Homemade Railgun | Magnetic Games
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Channel: Magnetic Games
Views: 808,829
Rating: 4.8402505 out of 5
Keywords: magnet, magnetic games, magnets, imanes, satisfaction, magnetic, ASMR, magnet satisfaction, ima, imas, accelerator, magnetic field, magnet tricks, マグネット, neodymium magnets, magnetic game, magnetic experiment, science experiment, magnetic cannon, playing with magnets, strong magnets, do it yourself, slow motion, railgun, magnet cannon, electromagnetic railgun, how to build, magnetic accelerator, homemade railgun, レールガン, oddly satisfying, magnetic weapon, magnetic gun
Id: 9myr32FgCWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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