Hondo Owls Varsity Football vs Uvalde Coyotes

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good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to you valley texas it's the honey bowl and we're way up on top of the press box tonight because we were allowed to have the live feed of the filming of the game uh you valley opting not to do that only one video feed of the game allowed the home school obviously gets that option and they declined so the coaches asked if we wanted to do it and james estes was ample or excited not ample but he was excited to jump in and help me out and he's up here on top of the press box and that's why we had to come outside we do have the stadium speakers right here so you may hear from time to time you may be picking up some background noise we also have the evality bandits over here to my left and uh but there will be no hondo band tonight because of the covid and what's going on we've opted to not haul the band so no band tonight i'm not sure about the cheerleaders whether they're coming or not but so i think we're going to be all right i am bobby ainsley and i'll be doing it all by myself tonight uh tom had some previous engagement when the game was moved from friday to saturday he could not get his uh his commitment changed so uh he's uh he's out tonight and just thought it'd probably be easier just to come and get it done and we'll see what happens talk to coach carey on wednesday and he's excited about tonight a little unsure of what uvalde is going to bring to the table got a brand new head coach up here in uvalde coach miller he comes from that greater corpus area everybody knows the wing t and the slot t and all those guys come out of that corpus area he came up here and he likes to run the football however ivaldi's been a spread team for a number of years their opening game they struggled a little bit trying to do the running game so he flipped last week and went back to going with that spread offense and they performed a little bit better so we'll just have to see which one they come out in tonight and how it goes uh from uh from there the owls uh of course we had the covet problems and we think we have most of that behind us so we think we're pretty much back to full strength however you do have kids that were quarantined for 10 days hadn't practiced much in the last two weeks so uh you know we may have to knock the rust off of it just a little bit but you know what we're going to get after it we're going to play some honda wow football and see what we can get done here i see coach shepard bringing a speaker out uh two years or last year i guess the band was not allowed to travel to some of the home games so they uh they actually had uh brought some pipe to music so the kids would have something to run into on the piped music there were no uh freshman or jv games last night either no junior high no sub varsity football because the school was out monday for labor day they were out tuesday and wednesday for uh kovit to allow a little bit more time to let things ease up a little bit get everything cleaned up really good and then came back to school on thursday so coming back to school on thursday it just was too hard to get those those underclassmen up to practice and those kind of things so they just canceled all sub-varsity football for this week so we do have some of the jv kids that were invited to practice with the varsity just to make sure we had enough to run scout team and those kind of things those kids were invited to play tonight as well or suit up for the game tonight i did notice they do not have the stickers on their helmets sometimes if a kid gets moved up they slap that sticker on the helmet and he gets moved back down and everybody thinks for the rest of the season that he he's a varsity player just playing on thursday so no stickers on those helmets we hope some of those kids can get into the game tonight hey but before we go any further we do want to thank all of our sponsors we've got a great list sean fitzpatrick has put that together for us this year he's brand new to to uh doing the uh the sponsor so we appreciate him hermansen steakhouse y'all know it's been out there since 1946 we appreciate them they came on board last year tried to live stream the games i don't know if they ever got that done i know they struggled a little bit at the beginning but that's when we were using the old method now we've gone to the youtube channel so maybe they can get it done hondo national bank they've been in existence since 1901. medina healthcare system that's your medina regional hospital cross connections your local radio shack dealer w fuels uh ryan and jenn weimers j gruber properties and you all know jay uh he's got a daughter on the volleyball team and a son that's in the seventh grade of thinking he's got one uh young lady that's up at ut in college downtown dental stacy williams excuse me stacy jacobs excuse me that's the other twin is williams but stacy jacobs downtown dental the hondo veterinary hospital and that is of course dr galewski at their own on the edge of town and medina electric cooperative and we appreciate all of those sponsors for jumping in there as well as the hondo anvil herald we do one of those swap deals with the anvil harold i give him a few plugs on during game time and he puts an ad in the paper for us to promote that we will be uh broadcasting and how to tune into the game so once again we're on hubba dot club if you go to the hubba webpage you can just catch the link over we will have the video and james estes he's pretty techy so he's got the the commercial the sponsors he's actually rotating their logos throughout the course of the game and this year he's got it figured out how to get a scoreboard up there and i guess he'll probably help me keep score last week he had me keeping score but tonight he's sitting there right beside the laptop so he'll be able to handle the camera and the score and so we're just trying to to add a new wrinkle this year and uh with james's technology ability it really helps out a lot he's been a big asset to the broadcast the last couple of years meets me on wednesdays to do the coach's show and then of course shows up on game nights you sometimes don't go to out of town games because there's no video but here tonight so we do appreciate him for doing that and so uh hey we're uh just minutes away from uh the the uh getting this thing underway the 99th meeting between uvalde and hondo and i like what the the valde this is called the honey bowl and it's a pretty strong structure it's a concrete stadium and they've been playing in the honey bowl for 73 years so they've been here for a long time and of course this used to be a real honey oriented town out here with all the bees and lots of crops and the brush the mesquite and the wahia makes wonderful honey and so uh iggy valley was known for its honey and so 73 years ago they built the stadium they called it the honey bowl and it's the home of the uvalde coyotes and uh tonight take it on your hondo owls it is week three we dropped our opener and then we took a week off because of covid last week we were supposed to play little and we scratched out of that ball game got to heal the troops up hey really great news robert uh gonzalez iii rg3 is what they call him he is out of the hospital he's got his jersey on with his blue jeans and he'll be walking the sideline tonight that's a welcome sight that young man had a pretty close uh brush as he was hospitalized for a couple of weeks and just steps away from the dreaded ventilator and he fought through it and being a strong young man overcame it and so our hearts and prayers go out to robert that he continues to heal and that he can make it back out onto the field hopefully before the end of this season once again uh today is uh in case you haven't turned on the media social media or any kind of media the 20th anniversary of the 911 terrorist attack on the world trade centers in the pentagon and it looks like they've got something special planned here tonight they have an rotc that's going to bring the flags out in a little while they have the first responders down in the uh i guess if that would be the north end zone that raised the uvalde high school flag and so looks like they're going to have something a little bit special here this evening as as they should and as we've seen all all week all along the uh tv on college games and and everything in fact hondo is coming out and the first 10 guys out have american flags so we've run out with an american a texan and a hondo flag the last few years tonight we're bringing the troops and we've got a lot of american flags as does juvalde they're bringing out two american flags and then one for first responders uh it's black and white stripes with one red stripe down the middle so hondo coming out strong and in force with about 20 american flags looks like they may have possibly borrowed those from the boy scouts i know coach kerry called me and i said the lions club may be able to help you but those white poles look more like the boy scouts the ones they put in people's front yards they could borrow them this afternoon we'll have them back in the yard in the morning for the rest of the weekend so if you were one that donated your american flag for this evening's ball game we really appreciate that and it is a a time of remembrance and something that we always say we'll never forget and we truly never need to forget what happened that day from the flight 93 that crashed in pennsylvania and those brave young men and adults on that flight that did what they did to all the the first responders that did so much to get people out of the pentagon and out of the world trade centers and i watched of course like most of y'all probably did some of that on tv this week and it just brings back those memories uh that alan jackson song i was a i was one of those teachers in a classroom full of innocent children and i can just remember it like yesterday staring at a black and white tv and watching those things unfold it was it was awful scary uh at that time and and we've come a long way but we we don't we can never drop our guard because terrorism that's how they like to attack today and now they're doing something over the pa system four minutes away from kickoff we still have to flip the coin looks like we're gonna have a seven-man crew on the officiating again as what has become common and how about the fall in the air this week man how cool was that the mornings got cool the the days even though it got into the 90s it was very very arid and very peaceful and and or not peaceful but very uh comfortable to be outside so and that's what we've got tonight even though we're up on top of the press box of sun setting the edge is gone off of the heat of the day and it looks like it's gonna be a beautiful night [Music] and as always we will we will not speak during the playing of the national honor where the flag of the united states of america will be raised by the valley high school navy junior rotc at midfield the award-winning valley high school school navy rogue team color guard will present the colors the color guard is comprised of cadet third class petty officer alessandra lopez cadet first class petty officer and academic team captain marion lopez cadet master chief and unit commander master chief reginald brown and cadet third class petty officer ivana esquivel the coyotes in the valley high school student body takes particular pride in honoring all united states military veterans tonight at the 50-yard line in front of the cowell bench escorted by a cadet third class petty officer austin rodriguez and cadet third class petty officer jonathan ramirez are two united states military veterans united states army airport airborne specialist for alex castillo joined the army in october 1981 and was honorably discharged in october 1984. specialist fort castillo was attached to the 82nd airborne division operations urgent fury and was part of the grenada granada invasion he earned the combat infantry medal the expert infantry medal their parachutist medal the army arms forces expeditionary battle and two army accommodation medals also joining specialist castillo is dolly schultz show served the united states navy in october 1989 until already discharged december 2011 with the rank of the chief petty officer chief petty officer officer said there was no need to mention her awards as she and her as her greatest achievement was to have to raise three four to raise four wonderful children that are all currently serving in the united states navy anchors away the coyotes thanked all military veterans for their service but honored these individuals tonight by naming them our veterans of the game the colors will be followed by the aquaponics senior national anthem bayou valley high school student stevie perots [Music] let the time [Music] [Music] he streaming is [Music] that [Music] all right time for some football we've got the national anthem behind us sung by a member of the evaldi looks like she's in the dance team possibly we have the color guard removing the colors from the field at this time i'm gonna march them out the way they brought them in had the other members of the rotc navy rotc here in uvalde and they raised the flag to the top of the mass and brought it back down the half mast and that's exactly what you're supposed to do run it all the way up and then bring it back down to half and i appreciate them knowing the proper method of doing that some people uh to the north back their vehicles up along the fence and then there's even a yard over there they got a little barbecue pit going on and they all stopped and showed respect to this great country that we live in and we appreciate that just moments away now from captains meeting in the middle of the field as the flags still are exiting the color guard at this time marching off they've made it to the sideline and now they're making it their way over toward the track i think everybody was waiting on somebody to give us a signal there kind of got really quiet as they they were very close to marching all the way across the track and into the grass over there and then finally the pa guy told the fans they could be seated not a very large crowd from hondo i don't know if that's a saturday night thing i know the longhorns are playing but they're in arkansas but people like to watch those games on tv they could be watching the honda wells they could have it set up on the computer they could be watching the longhorns on the tv the aggies won earlier today by the hair on their chinny chin chins and so it's always they learned a lesson today how important the backup quarterback can be captains for the owls that are going to be at the middle of the field caden english is uh number ten number six standing beside him is anthony godea number 55 we had on the radio this week gabe guajardo and number 74 or she yes number 74 julio obregon julio not in uniform uh tonight as well that may have been who i i might have got julio mixed up for robert gonzalez the third rg3 because yes i do not see rg3 down there but i do see julio not suited up tonight so still still trying to work through some of the covid the restrictions and making sure everybody is 100 for eu valley coming out to be captains number seven is i think they're starting quarterback eli barboza number nine he sizes cordova both seniors number 67 is emmanuel flores and number 56 not in uniform injured got his foot in a boot is nathan barbosa so uh they're kind of like us they got three uh three healthy ones and one wounded warrior out there uh tonight on the the coin toss they've got some honorary first responders doing uh the captain work uh or the coin toss work i guess as the official's introducing uh one of the men right now he'll toss the coin honda will make the call while it's in the air they usually let it land on the ground and then they'll uh the coin is up and it lands on the ground everybody looks at it then the referee will distinguish who won the toss hondo has won the toss so do we want the ball or do we want and we're going to defer we'll make our decision at the beginning of the second half that means you value will get to decide now and usually at this point in time you're going to take the football so looks like hondo's defense will go to work first against the uvalde offense and hondo will be kicking from the north to the south we'll be moving left to right on the radio dial or you'll be able to just watch how we're moving on the on the video feed so i hope it's coming in clear we've got we do have the pa speakers i'm standing right between two of them so uh james told me he didn't think we had too much background noise so uvalde's offense is going to go to work hondo's defense will go to work early we're going to let roberto renteria the young man who a couple of weeks ago had never played football in his life and he is the kicker we grabbed him out of the halls of hondo he's a great soccer player and all you got to do is learn how to kick that ball and the balls vary a little bit and one's around and one is oblong and they're rocking the house now james so uh he says we don't have too much problem with that rock and roll music being blurred out there as you guys is about to receive it so uh very interesting is uh i'm up here on top harper harper scott one of the uh video guys is up here with me we might have to get a headset out for harper get some thoughts at halftime on what he thinks is going on in the game that would be interesting we can maybe get james to swing the camera over and all three of us i don't know this young man but i'm going to meet him before the night's over xavier is that your name yeah so i'll we'll we'll get headsets out and we'll we'll chat would that be cool yeah y'all would like that you got to get rid of all them sunflower seeds though so yeah we can't be eating sunflower seeds we'll see what happens maybe don't kick the tripod when you're trying the video roberto he tease it up you can see it right there just inside the right hash the coaches that's what we've been doing for a number of years got a couple of youngsters down there without logos number 18 is one of them jesse gutierrez he's gonna he's made him a little uh little friday night action as a jv guy and he made the kickoff team roberto gets it high end over end going to come down right at the five yard line number two he's got the football he breaks to his left that's about the side now he cuts back he's got a little room and all that number 11 right there for the owls good job two showing some moves tony hernandez he's showing a little some moves there but the owls did a good job of pinning him in a little bit making him work to get her and everything that he did get they're gonna drop him at about the 22 yard line it'll be first and 10 uvalde from that spot and that's always a good place to have him start back there inside that 25 if it goes in the end zone it comes out to the 25 number 14 is going to be your quarterback for uvalde brody karns only a sophomore and he's flashing signals they got three to the left one to the right and a back in the backfield and they're in the gun they're going spread brody looks left the whole time he's going up over the top number 31 and that is a very large young man i passed him on the track as i was coming around that young man they don't have heights in the book but i guarantee you he's probably six three six four he's a he's two three four inches taller than i am good job right there by the owls number eight for hondo getting in on that coverage jordan coronado will set that defense he's at one uh cornerback we'll get the other one in a minute anthony gideon is playing one of the safeties and joe adrian valenzuela the guy that made the tackle on the kickoff is our other safety karns brings him right back to the line in the same formation that's the wide side of the hit hard he's gonna be dropped wyatt boss is on the job ladies and gentlemen he's taking corns down they're gonna mark him at the 14-yard line drove him all the way back to about the 11. great blind side blitz by the al's wyatt boss the junior linebacker he'll be playing a little running back probably tonight as well he came in there unloaded on carnes and it's going to set you value up in third and long looks like they're going to have to get all the way to the 32. so they got about 17 18 yards to go for the first down they go typical spread with a ball in the middle of the field but karin's still looking left godaya no that's coronado he's got that interception they're going to give it to him as well great catch by jordan coronado getting the foot down and the owls are in business brody carnes looking to the left and throws it high that and he's if there's a little bit of a crosswind there maybe a little bit throwing into some wind almost looked like the ball held up just enough but a great sleeping catch by jordan coronado catching it at the height of his jump and then coming down and being having the field presence enough to get that foot in bounds and the owls are going to be ready to roll they're putting the ball down at the 41-yard line on you valdez side of the field we talk about field position and it's a short field position and it looks like number one is coming in caleb gown is going to come in at the quarterback position we've got two to the two to the left split out martavius we're gonna throw it out to martavius and martavius we're not quite ready for the football there martavius patterson and i guarantee you if you can get the ball into the hands of martavius patterson he is ex extremely fast he'll be in the top couple in the hundred and two hundred on the uh in track and field laid out of football the last couple years played when he was in junior high plays basketball great leaper has that great leaping ability and super speedy they're trying to work martavius back into to uh football uh shape and understanding and the difference of that game gown is still in the game but fake it to boss throws across the middle he's got a wide open jacob bailey the to the 10 to the five until about the one yard line mark him at the two great little pitching catch caleb gianna the senior another one that laid out a football came back last year and he's in the game play in the qb and he hits jacob bailey in stride and the owls are in business they mark it at the one yard line actually first and goal from the one yard line 10 40 left in the opening period after an interception on third down from by the gals over the overu valde now the owls driving with a football they faked to toss the jet sweeping giant steps into the end zone and hondo takes a six-nothing advantage a minute and a half into the football game this does not look like the same hondo team that we saw two weeks ago on berry field these kids came out fired up ready to play some football and now roberto renteria coming out the left footed kicker he'll put the t down right on the 10 yard line back up a couple of steps and then over to the right we saw him working on this we actually saw him kick some field goals he didn't have a hold or anything just out on the field as he drills that is he gonna hook it no he got it inside that right upright al's go up seven nothing 10 30 left in the first quarter our opening possession we go 41 yards on three plays in the owls taking advantage after the interception you got to turn those turnovers into points and that's what the honda owls did right there coach joe dale carey had that one mapped out using caleb gianna at the quarterback tonight as opposed to caden english who ran it last week had martavius patterson in the ball game and we didn't see him much in week one either so just a few different twists that hondo's putting on some things here to try to find out what what's going to work here in 2021 and remember we had kids with the quarantine and corona and all that other fun stuff too so roberto started to say he was putting the ball down on his his tee at 30 yards and kicking it well into the uh through the uprights into behind the back there on the high jump pad back there and uh he looked pretty strong so we like that for a young man who's never played football he's getting it figured out awful quickly right hash again that's the way hondo likes to do it not just roberto but uh all of them we've done it for years and your valley a young man just ran off the field he's having some issues with his helmet or something so they get a substitute out there roberto breaks his huddle they scatter across the field joe adrian valenzuela made that tackle on the first one play this position well they always say running your lane all the way down the field and he did a good job of not chasing the ball high end over in at the three yard line this time had him pinned against the sideline that's something else you want to do number two with the ball covers it up well as he was hit at about the 20 22 23 yard line and almost stripped away from him and he quickly got both hands over top of that ball and that would have been uh really good if hondo could have recovered a fumble there but tony hernandez gets the ball out this time to the 33-yard line where it'll be a fresh set of dance for uvalde your honda owls have the early in the ball game each team has had the ball and each team has run three offensive plays we intercepted their third play and we scored on our third play brody karns in the gun calls for the snap fakes to run into reverse number 17 has got the ball trying to put a move on anthony day he says nothing going in here comes the rest of the owls swarming to the football gabe guajardo getting in on some of that action as is number 44 for hondo greg guerra they're gonna drop him right at the line of scrimmage but best effort anthony godea your safety reddit got up the field played the outside shoulder of the runner and just held him in check and you know the rest of your team is on the way so do your job hold things up if you can tackle him do it but don't let him get away from you second they lose a yard second and 11. and carnes has three on the on the left side one is set in a wing he rolls that way throws out in the flat 17 again with the football and need to get his name he's hit by a bunch of owls anthony being the first one at the scene number 17 seems to be a favorite target joey martinez a senior wide receiver he's going to get some of it back out to the 35 gonna bring up third down and eight and they'd like to pass the football they prefer it coach miller is going to change this over the next year so he likes to to run the football but so far you've had the the kids that they have they're more of a passing style team so he adjusted to the student body that he had this year carnes takes draw up the middle hit at the line gets away from the first young man number 21 with the football julius martinez crosses the 40 to the 43 just enough he needed eight he got eight they're saying it's a first down they wind the clock move the sticks [Music] martinez number 56 felipe cue are playing the nose greg guerra playing the right d end we'll get those linebackers after this play carnes takes drops looks left got a lot of time only rushing three when you only rush three it's going to leave time to open holes there and there's a flag yes uh the young man is uh was blocked in the back just as he was about to be and now was about to tackle him they all got blocked in the back they're gonna mark it there about the 43 mark it back from that would have been first down yardage it's going to be a little short of the first down now but they'll get the the pass yardage and then they'll go backwards illegal block in the back is the call it's a spot foul so wherever it happens you mark from 10 yards back from that spot so it's going to go to about the 47 on uvalde side so they're going to have a pickup of about five yards oh we got a mocked up still first down take your first down over that was first down so we're good on downs they'll get the do-over on the down and they'll pick up four yards after the penalty is marked off first and six as the sophomore karns brings him back to the line tall rangy young man his cards i would bet he's probably in the books close to six foot typical spread with two on either side and he's got a back just to his right he fakes he gives it to the back he's hit right at the line of scrimmage he's gonna be dropped martinez is one of them there along with diego martinez teaming up for that tackle diego martinez linebacker leland rodriguez another one of our sophomores he played up last year number 22 tristan pettis is also into the linebacker and wyatt boss is the other linebacker joe adrian valenzuela anthony gadaya are the safeties jordan coronado preston coronado are the corners and here come the coyotes on second down and five karnes takes he's looking left and he looks he's going to deep up over the top again oh what a beautiful play by preston coronado outsized by about eight inches going for that number 31 again the real tall young man that is martin malik in the uh ball little underthrown but preston coronado used his body then just swatted it away third and five that was a big play right there i look for him maybe to go right back to malik again he's lined up preston coronado still over here on him preston where's the deuce karns with the snap drops looking looking pressure coming gets away from it just in time anthony goodall swats it into the air and then was spinning around trying to find a football leland rodriguez was coming over trying to find a football and couldn't get it done you valley's going to be forced to punt after picking up one first down they'll owls hold them even after with the benefit of a penalty flag in there and they're forced to punt and malik number 31 is their punter hondo sends jacob bailey back deep jacob sure-handed young man snap is back nice snap actually a little bit of pressure right up the middle shank of a punt hits at the 29 yard line and shoots it straight out of bounds and they should mark him rip they're going to mark him on the 30. and how they mark that is the referee goes exactly where their punter let go of the ball and then one of the other officials will walk up the sideline and where their two lines intersect is where the ball goes it's going to be on the hondo 30 yard line seven minutes and one second left in the first quarter hondo with a seven nothing advantage over the valley coyotes let's see what they do this time see if they stick with caleb gonna they are gonna stick with caleb where's number one brings him out he's got number three carlos arko says his running back number 40 the fullback brandon andreas two receivers in that wide slot over there to the left calls for the snap a little delay after the clap and arcos up the middle he's going to get five on first down and we'll take that good blocking at the line of scrimmage and we've got a flag on the far side of the the field let's see what the the laundry is thrown by the official the that's on the side over there offside against your valley now poor carlos arcos gets a five yard run but we're gonna take the five yard penalty so we can get the down over and so he gets nothing in the in the playbook but they're gonna walk it back to where the line of scrimmage was so they mark off exactly five yards and put the ball down exactly where it was so all right first down and five for hondo martavius patterson's over here to the right jacob bailey looks like wade caden over there to the left now andreas is going to move to the left and it looks like he's going to go tight end he's rolled up right on the line left tackle right now is bailey kindred w barrios is the center and philip player is the left guard we'll set the right side of the line after this fake to arcos trying to go up over the top in a gallon of getting rid of that real quick martavius was looking back but uh timing was way off between the two right there you had a free play so kind of take it out second and five hours let's see what uh coach jodel kerry and the offensive staff lines up jacob guyton and gabe guajardo are the right side of that old line you valley we were told likes to attack oh arco's trying to get the outside edge and it is not there number 48 is there to drop him and that was part of that attacking and now the owls are dropped back and it's going to be third and eight now we're in uncomfortable territory wade cayden is on the left side by himself bailey comes over to play the slot receiver on the right bennett is uh patterson excuse me is lined up way to the right i formation with the backs now they look to the sideline with 10 on the play clock gunner checks out arkos moves from the left to the right so it looks like we have altered the play fake it to arcos he picks up somebody lets it go across the middle dangerous throw by guyana had to get it past two coyotes to try to get it to bailey almost intercepted there and the owls are going to be forced to punt on their second possession after picking up five yards on first down with the run a nice run from carlos arcos and then we had the penalty then we tried to try to go deep to patterson timing off there then incomplete on third down as well [Music] the punter for hondo is caden english remember he is the back uh he's the quarter he is a quarterback too and you valley is going to take a timeout well if he'll be a little confused with their their personnel so they're taking a timeout hey well it gives us a chance to thank hermanson's uh steakhouse family owned and operated since 1946 bryce and all the crew over there uh home of that world famous pepper steak and all kind of other good things they have i like to get that where they call it the longhorn you get a steak and an enchilada that's what i like to get when i go there they've got daily lunch specials stop by and get those as well they've got tvs in the the one the bar area there they've always got sports going on them so uh stop in and see bryce and all the crew at hermanson steakhouse since 1946 they've been doing it from basically right there in that same spot we also since still going we'll just take the time to thank the haunter national bank your friend your neighbor your banker stop by to see them for all your banking needs wide variety of deposit and loan products covering anything you may want locally owned and operated the hometown go to bank all right back to action caden english and martavius patterson now goes in motion from the left to the right and resets over there remember english is a quarterback as well as the punter i would not think we would do anything too crazy and he does the rugby style that time he gets off a nice spiral and that's going to go out of bounds kind of hard to gauge from where we were it's not going to be as i don't think as good as uh we wanted it to be but we're up to the 32-yard line so not too bad it was just about a well gosh about a 30 38 yard punt no return so that's not too bad i did like that little rugby run and we had two guys there and i'm thinking there might be a green light eight yards is a long way to run for a first down but there might be a green light there if that's a little shorter than that and that's all they do to try to get us all right here comes your valley 5 54 left opening period honda with a 7-nothing advantage and now you've already's gone into the wing t and they're all in tight they're staying in the gun but they've got three running backs up there and they're going to try to they're running it out of the gun number 21 doing the wildcat and he's going to be brought down by preston coronado he's going to get to the 35-yard line pick up three yards and now we've got a stoppage in play by the official on the far side i'm not sure he's pointed back to the chain there's something wrong with the chains over there that's the linesman got a kink in the chain or something they're not they don't have to go 10 yards right now one year we go down the pier saw and we're in the home press box and we look out so the chains are always on the visitor's side and we had a good kicker back then i think it might have been newman he booms it into the end zone they bring the ball up to the 20 yard line they put the chain down on the 20 and you only had to get to the 29 to get a first down it was literally a 9 foot chain and that was all we played the whole game with a 9 foot chain so i don't know how you make that work but we did high school football in a small town i guess that's just how it works they're still over there trying to get those chains straightened out while we do that let's just turn the page and thank cross connections radio shack we've got the hot spot right down here at my feet we appreciate stacey and michelle for making this possible all the other crew they got going on over there they are your local att cell phone store they've got all the audio equipment and more importantly some great advice if you need anything just head in there and they will gladly help you out looks like they've resolved the chain issue over there on the far side second down and about seven and they're working out of the gun and they got they just snap it to the quarterback who's a running back and he's hit hard number 33 was carrying at that time joshua camacho he's going to pick up just about two it's going to be third and five and this is what miller the new head coach this is what he likes to do as opposed to that spread he tried to spread a little bit was ineffective gave it two possessions and now they're coming back to it and i mean everybody is in a very tight little group up there at the line of scrimmage now one backs in motion keeps his running going and the quarterback catches it he just follows the other ones he's got first down yardage essentially they're snapping it to the quarterback who is a running back and everybody else just lead blocks away into the hole and they just kind of out man you he gets out to the 44-yard line it'll be a fresh set of downs for uvalde and hondo's gonna have to figure out how to stop that sounds like bill mitchell is probably still doing the pa here because he's really big on the first down thing you value with the ball at their own 44-yard line honda with a seven nothing advantage you can see that on your screen if you're watching it number 21 is checked in at the quarterback he'll reach up he taps one guy who goes in motion now they're going to run it back and he just waits he just sits there and hops and gives the offense the line and the the backs some time to block and then he just shoots through the opening second down second in about five got word in from becky scott that the audio and the video is pretty nice tonight gabe cortez he wants some cross-country love we'll get that to you in a second you got to give me the love so i can share the love 21 with the ball again and he just ran over it now that time for a first down across the 50-yard line to the hondo 45 [Music] and they've uh they've settled into this running uh style right here hondo's made an adjustment we've brought number 77 dalter dalton werner dalton is a big old load probably the largest of the honda owls this year and uh they brought him in to play a little nose tackle try to plug up that middle and hondo's gonna take a time out and while they do that let's talk about that cross country team just a little bit they were in bandera today and the varsity boys team and the girls team they did very well everybody from the boys and girls improved their times gabe you need to go back and read your text because you really don't want me to read what you typed to me looking forward to the next meet in ingram next weekend everybody improved their times see he said everybody improve their times yeah that's not uh not what he typed the first time so we're congratulations to gabe and the cross country guys girls up early every morning out running the streets and then up early on saturdays go to those meets get it done and then next week they're going to ingram you got to figure they're going to drive i don't know how long it takes to get to ingram a good hour and a half to get to ingram they're gonna drive that and then it takes them about 20 minutes to run the varsity boys that didn't even take that long and then turn around and drive back so hey but that's all right kids are involved he's got a great program he's got several kids running in college right now so congratulations cross country and good luck next week in england all right coyotes first and ten in the house stacking the line moved everybody down a little tighter and beefed it up just a little bit 33 with the ball this time trying to get to the second level he does he's a big load josh camacho inside the 30 to the 28 yard line it'll be another first down for you valley and right now it's just smash mouth and they go quick you can they're going quick too they're running quick and if you're watching it on tv they they line up three running backs and then they put a guy behind him then he touches the one in the middle and that guy goes to one side or the other and they usually run right behind him camacho again with the ball he is a big load a big full back style that time number 44 garrett getting up with the football he managed to swat it away from him he gets inside the 25 to the 24s that's a four yard pickup second and six three minutes left in the quarter honda with a seven nothing lead but you validity threatening here now that they've gone back to what coach miller likes to run they've switched out the back looks like 21 is in the game again no it's 28 this time and they just keep rotating those backs nice job by leland rodriguez getting to him and bringing him down he's going to pick up a couple of yards that'll bring up the third down and about four and now camacho comes back he's the load camacho is a senior [Music] bring him up three line up in a straight line camacho's behind him now he reaches up taps the one in the middle he moves he goes left this time a lot of times they they're going to go right behind him to the left camacho lowers the head and the rugby scrum goes forward down to the 16-17 yard line that's first down yardage and you valde threatening late in the first quarter after two series of spread offense [Music] they're getting bill mitchell wound up on the pa system he was the county judge here for years he may still be the county judge i don't know but he's been their pa guy for a long time kind of like hondo noni jennings and jeff berger they did about a hundred years of the fumble the snap this time can we get him no penetration by the owls dalton werner finally grabs him around the waist and some more owls come to help had a golden opportunity just couldn't get any penetration that time as camacho fumbled a snap and bobbled it a little bit as he was trying to pick it up now 21 comes in for him that's julius martinez second and 10 they gave him that the down box is way in the wrong place yeah they're over there talking not paying attention mark martinez with the ball and in the end zone and it's a one point ball game pinning an extra point javaldi shifts gears and goes to the run and julius martinez he's a sophomore he finds pay dirt and right now pinning an extra point we've got a diff a new ball game 7-6 will hold it number five will attempt the extra point snap is down kick is up and he's gonna put you right through 7-7 with 104 left in the first quarter it's been a pretty uh exciting first quarter actually how about medina community hospital the medina health care system provides local residents quality health care resources close to home without having to drive to san antonio for their needs the health care system has seven family practice physicians a full-time ob gyn full-time surgeon and four nurse practitioners locations in hondo divine and castroville the medina healthcare system providing quality care close to home and then the honda anvil herald medina counties newspaper since 1886 it's the only news source you need to keep up with the happenings in hondo castroville the hennes and savinelle keep up with the news from the cities the county school districts local clubs police and sheriff's departments and much more and of course the most thorough coverage of local and area sports anywhere pick up a copy each thursday or get a subscription for thirty seven dollars a year the hondo envelope says go blue and now number 33 camacho tease it up we were watching him or is it malik i think it's 31. it is malik is gonna teed up we're watching him in the pregame he's got pretty strong leg gets it up uh was getting it up in the air but i think he had a tailwind he might be kicking into a little bit of a wind here late in the first quarter up to the ball he's a left footer as well very high end over end coronado lets it land in the end zone and we'll take it to 25. if it lands in the end zone and flying in the air then it's automatically a dead ball and comes out to the 25-yard line so they'll bring it out that's where your honda wells will start on their third position after uh their first possession was three plays and in the end zone their second possession we stumbled a little bit and punted the football this will be our third possession of the quarter valley their first position we made it had an interception and then they punted and then they scored a touchdown so kind of trading punches two heavyweights is met in the middle of the ring and uh trying to figure each other out let's see who can gain the upper hand there is a flag down that's what like what is taking so long but there is a flag down it appears your valde was offside so you can um two men were not on the line five yard penalty from the 25 the ball comes in play after 30. so we'll get five yards added to that he called it an illegal procedure i don't think i've ever heard that before i said two men were not on the line so i guess there's a certain area that you need to be so here they come ghana still at quarterback he's got wyatt boss and andreas in there is the backs he's got the wide slot of bailey and patterson to the right he's got wade caden to the left caden's got the height advantage over there manned up and they play man we knew they played man they give it up the middle of the boss and he's only going to get a couple of yards fake the jet sweep to bailey and gave the ball to boss he's going to get two yards to the 32 second down and eight al's no huddle but they're patient they just don't allow you to substitute that's that's the advantage of that no huddle and dress lines up in the wing to the right this time boss on the right side of gown as well rolling right he's going he's got boston he overthrows him we make that and we're going to get some good yardage right there right out the right off the outstretch fingertips of wyatt boss that'll bring up third down today we would have got the first down on that i'm pretty pretty convinced with the amount of yard grass that wyatt had in front of him and once he gets a little head of steam going good things can happen good running back plays linebacker both sides of the ball right now still trying to get everybody back over there on the sideline third and eight incomplete pass stops the clock with 30 seconds left in the quarter it's 7-7 runs the inside counter boss with the football he fumbles the football and they're still fighting for way on the far side of the field and he's going to come up wade caden actually comes up with the football back at the 25 yard line and the owls are going to be forced to punt on fourth and 15. number two semi dangerous back there shifty tony hernandez goes deep slowly valley has flipped his field before the first half of the quarter we played on the uvalde side in the second half of this quarter we've played pretty much on the honda side caden english in the punt the football snap is back rugby punt style again this one's going to hit the ground hope we get a roll grass fields don't roll like turf fields hernandez picks it up martavius patterson right there to sling him to the ground at the 36 yard line it'll be first in 10 for ya valdi and i'm betting anything they stick with that running formation they're going to do that until we stop it let's see what the owls can do i'm sure there was some chatter going over there on the sideline with the defensive coaches coach templin making adjustments been an entertaining first half temperature up here very pleasant on top of the press box james est is running the camera right beside me getting a good view of the game he's got a little scoreboard on there so you can just walk through and see because i know y'all always critique me i don't say the score enough 21 in he's the one that scored it he's the sophomore he's gonna follow the left cut back to the right hit leland rodriguez he's one of our sophomores he's gonna drop him for after about a two yard game that'll be the last play of the first quarter 7-7 ball game will turn it around and see what happens let's uh let's thank some more of our sponsors cnw fuels owned by hondo graduates ryan and jen weimers providing fuel and propane to hondo uvalde and the surrounding area they can put a big tank at your house whether you need a fuel tank or a propane tank they have premium non-ethanol fuel for can be delivered or you can pick up at their retail locations i know chainsaws and weed eaters uh your lawn mowers boats anything that that that gas may be in over an extended period of time the non-ethanol is the best uh to go with there go see them at any of their credit card sites or local uh stores in hondo savannah valley they stress customer service they appreciate all the customers they have c and w fuels we appreciate them jumping in this year as we do also with hondo veterinary hospital serving hondo and the surrounding area since 1943 that's 78 years folks they've offered small and large animal services call dr golusky and his staff to set up your appointment at 830-426-3771 once again 830-426-3771 hondo veterinary hospital we appreciate them becoming a sponsor of hondo's sport all right just waiting on the officials to get everything set they whistle it ready for play and martinez 21 the sophomore is back there in the quarterback position sends his full back up he goes to the right this time snap is back a little delay now he's looks like he might try to throw the ball now he just runs and now he throws it and it's incomplete incomplete and nice little uh job by the receiver to bring it in number 24 but uh it skipped off the grass natural turf here in uh uvalde not many natural grass fields left in the state of texas but they have one that's going to bring up third down and eight and now they're going to go back to the spread in the long yardage situation brody karns the sophomore quarterback comes back out he sends three receivers to the right which is the wider side of the field one goes over there to the left he's out there solo against preston coronado he keeps martinez in the backfield you got to watch him he's a good runner and martinez is carnes takes fake no he does he gives a draw right up the middle martinez with first down yardage and more joe adrian valenzuela is there to get him drive him out of bounds that's a good call right there by yevaldi thinking karns is going to throw it on third and long and all of a sudden the offensive lineman i mean the defensive linemen think they're getting through and uh they've got a uh they think they're pushing that o line back but it's a draw and you kind of let them go past you and then right up the gut goes martinez they stick with the spread for now and karn's checking his wristband ball on the left hash so three receivers on the right side takes option read up the middle karns keeps it get tries to get outside nice job that time by wyatt boss coming up getting a hold of him and wrapping him up and hanging on as he drug him to the ground getting some the second help and 12. let's see they're gonna drop in one two three yard loss make it second and 13. early second quarter action after having a third and eight you value with a big gain across the 50-yard line hondo's defense up to the task now stopping them on first down putting them in second and long let's see what the owls can do here karn stakes drops looks out to his left open receiver 17 thrown underneath and well executed play right there throw it short and all your other receivers are just blockers as it gets down to the 35-yard line yeah they uh you'll see that you'll see that play run off in at the on saturday and sunday where they throw it to one receiver but the other ones are they're strictly blockers they know what they're doing now the spread goes two to the right two to the left they're pretty close together over here on the right call them twins draw up the middle again to martinez and greg guerra got a hold of him we come off the pile with the football all the owls are signaling the officials are not signaling they're saying second down so they're saying that he had already hit the ground when he lost the ball picks up good yardage though he's gonna get about six on that seven on that carry he's gonna bring a second down in a long three or a short four empties the backfield now sending three to the left and two to the right he's in the backfield by himself gonna challenge that al secondary and those linebackers calls for a man in motion that stu puts him in the backfield jet sweep number two with the ball he's their kick returner he's got the wheels he's in the end zone is where he's in i was about to say he's at the second level in the secondary but number two tony hernandez finds paydirt number two and uvaldi takes their first lead of the ball game right now the uvalde play calling is is really good they're mixing blending they're running different plays that they hadn't run in the first quarter and more importantly they've got good execution going on their offensive line is uh getting the blocks done and and we just uh failed to tackle him a little bit there that kick is missed he hooked that one to the right 13-7 you valdy with the advantage around that one a missed extra point hopefully that comes in the play well we've got a second let's talk about j gruber properties full service brokerage firm providing farm and ranch commercial as well as residential properties throughout the state of texas their mission serve the clients real estate needs with honesty and professionalism whether representing the buyer or the seller they strive to make the experience satisfying for all if you're thinking about buying or selling a piece of property give them a call at 426-5200 426-5200 malik tease it up on the north 40 this time the al said martavius patterson and preston coronado deep number eighty vs patterson kicking off number 31 9 43 left in the half you valde 13 to 7 and hondo's gotta figure out a couple of defensive issues and once we get that done we should be all right but right now you valdy's running some almost looks like some stuff that we weren't ready for all right up to the ball patterson he drills it not patterson malik to patterson that goes into the end zone and martavius is going to bring it out gutsy move by the junior he's got the wheels he could go oh the way he's gonna go 100 plus yards the rule is always if it bounces off of you and goes into the end zone just kneel it martavius picks it up and he says let me show you what the wheels can do he breaks it down the honda side of the field about 106 yards you don't get to count those end zone yards it was pretty shaky at about the 10 and 15 yard line but once he got past them the only one to beat was the kicker who gave a pretty good shot at him around the 30-yard line and then martavius just pulled away from him and goes in untouched a hundred plus yards martavius patterson kickoff return for your honda owls and just that quick lightning strikes back the other direction roberto renteria is out he's got the t down the snap is back that's andreas the hold is gonna and roberto puts the owls back in the lead 14 to 13 9 27 so as fast as you can run 100 yards in a football uniform the owls have flipped the scoreboard back to their favor and you gotta think that that just has to take a little wind out of the sails of the yevaldi coyotes some dejected players walking up and down the sideline over here we're on the uvaldi side of course they're coaches trying to counsel them just a little bit hopefully some of that 100-yard dash took a little wind out of a couple of their running backs it might have been on the kickoff team i know 31 he's been out there running the ball and catching some passes so hopefully we'll take a little energy out of them mark tavious patterson welcome to friday night as he goes the distance a hundred plus yards ball bounced off his hands at about the two or three yard line and i think there was a little hesitation as it went into the end zone you're allowed to kneel that ball but he didn't know that he i think there was a little you know when it's game day trying to remember all those options is a little bit difficult and uh he picked it up and said i got to run it out he ran straight down that hondo sideline and looked pretty sweet as he passed the 50 and started to separate from the crew then he only had one guy to beat which he obviously did now rictoria comes out he's going to tee it up he'll be kicking wind is really settled down at the field level the flag's in the north end zone at the uh the american flag and the uvalde flag are both straight down on the poles so don't think the wind is too much of an issue right now nice dry air ball should fly through the dry air better renteria's got it teed up almost straight up and down owls are all got their foot on the line ready to roll roberto up to the ball pooch kicks at this time he's going to hit the ground at about the 20 kicks it out of bounds so now there's all the things you can take it at the 30 you can make him kick it over and let's see what you've all the ops to do here you can either take it at the 30 yard line you can take it five yards from where it went out of bounds but that's not advantageous you can take it 30 yards from where they kicked it or you can take it at the 30 yard line so he's going to take it at the 30 yard line first and 10 uvaldi 9 27 still 9 27 left 30 yard line carnes is back out there so we're in the gun it was like they they used that running formation just to reassert themselves and then once they got it figured they got things rolling then they opted to go back to the gun but he's got martinez the dangerous sophomore in the backfield with him they ran a couple of draws using martinez with our three-man front and they put five receivers or four receivers in the pattern we've got to be aware of all that andreas in playing a little middle linebacker right now snap is back and they give it to martinez off the right side getting there driving him out of bounds five-yard game driven out of bounds by number 26 i think that's that is a move up that is one of the oredondos number 26 michael oredondo a sophomore move up no h on that helmet nice job playing some outside linebacker getting in the game and making a tackle coach kerry trying to rotate some bodies in there and keep kids fresh because we are still a little short-handed reverse this time 17 with the football and i tell you what their receivers number 84 i've seen him block downfield a couple of times he does a nice job blocking downfield got to give that kid a little bit of credit because he does a good job finally drive him out of bounds but all the way out to the 45-yard line 84 is jarrett hernandez a junior and i know on the one little short pass that they got to 17 they like to go to 17 love they were using him early joey martinez play clock at 15 as they just get the play in karn's signals to everybody as he checks his wristband he's got three receivers over there to the left takes and going to give on the draw up the middle to martinez 21. he's hit at the line of scrimmage by hondo's 21 diego martinez but he bounces off of martinez and he crosses and he gets to the 45 on the other side going to be within inches of a first down they're asking the headlines man if it is a first down he says it is and they they move the sticks and you value moving the ball methodically here mid we're getting into the mid part of this second quarter honda with a 14-13 advantage snap is back karn's dropping this time going up over the top they've been working this play and oh they connected that time jordan coronado got beat that time and now we got the wind at our back same play he intercepted the ball on earlier in the game but they were thrown into the wind and that time number 84 you've been doing a good job blocking jared hernandez you are rewarded with the fly pattern up over the top and jordan coronado comes up a little short and you valley regains the lead now do they go for two yes they're gonna go for two to try to get back on the sevens and this is a back and forth seesaw kind of a battle back to the running formation with camacho in a time timeout taken by your valley and their coach is furious oh he didn't have the right personnel on the field and that poor young man and all the people in the stadium know exactly who was not out on the field and he is taking a pretty good uh talking to right now by coach miller of your valley they got out there and they counted their numbers and they were a player short and the play clock was getting down forced to use a timeout that cuts them down to one timeout left in the half hondo has two left let's uh see what he draws up he's got camacho in there number 33 and he's going to have just a ton of lead fullback type kids that lead the way through the hole the quarterback bounces with the ball once or twice to allow time for a seam to open and then he darts through that seam what can the owls do here to answer sends the man to the right usually they run that direction he goes right that direction and he's in the end zone back on the sevens just cannot answer that that offensive set yet and of course they only needed three yards that time 21-14 and i bet they don't kick it to martavius this time their kicker i think has a strong enough leg to possibly just kick it all the way into the end zone and i think if i had that i would just go ahead and do that and let that don't worry about it make hondo bring it out to the 25 yard line and don't take a chance on letting them run it back coach miller down there he even sticks his head in on the kickoff team this time i'm sure to encourage them to not give up and sometimes you see that ball go into the end zone and you ease up just a little bit and [Music] goes back along with preston coronado and don't think preston coronado can't make some some lightning happen as well malik number 31's got it teed up he puts it right in the middle of the field our guys are standing on the hashes hash marks at the five yard line let's see who he kicks it to this time up to the ball he comes foot's in it a knuckle ball that whoo barely went into the end zone that thing was starting to hook hit the ground at about the 10 and preston coronado was the closest one to it and then he kind of got away from it thinking it had enough momentum to go into the end zone and that thing started to turn to the right and i thought preston stay with that football and then it finally did work its way into the end zone automatic touchback bring it out to the 25 yard line they changed that punts it it still would be the 20 but kickoffs it's the 25-yard line actually trying to encourage people not to bring it out and give you more of a reason not to bring it out because kickoffs are one of the areas where lots of kids uh or athletes get injured because of the speed of the contact the people running at full blast so caleb gonna he's gone the entire first half he's got carlos sarcos and brandon andreas in the backfield with him martavius over there to the right by himself wade caden jacob bailly down here to the left gives it to carlos arcos up the middle he's got another five yard gain nice job by caleb piana carrying out the fake after he handed that ball he raised up looked to the left over here to bailey and caden looked like he might throw the football freeze that linebackers in those defensive backs give carlos arcos a opportunity give him five on the carry second down and five plenty of time still we're just under eight minutes left in the half 21-14 you value with the lead giant calls for the snap they're coming we knew they would come a lot gianna on the keeper oh he tripped oh man he was about to have big yardage somebody got down there around a shoelace tripped up caleb they're gonna mark him down where are they gonna mark him just about a yard short bring up third and one good play fake i like that quarterback's got to run the ball some doesn't have to run it all the time like to get the ball in the hands of brandon andreas he showed us uh he could do some some damage last year some games has good hands good baseball player and he's a big stout athlete here comes your validity pressure at the line got to get that yard we've got the first down yardage good job caleb gunna again running it right up the middle and his patience just like the valley patients sitting back there watching staying on his toes and then moving forward picked up five yards first down out to the 39 yard line and a nice methodical drive all the way down the field that would be a good thing we could do right here we've stayed in the same formation with the wide slot to the left side jacob bailey wade caden martavius patterson to the right by himself brandon andreas carlos arcos in the backfield this time they're in that kind of the i formation to the left oh and there's going to be a flag on carlos arko's this will be interesting because they had a guy kind of up in the neutral zone but you cannot allow to flinch in that backfield and i think carlos actually reacted to him but i think it's going to be called against hondo or at least number nine for uvalde is convinced it's going to be against hondo and they are going to call it on the owls start off five yard penalties i guess the public address announcer doesn't realize that the referee is miked up as the referee was still talking and he started talking over him still first down but we lost five yards so first in 15 ball back to the 34 yard line 624 left in the half 21-14 you value with the advantage they're banned down there on the sideline and now number 62 that's w barrios checking out he might have a little blade he's got some blood on a on an elbow i think looks like number 66 checked in for him might be 56. felipe cuellar not yes philippe is a one guard gabe guajardos at the other guard four down lyman right now but they bring the backers oh no caleb gonna you better get rid of it he throws oh did he he listened to me but it wasn't a good thing that's a pick six oh no you gotta throw that where nobody can get it and he threw it right to number six and your valley goes up by two scores elijah carroll another sophomore on this uvalde team they've got a lot of young players making plays [Music] you got to get that one to the line of scrimmage or pass the line of scrimmage but not where anybody can catch it throw that thing leave yourself room to make another play now malik in to attempt the extra point he did not attempt the first two they made one and missed one and that one's through and good 28-14 just that quick pretty much exactly in the middle of the second quarter 554 left in the quarter downtown dental some of our good friends would like to congratulate all the athletes on their hard work and wish them good luck on the game tonight come on down the downtown dental a general dentistry practice in the heart of hondo see dr jacobs for all your dental needs they'd love to see your smiling face dr stacy jacobs and all her staff and of course medina electric cooperative they strive to serve the long-term interest of the community they've been doing that for more than 80 years over the years they've made donations to schools non-profits families facing hardships their employees step in and donate time to local community organizations when it is needed more than 80 years ago medina electric cooperative was built by the community to serve the community and that's what they continue to do power on with medina electric cooperative we appreciate all of our sponsors they make this broadcast possible and this remember folks this is a win-win in this day and age with haba doing the broadcasting if you're if you own a business and you're a sponsor you can write it off as advertising you can write it off as a donation to a non-profit organization because all the proceeds goes back to haba and they buy equipment for the athletic program to get the kids things that they may not be able to get otherwise so it's a win-win since haba took over the uh the broadcasting of the the games malik high end over in kick that one's gonna land in the end zone and the owls will once again start the 25-yard line 554 left in the half hondo trailing 2814 and we were hoping that 100 yard kickoff return would spark uh hondo and deflate yuvali but seems to have done just the opposite with evaldi scoring twice since then and hondo uh throwing the interception actually so let's see what the owls can do here on this possession gown comes back out bailey and patterson to the right greg guerra in playing some tight end for brandon andreas wade caden over here to the left have not thrown the ball to wade caden tonight he had a not a real good game last year he did a lot of good things for the owls but he had a rough first game against memorial and we haven't tried to find him yet rolling to the right a little pitching catch over the outstretched arms and caleb gown is throwing everything a little bit high and i think sometimes that's uh that's just adrenaline usually it settles in by this time of the game but you know maybe after that last little interception he's a little jacked up just got a calm calming himself down there second and ten now play called from the sideline no huddle play clock at 15. wide slot with martavius all the way up past the numbers close to the sideline bailey about halfway from him back to the the line they're going to give to arcos up the middle he's just going to get a few yards crossing from the 25 out to the 28 it's gonna bring up third down and about seven sometimes you string those receivers way out because you're dragging defenders out away from the box and if you're running back and break to the next level good things can happen arcos is a junior now boss is going to check in on third and long guerra is still in the game giving andreas a little breather andreas was playing some linebacker last go-around snap is back looking looking going up over the top looking for wade caden right now lots of tugging and pulling on each other and the ball is going to be just overthrown down honda's going to be forced to punt i don't have a number on that young man both the valley training staff and sheldon white down there working on the young man any hit to the shin is extremely painful so i'm hoping that's what it is and not had that knee that he was grasping that leg in that area hondo has retreated to the sideline to visit with the coaching staff as they get the young man up jacob guyton number 72 that's who it's going to be one of the tackles for hondo number 72 he's a senior leaving the field under his own power that's always a good sign so hopefully we just took a leg whip on his on that shin and he can walk it off and get back out there sheldon is taking him down they'll work on him down there a little bit bailey kindred will come in for him butt team is in caden english is the punter fourth and seven they always jack rushing always said the first opportunity you get to do a fake punt in a ball game in your season you do it but there's rules the ball had to be out to at least the 40-yard line and you had to have two yards or less to go for the first down well we're uh we're away from a couple of those rules the rugby style and the owls touched the ball that was number one gown actually down there on punt coverage and touched the ball at the 40-yard line 447 left in the half you validate 2814 with the advantage we're going to get the ball to start the second half so stop right here and the score would be huge for us let's flip this momentum right now all the momentum is wearing maroon and not much in the blue and while we had some early just like against memorial we had the early momentum and lost it and memorial gained presence says the game went on brody carnes back in the gun they're running the spread again this is what yuvaldi's done for years miller likes that tight run stuff but i'm i'm looking for them here they come on a reverse 17 with the ball joe adrian valenzuela great play but you got to make the tackle number 21 comes up diego martinez and helps but he the guy gets away from martinez as well and then by then though here came the rest of the owls got number nine in playing some safety or is that an eight if that's an eight oh i think that's i think it is nine i think that's uh richter dj richter that looks like that's who that is because he was in the first ball game he's not on my program i need to check my updated version snap his back karns gives up the middle martinez with the ball number 21 hit hard by boss but he just keeps twisting and turning and moving forward and he's going to get all the way out to the 49-yard line he's gonna pick up about eight yards and that'll bring up third and one third plenty of time you value with one timeout they have plenty of time to to uh they don't have to get in a hurry yet they don't have to start throwing the ball they're they're running the ball so effectively sal defense needs to step up and stop him left the end now in now is colton martinez rotating into the ball game and they're going up over the top 84 intended receiver again preston coronado and our cornerbacks keep switching preston and jordan they kind of keep switching back and forth because last time it was jordan over here on this side fourth down and two now and it's decision time and they bring in the running formation because we haven't stopped the run for a uh at the line of scrimmage or for a loss the entire ball game camacho in bet the kid the fullback's going to come up and come to the right he does come to the right they're coming this way hops to hit colton martinez on to stop push back in the owls one of the guys oh man it was forever before they blew that whistle a new rule the rugby scrum was supposed to be blown dead a little bit quicker colton martinez number 17 managed to get some penetration and wrapped up camacho in the backfield camacho kept the legs driving then everybody started getting in both sides and they stopped him really for a loss of a yard just called him out on it and the owls get the ball on a field less than 50 yards that's the first time that's happened since the first quarter 3 10 left we've got two timeouts plenty of time to punch one in here hondo comes straight to the line guyana has been at the quarterback position andreas is back in he's going up as the tight end signals caden to get back off the line of scrimmage that's good those kids are communicating and no gianna looking going up over the top looking for jacob bailey bailey's not looking for the ball kind of hand fighting down there and that's going to fall incomplete and it's going to bring up second and 10. hal is trying to strike quickly looking to the sideline coaches flashing signals they have two or three coaches flashing the signals so obviously only one of them really matters but uh let's see what gowner does with the wide slot to the right and wade caden the lone guy over here to the left fakes throws a dart across the middle that was a pass that worked early in the game jacob is incomplete brings up a third down he's gonna bring up third down and ten and what looks so promising caleb gonna read in the field and they we were told that they play man coverage and they they try to bring pressure they're bringing five or six guys on every play trying to outman you he fakes it to gowner or to boss and tries to run it up the middle and it looked like it was there for a second and he's only going to get back to the line of scrimmage and they're going to be forced to punt right now they're playing the old hondo waltz one two three kick one two three kick 238 left and i'm sure coach jodo carey will run this clock way down still has his offense out there on the field actually caleb gonna caden english is not out there he may burn a timeout he's going to run it all the way down is what he's going to do he is standing by the official play clock is at three he calls the timeout 212 left he'll bring his troops over and now he'll send his punt team in i would assume and they'll punt the football got to play field position right here you validate with just one timeout left try to pin them deep and always try to pin them deep make them go the distance you don't want to give them a short field honda came out early and looked strong and we've just struggled since then trisha killhorn checking in she's listening she is jacob bailey's aunt she has a son that's on the jv team he's probably he might be down there on the sideline a lot of times he helps keep stats or be the bald boy or whatever he just likes to be involved josh and the owls are lined up to go for it now maybe ghiano is going to pooch planet what do you think now there's a flag and the headlines i swear he called illegal procedure or a false start tried to simulate the snap to try to get them to jump offside now if eli's going to punt it he's got guys on his right side that's dangerous because you don't want to punt it into them w barrios is the center he like calls for the snap and he pooch punts it they have nobody back so this is going to work to the al's advantage and he gets a beautiful roll all the way down to the six yard line so 204 left into half and [Music] your valley will have two minutes and four seconds and 94 yards in front of them let's see if honda can stop them and then you've got remember honda will get the ball to start the second half been an entertaining first half not as entertaining as we would like it been a lot of action on the field uh but too much of it's been in maroon uniforms and not enough of it's been in navy and white you can see the owls with the blue pants they've got some white on the stripes and that wraps around the back of the legs and then the white jerseys blue helmets and we've added us two stripes down the center of the helmets this year so they line up in their run formation pin back this deep mouse put dalton warner in and nose tackle colton martinez over there at that left d end back goes to the left so watch they usually try to run no he counters back to the right this time camacho with the ball and just plows his way forward out to the 16 yard line from the six to they're going to mark him on the 15 so he's going to be a yard short that's huge because the the clock won't stop clock stops to set the chains owls need to be very very disciplined right now you don't want to make a mistake right here and let them throw some kind of little dink pass and everybody attacking the run because we've got everybody in the box every defensive player is within five yards of the ball this is now martinez the faster of the running backs in there and he's going to go to the right looking for that scene cuts back nice job by the owls that time there for the cutback diego martinez one of the first ones there along with preston coronado great guerra first down that is well they hadn't signaled first down yet but the the pa announcer called it a first down and then they signaled first down i didn't think he got the first down but uh where they mark the ball he's out at the 16-yard line so martinez the quicker of the boxes in there sends the guy to the right and he's going to the right looking for that seam nice job leland rodriguez right there and diego martinez a little pushing and shoving going on things getting a little chippy now flag flies and we don't need that i don't know who got chippy with who clock will stop on the penalty 29 seconds left in the half and you don't want to give them 15 yards and they're gonna mark off well let's see what they're going to call they put the ball down marked him for a loss of a couple back at the 14 personal foul against the offense [Music] so the down counts because it was after the play it was a dead ball foul but normally they have to have the ball set for play before you lose the down correct i don't think it's a fourth down it would be nice to be fourth down it's going to be actually second down [Music] but they're gonna mark it all the way back to the seven yard line it'll be second down hondo has only one timeout they wound the clock they'll have to snap it based on the play clock there's about a four second difference they gonna just let it run out the play clocks have now they take their last timeout seven seconds left they'll have to snap it one more time third and final timeout that's their final timeout they have a 28-14 advantage and they controlled the second quarter we pretty much controlled the first quarter but they controlled the second quarter second down and about 20. ball is on the seven they got to get to the 16. karns is in and he takes it snap we're going to be content to let it go in for the half 28-14 is your halftime score value has come with a good game plan and they've executed it well wando first score was after an interception three plays we were in the end zone and our second score was a 100 plus yard kickoff return so not exactly uh offensive explosion i don't have stats because tom's not here tonight but we punted a lot and haven't moved the ball very effectively and i hope they don't play music the whole half they play a little bit and turn it off i think that's their dance team trying to get in position or something i don't know but they've tried it twice it works both times so we'll just have to see we may take a little break a little pause and we could just put it on the band and the only validity band here hondo band is not traveling for a while 24 minute half time and they put it at two minutes and 40 seconds so there then they got it going 24 minute half time and here comes the dance team out i think i'm gonna take a little break we're gonna leave the maybe leave the camera roll and let the dance team so you can tell it's still a live feed just not much going on here at halftime we'll drink a little water and i'll talk to harper a little bit we'll get some some pointers getting ready for the second half we can't swing the camera around because it's too dark up here so my plan went out the window all right you're listening to hobble sports network we're gonna take a little halftime pause and we'll be back in just a little and they're bit happy all right well welcome back uh we took the half time off uh since tom wasn't here with stats in 24 minutes it was too long for me just to chatter by myself so we do want to thank our sponsors once again hermansen steakhouse they've been a supporter of the last couple of years bryce bridge and all the crew out there since 1946 they've been serving it up speaking of a long time honor national bank since 1901 medina health care system they've uh that's the medina regional hospital locations in hondo divine and castroville cross connections your local radio shack dealer cnw fuels j gruber properties downtown dental the hondo anvil herald the hondo veterinary hospital and the medina electric cooperative we appreciate all of our sponsors uh we've done their commercials throughout the uh the half uh everybody's got a good read on a commercial we'll try to get another good read between now and signing off first half folks uh started off like a house of fire hondo came out and kicked off to uh juvaldi and uvalde was in their spread offense and on the third play from scrimmage jordan coronado got an interception and things were looking good and uh so then we have the ball in about 40 yards and man they fired caleb gowna in quarterbacking he fires the dart to jacob bailey who takes it inside the the five and next thing you know we're in the end zone we've got seven nothing advantage then your valley comes right back and they score and make it seven seven then they score again but miss the extra point and make it thirteen seven two and then on the ensuing kickoff martavius patterson goes a hundred plus yards down the hondo sideline and makes it 14-14 but boy that was like waking up to uvaldi coyotes and they scored two touchdowns after that they've gone into their running formation [Music] and uh man i if y'all heard that my my film guys over here about jump over the side of the the press box when that guy just screamed here come the coyotes or whatever he screamed they've had that uh they've had that same announcer for years and yeah it's a microphone that expands your voice you don't have to scream into it especially in something like that but yeah that in his first down deal but yvaldi the new coach miller he has been working on implementing the run offense because he's from that corpus area and that's the way they like to do things in that part of the world calallen i think was his last stop well you've always been running the spread for years so first game they tried to run it wasn't very effective last week they tried to spread and now this week they're they're going back and forth between it and giving the owls fits now hondo will get the ball to start the second half and uh hopefully the uh we can get things turned around and get things rolling here a little bit playing with a little bit of a patchwork offensive line and uh trying to get it all put back together missing julio obregon tonight and robert gonzalez the third rg3 i thought he was on the sideline but he's not on the sideline julio obregon is on the sideline rg3 is out of the hospital and at home hope he's tuned in and listening we need to get those big cats back that was supposed to be the strength of this program this year was going to be the offensive line and hondo has just absolutely struggled trying to piecemeal things together you got kids playing where they're not used to playing and hopefully we can get it all figured out here soon enough all right you valdi malik martine malek going to kick off martavius patterson preston coronado this kid he's been kicking it high and deep into the end zone it is high and deep coronado at the goal lines got to come out with it 10 15. turns the corner 20. missed the block over there he's going to cross the 20 to about the 22-23 yard line preston coronado he can make things happen had a big kickoff return and week one for the owls i will have it first and ten caleb gianna has gone the distance at quarterback not sure i reached out to jeff berger to try to see if maybe caden english is doing the punting but he hasn't run any quarterback at all and all we can think is he might have been one of the covid uh been on quarantine or something and forced to not get the reps uh you know just get back to practice late in the week and he didn't have the reps that we needed caleb got a back out there in the spread two to the left one is the right tight end when he's in the wing this time andreas is on the right bailey in motion toss sweep to bailey jacob bailey he's trying to find some room to run and there is nothing going and that's a tough play to run against this the way you valdy plays defense they they've got their front guys but they're bringing a linebacker to every play and when you're running across the field they're coming down the field that's just a tough play to run but you sometimes you got to run those every now and then just to make sure that it's keep everybody honest now ghana picks up this fumbled snap and he gets it toward andreas and boy was it set up that time if we don't if we get a good snap that time we're gonna be in business once again offensive line trying to figure out i think dubby's back in there at the center w barrios he's our the guy we want to be the center phillip cuellar's to his left gabe guajardo to the right we've lost our left tackle i need to see if jacob made it back out there jacob got on he had left the game not in the game at this time throws it out in between two receivers back to the honda wolves jacob guyton got a leg whip he's over on the bench with ice on his shin that was in the first half so that's one of our offensive tackles what what hondo thought was going to be a strength coming into the season is it's kind of turned into an area of concern right now with and now english they bring pressure in english misses the snap and it's going to be they're gonna mark it down on the 12 13 yard line it'll be your valley's football caden english dropping the punt snap and you've already getting on it first and 10 from the 13. snap back to carnes in the spread pressure coming he stands in there and preston coronado out there against malik coronado is cramping i saw him working on the sideline a little bit now malik is down at the goal line went down awkwardly trying to make the catch over there preston coronado ran to he kind of limped over to the sideline i thought he was checking himself out of the game but just getting some advice from one of our coaches over there checking on uh the young man malik martin martine malik as he tried to plant his foot and dive right on the goal line he's up kind of holding that right shoulder right arm i think he's telling the coach he when he's stretching out to try to catch the ball they probably hyper extended just a little bit up in that shoulder he's got to leave the field for at least one play and the coaches are checking him out he was going to go back to the huddle he said i'm all right i'm all right you got to love the fire and the young man but the rule says you got to take one play off second down and 10 from the 13 hondo 13 very short field for uvalde to start the second half after hondo goes three and out and fumbles the punt snap ivaldi recovers it early early in the second half of play brady brody karns and now he fumbles the ball wyatt boss trying to race him to the ball cars falls on it drops them back so both teams struggling with a little bit of focus right now third down and about 17 16 17. 18 maybe at the outset going up deep again against coronado touchdown number three preston coronado didn't have quite the position he's had in the past and number three goes up snags the ball lands flat on his back and maintains possession and you vow no that's nine not three number nine for you valde he's able to bring it down that is he says cordova malik is going to attempt to point after and it's good and it's 35 to 14 just that quick early early second half a minute and 30 40 seconds into the second half and you've already put up a touchdown on a good little pitching catch from carnes to cordova but hondo aided that with a turnover on the fourth down in the drop of the punt snap they've been doing a good job of kicking the ball off and uh honda not getting much on the return preston coronado martavius patterson go deep in front of them anthony godea dj richter number two houston coronado [Music] let's see what he does this time he signals he's ready up to the ball he comes got the little breeze at his back if there is one high and end over end and into the five yards deep into the end zone that'll come out to the 25-yard line this al offense needs to get something rolling if nothing else we got to burn some clock 10 20 left third quarter 35 to 14. you valde having a big night against the honda oils who are still struggling with the aftermath of a little covet outbreak in the field house we don't have all our players back some that are back are not a hundred percent bailey kindred in at the left tackle i'm trying to find out who that right tackle is for you gown has gone the distance at the quarterback he's gonna give the arcos up the middle and they've just got it plugged up looks like jared garcia sophomore number 70 might be in at the right tackle excuse me i think that i saw the zero thinking it was a 70 it's a 50 and that's everett adams ever played center in our first ball game he's going to play a little right tackle now because jacob guyton is out gianna looks right rolls back to his left throws out interception pick six he has overthrown everybody all night long now there's a taunting as he went into the end zone the young and that i don't i my understanding james estes turns me and says that touchdown's not going to count my understanding is that that comes out and they put the ball out on the field of play somewhere because of the unsportsmanlike action that was taken at the goal line ghana has overthrown receivers all night that time he overthrows preston coronado unsportsmanlike conduct on the return team that's a 15-yard penalty there is no touchdown it'll be first and sixth first down 2016. and the uvalde fans are booing the officials but they need to be booing the young man who showboated his way into the end zone and that is a rule and that rule was changed a few years ago that's not a new rule that is a rule that has been changed for three or four years now to where these kids make a big play and you're not allowed to show boat going into the end zone and the young man turned around and jumped backwards and landed on his back so the ball comes out to the 16-yard line after the assessment of the 15-yard penalty they assess it from the one-yard line it'll be first and ten for uvalde from the hondo 16 after an interception that should have been a pick six now the referee calls the play ready they're in the spread karns calls for the ball gives it up to middle number 28 with the football and lots of room to run it's almost 10 yards on the play owls just don't seem to have an answer right now they spread the field and we spread our players to match up with them and then they run the traps up the middle and they're calling it a first down they're saying he got exactly 10 yards down to the six yard line for the cows 15 goals for the cows at about they wind the clock and this one they can't run the clock fast enough same play better result by hondo gonna get two yards down to the four number gonzales valley threatening to blow this thing open after back-to-back hondo miscues to open the half snap is back to carnes he throws a dart looked like a little miscommunication but number two [Music] on the pass number two wasn't really looking for the ball 84 was open as they did a crossing route now they send three to the to the left 84 down there he's got him a touchdown in the ball game jacob bailey's manned up on him 28 gonzalez in the backfield with karns karns drops a ball fires a dart nice play by bailey getting a hand in there and knocking that ball out 84 was in the end zone for number 34 justin mcdonald is incomplete brings up a fourth down for the count the balls at the hour four yard line fourth and goal now from the four yard line to attempt to point our team not much different than an extra point here so malek's going to come in and attempt a field goal snap his back a little low he puts it right through 38 14. he's good eight minutes so that's a seven second uh take a moral victory there with a uh not giving them a touchdown limiting them to a field goal after the pick six was taken off the board because of showboating as the young man went into the end zone they put the ball at the 16 yard line new valley ends up kicking a field goal on fourth and goal from the four let's see if that offense can actually get out of the blocks run run a few plays 8 27 left in the third quarter 38 to 14. this thing is all maroon and white tonight number 22 number two christian coronado number eighty with pbs patterson back for the owls kicking off for the evaluating couch number 31 martin mullick let's see what malek does this time preston coronado nursing uh looks like he's been cramping down there watching him on the sideline limping a little bit around and trying to work it out jogging up and down the track malik up into the ball and that's another one that's going to be that one's eight yards deep into the end zone [Music] also start at the 25-yard line first and ten this will be their third possession of the half fumbled the snap on the punt of the first possession gave you valley a short field that they took advantage of scoring touchdown second possession they threw what was an apparent pick six oh and now cayden english has checked in at the quarterback and now our right tackle jump that's a substitute player everett adams changing the quarterback maybe changing the cadence a little bit repeat tayden english in after caleb gana goes the entire first half and the first two series of the second half yeah i was bringing english in i reached out to jeff berger at halftime to see if there was a reason why tayden english was not in the ball game and all we could think of was it may have been a kobe deal and he didn't get enough snaps but now he's in the ball game so now he fumbles the snap and he manages to get back on his feet and after the fall start penalty it was first in 15 we get five yards back it'll be second down and 10. and debbie bargo's struggling to get the snap back there he's a little bit low almost every time they do have a nose tackle he's not big he's number 54 he's uh where's the 50 but he's quick and aggressive english steps up he's going to be hammered and dropped for a loss no time to get to the play set up the receivers can't run their routes as english rolled out one guy came up turned him back and then here came the rest of the coyotes now just as i say 54 is the nose tackle and he's wears a 50 but he's smaller and quicker they bring in 64 and he's the large version so 54 gimped off the field a little bit if he's cramping or got a little ankle or talking to one of the trainers down there on the valdez sideline third down and 13. and that's the way this whole second half is gone for hondo it's been long yardage and not good now up over the top they go martavius ben patterson he's got the ball and he's going to run away from you oh nelly just enough time for english to get rid of the ball patterson was 10 yards behind the receiver had to wait for the football to get him and just like that hondo strikes with a 78-yard lightning bolt caden english to martavius patterson that's martavius's second touchdown the young man from uvalde he thought he was going to catch him because martavius had to hold up to catch the football but once martavius got it he ran away from the the would-be tackler brandon andreas will snap it caleb gannon will hold it and roberto renteria will attempt a point after 38-20 and the owls show a sign of life here in the second quarter so second half third quarter andre snapped his back caleb's holding his oh off the upright hooked it just a little bit and roberto renteria frustrated with himself but remember folks this is the first year the young man's ever played football so he's doing a good job so far now let's see if we can play a little defense after two of our touchdowns have come on very long plays so we've gotta play some d now that was about from about the 22 so 78 yards making it look respectable with six minutes and 54 seconds left in the third quarter 38-20 you valley over hondo hondo missing this last extra point roberto renteria hooked it just a little bit bounced it off the right upright now looks like they're putting uh adjusting the kickoff team thinking hondo may be going onside but i think it's a little early for the onside kick now they're switching the sides again trying to get it all figured out in the old days you had to put five up on the front they've got five up there now they've got five more man this is where you pooch kick it and race them to the football they've got 10 guys from the 40-yard line to the 50-yard line and one guy standing back there at about the 12. let's see what renteria does it's up to the ball he comes and he's going deep with it high and end over in 28's got it at the 10. here come the other gara misses him they've got him hemmed in pretty good but he turns the corner how does he get away from hondo jordan coronado i thought had a beat on him and number 28 gets around him jayden gonzalez jayden ran about 50 yards on that to pick up about well he actually went 20 down the field and 50 across the field so ran more like 70 on that to pick up about 20. i thought we were going to pin him in pretty deep and then he slipped away from coronado they're going to stick with the spread they've been running the ball effectively right up the middle out of this spread as well quick traps using the backs 28 in the game right now i think that's gonzales it is yes just return the kick snap is back and they're gonna get going to reverse that's 20 jacob bailey there taking him to the ground from the 29 he'll cross the 30 to the 31 so two yards they like to run reverses 17 and 20. number seven jacob on the occur on the tackle for the alice they have about toby the second down in the name revolves at the 6 15 left in the quarter 38-20 uvaldi with the advantage dalton werner colton martinez and greg guerra the downed three down lineman for the defense up the middle the trap to gonzales diego martinez grabs a hold of him but he still keeps those legs driving he's gonna get yards to the 35 bring up third and four this is a huge play for for hondo defense right now jordan coronado on the far side jacob bailey on this side at the corners dj richter anthony godea playing the safeties diego martinez wyatt boss leland rodriguez i can't see the other young man double deuce 22 is tristan pettis that's your linebackers brody carnes calls for the ball rolls to his right floods that side looking back across the middle oh off the hands of the intended receiver lots of traffic right there no pressure on karn so he was patient couldn't deliver the ball now will they punt or will they go for it they call for the punt unit to go out which is you to play those percentages you want to make the opponent drive longer malik does the punting duties as well i said in the first half i passed that young man on the side on the track coming over to this side and he is quite a physical specimen about six four very athletic and he's just gonna take off and run with it and he's got the first down yardage and more there was no pressure by the owls and normally on a on a punch you have guys come from both sides contain and the owls did not have containment and malik as athletic as he is he looked up and it was open and he took off running first down you validity that hurts right there you stop them you get the you may you're forcing them to punt on third and four from their own into the football field about their own 30 and then you allow them to run the punt for a first down fresh set of downs for your valley on their own 45-yard line they've got a 38-20 advantage getting their players in position double slot this time they're going right up the middle hit in the backfield initially by number 56 but then finished off by greg garrett number 44 felipe cuellar with the initial contact and then greg garrett finishes him off felipe is playing the nose tackle greg is the right dn colton martinez the left dn i was using revolving door i'll know that front we're a little beat up in the big number division he loses a big yard on that play second down and about 11. three receivers down here to the right he rolls to the right all the time in the world just throws out their little pitching catch jv player moved up going across the 50 to the 48-yard line that'll bring up third and three need another big play here every time carnes rolls to the right there's no pressure on him we're dropped back in pass coverage and he rolls outside of we're only rushing three guys and dropping eight and just kind of giving them free will to kind of do what they want now they're in a run position as they bring in camacho overload heavy to the right he's just going to follow that hit at the line greg guerra going to drop him he's going to get a short gain bring out 4th and 2. nice job by greg garrett coming from the right defensive end and crashing in there getting some hands on him and then the rest of the owls come and drop camacho [Music] so fourth and two do they send the punter out or they're just going to keep the offense they're keeping the offense out there this time we're in the middle of the field camacho came off the field and then he goes back out on the field they line up heavy to the right again everybody moves over a little bit to match up with the heavy side now honda's going to take a timeout coach dustin templin 3 14 left he calls his defense over he needs to chat with him just a little bit i want to make sure they get them lined up right of course you vali they'll probably change the play [Music] 38-20 314 left in the third quarter and hondo really stumbled out of the blocks giving a couple of cheap ones to the coyotes early in the ball giving them 10 points to start the second half and then missing an extra point when caden english hooked up with martavius patterson who was well behind everybody had to hold up for the ball but nobody's going to catch that young man once he gets it in his hands he's big and strong but he's fast really good basketball player runs 100 to 200 in track here come the elves felipe cuellar greg guerra gabe guajardo that's going to be the three that put their hands down in the dirt they got a wing on the left this time he was not there last time will he come in motion again he does not come in motion they give the ball camacho he's oh he's going to be close to the first down i think he's got it but maybe he doesn't now this linesman has run in there put his foot down and he's short of the line and i think he had to get to the 45-yard line to get the first down and if it's on it's it's clearly short that that ball is short you don't even need to measure that that ball is short first down hondo stop them on downs right there good job by the front presence there guajardo cuellar and aguera and the linebacker stepping up in there diego martinez wyatt boss tristan pettis good job plugging it up and the ball is short of the ladder their coach acts like he wants a measurement but the ball is short of the line and they had to get to the line to get the first down and their coach is mad saying he got a bad spot and that's a coach's job i guess is to fuss and argue those kind of things but hey honda's going to take the ball with three minutes out in the middle of the field for the first time in the second half let's see if we can make something happen caden english brings the troops from the sideline martavius split wide right jacob bailey slot right wade cayden split left andreas in the wing to the left usually blocking now bailey in motion they fake it to bayley english steps up nowhere to go with it he's going to be hit and driven down he's going to pick up three yards looking for patterson deep i think they changed the defender over there on him that time though i'm playing playing don't let him get behind you kind of defense let him catch something underneath but don't let him get behind you because obviously he can run away from you second and eight they only give him two on the carry we kind of got a terrible mark i think on the on the chains of the on the chained chains of the chains carlos arcos with the ball nice little sweep to the left he'll cross the 50 get down to the 46 bring up third and short going to mark him at the 45 sure they are so that's gonna bring up third and one one of carlos's better runs of the night third one for the hours same formation we've been locked in on it now claps his hands and then the center snaps it when he wants to fakes it to arcos he's got some room first down yardage anyway and then he gets down inside the 40 to the 38 yard line a fresh set of downs for the owls caden english the senior coming in relief at quarterback did not play in the first half was the starter in week one we weren't sure why he didn't start this week they get the the signals from the sideline they get everybody lined up where they want them w barrios the last one to go down over the ball now andrea switches from the right to the left been having a little more luck coming to the left counter oh my gosh and the ball is out on the exchange between english and arcos and marcos gets on it but we're gonna lose four yards five yards second and 15. and that's something we've just lacked the snap's been low a lot tonight again and that messes up all the rhythm of of the backs in the backfield getting done what we need to get done back there english scooped that one off the ground and messed the timing up by the time he got back up where he needed to be archos checks out wyatt boss checks in play clock at seven hands have been clapped rolling right throws out and i tell you what number six is playing safety and he's just sitting back there reading the quarterback and he almost intercepted that when he had him an interception in the first half now it's going to be third and 15. have not thrown to wade kaden all night gone to jacob bailey several times martavius patterson several times and they're just manning up is what we were told but they read well break on the ball well play off 15 yards for the first down they're off seven or eight right now they're gonna let us have stuff underneath pressure on english he rolls to his left throws it out it's andreas the big target we got the first down i always say you got to get the hand the ball in the hands of brandon andreas in a football game because good things are going to happen and finally the owls get it in brandon's hands he's down to the 25 yard line with a pitch and catch from cayden english good run after the catch first and ten hondo at the uvalde 25 we're gonna let the clock run out we'll flip around and play the fourth quarter down but we'll start the fourth quarter down by 18. but looking strong to start the quarter once again hermansen steakhouse family owned and operated since 1946 home of the pepper steak get you a pepper steak or go over they got a lunch special something different every day hondo national bank your friend your neighbor your banker see them for all your banking needs cross connections radio shack go see michelle or stacy over there your local att cell phone store the medina health care system seven physicians four practitioners offices in hondo divine and castroville they've got they've got a surgeon on staff and ob gyn they've got just about everything you would need the hondo anvil herald since 1886 they've been bringing the news to the county cnw fuels owned and operated by hondo graduates providing fuel and propane to the honda u valley and surrounding areas hondo veterinary hospital they've been providing animal care since 1943 78 years small and large animal j gruber properties cj for all your real estate needs downtown dental stacy jacobs and medina electric cooperative over 80 years of serving the community built by the community for the community here come the owls on first down martavius they fake it to him and english goes straight up the middle he'll pick up a few yards the fourth quarter now down by three scores 38 to 20. [Music] dominguez anthony checking out wyatt boss checking in martavius and jacob bailey to the right wade cayden left now when we were heading the other direction we we ran a lot of stuff to the left now the wide side of the field is the right so we've got him over there boss up the middle breaks the first tackle gets over the second tackle breaks loose from it but it was enough to take him down couldn't regain his balance gets to the 20. gotta bring up third down and five four down territory right here for the owls in the fourth quarter they're gonna actually mark it at the 19 so third down and four so we've got two downs to go four yards let's see what coach joe dale carey and those offensive coaches lying out over there caden english gets a signal tells the troops now he's got both backs on the right side boss and andreas gonna fake it to boss can he get loose he does get loose trying to get the edge now number six is that good defensive back over there but we're going to get down to the 15 very close to first down yardage very close number six has got a leg cramp but he's out of bounds and about two yards off the field they're gonna call it a first down so move the sticks we won't have to stop anything for number six they just got to rotate a different player in unless they want to play with 10 we could let them play with 10. honda with a fresh set of downs caden english coming in here midway through the now we got a time-out they figured out number six is laying on the ground but he was far enough away from the action i think now they started again 9 45 in the clock moves getting the signal from the offensive coaches play it play clock down to 10 and they're still flashing the signal caden english claps the hands realizes we got to get it going pulls it out again and uh sooner or later you're going to have to give it to boss because they're going to start keying on you but i'll take a couple of yards down to the 12. from the 15 to the 12 give him three on the carry jacob bailey the slot receiver is going to move from the right to the left now captain english coming in mid third quarter igniting the team getting one score give it to boss that time and number 64 was there the nose tackle that was the lookout block by the offensive line you just stand up and say look out here he comes we're gonna lose yardage gonna be third and nine i'm sure this is four down territory once again for hondo cayden english in the gun wyatt boss to his right bailey in motion they fake it to bailey give it to boss oh man if he could have got away from number 55 that time we would have had at least a first down aaron graves a nice play by aaron graves number 55. fourth down and a long eight getting nine you'll be safer if you get none then trying to get just get eight andreas is in the pass pattern heavy pressure coming and he's drugged down it is not a horse collar it looked like a horse collar tackle but for it to be a horse collar you have to drag him down backwards and he did not drag him down backwards he spun him around so spinning him around makes that not a horse caller the film crew got excited there and almost ripped the camera down now they got it set back up not my guy but the the one doing the film for the owls turned over on downs after a promising drive al's come up short 14 carns in at the quarterback throws it to 20 who catches the football from the 22 to the 25 picked up three had to dive to catch it so no running after the catch now the clock starts to work against hondo seven minutes inside of seven minutes left in the ball game valde burning the play clock gone to the spread here in the second half option karn's on the keeper he'll be tackled at the line of scrimmage he might get a yard but that's gonna be it bring up third down and about six martinez and guerra are the defensive ends he valley sends three receivers the ball's right in the middle of the field they're flooding the right side looking right now going back left up over the top well overthrown number nine the intended receiver they're trying to pull all the defense to one side of the field and man up jordan coronado against their receiver and they're gonna be forced to punt the football on fourth and about seven so long six or a short seven malik remember he's faked one already tonight let's see what uh what they can do here jacob bailey back to field the punt snap his back gets his foot into it bailey feels it drops it and gets on it luckily we get on it really on the [Music] that ball carried a little further i think than jacob was thinking it was going to carry he tried to catch it up too high he needed to be back about one more step he said where owls get it at the 31 yard line they three and out you valde let's see if english can get them down the field 5 54 left in the ball game caden english coming in mid third quarter getting one score for hondo got it to martavius patterson martavious coming split to the right jacob bailey is the slot receiver wade caden is split left brandon andreas is kind of lined up in a wing to the to the right they give english keeps it this time and he's going to get about four yards they are quick at closing on the football i'll give you valde a lot of credit he looked like he was going to get more yardage than that and number 25 from his safety position he closed quickly we'll take four yards on first down and every down actually keep moving those sticks if we can pick up four same formation except now carlos arcos is checked over to the right side he's right up close to brandon andreas they're going to roll to the right looking for andreas who drops that one he had it would have had some yardage and he just dropped the football as number 25 again kind of grabbing those arms and trying to pull him down and separate him from the football i'm gonna bring up third down and six needed for the first down same formation as the last play with the backs eye formation now we send arcos in motion to the right we're going to go back to the left we've got to get sick we've got six and we're going to get out to about the 45-yard line got the first down that's what we needed got to pick up 10 on the carry first time i think i've seen that play a lot of motion and players to the right side and then run back to the offside english doing a good job of going north to south set and ready to roll fakes it to arcos he's looking for somebody to block going up deep wade kate you're down there baby can you break it in incomplete would have been a great catch kind of back ended up kind of back shoulder first time first time they try to strike to wade kate try to go deep and the al sen quickly send jordan coronado on the field keep a fresh body out there after caden runs 50 yards he'll probably come back in on the next play snap is back english with the ball gives it to arcos sarkos trying to get the right edge and there's that number 25 again that guy has closing speed man he reads it well and he gets to the football tackle him right at the line of scrimmage carlos looked like he had a little room to run and number 25 just comes in there and just drops him for no gain third down and ten now four minutes left in the ball game greg guerra's going to check in for brandon andreas english given the signals and now sets up garrosh set in the the wing to the left takes it to arko's heavy pressure on him already running for his life what a catch by martavius he's going to be well short of the first down but a tremendous catch by martavius patterson it's gonna bring out fourth and four at the uvalde 46 49 yard line but once again the blitzing of the valley coyotes has just kept our quarterbacks running for their life all night time out hondo big play right here we gotta have it if we're gonna have a chance at all we gotta have this fourth and four coach joe dale carry takes the time out he wants to meet with the troops and make sure we got the right personnel on the field and the right uh play called for the situation wind blowing almost straight across the field right now picking back up a little bit see the big american flag starting to blow gently in the breeze let's see what hondo can draw up over there the referees have called for the ball or called for the let you know that you need to be at the ball they can set that ball for play now they blow one more time number [Music] a freshman offensive lineman on the right tackle position sit tight tristan throws a dart incomplete intended for jacob bailey running that 327 left in the ball game and al's turned it over on downs two times in a row one time in the red zone this time out in the middle of the field that's going to pretty much really diminish our chances trailing by 18. let's see what the uvalde does here they've got the ball on a 51-yard field their own 49-yard line they're going to give on the reverse they're not going to back up at all they're not going to burn any clock and there's a heck of a collision over there preston court now what are you going to call on that i don't think that was a penalty those two went straight at each other the the runner and the defensive back they collided right at the sideline and the and the referee threw a flag and i i want to see what the flag is all about because i don't necessarily think there was a foul that occurred there the running back lowered his head they were literally right at the sideline there's no way preston could have looked down and made sure that they were out of bounds or inbounds you got to let them play right there having a big conference thought the game's been fairly well officiated haven't disagreed too much they should have to at some point in time there should be a buzzer blow and they're going to wave it off and i give them credit they all came together you can always wave it off you cannot assess it if you don't call it so that's you'll see a lot of that you'll see touchdowns called touchdowns and then you can always wave it off if it's not and i give them credit they came together they discussed it four of them out of the seven and they wave off the flag first down for you valde though and if you thought they were good if you thought they were just going to grind out the clock they ran a reverse on the first play they want to put it a little bit more up on you right here 3 17 left in the ball game and they wind the clock brody carns takes up the middle 28 wrapped up around his waist and number 28. tristan pettis strips the ball out after the whistle's blown and they were letting the rugby thing go a little bit longer then uh sometimes you think i thought that was going to be kind of a point of interest where they were going to try to blow whistles quicker on that pick up about six on the carry inside the 30 to the 28 yard line second and four for uvalde and now they're burning the play clock i'm thinking they'll probably give it to 28 up the middle again but i've been wrong before now he's calling for a man to go in motion the kid doesn't know what's going on and now they do run the sweep to number 20. he's going to be tackled short of the first down [Music] lots of confusion there in the valley backfield clock rolls inside of two minutes you're already just trying to burn it out third down if they get a first down then they'll just be able to to end the ball game honda with one timeout remaining third down third and three for the coach flashing signals to the receivers on the far side of the field takes the snap gives to 28 again he's got first down yardage down to the 15. looks like hondo really trying to strip the ball there gonzales with the carry and that'll salt this one away with a minute 17 left they'll set the ball down the chains they'll wind the clock and they've got to snap it once or twice they'll put this one in the books like lock it 20 game clock at one minute be a big win for uvalde and a tough loss for hondo honda is going to fall to oh and two on the season and that would be the last play of the game you value with a huge win they are celebrating and the hondo faithful not many came out tonight but they're falling out of the ball game next week we gotta go to marion down there in marion as well tough loss for the owls it looked like we're still struggling with the covid the still trying to get uh everybody back the offensive line just piecemealing it together at the end of the game we had a freshman out there playing some o-line so thank you it's a tough start to the season for the honda owls no stats tonight uh tom's out of town had a previous engagement couldn't get out of when we switched from friday to saturday we're gonna close it out from here and you validate 38 to 20 the final you value over hondo and the score indicative of the game pretty much uh you value controlling things on the field as well as on the scoreboard well come out volleyball will be here tuesday and uh we wish all the 10 team tennis and cross country the best of luck this coming week and come out hopefully we can have some thursday night football action friday we'll be on the road in marion tune in uh it'll be audio only i would imagine i'm pretty sure marion is going to have their own uh their own uh uh video live stream so this is bobby ainsley closing it out from here in your valley james estes ran the camera for me all night really appreciate everything he does for us good night and god bless you
Channel: HABA
Views: 3,160
Rating: 4.6799998 out of 5
Id: zBpUAO1iYdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 53sec (11333 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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