Hope Of The Ages // Hillsong Worship // New Song Cafe

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[Music] the gospel of jesus it's the hope of the ages burning brighter and brighter and standing forever the church is building nothing can stop it it's a city that's shining a lot in the darkness nothing can stop it [Music] yeah he's coming back again in christ we're reign in triumph forever yeah all praise belongs to him yeah our praise belongs to jesus [Music] [Applause] his word is the answer for all generations it will never be tainted it will never be broken this is our confession this is our conviction we believe what is written we believe what yeah he's coming back again and christ will read and triumph forever yeah belongs to jesus [Music] christ is [Music] jesus holds our fears [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] yeah praise belongs to him yeah oh praise belongs to jesus [Applause] [Music] well reuben and cody so good to see you guys thanks for making the time for this i know you guys are crazy busy right now and doing some traveling and so thanks for jumping on with us thank you good to be here well i want you guys to talk about this song you know reuben we started getting a few songs in from the new hillsong worship album and uh man this is the first one that i heard and man all of our team was just so excited about this song um just what it could mean for the church and um and what it says but talk a little bit about just the writing of the song well uh you know i reached out to cody i was thinking you know it'd be great for us to write a song we haven't really written anything together hey and um and so reached out i think cody was on the road at the time and he immediately got back and said i've really got this in my my spirit and it was it was just the the um just that confession jesus died jesus rose again and jesus is coming back again and uh immediately i'm like i just thought yes that that that is what we need to be singing and uh you know because it's it's a reminder of you know what we hold to be most true um that the gospel is unshakable that god is moving that he's uh that he's got a plan for this his church and uh you know uncertain times we we actually need something to grab hold of and so i think you know it's a simple confession but it's so powerful and uh so anyway we just um we just jumped on it and took a couple weeks just going back and forth over um my message or whatever and uh yeah well cody this this song we're talking about just what it says and even before we started like parts of this feel like apostles creed it's just these statements of faith from the church but talk about that lyric a little bit and just yeah that um just those statements of faith christ died christ was buried christ was rose again things that are central to our faith yeah you know i think about the verses of the song you know that's that's obviously where we started on that on that statement which funny enough i actually saw i actually saw like uh uh some kind of i don't even know you would call it like a banner i guess in an interview with brooke and pastor daryl johnson they did an instagram like interview together and and i just happened to see a clip on instagram and he had the banner of that statement behind him and i just remember scrolling through instagram and seeing it and it's like as soon as i saw that statement just my heart left i just something about it just grabbed me in that moment and that's kind of what inspired this idea which funny enough you know ended up being with you reuben and then seeing it in a brook video and just kind of the full circle of that i think is really really cool but um you know that that led that statement led to us writing these verses about the gospel of jesus is the hope of the ages you know and it's it's standing strong it's burning brighter and brighter than the church you know god is built god says i will build my church and the gates of hell should not prevail against it so the church he's building nothing can stop it you know and we we see attack on the church we see attack on you know the validity of it and uh oftentimes people talk about that the church is in decline no the church will never be in decline god is building his church and the church is growing and and and nothing can stand against it i think declaring that in this song i get so excited about it you know we say nothing can stop it twice and i love that i love that that statement and then also the word you know that verse two goes into the word of god and there's so much you know uh twisting and turning around what does the word actually say and what is the truth actually and people misinterpreting and and twisting the word of god to to really go against the foundational truths that we know that jesus is the son of god uh that he's the only way to heaven you know uh that he has died he has risen and he is coming back again um there's a lot of you know confusion trying to come in around even those simple things and i love the statement of uh the word will never be tainted it will never be broken that we believe what it is we believe what it says you know and so it's funny to write a song that that is so simple but feels so potent at the same time i think that's just the time we're living in is there's people have always had opinions about the gray areas of scripture and i think that that's a beautiful part of of kind of the mosaic of different people's perspectives and you know the discussion of what the certain gray areas mean in scripture but the foundational things um you know at least i haven't lived very long so uh at least in my lifetime i don't feel like i've ever really seen them super shaken as much as they are now and uh and and just discussed and um and debated around the the foundational gospel truths and and in a time where that's happening i think having a song uh that's that just declares what those are and kind of reunites around those things to me feels so important to sing and i know when when i've the couple times that i've led this song it feels like such a re-centering that's needed you know in in the time that we're in yeah yeah i feel that too cody it's like a like a reset on the foundations ribbon of you know what we believe and what we proclaim and you know how is it was it for you riding these things i mean i know you've been you're based in liverpool in the uk and you know it's it's been a minute since you know the church has been able to gather and you know that you've been able to you know to be with your church family there but like writing a song like this you know were you were you writing you know in advance of like we're going to need to sing these things as a church coming out of this season yeah i mean it was great talking with cody because i think both of us are so fired up about this um what we're singing about and i think the church needs it now whether we're meeting together or not is that we need to be reminded that gospel is unshakable and that when it feels like everything can be moved actually no the gospel can't be and i was not surprised by the times but he um he has a plan for it and uh i actually believe that this is the greatest hour for the church in history right now because he god's got something so great um up ahead and you know in the darkest times light shines and uh and so you know just so conscious you know people struggling uh with mental health and all these things related to to lock down being you know in our own rooms all the time and uh this this is something that we need to confess you know this is something that we don't need to worry about questioning or debating or um having a great conversation about that no this is the truth and our lives can be built on it and uh and so we can live with confidence we can live with hope and a sense of freedom and we can have that sense of lightness in ourselves not being weighed down by uh things that don't matter that i mean i guess that's the great thing about worship isn't it that we that when we start confessing the truth of the bible when we fix our eyes on jesus our perspective changes and uh we actually realized that you know god's greater than whatever we're facing whatever season we're going through and uh and and we can have have confidence and i think there's something so transformative being about being uh able to confess that kind of a truth so i don't know i like i was just so excited that we could put that in a song that we can just be singing it and uh yeah it's good days yeah wow well thank you guys so much for just jumping on and sharing the song with us and man i'm so excited for this song to be able to be in churches church has been able to sing proclaim these truths remind ourselves of what we're about who we are as a people what our mission is and so thank you guys so much for taking the time [Music] he's coming back again [Music]
Channel: Worship Together
Views: 12,789
Rating: 4.9567099 out of 5
Keywords: hillsong worship, hillsong, hillsong church, worship, worship together, live, worship together new song cafe, new song cafe, hope of the ages, hope of the ages hillsong, hillsong worship Cody carnes, Cody carnes, hillsong worship Cody cares hope of the ages, hillsong live, Hillsong Church live, hillsong acoustic, hope of the ages acoustic, hillsong hope of the ages acoustic, Cody cares hope of the ages live, worship tutorials, how to play, hillsong worship acoustic, playlist
Id: A7g4StCZ6U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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