Homeless, But I'm Not A Bum | CNA Insider

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Welp he know a lot of english words that i dont even know the meaning of

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is a huge tragedy of the modern society.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/brokendefeated 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

why the fuck are people recording a homeless guy get him a house and a job or some shit

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Gunlock59 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's easy being homeless in developed countries like Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the US etc, I was homeless for a month in Arizona and I did just fine and even if I was do it long term it wouldn't be an issue for me. As long as you have a job and you utilize facilities such as gyms, P.O boxes, laundromats, etc then you're good.

It saddens me seeing such an eloquent and bright guy living as a transient, I wish him the best of luck in his endeavors.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/futurehikikomori 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
when you're constantly in public spaces it's re doing a peace of mind you feel like always giving scrutinized you have to be smart I cannot be like a chameleon of course if you want to get help then that's the only time we actually want to look like a destitute other than that I don't go around advertising that I have my childhood was turbulent my mother he actually suffered from mental disorders when I was nine she left the house one day and actually left on the building in Holland visit you after she died I never any only gyne I lost interested in my academic study my performance started to vomit you probably saw me as a train wreck Lana isn't a failure she didn't really seek my consent he just would be inside one day and say okay I'm gonna marry and this is your new mother I could really get along with her and I felt that the two of them were very domineering egoistic controlling kind of parents so rebelde [Music] [Music] government of charities as well as one of things you face been here for [Music] I was yeah always hanging around places we really put the stuff to get instructors in here to a desk you will carry it all the tissues of this cuz they be needed for cleaning yourself he spent about one hour just one night me and hiking well some destitutes doing all about that so I ran away from home many times there was one I exhausted my funds of desperation I was hungry about 2jm crept into someone's house yd realizes that the meat was still weak and she spotted me climbing into the house so when the police arrived arrested Nina at that time I didn't know it but it was probably the beginning of the end of my life you [Music] it makes you like an open target people think oh this one gang dragged him to the dramatic roots as they thought something [Music] basically any any place that operates for 24 hours then shops are seven hospitals at vote first night you know a dollar just step the problems name came the third I started becoming more regular and that the staff would make noise because the only cleaner please no comment trying to kick you out okay one of you good distraction so there's three eliminate any body odor go going for a either a job interview or when I'm meeting someone that I feel was in one [Music] oh these are my documents and as my sped showed which also functions as a pillow contact lenses at my office so everything is a certain order because it's quite small bay I can't speak for the rest of the destitute but for myself we are trying to make an effort to come all this but you're already at a disadvantage of your criminal record if you don't make an effort to stay competitive then you're gonna become a dinosaur I would say it's probably more of the Cibo effect as you feel more confident but haven't been successful my effect so far there are so many people whoever agrees these days [Music] for the longest time meant Thalia was quite unstable you know that I got her mood swings probably one of the reasons why I went often committed all these offences is because of my Stardust realize in my youth I was in denial [Music] which makes me think you know like how am I gonna have a normal life - be practical if you wish you want to go to God with so many issues [Music] all right wet wife I gotta clean that area where I put my head because you never know some people might be sleeping their feet here everyone has their as their designated sleeping spot now if you sleep in my spot for tonight never I have my girl Steve is especially if the place is crowded so disputes are that you have them so I'm I wanna have fun here facing inwards and bags like that so it's quite a secure I went off to hire them and left they have a thing beside I think about one or two hours later when I woke up the whole thing will get you stop you're an emotional building us they have their own nests right human beings are no different we all one space of our own that we can go home if I have to live this way for the rest of my life already did to be honest this is not the big this is your just existing [Music] you have to live with another person another stranger most people can't even get along with your family members they're lower than strangers right and they're actually a lot destitute actually in that joint single scheme as well orders default site because they just can't get along their house means and they'll do you you have to do something that you are passionate about you have to fire on purpose I know my purpose but I promise I thought you were the achieve is if you can't then it's just it's just a stupid dream one of my favorite channels is one reason why I keep on the kidneys wolfdog videos it's because I actually I should have a dream of owning a bulldog as well I want to want to thought like me this is not the easiest thing in the world to to rise up above you know everyone has their own situation before you you drop judgment on us and these make an effort to find out more before you crucify us with your prejudice line you know I can actually make a contribution to this world and I can change it in my own small realer [Music]
Channel: CNA Insider
Views: 736,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: singapore, channel newsasia, cna insider, homeless, destitute
Id: F-kqt_1r6K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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