Honeymoon Over? Ex-Apple Employee Switches to S24 Ultra

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so this versus this this Duality has been going on for a lot of years and in this video I will give you my final decision of which phone I think is the best so far and I will tell you why you should choose one instead of the other and when we look into productivity I will give you something that I never seen this cast before when comparing these two phones and is a really valid alternative to airdrop it's actually the same thing but you can use it with Android with iOS with everything else and I will tell you how to use it as well but let's start from the beginning because I want to make something really clear here you have to buy a phone that is good for you so I will give you each option for each use case because I think it's impossible for me to tell you you should buy this phone if a phone for me is mainly for productivity so let's understand the areas that we need to understand to make a decision first thing of course is price both these two phones are priced more or less the same so here doesn't make any difference if you want to save money maybe if you want to still use an Android you can look other brands instead of Samsung but I think the best Android so far is Samsung I don't think the pixel is close enough I think this one is the best so far that you can buy so regarding price more or less is the same but we have different categories that you have to understand when you have to choose your phone first category productivity so if a phone for you is a tool that you have to use to work that is something you need to keep in mind when buying a phone then you have social media so if you work with social media so if you're a person that makes a lot of videos works with Brands and you know Instagram or YouTube whatever this case you might choose a different phone and at the end we have a more of an entertaining uh device or something that is neither for work or for social media work as well but you know you understand what I mean so it's something that you use in your free time it's just maybe at the end of the day you just use to play games or whatever so in this case you might choose something different I promise at the end of this video you will have an idea which phone to buy based on your needs because you need to understand first what I'm going to use this phone the most because for me for example is productivity so let's jump into productivity let's discuss about productivity here hands down Samsung is better for a lot of different reasons and I've keept using this phone for a lot of time for the past month and a half and I don't use my phone lightly I use my phone a lot during the day because the phone for me is the main tool to be able to communicate with people to be able to sign documents to check information that I need to check on my phone yes I use it in combo with my computer but mainly when I'm going you know somewhere I use my phone because I'm not always in the office and a phone to me needs to be a tool that I can use and I don't need to have limitations the keyword here is limitations with the iPhone you're limited yes you can do more or less the same things you can do on the Android so on the Samsung but let me give you some examples some real examples where the Samsung is better than the iPhone let's start with multitasking this is something I discussed on my previous video when I was when I was comparing the two phones and here this is something that I really need to stress a lot because to me it's really important when I have to sign documents when I have to check emails and to have information on the top and maybe type something on the bottom having the possibility to do that is really useful even for example if you have to buy something and you might have you know the picture of your credit card somewhere most people do that instead of you know remember the the number of the credit card some people take pictures for example I take pictures of the credit card I know that it's not super safe but that is what I do if it it's not saved in the browser then I need to go back into my gallery check the numbers you know copy paste it whatever with the iPhone you have to go back and forth with the Samsung you just swipe up with two fingers you open the gallery you have it you know at the bottom and you can use it on the top when you have to buy something online that is a use case again emails for me emails are really important and I need to have two screens every time I use an email to sign documents to check information and that's something that I need to have every single day and the Samsung give it to me one thing that is actually amazing and this is something that I don't see a lot of people discussing is is the back button so on the iPhone the only way to go back is either you click on the top left if that app is on the top left each app might have different ways to go back on the Samsung either on the right side on the left side you can go back super simple this is something I use every single day every single hour and I can't stress enough how easy it is and now that I have it sometimes I went back to my iPhone to do something on the iPhone and I was finding myself doing this swipe just and didn't work at all and this is something that I think is super simple to implement in the operating system but yet on the iPhone we don't have it another thing that now is a second nature to me and I'm so so surprised how many time I use it the AI so again English is not my first first language I know how to speak English I know how to write in English of course I have people that I manage in English and I have to communicate with companies sometimes in English so I know my way around English it's not that I don't know how to write but having an AI integrated into the operating system just to have the Peace of Mind knowing that they can check the grammar and check if the actual sentence makes sense it's something that I use every single day every single time that I send an email every single time that I send a text message every single time that I send uh whatever text is I use it every single time and recently did an update that implemented some features and I really like the way it's integrated in each app that you can use so if you have to use a browser and there you can use it to summarize let's say an article sometimes I use it on documents and I can summarize documents there I can use it when I send emails again when I can send text messages this is just something that I use every single day and I miss having that on the iPhone again I am aware that maybe iOS will be implemented in the future but I have to tell you what you should do right now based on the features that you have available right now not something that might be available in the future another feature that is very underrated is the clipboard this is something that I I didn't know about so I just you know was playing around with the phone one day and I clicked on the icon on the clickbox I have something that is called jump cut and that is something that you know that that saves sort of history of things you copy pasted and I didn't know that on the phone on the Samsung is integrated into the operating system this is very underrated I mean it's something is so useful sometimes that I have to copy paste different things across different apps and I can just go back and have the history of the things that I copy pasted like come on this is just something that I surprised some other people didn't discuss this is maybe one of the best features that I discussed in the past month and a half two other things that I think is better on Samsung of course is versatility so with Samsung you have Deck with iOS you don't have anything that works the same as deck you can you cannot plug a monitor on the iPhone and have it as working as a computer on the on the Samsung you have that so even that let's say I have to travel somewhere like in the past month I maybe did travel for a couple of days and I was a bit more relaxed knowing that I in case I needed to use it I was able to use Dex I actually did a video on Dex with the meta Quest 3 so maybe that is something interested in you can find in the video in the link in the description below but yeah this is something you can use on the Samsung on the on the iPhone you don't have that one thing that I have to say regarding productivity so let's say notifications maybe you know you work with notifications let's say you receive notification for your work for your emails whatever it is on the iPhone the notification seems to arrive half a second before done the Samsung if half a second make a lot of difference to you maybe this is something you have to consider when buying your phone but to me half a second that doesn't make that much of a difference but this is something I think is more more regarded to the implementation of the optimization of the app here I'm showing you Instagram that we all know is better integrated and optimized on the iPhone so maybe this is why but this is something that I that I seen some people discussing online and I wanted to test it myself and I can't confirm notification sometimes a half a second faster on the iPhone now let's continue with airdrop and file managing I use Google for everything for my meetings for my storage so if I have to store documents if I have to send links whatever I use Google for almost everything I have the Google professional account for my work and for my company so I use Google for everything and of course being that Samsung is integrated with Google uh it works 100 times better yes you can do the same things on the iPhone but of course the iCloud Drive is the main thing that Apple wants you to use on the iPhone and I just don't use it because I never share links related to my iCloud I never share information on documents with the iCloud I only use Google so this may be something more specific to me but you know uh maybe 90% of people and businesses that I know use Google as well and I don't know anyone that uses you know iCloud drive for work so I think this hands down is BET is better on the Samsung on this note let's discuss about airdrop so airdrop is something that we all know on iPhone so the Apple ecosystem works you just use it and you can share files whatever cross devices but there's actually a very powerful alternative called snapdrop I can show you here and it's exactly the same you connect on on a on the website the two devices needs to be in the same network so in this case of course I was on the same Wi-Fi they recognize each other you can share documents whatever between devices this is something that is private because you're not sending anything to the cloud and it just works across devices the same way as airdrop yes you might say oh but if if you go somewhere how does it work well in that case the alternative could be the phone doing the Hotpot and doing that you'll be able to do the same thing as long as the two devices are connected on the same network but in this case again this is something I didn't know about and I discovered I think a couple of weeks ago and now I'm sharing videos I'm sharing documents I'm sharing everything with this if you want to try it it's super easy to do you need to register you to do do anything you just go on snapdrop and you start using it straight away again with productivity Samsung is is just better again this phone by using it every single day I'm finding features like for example the clipboard I was saying before that I didn't know about when I bought the phone so I'm I replaced 100% of what I do with this phone I'm so happy I have the S Pen again if I want to sign documents if I want to add notes to things that I'm doing for work so again this is just something that hands down Samsung wins before proceeding to media and entertainment I want to do a quick section regarding the fitness aspect of the phones I tried the Galaxy watch 6 I didn't like the classic was too big I like small watches and I gave it a try again I Pro I made a mistake on the previous video saying there's no Health up yes I know now there is a health up for Samsung I didn't fell in love with the with the watch maybe the only feature that I was surprised how accurate it is is when you do a workout for example in the morning when I walk my dog I start a walk workout for example and I was checking between the uh the Apple watch and the Galaxy watch 6 and on the Galaxy watch 6 I was surprised you cannot cheat like we all know when you when you're this close to close a ring what you do you just start a random workout and you try to close the ring and the Apple watch just keep going and you know keep counting whatever the workout is on the on the Galaxy watch was I wasn't able to do it because every time I was stopping the watch after a couple of seconds was stopping the workout and when I was starting walking again after let's say two or three steps the watch was starting counting the workout again so I really I was actually very impressed with the accuracy of the Galaxy watch but I don't know what it is I can't tell you specifically um what it is I didn't like the interaction with the watch probably because I used the Apple watch for so long now I'm used to to to specific gestures but sometimes I felt like the screen uh wasn't good enough uh was a bit laggy maybe this is my specific experience I don't want to say this is just everyone's experience but I think when it comes to the watch the Apple watch it's still uh a little bit ahead so I returned the Galaxy watch 6 because again I didn't like it to keep using it so I just wanted to tell you I've tested the workout on both and here again it depends on what you do if you want a super accurate device you need to buy maybe something more professional but here if you want a device that actually tracks the workouts on Android you have a lot of different options that you you can choose a book from Google again with Samsung with Garmin whatever with the iPhone you just limited to the Apple watch this is something that I really don't like I would like for example in Fitness to be able since Apple says Fitness is so important just give the option to people to choose different device instead of the Apple watches but I get it they want to keep you in the ecosystem as much as possible so that's why they don't give you the option but the working out so the fitness aspect for me I would say apple is still a little bit on top of the Android so let's continue with cameras cameras I would just say they both have amazing cameras with the iPhone you get a little better videos you don't know there's a huge difference I mean if you have to work with videos buy a camera but if you want to buy a phone based on the best possibility that you can get so the best options Samsung because you can shoot 8K videos you have more flexibility you can stop a video and start recording the video without creating a new video Al together so that's is a feature that you have on the Samsung on the iPhone the quality of the videos sometimes is better so if you want to do videos maybe the iPhone is the best option for you but regardless of which phone you buy the camera won't be the thing that you say oh I bought this phone I mean everything is amazing but the camera is not working that is not going to happen the camera that I have on the Samsung is amazing I use it for random things that I do again I don't use cameras a lot when I have to use it I use a proper camera but yeah the main camera that I use is the selfie camera and I said in the previous video RI when I was comparing the two the selfie camera on the Samsung is a lot better than the iPhone now let's continue with entertainment slal media so when you when it comes to watching videos Samsung is better the screen looks better the anti-reflective coding on the screen of the Samsung is 100 times better than on the iPhone of course you have different colors you have different options even on the display to to see it in different ways on the Samsung you have so many settings that you can adjust on your Samsung on the iPhone of course it's not that the quality is is awful but I can tell you by putting them side by side you can see the difference on here of course you cannot see the difference because on screen by recording a video you won't be able to see the difference but trust me the quality of the video is a lot better of course I I was using a 15 Pro and the s24 ultra so the screen rels was different different and that's why probably I like it better because the screen was bigger but even in the past I had you praxes and I can tell you they just the quality of the screen I just like it better when it comes to music they both perform the same way the audio is actually good if you have to listen to music I actually suggest you to get headphones or just devices to listen to music so that's something that actually doesn't make a lot of a difference but if you have to use social media here there is a difference and I'm sorry to say it but the iPhone wins hands down when it comes to social media weird enough on WhatsApp too actually on WhatsApp on the iPhone uh I have better access to some features that I have to use now I use the Samsung as my main device for the past month and a half even on WhatsApp and I can tell you it's better optimized on the iPhone Instagram we all know so if you're are an influencer or social media uh person if you manage a social media company buy the iPhone again social media just works better it's better optimized you have the framing sometimes of the picture when you saved it on the Samsung doesn't look the same on the Instagram feed so if you want a better experience without any hookups just get the iPhone to use it for social media even if you use it for iMessage so if iMessage is vital for you if iMessage is something that you need to use every single day of course you have it on the iPhone you don't have it on the Samsung so if you're a person that specifically uses the phone for social media for doing work on social accounts maybe for clients or maybe for yourself yes the iPhone is the best option but let's get at the end of this video because I want to give you an option I want to give you my honest opinion so you can go out and buy the phone for you so if you work with your phone a device that you use to work so productivity focused documents sending emails being sure that you're on top of everything Google meeting uh Google Drive all these different things by the Samsung because it has a lot of features just made for work so are more serious instead of just superficial if you have to compare the two the Samsung goes more in depth so you can do more things and can achieve more the iPhone can do the same things but it's superficial it's not the same depth of things or of features that you can do on the Samsung if you have to buy a phone specifically for social media so if you work on Instagram maybe you manage accounts you have your own account something like this buy the iPhone but for me overall yes I work online I actually have a social media account that I use to promote some of the services that I offer with some of my companies I will still use the Samsung and I will tell you why first I like the design of the phone better I don't like that every time I can go back and look at my iPhone it looks exactly the same as 6 7 years ago exactly the same yeah maybe you have different things on the design maybe the cameras are different I don't care I just would like for Apple to have more options the only option you have with apple is the iPhone with the Samsung I don't want to consider you know Google other companies are just talking about Samsung in this case you have the s24 ultra if you like foldables you can buy the Z flip five you can buy the Z fold you can buy whatever different form facture you like and you can do that and you have the freedom to again use let's say another watch not just the Galaxy watch you know you have a lot more freedom and I'm looking forward to that this is something that I uh wasn't expecting to to feel when I first switched from iPhone to Android so in this case the Samsung because with the iPhone yes you might get a little bit excited but that's it because maybe there's a little feature and you already know that the design is going to be the same with the Samsung I'm telling you some things that I don't like so I'll tell you why I'm looking forward to the next uh iterations of the s25 ultra whatever I like the size uh I like smaller phones I like phones that I can use with one hand and for example the zflip 5 is one phone that I actually like but there are some things that I not convinced 100% for example the cameras or some things related to the screen the outside screen so I know that with these six they might you know resolve some issues that the D flip 5 had so for example I'm looking forward to try the D flip 5 or the default or I can go with you know with the the Google pixel and I know that now now that I'm out of the iOS ecosystem the Apple ecosystem I have freedom and I can choose whatever I want and this to me is very exciting because I love technology I love to use different things I like to test different features of different devices and if you are in the Apple ecosystem you're locked in and and you every time you have to switch you have to move your contacts you have to move your pictures you have to move your apps and you have to relog everything and the passwords and all the different things with Google Now everything is there and since again I use Google across all my different devices will be easier for me to do this and I can't wait for new devices to come out and test them knowing that I don't have to go through the painful process of switching to uh to something that is completely different to what I'm using and again I think the design and the feature and The Innovation is something that Samsung is doing a lot more and I'm surprised because Apple has always been known as the company that innovates that brings new things and again I work for Apper for a long time and this is what people think about the company when you join the company you think oh you know this company is innovating and everything but then you suddenly realize it's not like like that they're just you know playing it safe to keep the company making money and I get it it's a business decision it's fine but in long term I think people want technology that is new that is even if it's not perfect they can maybe still experience something that is brand new and then again with the rations that maybe make it better and eventually become something is actually useful like like for example again the Z flip now six when is coming out again I can't wait for to to try that specific phone and this is what I would suggest switch just do the switch if you're on the iPhone right now I understand you love your phone you have you think that that is the best phone in the world but trust me I've been using again iPhone and I've worked in the the company for a long time and I know what it means to go from one to the other because I just did it and I'm doing it and I'm keep and I will keep doing it this phone over here is going maybe in a drawer or maybe I'm going to sell it I'm not sure sure yet maybe I'm going to keep it just to maybe to do comparisons in the future I'm not sure but this phone is not the phone that I will use I'm sorry if you want to buy a phone buy this you won't be disappointed trust me you won't be disappointed and if you do let me know in the comments and let me know why because that might be useful for other people to understand and some people ask me this is the uh tianium green that I bought because everybody was you know this the standard titanium color didn't like it and I wanted to get something different so this is the overall opinion that I have if you need to get your phone and you need to spend your your money on a device trust me get this and for once experience the freedom of being able to choose instead of having a company dictating how to use your phone and not letting you out with that said let me know what you think I really want to know your opinions let me know in the comments I just want to interact with you guys I know there's always been a duality Apple versus Samsung monster versus Red Bull Nike versus Adidas this is something is going on for companies for a long time and it's always been like this it will always be like this so again let me know in the comments what you think and I see you very soon in the next video
Channel: Made By Cris
Views: 18,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jz5KVp0VCz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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