Hope for the Future | Tim Ross | Hope City

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if we have not had the privilege of meeting just yet my name is daniel groves and i have the privilege alongside my beautiful wife of serving you in this incredible church and we're so grateful for what god is doing we're building on where we've been we're continuing to build where we're at we're excited about where god is taking us and today i want you to do something i want you to prepare your hearts because if maybe you're not used to taking notes today's the day that you're going to want to write some things down if you have an iphone portrait iphone if you have a droid you can just put it on the floor and kick it under your seat uh come on come on guys come on hey now today's gonna be a great day uh we have a friend in the house who came last summer during our relationship series and brought the word name pastor tim ross and he was a friend then but now he's become family so come on hope city can we give a hope city welcome to our family pastor tim ross from embassy cities let's go embassy church that was good for me let's give it up for jesus one good time thank you god for jesus hi i love you i missed you so grateful to be here with you all again and i'm on assignment so i just want to get straight into the word is that all right whether you're in the building or you're watching online we are so grateful that you are here uh and i just want to take you to a passage of scripture and read uh 14 verses and then i'll give you the title and we'll pray and see where the holy spirit takes us ezekiel chapter number 37 old testament ezekiel chapter number 37 i'm reading the first 14 verses uh i believe that there's something here for you for you individually and for the church corporately i believe that there is a word in these verses for you ezekiel chapter number 37 starting at the first verse here's what it says the lord took hold of me and i was carried away by the spirit of the lord to a valley filled with bones he led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor they were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out then he asked me son of man can these bones become living people again oh sovereign lord i replied you alone know the answer to that then he said to me speak a prophetic message to these bones and say dry bones listen to the word of the lord this is what the sovereign lord says look i'm going to put breath into you and make you live again i will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin i will put breath into you and you will come to life then you will know that i am the lord so i spoke the message just as he told me suddenly as i spoke there was a rattling noise all across the valley the bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons then as i watched muscles and flesh formed over the bones the skin formed to cover their bodies but they still had no breath in them then he said to me speak a prophetic message to the winds son of man speak a prophetic message and say this is what the sovereign lord says come o breath from the four winds breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again so i spoke the message as he commanded me and breath came into their bodies they all came to life and stood up on their feet a great army then he said to me son of man these bones represent the people of israel they are saying we have become old dry bones all hope is gone our nation is finished this is what the sovereign lord says oh my people i will open up your graves of exile and cause you to rise again then i will bring you back to the land of israel when this happens o my people you will know that i am the lord i will put my spirit in you and you will live again and return home to your own land then you will know that i the lord have spoken and have done what i said yes the lord has spoken that's good stuff all by itself if you're taking notes on this message please take notes how many how many people are note takers in the room be loud and proud put your hands up real high you should be proud because nerds rule the world if you're taking notes you are a nerd and uh if you're a good note taker in three days time this will be your sermon so you get to preach it as if it was yours and i never said a word that's what i do to great sermons that i take notes on in three days time all i say is i was in the lord's presence and he just gave me a download i got 17 points that i want to run past you because i believe god has spoken four words please write this down my assignment is to preach for you from the subject hope for the future i want to talk to you about your hope for the future bow your heads let's pray over the word before i get started shall we holy spirit thank you for giving us hope amen i pray quick i know all the intercessors are mad but i'm the one you went over for thanksgiving dinner ezekiel 37 is uh one of uh the most profound and attractive uh passages of scripture for pentecostal preachers i grew up in uh pentecostal holiness charismatic environments where we have revivals for two days and three days and seven days and 21 days or whenever the spirit lifted or the person decided to release the hostages i don't know exactly which vibe it was but we were in there as long as we had to be in there and uh if you ever uh heard a preacher go to ezekiel 37 and those churches i grew up in you would just hear this resounding uh noise hit the room when they said turn to ezekiel chapter number 37 they would go um it's about to go down that is the valley of the dry bones you better preach it doc we would hear these great messages about revival that come out of it but upon further investigation there's not one message there about revival there's actually three messages there god takes ezekiel and begins to ask him a question about a group of people the tribe of judah that had been in captivity uh from the babylonians back in 586 bc and in an open vision that would give him clarity on what he wanted to do with his people uh he he sends ezekiel to a valley of dry bones and he asked this significant question can these bones live again what i love about ezekiel's answer is that he does not try to be smart enough to think that he can answer god and know what he wants to do so in the most brilliant retort of all time he goes you know you ain't about to put that on me you know if these bones can live again i do not and god says i'm glad you put it back on me because you could never do this in your own strength you could never do this in your own willpower you would need me to do it anyway so i'm grateful you put it back on me here's my answer ezekiel yes these bones can live again now these weren't just dead bodies that had been decomposed for two or three days these weren't even dead bodies that had been decomposed for two or three months these bones had been left in this valley for so long that they were only bones and then they were separated and scattered all over the place so a thigh bone belonging to sheila was on the other side of the valley and her skull was over there tommy's fibula was over here and and and his and his clavicle was over there it wasn't that they were just uh dried out they were disconnected because that's how the people felt and he said i'm telling you right now even though these are dried out bones they can live again and it's not just one message that god gives ezekiel he actually gives him three and the first message he gives him he says hey prophesy to the bones and tell these bones to get back together i am a visualist i am a literalist when you tell me something i listen to it literally and when you talk to me about something i literally see it when i read the bible i literally am watching the narrative go down i'm not reading it i'm out i'm watching it and the moment he said prophesied to the bones the first thought i have is can bones here i mean it's one thing to be dead intact with skin on chilling get up uh-huh it's another thing for your fractured skull to be over there and your ankle bones to be over here and you just gonna shotgun prophesy in the middle of all of it get up and what i love about ezekiel is that he doesn't question god he just goes if this what you want i'ma do it and if it's you it's gonna happen and if it's me it's not and so ezekiel prophesies to the bones and when he prophesies to the bones a rattling begins and this rattling and shaking was an indication that this was definitely the word of the lord and these bones start getting back together from all over the place and here's the thing the bones don't go to the wrong people sheila's bone doesn't connect with tommy's ankle this is not a disjointed disfigured thriller moment where everybody's coming out like when god puts you back together again he does a perfect job every single time when god is the orchestrator of your realignment he makes sure that he puts you back together from the inside out mind body and soul and he says you will be who i've called you to be and you'll be in alignment and so all of these bones start getting back together and the bones get back together and then muscles and tendons get on the bones because bones without muscles and tendons cannot stand up straight they need support so it's not just that he structured their life he brought accountability and he brought he brought uh reinforcement and support back to those bones not only did he bring the muscles and tendons on top of the bones but he put skin on top of the muscles and tendons and gives them an identity because who are we if we are supported and we are put back together if we don't have the proper identity god puts them back together from the inside out structure support and then he gives them an identity but here's the thing that is crazy they are all put back together they are all back in alignment they got their bones back together where they need to be they have their muscles and tendons on top of those bones supporting it they have an identity that they have been reclaimed with and now they're still lifeless scripture literally says that all of this miraculous thing happens but there was still no life in them can you imagine a miracle happening from god that leaves you lifeless the strongest indication i can take from this passage is that one message is not enough for you one sermon is never going to be the thing that takes you over the top it's the consistent hearing of the word of god that will continue to pull you out of the circumstances and the situations the ideologies the habitual sins that you have been in and and and the message puts them back together but they're not alive i want you to see what i see when i read the text they're back together but they're not alive this is how some of y'all looked at the beginning of the year we came off christmas break but we were not alive and can you imagine ezekiel watching this miracle happen a great army standing there lifeless um is there anything else you want to say because i got nothing he says there is something else i want to say i want you to prophesy again but but this sermon has nothing to do with them you won't even be preaching to them on this next sermon the first sermon was to get them back together they are now back in alignment they are now back in community they now have an identity again but they're not alive and this next sermon you would think you need to preach to them and tell them to come to life no you got to talk to the life-giver when you're faced with a dead thing you don't speak to the dead thing you speak to the thing that can reanimate dead things you speak to the spirit that can give life to the dead things some of you all have children that you don't know what to do with and you're constantly trying to talk to them stop talking to them about the dead situation they're in and start talking to the holy spirit about the dead situation in their and say holy spirit get in there holy spirit handle your business holy spirit deal with my child holy spirit deal with my marriage holy spirit deal with my attitude holy spirit deal with my past son of man prophesied to the wind what don't even talk to them just talk to the air tell it to blow and i promise that what looks dead now will come back to life god i don't know who this sermon is for but i feel it in here there are some people in this room the next 30 days is not going to look like the last 30 years because god's about to blow on the inside of you and take you to a place you have never been in your entire life okay so what had happened was he just prophesied to the wind blue because you know when we read stuff we read act it and make it we we make it good enough for hollywood it's just a regular dude like regular degular he just walks into the situation he's just obeying god it ain't pretty it's not dramatic there's no smoking machines and no lights there's no nothing it's just a dusty valley that he's prophesying into bones get together it happens he's like word i ain't even okay then then then he just prophesied to when he says blow and he says come from the four corners don't just blow in one direction because you don't know where these people have been so i don't want to presume that everybody's coming from the east side i don't want to presume everybody's coming from the west side i don't want to presume we just need a northern a northern wind or a southern wind so blow from all directions blow on all the people in the room bring the north side to the south side the south side to the north side the east side to the west side the west side to the east side bring the blacks and the whites and the hispanics and the southeast asians and the koreans and some croatians and whatever your 23 and me told you you were last week 83 nigerian 11 european whatever's on the inside of you blow in my generations blow in my family blow on my culture blow in my heritage blow wind blow this is not just for me i need everybody on my road to get this the worst thing that can happen is that i get the breath and you don't i'm not going to spend 2022 surrounded by people who wouldn't inhale the breath of life i don't know who this is for but don't hold your breath through this season that we're going through right now don't you sit there and let the winds of revival hit the whole room and you sitting up there like this [Applause] you're gonna pass out you're gonna turn blue or purple or whatever your hue is gonna allow you to do and then you're gonna faint you're gonna wake up and you would have missed the move of god because it didn't come the way you want it the wind blew and they all came back to life and they came back to life and you would think that there would have been people doing laps when i think about revival i think about people doing laps because you know you can't go from being dead to alive and like act that just act like that's normal like you can't go from this to this well amen just felt a nice little breeze blow through here and uh and i was dead and i'm alive this is awesome no no no when when revival hits you that's not something that you can act like it's just normal when when you were dead and you were alive you don't just go you go thank you jesus hallelujah i was dead now i'm alive i was blind now i see i was lost now i'm found and i got to tell somebody about it they were alive yo they were alive they were dead now they were alive but when they looked at what they they were revived to when they looked at their surroundings once they were alive again here's what they said we're not where we're where we were born this is not our ancestors sacred land we're not back where we belong so all hope is gone two sermons in you would think this would be the revival of a generation and their assessment of what god had done was i appreciate you resurrecting me but look at me look at us look where we are all hope is gone here's what i love about god god lets them lodge this complaint as presumptuous as it is in many ways as loki disrespectful as it is he lets them say what they feel about their situation because sometimes god will let you talk about a circumstance in a season you're going through recklessly so that when he brings you out of it he can look at you like what was you saying again about hey remember in 2019 you thought that you was gonna die in this situation how you feel about yourself now i just i just want you i'm not being petty i just want to remember just trying to figure out what you said back then oh hope is going now let me tell you something i i know what these people feel like i'm not here to judge them i'm not here to to to cast dispersions on them and here's why because i've been there my my my youngest brother was killed in a car accident on september 17th of 2004. we were 17 months apart our parents dressed us like twins even when folks found out we were not twins either identical or fraternal my mom was just lazy she went to the store and she was like two orange shirts two blue jeans wear them y'all don't have no individuality until you get your own money i'm buying two shirts off this rack that's what you gonna wear okay we were very very tight and then he he gets killed and here's what i learned about god in that season he's not petty i was depressed for four months the darkest deepest depression i ever been in my life and here was my narrative to god as a believer in jesus christ all hope is gone i can't believe you took my brother and didn't even have the decency to talk to me about it before you did it i'm never preaching again i told him that i also told him some other stuff that i can't say to y'all without censorship being involved also here's what i found out about god he wasn't waiting for me to be done to slap me in the face he let me get it all out then he said i got a word for you if you're done talking i got a word for you if you're done complaining i got a word for you if you're done telling me what's not going to be i have a word for you if you're done writing an obituary on this season of your life i've got a word for you if you're done thinking that you know exactly what i'm going to do next i got a word for you and i've come to tell hope city that he has a word for you that he's not just speaking about your past and your present but he wants to give you hope for your future you see the third sermon that is preached by ezekiel is to prophesy to the future hope of israel tell them that i'm bringing them back together and what i'm going to do in their future is so much more than what i've done in their present and their past i'm speaking to a people about what god wants to do with you moving forward the last seven years has been great but god hasn't even begun to do the work that he's about to do through you and he needs you to be reminded today that what he has for you is a future what he has for you is a hope and it's going to spread all across houston and all across the southwest and all across this nation and you have a part to play in it which is why you haven't died which is why you have not been eliminated which is why you survived the rejection why you survived the abuse why you survived the trauma why you survived the misunderstanding why you survived all of it was so that he could put you back together reconnect you breathe life on the inside of you and then tell you i have a future and your name is written on it i have a purpose and a plan for this city and you have a part to play in it and whether you're watching me live or online you need to know there is hope for your future there is hope for your family and there is hope for you can you imagine what it would be like if you would own this narrative if you walked out of this place today if you if you if you signed off to the broadcast and you said to yourself i'm a part of this i wish somebody would try to tell me i'm not a part of this [Music] not after what i just heard today i have hope for my future [Music] i'll never forget the lowest point of uh of of of the season of my life uh when i was grieving my brother's death and i i contemplated suicide when i tell you contemplating i'm talking about clothes revolver in hand at my parents house and the holy spirit became the great therapist and counselor on that day and he intervened while i had the gun in my hand and said i need to have a conversation with you you are about to make a permanent decision based on a temporary circumstance and we need to have a conversation i'm not done with you yet i acknowledge your pain i acknowledge your your hurt i acknowledge how dark this season feels but my ways are not your ways my thoughts are not your thoughts and tim this may sting a little but i'm sovereign and i don't need to answer you [Music] you are either with me or you're not and in that moment the holy spirit gave me the power to put down that gun and believed that he had a future for me that was brighter than the day that i was in at the time and i'm only here today because i believed in the promise of the future hope that what he wanted to give to me and my family [Applause] [Music] this weekend i feel it's the same for you and so in this moment i just want you to bow your heads and close your eyes and i just want to ask you what is the holy spirit saying to you through this message i don't know which prophetic word you happen to be in at the time i i don't know if you're you're resonating with the first one where god is reconnecting you after a season of feeling disconnected disheveled scattered dried out [Music] dead maybe you're saying you know what tim it's that first message god is bringing me back together again he's restoring some things in my life right now that i thought would never be restored for some of you all you got your life together but there's no life in you and you need the holy spirit to breathe into your soul and awaken some things that you pronounced a eulogy over long ago some promises that god has given you that you thought you know what i've just already had a funeral for it he doesn't want to do that in my life anymore obviously i'm too old the time has expired i thought it was going to happen in another state and god's going i'm bringing you back to life right now and for some you're in this room right now and what you realize is god's given me hope for my future he's not done with me he's not done with us he's not done with a move of god at hope city church [Music] so while every head is bound every eye is closed there may be somebody in here that needs to give their life to jesus whether you're watching me live or you're online right now i i just want to give you an opportunity to receive jesus's lord and i always ask would you be against giving your life to jesus today after what you've heard and maybe the holy spirit has just made you realize that jesus is real would you be opposed to giving your life to christ today and if the answer is no what stands in the way from you making that decision right now is it pride is it is it shame is it fear is it the inability to get all your questions answered before you take a step of faith whatever it may be if you can put that to the side and believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that jesus christ is lord you will be saved and if you can change your mind about the way you've been thinking about living your life the holy spirit will step in and be the leader and guider into all truth our truth has a name our hope has a name and his name is jesus and so father god i pray right now for every single person that has opened their life to giving it over to jesus christ thank you that hope has come in and that is standing strong on the inside of them and that their future is brighter than ever because right now they have you in jesus name amen come on can we clap our hands for all of those that have made that decision whether you did it in this room or you're watching online and you did it we celebrate come on we can do better than that turn up we are turning up for every person that is just coming to a relationship with jesus christ thank you god for jesus thank you for your love thank you for your shed blood thank you for the justification that we have because of our relationship with you well listen y'all i i am i'm family now which means if anybody messes with y'all i drive up here right i'm from cali so you know um i'm from the hood [Music] inglewood to be exact so if i fly here that means everything's good that means everybody's cool but if i drive here i pop the trunk [Music] and if i pop the trunk i pull out them things and if i pull out them things they go bang in jesus name all right but this is a special significant uh weekend and i want to call doctors scott and karen hagan to help us with a very pivotal transition in this service and in the life of hope city church so would you welcome dr scott and karen hagan right now hey man how many how many were profoundly moved today by the message by pastor tim ross pastor tremendous i just want to introduce my wife karen my name is scott higgin i serve at a university up in minneapolis and why are you on this stage all of a sudden today is a very special day i've been invited by the graciousness of those who serve as overseers of this great church uh to participate in a very very special moment uh really a pastoral prayer and to announce that today at hope city that your pastors dan and jackie are no longer the interim pastors they are now the pastors of hope city church hope city would you welcome to this stage your pastors daniel and jackie groves [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just remain standing i have the distinct honor this morning to pray a prayer of installation and commissioning for our dear friends we've known forgive me when i say dan and jackie we've known them for a long long time but pastors daniel and jackie groves these are world-class leaders who did not just show up here yesterday they have been formed by the lord and fitted to this generation and fitted to this assignment and it's our joy to pray for you i have a specific charge for you pastor daniel and jackie and then a charge for hope city and then i'm going to have my beautiful bride and pastor karen lead us in a prayer for you today you know i've often told leaders it's not what you achieve in this life it's what you set in motion because most of what we do we're not going to see the full result this side of heaven and i believe that god set this church in motion about seven years ago and i believe it's unstoppable for the kingdom in first samuel i think it's verse or chapter 11 samuel tells the people of israel to go back and let's go to gilead and let's renew the kingdom it's a powerful phrase and i believe today this message pastor tim this moment with the overseers that the kingdom is being renewed here in houston today in a way that is historic and very very powerful the scripture says also in first samuel chapter 9 verse 6 one of my favorite verses and i give it to you and i'm going to pray this over you in just a moment as you know saul was sent out on one assignment and while he was on that assignment the real assignment emerged and you came to houston with one assignment but god had in store for you in his divine mystery of all things another assignment you know about half our life as a result of good strategy and the other half we never saw coming and you've been able to capture the part you never saw coming because you've lived a prepared life the bible says in first samuel 9 6 this servant that went with saul because the assignment wasn't unfolding with the kind of success or expectations they thought and saul found himself in this ambiguous liminal place this idea of a threshold between what he had known and what he must become and hope city's been in this threshold this liminal space between what we have been and what we now must become and in that space the bible says the servant says to saul hey i've just thought of something there is a man of god who lives here in this town he is held in high honor by all the people because everything he says comes true hey let's go find him perhaps he can tell us which way to go it's the highest compliment of heaven that can ever be said over our lives as spiritual leaders they said you know what we're kind of lost right now but we we know that there's a person in this city and i would say there is now therefore in this city a couple they're people of god they're honorable because all that they says comes true let's go find them perhaps they can help us with our journey i believe tens of thousands in this region and beyond from neighborhoods to nations are going to be looking to this house because there is now therefore in this city an honorable man and woman of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] every everything they say they say comes true because you preach the word of god the promises of god that's what fills our mouths let's go find them now my charge to you hope city is this first chronicles chapter 12 the bible says that david was in sick lag in in the bible says many translations says he was in a restricted space i i felt i lead a university in the inner city of minneapolis between covid what's happened in our world all that's gone on it has felt like a restricted space but here's what god does in a restricted space and i say this over hope city and we're going to pray the lord began to bring a new wave of people and he began to activate the familiar people in three powerful ways the bible says that these people came to david in a restricted space who could fire an arrow with a left hand or a right hand they were ambidextrous it says they could sling it with the right hand or the left hand it's crazy in a restricted space god began to emerge people without natural restriction and i believe that god is giving you a congregation that can sling him with the left hand or the right that they're going to be able they're going to be able literally to do the work one person doing the work of two then it says another group of people came and it says their face is shown like lions there was a fearlessness of fierceness a courage a leaning in because their faces shone like lions hope city now is the time to sling it with your left hand or your right and for your faces to shine like a lion then it says this lastly it says he brought another group of people to david in a restricted space men from the tribe of benjamin and judah and he says are you with me or against me are you here to kill me or help me and they said to david we're here to help you to serve you and then the bible says that david then made them captains over his army now you know and i know how leadership works how can you become captain in one day i'm just telling you in a restricted space a restricted season god resurrects the restriction people are going to come to you and become like captains in a day leaders that you have never seen there are captains all over this room they're going to be released into leadership i'd like to invite the overseers if you would step up and i would like to invite one i think one of the great voices and women of faith i've ever met my bride she's going to pray a prayer of commissioning and ordination over you on this great day all right let's pray once you put your hands towards the stage towards your new pastors holy spirit we thank you today that you are here and that you are casting vision god over this house lord god i thank you father that dan and jackie have lord been raised up for this moment lord god you've prepared them god father you have gone before them you have surrounded them lord and you are their rear guard lord god and you have made them ready lord to take up father the reins of this house god and to lead lord into this new season god and lord i declare lord and i thank you god that in a new season god that there is new mandates there is new jobs there's new assignments god and when those things happen god and when we come into an alignment god with the new vision lord miracles will take place and so god we just declare that over this house that this will be a house of miracles this will be a house of healing god this will be a house of restoration this will be a house of salvation god for this city god we just install them god into this moment and into this time father for your vision and for your glory god and we give you all the praise and all the glory and everybody said together amen amen one last time welcome your new pastors daniel and jackie groves i think our words should be few um we said this since the beginning of all of this that we're here our heels are dug into the ground and we're ready to move forward with hope we remember where we've been we build from where we're at thank you pastor tim for preaching such a prophetic word of hope for the future there's a right to write on time work last week we talked about hebrews chapter 3 verse 4 and it says the house is built by someone the builder of all things is god this house cinco woodlands online this house has always been built on god it's never been about any specific person now it took two people seven years ago named jeremy and jennifer foster who said yes to the call of god on their lives that said there's going to be a church called hope city that's going to reach the neighborhoods and the nations and so the currency of transition is honor and we will always honor where we've been we will build from where we are at and we are excited about the future so we are here and we are grateful that we get to do this with with you guys we are grateful that we get to celebrate with thousands of people in this city and pastor scott uh 18 years you've taught me [Music] tell me how to be a dad tell me how to be a good husband and have you pray over us today this whole moment to be able to do it around family look around the room y'all this is what a church like heaven looks like multicultural multi-generational this is what but to know when we were just dan and jackie and didn't have babies and had no clue what we were doing that god knew the beginning to the end so again we honor where we've been and we're asking you will you join us to continue to take this city for jesus yeah because hope city is good ground always will be good ground always has been good ground amen amen we are so thankful i will i will keep my words few we are so thankful so wait a minute so thankful we love you hope city is our family and it has been for a long time and we are honored and so so grateful we are ready we i love every word that pastor karen prayed i love that this is going to be a house of miracles we have seen them countless and we will see many many more because god is not done with hope city amen amen we are ready we are so honored that we get to serve you all and our city and our nation and our world all together and we're ready amen can you lift your hands towards heaven so we can just pray together father thank you again for the opportunity god to be a part of revival to be a part of something that you breathe life into god that heaven really has touched earth the past seven years seven meaning completeness going into year eight 2023 new beginnings when we build that new building while we open that new building called the silos god thank you for what is to come thank you god for the miracles thank you god for the breakthrough thank you god for the deliverances and the restoration that's already breaking out across our city the neighborhoods in the nation we trust you and we honor you and we are grateful for the opportunity to do this together the best days of hope city are in front of us and through the filter of faith we see god what you see so we say yes again to this assignment every day and we allow you to move flex throw your weight around the room and do what only you can do because you're a big god and you're a strong god and you are a mighty god and we honor you as such in jesus name amen come on hope city can we give god praise one more time
Channel: Hope City
Views: 24,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Foster, Hope City, pastor jeremy, jermy foster, jeramy foster, hope city church, daniel groves, tim ross, embassy city, jackie groves, hope city daniel, hope city daniel groves, daniel jackie groves
Id: _LdSEPAM4sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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