lower that's just it okay now anything anything more than ten grains you want to go to the rifle and it's going to it's going to throw it really accurately so I hear a lot of guys say well you know if I'm trying to get you know five grains of unique I'm throwing anywhere from you know three grains to seven grains well most likely they're using this rifle rotor when they should use the pistol rotor you use the pistol rotor and you'll be just fine okay so with that in mind what we're going to do today is we're going to go ahead and assemble this with the pistol rotor I hope that I was clear on that okay so the next thing you want to do is go ahead and put the pistol rotor in and when you put it in this release button for the metering insert goes towards you not towards the back okay it's going to go towards you okay so go ahead put your metering insert in okay and you want to make sure it seemed good you don't want to have it partially in there and start filling it with powder and have it pop out lose your powder on the floor you know make sure it's in there good okay next thing you want to do want to take your your linkage okay take the the long slot here put it on this base pin you just lead it on there like that then you want to take these little set screws and you want to just run them into the linkage like that line your linkage up to the rotor and just start the first crew you don't want to Snug it all the way down okay take your second screw right it into the the linkage like so line it up so it'll thread in and run it in now that they're both in you can snug them both up okay now you can tighten them now what I tell people is you know I'm huge I'm not over tightening things so just snug it up here you go that's all you need now you're ready to roll the last thing you want to do is put your spring on okay there you go so now we got the entire assembly set up okay now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and put our hopper tube in but I want to show you something this is my old hopper tube this is my new hopper tube I'm going to tell you why this is colored when you put powder in and you reload for a short time when you're done you want to take your powder out otherwise it's going to turn color like this okay if you want your tube to stay nice and clean like this - every time you reload take it out and your tube will stay clear for a long time just like this one see how how this one's nice and clear okay I've used that one quite a bit I always take the powder out of this one I'm done however this one I abused this one I really don't care you know if it's always nice and clear if I come out then we're loading in the evening and I know I'm going to take off the next day and I was reloading the next morning I'll go ahead and leave this filled with powder and the next morning I'll come right out and I'll begin reloading now if I know I'm not going to reload the next morning I'll go ahead and empty it so the most I have is the powder sitting in this overnight as you can see it's is turning color quite a bit you know so if you leave it in for longer than that it's really going to turn color and begin to get in depth being difficult to see your powder in there if what's happening is when you leave the powder in there one thing I want to recommend right now when you're reloading don't don't reload it like that always have this on and have it tight that's what keeps the oxygen out or what happens if you get the oxygen in there it begins you know if you leave it in there overnight with that lid off you'll come out and you'll smell that powder okay permeating through the whole garage and what's happening is you're losing the chemicals out of it and you're actually oxidizing the powder and what happens is that ox that oxygen gets in the powder and it causes an oxidation process and it begins atching your tube and that's what you're seeing is the etching of that too okay now one last thing I want to tell you and I hope I do a good job you see how the bottom of that is shaved okay that's because I put that in there into the hopper and then I just pulled it out today what you don't want to do is once you put a tube in there see how loose that fits can you see that okay now if I push that down it'll it'll push in there tighter but what you don't want to do is this is you don't want to always take this off to clean it okay I'll show you how to clean this when I'm done with the tube on but you don't what you don't want to do is take this off and on off and on off and on and I'll tell you why because what will happen if you do that one day you're sitting here reloading and this is vibrating and you don't notice it and all of a sudden this falls off and it's full of powder and your powder goes on the floor so once that goes in you leave it you don't take it out okay so for right now we're not going to put the tube in because we're going to be taking this off and on we'll just leave the tube off okay just for conversations sake okay I hope that helps okay that's kind of gunpowder 101 right there for the powder hopper so now what we're going to do is I'm going to bring this in a little closer here to you see if I can can do this alright good enough what I want to do is we're going to work with setting the height of this up okay and I'm going to take this 44 special brass I'm going to slip it into the the shell plate and I'm going to cycle it over to the powder position and I'm going to come up okay hang on I got to move this guy so I'm kind of in a way of myself okay so I'm going to run the brass up at the top dead center so now my my base plate has top dead center as you can see okay my rotor is coming up just a little bit can you see that okay what you want to do is you want to set this up to where this metering assembly comes up and just clicks on the top of this housing you want it to click if you're not coming all the way up and clicking listen to that if you're not getting that click you're not going to get consistent powder charges that's that's the first thing we're going to learn about getting a consistent powder charge getting that to click properly okay so what we're going to do is I'm going to show you the lazy man way of dialing this in take your lock your lock ring write it up you can't kind of get it all the way now watch this I'm going to begin spinning this and watch this automatically raise up and spin it with the brass and top dead center now watch see that's raising that way you don't have to guess at it now if you look at that it's not quite touching okay so what I want to do now is I want to go and now I can't turn that anymore because this is locked into into the powder assembly body housing here so now this is what I want to do at this point once you're that way okay let me make sure my camera is where it should be lower the brass and you're going to just turn this a little more knelt now listen to this listen to this hear that you got to click on the bottom click on the top that's what you want that's exactly what you want so now that you got that done go ahead raise it to the top dead center now when spin your diet ring down okay what you want to do is you want to Snug that die ring up just a hair watch this is all the more I'm going to tighten it there we go okay so go ahead and tighten it with the crescent wrench there and you're going to take your allen wrench and you're going to go ahead and tighten the setscrew and now that's it so now we have our height set properly on this okay so now we're ready to go for 44 special now what I'm going to show you is let's say you did a you want to go to a caliper with a longer case here let's say you're going from 38 special to 357 Magnum 44 special to 44 mag or you're going you know from a shorter case to a longer as to what you're going to do you're going to come over and you're going to loosen this set screw on the adjusting ring okay and you're going to loosen look out that it didn't take much to loosen that did it you don't have to put a lot of torque on that to tighten it so now we're going to run that up okay can you see we're going to run that up now we had it set for this 44 special but now I'm going to put this 44 mag in there and watch this hang on guys I got to tighten this lock I'm not pushing down okay okay as you can see I'm not all the way up and this has already maxed out so all you got to do is this see I overextended my spring there going from 44 special to 44 mag is roughly two turns okay it's not quite two terms I got to back out off and you're just going to back it off to where that metering insert is clicking on the top and the bottom okay we're about right okay so now that I have it set where I want it okay go ahead and run the base of the the base all the way up to top dead center okay run your lock ring down snug it up you don't need a lot just snug it up and you're going to take this there you go this is no dead screw up and you're ready to go so now this is what I do I'm all dialed in I drop it and then I I take it out and I go ahead and I put it back in to where this is facing me now every time that I I go up when I'm reloading I can keep an eye on where I'm at okay also my adjustment screw is towards me it's not off either way or to the back I want to be able to see everything right here front view okay so now at this point we have it all set up and I'm going to go ahead I'm going to back this card off now bear with me guys bear with me we're not doing this high-tech but we are going to do a good job for you okay there you go now I'm going to go ahead and take this new tube and I'm just gonna tap it in there I want to do it as even as I can I don't want it off off cancer there I go I'm in how's that look pretty good alright so we have everything set up we're ready to go but now there's one last hint I want to share with you on the setup a lot of guys they say that and we're not putting the baffle in yet hang with me on the baffle a lot of guys say that when they have this powder measure set up that after say 40 or 50 rounds it gets thrown off like this and this is what happens they're coming in to throw the powder and watch watch this powder measure raise they have that happen okay if that happens and you don't notice it you're going to get a dud as you can see the rotor didn't cycle so you're not going to get any powder very dangerous not good in case you're going to get it done okay with the dud it's going to get stuck in the Burrow okay not good so I'm going to tell you what I did to correct this okay once again I'm going to move my camera okay how about just once again this overing kit that I bought from Harbor Freight has twenty two by three millimeter oring okay so take that twenty two by three mil milk millimeter oil ring all these Lock and Load bushings come with those o-rings on them okay what you want to do with the powder assembly is take the original old ring off and put the 22 by three millimeter Oh ring on and watch this it's snug it's just enough that it's going to hold this in there and you're not going to have a issues with that coming out okay I don't have any issues with this walking counterclockwise on me and then lifting out and on the powder throat okay I don't ever have that problem at first I did I swapped that o-ring out and it corrected it now here's the thing is you don't have to change all the o-rings on these and I'll tell you why on your reloading dies they don't have a lot of upper top weight to them okay so they're going to stay put they're not going to tend to walk counterclockwise onion come out but because the powder measure has all the mass of the powder up here it tends to rock back and forth and it will walk counterclockwise on you and the next thing you know with each each stroke it begins coming up like that and now your entire accurate process has been interfered on and as dangerous so change that o-ring out regardless I highly recommend don't change the o-rings out on the individual reloading dice there's no need this this lock and load bushing stays with this powder measure I just leave it that way so I hope that's a lot of good information there for you so now what I'm going to show you is how to clean this out without having to tear it down okay what I do okay I get up a wrench and in between powder changes I'll stick this in here like that my cotton cloth don't don't use a Kleenex or something that's going to leave material okay just a good cotton cloth okay take your wrench get in there like that work the powder out okay no breeze in here packs it down a little hard there and just pull that out and all your remaining powder is kind of stuck in there will come out okay I had that wipe down and look how dirty that is so really you know kind of pack it down there and spin it around and it will lock down any time knock out any powder you have down there so trying to put powder change you're going to want to do that now the other thing you want to do when you do a powder change okay you're going to want to pull the metering insert out okay and our safety glasses are on take a little compressed air blow it out like that okay take your metering insert stick it back in okay so now there we go see they can fight you a little bit going in so you want to make sure they're in solid you don't you don't want this full of powder and then after you know a few cycles up and down that fall out and lose your powder not a good thing so so there we go so now I'm going to show you I'm going to show you a little trick okay and what this trick is is it's going to help you to set your powder measure up so you're throwing more consistent and accurate charges as a matter of fact on my next video I'm going to compare this powder measure to my standalone Hornady powder measure and what we're going to do is we're going to put the same powder we're going to dial them in for the same charge and we're going to start throwing charges so I'm going to show you how accurate and close they both are okay so what you want to do is you want to get you some graphite lubricant just like that now if you're using it right now that tube for the first time there we go that was too much okay so you just put it in there like that I'll put a tough word dish my tap water dish is just big enough then I can put the graphite tube in when I'm done to keep moisture out but it will fit inside my press okay now watch I collected that I'm going to throw this back in what I'm doing as I'm watching them I got my eye focused right here and I can see that the graphite falling what that graphite is doing it's working through that and smoothing out the everything is moving in there that the powder is going to touch and we're not going to hurt anything okay gunpowder has graphite in it so you're not going to hurt anything okay oh you're cycling through like that and what will happen is you're still going to have a little residual graphite falling that's okay it's going to get on your shell plate no problem a little graphite on the shell plates going to lubricate things up that's fine okay so there we go so now I can take my baffle that's why I didn't form a baffle in yet someone I knew I was going to go ahead and run some graphite through there so now I got my baffle in there and I'm ready to go okay so based on that what you learned was you know when you're wiping this stuff down okay use your some rubbing alcohol keep it off the o-rings okay you learned how to assemble it if you're going to disassemble this you're going to do everything opposite you're going to pull your return spring off you're going to go ahead and loosen the shorter linkage and remove it with the screws then you're going to pull your meatery insert out and you're going to remove your rotor and then you're going to loosen this shoulder screw and you're going to take the powder measure body off and then you're down to your tube okay it's just reverse order what we did that's all okay one thing I highly recommend on all your Springs on this press call Hornady purchase you an extra spring for everything and while you're at it purchase you an extra toe ring for everything but use the twenty two by three millimeter ol ring on this Lock and Load bushing only way to go you won't regret it so there we go that's it pretty much we covered everything you need to know to get this dialed in now on my next video we're going to go ahead and we're going to fill this and we're going to start running powder charges and I'm going to show you how accurate this is and we're going to compare it to the standalone Hornady powder measure I love these powder measures are the best in the business these machine parts are machined to absolute perfection so they're designed to work and work good and work accurately so there you go that's the video so anyway I thank you for watching my video I hope I hope it helps the whole reason I started these videos was so guys that are struggling with getting this monster going they find out once they get it going is the best press in the business if you don't own this press when you get done with my series you will own it so if you want to say hi to me get to know me go to the firearms forum calm I go buy 76 hi boy on there get on there say hi to me there's a ton of reloading information on there and the guys on there are great they're the best this is the best in the world so so there we go so this thing's uh it's a monster you can put out a lot of ammunition but what I like about it is you put out a lot of precision ammunition very precise so the last thing I'll say is this if you hurt yourself reloading are shooting your guns I am NOT responsible absolutely not I advise you to get professional reloading instruction and professionally professional shooting instruction for you and your family could be the best thing you ever did and once you get the basics down you can apply what I'm telling you on this press to the basics right across the board okay and you'll be able to produce really great ammunition now a lot of guys when they get into reloading they do it to save money you're not going to save money not at first but you are going to learn how you can reload bit ammunition better than factory without it down people say well the the factory ammo has gotten so much better over the years that you you can't beat what they make yes you can because when their standards step up your standards will step up when they're using better bullets and better powder you're using better bullets and better powder and you're doing it on a smaller scale scale where you you can keep control of your components and the powder of you're using okay so getting new into reloading I highly advise it because it's a lot of fun and you can begin tailoring your hand loads to all your firearms and you'll have a lot better results on the field so with that thank you very much for watching my videos and have a good day
Channel: 76Highboy Reloading
Views: 48,387
Rating: 4.9346404 out of 5
Id: IX-dDZR0G2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2013
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