Honey Garlic Chicken Thighs ~ Tender & Moist!

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[Music] [Music] welcome to my kitchen tonight i will be making honey garlic chicken thighs so i have a large skillet i am going to put some canola oil in and you probably want about a quarter of an inch and you're going to bring that up to temperature you want it bubbling and while i'm waiting for my oil to heat up i'm going to make the rub for my chicken i am going to use two tablespoons of sweet paprika one tablespoon of garlic powder one teaspoon of onion powder and one tablespoon of thyme and then i am going to add a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of black pepper and give that a good stir okay then you want to take your chicken thighs and you want to coat them with this seasonings and do the top and the bottom and i have four chicken thighs i'm going to do the same to all of them you want to really rub it in there and i'm gonna do the other three okay i have them all done my oil is hot i am going to put them in skin side down and yes this does make some splattering and heat down just a little bit it's on medium and i'm just going to let those and i'm going to cover it so it doesn't spoiler so much and while we're waiting for those to cook i am going to make my sauce for my chicken i am going to add a fourth of a cup of barbecue sauce i'm using the sticky fingers carolina sweet and then i am going to add a half a cup of soy sauce and a half a cup of honey and we're going to turn that on and bring that up to a simmer and stir that all together okay it's been about five minutes and your chicken is getting brown on that side so we're just going to flip those and let them cook for another five minutes okay it's been another 10 minutes and we're going to check the temperature of the chicken you want it to be at least 160 degrees and we're at 166 so we're good i'm just going to add some garlic i chopped up about four cloves of garlic and we're just going to mix that in and let that simmer for about two minutes or until your garlic starts to brown up okay it's been two minutes i am just going to add a very small amount of chicken broth not even less than a quarter of a cup just to get the garlic to stop cooking and then we're going to take the sauce that we made with the barbecue sauce soy sauce and honey and that's been simmering and it's thickened a little bit and we're just gonna put that all over the top of the chicken and then i'm going to flip it and do the same to the other side and flip it one more time and put the rest of my sauce on okay once you have all the sauce on we're just gonna let this simmer for two to three minutes and then it will be ready to serve okay it's been about three more minutes and our chicken is done just going to take it out and put it on a serving tray and it's all ready thanks for watching i hope you try this recipe please subscribe and i will see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Melanie's Country Cooking
Views: 4,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BPsNH06Bpac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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