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Baby Bus [Music] [Applause] [Music] a free Cola coupon wow [Music] yay sorry it's expired what expired I didn't drink it yet you can't return it cause you opened it [Music] um I'm afraid that you need to pay before you leave [Music] what should I do aha I can call Mew Mew for help [Music] his cell phone now I have a cell phone hello why is it not working weak signal again ah weak signal signal [Music] [Music] no my phone signal [Music] you [Music] pay before you leave she doesn't hear me what should I do I have an idea loudspeaker [Music] please keep your voice down Mew mule [Music] [Music] thank you Hank here's your money thank you sir call whenever you need me getting money by carrying boxes I can do that this is too heavy what should I do aha [Music] handcart [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] what are you doing here I'm trying to help look at this can you pay me now help I'm going to send these Goods out they should be in the truck [Applause] you okay yeah I'm sorry sorry what I have to go home to get my money but how can I leave contact lenses I have an idea invisible cap invisible invisible cap okay if I put this on nobody will see me let me give it a try [Music] ouch it really works [Music] foreign [Music] weird the bottle didn't hit the ground [Music] look it's moving by itself let's catch it [Music] wow [Music] thank you [Music] oh it was Kiki [Music] you again stop messing around and you haven't paid for it you were trying to steal it no no sense I just wanted to go home to get some money I didn't know that the coupon was expired [Music] don't cry don't cry I'll pay for you [Music] look at this it's a free Cola what three it was free this is the living room please come here your new house is really beautiful thank you we redecorated all the furniture is New Look at the couch over there no wow stop it don't touch it you're making it dirty this couch is customized this lamp and this chandelier are customized too be careful be careful not to stay in the painting look all the paint is wet my mom spent two months on this painting it's almost finished oh boy let's go I'll show you my room foreign [Music] what's the big deal about a painting I can also draw like that here's the mountain and here's a river and a rainbow over there huh [Music] it got even dirtier um I have to clean it right away [Music] [Music] it's still dirty what am I gonna do I have an idea right [Music] the brush doesn't work now what Kiki aren't you going to whisk his bedroom everyone's waiting for you [Music] are you sick oh I'm not were you brushing your teeth oh yeah yeah oh oh oh wow awesome okay then come to us when you're done [Music] oh I got it [Music] detergent [Music] [Applause] achoo [Music] it's finally clean but it's wet [Music] oh I got it there's a heater right huh [Music] Kiki open the door I need to use the bathroom wait a minute what's taking you so long in there I'm just not feeling well all right I'll go upstairs I have to find a way to try the cushion huh I got it hair dryer foreign [Music] [Music] I'll get you something to drink this couch is really good but it would be better with the cushion what there was a cushion well where is it it's here it's here look at this cushion isn't it great [Music] yes it is my mom carefully kills this cushion do you smell something burning oh and there's a sound too oh no it's a hair dryer oh [Music] that's why you stayed so long inside you broke something huh you need to pay for that uh actually it's because I stained the cushion and I was just trying to clean it uh-huh I don't see any stain it's really really clean I'll be right back [Music] you're in trouble now uh I stay in the carpet this morning so uh if you clean it for me then you don't need to pay for my cushion hey [Music] oh it's so hot oh [Music] [Applause] what a ten dollar bill who dropped it here huh weird oh why is the number 10 in the wrong place oh it's fake money I should hand it over to the bank [Music] huh let me buy some water first hello a bottle of water please [Music] here you are here's your change [Music] the money is what's the matter but what I put here was what [Music] you think fake money you'll be given fines ten times oh no what do I do what do I do oh no I must find a way to get the fake money back hello huh what you want it delivered now but the truck is not coming yet it's too far away I can't go aha I can help you with the delivery you yes here are the two five dollar bills can I have my ten dollar bill back hmm no problem but it's really far away it's okay I can do it [Music] [Music] it's delivered here's the money from the customer [Music] and here are the two five dollar bills here's your ten dollar bill oh no this is not the one I gave you hmm well can you give me another oh sir your orders please get them inside there's a lot can you carry them inside I'll pay you more I'm sorry I only deliver Goods hey I could do that pay me ten dollars you you don't believe me I can do it huh please move out of the way no okay wow oh you are amazing come in and have a rest huh the AC is broken please use this fan here's the money thank you air conditioning uh-huh I have an idea you said your AC was broken hmm yes why can you fix it no but I can make you feel cool just like the AC does really uh-huh can you give me any 10 bill from your drawer in exchange any difference okay I promise [Music] it's really cool huh huh where's my bill [Music] huh where did I drop it I still can't find it huh I'm thirsty I should drink some water now it's time to change the bill okay take your pick of the bills a bottle of soda please here you go [Music] here's your change huh oh the money looks a little weird what that's my money oh what's wrong with you you're being rude up my mind I want that money hmm no I've already given this money to this lady oh I'm sorry are you okay believe it it can't be true there's no fake money in my store that's the money I paid you for the water [Music] why is the number 10 in the wrong place huh oh how dare you use fake money I found it on give it to the bank stop lying let's go to the police office excuse me may I have a look at the fake money who are you I'm a collector I've just lost my misprinted money misprinted money yes the one in the picture it's misprinted so it's very collectible foreign they look the same huh yes I finally found it oh so it was you who lost the money yes may I have it back of course kid you were right I'm sorry I didn't believe you it's okay I'm sorry here's your change [Music] kid thank you so much I'm so happy I found my money let me buy everyone ice cream yay [Music] [Music] huh what's this huh [Music] so many big Footprints is it a big monster thank you Rudolph [Music] there's a monster it's scary Don't Be Afraid here's one more let's hide [Music] hmm it's dangerous come here I have no time for you I have to find my master [Music] there's a doubt there's a monster there a really big monster it has a big round belly like this its eyes are glowing it has huge claws it is people who eats people people is it Mr douse all right Master let's go Master I'll save you [Music] we can go underwater now [Music] thank you oh so scary [Music] I have an idea hurry ah we got it huh what happened let me try again oh now you can't run away where's my master hmm be careful help [Music] s [Music] come on oh [Music] steering wheel it's the master dude Mr Dow are you okay this is not a monster it's a machine my master invented it's all your fault now we're done machine is leaking we have to save my master oh I can't do it oh yes [Music] oh my God [Music] oh master [Music] oh the fish takes the bait oh [Applause] oh [Music] where am I oh oh it hurts oh the glass is broken that's dangerous oh [Music] oh woof woof no you saved me underwater right thank you I knew it was you [Music]
Channel: BabyBus TV - Kids Cartoon
Views: 3,567,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BabyBus, babybus tv, Kiki, Miumiu, Mimi, Timi, cartoon, for kids, babybus cartoon, baby panda, kitten family, meowmi family, BabyBus English, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, stories, kids stories, kids videos, kids songs, babysongs, baby cartoon, animation for kids, new episode, super rescue team, magical Chinese characters, good habits for kids, math kindom adventure, yummy foods family, safety tips, babybus sheriff labrador, babybus rescue team, baby shark
Id: c3mzEaCaD1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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