Horizon Forbidden West - RX 7900XTX VS RTX 4090 - 4K, 1440, 1080, DLSS, FSR, Frame Gen, AFMF

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another video today we're going to compare the RTX 490 with the RX 7900 XTX just for fun in Horizon forbidden West we're going to look at 1080p 1440p 4K dlss versus FSR and some frame generation versus AMD fluid motion frames so without further Ado let's dive straight into it as for the graphical settings though we're going to be using t AA for anti eling for both gpus for the native resolution tests and we're using the very high graphical preset with 16 times in isotropic filtering and then we've disabled vignette radial blur chromatic aberration that sort of thing now our Benchmark run will begin right after the very first tutorial at the very first campfire and we're going to make our way to the very first town of chains scrape and that's what we're going to be comparing here the averages and 1% lows between both gpus now in case you haven't notied already I've gone ahead and overclock both gpus on the 4090 I've done 170 plus MHz on the core 1,000 MHz on the memory and I've also maxed out the power limit to 133% for my 7900 XTX I'll put my profile up on the screen it's actually a pretty good overclocker this one we have 3.1 GHz on the core 1080 molt on under volt 2700 fast timings on the memory and 15% over the power limit and if we were to compare our averages and 1% lows at the end of the run which is right over the bridge we have the 7900 XTX is actually 7% faster on the averages and 7% faster on the 1% lows so that is actually really really good although at 1080p we are hitting those uh CPU limits and the Nvidia driver overhead would actually caus the 7900 xdx to run faster at lower resolutions in this particular scenario I did go ahead and capture this cut scene as well though and if you're not aware in this game the cut scenes every time there's a scene transition you get like a tiny little bit of a stutter which you wouldn't know unless you were running a FPS counter like MSI After Burner for example because you know the scene changes but I ended up recording this as well and comparing this as well so I'll quickly show the results but I mean this isn't really all that indicative of how the game runs because it's just a cut scene but for the sake of comparisons we have 7900 xdx is ahead by 177% on the averages and again 7% on the 1% lows damn Brewer is the only thing I can count on in this place yeah I heard machines work stoppage oh those are just the latest malfunctions chain onto the 1440p comparison then and we still see the 7900 XTX being a little bit faster than the 490 still probably because of that CPU overhead and it is exactly around 8% faster for the averages and 8% faster for the 1% lows for the 7900 XTX and while there is some performance to be gained overclocking the RX 7000 in my opinion a little bit more so than the Nvidia counterparts that does come at a cost to power consumption and as you can see we're consuming uh around 50% % more power than we are on the 4090 I've been actually very impressed with how efficient the RTX 4000 lineup of gpus has been and last generation I was very impressed with how RX 6000 was more efficient than the RTX 3000 and it seems like this generation things have sort of turned around but regardless it's still quite impressive that we're able to match the 490 in this particular case with a GPU that costs literally half the amount on the market still though there is a lot more that separates these gpus than just sheer rasterized performance or just one game but it's still very interesting nonetheless damn Brewer is the only thing I can count on in this place coming back to the Cinematic again we still have the 7900 xxp 12% faster on the averages and 7% faster on the 1% low so it looks like the 4090 is starting to catch up just a little bit yeah but he's a story best told over a cold beer I agree now let's look at 4K onto 4K then we have basically a tie well the 490 is 2 FPS faster on the averages which is like 2% but that's within margin of error and 1% lows uh 4090 is one FPS faster I would call this a tie about as tie as it gets so that is very impressive now some of you may Wonder well what would the result be like if the 7900 xdx wasn't overclocked well I thought of that and I actually did make the same run on my 7900 xdx at its default setting which mind you this is a sapphire Nitro plus so it comes overclocked from Factory it already runs at 400 watts and what is the difference when I overclock it with with my profile well we can take a look at that just for curiosity's sake and uh see what it is but as far as 4K native with both cards overclocked they are equal in this particular scenario but let's take a look at overclock versus default clock just for curiosity's sake so here's the run again at 4K native still we have 7900 XTX overclocked on the left and default clock on the right right and I was able to squeeze out 11% more performance on the averages and 11% more on the 1% lows so that's pretty good for an additional 60 more watts of power consumption it's also about what you would expect right 10 to 15% is what I've normally seen by manually overclocking this particular GPU and sometimes it can be a little bit less than that sometimes rarely can be even more than that but normally it's between 10 and 15% so not bad but anyway now we're going to take a look at 4K dlss quality and FSR quality with some combat in it as well so let's check it out so we're going to still stay at 4K here and we're going to head for our first mission after the town and we're turning dlss to Quality that will change TAA to dlss now for antialiasing and then we're still keeping the same very high graphical preset and this here is our 7900 xdx we'll turn on FSR 2.2 quality also changes the anti Elis from ta and still 16 times inotropic filtering very high graphical preset so with 4K FSR and dlss set to Quality we pretty much have well they're about equal we have the 490 about 5 FPS faster on the averages which leads to 5% faster which is pretty much within margin of error and the 1% lows the 490 is 2 FPS faster around 2% so that too is within margin of error in my book I would say both of these perform about the same and this game is extremely well optimized in my opinion especially now that they fixed HDR the game looks absolutely stunning in an HDR display and it just goes I I really wish that Dragon's Dogma had been had been ported by nixes because I love Dragon Dogma and I've been spending a lot of time playing it it's such a good game looks great too but man it runs like a dog and this game runs so extremely well I genuinely cannot wait to to dive into it and enjoy it because this is a great example of how to do a PC port right way I mean even when we are CPU Bound in this game which I would say we definitely were on both gpus at 1080p it ran beautifully there was no stutters no anything like that it was brilliant but anyway let's take a look at some frame Generation Now with uh dlss 3 and AMD fluid motion frames so the way this is going to work work is we're going to be targeting native 4K and we're going to use dlss frame generation to boost our frame rate but we're going to keep TAA for anti lisine on both gpus there's going to be no upscaling this is going to be native very high with frame generation now since we don't have FSR 3 frame generation in the game yet we have to use the more uh inferior AMD fluid motion frame which is a driver based frame generation technology that is definitely not in the same level of quality as FSR 3 or dlss 3 but it is something that we can use and I'm actually going to show you how exactly this works and some of the things that people don't usually talk about but is a thing with ammf now keep close attention to the frame rate we're getting 83 FPS and this is at Native 4K nothing upscaled nothing like that now you see that blue bar with the FPS that is going to tell tell us what the actual total amount of frame is including the generated frames because MSI After Burner cannot read the generated frames because they're generated by the AMD driver however the AMD performance metrics overlay can show us the total frames and that's what that blue bar is that I've put down below right now fluid motion frames is off that's why it's showing the same exact frame rate as MSI After Burner and now we're going to go ahead and toggle ammf on and as you you seen we went from 83 fps to 148 so it's essentially doubling our frame rate but pay close attention to the frame rate on MSI After Burner it went from 84 to 74 so turning AFM on is not just free frames for you you are actually losing some of your GPU performances being focused on generating those frames so we basically lost 14% of our frame rate to be able to turn AF MF on so this is something I don't usually see people talk about but I wanted to mention it nonetheless so we're going to go ahead and compare now with the dls3 frame generation and ammf so let's do it now as you can see here with uh fluid motion frames what we're getting is essentially a doubling of our real frames with dss3 frame generation we're not getting double we were getting around 85 FPS at 4K native and now we're getting around 110 or so I think it's around it comes to around 30 40% or so and it's about the same for FSR 3 frame generation so that is a cool thing about ammf that it can double the frame rate but I think that's really the only cool thing about it and why don't we dive a little bit deeper into this though what I've done is I've recorded both of these footages for this part of the comparison at 120 frames per second so that we can slow it down and examine the fluidity because that is what these Technologies are designed to be fluid in enhancing Technologies so I've gone ahead and slowed the footage by 50% but you should still be getting a 60 FPS video through YouTube speaking of which it's probably going to add even more blur to this footage but if you pay close attention and look at the trees on both sides with ammf they look extremely blurry especially in the distance but every time you make a sudden turn it's almost like there's a dynamic resolution and it aggressively drops to the bottom uh for like a split second until it catches up and then essentially it's I it just destroys the image quality like pay close attention to the grass on the right and you can clearly see this it's almost like you get double vision on some of these fine detail assets it's one of those things that when I examined ammf when it launched in beta it was one of those things that I just can't onse anytime I use it so for example we're going to run ammf here the footage and just pay close attention to the things around you the grass the rock face I mean even the horse itself it looks it looks blurry it doesn't look good in my opinion the image looks almost like it's being rendered from a lower resolution somehow that's what it looks like to me now take a look at dss3 frame generation here uh in the same exact area at 50% speed as as well and everything looks consistent anytime you move the mouse it it feels it looks more fluid and everything looks nice and sharp and consistent so yeah it's just one of those things that I personally find kind of irritating um basically what I'm trying to say is that in my book it's not an equivalent to D lss3 or FSR 3 frame generation it just isn't but let me know what you think I know there's a lot of people that like ammf and use it and that's L fine this is just my personal opinion don't sometimes it's like people take stuff like this as a personal attack it's just a preference of mine um flicker blurriness that sort of thing it just I find it irritating so ammf for me I would never use it uh in this game especially I don't think there's really even a need for it because I can already make keep that 14% of performance cost to turn FMF on and get around 85 FPS at 4 K native anyway and turn FSR quality on which actually looks really good in this game and I'd be able to get around 4K 120 which is perfect I would have no need for it and to be fair I wouldn't turn on dlss frame generation either although I feel DSS frame generation does a way better job uh and I can't wait for FSR 3 to come in the game because that's probably going to be if it's integraded as good as it was in Avatar it should be really good but what do you guys think I think this was a pretty interesting comparison to overclock both of these cards and see how they perform in Horizon forbidden West an exemplary game from a optimization perspective in my opinion it looks amazing runs amazing so it was a pretty good uh and interesting and fun test for me to do and to show you guys my results so let me know what you think below and leave a like if you liked it and subscribe if you want to see more stuff like this but either way I'd love to hear from you let me know what you think and I'll see you on the next one bye-bye
Channel: Terra Ware
Views: 4,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hfw, ryzen, x3d, 7800, rtx, 4090, rx, xtx, 7900, nitro+, tuf, gaming, 4k, 1440p, 1080p, dlss, fsr, afmf, dlss3 fg, frame gen, ps5
Id: V3clI1zuQpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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