Homegoing Service For Mrs. Annie Mae Jenkins 9/17/21

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so [Music] [Music] cool thank you [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] time so [Music] [Music] so so okay so my [Music] [Music] do so so do uh [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh shall we all rise i am the resurrection and the life saith the lord he that liveth and believeth in me though we were dead yet shall he live and he that liveth and believeth in me shall never never die if i know my redeemer lives and that he should stand at the latter day upon the earth and those skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall i see god for myself and man i shall behold not another far we brought nothing into this world and it is certain that we can carry nothing away the lord giveth and he is taken away blessed be the name of the lord lord thou has been our dwelling place in every generation before the mountains were brought forth however you form the earth and the world from everlasting to everlasting thou art god ah [Music] [Music] so what's up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] do so [Music] [Music] so oh oh [Music] [Music] do [Music] good morning hello brothers and sisters divine providence has brought us to this place today as we celebrate the homegoing and life of this our beloved mother mother anime booker jenkins we pray that god will give this family peace and strength as we go through this homegoing service i pray that you would pray with and for them they have a program already outlined we're going to follow as printed scripture prayer solo reading of obituary silently reflections two minutes each please solo you legit recessional as your name shows on pills on the program please come at that time amen we shall read from the old testament 14th chapter book of job and from the new testament the fourth chapter of faith cesar lonya man who is born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble he coming forth like a flower and he fades away he flee like a shatter and does not continue for there is hope for a tree if it is cut down that it will sprout again but man dies and it laid away as water disappear from the sea and a river become posh and dried up so man lies down and does not rise kills the heaven are no more and they will not awake nor be roused from their sleep this i do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god was bringing him and those who sleep in jesus for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means perceive those who are asleep for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first and they then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord may god bless the hearer and the reader of his holy word [Music] let us pray most gracious and all wise god master in creator of the heavens and the earth god of abraham isaac and jacob god from whom all blessings flow father we come this morning to say thank you lord we thank you because you and you alone are worthy to be praised so right now father we ask that you just meet us right now father we pray pray for this family and we celebrate the life of our daily departed sister anna jenkins who without a doubt touched the lives of each and every one of us in our own special way we pray that you receive her in your kingdom lord and we ask for encouragement for this family lord keep them reminded that they have the hope of glory in your son jesus that just as jesus was raised from the dead even so shall we also walk in the newness of that life a life where there's no more crying and no more dying and no more being talked about in the matchless and glorious name of your lord and see savior jesus christ we do pray amen [Music] amen [Music] sister the shantae marshall is scheduled to do a solo and sister alfreda informed me that she's not here and she asked me if i would stand in her state and emphasis alfreda you know i have to do what you asked me i've had some good day [Music] i've had some heels to climb [Music] weary days and [Music] some lonely nights but when i i look around and [Music] think things over all of my good days out away the bad days so i i won't complain sometimes the clouds ain't low i i can't hardly see the road but i ask the question lord lord why so much pain but he knows [Music] they don't see so i [Music] i won't complain god has been good to me he's been so good to me more than anybody else could ever be he's been so good [Music] [Music] tried my tears away [Music] [Music] i woke [Music] god bless you the reading of the obituary solely at this time soft music please [Music] so amen at this time we'll have reflections from those who would like to come and do reflections on our beloved sister mother sister jenkins if you want to come please come right here at this time good morning everyone good morning family friends i come say a couple words about it because she was a very funny funny person and had a lot of fun with them you know one thing that was funny she could never get my nickname right she would tell bill she knew my nickname was truck everybody called me truck but every time she set a bed she go what chuck what chuckle look at and i found that very funny you know from her she told us so many stories and some stories i can't bring up in here because we're in church but you know the time i had whether she was a very fun and humorous lady and she kept me smiling and she kept you laughing and she would give you the shirt off of her back even if she didn't have money anything she can do to help you she was a person that was willing to help you and she had a very loving caring heart and she had some swag too now and the megan dress baby hannah may put him clothes on and she propped that lid got the way she did she was something else and she would be truly missed and i just like tell all y'all i enjoyed her i enjoyed the time i had what uh y'all had a very a very loving caring family member and i enjoyed it and i hope y'all all did as well i hear the stories that all y'all tell but that's one of my stories i can tell besides telling the rest of them i had to tell you in the backyard somewhat so i love all y'all and y'all have a good morning and as they all say in the church you know time time will heal everything god will too god will to seize this moment and make you better off and make things make your heart seal back up you know when he'll move you on regardless how hard it looks like it might be sometime he does he does and he is looking over all of us so i sent you all that love for me love y'all family and friends have a good morning i'm her favorite nephew um um that's my auntie auntie anne um she was staying down in evergreen taking care of my grandmother and uh i would go down there and i'd drive trucks so i would stop through that for lunch she couldn't feed you enough i mean she wouldn't let you get up and she got that from grandma she wouldn't let you get up until you ate and uh the food she cooked mcdonald's captain d's nothing can hold you like a pot of butter beans and that cornbread could and you didn't have to have no meat because she she showed enough seasoning he's good but uh auntie loved me she loved my family i could feel it every time i saw her she lit up um but she will be missed she's the life of the party and uh me and my first cousins rick and theo we were in evergreen one night and we walked into the waffle house and she was in there and uh she knew then she could have whatever she wanted and that one thing she wanted she said boom boom rick and fato i'm gonna have me a steak oh she was so happy about that state but uh i love you all and uh hope to see you all soon together uh without these circumstances love y'all good morning um first off i want to give all glory and thanks to god for you know for everything annie jenkins it's a lot that we can all sit and say about my grandma rather she was fussing whether she was getting on eye everlasting nerves whether she was just being any or you know i would always and forever miss my grandma and you know i thank god for allowing me to have the moments that i had with her and those were the last moments of this year of taking her back and forth to the doctor giving her stuff that she noticed she wasn't supposed to have and just just you know just being around her she will always call me sometimes i may not answer sometimes i might do sometimes she just want to sit on the phone and talk and just have company you know you know i'll do that with her and this is not a good bad moment this was it's just a i see you later moment and i'm thankful for being able to have her as my grandmother because she taught not only me but ebony as well she taught us a lot she taught us when storms came we knew what to do she taught us when the storm left she taught us what to do she taught us how to cook and one thing i normally miss is eating yams with every single thing it was whether it was yams and pancakes yams and and chicken yams with biscuits yams with cereal somehow we had him every day and still to this day i cannot eat yams because she cooked yams every day when we got out of school and i'm gonna tell you the story then i'ma sit down we was going to the grocery store she wanted to go get her pick five i said come on grandma say go get a pick five we go in the store as we come at the store i see a lady took the buggy and she hit my car with it so i got the buggy and i i took the bug and i hit her car with it so she bone brushed past grandma i said grandma move out the way before she hit you then i'mma hit her you come on she was like no you come on cuz i ain't got number dollar in my pocket i don't think i can get us out of jail with a dollar here so i said i said okay but grandma she was about to hit you she was gonna take your shoulder off come on here erica we got to go i'm hungry i said okay grandma we can go so guy in the car we left and the last appointment that i took my grandma was to the council center and she looked at me and i i looked at her and it was one of those moments where i just knew we had to get ourselves together because i just knew that this was it so she looked at me and she said erica and i said grandma she said i want you to take this dollar and i got that dollar and i put that dollar out of my other belongings and she said you take this dollar and you keep this dollar and i want you to look at that dollar and every time you look at that dollar you think of me so every time i see that dollar whether i'm happy whether i'm sad whether i'm going through it whether i'm not it will always make me think of her in the moments that we had that's why if you're arguing with somebody and you know y'all not together you know everything is crazy right now take this moment and tell each other that you love each other you never know when it's your time to go because it's when you're trying that's it but i love y'all this is a celebration for annie sorry reverend sorry church but we're going we're going to get her a pack we're going to have fun today okay okay i'm ann's youngest sister and all i have to say is whenever i would talk to her i said i love you anne she said yeah but i love you first and those are the last words that she spoke to me i loved you first sorry good afternoon my name is dewanda rogers coley and i am annie mae's favorite niece my anime came to my wedding 23 years ago and my co-workers years after would ask where is that lady who danced all night i said who y'all talking about she said that that lady i said you talking about my anime yeah she could she brought life to everything everything to be around her was to be happy to know her was to love her my last memory is when i came home last year in october i went over to my cousin's house and we danced and we had fun and we laughed and i gave her her 12-pack and i gave her a little something in her pocket she was so happy it didn't take a lot to make her happy she was very simple very humble but very loving and she used to always tell me i love you boo i love you and i'd always say when i hang up the phone i love you auntie and her last words to me were i love you more until you loved period that's who she was that's what i will always care in my heart her love she loved period good morning everybody how y'all doing well i'm gonna tell you like this i refuse to be sad today because i know where she is okay um i met my manny about 25 years ago through beverly and i actually would drive here from atlanta like i did today to see my manny bug i can relate to some of that food you're talking about proud member of alabama state university right here and the first thing my man had told me is was going to one class he said baby bring me one of them alabama state bags so when i brought the bag to beverly house i said no i can't just bring the bag i got to fill it up with what she liked so i filled the bag up with what she liked so when i filled the bag met her sitting on the porch on beverly's back porch when she slayed a plumber she left and she went in the house she saw oh no when i came out hey my man i said here in your bag when she's got the bag she says look heaven did she say my boy she said my boy so we was out there talking man her talking for a minute and she up and she just left she went in the house and this was so funny because she went in there she took down all beverly steaks thought i'd all build the steaks i come in the house she cooking fried potatoes and onions and steak for me okay the best thing i ever had in my life and i told my wife she does it too and i tell her something hey we got to go get mama and steak and potato cause she she did that for me we're going to miss her but uh one thing i can say i never saw her say it she was always full of life and fun well out of the 25 years i never saw her say all right and i love all you guys good morning i'm anne's sister i could stand here but i know the pastor wants us to want us to wrap this up but i just had to come and say to know her was to love her to know her she was a pain sometimes she would make me so angry with her but we loved each other because we grew up together she was five years older than me she thought my battles couldn't nobody at connecticut county training school do anything to me that she didn't go back and rectify it so and my brother henry and i we would take turns going over to see her and yes when you would talk with her i said i love you she said i love you more i love you more so to know to have known her was to love her but i tell everybody she got on my nerve but she knew i loved her and i'm gonna miss her but we all we've all got to go we all have an appointment that we cannot that we cannot cancel i love you guys and i pray safe travel and thank you pastor america at this time resolution one day is with the lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day second peter third chapter eight first we the pastor offers officers and members of pilgrim rest missionary baptist church montgomery alabama extend our condolences to the jenkins family at this time of bereavement caused by the death of sister annie mae jenkins whereas our heavenly father has taken the soul of sister annie mae jenkins to a place where parting will be no more on september 5th 2021 whereas we are thankful to god for giving us sister annie mae jenkins whose soul will remain with us throughout our mortal lives be it resolve that we express to the family members who grieve their loved ones lost this day be reminded that these trials and tribulations and crosses are but for a moment be it further resolved that this is our prayer that christ will bring healing for your sorrow healing for your pain and healing for your souls as the mighty and wondrous healer of earthly sorrow reaches down to rescue you be at rest in the glorious fulfillment of his promised word i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again john 14 verses 2 and 3. now therefore be it for the resolve that this resolution be presented to the family and the copy become a part of the official records of pilgrimage missionary baptist church humbly submitted this 17th day of september in the year of our lord 2021 reverend walter e ellis pastor amen at this time sister calhoun [Music] praise the lord [Music] i'll do this one so the song just simply is asking god to change me we can't ask god to do that a lot of us change me oh god make me more [Music] like you [Music] change me oh god wash me through just created [Music] [Applause] [Music] worse [Music] make me more like [Music] watch me [Music] just created [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that i [Music] worship you i need you to change [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord i need you to change [Music] me yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] change [Music] change [Music] has [Applause] [Music] me [Music] and thank you so canada why should i feel this courage why should the shadows come why should my heart feel lowly and long for heaven and home when jesus is my portion of constant friend is he his eyes on the sparrows and yes we know he watches over you and me i was talking with sister freda i be last night and she said to me pastor i was going through mama's belongings and i found a picture of the first anniversary that you celebrated at pilgrim rest church and that's been 41 years ago that's how long sister uh jenkins has had connection with this church with my affiliation and she was one who loved the lord she was one who loved her pastor and she was one who did all she could while she could and i want to thank god for this family this family has always been kind to me and i want to thank god for you all i pray for your strength today and i never liked it for a long time i try to do it within a certain frame of time so it doesn't be a burden on you so that being said there's a scripture that comes to my mind i think that's befitting for this occasion it's in saint john chapter 14 verses one two and three it says let not your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house of many mansions and if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go i'll come again and receive you unto my self that where i am thou you may be also these words were comforting words from jesus to his disciples i say sometimes dog shuffle that the 23rd of the 14th chapter of saint john in the new testament is what the 23rd psalm was in the old testament just like the 23rd psalm has soothed so many sorrows calmed so many fears it has been more sick rooms perhaps uttered by more dying lips than any scripture in the old testament perhaps the new testament alike but there's so much similarity that there is so much in common with john 14 and psalms 23 quickly i'll wrap this up for you psalms 23 david was comforted in his sheep but in john 14 jesus is comforting his disciples why do you say that pastor because jesus has been with them three years and his time is winding down it's about time for him to make his exit back to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father to be our mediator and intercessor but but but when his disciples uh uh dr hendrick had discerned and learned that their savior their waymaker their their their peace their joy their everything was about to lead them they were sad melancholy and they were distraught and jesus knowing their hearts as he knows all of ours he knew what was in their heart and he had to find some words to comfort them so that even though he was leaving they would still be in good standing and keep the faith so he so he heard us the words of our texts and you know words can be meaningful words can be helpful someone said once once upon a time that sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me for a long time i accepted that but since i've lived long enough i found out that that's not really true because sometimes a lick uh won't last as long as words people can say some things to you they can say some things about you that you will carry to your grave so jesus is speaking wise mr freda uh miss beverly he's speaking words of comfort and i just want to give you three things from this text perhaps will comfort you he says let not your hearts be troubled you be being god believe also with me he said to them i'm going to leave you with peace i'm going to give you some peace now you've lost a mother you've lost the best friend that you ever had but in the midst of a transition you can steal a draw from god's peace because he will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding that will keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus isaiah 23 6 3 says thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him now watch this watch this in days to come in days to come you're going to get lonely in days to come you're going to miss mama you're going to miss grandma but always remember that the peace of god is always available no matter what time of night no matter what how dreary and long the days are you can always draw from the peace of god because if he could speak peace on a raging sea surely absolutely definitely he can speak peace to our souls he wants us to experience his peace secondly he said to them in my father's house there are many mansions and if it were not so i wouldn't tell you i'm going to prepare a place for you he's telling them listen i'm going away to prepare a place and one day you'll be able to come there too you see jesus here's what he said i am the resurrection and the life he that liveth and believeth in me though he was dead yet shall he live and he that lives and believeth in me shall never die mama didn't die she went to sleep she went to sleep she's absent in the body but she's present with the law and she has moved from her old house to her new house she has a new residence she's in a new place watch this he says in my father's house there are many mansions now i can't i don't know who else i won't be able to live in a mansion he already know it i don't know how the finances don't have the funds but the bible assures me if i accept jesus as my lord and savior that heaven has many mountains which means many big rooms and one of them belongs to me here it is your mansion is built according to the temple that you're sending up what are you saying pastor but chapman everybody ought to send up a little timber every now and then because that was a story about a maid who worked for this uh her boss lady for years minimum wage robbing peter to pay paul but she died and went to heaven and when she got there i think nick met her at the golden gate and ushered her down those golden streets to pearly gates rather and urges her down the golden the golden streets and showed her all the mansions in heaven they were lavish they were something to the hole and when they finally made it to her match and he said now this is your mansion to live forever not many days hence her boss later died went to heaven saint nick met her but she held down the golden streets and as they were walking and talking he said that's where you used to be made jane lives she got excited she said legend can live in that kind of mansion as poor as she was on earth my mansion must be something to behold but to the surprise they kept walking they kept talking and the mountains began to get smaller and smaller and smaller and when she got to her match and he said now that's you this is yours she said wait a minute can't be how can jane as poor as she was on earth live in that kind of mansion in heaven he said well wait a minute your mansion is built or called into the timber that you sitting up you didn't send that much timber that's why your mountain is so small i'm trying to tell somebody in this family every now and then you ought to send up a little timber sending up some praise sending up some hallelujah sitting up a word sitting up myself you to send them something [Music] he gave him a promise he gave him a peace gave him a place now he makes a promise that where i am there you may be also now let me close when i tell you heaven is real it's more than a figmentation of our imagination if you don't believe me read revelation 21 john said i saw a new heaven i saw a new earth coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bride a dawn for her husband and everything that we have you see heaven is not heaven because of what's there heaven is heaven because of what's not there in that fourth verse he said i was no more crying no more sorrow no more suffering no crying god wiped all the teals away if he said he was coming back to carry us to a place taking matt his word because the record is he is not a man that he should lie neither is he son of man that he should repent and can i tell you today he's coming back the signs of the times read matthew 24. earthquakes individuals pleases famines pestilence he said because sin would abound the love of many with wax coal you know love ain't what it used to be you you used to take people at their word and now folk will smile in your face and all the time trying to take your place because iniquity is all about the love of many shall wax coat so my words to you are the same words jesus gave to his disciples let not your hearts be troubled when your hearts get troubled i know somebody who's a troubled sheriff i know somebody who will help you make it through the night i know somebody when the road gets rough and the going gets tough and the heels get hard to climb and seem like ain't nobody nobody everybody has forgotten about you because today you have the family you have a crowd but next week or two you may be by yourself but he promised never to leave us alone so let not your hearts be troubled he's on the main line telling what you want bow your heads with me please our father our god we thank you for this privilege to share with this family word from the holy red hopefully will keep them as the days come and the years pass and help them to know that this is not the end death is never a period that in life is a calm that transcends life to a more loftier and higher crest so we give you now our burdens we give you now our problems and most of all we give you our lives because we know that if we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that god raised jesus from the dead we already saved in the matchless marvelous name of jesus we pray amen amen so [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Pilgrim Rest MBC-Montgomery
Views: 1,015
Rating: 4.3333335 out of 5
Id: A0nt134tGy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 41sec (4781 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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