Home Tour: Inside Christina Hall's Stunning 12 Million Dollar House | Christina on the Coast | HGTV

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hey HGTV Christine and Josh here welcome to come on in [Music] Welcome to our home here in Newport Beach California this is our family room this is where we hang out by the fire relax this is actually a fireplace and it's actually a real flame and it has multiple remotes and a switch on the wall and oftentimes I can't get it right so let's see if I can this time oh look so this is a smart home uh apparently I'm not that smart because I struggle with a few things on this house and when one thing goes down it all goes down we've been locked out of our house in a power outage because we didn't have keys when we bought the house everybody choose the keypad so smart houses aren't always the best answer totally as you can see we're in a little bit of a construction zone I mean story of our life what we're trying to get it kind of like Bali Vibes that was our sort of original plan and I think we're heading that direction we're out in this bar area over here and this is going to be super cool when it's done I wish it was done for you guys so one of my signature designs that I'd love to do in any house I can is a really big island and this is probably one of my almost biggest that we've ever done what do you like to call it it's no longer an island it's a continent where as a family we eat pretty much all of our meals that's why it's extra big because under this roof alone you know there's five of us but when we have people over this will sit six people comfortably the kids do their homework here there's a ton of storage all underneath it so you can really put anything you want and she actually ordered the stools or the bar stools before we even had the island and she insisted on having six she had them ordered from Bali she wanted her vibe we pretty much Built This Island around the six Port stools and like I said this is like pretty much honestly where we spend like eighty percent of our time in this house oh yeah is this island all right you ready to check out the outside what's the main reason we bought this house definitely you want to press the button open the doors oh yes I do this is like 60 feet of slider and it collapses down to about six feet on each side it's automated when it is all open it's really beautiful and for entertaining and the kids always play out here so it just really everything has a nice flow and then around the corner is actually one of my favorite parts of the house oh yeah come on in I think there's room for one more so this is our sauna area we're staying at this really cool Resort and actually get a lot of inspiration from hotels and resorts we stay at because I feel like they're always up at the trends but they had an amazing Spa that had the sauna ice bath Vibe and we were doing that every day there and we just felt so good so we just decided to why not recreate it at home and then Christina doing the research she's good at found this kit for me to build I'm not like super handy I can figure things out and there's a science to it that I learned as I went but I got it but you did a great job thank you I love it in here all right enough time in here let's go to my favorite spot the movie theater [Music] yeah oh who are those two oh I don't know look at that it's my favorite show so this is a room that the kids love as well the kids love to like make a little forts down here when we have movie night and the dogs of course have their dog beds too but it's just so comfy and so quiet in here and my favorite part is the shooting stars yeah the ceiling's crazy those lights are individually poked in there they're not sheaths it's really cool I'm the details guy obviously she's just happy about the ceiling but I like knowing how it was made these chairs are super yeah is that why you go to sleep so easily in here is it the chairs yeah same while we have dog beds in here the dogs love it in here the kids love it in here and it actually is very soft like it's the only place we have carpet in the house yeah it is yeah no wonder they like wrestle and fighting here doesn't hurt as bad makes sense yeah but it's not a bad spot see so what's funny is this house we don't have a guest room so this kind of becomes the guest room my dad loves sleeping in here falling asleep looking up at the shooting stars I don't know it's his spot anyway moving on to the light features so if we really wanted you know for the movie experience we could make it completely dark in here and just have the shooting stars and lights on but naturally that's pretty dark time to go back to reality yeah I know I know she's a vampire she hates this all right office sure you don't want to watch something I mean you can stay in here and hang out all day but I think you want to finish the tour I want to watch my wife on TV oh no thanks [Music] welcome to the office that's where all the magic happens oh yeah this is where the magic happens and that was our bedroom so this is probably the most colorful room in the news of course we still have some live plans that's an olive tree over there I have this painting from one of my wizard friends and of course my favorite crystals the angel wing amethyst yeah but I just love all the natural light in here just pop our laptop down take phone calls have design meetings probably truly the only room in the house is actually for me yeah well this is your space let's go see Myspace and you know it's mine no that's all you just stay out of there this is my place show you around a little bit this actually was my dad's car that he had promised to me on my 40th birthday and then still promised it to me but it came at a price I still have a dirt bike I rode pretty much my whole childhood through my teen years and eventually I got old and thought making money is more important than possibly get hurt not working so I quit riding so it's kind of more of a just a show item now I ride it here and there but this stuff up here is all kind of like little special things to me a lot of it's just 80s memorabilia but like this right here is my grandma this is my favorite person on the planet Hudson actually made this for me uh probably about a year ago and he's so smart he asked me all the time where it is so I made sure I put it here so it would never get lost or thrown away by accident so yeah beyond all my my little things up here police Locker is kind of cool to still have from the pier I actually think yeah I still have my original police uniform in here or I should say the the last day I ever worked wore this I don't think I've washed it since all right sweetie that's enough we got to get this tour rolling It's never enough all right let's head upstairs that's how I love our staircase one of my favorite features actually these lights we added up here at night this whole area looks super cool you can see like the sun setting back here and these really cool sunsets so it's just a really pretty area this is a work in progress too this is eventually a kid's desk area we're adding some slotted wood behind the TV these are my parents and this is the first day that my dad met my mom's parents and my grandparents are actually still alive and my grandma is 92 and my grandpa is 98. these are my dad's parents they've passed away but my grandma right here was my best friend and I spent every summer on their farm and those are some of my favorite memories this is actually my dad is a little boy this is taken in central California in a place called Gustine and looks like my dad's probably about two or three there so over here you have this is Taylor's room super cute Taylor's opinionated when it comes to her own decor and she's seen a lot of houses as well so she chose this Chevron design on her back wall with her name in cursive and it's a cool room yeah I like it welcome to the boys room this is where Brayden and Hudson spend some time and hang out and they have a gorgeous view over here I love their little patio they play Nintendo in here watch movies that's where we do story time and everything now this is where they wrestle this is where they act like boys they bring stuff we have to put it back together but uh no and actually a little fun fact every morning the kids actually wake up and make their own beds and if I'm not mistaken I believe that this is how they left them last they've done very well even Hudson Hudson's three wakes up makes his own bed gets himself ready they take their showers brush their teeth like it's super cute all right cell arm oh last but not least we're gonna show our room huh welcome to arum this is where some would say the magic happens but that's in your office apparently so this is just where we sleep so in here we painted this wall black to give it more moranic Ally effect but what's really nice is all this bamboo here yes this looks super cool it's really relaxing to sit in bed because really all you see is the bamboo and it adds some privacy and at night it looks really really cool oh it's super cool there's a lot of up lighting so lights and highlights the bamboo with the sky when you're laying down you lose the houses across the street it's really cool yeah I always wanted to feel relaxing more live plants little sitting areas another one of these fire features but yeah I feel like it just feels really relaxing in here you want to see the TV so kind of like the theater this place has a projector also since we don't really have any walls to mount a TV we have this nice custom way the TV comes out of the ceiling it's like some Star Wars stuff and there's the TV and then one of the best features that my vampire wife here loves is that this room completely blacks out with blackout Shades I like lit but I prefer the dark there's actually three different things they're sheer there's translucent and there's blackout and right now I'm doing all three and it really darkens up the room provides all the privacy privacy yeah I'm not concerned about that as much as you are I think you just like the dark I'll walk around in this room however I want the neighbors see it they see it and there you have it Welcome to our bathroom this big beautiful stone in the middle it's very modern in here which we're gonna make subtle changes to make it feel like the rest of the house but it's beautiful especially enjoy taking baths here very relaxing I mean you like making things yours it's beautiful we got to make a Christina style yeah it's a little it's a little too modern of course Welcome to our closet this is Josh's oh I would say it's messy but it's not this is mine it has my makeup vanity in here too having his and her closets is a game changer I could never share a closet with her that makes two of us I agree that's actually a good point you probably wouldn't want to share with me yeah I want to share with you having your own is just perfect [Music] all right you guys have seen our family room our kitchen come together our movie theater office my garage y'all have seen more than most people have ever seen in this house so it's time to leave bye-bye see you later locking up foreign [Music]
Channel: HGTV
Views: 845,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hgtv
Id: MldlpQkmHYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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