Home Remedies for Covid Cough and Sore Throat. Helpful Tips on What to Do During Home Isolation...

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we all know that the Omicron surge in our country nowadays most of our patients who suffer from covid-19 actually develop mild covid-19 symptoms in fact both of them can be treated at home but what we also know is that 50 to 70 percent of people with symptomatic covid-19 specifically now with the Omicron variant will develop a dry cough and this cuff tends to come on quickly beginning about a day or so after the onset of illness but may linger for quite some time especially those who aren't vaccinated so a lot of my patients are actually asking what needs to be done so instead of calling us here are some tips that I can share with you we know that most mild coveted patients will also develop scratchy throat in fact this can eventually develop later on to a severe form of sore throat it has been known that more than 20 symptoms have been identified by those exposed to Omicron but experts are suggesting that one symptom in particular could warn you that you just got the virus before even a positive covid antigen test and that is sore throat so what then can we do at home since most of these symptoms are mild and we can probably be treated at home with local remedies what can we do to alleviate some of the Omicron symptoms of cough and sore throat while at home isolation let's watch this [Music] [Music] [Music] now a typical covet cough can last at an average of 19 days for most people but it can also last up to four weeks in approximately five percent of patients who suffered from covert 19. some people will eventually develop long covet syndrome who might find themselves coughing for months after their infection is over it is therefore best that you don't suppress coughing too much because if there are secretions like mucus you have to be able to clear them out normally when the sensory nerves detect a virus or other foreign Invader they activate the cuff with sensors in the middle or region of the brain which in turn trigger the muscles around the respiratory tract to try to eject The Unwanted visitor so with covid-19 the risk is very high specifically in terms of transmissibility of this virus every time you cough and this risk however drops significantly after 10 days but while you don't have to stay isolated at home if you're coughing it is prudent and polite to continue wearing a mask and of course practice social distancing fortunately there are things you can do to treat cough while you are recovering from cover 19. let me show you some tips first it can probably help if you elevate yourself when sleeping by putting a wedge pillow underneath under your head a little bit elevated of around 45 degrees this will help you cough out excess phlegm second over-the-counter coffee politics like acetyl cysteine which I usually use and prescribe to my patients can help loosen the phlegm to make it easier for you to expectorate the mucus I usually use that sachet of acetyl sustain which can be put in a glass of water and you can probably take it once a day this will help loosen up your phlegm third we always advise patients to the best expectorant or mucolytic for cough is water therefore hydrate yourself drink plenty of water while at home isolation one very important tip that I usually give to my patient is if they can drink tea when you have cough it has also been shown to provide several benefits that can help you feel better and this includes the ability of tea to soothe out a throat that sore that feels raw or sore from coughing warm fluids like tea can also help loosen the phlegm and allows you to expectorate it better likewise we all know about the health benefits of tea specifically it's anti-inflammatory or antimicrobial properties one tea that I usually recommend is the ginger tea Studies have shown that ginger has very strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that these properties can help soothe the irritated throat and Airways caused by coughing but green tea or peppermint tea if you have them can also be be very beneficial and they both are effective in inhibiting microbes including some types of bacteria viruses or fungi it has been shown to really be safe to take tea when consumed in moderate amounts but what we also know that most Omicron cases nowadays also have Associated sore throat in fact it may be a primary symptom for some patients of a scratchy throat which eventually will lead to severe sore throat one reason for sore throat among these patients who suffered from Omicron variant disease is the incessant coughing related to covet 19. so if you do get some sore throat here are some simple tips first try a teaspoon of honey on hot tea or hot water it has been shown that a little bit of Honey tends to soothe out a very sore throat second I have been doing this all my life which is to gargle salt water in a lukewarm water so although this is not scientifically proven to help this maneuver has been with me for a long time before I became a doctor and there's usually no harm in trying and it might help you so what I would recommend is for you to use one teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water and then gargle it for a few seconds it's actually the lukewarm water that can also help soothe out the inflammation third what I advise right now to my patients especially during covid-19 is to gargle some mouth antiseptics so the moment you feel a sore throat coming in I usually try to use povidone locally marketed as Betadine antiseptic sore throat gargle I actually put out a video on mouthwash and nasal spray against covid-19 and this has been shown to really help treat and relieve some of the sore throat symptoms one very controversial recommendation that I sometimes do is if you can eat a Frozen treat I know this is a sure treat for most but most of our parents will disagree because they don't like us to eat something cold so in theory the coldness of this Frozen treat may help numb the pain and soothe your throat if it is sore enough from coughing but also what I would recommend is if you can suck on cough drops or lozenges because this will keep your mouth and throat moist if it happens that your sore throat is severe enough that you need some pain reliever what I would strongly recommend is some sort of a local spray one brand that I use is the diflum Forte anti-inflammatory throat spray which I administer two sprays directly onto the sore or inflamed area and you can swallow it gently you can repeat this maneuver of spraying to the sore throat every one and a half to three hours as required lastly almost always you also have some muscle aches body pains including fever and therefore always secure enough stalks of acid to benefit before you start your home isolation sometimes a lot of coughing can also be painful and therefore a pain reliever can take the edge off I hope this simple home remedies can Tide you over till the end of your isolation period I hope this video has been very helpful to you stay safe this is Dr Jerry tan see you again soon [Music]
Channel: Doc Gerry Tan
Views: 469,108
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Id: Sl0wS52z8Tg
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Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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