Cats vs Zapata

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all right so we're back we had a little bit of issue i don't know what happened i think the extra point was good so the cats are up seven to six not sure why i think it cut off before the touchdown did it all right so back to kick joaquin leader catch up seven to six with five minutes you see three seconds they're showing katula all right so here we go boss card to 10 runners trying to avoid people no he gets caught at about the 22 yard line what's up everybody i don't know it's supposed to be live [Music] [Music] [Music] you got trips all right so we got a receiver to each two receivers three receivers to the right one to the left we're gonna have to get some pressure on there and it looks like they're gonna call a timeout [Music] so we should be good right now you guys uh time out for the hogs cats up seven to six five minutes 46 seconds left in the first quarter again they scored on one play guys let's see if we can you know adjust to the chariza was ready for that time around so it's about to call the timeout try to see if they could adjust it and see if they can adjust to the uh they have trips to the defense that one that was coming so it's not working all right so here you go quarterback takes a step you got a good gift to the running back right up the middle like there's a flag and it's going to be a holding i mean it's right where the holding was though unless you're going to call offsides on paris but yeah i mean you can see the numbers the number fifteen number six year on the edge uh number seventy i think well for carries out yeah all right so here we go first and 20 for the hawks keep safety on top guys it's going to be all right empty backfield for the trips and trips you know we got everybody all right maybe five yards so it's gonna be second and fifteen and that's gonna and they're gonna come it's gonna be his first read you guys so that's why they can jump that route all right they're doing the same same formation you have everybody like common island man that they're all pretty much yeah you gotta get some pressure on them all right quarterback takes a step quick pass and it is oh nice there we go good job good job good defensive play right there for the hogs they're spreading either they can't get to that they're spraying them out and they can't get in there that d-line needs to get in there he's gonna go quick you know he's gonna go to that first all right so quarterback is going to be a shotgun formation two receivers to each side quarterback takes the snap here come the right wildcats get a little bit of room look go up go up get him now ah you got it nope he's gonna be short maybe about a yard or two once he does that lettuce crackers you gotta come get him gonna throw quick over here to the outside screen before it takes a stab and they give it it's still around got a little bit of room right up the middle it's the first down and more up to midfield maybe about the 47 yard line [Music] earning every yard but moving the ball you guys yeah i think this is the this uh this setup that they have is kind of throwing the wildcats off a little bit yeah they're going to have to just a little bit all right two receivers to each side quarterback so take the step another quick pass that's a hold and rj overran the play there so he just kind of missed him but nice game there all the way down to the 35-yard line so the hawks moving the ball quick quick little passes you guys all right so we got three receivers to the right two to the left quarterback takes a stop and it's going yeah it's gonna be a quick pass here same play and again maybe two or three yards so it's gonna be second and yeah seven for me for the hogs but again positive yardage [Music] you trying to wrestle for office all right here we go quarterback empty set quick pass again come on defense let's go guys so they're [Music] all right so it's a first down ball at the 23 yard line all right support attack one takes it to the end zone so it's about the two drives two scores yeah this is this offense is really throwing its defense off today spread them out a little bit and if you start hitting those passes that's when you you're gonna have to make tackles so it is twelve to seven it's about going for two again takes a snap quick pass there and it's incomplete they're doing the same place come on we need to catch this because all they do got to come up a little bit but then we need to play them on the line that's what we just just play matt up and the other dudes go bump him at the line cj is playing safety he's about it for for avery i avery's play this one all right so these about the hogs of 12-7 we have the speed to keep always playing the enemy closer dude it's going to be your shootout doesn't miss technical tough we'll start we'll start reading their their lanes and and start hopefully we'll pick them up i gotta just drop off that drill because the slide receiver cut it to the inside i guess that tips for that they have 18 over here on this all corner so back to your season to be austin and rj alaska golf so yeah grabbed it at about the 25 and ran it down to about the 40 so and the cake is going to be who's got it number 17. still on his feet but down at about the 26 yards so knights will return there avila avila yes so it's maybe a return of maybe about 10 yards so it's going to be running oh that's kind of running the clock over there those are guys up here they even got the wrong score they got 18. was it 208 or something it's supposed to be 12. yeah that's what i said these guys are putting the wrong scores all right so the clock's been changed but the score here says 18 to seven that's supposed to be twelve all right so they give us to go christian brings a couple of tackles still in his feet down to about the 40. a 12-yard gain there by we're gonna cruise all right so first intent for the wildcats all right so three receivers to the left one to the right let's see how let's take the snap quit past there oh what was that looks like he was trying to hit cj so second and ten for the walk-ins a dangerous throw right down the middle again all right so same formation we passed to leader oh come on who was that well it's got to be under 20 because i mean he can't be getting mad at him well i caught it but his knee was down so yeah even though trying to come on so what do you throw the flag for all right so offsetting penalties what jesus christ all right so we're still trying to there are offsetting penalties it's gonna be a second and about what's the third down it's turning by six yeah they're about six so he's going up a little more he's gonna have to go all right three shears to the left that's except they give us a christian trying to get the outside cuts back in and no gain so it's gonna be fourth down for the wildcats so it's a minute 10 seconds left it's third it's there it's there though it's it's dirt because it no they didn't replay second down because they gave the full progress to the 44 yard line and the flag was after so it's fourth down right so it should be fourth time the the first one i said that was a dangerous throw to cj yeah so second attempt so officials time out so now it's 21. yeah he's trying to figure out how to go back down all right so it is fourth down i think we need to pump guys yeah i'm gonna play the the fuel position game hopefully our defense is uh getting yeah that's that's that's our sometimes they did count to play and then there was basically after after the play was a flag so the play counted so this is fourth down and here comes the punny team for the wildcats we're trying to get their way on the other side yeah we know the score is wrong you guys it's us now just look at ours here there we go i is all right so we got a minute left in the first quarter everything give me some scores if you've got some other put all right back to punt it's gonna be austin he was doing some awesome parts uh doing a warm-up song right and there's the kick it's gonna be about the 25 that was fast guys damn it leave out right the ball yeah that was too short of the ball all the way down to about midfield so yeah might have a better chance of going for it yeah but that returned and he kicked it basically looked like a pass he gives a little bit of our guys are kind of out of it today yeah they they they got they got shocked right away so come on we need to wake up area scores refuge 22 city zero in the first and uh pleasanton seven pierce all zero volume is zero on this side so there's three series to the left two to the right quarterback you know standing same thing got a man open all these talking about these crosses are are just playing mind games with our secondary because all they're doing is just i mean basically criss-crossing that's how they're doing that's all they're doing i mean it's and i mean we've got no pressure right now on the quarterback we need to get in there we've got three guys communicate a little better guys come on man get those lanes get the int get in those lanes [Music] so a little bit you guys might have to send the linebacker in there but they they have everybody out and i mean they're all trying to even their running back is running a pass pattern so it's right up the middle it's hit right there i don't know they got a lot of confidence right now you know the first the first quarter guys all right we'll be right back you guys [Music] what's going on wildcat nation rose to gain chevrolet and over here it's king chevrolet we support my little cousin austin reynolds and the rizzo springs mighty wildcats guys if you're in the market for a new or used vehicle come see me ro reyes that's the king chevrolet 512-665-4163 [Music] and let me help you put your dream in your driveway go cats go all right you guys started the second quarter turn into ten guys big play here all right shotgun formation get his ball quick pass to the outside and nowhere to go that's what they got to do right there yes they finally got pressure on them they put pressure on board was going to throw it right away and they gave them time to they're going for it guys that's one fourth all right so again two receivers to each side let's go defense stop them right here in formation quarterback's gonna roll out trying to find somebody and he does that's going to be enough so it's enough for a first down down to the 22 yard line i mean you're giving this quarterback a little bit of time you guys it's tough when you're when i mean you're on the island pretty much everybody's playing man up yeah i mean the only way to stop that is to you know get a little bit of pressure on the quarterback so quarterback takes the snap dropping back again that's a hole that is a hole that was a hole that was a hole i can't believe they call that i don't see any flags no they didn't call it but that was a hold they're broken up by your heartbeat it's too much time guys too much time it's too much time to get to that quarterback that's tough on the secondary they can't if he has that much time i'll be a long night guys i mean what happens is you say well we put so many guys to you know to cover but i mean a quarterback will find an open guy yeah i mean he knows the spots and they know where they're going the defense doesn't so it makes it a little harder and deeper snap players to the running back attack not that ball out all right so it is gaining maybe two trying to figure out a little bit to the running back linebackers out there let's go come on first thing running back just kind of came out of the backfield quarterback finding receivers as he's rolling out quarterback shotgun formation is going to take the snap and the game is going to be quick pass right down on these open touchdown for the hawks that was too easy these guys are not they they're they're they look confused and then they're in the other route so you're just gonna have to start bringing people in i mean because he's gonna hit the receivers anyway so hawks it now eighteen eighteen now you can keep tonight and leave it at eighteen so there's your point yet to come and it is locked again why why they called him dead why they called him dead yeah he couldn't return yeah he did he could have all right it is no good so score is 18 7. let's make some adjustments that you make offenses step up today our defenses it's what you i mean you're gonna have to put a little bit more pressure on him whether i mean you leave like you said guys this guy's a one-on-one i mean you know he might we're gonna have to start hitting them on the line i mean they're they're running freely did they get to run the routes i mean we need to start hitting them so we got speed we get playing a little closer and bump them and throw them off there throw them off their routes and i mean you're gonna have to start bringing the the linebackers anyway or dropping them back and bring the corners whether i mean they leave their guide because he will find somebody is involved yeah all right so here we go run up and the kick is going to be picked up come on at about the 20 30. all right so they can't take over the thirty one probably not good yeah number 17. what's the third i'm kicking to him all right we're gonna have to throw a little bit more because they're bringing in their guys it'll stop our run [Music] turning they give us to what happened austin was handed a 10 ball but the linebacker just never let him go so all right so it's going to be a loss of the four yards so it's second and fourteen for the walk-ins all right so here we go give this to christianity's got a little bit of room right the middle there goes christian to the 40 cuts outside to the 50 still on his feet to the 40 maybe 40 yeah 40 yard line so big time run there by christian you say about 20 ago richmond did a booth for a 28-yard game well there you go 20 yards so first and ten for the walkthrough it's at the 41-yard line it's a little different package you're throwing out there all right so two receivers to the left the turning to give us austin to the outside there goes austin to the 40 to the 30 still in his feet know to the 20. all right the wildcats ripping up big yardage down to the 20. 21 yard line first down [Laughter] [Music] let's go let's go wake up all right so six more for the wildcats dominic hernandez trying the extra point so here we go and the kickback is it's on there right down the middle but let's see what the flag is or the wildcats all right so again you guys this is gonna be that one little adjustment that'll do it that's what it is like we said earlier it's a game of adjustments they're getting their lanes they'll get in the lanes here in a bit we'll get a nine team two because you're i mean that's all it comes down to you know once you hit you know the the athletes are are the same it's just outguessing the other team you know we do need to get some pressure on that quarterback though he's got too much time to throw that ball so we've got eight minutes left second quarter scores really [Music] give a shout out to jason aguilar so i'm really here with this with this boy he came up with the flag good to see you jay all right so back to kids going to be there all right see we can get a turnover you guys need a with the kick high bounce back bounce back all the way to the back of the end zone so ball's going to come back to the 25-yard line locust course i mean i'm sorry zero same formation get in there get in there suck that quarterback let's go put some pressure quarterbacks take the snap and then give it to the running back that's what we need to do right there we go let's go let's go and there it is because if he doesn't hand it off they're around the quarterback also so that's the pressure that they need to get in there we've already made an adjustment there's people in there that normally don't play together that's all you need you're gonna have to find the combination that kevin it's matching speed and speed i guess yep all right so here we go we've got three receivers to the left three six to the right one to the left it's gonna be second and fourteen one on the one over here the joaquin quarterback takes a snap quick pass and then it's caught by number seven avery right let's go wrap up come on that's the one i think that we can pick off right there because got a little bit of pressure he threw it right i mean he just turned it and just let it go our guys all right so we want to thank some of our new sponsors as you saw a little while ago um from seguin it's uh i think uh rhodes austin's uncle uh who you know made a little commercial on his own and said to us so appreciate that dj joseph taco house and nix auto parts appreciate you guys area scores pleasanton 7 puresole zero thank you across google 29 city zero is still the first in the first quarter move on this seven medina valley 28 that's at halftime uh second quarter coal zero poteet 28. okay see what the cats could do all right so first and ten for the for the hogs i'm on defense you can see where they can come up big with the turnover everybody takes the snap and then quick pass the t oh he pushed off there oh let's go let's go let's go let's go [Applause] oh no come on damn come on good job it's it was a fumble right it was a fumble they they did let it go there's a there's a block in the back on the return but it's still first down for the wildcats but that's what we need to do once we catch a ball got him you know he knew that he pushed out to begin he did push off but they didn't call that they didn't call that and then the fumble so catch ball still balls gonna be at the 40. so all right the defense comes up big now seven minutes 29 seconds in the second quarter let's go into school that's channels under center the turn and they give us to christian up the middle the owner's feet you know maybe two yards to about the 38 so new york all right so castellanos has a play seven minutes left in second quarter cat's down 18 to 14. let's see how's under center take set the tosses to christian ultra avery's gotta let me go go go go to the 25 down to the 21 22 yard line first down for the wildcats good play good setup yep good job we got some fanatics but i'll tell you what we weasel hadn't had a game we need you know we they you need to be in the game where it's back and forth and you know adjusting and then you know we haven't had that so it's a good test for them 56 seconds left in the second quarter yeah we we needed this especially going into district in a couple of weeks i i think teresa i think the boys needed this yeah they need to to understand that any team could come in here and meet you and you know can play with you so i mean it's just that that's what they needed and they're you know responding the way they're supposed to you know what play gets scored on you know like i said was it going to be a quick getter that's exactly what happened all right so we got uh rita viojas from laredo appreciate you listening in let us know where you're listening from we've got uh rudy from minnesota john rodriguez so let's tell you guys where you're listening from all right so here we go wildcats first to 10 at the 20 call it the 22 yard line seattle's under center puts christian and castro in the backfield oh and evan's got a little bit of room he's got a man open cj oh and he's gonna watch that's going to be there guys honestly i think that that buddha is going to be there well i mean they're starting to open up because they're trying to stop the run and they're open i mean those passes are open what's going on so it's still sucking down so well pretty much it's uh since first down again so so the incomplete really doesn't hurt them so it's first 10 15 for the wildcats uh what now come on let's go let's start yep come on guys all right so five more yards so it's first and twenty for the wildcats ricky said this listening from san antonio evie and sarah estrada from houston all right guys under center a toss is to okay leader but you need a little bit of room to the outside cuts inside still on his feet and he gains back what looks like the penalty yardage back to the 20. it looks like he just got out of him here second down at nine so after all i did second and nine for the wildcats at the 21 he's able to get back i think all of the penalty yard is in one yard so lockheed 514 two receivers to each side casting is going to be in shotgun formation and they give it to christian up the middle he gets hit and pushed backwards after gain up maybe two more yards so it's going to be third and seven jackie fuentes is watching from midland texas colt barajas from san antonio you're welcome fans all over you guys [Music] here we go three shoes to the left let's see how it takes the snap said avery oh and he overthrows him what's gonna be fourth down 36 yard field goal for dominic you know what i think he's gonna hit the kiss he'll hit him that confidence in that kicker there it is he's good oh everyone's had this why the left somebody all right so here we go cats don't get any points off that turnover it was tough that was a touchdown right there they got taken away so on defense too on defense too so i mean the defense had gotten the turnover and the score all right so first down for the hawks at the 20-yard line so let's see if the see the defense should come up big again double doubles all right two receivers each side all right quarterback shotgun formation i'll take the snap to the running back it's gonna go all loose five-year-old so we're gonna give him about five yards like second and five guys this quarterback was about this is a true freshman you know that the quarterback really they have one freshman on the team and it was a quarterback i didn't realize it was a starting quarterback though pretty good same formation what if i take the snap and get to the running back gonna be enough for a first down another first down for the it's about the hawks up 18 to 14 in the second quarter everything oils watching from san marcos or my land is from new braunfels all right we're gonna take this step again give it to the running back of nowhere you get one yard one yard we got two minutes 52 seconds left in the half i guess i'm ready to [Music] all right quarterback takes a snap yeah there it is oh it's picked off the flag i saw oh come on ah they're gonna climb their fingers on the wall kids but that was overthrown it was a little high it was a little high but i'm telling you we're getting we're getting a little closer to that we are getting closer because that it's all right but he had overthrown it i mean if he doesn't touch him he doesn't catch that and i think sonatas catches it anyway all right so it's gonna be first and ten at the 40 about the 41 yard line so we got two minutes and 12 seconds left in the half like i said it looks like they're getting a little closer yeah they'll try a big play here in a bit i got trips over here all right so here we go we gotta put pressure on this quarterback right now we're ready to stop dropping back get in there that linebacker needs to stay on that running back man let's go if once once he's just flirting yeah he's just just letting it go one second that's like his last read yeah once you start once you see somebody coming he's just gonna look for the running back that's his safety blanket right there he's just throwing it to the side so two minutes left in the half about the 45 yard line what about take your snap scream jeez come on and a nice play there by the receiver to get breaking between the two wildcats down to the 35 yard line i got 200 yards passing into already he's picking the wildcats defense apart no pressure i mean many good quarterback with no pressure to pick you apart so you're gonna have to bring more than three all right so first and ten for the hawks ball at the 36 yard line [Music] so i lost about 11 yards there you go along for the hawks [Music] take the snap drop them back here come the wildcats screen get them wrap up wrap up there we go there we go that's what we need to do right there guys the cats are starting to figure it out a little bit they're starting to figure out a little bit wow so it's a loss of maybe 10 to 24 yards so the ball is going to be spotted at the 45 [Music] all right so here we go ten seconds left what if it's gonna drop back let it go it's incomplete with two seconds left it's gonna be fourth down it's dangerous because one of our guys gets it yep take it to the house you can easily take it i think they're gonna i think you just need to give it to the running back just to make sure that try to pitch pitch back and i mean because if he throws and then pick it up and they score he's never going to be able to live that down all right so now he's dropping back here we go yeah we need to get our all right needs to start getting in there after all that cats are down four points get it first so i've had some catch down 18-14 but we're back in the second half you guys [Music] what's going on wildcat nation rose to dean chevrolet and over here it's again chevrolet we support my little cousin austin reyes and the rizzo springs mighty wildcats guys if you're in the market for a new or used vehicle come see me ro reyes at the game chevrolet 512-665-4163 [Music] and let me help you put your dream in your driveway go cats go my come up here uh oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh wow [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we would like to extend an invitation to everyone in the community to our first time in the ftp classic review of champions competition posted year at frank parker taken tomorrow saturday september 25th at 6 p.m your very own meet purple event is scheduled to perform an exhibition at 7 45 hall ohio all right guys getting ready to start the third quarter thank you for the beautiful beautiful place surrounding frank carter stadium let's hear it one more time here come the wildcats [Music] game of two has this show i'll show them all the adjustments we made let's go let me shut them out here we don't score no more you can make any color you want wow all right so we're still going you have to pick it up how do you stop the smoke here we got to google that partner all right so here we go cats get the ball first it's gonna be a big drive here you guys yes come on let's give me two hats let's go let's go guys all right so it's gonna be it looks like they're moving austin third level they were kicking it up to the third level it's going to go right to austin so let's see what he does 20 25. trying to what [Music] yes sir yes sir and that's what we were talking about they didn't want to kick it yeah at least buddy looking over here right and austin puts the walkhets up 20 to 18 just like they scored right away the cats take the second half and score right away i bet you they won't kick charleston again they hadn't been they they haven't been they're trying to get it so good job there by the special teams coach of blue watson to the third level because that's as far as they were kicking it let's go wake up wake up guys all right so here we go extra point coming yeah what a way to start the second half yeah because we know it we knew that it also gets a little bit of a crease it's going to be hard to catch him that was good blocking on all the way let's go dog all right so dominic ivan is back to kick the extra point rj hernandez is a holder and it is right down the middle why couldn't he get the field goal like a [Music] let's go let's go let's go good job guys all right so this is like a prize fight you guys yep they get the ball to see what the defense has done let's see what kind of adjustments of defensive made we got some error scores guys uh vendetta 35 manor tech zero that's the second quarter 14 medina valley 28 that's in the fourth quarter was quarter already this is here half time i feel killed 29 crystal city zero well i'm surprised it comes 29-0 to the first quarter so they might have just yeah they're 8th grade yeah a couple of junior nights for 228 kohl's ear on pap time and potee lost their first game last week i mean i i think we'll teach you if you just kind of focus on uh let the other guys beat you yeah that's that's it i mean he's gonna run back you can spy on him and say you're not gonna beat us and somebody else beat us i think that's that's the way that i would go because the kid that kid can run all right so here we go for the kickoff guys about the 13th let's go to the 20s let's go let's go no there we go dropped at the 26 yard line let's go defense that's from the defense see if we can hold the hole see what adjustment we made get to that quarterback we'll be all right just at least make him make him think a little bit i think i think we might be kind of uh hitting the receivers and letting them get away so we're playing them up freely all right so it's gonna be first and ten or the hot set the twenty maybe not they're still playing back eight yard line i think that's what they're gonna call it let's go d there everybody in there needs to be in there what's going on [Music] i was just told that the score is 43-0 for the city so what's that 20 days being nice yeah all right so it's first and ten for the hawks hit the thirty yeah the thirty three that's right in the third corner let's go all right so here we go let's go d two receivers to each side go get him get him take the stop quick pass it's caught and uh being about six seven yards that's what we need to make him do at least you know work for those passes [Music] formation oh there's a boom we got the line come on he did it twice let's go jesus here the first time the users are really off the line you guys are we are yeah there's at least two yards off the off the ball so it's going to be second and nine shout out to manila first tsa shout out to strata in carrizo hill you guys could come uh tomorrow that benefit plate so that's the fire department here we go two receivers to each quarterback shotgun snap rolly to the to the left you're trying to find the bad i am oh [Music] you guys that's what they're doing so arjun and i just went to pick down to the 30 26 yard line i'm sorry i gotta mark him out of the 27th so catch ball first and ten ten minutes 38 seconds after the third quarter seattle's going to be under center let you turn this to christians [Music] but as he was following the ref through the flag so it's got to be it is the face mask so it's down to about the they're going to make it that was all right so it's gonna be first and goal for the wildcats at the four yard give it line down the middle here we go they know everyone's coming first first and goal that's the animals and they're sending the turn and it gives you christian go gets hit and right at the line of scrimmage they know the rights that's where evan needs to keep the ball and roll out what if he boop legs he'll walk basically yeah he might have that corner there but because that's when they stop that run they're selling out they're up the middle so you also want italian all right he just kind of well he got tripped up by the by the turf you guys turn monster all right so it's down at the one it's gonna be third and go with the one stinger [Music] [Music] [Music] 27 to 18. with the extra point yet to come nine minutes 25 seconds left michael dominic back to kick the extra point rg takes the snap and then he's right down the middle we just let's go let's go let's get two tabs all right so here we go cats up 10 points shut up daniel cathy jesse the siamanchaka family is listening and watching from stuart minnesota stuart minnesota is watching from you to texas what's going on family watching from it's from home get somebody boys all right so here we go we got some financing some entertainment from homer castellanos and mike gaza talking about all right so here we go let's go let's go get it ball bomb number five picks it up a little bit of room baby rip it out so here we go down to about the 15 and then he gets gang tackled by the wildcats so a nice coverage there at the 15 yeah they're gonna mark him down at the 15 um for progress let's go d so nine minutes 18 seconds left [Music] [Laughter] crazy fanatic let's just say we got some energetic fans out here but come on defense all right so here we go quick quick quick and he is over throws him so it's second intense stay with them guys stay with them and then try going for the big plays and our guy was right there so it kind of cuddles off guards first half yeah i mean i think they were a little bit better than they thought and it's like oh wait no he was looking down here but he was a cow had him covered so he touched over he's he's going through his reach he has a lot of time we need to send it we can get that extra guy there see one of our linebackers just kind of yes sir yes sir about two yards let's go guys third down big play right here and the defense coming in with a purpose come on communicate guys communicate communicate get in there get in that quarterback get that snap get that cubie got that first yeah good job first punt you guys first point of the day good job make some good adjustments all right so here we go to receive is going to be austin and rj and it looks like christian uh ready to go it looked like it was just a stinger like you had said breezy christian and uh reyes that's right it's rj on that side yeah it's rg what's that fake all right so here we go eight minutes 28 seconds left in the third get in your mouth guys let's go shout out to my ips crew all right so here we go that's the i know shotgun formation quick pass to avery's got a little bit off you guys to the 40 the 35 to the 30 still on this feat so the 28 yard line so first down for the wildcats for the wildcats we're gonna have two receivers to the right let's see i don't shock on formation be a quick pass eleventh last one damn because he was he was there he was over he just ran into the the tackler remember is he not 13 yeah he's number 13. i'm we got two receivers to the right let's see how i was under center the game is the christian breaks into the twenty christians awesome running good job christian and christian dragging hawks to the eight-yard line only one yard [Music] [Laughter] all right so here we go first and goal that's the almost under center turning to give us to oscar you're still on his feet down to about the three or three yard line so a gain of about four yards they said you're fighting for [Music] yardage minutes and 30 seconds left in the third quarter can't second and go at the three what's going on uh let's try this right bootleg in the back castellanos with the pictures [Music] wildcats here we go six more for the wildcats 34 18 now guys three unanswered touchdowns 34 to 18 with about this making the extra point again rj the holder don't lit up we're mad they scored 18 on us let's go there's a kick and it is what was that come on guys six minutes 15 seconds 6 minutes and i'll tell you what this came out firing out third quarter they're not done you guys they don't want to start and i'm trying to [Music] the running backs are running right up the middle coach gunning them in the middle the whole team whole team they gave that over just like they went up we got we went up so they can do the same thing so keep that over that's why you play four quarters [Music] let's go [Music] is all right so back to king again it's gonna be juaquilita all right see we can get another turn over here you guys let's get a bad bounce guys come on let's hold somebody up and let's pick up the ball here's the kick it's gonna be short kick about the 22 number four the 25 yep and then it's dragged down there's another flag over here all right so it's got to be a holding on area scores losing zero divine 19 in the third thirty six zero christmas tree down to the few field thirty six yes uh manor take down to uh to bandera 35 to zero wait a minute how is it holding on us okay i got my reporter telling me it's 50 to zero now we don't have the ball [Music] yeah come on here there's no way you can be holding all right so where's the tip for the hawks cat's got to keep bringing it you guys let's go deep rising receiver same motivation quarterback takes the snap they give it to the running back oh yes and the defense is not playing around again all right so here we go second and twelve all right we got doubled doubled here we go formation that's the middle watch the middle all the right they said i'm gonna rule out another gonna try again trying to fight somebody oh it's gonna be out of bounds good completely good yeah that's what happens and sometimes you gotta you kind of find out okay that's this guy he keeps throwing it to that guy he throws that and that's what he keeps thrown into number seven it doesn't matter where he is he's trying to find him they're just moving him around yeah they're just moving him around so it looked like he's throwing it everywhere but he ends up throwing it to the same guy so it's a third in the long run five receivers quarterback get you get back get to watch the screen oh there's nobody open that so it's gonna be fourth down let's go let's be deep defense let's go good job guys so here comes the punny team out just like that bam and that might have been it he was looking seven every time we just kept thinking what he's throwing over there he's thrown over here but when you look at the numbers or who is he throwing it to all the passes are to number seven you're right all right let's watch him and now he doesn't know where to go all right so back to your c is gonna be austin and rj see if they can make something happen you guys cats okay see another return all right there's no cooking oh it is because they they called it it's a flag it was tipped though yeah it was tip as long as it's confusing the other person who fell right into the kicker but if it was time i mean there's no way he didn't tip it the ball didn't go more in 10 yards i would i was going to ask him hey look he tipped it i mean i think he's i think the course goes out is this like he i mean if he tips it that that negates anything [Music] hey all right so here we go they're going to call it run it into the kicker here oh get it baby pick it up [Music] it's cool yeah i scored easily so first intent for the wildcats and that's basically you know a nice return down to about the 20 so if they want to let that go so wow yeah yeah not just back to kick the extra point and it is it looks like you got hit as it was going but it's no good to score 40 to 18 in favor of the wildcats let's go guys man i wonder what coach told him that he literally told him but they came out smoking you guys offense and defense yes both sides of the ball special team too i mean yep we started uh they come with a special team that haven't looked back yet but they ain't not over all of a sudden the receivers are all covered the uh the holes aren't open there's nothing going on and the quarterback starting to run for his life a little bit so here we go all right so it's 40 to 18. five minutes three seconds left in the third quarter and lena kicking for the fourth time right now so [Music] go ahead somebody boys let's go all right so lead up back to kick the run up and it's gonna be a short kick it's gonna hit it about the 24 it's gonna go out of bounds 10 was that a bounce get it to at the fourth thirty so it's gonna be i'll put it about 30 minutes and these people really want to get certificates i really want to get you to do yeah i think homer might should get the certificate for the next four games guys that's going crazy for them so they're gonna take the ball to 30. all right so here comes the defense again that's haircraft carter stadium [Music] all right so here we go c formation [Music] oh and a nice throw there but you see that outside he catches it and then he gets smashed by like five wildcats guys that wasn't that that was good that's a nice little pass here by the quarterback so it's first and ten at the 40. but i tell you what they were right on it he had to make that that perfect password they have a different qb they do have a different quarterback in there all right quarterback takes this down i'm gonna drop back you know let it go caught by number seven breaks the tackle voice down to the 30s after breaking a couple of tackles come on d so it's a different quarterback and it looks like this is going to be a little passing quarterback this kid looks like he's a like a true freshman the snap and they give us to the running back oh and he'll get going right david yeah boy david well you're not gonna break that loss of two yards big time hit there by david castro let's get that ball back boys come on don't let up don't lit [Music] up here we go quarterback take a snap drop him back and he's got a man open oh he's gonna overthrow so it is third and long here we go bought the 32 yard line three minutes 28 seconds left in the third quarter watch that slam up the middle watch that post number seven all right so here you go get in there delay formation see if we can put pressure on the quarterback drops back he's going to say this is a quick pass a nice play there by austin john austin fourth down good job austin he underthrows it a little bit you guys yes my number four we're gonna go for it come on defense big play here oh what's up boston be quiet austin come on they're gonna throw it on both of them let's go let's go they're talking to each other yeah they're talking it's being competitive like mother against oh yeah okay i guess the second one they always cancel yeah all right so it's going to be a fourth down at this point let's go guys so it's going to be four 25 maybe yeah yeah let's go d let's go get in get in the bug formation same [Music] they might have had a shot [Music] what's going on wildcat nation rose seguin chevrolet and over here it's king chevrolet we support my little cousin austin reynolds hey watercolor miso springs mighty wildcats guys if you're in the market for a newer used vehicle come see me row reyes that's chevrolet 512-665-4163 [Music] and let me help you put your dream in your driveway go cats go all right you guys we're back and he is going to punt it so what's up fate so i wouldn't put anybody back there i would just kind of play my regular defense out of bounds at about the 20 31 yard line so cats take over and the defense holds you guys up after two big plays by the by the hogs they were 311 [Music] score is 57 to zero right and crystal all right so cassiano's under center but turn in to give it to christian a little bit of room chris is making people miss and then he's just running over people down to the 36 yard line of six so the cat just started to just impose their will on the on that front line of of the hawks it's you can tell starting to get pushed back a little bit all right so here we go our seattle's under center and everybody's coming in the toss is too christian there goes christian good right now first stop a little workhorse christian de la cruz first [Music] 42 yards [Laughter] just never going to get old again if y'all can see what we're seeing now we laugh at you and it's and it's hard to keep your composure and call the play when you get these guys [Applause] [Music] all right so it's second and ten for the wildcats and he was wide open you guys it was cj was one open too all right so here we go we got receiver to each side we got cj in the slot that's diano's shot good for me she's gonna drop back and he's gonna let it go he's got avery and avery oh catch but a nice play there by number 33 so it is third and long for the uh for the wildcats and we got number 52 for the hawks having some words with all our wildcats over there so can we get a little reverse again we got a minute 45 seconds left in the third quarter that seattle's under center turned into oh and they're coming right after evan and they throw him down and it's going to be a fourth down for the wildcats i'll tell you what if he would have given to nobody touched christian they went after evan the whole time so it is fourth down for the wildheads so back to kick is going to be austin under a minute left in the third quarter austin takes a snap and the king's on this cat and it's going to bounce just straight up to a ball at the 25-yard line so that's where the hawks will take over three seconds left in the corner 50 seconds left 50 seconds left where are you plan of the week thank you rosita and mark [Music] all right so the cat's gotta keep doing what they're doing you guys gotta keep doing what they're doing let's go let's do a little let's see formation i feel toner coming up there's some pressure all right here comes the wildcats quick pass a couple attackers out of bounds at about the 34 yard line at night 45 seconds left in the quarter whatever it takes to start looking that way the whole way incomplete this forward class that was close it's incomplete so it's gonna be third and one all right so here we go third and one trip whatever it's a quick pass until we go kyle good job kyle he just blew up that entire play way to read that kyle good job more down the stadium let's go pick it up 35 seconds left hold the basket this is a big play right here you guys hold him guys all right so here we go let's go let's go they're gonna come down the middle you guys there it is oh yeah he got it oh girl you got it we knew he's gonna run it one yard for me first down so under 20 seconds left so it looks like they're just gonna quarter it how many unanswered points in the third quarter by the wildcats it was 18 to 14 at halftime nope that's the end of the third quarter with the cats up 36 48 to 18 20 20 26 [Music] barbecue so it's gonna be fourth quarter [Music] so here come the wildcats come on defense all right so here we go to be first to 10. the 36 37 yard line same formation right there rj just you missed the whole way that would have been a pick six for the wildcats so second and ten for the hogs i'll tell you what it's hot the the cat's starting to read the quarterbacks and he's turn wherever he's looking that's where he's going to throw it they're not getting enough time to get him yeah he's starting to pick that up so and it's going to be the power start and see the latter delay game that's in the late game on the hawks so the the hugs score 18 points all in the first quarter yeah it's on the fifth and uh first half so they actually had three more two recordings without allowing this score all right second and fifteen and i think they're sorry quarterback is back in all right so they decided to give us oh he's about to open wide open and then oh david castro god he would have walked he would have walked in again he's not going to see him but he's that pet's not going to be there so hits david in the hands and rj almost picked it off so it is third and 15. all right so here we go same formation quarterback takes a step rolling out and here come the wildcats i can see it's overthrown and it is did he catch it no no come on he trapped it so it is worked down or was that fourth down no four times now this is for now okay so they're gonna send in the body team one more time how about another huge battle applause for our unit county sheriff's office and at this point it doesn't i don't think it makes any sense to kick it but they're going to kick it anyway so back to receive it's going to be rj and austin this is the perfect setup still midfield oh that should have been a flag right there they should have a battery seven yard return that should have been a flag 55 uh hit one of our guys in the back look at the reason he's still talking he's still talking man this is when old school football will be all right we got a flight vlog yeah send a little message message there i'm not dirty they're not dirty but doing it back he's gonna get you back for that one all right so here we go first and ten for the wildcats right at midfield now seattle's takes the snap they give us to two guys at the same time all right so it's gonna be first and fifteen 57-0 final crystal city at increase the city 57 that's about right yes sir alright so here you go the seattle is the shotgun formation the game is going to be the christians got a little bit of room to the 50. here we go and look at who he ran over he is it was a fourteen year one and i tell you what christian's running with a purpose you guys yeah he is running strong man 11 minutes in the game cats second was it one second and one at the 41 yard line takes the snaps they give it to christian trying to get to the outside so the 40 cuts inside the flag there's a flag let's see what the flag is the reference is way over there i think he's gonna call the halter i don't see i didn't see any wildcats over there over pursuing a little bit i think a reverse might work there cat's up 40 to 18. try that reverse again coach maybe they can hear us because they are over pursuing yeah they're settling out to you know to not let it get further than what it is already like a reverse pass it'll be there all right so it is still going back boss should be at the it should be one way yeah one more year we won't say anything we'll take it at midfield again so it's taken down for the wildcats because seattle's under center all right so no no see if you can get to the outside he does to the 45 to the 40s right right down to the 30-yard line first down wildcats after all that i like the way it runs in i like the way they both they run the speed right off the line where you really don't expect it by and it looks like he picks up speed as he starts you know as he gets away so nine minutes 40 seconds left in the game 52-0 final pleasanton pierceoff and piercings all right so sonata with custodials at the backfield and the cat's basically just lining up and saying look we're going to get the ball all down fall down the seattle's mix it up throw it away oh come on come on that's trying to get a little frustrated yeah a little nine minutes 20 seconds left avery one-on-one with this number four i take my chances oh yeah all right so going backside let's go with us come on get set all right so the cats take a timeout with nine minutes and three seconds left be right back all right you guys back from the timeout it's second and about 20 for the wildcats we got two receivers to each side and we got i think it's christian in the backfield it's going to be avery with the screen to the 40 avery making people oh a brace a tackle every to the other a gain of about 18 yards oh another flag and it's gonna be i mean they're starting to get chippy you guys trying to push our players from the back that's trying to play a little dirty yeah number 21 over here is the one that got caught got into it let's see who they call it on what on us [Music] they're starting to break tackles they're starting to worm out you guys that's eight minutes 49 seconds left third and long what's going on go on just throw it up christian good job christian he's hurt he's hurt he's i think it was uh i think it was number 15. all right so three shears to the left two to the right that's the other six four steps let it and it is incomplete bones were fighting for the ball but avery in the hands i think so nice play there but so far goes over and downs with seven minutes 55 seconds left the defense can put it away right here you guys i think ethan's going to come up with something big and they're going to start gambling yep and we're starting to read those little quick passes to the you outside for that cj see he wants to go in he's like yeah let me let me add him let me get him here comes rj oh but here we go oh no god and it's going to be a touchdown or the heart behind you guys i'll let him get behind you come on so seven minutes they were both behind y'all let's go i can't allow that kind of stuff man even though we're waiting they got complacent you guys that's what happens you gotta keep spot the receiver behind the wildcats so six for the uh for the hops to make it 24. going for two an onside kick no sure it's coming up still plenty of time quarterback takes the snap and they give it us number 24. now they're going nowhere to go so it's 40 to 24 7 41 7 minutes and 41 seconds left in the game two broken plays guys this is that's that's how i scored one for 79 and one for 70. we can't allow those but that's good i mean they're happening now right because district play is coming up we'll clean all that up all right so you know the onset kick is coming yeah we get to practice on that two 16. [Music] big hey you're gonna have to watch that outside kick that that's what's coming they're all bunched up over there yeah you gotta get your hands team up need your hands team up front you're ready for that just keep your guys back everybody else up i'll tell you what i mean you got to watch that side kyle i think our guys need to get more up to the outside all right so they're going and he's going to kick it yeah he's going to pick it up to [Music] a nice return there seven minutes let's do something in office guys come on let's score again let's run that clock and score again just do that reverse again all right so first intent for the wildcats austin and get to the outside and he gets hit those uh linebackers sell it out you guys that that's what you say the reverse is going to work yep set it up set it up second and ten and they give is a christian to the outside gets hit still in his feet to about the 48 yard line so we need about four so big third down here for the wildcats there to the outside and somebody missed cuts to the inside also a little bit of room gets the first down good job by austin santa you set it down for the wildcats six minutes 15 seconds left all right six minutes under six minutes left in the fourth quarter [Music] all right so here come the the walkheads and a bunch formation because they have another center the turn and they give us a christian right up the middle outside to the 30 and gets flipped over gonna mark him down at the 32 so big run there by christian 17 more yards for christian all right so first and ten five minutes eight seconds left in the game turn into give again it's a christian ball at the 27 yard line that work they don't want no more no real slow man when you know they keep that when you know that the runs coming you still can't stop but that's when you destroyed so the clock down to four minutes 30 seconds catch again bunch formation oh they're running to the right there's a toss to a setting so no no so now that down to about the 24 yard line gain of maybe three more so it's going to be third and two put the clock running under four minutes all right so here comes evan i like bullets all right so 32 there we go we're going to run it see they can stop it this is number 32. first down for the wildcats so ball at the 18 yard line another set of downs for the wildcats and the walker's just saying we're gonna run it that's it yep kill the time little time three minutes 19 seconds left stop us if you can no but ball at the what is it that 18 yard night you cut him it runs into a couple's about the hawks at the 18 no game two minutes 50 seconds clock running they do a blue leg with the dragon i bet you it'll be there cross drag i'm gonna run to the left now that's where they're going all right the toss it's just another get to the outside make your people miss so it's gonna be forced out of bounds at about the what is it 14 yard line that's we're going to mark him out so it's going to be third in about four or five plus still going under two minutes score caps of 40 to 24. with the minute 50 seconds left i think they're gonna punch it in here i have a feeling all right so we've got formation that sounds a turn and it gives us another run up the middle it's maybe a yard or two to the 11th so it's going to be a fourth about four a minute 18 seconds left so it's gonna come down to about maybe about what 50 seconds time difference yeah so it looks like it's going to i guess one second on the play clock which is going to leave about 50 seconds left 48 48 seconds left in the game so i guess my shirt is going to keep on stunning i haven't watched it since again hey guys check out these stats they had uh 212 yards passing for the first half and um they've had three minutes passing at one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven missed passes in the second half just take it and if you take away that long plans yeah i mean i'm gonna say less than ten years yep in the second round i gotta do a report goes out to number five kristin de la cruz early in the all right so it is work now three yards let's go guys i'm telling you all right so here we go [Music] yeah see so that's five yards with the first down yeah i think that's worse yeah he's bringing it up here he comes up only he wants to score yeah put another one on oh yeah why not just for scoring all right so just one or four 55 baby so the wildcats with the i think their best effort you guys yeah yes they finally they finally got to face some adversity they responded they responded big time so that's gonna put an end to the game you guys wildcats 40 it's about the 24. and the walkheads came out a little bit cold got hit got punched in the face and responded with some big-time plays in the second half that's about to never recover so getting bought at the coaches for the adjustment guys great job good job so the cats now i don't know you guys what was the last time camisole was five you know 83. all right so next week the cats are off you know and got two weeks to prepare for divine you guys you're at home so you got divine hair at home that's gonna be if not the biggest game on schedule close that's it's that's district that's the game right that game is different so i can't say that but that's the that's the one that everybody circled yep so so that takes care of the the the shut out the the pressure [Music] so they came back and did a good job of uh coming back and and kind of shutting them down the second half oh by the way guys they only have one yard brochure in the second half you know they came in and the cats responded that's what we were all trying to get answers to because you know they had just kind of been blown away teams and uh you know to respond the way they did was was kind of what we needed to get you know it gets you ready for the for the game for district games the ones that count so yep some playoff questions there the way that uh they respond to the second half to start it out with that with that kickoff return was a perfect way to kind of start the second half so so good job by the wall cats everybody thank you for listening in and watching uh next week we'll i think we might just uh come on live while the other games are going on and then we'll give you some scores on our updates um and then we'll get uh ready for the divine game so we'll see you then and uh thanks you guys until next time
Channel: South West Texas High School Football
Views: 5,250
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: P4XyhPp2rhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 14sec (9074 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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