Homestead Tour - 2019 Tour of our 41 Acre Homestead

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hello everyone welcome back it is a beautiful day out here today so yesterday we ended up getting like two and a half inches of rain yesterday and it was just kind of miserable cloudy rained all day and today there is not a cloud in the sky it is just beautiful outside nice and sunny we've got all the fall color coming on the trees that's just looking it's looking really good out here today I've had a lot of new subscribers to the channel here lately and I thought maybe since there's a lot of new people watching maybe I would do kind of a homestead tour and just kind of go around the property show everything we have here on the property what the history is and what we plan on doing in all the different locations around here so on September 30th of 2015 we actually ended up buying this property it was like basically and I can old abandoned farm nobody had lived here for five years and it was just overgrown nothing was maintained at all and we we bought the property it was a little over 41 acres the day we bought the property we had we had looked at the the abstract on the property and we had heard some rumors but I found out that my great-great grandfather actually owned this property back and around 1925 to a bit about the bit mid 1940s so he owned it for about 20 years and so I thought that was a super cool that we ended up buying some property that was in the family years ago so ever since we bought the property we have been cleaning this entire property up and trying to mold it into exactly what we want for a homestead so in 2017 we ended up finally building our house out here and moving out here so we sold our house in town we moved out here in a camper and proceeded to build our dream home so we always wanted to live in a log cabin now this is not a true log cabin it does have log siding but it has that log cabin feel now I think a lot of people think that this house is way bigger than it is but the the first floor is actually only 1,300 square feet but with this wraparound porch the goes all the way around it it makes it look a lot bigger and there's actually 1400 square feet on the wraparound porch so we actually have more square footage on the porch than we do the first floor so the first thing you come to when you walk out of the house is gonna be the garden so this is a fenced in garden area that this is a project we started this year it's about half way done so you can see we've got we've got raised beds with with the fence posts on two of the sides and then we just need to finish the other two sides and then we can fence it all in and keep the animals out so in the middle of the garden you can see we have the the ground cover down and we have our plants planted in it so it really helps with the weeding and we've just got quite a big harvest of tomatoes and peppers and everything off of it this year so we've had a lot of success so far and we're only using half the garden space so I definitely think this garden will have more than enough room for what we need so just to the side of the garden this is our orchard area so this is one of the first things we established when we bought the property so we planted 18 fruit trees out here in spring of 2016 so when we planted them we actually planted him in like a raised bed we put we put logs around in a five-foot square and we raised it up so that that tree was a little bit more free draining soil because this is clay you can see a little bit of a log sticking out right there so what's happened over time is those logs they begin to rot away and they just kind of you know compost and then you end up with this natural hump you just end up with this kind of natural race spot where each one of the trees are I think it's going to turn out real nice over time but I think the orchard overall is looking really good for three and a half years this tree right here this Gala I keep having to cut it shorter every year because it would get really tall it's probably got at least a four inch diameter four to five inch diameter tree-trunk already in three and a half years so we have a lot of different fruit trees out here most of them have half of them or apples but we do have we have peaches plums pears cherries and one nectarine plant but you can see there's basically three rows of six going down here and these are all semi dwarf or there's and there's a couple dwarf trees mixed in here so on the side of the orchard is where we had all our berry plants these were strawberries and these boxes these are going to relocate and be in part inside of the garden area and then we have blackberries down there tame blackberries and then after that we have red raspberries kind of behind there but I think the plan is just to keep a row of berries here we'll probably put blueberries in where these strawberries used to be so now let's go ahead and head behind the house and I'll show you what's there so behind our house is a three and a half acre pond this is a good sized pond this was built in 1984 but when we bought the property this pond actually only had bass in it was all like six inch long bass and it what didn't have the right balance of fish species in it so in November of 2015 we ended up putting in about 600 fish into this pond now that it's about four years later it's actually about ready to be fished the all the fish are getting to be the proper size and hopefully this will be a good food source for us in the future so we actually have 12 ducks that live out here on the pond and these Ducks are really entertaining to watch from the porch so definitely love having the ducks out here and they give us plenty of eggs in fact we probably wouldn't even need any chickens because we get enough eggs from the Ducks so across the dam of the pond here there's a small opening back there and that back there is where we have our new hay field right there's a couple dere right now in our field just looking at me so this is our three acre hay field and those two deer right there standing right in front of our hunting blind you see that I'm blind and that's where we'll be doing our firearm hunting from but this is uh this is alfalfa and grass and hopefully we're going to use this to to feed our livestock this year all right those deers still hanging out waiting to see what I'm gonna do so let's go up more toward the front of the property I'll show you our livestock barn so this is our livestock barn it's called a bank barn because it's built into the side of a hill or it's built into an embankment that's a bank barn so it's broken into three sections so you have like an upper-level over here that goes over and then you have this lower level down here with the livestock stalls and then they ended up adding on an addition on the back so let's go ahead and look at each section so the top level of the Bank barn basically has three Bay's where you can park stuff so you've got two Bay's up here and then there's a side bay on that side so you could park tractors and vehicles in here we are definitely using this for a lot of storage and then behind there you can see the lower level that's the wall of the lower level that comes up and then there is the ceiling of the lower level which is actually a like a hayloft up here it's kind of like a big dance floor and we're just using it to store stuff so we have our hay up here we've got a bunch of building materials old barn wood everything all stored up here so this is just a big storage area there is a few holes in the floor there's a hole here and there's a hole over there where you can throw hay down to the lower level to feed the animals so now we're going to go ahead and go to the lower level and this is where we have the livestock stalls and you can see our barnyard area out here we've got our chickens and a couple of our goats are out here so the lower level of the barn is where the concrete blocks are on this side all the way over to here and inside of here is where our livestock stalls are gonna be so on the left-hand side the first thing we come to this is where we keep our goats so this is our goat stall in here we've got a nice little bench form to be able to climb on and lay on and it's a double size stall for the goats we've got a single size stall over here we don't have anything in that one right now but we do plan on building another stall on this side we do plan on building like a feed storage room on the very back wall so as we come around here this right here is our chicken coop and this is where all the chickens stay and right here this is our nest box so we can get the eggs without having to get in the coop and right there is where we let the chickens out so this is our chicken house is inside the barn with the rest of the animals it's just for us it's a lot easier to have all the animals in one spot so we can take care of them at the same time so right now the only thing is down here in the lower level of the barn is we've just got two of our little young female goats down here and we've got all of our chickens I think we've got about 21 chickens living in here so the last part of the barn is this kind of addition that was added later on and I've never really gone in there and showed you guys kind of what this area is about so let's go ahead I'll open that door up and we'll go inside so this is the addition that was added on the back side of the barn and you can see that they've put in some like animal stalls in here and it's kind of got like a little walkway where you can kind of walk through here in front of all these stalls so I'm not really sure what they were doing or what how they use this but I don't think this is something that I'm going to use the way it is so I think most of this will eventually get torn out I'll probably turn this into more of a like a lean-to on the back of the barn so it'll be kind of an open shelter for the livestock to be able to get into instead of whatever this is now so beside the barn is where we plan on having our pasture area so all this area over here all the way back to the back side of the dam kind of back over here to where our orchard is all this area over here we're planning on fencing in and making a pasture area so we already have a little bit of the pasture fencing up that comes all the way back behind the barn here so we're going to continue on from this post and we're going to go straight up to the back side to the top of the dam and then we're going to just kind of go across over to the orchard and just kind of close this whole area in back here and that'll be our perimeter fencing for this pasture area so behind here this is actually our little shooting range back here we've got a nice little covered shelter to be able to shoot from and we've got a nice set of targets out here and this is just a recreational area so when people come over family comes over this is just a nice place to come and do a little bit of target practice so on the side of the shooting range we have a bow target over here so you can shoot bow and arrow and then beside it there's this old cinderblock building this is an old well house so there's actually a shallow water well in there but there's no there's no power out here anymore so hopefully we'll be able to run power out here so now now that we've got power out the barn we can continue power out here to this well and then hopefully we'll be able to run water lines out and take well water to the pasture into the barn for the livestock so kind of diagonal from the livestock barn this is our brush pile this is where we've been burning brush and this is sitting on top of where an old house used to be so there when we bought the property there was an old house it was falling in and we ended up tearing it down so we've been using this concrete pad here that was under that house we've been using it as a place to burn brush but my plan in this area is to actually get this all cleaned up and use it for a place to be able to store in the future so as we continue down the driveway toward the front of the property we have this lean-to here you can see it had a tree fall on it so it's got a damage to end on this side but this lean-to is where we're storing all our firewood you see we've got all our split firewood here we also have a nice big pile of wood that I still need to split but this is our firewood storage in this area so on the other side of the road from where the firewood is stored this whole area right here we're hoping to turn that into a password area and try to fence it in so there is already an old fence line that goes through here that would all have to be replaced with new fence but on the other side of that fence there's actually a 12 acre field back there that we currently rent out and if for some reason we don't end up with enough pasture area we can always take that 12 acre field and turn that into pasture as well so this white pole barn here is actually kind of my workshop right now since I don't really have a nice workshop anywhere this is where I'm kind of keeping our tools and everything and this is where I'm storing one of the tractors so now we're at the very front of the property and this area is where we actually lived in our camper so we had our camper over here in this big tall carport and then in this small when we had kind of a picnic shelter but this is actually where an old house used to sit and I had termite damage so bad that all the floor joists were falling in so we ended up had to tear that building down as well so right now we're using this area as a goat pen so we've got this electrified netting that's kind of going around for some fencing and we've got three of the goats in here right now we just haven't decided whether this is just going to be temporary or if we're going to turn this into a permanent goat shelter so the goats do have a small area that they can go out and eat the grass and then we've got a hay feeder in here and then we ended up making a shelter out of a water tank you can't see it but the other side actually has a door cut in it so they can get inside so I've taken you around and I've showed you like all the major location kind of here on the property now everything is kind of stretched out here everything's a little spread out from the front of the house all the way up to the driveway where you enter the property that's almost a quarter mile in length so everything is spread out we keep about 15 acre area here that we kind of keep everything on and use so we don't use our entire property right now but we definitely have room for expansion well you could definitely do this on a lot less land that's for sure I think if if I took from here to the livestock barn and you can do it all in that area and you could probably just pick about a five acre area and be able to do this in and have plenty of space for livestock growing vegetables an orchard and have everything you needed but I I am glad in the end that we do have such a large property because it kind of guarantees our privacy keeps neighbors or anybody from moving right next door to us so anyway that is a private tour of the homestead so enjoyed it they sound like they enjoyed it or maybe they're protesting I don't know anyway thanks for watching guys I hope you have a great day I'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Country View Acres
Views: 186,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homestead, farm, farmstead, hobby farm, self sufficient, homesteading, rural life, country life, homestead tour, tour, farm tour, hobby farm tour, livestock barn tour, livestock barn, orchard tour, garden tour, goats, chickens, ducks, pasture, hay field, walk around, see, view, explore, explore homestead, property tour, property, fishing pond, homestead pond, livestock, plans, future plans, homestead plans, improvements
Id: BG9SQ6ku00c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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