Honest Try: Garbage Stew

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okay guys I think you probably know what this is gonna be carpet stew uh we're gonna do Jack's garbage stew I've gotten that request a few times now some differences is that mine should be relatively safe to eat I I didn't have I don't usually get hot dogs very often unless I'm gonna go camping or something so I'm actually gonna have to cook these fresh I also had to buy some smoked turkey which wow that was expensive um yeah let's see this is the uh beef that I had that I used last night for the well for the one recipe that is coming out later that you'll see so that should this should all be safe I think the only thing is there's a can of French style green beans which is expiring very soon but everything else should be safe to eat as far as I know I mean one thing I should mention is that I I did end up deciding to do the letter of Jack's recipe rather than the spirit of Jack's recipe I know that might not be right I was debating with myself whether I should use expiring food from my own house um or I should just try the combination of ingredients that Jack used I think more people seem like they wanted to know what the specific combination of ingredients that he used would taste like so that's what I'm gonna do even though my stuff is not expired so it's probably gonna taste a little bit better already and also I ended up going in that direction because it's certainly safer so let's get started we're gonna cook the bacon [Music] oh it's gonna be a little while we'll make the hot dogs while we wait we're gonna go with the ballpark hot dogs I think Jack used five of them or so [Music] okay that's what these scissors are here for it's actually kind of difficult to use scissors with a one hand especially when they're kind of crappy scissors that aren't very sharp these are basically safety scissors okay that's that's really annoying hold on I had to double check he actually used four so we'll make we'll make four of these bad boys probably thinking what the hell is he doing but trust me there's a method I like uh having hot dogs over the campfire and I do actually sometimes use my gas range to do this really give it that nice campfire blackened look and flavor I prefer it I think not quite the same as doing it over a campfire outside but in these trying times you can do it this way if you're anything like me you like your hot dogs burned black I'm gonna get my camera too hot here God will suck if I drop my phone [Music] it looks probably good but that campfire Char going a triple dog dare you I know it looks like it but I'm actually not resting them on the burners so don't freak out about that they are hovering above the burgers well these are officially blackened actually not a huge fan of these but uh I bought them so whoa that could have been bad this is a challenge okay all right I got it you didn't see it but I got it foreign I'm just going to use a few pieces so I'll just go ahead and put it this way but I was going to make the whole pack I'd put it vertically but we're just going to use four pieces for this or well I guess five [Music] all right we're gonna cut the rest of the sirloin [Music] one second thought it seems kind of a shame to waste this much sirloin so I'm going to take out about half of it and save it for maybe like a meal tomorrow something for the ladies easy peasy [Music] to do this [Music] before I go for now eat this later [Music] I think that's good I kind of lost track of the bacon in the oven while I was cutting that turkey uh this is about perfect for what I prefer to eat like with my breakfast if I ever have bacon it's definitely gonna be crispy it's definitely more done than the bacon that Jack put in but I will use it anyway [Music] all right let's cut these bad boys up [Music] all right I do believe you used garlic [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I don't know if it works better with an old lime one that was about to go bad or what it's supposed to release the juices inside I guess I can kind of hear it [Music] all right first I'll put in the meat now the bacon is all crumbled up in there in the fresh vegetables here come the green beans actually I'm not a big fan of cream corn but here we go some mild green chilies [Music] yep foreign [Music] the rest of my jalapenos these ones are mild usually I get the hot ones but I think when I went that day they only had the mild ones there Cajun seasoning bam or whatever it is he says not gonna fail this time [Music] you know what it's gonna keep doing this [Music] is how the drummer from Def Leppard opens up his salsa foreign at this rate might as well just throw the whole rind in there too there's just no way this is gonna be good there's just no possible way that this is gonna be good I think sometimes when Jack tests his things he's he's pretending I forgot I used a couple beef bouillon cubes in hot water so I guess I'll have to prepare those real quick uh see if I can get this one-handed I could try to open it with my mouth like you do the starburst challenge thing but that'd be pretty gross with this [Music] yeah no I'm just kidding like sea monkeys [Music] all right in goes our beef broth I think I'm gonna use the plastic spoon for this one oh my God [Music] oh that like it's not good that's not gonna I jack I don't know [Music] I don't know what you're thinking man I hope you get better but [Music] I'm not gonna be real happy with you after this I think [Music] all right see you guys back here in four hours [Music] ugh wish me luck [Music] I guess it's not that bad [Music] well here we are four hours later and it's time to put in the spinach [Music] it smells better than it did initially but not good [Music] that should be good [Music] throw that around [Music] yeah that cooks down to about nothing to put another Handful in that should be funny [Music] okay here it is [Music] [Music] give it another mix here [Music] oh Jack what are you doing okay I think that's probably enough oh boy okay here we go it smells weird it kind of smells like [Music] human bean soup that was bad okay I'm just gonna have to do it hmm okay um it's kind of been a loss for words honestly it's it's not good it's not good um you could serve this at like a concentration camp Maybe uh possibly a gulag um if you were curious what it tastes like I'm trying to it's it's it's really hard to describe it's like um I I can't even describe it there's so there's so many different things going on but like none of them are particularly good um and it just kind of tastes very smoky uh in general and I didn't act the sirloin that I used I wasn't even smoked like just the turkey was and that was it but it seems like it's almost overwhelmingly Smoky and I didn't even put that much turkey in compared to the rest of the meat I mean you saw there's lots of just weird stuff going on it's just really weird and it's like it doesn't make me want to throw up but I would never want to eat this like really uh it's just it's just really weird uh it's really yeah there's a little bit of pepper because I didn't get any of the pepper so let me I want to be fair yeah it's really weird I can't recommend it I can't recommend it at all it's not the worst thing ever it's just it's just really it's just weird that's all I have to say about it it's just weird cut it I don't want to be dramatic I mean it's not like like if somebody served this to me at their house I could probably like force it down and be okay uh man I I I know it's I know I keep saying it but that's the best way to describe it is that it's it's just so weird it's just weird um that you're probably annoyed of hearing me say that um yeah it's just a lot of weird smokes Smoky pickled um stuff um you could eat it for survival I suppose and it's like it's not gonna make you throw up probably it's just I I do think I do think that maybe the cheese salad might have been worse than this um maybe they're yeah I would well yeah I would I guess I would pretty firmly say that I don't know I I'm actually I'm actually gonna save it for now because I know sometimes soup and stews can be better the next day uh maybe uh maybe the flavors will mingle together better oh in the fridge overnight or something um and maybe we'll see I I don't I don't have much hope for that but [Music] maybe I'll post it and up an addendum to my next video or something um thanks for watching guys uh I wouldn't recommend it I mean especially especially with like this is with all mostly fresh food like except for the green beans which were still good they just were expiring soon but like like just I'm just trying to imagine this with like rotten expiring food like Jack used and that would be uh you know probably have no redeeming qualities at all [Music]
Channel: Honest Tries
Views: 42,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Honest Try, Honest Tries, Cooking with Hoarders, garbage stew, disgusting recipes, cooking with Jack
Id: JOu2ea_Gv-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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