Homeworld 3 Skirmish 1,000,000 RU Start. Immediate engage with enemy, who can outbuild who?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] ready to copy new heading move us out Gunner maintain active scan research complete Ops collectors are out materials uptick incoming Channel open stand [Music] by upgrade complete wave point set move to location send message all stations maintain condition one upgrade complete [Music] research complete [Music] [Music] rail gun Corvette ready launching receiving [Music] enemy destroy contact stength craft that did it good shot Missile hit Fleet Corvette has sustained critical damage [Music] shut down upgrade complete sensor contact Corvette check screens stand message EOS lock is good setting up for run cor alert strikecraft taking losses Channel open stand [Music] by sensor alert enemy strike craft priority alert we are losing strike craft Target alert get me a lock on that Corvette we have contact enemy Corvette open priority alert high strike craft losses being reported good kill disengage please been reporting critical damage research complete moving control priority alert strikecraft suffering heavy losses Fleet report strike craft detected taking heavy damage reactor pressure spiking research complete enemy strike craft in area assault forget ready for action enemy strike Craft on the board adjust for range on attack contact alert Mother Ship hostile frigate got it alert strikecraft losses [Music] mounting assault forgate ready for action research complete everything's Direct Hit rectoral damage that got him scratch One sensor alert hostile Corvette ID [Music] confirmed assault foret ready for action action complete Assa rep hostile Corvette on screen on target hit watch the blast radi upgrade complete upgrade complete sensor contact enemy Corvette alert strike craft taking losses suppression forget is now ready assault FR ready for actionin hostile frigate on support is now ready upgrade complete upgrade complete research complete ion fret is ready sh Target assault frate ready for action hostile sh Target production complete torpedo FR deploying research complete going hit the got complet assault FR sustaining critical damage ion FR is ready assault frate ready for actioning up C down receiving production complete torpedo for get deploying Comm Channel open hostile ship down watch the debris break contact priority alert we are losing strike craft assault FR ready for action ion frig is ready sensor contact enemy frig local operators to exercise caution upgrade complete taking damage FR is now ready production complete torpedo FR deploying support is going going ion frig is ready reor priority alert high strike craft losses being reported hostile Corvette on the board ID positive down ass ready for action Eng caution carrier has been [Music] engaged production complete torpedo frig deployed ion FR is ready support FR is now ready tar maintain rail gun Corvette complete assault foret ready for action priority alert strike CR craft suffering heavy losses assault FR ready for action sensor contact enemy frigate check screens hostile frigate on the board ID positive research complete C hostile one is off for next alert strike craft losses Mount ion FR is ready complete scratch one enemy FR reporting critical damage Target down redirect get neutralized alert strikecraft taking losses sensor contact Corvette check screens sensor alert hostile Corvette ID confirmed bring it down rail gun Corvette ready launching priority alert we are losing strikecraft caution Mother Ship Hall integrity at 50% hostile Corvette on screen enem for upgrade complete carot copies Mothership reporting caution carrier has been engaged ion fret is ready ready to go Fleet Corvette taking heavy damage Destroyer is ready for action priority alert high strike craft losses being reported production complete torpedo frig deploying that's another FR for hostile caution Destroyer is taking fire corv sensor contact enemy Corvette suppression frate is now ready sensor alert hostile frigate ID confirmed enemy assult is [Music] going caution carrier hle at 75% production complete priority alert strike craft suffering heavy losses forget ready for action repage sensor contact enemy frigate local operators to exercise caution suppression FR alert strike craft losses mounting clear the channel assault forget ready for action local operators Mother Ship rotation under support FR is now ready in range watch le cop moving Destroyer is ready for action alert strike craft taking losses support FR is now ready shut down priority alert we are losing strike craft hostile is on the board they're firing Lear destroy get out of here destroy caution carrier has been engaged research complete assault forget ready for action ion fret is [Music] ready priority alert high strike craft losses being reported critical damage to fr upgrade complete ion forget is ready assault foret ready for action production complete torpedo frig deploying sustained By Priority alert Destroyer is ready for action spinning out ship Target enemy breing out [Music]
Channel: Crunchynacho
Views: 8,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rQ9N9a6y1_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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