Honda CRF300L and Kawasaki KLX 300 review and comparison Which motorcycle is the best dualsport?
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Channel: MotorcyclesOffroad
Views: 15,807
Rating: 4.9513044 out of 5
Keywords: Honda300L, Honda 300L, CRF 300L, Honda CRF 300L, honda crf300l, dual sport, off road, crf300l review, crf300l rally, crf 300 l, crf300 rally, adventure motorcycle, dirt bike, street legal, first ride, Honda CRF300L review, Honda 300L review, 300L review, KLX300, Kawasak klx 300, KLX 300, Review, klx300 review 2021, klx300 dual sport review, 2021 kawasaki klx300 review, kawasaki klx300, motorcycle review
Id: Ie3Tp0d86T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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