Home Inspection Training Class #35

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hey everybody welcome to class my name is ben gromiko i'm from internachi that's the international association of certified home inspectors and this is a free live online open to everyone home inspection training class and we're going to do a home inspection together we're going to review a home inspection that i performed recently on a house a two-story house a couple bedrooms couple baths garage and we're gonna take a look at the home inspection report that i wrote and um we'll start in just a couple minutes we'll let everybody get online we had almost 600 students register so that's pretty exciting that's a lot of students so we'll let them get online and figure out the technology but while we're here together um some logistics you should be able to hear me i can't hear you thanks justin you should be able to see me i can't see you and if you wanted to ask a question feel free this is a free online and live class so i'm here to answer your questions um you may have a few since there are almost 600 registered for class we'll try to get through them all i'm not sure if it's practical but we'll try on your screen you should see a question and answer button you can ask questions there the cool thing about this feature is if you like the question that one of the other students asked you could bump it up you can give it a thumbs up and that can take it up to the top of the the list of questions so feel free to ask questions if you are um watching this and you uh your phone rings your business phone rings and it's a new job pick it up uh schedule it uh or if you have something else important like maybe a football game uh tonight feel free to go in and out of class tonight we'll go about two hours maybe the class is being video recorded all of our classes are recorded so that you can watch them later and they're at nachi.org webinars and i'll show you the url later so i hope everyone who wanted to come was able to come tonight thank you very much for coming justin eric you're welcome ryan just got his license today he's already a certified professional inspector a cpi that's a national uh designation credential congrats ryan john is here john we see each other a lot you do get credits for taking this live class um and if um we get audited i have um the uh um the account of you logging in and staying online throughout the entire class and with internachi it's a one-to-one ratio so if you're an internachi member and you're taking a class like this or you are attending a chapter meeting and it's an educational session one to one means if you spend an hour at that event or training session or class that is provided outside of internachi's online college you can go in and add that credit into your education log and it'll be in your transcript and so if we only go an hour tonight john and everybody it's one hour but we're planning on two hours we'll see how it goes um [Music] there's a few questions about licenses and certifications in new york um justin asks i'll do one more question and then we'll get to we'll get into the meat of the class currently residing in new york city working for building inspection building inspections or building inspectors it doesn't qualify me to complete local home inspections and i was wondering how should i get locally certified i've been trying to find answers but with covid it makes things harder yep so getting my certificate for code enforcement official um that's different from a home inspector and that's one of the points we'll probably make tonight that a home inspection is not a code inspection if you wanted to be a code inspector most if not all that i know of all municipalities require you to become icc certified and internachi can help you become that like for example last oh i think it was last month or two we had a live class like this and we went through the stack of irc flash cards and we asked each other questions and whatever the answers so we have code training courses that are online and code resources in fact i think we have about uh 80 icc approved free online courses um so if you need help with the difference between national certification like internet you can provide and a local license or local certification for your area feel free to ask your education team so at internachi at that url nachi.org contact you'll find everyone who works at internachi and everyone works for you so that's one of the great benefits of being a member of internachi you have about 30 full-time staff working to help you and your business feel free to take advantage of that membership benefit so um there's an education team on that contact page there's a member services team there's a marketing team there's all these teams that work for you so feel free to visit our contact page and contact anyone at internachi and ask them for help in fact take advantage of that go to the marketing team jessica is a director of marketing and ask her what can the marketing team at internachi do for buying business what can the marketing team do for my business that's a great question i'm from internachi that's the international association of certified home inspectors we are the world's largest membership trade organization headquartered in colorado um we have people that work in internachi all over the world and uh we're the largest uh essentially we train and certify home inspectors and commercial property inspectors all over the world and it's all online and free so go to nachi.org well just go to any nachi.org page and click around the internachi school is the only nationally accredited tuition-free home inspector college accredited by the u.s department of education we're also a member college of member career college of canada visit internachi.edu one of the things is you are essentially a student of a college when you join internachi and you start taking our courses our home inspector certificate program is the only nationally accredited home inspector certificate program provided by a college so if you're thinking about becoming a home inspector i would recommend looking at the qualifications the credentials the certifications of the school itself and shoot for the highest so when you're a member of internachi and you're taking the courses online you're becoming a home inspector certified through internachi you're essentially a college student so if you wanted to download your college id card um education team the education team at education internachi.org can help you just email them education internachi.org and ask about the college id card you have to be a certified home inspector to download that card you have to be a certified home inspector to take advantage of the marketing services you have to be a certified home inspector to download a certificate that says i'm a certified home inspector there's a few other things so i encourage you no matter where you are new york state which requires licensing or an unregulated state become an internachi certified home inspector and take advantage of all the membership benefits one of the unique things is the college id thing uh this is an internachi webinar so if you wanted to um take a class online that's free and follow along while certified professional inspectors perform home inspections and write inspection reports according to the standards of practice it's available to you at natchez.org webinars free online live open to everyone members and non-members alike we have a home inspector podcast as well that's at nachi.org podcast and enjoy listening while you're driving get smarter while you're driving to your inspection jobs right and that's at nacho.org podcast everything you need on one place all these urls right and if you get lost uh internet should provide so much online sometimes it could be confusing remember where the contact page is if you need help just reach out to somebody but if everything you need if you're looking for everything we put it all on one page nacho.org everything and if you're looking for the only free online accredited tuition free home inspector college internachi.edu we have more than 60 types of inspector certification programs more than 60. so if you're thinking about becoming a home inspector that's great but you should think about ancillary services ancillary inspections vertical markets if you're inspecting homes that have pools for example and you want to learn how to inspect a pool thoroughly and competently you want to be trained and certified go to internachi we have a certified a certification program so you become a certified pool inspector for example and they're all online at nachi.org certification and if we go there now one of the certifications is let's see if i can do something fancy there we go infrared certified so if you click that to become infrared certified it will give you the two requirements to become infrared certified one you have to join internachi as a member why well when you join internachi as a member a whole world of opportunity opens up to you training certification education continuing education state credits all that stuff and then you have to fulfill the infrared certification requirements um oh the other the other certification i like is if you go to the certification page and scroll down we have a new constructor a new new construction inspector so if you're inspecting new construction newly built homes brand new homes haven't been limited in yet we have a logo for you and when you become certified you can use these logos to your advantage and your marketing we also have women own the business logo so there are a few females in uh the home inspection industry but internachi loves to celebrate them and help them out and so we have a logo maybe that could be an advantage to you we can talk about that as well while we perform a home inspection on this house so we're going to perform a home inspection and read the inspection report let's also talk about business resources marketing strategies getting started as a home inspector boosting your existing business if you're a veteran experience inspector and anything else you'd like just use the q a feature on your screen and it's worth two internet gce credits like we mentioned before and john asked if you're not a member and you're interested in joining but you don't want the cost you want to just take a stroll through the internachi amusement park it's available to you email me bennett internachi.org and i'll give you a 14 day free trial membership you'll have full access just like a full member of all the courses you can take any course you want for example just like a full member has no credit card required why join internachi well we have a ton of membership benefits and we have a related web page for that listing all the membership benefits at nachi.org benefits and again if you don't want to write down all these urls and you're missing them no problem just email someone me education team at education internationally.org and ask for the urls let's inspect this house okay oh i see justin is getting some help by ryan thanks ryan um steve a little bit nervous no problem um i remember when i was nervous i was nervous for about a year or two as a home inspector and the root of all nervousness or being not confident enough or not being assured enough the root of all that is uncertainty that's all if you if you were certain of what you were qualified or able to do you'd be a home inspector because it's so much fun so to bridge that gap of uncertainty not knowing what to do not knowing how to do it not knowing what to say as a home inspector that's where internachi comes into play take full advantage of the resources that internet she has so that you and i can inspect this house okay so let's do it the first thing i think about when i perform a home inspection is a standard it's called a standards of practice and then we have one internachi home inspection standards of practice is available at nachi.org sop if we go there it's pretty straightforward you have a couple sections here let me zoom in a little bit and it starts with the roof and then the exterior and basement foundation crawl space structure heating cooling plumbing you need to inspect all these systems fireplace attic insulation doors windows interior so if you go to the roof you click that the inspector shall inspect from ground level or the eaves the roof covering materials the gutters downspouts and it tells you what you are required to inspect describe report and not required to do there are exclusions and disclaimers and limitations you're essentially performing a visual home inspection visual only home inspection which means like you can think of your two hands as tied behind your back you're just looking around with your two eyes and i'm observing and making a report based upon your observations so the standards of practice if you go to nature.org sop there's a roof section and one of the main points is that you're not required to walk upon any roof surface even if that roof surface is flat and only 10 feet above the ground like a one story pizza shop that has a flat roof a little commercial building or maybe it's a a carport and the the roof is very slow it's a slow low low sloped roof not required to walk upon any roof surface you're not required to use a ladder according to the national standards the internachi standards of practice there may be a local standards of practice like we talked about earlier someone had a question about new york or another state they may have their own standards of practice if you don't know ask internachi and we'll lead you in the right direction for example florida if you're from florida right now um good folks in florida are bailing themselves out of all that water from the hurricane they have their own home inspection standards of practice it's almost identical to internachi's national standards of practice international standards of practice almost there's a slight difference which one if you're a home inspector which one do you comply with which one do you abide by which one do you follow which one are you required to follow local local over rules anything national and that requ that is also related to code so if if you're thinking about code national code there's an international residential code that we refer to a lot local code local authority having jurisdiction the local building inspector overrules everything it's kind of fun to be the local building inspector you get to interpret and make your own rules regardless of the national rules so you're not required to walk upon any roof surface but that picture is in my inspection report for sure because that picture sells my brand my brand is i get up on any roof that i possibly can because i'm carrying big ladders i got a big van a big ford van with a ladder rack and i carry a 40-foot 4d 40 fo rty 40-foot aluminum ladder those are for the barns and the commercial buildings 28 foot fiberglass um 32 foot 28 foot fiberglass two of those uh 12 foot aluminum and a step ladder and crawl space gear i go from all the way down in the ground to all the way up in the sky you're not required to that's going well beyond the standard practice now how would you beat me in the market if i that this was part of my brand you have to think of ways if you're a home inspector and you and i are friendly competitors how are you going to beat me in that market because this is valuable this is of value of great overwhelming value to my clients who want to know what is the condition of the roof from up close are you going to get up there you know well if you don't you're going to have to figure out are you going to do a drone maybe you can do a ladder from the gutter edge maybe you have binoculars maybe have a subcontractor come you hire the roofer to come maybe you have a friend who does it maybe some you have to figure out a way to beat me in the market because this these are the pictures that i take and everyone knows that i perform at home inspection i go up on the roof in fact i get there early so i can go up on the roof i can do two jobs a day alone three if i have a partner eight o'clock twelve o'clock eight o'clock get there at 7 30 7 45 i go up on the roof and by the time my clients come i come down the ladder i shake their hand good first impression and i'm actually done with the roof inspection and i'm taking pictures along the way i take pictures of every field every intersection every valley everything that penetrates or touches the roof covering materials and by the way i'm inspecting the roof covering materials i'm not inspecting the roof system i'm not inspecting the roof assembly i'm not inspecting the fasteners for example roof covering is a surface that i observed in a visual only inspection remember two hands behind my back from inspecting and commenting upon the roof system terminology is really important it can it can it can be a a tool for your success and it can get you into trouble so think about using roof covering materials when you're communicating what you observed you don't want to say you inspected the roof system or the roof assembly because that includes and we'll take a look at the code that includes um the fasteners the underlayment so tell me tell me about the fasteners in this picture are they staples are they nails is there underlayment what kind of cut is that valley how far up does it go you can take a look at that if you wanted to but it's really a visual only inspection you're not commenting upon the things that you cannot see you're not request oh i put that in my inspection report as well and on my website i want everybody to know this is me this is big ben inspections why would you hire a home inspector who doesn't provide this kind of value see i'm kind of mean in my marketing why would you hire a home inspector it doesn't get up on the roof how are you going to beat that or do you need to maybe you don't need to maybe uh you know you're risking your life you don't need to do that that's just crazy you don't have to get up on the roof true but if you and i are in the same market oh i like that picture i use that i've actually used that in a small claims court i was sued and i wanted to show the judge to actually get up and touch everything it doesn't have to be the roof let's move on to another system let's say it's um that chair behind me with my tool bag right so i put my hand on the on the thing that i'm inspecting why because a lot of your clients are first-time home buyers and they have no idea what they're looking at imagine looking at um this and not knowing anything about roofs you and i know what that is right three tab asphalt shingle on a roof and an angle low slope roof but um if you do this then it kind of puts context in all of your pictures so i'm performing a home inspection i'm taking a look at the roof and i'm taking about 30 some pictures that help well a picture is worth a thousand words right so i'm taking a lot of pictures and i'm explaining a lot with those pictures like that's a roof penetration i'm not going to get up too close because i don't want to fall off the roof that's roof valley there's a satellite dish i hate those fasteners that go through they goop some silicone on there it's just there so i'm gonna try to remember if i can get to that area while i'm inspecting the roof the underside of the roof structure i'm gonna see if i can get to that area see if it's leaking so i take pictures of everything that i possibly can every i walk along the ridge very careful and uh take pictures of every field and also do video too i don't know if this is actually the asphalt single roof appears to be in good shape functional original to the house i don't see any missing shingles nothing cracked or damaged i don't see any repairs that have been performed the shingles are lying flat the granular surface looks good so it's a young roof with plenty of life left on it there's a ridge vent providing ventilation for the attic space this is the vent stack pipe for the gas-fired appliances in the basement satellite on the roof there's flashing around the sewer vent pipes that come up through the roof that's good and it goes on i then take that video and i um play it for my clients because i don't allow my clients to get up on the roof but i want them to experience what i did on the roof so that they know their roof was inspected thoroughly and i keep that video and i share that video and i play that video and they're just shocked and they know that they've hired the right inspector so use video nowadays like the software that i use and the software that i test and try out a lot of them the good ones allow you to incorporate video into your report they're cloud-based when you convert it into a pdf that video obviously doesn't play on a pdf or when you print it out it obviously doesn't work that way but we're moving towards the whole industry is moving towards cloud-based reporting so you can put videos in really high-def 4k stuff illustrations tons of pictures so think about doing video and then sharing that video maybe just on your mobile device right because software that i enjoy using you can use it on your mobile device so like an ipad a tablet an iphone android other things like that right a pixel and then play that video for your client it's a really great value you can provide to your client to exceed or not to exceed that's the question and if we go there we wrote an article our legal counsel and nick my brother founder of internachi helped write this short article about exceeding or not exceeding and basically it's this paragraph when in doubt about what the sop standards of practice requires in a particular situation the inspector should err on the side of caution and exceed what the sop requires it's better to do a little more than what may be required than to do less and risk a potential claim and harm your reputation there are some cautionary words here though so read the entire article and that's at that url so it looks pretty good there's um roof penetrations there's flashing around the vent pipes drain waste vent pipes there's pipes that i can't reach i'm gonna take a picture of them there's a chimney stack it's coming from a fuel fired appliance i'm gonna guess a gas-fired heating system when i'm that maybe the hot water tank not sure the gutters look good now i'm thinking about coming down the ladder and the gutters look clean that's good and as i'm coming down i'm taking pictures of other components of the house at the eaves there's the fascia and there's soffit vents and it intersects with the siding that's vinyl siding i can see oh that all looks great there's a shot of where my ladder is uh located right at the front door i do that on purpose well there's a valley right there so i love putting my ladder up against the valley and tying it off and then going up and tying off if i can but myself but uh i put it up at the front so that well when i get there early i maybe knock on the door see if i can get it um see if i can get access to the roof tell the occupant or homeowner that i'm here maybe they're not there that'd be really great and i just i don't want to bother them anyway i don't need to go in and then i put my ladder up there and then i imagine my client pulling up to the driveway and seeing the ladder and seeing me up on the roof waving to them and i just imagine that all of my clients were like felt assured that they made the right decision in hiring the right inspector maybe took the agent's recommendation to refer who've referred their client to me so i it was part of my brand there's a little bit of a show that i do as well i actually i believe that i was a better inspector when i exceeded the standards of practice but it was part of my marketing strategy as well if there was anything that i did that made me a better inspector i didn't keep it a secret i know it was part of my marketing strategy for example um i brought my tool bag you know this is my flare c2 right they don't make them anymore and now they're fluid c5s i'm gonna get one maybe when i drop this one um so this is my infrared camera now infrared you don't need a fancy infrared camera you can be infrared certified uh through internachi and you don't even need an infrared camera right um but get one a flurry c2 the most affordable one is flurry c2 clear c5 i love the fliers um and i would say to get your foot in the door you know this is what you used you know you can use this this is very affordable several hundred dollars and it provides you with a marketing strategy this is value that you provide to your clients and when you add value to your service you can demand a higher price why would you hire a home inspector who doesn't use infrared today or a moisture meter and a moisture me you need a moisture meter with this it's like a companion tool you need both and for if you're going to touch an infrared camera you better have a moisture meter on hand and we have an infrared training class and i've done videos on infrared how to use infrared but the point is that if i'm going to use a specialized tool or exceed the standards of practice infrared the word infrared isn't in the standards of practice nor is a ladder nor is a flashlight i mean you could you could argue that if you're using a flashlight you're exceeding the standards of practice the word flashlight does not appear in the standards of practice so if you're using a flashlight one could argue you're already exceeding the standard practice so if i'm going to use this i'm going to put this in my marketing i'm going to let everybody know that i'm a home inspector who uses infrared on every inspection because infrared allows me to see things that other home inspectors can't see with their eyes so why would you hire a home inspector who can just see what you see i can see more i see things that other home inspectors can't just for several hundred dollars i i'd pay several hundred dollars in order to say that in my marketing and in my brand where were we oh i see some of your questions and some of them are being bumped up and i'm i'm down to greg's greg says i really appreciate appreciate the internachi house of horrors i attended the first house of horrors in florida um at this point can you recommend electrical webinars it's the area that i find the trickiest i i i've hear i've heard that many times electrical is really difficult we're going to go through some of the electrical things and where to find resources on electrical if you go to internachi's education page and type in electrical we have a ton of resources if you go to internachi's youtube page or my youtube page and type electrical or go to internachi's webinar page and type electrical there's a lot of electrical we have articles on electrical we have articles on um grounding and bonding we have articles on csst right if you don't know what that is that's okay learn about it we have a ton of articles we have a we have a video called the electrical wall of defects we built a wall with a ton of commonly found electrical defects and uncommonly found so we have plenty of resources for you um don't go and uh well you know you can you can go to another school if you like i mean there are many very good schools out there um i don't know of any oh there we go so how do you inspect the electrical system um you go to nacho.org education and type in electrical how do you inspect the roof well you go to natchez.org page let's do it and type in roof in the field in the search field so here's our education page and you type in into the field here electrical let's say so we have the advanced electrical inspection training course that was a really good one inspecting commercial electrical systems that's very good how to perform residential electrical inspections how to perform electrical inspections in relation to being a healthy homes inspector so we have that so it just keeps going on and on and we also have roof roof data technician course general roof inspection training video advanced residential roof inspection course if you're from south africa we have that um someone asked in the stream of questions here about different types of roofs like tile or slate we have that so here's inspecting tile roofs right here all kinds of tiles right there and it's a video course so it's a really good visual course according to home inspection standards of practice the inspectors shall inspect from the ground level or the eaves not from the roof surface the roof covering materials right and that's already inspected we already inspected that that's three tab asphalt shingle you can call it and you can say some this is how i would say i did not observe indications of a defect at the time of the inspection at the roof covering material right according to the home inspection standards of practice a home inspection report oh wait there are a few other things the gutters the downspouts the vents flashings and chimney roof penetrations the general structure of the you have to inspect all of those things and we'll get to them too according to the home inspection standards practice home inspection report shall identify in written format defects well this is the sentence that i would put in the in the report about the roof i did not observe indications of a defect at the time of the inspection in relation to the roof so according to the standards of practice a home inspection report shall identify in written format defects within specific systems and components defined by the standards there are both observed and deemed to be material material like kind of like cloth or concrete or wood that kind of no material means really serious like there's a degree to which there is a hazard this is very a material defect well it's defined in the standards of practice but it's basically something so bad that it poses on reasonable risk to someone's health or safety or it devalues the home so much has a bad effect on the value of the home like for example i've inspected homes that are just filled with water there's a flood and mold molds everywhere right that's a material defect a material another example of a material defect is a deck that has a flashing problem and it's no longer attached securely to the house is a common defect because it's a very difficult thing that the deck ledger uh has been installed improperly for many years there's a lot of decks that are a deck collapse is imminent that means it shall happen the deck will collapse when that deck is in that condition that's a material defect poses an unreasonable risk to someone's health and safety reports can include other recommendations and comments but the material defect is the main one only one that you're required to put in the report it's the only one that's identified in the standards of practice and it's clearly identified that it is both observed and deemed to be material let's say i'm doing a home inspection right here i'm in my home office here and there is a defect above my head it's a material effect what if i don't see it then i can't possibly report upon it there could be a defect in the middle of the wall right underneath the carpeting that could be a material defect i have no idea i can't report upon it because it wasn't observed let's say there's a defect that i see oh they look at the let us know that there but i don't deem it to be really bad it's a stain on the carpet am i required to report upon it no i'm only required to report upon the defects that i both observe and deem to be material if i can't see it i can't report upon it and if it's not um not up to the definition of a material defect it won't be in the report either however if you're new to this you'll find out that consumers demand that you put almost everything in the report even the little stain in the carpet so it's really up to you to put in cosmetic items or minor issues or minor defects but you're when it comes to defending yourself let's say in a court the standards of practice are really important because it clearly defines what you are required to do and not required to do what you're required to report upon and not required to report on are there other types of defects that i could observe there are some of them are defined and you can define them as well if you go to an internachi's glossary we have a lot of definitions and terminology there so if you type in defect in the search field oops defect search class right through so you have some results there's a material defect that's a significant issue right that poses an unreasonable risk to people or has a significant adverse impact on the value of the property that's a material defect there's a major defect um something's wrong and you need a contractor to fix it a minor defect there's something wrong but typically the homeowner or the contractor can fix it and a cosmetic defect that's a superficial flaw or blemish in something it's no big deal so there are other defects what about code violations well as we said before earlier in the class home inspectors are not code inspectors however you may want to refer to code to study study code but i highly recommend not specifically referring to code or mentioning code or saying the word code because people will think that you are actually inspecting a home for code violations and if you're inspecting a home that has been lived in that is not brand new that was not built to modern today's code if it was built yesterday or the year before or five years ago or 20 years ago it's almost guaranteed that it's going to have a code violation for example the why is that because code changes the codes change every three years codes change electrical codes change residential codes change commercial codes change the fire codes for sure change so when a home was built an existing home and you're performing a home inspection of an existing home and it's 20 years old there's probably going to be some code violations in there and you don't want to go down that path i'll show you why hold on a second let me go to my library i don't know if you can see this so i'm going to bring it over to the camera okay so this is international residential international residential code and commentary volume one and two oh i love reading these yeah this is about this is code this is the code book so if you're a code inspector this is your homework this is your main reference you got to know all this stuff oh that's not what we are and when there's a little violation of a code you got to be able to refer to it and look and point and say it's uh r608.4.1 that's not what home inspectors are all about excuse me drop some things so um a code violation it could be mentioned by a home inspector for sure so in a handrail in a guard and a guard and a guard rail like you know top rail and there's spindles right the the space between the spindles can't be large enough for a four inch sphere to pass through them that's large enough for a child's head to fall through now that's a code violation but i'm not going to say anything i'm going to say it as a defect and i really don't care when the house is built because we all know right now that child can fall through if my client has a little baby that's based in there that's a safety hazard for that kid that's a child hazard that's a risk and i can easily point that out to my client without mentioning code at all as a home inspector i can call that out let's say my client has a physical challenge and i can see i can visually i see that my client needs help going up steps when there's more than one riser more than one when there's two or more risers my client needs help and that's okay we all need a little help right code code says four or more risers code requires a handrail when there's four or more risers four forget it my clients that i'm working for can't go up one without assistance can't make it to the third one without a handrail without a hand that help i know that i'm going to side on the error of my client i'm going to err on the side of my client and i'm going to recommend a handrail because i'm not a code inspector see i'm a home inspector i can comment upon things i can think about code but if it doesn't make any sense i'm not a code inspector code inspector would say well you don't need a handrail there it's not four risers it's only two sorry so it's really fun to be a home inspector it must really stink to be a code inspector because you're stuck in this and you're stuck in this world and it doesn't change and you're stuck in when was the house built kind of attitude i could care less when the house was built if there's a missing gfci in the bathrooms if there's missing gfci in the kitchen i don't care when the house was built it could be a 100 year old victorian home we need some gfcis there to protect people from getting electrocuted and if it's a brand new home totally opposite it better have gfci protection so is there anything in between that i care what age it is now i don't care what age the house is that's not a policy of internachi or anything like that it's my own personal opinion but it may work for you think about why you care what the house age is when you're performing an inspection according to the home inspection stereo practice i'm required to inspect the roof covering materials the gutters they look good the downspouts there's the downspouts diverting water away got some splash blocks there very nice okay i wonder where that water is going to go though it's kind of flat vents we saw a ridge vent we saw a soffit vent and that's the ridge vent from the inside because sometimes the builders forget that there's a ridge vent i don't know how they do it and they they don't cut so sometimes they'll they'll put the panel boards up to the ridge and leave a little space and some or sometimes they'll come up to the top and then cut so that's the underside of the ridge vent i like to see that and the soffit vents so there's there's uh these soffit trays there's some um blocking of there's some fiberglass bats to stop the loose fill fiberglass from clogging the vents on the on the roof okay we'll get that out later maybe there's flashing that i have to inspect that's anything that goes through the roof covering materials it's going to intersect it you need to flash it up so the vent pipes need flashing there's a collar flashing around the chimney there's flashing where a roof section meets anything else like a wall a vertical wall so there's some wall flashing here right and here too so i'm going to look at there but it's really a visual only inspection however i might see some metal flashing and i'm i'm likely going to see it on that top row of shingles maybe it's covering that'd be really nice to see so i'm going to take a look at that as well oh and there's my aluminum ladder 40-foot aluminum um according to the of practice i'm required to inspect the vents flashing skylights oh we don't have any skylights on this house the chimney that's essentially the chimney type b b vent metal coming through the roof there's the flashing the collar flashing that looks pretty good a little sloppy with the the nail on the side all right you know they didn't have to do that and there's the underside so obviously i didn't go back and forth i'm just on the roof but for this presentation i kind of combined some of my inspection uh photos for you and that's that chimney is for the gas-fired heating system and roof penetrations any anything that penetrates the roof so obviously the roof uh the vent stacks and i'm required to inspect the general structure of the roof from the readily accessible panels doors and stairs so i'm always trying to get into the attic space and there's the attic space built with trusses and i'm looking at the underside and i can't get to that area that i wanted to get to do you remember the satellite dish and the fasteners they're always leaking i can't get to it and that's okay are you required to inspect everything no let's say that the roof is leaking right underneath that satellite dish and i can't get to it am i responsible for that defect in fact the question is am i responsible for every defect in a home no there can be defects all over the place all over the and i'm not responsible to see them i'm not responsible to find them not responsible to report upon them if i can't find them there's defects all over the place there's defects within walls it's probably a defect somewhere underneath my feet i have no idea about it right it's likely but i'm not required to find every defect in the home i'm not required to report upon every defect so if i can't get to it i'm just going to tell my client i can't get to that underside according to the home inspection standards of practice the inspectors shall describe the type of roof covering material well asphalt shingle right according to the home inspiration standards practice the inspectors shall report as a need of correction observe indications of active roof leaks active roof leaks well i didn't see any second system is the exterior so the the centers of practice i kind of follow the standard practice when i perform my home inspection it kind of fits the way i perform a home inspection process my inspection process is just like the standards of practice they reflect they mirror one another so my report is also written in the same way the first section of the standards of practice is the roof and that's the first thing that i inspect and that's the first thing that i write about and read in my inspection report roof second thing exterior second system of the standards of practice that's the second thing that i inspect because i come down from the roof and i take a look at the exterior right some inspectors and it's the second thing in my inspection report it's it's second thing in my inspection process and on and on right some inspectors start in the kitchen fantastic as long as you inspect everything according to the standards of practice you can move things around if you wanted to you can do the kitchen first or the kitchen last that's where i end up i like to end up in the heart of the house that's the kitchen where a coffee is made and the summary is reviewed and i finalize things i get paid and shake hands and we talk about things and we head on off to the next job i like to end my inspection in the kitchen and start it at the roof but it's really up to you let's see do we have questions not okay uh let me click through a couple thanks for doing this they are you're welcome you're welcome the videos are great thank you um getting credit yes you can get credit jed says you can't be walking upon the roof to inspect them unless the slope is too steep yep the worst thing that i ever did once during a home inspection is i followed a roofer up on the roof he used my ladder i was like okay god and we went up and we i followed him and it was difficult to get back down it's so easy to go up and when you're following a roofer i didn't have that much experience i used to be a home builder i installed roofs but i didn't have that so don't ever follow a roofer up on the on the roof um richard makes a recommendation please please invest in a pair of cougar paws if you walk on roofs i won't get any other he won't use any other shoe that's really good cougar paws um inspector outlet sells the cougar uh boot it's really good um jrd would you recommend shadowing or paralleling for a few inspections after becoming certified by nachi no i would do it before it all depends so um i would i would if i was i say that because i've taken people along in my truck and the first thing i do is you know like we're not gonna do anything unless you're certified i mean we can't even use the same terminology we can't even talk about the same stuff that's really exciting to me and you know unless you're certified so go online and complete your certification requirements do it in a month or two uh internet you membership is 49 a month and that's all you pay that's no other fee 49 a month and you can get certified as a home inspector 49 a month learn at your pace so you get certified and start working on inspecting homes starting with your own home inspect your home 10 times with software or we have checklists that you can use if you don't want to invest in software right now or free download downloadable checklists electronic checklists you can do mock inspection reports using our software it's free software very basic software right so perform inspections like crazy and then when you have that type of experience you can actually then be competent enough to actually help another home inspector who's been doing this for a while right it's difficult when you're just like you just want to ride around and you have no idea what you're doing so what you want to do is go through an online free online accredited home inspector certificate program at 49 a month right and then find a mentor in your area and internachi has a mentoring program we have a long list of veteran master inspectors who have agreed to volunteer their time to teach other inspectors so we have a mentoring program if you can't find it it's at nachi.org mentoring and you can find a local mentor in your area or a certified inspector in your area you may want to think about also going out of your market and finding someone who may want to help you because a lot of inspectors don't want to train their competitors and you may want to find a chapter we have a lot of chapters home inspector chapters all over the world um and there are a lot of master inspectors who sit in in the chapter meetings and they have monthly meetings and they're willing to help you out as well so a lot of resources jrd hector asks as a home inspector in florida can i get a license as a termite inspector or should i just work with a third party if i work with a third party can i make income on that service or should i just have the client contact me and do the inspector sorry and john says it's regulated here in florida yeah everywhere every state regulates a pesticide applicator now here's the thing can you inspect in your house in your state for anything that damages wood without talking about the actual bug since you're not an entomologist you're not going to identify the bug that is damaging wood are you able to talk about the damaged wood that you observe that's a structural problem right most states do not have that kind of problem florida is one of them florida we got the department of agriculture and the dbpr licensing department to say that a home inspector can comment upon damaged wood right that was caused by a wdo a wood destroying organism but that inspector he or she cannot say the word termite or or any other bug cannot identify the actual insect that caused the damage that's the same thing in pennsylvania in pennsylvania to fill it that wdo form you got to be a licensed pesticide applicator i'm not doing that but i'm a home inspector and i'm looking for anything that damages wood right anything that damages wood if it's a bug i'll just call it a bug everybody knows what a bug is and i'll wink at them and i'll say i think you need a termite company to come out right and identify this and report and then control it and you better negotiate that prior to moving in and the bank probably wants to know as well that was very valuable information that i was able to sell in my inspection services 75 of all of my home inspections came with we bundled a wdo inspection with them we commented upon wdo legally in our state without being a licensed pesticide applicator because i wasn't spraying any pesticide but i was a home inspector and i'm required to look upon look for material defects especially those about the structure of the home right so it's a very fine line and internachi has some resources for you um hector to help you out on that i actually have the quote from the licensing department department of agriculture uh mike um mike o'keefe says i took your advice of another class and got up on the roof and took a shot of my foot i hope you're talking about a camera drone is in uh justin says drone is credible to bring a home inspection is a drone something you should bring to a home inspection do you need a separate certificate it's actually a fairly regulated activity for commercial use if you're flying a drone for commercial use which you're talking about to inspect a home as a home inspector a roof it's regulated and you have to be an faa pilot for a unmanned um aerial vehicle so internachi helped and there's an exam you have to take you have to take a pilot's exam from the faa and um internationally has some resources to help you with that we have an online course and we have training videos and we fly some of the drones as part of our training uh david what's your favorite software uh that's a question i always say right now i i like um i like spectora home gauge home inspector pro those are the three big ones there are 3d there's easy there's a ton of software out there i like the software that works on a mobile device that allows me to shoot videos and pictures easily and puts videos in my inspection report and because i'm an internet team member i demand that software provider give me a discount right so um that's the power of being an internachi member you can ask another a provider or a vendor of the home inspection industry for special pricing uh insist on it and if they don't um um so uh yeah and that is um at nachi.org everythingnachie.org everything scroll down to step 11 and you can find a ton of inspection report writing software resources including links to the discounted software providers um those software providers if you click that link on step 11 nachi.org everything they provide they've agreed to provide members exclusive discounts on software okay i'm gonna keep going okay all right learn how to inspect the exterior by visiting our education page and type exterior in the search field we already did that according to the home inspection standards of practice the inspector shall inspect all this stuff on the exterior it seems like a lot it really isn't though exterior wall covering materials why do we call it roof covering materials and exterior wall covering materials well we talked about that a little bit because you don't want to comment upon the assembly of things but there's one thing you should know internachi um internachi there our training is based upon standards best practices and code our training is based upon code and when the code takes an iteration goes through an update every three year for example 2020 i believe no 2021 of their international residential code should be updated so we're at 2018 right 2021 the new code is coming up next year for the international residential code and when during that iteration during that upgrade we do a curriculum review because we're a university other schools don't have to do that internet she does because we're an accredited college for home inspectors so whenever there's a upgrade to the code we review our entire curriculum it takes months and we make updates and revisions based upon code upgrades because well like the fire code when the fire code gets revised and is upgraded and is updated it's probably because unfortunately you know somebody got hurt whenever when it's related to the fire code and we know that so when the smoke detector requirements gets upgraded updated that's how we train our home inspectors and even our veteran inspectors who need to take the uh online home inspector exam gets a hit with that updated question and they have to know what a um a safe healthy home is all about it's about code and standards right so terminologies are very important too don't be a code inspector but use the same terminology and here we have wall covering you can call it siding but code really uses wall covering or wall covering materials and it's chapter 7 of the 2018 international residential code and chapter 7 establishes the various types of materials standards methods of application permitted as interior and exterior wall covering interior coverings include like the plaster and the drywall but exterior wall covering is regulated by this section includes aluminum stone masonry veneer wood hardboard particle board wood structural panel siding wood shakes and shingles exterior plaster steel and vinyl and it's i don't know about you but when you become an inspector and you want to learn more the code books become kind of fun especially this um let's see is it that one of those here's the table it's table r 703.3 one so here's minimum attachment and a minimum thickness so on the left side is the siding material all these types of siding material there's insulated vinyl siding there's probably polypropylene siding vinyl siding right here and it tells you if it needs to be lapped or not and what kind of ring shank nails or fasteners are needed and how do you how do you treat the joint is it up against each other or they lack that's really great how thick is it what kind of materials are underneath it is it a ventilated is it drainage it's code is really cool and internachi's courses are based upon that that's why internachi inspectors are the best inspectors in the whole world because they all are required to pass accredited online curriculum all of our courses have been reviewed and abide by and comply with national standards for a university so here's the final sighting final final even the shutters are vinyl there's some wood there and i'll take a look at the bottom where it's in contact with the asphalt or the concrete of the of the garage but there's the vinyl siding i take a ton of pictures i'm required to inspect the eve soffit and fascia there's the soffit and the you know the fascia is behind the gutter and the whole thing is kind of the eaves the representative number of windows i can't get to the second floor windows from down here i'm not pumping a ladder all the way around that's what roosters call them so it's really just a representative number that i can access so while i'm inside there's inspection restrictions there too like there's furniture blocking the window curtain blinds blocking the wind i can't get to everything it's a visual only inspection with a lot of restrictions all exterior doors so representative number of windows but all of the exterior doors especially the main egress store and there's the main egress door which means that's the front door and i'm looking for damage and trip hazards there's a little bit of uh minor paint that's a cosmetic defect remember the definitions of different defects that's a cosmetic one i'm not even going to mention it in my report but i'm gonna take a picture of it for sure oh slider door on the back of the house how many risers do you see one two three essentially five five risers is there a handrail defect i would call it out if there were two steps two risers and no hand rail but that's my privilege as a home inspector there's torn screen no big deal i have it as a comment in my inspection software um just a real quick tap that i've observed some of the screens i don't even identify which window it was because there's it's it's like a minor thing i don't want people to focus on it so i'll just talk about torn screens or loose screens trying to get to the major defects like the missing handrail when there's five risers adjacent walkways and driveways i gotta inspect that so you know there i am there's my truck and the asphalt looks great stairs stoops stairs steps stoops stairways and ramps say that 10 times and that looks really good um again there's the handrail and if you're wondering about handrails and things like that go to chapter 3 section r 311.7.8 r311 0.7.8 and talks about handrails and it says handrails shall be provided on not less than one side of each flight of stairs with four or more risers and then there's a little commentary so i like the commentary um and it's all about safety um so uh i'm not a code inspector and i err on the side of my clients and if my client thinks i need a handrail i don't care about what code says four i'm gonna say two porches patios decks balconies and carports i really don't have a lot of things there's a little patio back there with bricks railings guards and handrails we got that the handrail right and there's no other guards around the place vegetation surface drainage retaining walls and grading of the property where they may adversely affect the structure due to moisture intrusion there's a retaining wall but it's really like a gardening thing it's not has nothing to do with the house itself and the grading of the property is kind of flat so where the downspouts discharge hundreds of gallons of water on the ground it's really kind of flat uh walking around it's kind of it's kind of dry so i'm not sure i'm actually just going to comment upon the the grading of the property should be really sloped i like a drop of about six inches in the first 10 feet or so maybe a little swale or something but this is completely flat absolutely flat it must be squishy and do you see that in the picture for those of you who are listening to our home inspector podcast in the back of the picture there's a pipe coming out of the vinyl siding just above the foundation wall which is poor concrete and discharges at the corner of the house that there's a sump pump discharge pipe there it is so now remember i'm doing the roof first and then the exterior now i have to think about how um see a house is a system of interdependent parts each part is connected to other parts and when one part fails it may affect other parts and make the home less healthy less safe so now i have to think there's a discharge pipe coming from some pump here the grating is flat i'm thinking water problems which can still happen with a poured concrete reinforced poor concrete foundation like this water can water is a killer it it is a destroyer it brings life but it can destroy water and it can find its way in the smallest little cracks and it's so much fun to track it down and there's a a sump pump discharge pipe remember i haven't even seen the basement yet but i think there's a basement right it's not a crawl space i'm thinking it could be a crawl space and i got a sump pump and i got flat grating and a lot of water possibly so i have to put all that together in my head while i'm doing the exterior and then remember that um remember i haven't been inside the house so i haven't actually although i've showed you the picture of the attic i haven't been inside that so i have to think about can i get to that satellite with the four fasteners lag bolts and they put some silicone on the head of the lag bolt like that's gonna help right so there could be an active roof leak there could be an active water penetration problem i know there's a sump pump why is there some pump i don't know is it active i don't know if it's ground it's dry i don't know but here's the picture of the sump pump that i finally got to so i have to think of a house being this is the story that you're telling your clients that the house is a system of parts and all the parts kind of work together and when there's something a little off right that when the filter is clogged then the lungs of the house are kind of dirty right love telling stories about houses oh according to the standards of practice an inspector shall describe the type of exterior wall coverings obviously vinyl vinyl is a good term and the inspector shall report as a need of correction any improper spacing between um intermediate balusters spindles and rails while we don't even have a handrail at that rear step for the siding next the standards of practice requires me to inspect the basement foundation crawl space and structure according to the home inspection standards of practice the inspectors shall inspect the foundation the basement crawl space and structural components there's a couple pictures i took i just walk around and pictures are they're free man you know so i'm taking pictures i have um i use this right this is my this is my device and it's it's perfectly designed to take a lot of pictures because um i can take pictures with my thumb can you see that see where my thumb is located or right there that's where i can take a picture so man i am shooting like crazy any kind of picture that i can take because they're free free and free words pictures worth a thousand words free thousands of words so there's the up that tool is actually a gardening tool i love this burning tool and you can get this gardening tool i don't think inspector outlet sells it inspector coach inspector coach inspectorcoach.com inspectorcoach.com inspectorcoach.com has tools you go to the tools tab and it's a three-time gardening hoe it's extendable and you can really reach just about anything you wanted to reach you heat this up you know you get your torch out you heat one tine tying t-i-n-e up and kind of straighten it so you can poke things so you can reach up and poke around right and down and over and you keep these guys hooked so you can do exactly what i i'm doing there and i'm moving insulation i'm not required to move insulation but i love moving insulation especially under a um a slider door or a deck area that's attached to the house right there at the ledger board banned rim joist and i move the insulation take a picture and put it back no one knows right remove the insulation take a picture put it back oh there's my internet g flashlight take a picture move back okay and then foundation oh there's a crack it's hairline it's at the corner of a window it's not bigger than a a key or a quarter thickness of a quarter it's kind of been patched with silicone but i see watermarks coming from the crack oh they're not wet uh but the trough is so that's a perimeter trough a drainage trough purposely installed it's a floating slab so the concrete slab of the basement is actually floating it's not attached to the foundation there are houses built on slab there are houses that where the foundation wall and the floor structure are poured all at once and they're together this isn't the concrete uh slab is poured at a different time than the foundation so they're separate there's a trough to collect water and and to have a separation and there's mud marks coming from that cracks of the foundation poor concrete foundation it's reinforced poor concrete foundation it's one of the best types of foundations in the united states in in in europe also they do concrete uh it's been hit with some silicone gray silicone poorly too just so what would you say in your report you observe this you you got to say something can't not comment on it when it involves water now remember i'm now at my third system roof exterior and i remember houses as a system of interdependent parts and i've got a sump pump discharge pipe outside and i got neutral flat flat grating it's not sloped away from the house and now i have water marks coming through the foundation that's cracked there's a lot going on it's okay we have training specifically for this as your home inspector after the training you'll know what to say so let me tell you what i would say it's not a structural problem there's no displacement it's actually a common shrinkage crack it's commonly found and sometimes it's common enough in certain climate areas geographical areas where you'll see water coming through and it's even then not a structural problem and it's an easy fix they drill and they squirt epoxy into the crack and it seals it up stops water from coming in and it's a structural repair as well the actual strength of the epoxy injection is stronger than the concrete itself and that's my recommendation but the real estate agent is going to say is it wet today i said nope it's not wet i don't even care if it's dry watermarks i'm glad that the seller left them they could have wiped them up it's like not painting over a watermark in the drywall ceiling below the attic i'm glad that they didn't paint it over it now i see the watermark is it wet no it's dry but i bet it's an indication of something why would they leave watermarks on the ceiling of the second floor bedroom underneath the roof right maybe it's a roof leak we should ask the owner so i'm going to make a recommendation for this to be epoxy injected repaired to stop the water leak even though it's not wet today there's water marks on top of the silicone right it's coming through the crack it doesn't have to be wet there's nothing pouring just observed indications of an active roof leak observed indications of an active water intrusion problem coming through the foundation crack epoxy injection recommended by a professional right and it'll fix the water problem and it'll fix any structural problem as well and i don't think it's a structural problem it's just normal shrinkage crack hope that was valuable to you that's how i handle things like that don't freak out either i'm just telling a story to my client this is a story it looks like you got a crack normal shrinkage crack concrete cracks when it dries it shrinks and cracks in certain areas and it cracked right where i would expect it right at a corner of a window there's no displacement there's no movement there's no expansion it's it's a hairline crack and we've got some water coming through it's not bad it's not coming on the floor it's not flooding right now but i do have a sump pump on it in the basement and it's active and i want you to take care of it it discharges outside there's a sump pump there's a check valve it's plugged in i can't take the cover off because they actually poured concrete on top of the cover which is unfortunate but i can stick my camera in there there isn't any standing water that's a good thing but it sure looks muddy and a little damp at the bottom i think it's it's a it's a really good recommendation to get that to get that repaired and to tell the story of this water intrusion issue just like that because when you are talking to your client oh real estate agents say that we kill the deal we actually don't i was successful i would say because i told the story of my client's house to my client as if they found their dream home and they're going to move in and what are they going to do well they either fix this problem before they move in or when they move in this problem is still going to exist and it may leak and you're going to have to get it epoxy injected really yeah so i told that story with a smile straight up i didn't try to paticate it patty cake it i didn't try to soften it i just told it as a defect this is a major defect that needs to be fixed fixed is easy sump pumps and pump according to home expression students practice the inspectors shall describe the type of foundation poor concrete foundation and the location of the access to the under floor crawl space so we don't have our crawl space we do have essentially a college textbook it's structural issues for home inspectors if you wanted to know about how to inspect and report upon defects that you observe in relation to the foundation crawl space poor concrete things like that um there's the textbook there um let's go to the textbook page there are other textbooks we have 12 other textbooks this is the textbook here for structural issues you can click to purchase it and you if you click to purchase it you go to our ecommerce partner inspectoroutlet.com and you buy the the book and this is a book for 10 bucks i don't know i don't know any college textbook for just 10 bucks that's pretty good deal inspector outlet thanks um if you can't find it you go to any natchez.org page and i don't know how i entered that symbol but um go to any natchez.org page at the top right corner there's a magnifying glass right there and you start typing to search all of so if you go concrete uh this is fantastic look at all the resources about concrete concrete for exterior and shrinkage cracks and history of concrete how about visual inspection of concrete oops sorry i keep doing that let's go to that article and this is written by nicomico founder of internachi and kenton shepard a certified master inspector and if you wanted to look at these fantastic pictures let me show you some of these pictures in this article it's really good don't let don't let what did i say before if you're not confident or you feel someone said they don't feel uh anxious about doing an inspection or something because they don't know at the root of all um having a feeling of not being uh inadequate or not feeling confident or not being sure right not being able to be assertive or confident in your work it's just because um uh you lack knowledge and so that's where internationally comes in i've seen this type of condition before have you in concrete surfaces yeah we explain what they are there's efflorescence we explain that there's that kind of cracking the pattern cracking and there's this cracking in the basement or i've seen that before in the garage right right it's a shrinkage crack there's control joints cracking and there's that corner cracking there's another i've seen that on the walk right so um if you're wondering about cracks and how they develop there's crack there right a big crack in the back of a detached garage where the concrete was poured but then cracked and then your water marks and efflorescence fantastic and how do you fix those things there's a public sidewalk and there's displacement that's a trip hazard there caused by inadequate compaction if you're wondering if you're nervous or you feel weak in a certain area take advantage of internachi's online courses right it's fantastic um [Music] according to the home inspection standards practice you shall report as a need of correction any observant indications of wood in contact with or near soil any observed indications of active water penetration but if it's dry right i would report upon it anyways i mean real estate agents love like what is it is it dripping right now no it's not drip is the roof leaking right now no no but i have a bucket underneath a hole in the roof right so i'm going to report upon it observing indications of possible foundation movement such as cracks or out square things any observed cutting notching or boring or framing members right there is a while i don't have any structural problems with the the floor structure of the wooden structure next heating i have to inspect the heating using normal operating controls what's that that's the thermostat and that's the shut off switch the service switch on the side there's an emergency shutoff valve ah sorry shut off switch so that's usually sometimes at the top of the steps so that if there's something crazy going on at the appliance the heating system like smoking or something you turn off the electricity from a safe distance and we have a free gas furnace inspection checklist available right there we have a ton of checklists available if you're wondering how to inspect a furnace we have a furnace checklist if you're wondering how to perform a basic home inspection like to get experience like inspecting your friend's home 10 times we have all these checklists for you there's a pool and spa checklist here's a radon mitigation inspection checklist so that's a vertical market like if you're performing a home inspection you should be using this phrase while i'm here let's say you're performing a home inspection you come across a radio mitigation system that was installed 10 years ago you know it's out of code out of standard because they've upgraded it well we have a checklist for that you can turn your head like this and say while i'm here do you want me to inspect this radon mitigation system i see it's already whack i mean the fan is in the basement and you know they can't have that and the exhaust pipe is within reach of the ground can't have that and i'm also certified to do a radon test and that's really the only way you know that the radar mitigation system is working or not by testing it so let's see what did we do we did um home inspections radon and termite now in certain areas of the country radon is not a problem but according to the epa thank goodness for the epa it's the second leading cause of lung cancer and if you're in an area like i am right now i'm in colorado one out of two homes have elevated levels of radon so if you're a home inspector in colorado you're also a radon inspector and if you're smart enough in your marketing strategies you combine those two services in a bundle because people love to buy bundles of things that's uh happy bill you know what happy meal is yeah it's separate things combined into one discounted package people love bundles so if my home inspection was 400 and my radon is 150 you combine them it's 550 let's go 450 if you do both i would love to do a in fact i was disappointed when we got to a home inspection and didn't make five six hundred dollars on that home inspection because we had a four hundred dollar home inspection and we had ancillary services a radon a water we do mold we do a bunch of ancillary services and you bundle all that together and if you get to a home inspection and you're you're just doing a home inspection oh the worst thing is to see a mold inspector come in turn to your client and say while i'm here in fact do i have marketing while i'm here we have marketing for you around here somewhere that helps a home inspector an energy home inspector market their ancillary services while they're at the home inspection so if i'm in the basement right and there's a serious water problem and it's wet it smells a little musty you know i could turn to my client and say you know while i'm here if you're concerned about mold you know if i see mold you really don't need to test it that's what the epa says but i really don't see mold growth and if you want me to swab it i got a swab or if you want me to do a lab sampling i could do that as well because i'm certified through internachi as a mold inspector and some areas regulate that like florida regulates small inspectors so you have to be careful about local regulations well anyways we have a mold inspection checklist in the centers of practice we have a checklist for wood destroying organisms we have an electrical panel checklist all kinds of checklists from internachi we also have videos so if you're wondering about um oh wow great let's open this up that's young me well there was so i wanted to show in that video we have all kinds of training videos and articles and things like that how impossible it is for a home inspector to find a crack in a heat exchanger it's impossible i tear open a gas-fired heating system right there you can't find it don't worry about cracked heat exchangers that's like they've been talking about home inspectors and cracked uh heat exchangers for 20 years in those old home inspector schools way back when they cost you thousands of dollars you gotta sit in class for five days and to make it exciting the instructor will talk about finding a crack in the heat exchanger and you look in the textbooks and sure enough they got a whole chapter on finance cracking a heat exchanger now it's impossible for home inspector to comment upon finding or cracking a heat exchanger but you do you can comment upon the the type of heating system now my favorite book is the international fuel gas code chapter 5 is a good chapter the code puts furnaces in four categories based upon flu vent pressures flue gas temperatures relating to whether it condenses or doesn't condense and vent pipe materials and we have a table here let's take a look at the table a little bit closer so from 10 feet away you should be able to identify the type of heating system based upon the training that you've received through internachi either by text textbook articles videos so if you feel weak in a certain area like we had a student say my weak part is electrical no problem we've got you covered according to the standards you got to describe the location of the thermostatic heating system there it is there the energy source got some gas oh it's actually oh that's not natural gas that's ah propane propane tank underground storage uh first time i ever saw gravel on top they usually just bury the whole thing and there's the propane tank there remember i'm not required to inspect anything that's buried it's a visual only inspection there's gas shut off valve there the heating method blow air around it and ducts inspector shell report as a need of correction any heating system that didn't operate or if the heating system was deemed inaccessible no problems there there's emergency shut off switch service switch on uh the controls were available it's oh and uh is it is this um what type of heating system is this this is category four character one two or three right so it's not natural draft they don't make them anymore you may come across one but it's um not high it's not category four either it's not condensing so the flue gas vent uh is in plastic and it's not um collecting condensate and discharging it outside uh so it's so it's something else and it moves air around uh there's the air filter and it's being sucked into the blower fan the circulating fan so that's not good um minor defect i i personally would label this as a minor defect homeowners should be able to fix uh filters so um there's a piece of the filter actually at the bottom of the the below the circulating fan the blower it has been serviced and cleaned i like to take pictures of the service tag hvac systems should be serviced and cleaned every year this is one of my easy things that i did as a home inspector i just took a look at the date if it was more than a year i made a recommendation for an hvac technician to come in and perform further evaluation and service on the hvac system that i just inspected why oh before closing all of your recommendations should be should be triggered right after your home inspection your client should not wait and make those uh and take action on those recommendations my recommendations to my client were to be taken prior just after the inspection and prior to them closing on the house prior to them moving in because i'm a home inspector doing a visual only inspection if i say that there's something wrong with the hvac system that hasn't been serviced and cleaned in over a year and it really should be cleaned every year the hvac technician may find a problem that i didn't see maybe i'm not even qualified to see i'm not even trained in that i don't take things apart he she here is going to test the unit i don't know what those flashing codes are there's a little light on on modern ones you know by the blower fan on the panel on the motherboard you know i'm not going to look at those i don't have time to look at it i don't know what that blinking light means could mean something right i want my client to take full advantage of my recommendations by getting a professional in there to evaluate further and make any necessary corrections particularly on things that i didn't even see and that's okay by me because i'm not a contractor i can't tear things apart like a contractor can you know if i say that the flashing at the deck ledger is missing correction by professional is recommended prior to closing great further evaluation better being there too that contractor is going to lift the siding take things apart maybe pull the deck off i don't know and they're definitely going to find more stuff than i can see so i don't know what the the this disconnect is between home inspectors and contractors a lot of contractors will come in and just bash the home inspector and say things like well your home inspector should have found that oh it just drives me crazy no we're visual only inspectors we're generalists we're not experts and we're not code inspectors and we're not taking things apart like you are you have taken the siding off the house of course you're gonna find problems that i didn't see you know and actually contractors should be networking with home inspectors because we make them money essentially at the end of my inspection i have created a list of things to do for the homeowner and most homeowners can't do anything like home maintenance and repair and renovations and things like that so they go to a contractor so they find contractors contractors should be networking with home inspectors because we generate work for contractors so there's the um flashing from the vent pipe going up through the roof right and there's the ductwork and there's a register ever pull off a floor register and stick your hand in there and pull out nails from when the house was built yep a lot of docks have never been cleaned and serviced and some of my clients are sensitive to those things so i'll be sensitive to that as well i'll err on the side of my client in relation to the cooling system i'm inspect i'm required to inspect the cooling system using normal operating controls there's the outdoor units compressor unit condenser um and inside is the evaporator there's a thermostat and i'm required to inspect uh describe the location of the thermostat and the cooling method there's a thermostat there the cooling method split system air conditioning with duct work there's the evaporator coil there's a refrigerant lines liquid line i'm touching the suction line is insulated there's the condensate pipe going around the unit and into the sump pump it doesn't have a trap i may comment upon that sump pump discharges outside and there's the picture of the manufacturing label i take a picture of all the manufacturing labels i may put them in a report may not and there's the constant discharge tube and there it is there i tell you would be directed more away from the house instead of towards the house and there's the electrical disconnect square d the unit the condenser unit the air conditioner unit is on a nice stable base on some concrete footings that's good report as a need of correction any cooling system that didn't operate or if the cooling system was inaccessible we don't have any problems like that the only problem was a shared defect a minor defect about the filter being sucked into the blower fan with some pictures there that are worth a thousand words and the cooling system too wasn't serviced or cleaned within a year so i'm going to make that as a recommendation the next section is plumbing now one of the things uh that somebody asked about was software and so um let me show you my software let's see if i can do it you know i'm i'm fairly good with technology until uh it doesn't work very well so let me show you i'll show you my my software because i see some questions about i see a lot of questions about software so here i am there's all my apps i got an iphone oh sorry there's my iphone right and uh and i'm learning spectora right now and that's a shot of a house and inspection so i'm going to tap that and then there's the can you see this how do i do it so you can see i'm actually tapping there's the roof and view a reminder you can have little notes to remind yourself there are a couple optional systems and components in this section right so if there's like a masonry chimney i can add that down here i can add that item but i'm not going to so roof covering is a section and there's a little paragraph about homeowner responsibility your job as a homeowner is to monitor the roof covering because i tell my client any roof can leak and then uh the type of roof covering is asphalt and um if i wanted to take a picture i could take a picture i simply like there's me right this weird picture take a picture like that and i'll use that photo in the report and that goes right into the report itself and then the roof was inspected from a ladder and from the loop roof sorry and there were some limitations i'm unable to see everything i'm unable to walk upon the roof surfaces while i wasn't able to walk upon all the roof surfaces so i'll leave that there it wasn't covered by snow do i have any problems uh exposed fasteners at the um at the satellite dish right um uh and then i could do like arrows if i wanted to i hate doing arrows but i could but because it was a problem then a major defect then it gives you that option and then i go back and so the roof covering is done and then i go to the flashing and i inspected these things and uh there's no problems with the flashing and then the plumbing vent pipes and i got an important problems with the vending gutters and downspouts have any problems with that and then i go back to the roof and then i'm gonna stereo so um when i inspect the roof it's about that fast i i inspect the roof in about 10 minutes and if there's problems then that slows me down but there are any problems then uh inspector roof and i click click click click and i'm taking as many pictures as i can and even video i'll do a video with my mobile device and then when i step on my ladder to get down from the roof before i step on it i'm done inspecting the roof i'm done inspect reporting upon the problems i'm done writing the roof section because i have a mobile device with software i'm done with the videos i'm done and when i come down the ladder my client is going to be in the driveway remember we time it just right first impression big smile it's great to see you i want to inspect the heck out of this house just like it was my own all right we're gonna have some fun i like to take you around the exterior right now but let me tell you about the roof it's in great shape i did not observe any defects with the roof covering materials or any of the other systems or components that intersect with the roof so we're good there but i'll go in the attic space to look for roof leaks i do have a concern about the satellite dish and the fasteners but i'll see if i can find anything up there would you like to go around the exterior with me and i go around the exterior in the same counterclockwise loop and if they say yes great we go around if they say no good i kick them inside they want to take pictures they want to measure and they want to look at the carpeting that they need to replace anyways you know and look the refrigerator that may stay or may not i don't know they're going to do important things to them i've already assured them that i'm highly qualified because we met on the roof they saw me waving from the roof remember that's part of my brand i came down but the point is i'm done with the roof and when i inspect the exterior in the next five ten minutes i'm i'm gonna write up the exterior in my report and i'm done with the inspection of the roof done with the inspection report of that section so i'm writing as i'm inspecting and at the end of the inspection my report is done i'm going to click and click summary and the summary the defects are going to come into the summary and i can i can go over this summary i only have one remember we it's the fasteners of the satellite but i can go over the summary with my client in the kitchen and then i'll tell them i can send you the report later nobody reads the full report they just want the summary my summary has little pictures and little recommendations and things like that and i can do it immediately why because i'm a master of my time i'm time management master and when you run a business you have to manage your time you have to manage yourself you have to manage your equipment you have to manage your money if they manage your marketing you have to do it all all by yourself and the one thing that a lot of inspectors forget is their time their most precious asset if you're wasting time you're not going to make any money so for me i know exactly how long it takes to do a home inspection on average and at the end of the inspection i don't have time to write the report at night i have to give my client the call to action the list of things to go fix that require possibly a contractor to come in and fix things and further evaluate so i'm inspecting and writing report so i can get to the kitchen and click summary and summarize this whole story that i'm telling my client and give them what they need which is tell me what i need to do after the inspection is everything okay right that's what my client i'm fulfilling my clients needs and my agents needs my agent just wants to go to closing she or he just wants to fix those defects as fast as possible that are listed on the summary and get going i'm going to fulfill their need as well immediately and i'm managing my time i can tell you if if i start my home inspection at 8 o'clock i know when i'm going to be in the attic it's at 10 o'clock it takes me that long i could do roof exterior and then the big systems the big heavy things that uncle bob on a saturday morning wants to look over my shoulder while i inspect that's the heating system the cooling system the electrical the plumbing the hot water source foundation and then i get to the attic and that's at 10 a.m if i start at eight because it takes me that long i know that because i manage my time and the most efficient way to manage your time nowadays is to get mobile software so i think you should be getting mobile software if you don't have mobile software i think you're making a mistake because i don't know how you're going to beat me in the market let's manage our time here it's let's see we're approaching is that correct we're approaching an hour and 45 minutes plumbing oh man we've got a long way to go let me blow through this okay if you have questions i'm going to try to answer them we're required to inspect all these things main water supply shutoff valve it's that there's water coming in public water there's the water meter there's a check valve there's a pressure regulator regulator oh and it's not copper it's copper there and then transitions that's okay what kind of pipe is it no i don't know you take the plumbing course and you'll know how to identify that type of plumbing from 10 feet away main for water uh main water shut off valve and main fuel supply shutoff valve there's the valve next to the heating system there's the tank oil tank propane tank right water heating equipment including tpr valves there's the gas water heater propane water heater right that's labeled for propane so it's the heating system there's the unit there don't touch that temperature don't ignite anything don't ignite a pilot don't turn anything on with the hot water tank i had a home inspector buddy who turned on the pilot light turned on the the a regulator and left it and that tpr valve discharged it forgot to turn it back off should i turn it back off shouldn't it turn about on in the first place and that thing flooded the basement because it was defective it was turned off for a reason don't turn things off my hand is on the valve but i'm not turning it on there's tpr extending to the floor it is dry it's bone dry it has never leaked i don't see any water marks at all if i saw a watermark i would have recommended a plumber to come and further evaluate because there never should be any watermarks below a tpr valve if it ever is and it's dry that means something went wrong in the past and wasn't fixed it could discharge at any time and they just know when the homeowners are on vacation and they discharge expansion valve tank it's like a balloon in there it's for potable water and uh and it absorbs pressure because when the hot water tank turns on uh cold water heats up and water expands when it warms up and there's a check valve on the water supply so when the water and the pipes expand it can't go back and it can't expand it where is it going to expand in the bladder tank so when you have a check valve on the supply water coming in the plumber will often put in an expansion tank in fact if it's missing i'll recommend it check out that like this is a natural draft hot water tank i don't see any scorch marks here it should not be drafting properly look where it goes it goes up the hill and then down the hill so there should be a knife well they went up because they like that like first 12 16 18 inches right above the draft depending on what year of code you are um and but it should never come back down it can't come back down so it's always sloped up it's like um drain waste vent pipes sewer pipes are always sloped down there's never a loop like that so this is um this is a major defect it's a material defect this could be causing problems and it's i don't see any scorch marks i'm just surprised that this isn't all squirts and that there are there isn't any like stuff soot rust so that's a defect okay slope of a vent pipe interior water supply i'm supposed to inspect all that uh including all the fixtures by running uh water and all the faucets and all the fixtures all the toilets for proper flushing by proper operation by flushing so i'll flush all the toilets twice all the sinks tub showers functional drainage we don't do a leak test on any of the showers or tubs some inspectors do i don't have that kind of time i'm not required to i don't exceed the standards practice in that way um never find the value in that but i have uh filled up tubs on new homes and whirlpool tubs that are hardly ever used and they always leak flush the toilet run the sink hot and cold water at the shower and then go back and do it all again make sure there's hot and cold water at the at all the fixtures and in this section i include the exterior water faucets and this is a frost-free hose bed because of the climate of the home required to inspect the drain waste vent system from the top of the roof all the way down into basement there's the pipes coming down slope down to the main train there's a clean out drain sump pumps with accessible floats the float was not accessible there's a check valve it's plugged in can't get that cap off damp signs of water prior water levels and uh i would have loved to lift to that float um according to the students practice i'm required to inspect or describe whether the water supply is private or public there's a water meter with a a reader so it's public location of the valve supply right there um location of the main fuel supply shutoff valve well that's there on the outside and it's a fuel storage system so there's a tank on the outside and the capacity of the water heating system and i take a picture of the label of the hot water tank report as a need of correction deficiencies in the water supply by viewing functional flow and two fixtures operated simultaneously and that's when i get to the bathrooms which is around 10 15 by the way um if i it's an 8 o'clock am inspection so i flush the toilet run the sink hit the shower and do it all over again is an installation of hot and cold water faucets so uh you know hot is on the left cold is on the right um there's a little dispute about which is right and left when you get inside a tub well it's it flips so it's on the outside hot but when you're on the inside and you need to turn off the hot water in an emergency because it's scalding hot you want it to be on the left you want to protect the occupants so the occupant the user of the tub it's on the inside so the hot should be on the left um active plumbing water leaks that were observed during the inspection i didn't see any um toilets that were damaged had loose connections were on the floor loose or you know use the side of my leg and i don't like to touch the toilet tanks and a lot of inspectors wear gloves um so i didn't have any problems with the toilets and you can group the bathrooms together in your inspection report because the standards of practice they're at the absolute minimum that you're required to inspect but you can add things to your report in texas there's a state required report outline you're kind of stuck in there although you can tweak it a little bit and customize it by adding to it i grouped all my bathrooms together in my inspection report and uh i also did the laundry separate i did the garage separate i did the kitchen separate i did the cardboard section separate and any other ancillary inspections i did them separately so you could group them like this like this is that first floor half bath toilet sink gfci fan second floor bath toilet sinks shower shower there's a little watermark here nothing with the infrared nothing with the moisture meter but i do see some water stains on so i'm just going to try to make it leak by closing the door and then pretending like i'm in there with my hand and try to get the water to deflect into that corner because sometimes it leaks but i couldn't get it to leak that's okay and if it does leak uh it's not my fault um in fact if i break something or make something leak uh i flush the toilet and it leaks on the floor if i turn on the dishwasher and the leaks on the floor um i should get a paddle on the back uh i'm supposed to that's my job to break things if the if i hit the garage door opener by using normal operating controls and uh the garage door panels fall off the track good first thing i'm going to do is take a picture of it too bad i didn't get a video shot of it and i'm going to put it in a report as a defect that i found this by using normal law-breaking controls it fell apart by touching the um soft brass brass drain pipe chrome coated right i love to crush them crush that and fell right into my hand first thing i do is take a picture of it right if dishwasher leaks on the floor by just turning it on if if it wasn't tagged or anything i'm turning it on using normal proper normal operating controls and it falls uh just completely leaks on the floor uh i'm taking a picture of my wet feet in the puddle in the kitchen yeah and i'm not responsible for it i'm responsible for finding the problem before my clients do if i can and that's what i did so don't worry about making the shower door leak if it leaked in the past and you can make a leak again that just is good valuable information for your client there's no plumbing access panel behind that shower so i really like to see that second floor bathroom glci fan window master toilet master tub master shower and do it all over again with fixtures running at the same time see if there's functional flow coming out of the shower you don't want low flow or poor flow that's happened to me very infrequently master bath gfci the door closes electrical you have to inspect a service drop what's a service drop well terminology related to electrical service components is available in internachi's free online how to perform residential electrical inspections course there's this one section of the course that i really love and enjoy it's a picture of components of the service like the service entrance cable that cc and the overhead conductors and we break it down and we go component by component and identify what each one is not all homes will have this not all homes have overhead service right a drop but some do and when you come across things like this you want to be able to speak like um other professionals do so the service entrance cable in this picture is the blue arrow that goes to the meter in this in the at this house and it's a line of service conductors those are the white arrows pointing to those three black why are there three and all four located between terminals of the service equipment that's the main disconnect and a point usually outside the building clear of the building walls where they're joined by a tap or a splice that's the orange arrows to the service drop or overhead service conductors and those are the red arrows so the blue arrow is pointing to the se the service entrance cable those are the that's the one thing that i can see on this home i don't actually have an overhead but i want to be able to use these terminologies correctly because when the standards of practice says i'm required to inspect the service drop i better know what that is and surface drop are the red arrows those are the cables coming overhead from the telephone pole likely and those uh that's the service drop it has to be 10 feet above the sidewalks and final grade from the bottom of the drip loop so the bottom of that drip loop you can see it dripping in the loop comes hangs down has to be 10 feet to the grade at least or 12 feet above yards or driveways that's the overhead service drop that's the overhead lines and 18 above the street sometimes i've come across often or i feel i can almost reach the overhead lines the cervix drop that's a material defect i could kill somebody at this house though i don't have that i have an underground service there's the electric meter my hand is on the meter for contacts remember my first time home buyers they have no idea this could be a refrigerator what is that is it a grill outside grill so i put my hand there they go ah oh i know what that is that's on the right side of the house i'm required to inspect the overhead service conductors and attachment points so the overhead conductors are the white arrows and red arrows there's the overhead conductors and the attachment point is the where they connect the taps the orange arrows the tap or splice for the service drop should be below the weather head if it's if it's installed and i don't have any of that this is what i have at this particular home inspection i got a meter box here with an underground service so i don't have any overhead service conductors i'm required to inspect the service head gooseneck and drip loops well there's no service cap or weatherhead component in this picture overhead service conductors must have a service weather head or cap or an approved gooseneck and i don't have that on at this house the service mast service conduit and raceway well there's no service mast at this inspection but there's an underground conduit in this inspection picture and there's a service entrance cable there's the conduit there electric meter and base that's pretty easy boom main service disconnect that's at the main electrical panel and the main service disconnect must be clearly marked main disconnect must be be there inside or outside the house and it's close to the service conductor where they enter the house so we're that sec cable where that cable comes in to the it has to be pretty close to that can't be in a bathroom and no more than six breakers can be used to disconnect everything i'm required to inspect panel boards and over current protection devices that's just circuit breakers or old fuses and there they are there you're not required to remove the dead front cover from the electrical panel board required to inspect the service grounding and bonding there is a difference between the two and what are they ah well grounding i'm looking on the outside for a grounding rod and an acorn clamp and a grounding wire and the upper end of this electrode should be flush with the ground or just below the ground surface so that the end and the attachment are protected from damage if you find a rod sticking up of the ground like this one it's a defect don't sugarcoat it it should be at or just below the soil surface in the inspection image here i'm looking at the upper end of a driven rod at an angle and the attachment and it's a defect and how do i know that well don't worry in our how to perform residential electrical inspections course we have a section on grounding systems what is grounding grounding electrodes driven rods the diameter of rods how long they are in the soil corrosion attachment water pipes jumper at the water meter well casings oofer grounds you for ground plates still framing grounding rings it just goes on and on and on so you can figure out oh and then the next section of that course is what is bonding so don't worry about being able to inspect correctly a home related to the electrical systems components including grounding and bonding uh there's a bonding at the water meter at the public pipe so that's good bonding is required where needed to ensure electrical continuity and the ability to carry a fault current to a path to grounding the metal water pipe must be bonded to the service electric equipment service equipment enclosure however look i've got water distribution pipe that's plastic and cpvc chlorinated polyvinyl chloride uh ivory colored this one has a yellow stripe on it suitable for both hot and cold water it's been used for a while since 1960s or so you can find it at your local home depot electrical bonding and grounding training for home inspectors is available through that same electrical course i'll take you to the section there's a section on bonding and the purpose of bonding and where it should be and what it looks like and what a defect looks like and what are those green screws what are they supposed to do inside the electrical panel should i look for them a representative number of switches electrical light fixtures uh receptacles afcis so there's light fixtures receptacles afcis are at the electrical panel right there and gfcis so i'm required to inspect the gfcis where they're located and again i think we talked about um inspecting a home without any regard to the age of the house so i as a home inspector would expect all the bathroom receptacles like in this picture to be gfci protected and i'm actually testing a gfci with my finger right there in a bathroom if i'm inspecting a brand new home it better be in there if i'm inspecting a 40 year old home 50 year old home or very old home and it's not there i'm gonna put it in my inspection report um the presence of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors smoke alarms must be powered by the building wiring and have a battery backup they should be interconnected so that when one alarm activates all of them do and they should be in each bedroom outside each sleeping area on each story including the basement and carbon monoxide detectors are required for houses that have a fuel-fired appliance like this house or an attached garage with an opening to the house like this house outside of each bedroom inside of each bedroom with a fuel burning appliance and they're all interconnected there's a fireplace there well but no no masonry chimney remember and no big stack for a fireplace fake logs oh it's a factory built fireplace there's the chimney on the outside right direct vent the inspector shall describe the main service disconnects amperage rating if labeled and the type of wiring observed so there's the main disconnect and type of wiring observed nmb there's nm and there's nmb and there's knob and tube there's all kinds of wiring types the most common type you'll find is nmp you can go into home depot and look um there are different colors right white yellow orange black all that stuff great um and you can take a look at the the type of wiring like the wire itself is it solid copper is it solid aluminum is it strand um is it low voltage and so and also is it like 12 3 what does that mean 14 3 or something like that so right here i have type n mb um yeah higher temperature almost 200 degrees fahrenheit nm is like older wiring lower temperature sometimes cloth sheathing inspectors shall report in need of correction deficiencies and integrities of the service entrance can enable conductors insulation drip loop or vertical clearances or things i don't have that i don't have those kind of problems good the inspection of the electrical meter on the outside was really literally less than a minute um any unused breaker panel openings that was not filled no everything's good there um tesla receptacles that were not gfci protected or something wrong with the receptacle i'm so far so good um absence of carbon and smoke detectors no we have everything is pretty good there's a section on the fireplace so that includes this factory-built fireplace there's a the cold air goes in and the exhaust gases come out on the top um and you know it's not masonry so there's no foundation it's actually floating uh off of the ground which is kind of fun to try to explain to a first-time homebuyer and there's the fireplace there and there's the gas shutoff valve and an inspection restriction should i turn that valve on heck no should the real estate agent no there's really shouldn't they could but i'm going to actually take a video of them turning it on because when it explodes [Music] and so that's an inspection restriction uh there's a normal operating control it's on but the gas valve is off so we're not going to be able to so i'm going to explain to my client that um the home seller home occupant or um someone a listing agent or something like that needs to explain uh what is going on here maybe they turned it off for the winter that's fine um but they need to turn it back on and this is a great opportunity for me to turn while i'm here why don't you think about hiring me for a walk through so we're doing a home inspection but there's defects that we're finding right and i can follow up and make sure that before you sign on the line uh to buy the home that we look through the inspection report one more time we'll go through the house and make sure everything was fixed prior to you moving in and this should be running and we'll turn it off and turn on and make sure it works and and you're happy with that before you close so it's a great opportunity always be you know it's not your client's job to know what they need that's your job your job is to make sure that you tell everyone including your client what fantastic resources you provide what value you provide what services you provide because they don't know it's not for them to know what to order it's for you to tell them that's a marketing strategy a business strategy um nancy.org sop has the standards of practice for how to inspect the attic insulation and ventilation so we do have an attic and we have ventilation insulation unfinished spaces so i'm required to inspect the insulation in unfinished spaces spaces including attics crawl spaces and foundation areas there's the foundation area and we already went through this right that's a gardening tool to help me inspect the insulation in unfinished areas like the foundation area and the space in the attic so i'm inspecting the insulation it's blown fiberglass insulation oh anybody see what the defect is there's a defect here and i call it a defect i call it a major defect it's the bathroom exhaust fan blowing into the attic and it's blowing into the soffit i mean the the soft event or the eaves area right into the roof actually roof sheathing and according to modern code i don't care when this house is built according to modern code all mechanical exhausts coming from the bath should exhaust to the outside and that's this isn't the outside that's roof sheathing right so we should be blowing this outside um dryers need to be exhausting outside if it's exhausting into the attic space that's an unfinished space that's not the outside if you see a dryer exhausting into the attic space because someone said that well there's outdoor air in the attic that's a defect that's a fire hazard as well so that's a defect there love it and the pipe is crushed anyways um so i don't see any structural problems or problems with the insulation those blown in obviously can't get to any uh all the spaces there is no flooring so it's an inspection restriction i was able to walk a little bit away from the attic access panel which is right there in my picture i took a turn around and took a picture of where i came from and i sometimes grab the insulation and let it fall if it's um fiberglass and i'm wearing a mask and i always do i don't touch anything like things that could potentially have hazardous materials inside it in older homes and the panel access panel to the attic is not insulated so that should be insulated and it actually should be sealed so i'm taking a look at ventilation and unfinished spaces as well and we have that ridge vent remember the ridge vent on top and the ridge van from below and the soffit vents mechanical exhaust systems in the kitchen bathrooms and laundry area kitchen it recirculates ideally you would go outside i'm not going to make a big deal out of it i'm going to identify that it just recirculates and you know i love exhausts that go outside according to code um i'm a big fan of that get it and there's a bathroom fan there that should be exhausting outside and there's a window in that bathroom as well that's one way to ventilate and there's a laundry area there's a laundry room and we have a major defect it's a fire hazard so there's louvers on the termination of the dryer exhaust on the duct termination and according to irc m150215 chapter 1502 0.3 you can't have this can have a restriction you need a hood you need a big opening you can't have any restrictions and that's the bathroom exhaust and that should be going outside as well the inspector shall describe the type of insulation observed fiberglass blown in the approximate average depth of the insulation observed you can measure it with your measuring tape or you can guess sometimes they'll have a tape uh installed by the installer and it will be like a white strip of paper with numbers on it to help you out the inspector shall report as a need of correction the general absence of insulation or ventilation and unfinished spaces we already described the access panel as missing insulation and now right now it's about 10 o'clock or so and i'm really happy with my time management because i've done all the heavy stuff and i've gotten out of the attic i've taken off my mask and i'm coming down my attic ladder and my attic ladder is on top of a picnic blanket to show that i'm protecting my clients flooring and grabbing anything that might fall from the attic and i'm gonna wrap it up and uh shake it outside um if uh it's just fiberglass and not hazardous materials and then it's about 10 o'clock two hours in it's my three hour home inspection and i'm writing the report as i inspect so i know i'm gonna be done i don't have to write the report like some of my friendly competitors are doing tonight and i'm going to get to the interior the interior takes me 10-15 minutes doors windows floor ceilings switches wall receptacles representative the number of everything i can include i include the bathrooms so i'm gonna flush the toilets and run the sinks a couple times look for water leaks and all that other stuff that we already went over actually i'm required to inspect the number representative number of doors and windows not all of them there could be a crack in a window and if i don't observe it and i don't inspect it i'm not responsible for it right yeah it's both observed and deemed to be material represented a number of doors and windows by opening and closing them floors walls and ceilings stairs steps landings stairways and ramps rails guards and handrails in the garage the vehicle doors and the operation of the garage vehicle door openers by using normal operating controls and there are inspection restrictions i can't get to these windows there's so much stuff in front of the windows i can read some of them there's some there there's a scratch here that's a cosmetic issue there's a scratch there that's a cosmetic issue and it looks like the front door somebody had to kick it in because they forgot their key or something so it's a safety issue i'll put that in the report and there's a garage entry door i say the entry door entry door and there's the garage door it's not manual it's automatic has a garage door opener it opens and closes the inspector shall describe a garage door as manually operated or installed with an opener so it has an opener there's a normal operating control there's the button there it's plugged in no extension cord that's good inspector shell report is in need of correction improper spacing between the balusters spindles steps same thing as the exterior photoelectric safety sensors that didn't operate and any window that was obviously fogged or displayed other evidence of broken seals so i'll wave my foot to break the sensor laser and there's no problems with the handrails or the steps and from the roof section the inspectors have a report as an eve correction they absorbed indications of active roof leaks in the bathroom this looked like a roof leak maybe to an inexperienced inspector but it was actually just a scuff mark so careful and you may want to include the laundry in the interior section of your report or as a separate section i do it as a separate section so there's a laundry room there it should be pressure tested hoses not those cheap rubber hoses that often explode and when you're not home and there's the dryer vent a dryer it's an electric dryer it's not gas and there's um the plug oh the catch pan underneath the clothes washer is damaged so it's supposed it's second floor bathroom second floor laundry it should be uh catching water leaks underneath the clothes washer and draining out and we got that major defect that fire hazard at the duct termination according to standard i'm not a code inspector but i'm going to label that as a defect and the kitchen you may want to include that section in the interior part of your report or as a separate section i do it as a separate section run hot and cold water to sink grab your disposal look for leaks use my hand and rub the underside of a valve and if my hand comes out wet that is an active leak and there's the connection for the refrigerator refrigerant refrigerator ice maker probably yeah on waterline because it's on the cold and there's the gfci protection for the kitchen counter receptacles there's a missing plate big deal but i'll put it in the report because it's cracked and all the receptacles are gfci protected i'll open and close the door i'll look at this the trays and the interior of the dishwasher and then close it and then turn on a short cycle and then i'll test the stove elements and the oven elements and the microwave and we've got a microwave leak detector from internachi those are pretty cool that's the shock and awe of testing a microwave and there's some trim missing at the corner inside the kitchen this is the inspection report we can go over the inspection report if you'd like let's see um richard asks hi from whitson home inspections just started my business and will be present i'll be going to present myself to my first realtor tuesday anyone have any pointers yes go to nachi.org presentations and there you'll find a ton of resources for home inspectors when you're giving presentations my recommendation is to not talk about anything that i could say don't talk about anything that your competitor can say don't say i'm professional i'm thorough i take pictures i send the report quickly or something like that right say something completely different you have to be completely different exceptionally different and provide a credible value so you have to practice your elevator speech i wouldn't talk more than five minutes i wouldn't have more than 10 slides i would feed everybody so my home inspection company back then was peach inspections and we used to bring fresh baked peach pastries with plates forks knives napkins and when i was talking for just a few minutes blown them away with my incredible value like my infrared camera and i pass around my infrared camera take a look at that and while they're eating peaches and peach pastries right today i would uh talk about the buy back program um and naturally.org buy or how i'm a one-stop shop i'll do all of your inspections anything you want from septic to um fha inspections 203k inspections i can do a all because i'm certified like crazy right so that's what i would do and do resources so we have slides that you can customize like if you want to talk about afcis we have a slideshow it's about 10 slides and you can customize it you can stick your logo in there and talk for about 10 minutes say something that's really uh valuable and concise and to the point and interesting and then get the heck out that's my recommendation um [Music] let's see patrick butler if you don't have software that doesn't have video features included can you always use youtube videos to attach the to your pdf inspection reports right so um that's more steps so i like to have systems in place that make my life easy to be successful you have to have things in place if you're especially if you're starting off and you're doing everything on your own as a entrepreneur sole proprietor now you are the inspector but you're also the business owner you're also cfo ceo director of marketing director of finance you have to do the inspections you have to do follow-ups you know the raid on person you know it goes on and on so you have to have systems in place and while you're doing all that you're answering the phone and scheduling jobs so that one extra step is not worth it for me i'd rather invest in a software that does it all so i can manage my time and i'm more efficient i can do things i can have systems in place so i can do other things that are more valuable to my clients so i can demand higher prices there are old school ways of doing everything and those old dogs are not learning how to be efficient with their time they do one or two jobs a week because their marketing is weak because they're stuck doing old ways of handling things so you have to be efficient with your time you have to be incredibly different because if you're just the same as everybody else then what is the distinguishing characteristic between you and me if we're saying the same thing at the same real estate presentation and our websites say the same thing you know what the difference is price when all else is the same the only deciding factor is price and lowest price wins and when we compete on price everyone loses so you owe it to yourself and everyone else to try to be completely different than me try to find a niche try to find that extra exceptional difference that makes you special and it answers the question why should i hire you instead of big bad inspections and if you can find that out or if you can figure that out then you work on your marketing so what is a resource that you can use if you don't know what makes you different from all the rest if you have really no idea why you should be hired in comparison to any other inspector internachi has a internachi member marketing team there's seven highly creative marketing professionals they design they illustrate and they also consult and one of the things that you can do is email jessica at the marketing team and ask for the initial checklist of questions that helps their clients figure out what makes them different what's your story what's your brand why should i hire you instead of the next inspector who seems to be just doing the same thing you know you don't want to be in the world of a commodity you know what a commodity is commodity is something that's interchangeable with anything else you can swap this one out for the next one it does there's really no difference and you know a home inspection you better be careful not to be a commodity because we live in that kind of world we're all performing a home inspection according to the same standards of practice we all look at the roof we'll look at the electrical system we all take pictures we all write a report we all say the same thing we look at the same thing according to the same standards so the only difference would be price unless you can think of a reason to hire you so the the reasons why people hired me was um well i'll take you there let me show you this is a good exercise go to big bend inspections big ben inspections dot com big beninspections.com boom you've hired you found the best home inspector why while you go up to my tab why i'm the best i've performed thousands of home inspections i'm a certified master inspector i'm a certified professional inspector i'm an instructor i actually teach other inspectors and i have a buy-back guarantee it's included i use infrared on every inspection and all of these things all these tabs on my website are reasons to hire me like my clients save more than 1 200 every year because i'm a certified home energy inspector in my energy report which i write at the same time as my home inspection report with a click of a button i can produce two reports home inspection report and a home energy report and if you follow the recommendations of my home energy report you can save money 1200 every year 1200 that's like a vacation right um so you have to figure out what makes you special and different for me i authored a home maintenance book and here it is so always give a home maintenance book to every client uh here's my report so nice big picture in the front some identification of things here's a table of contents some general information about who was there and when i was there and the next page page three is what really matters in inspection there's only four things that really matter in an inspection and this is what i would actually present to real estate agents i forgot who asked what would i present on i present on what really matters and i would read this and get the heck out feed everybody and get the heck out so read what really matters in a home inspection it's a fantastic article there's only four things and most real estate agents would be like oh yeah you're right try to get on the same page as real estate agents they're thinking about other things going and closing you're thinking about reporting the condition of the home and that article kind of like overlaps kind of makes things easy to understand why you're performing an inspection the value of an inspection what really matters in this inspection so at the end of your three hour home inspection you get a 50 page report you just think about what really matters in an inspection it's these four things so let's focus on that let's not worry about the the blemish the cosmetic items the loose little things the cabinet knob is missing or something like that right let's think about the important things those four things i'll let you read what they are here's my report i try to shove as many pictures in the report as possible there's pictures of the roof and it's roof because that's the first thing that i inspected and it's first thing in the centers of practice in this first section of my inspection report it's actually a section in the whole maintenance book as well and it's um and that experience that my clients have um is consistent there's a consistency there's a flow in my entire inspection process and their experience with me it all makes sense they're reading the report first thing that they read was the first thing that we talked about when they arrived at the home inspection it's the roof right yada yada i talked about things that are interesting and maybe identified some stuff and describe them some things but the only things that are important are those four things that matters what really matters in home inspection and it's red so if there's something that matters i put it in red and i put it in bold and italicize it correction and further evaluation is recommended remember the value of a home inspector recommending further evaluation the gas is off at the log unit i don't know if you turn it on it could explode i have no idea i'm not turning it on it's red though that's a correction and further evaluation that's recommended everything else here's some monitoring right there's a low spot in the ground near the surface of the of the foundation it could cause water problems it's a monitoring it wasn't wet or if there was a puddle yeah correction and further evaluation missing handrail so there's a lot of pictures and the only call to action items are in red and this is the full report so we can go here correction in further the filter is being sucked into the blower fan um it hasn't been serviced and cleaned in over a year there's the plumbing section the components so when i think of uh inspecting i think of systems and then think of components within that system so the roof system and then components would be the roof covering materials and anything that intersects the roof now i go to vents the plumbing vents and then there's chimneys and then the flashing and then the actual condition of the roof and then the gutters and then downspouts and then the exterior system siding windows doors steps roofs and that's how the the standards of practice are organized roof system and then the components of the like the electrical system and then all those components that we went through right and that's how i inspect that's how i report and there's a consistency and uh a really nice experience that your clients have when everything just meshes together and also helps reduce your liability when you are consistent in your inspection process according to some kind of standard then defects just jump out at you because you're doing every home inspection the same way then when a defect is like when you have a tpr valve that's not extended to the floor or it's dripping on the floor it's like oh when you have uh when you have a um an opening in the dead front cover at the breaker like it jumps out at you that's a defect right when you have steps leading up to a slider door and there's no handrail oh that's a defect because you're doing the same process it's always the same all is the same always the same and that's part of your time management and you're not blowing through the house you're not skipping over things you're not running through and not caring about being a competent thorough complete comprehensive inspector nope you're just being efficient with your time like i was telling you i can inspect that electrical meter in less than a minute i can spread the hot water tank in about a minute heating system maybe five minutes foundation uh that's like 20 minutes there is a lot to look at at foundation roof 15 minutes exterior another 10 you know pool if you're doing an answer inspection you know oh by the way sewer scope inspections takes an extra 15 minutes you can charge an extra 300 maybe 150 300 by itself 150 on top of a home inspection how do you know all these things because if you're not paying attention to your time you're not making money like a lot of inspectors will say i grossed a half a million last year big deal what was your profit right there's just certain ways to think about your business yeah i did an inspection today great how long did it take six hours nobody wants a six hour home inspection you're not making any money not doing any money making any money doing a six hour home inspection right time is your most precious thing in business you have to manage it well it needs systems in place you can shoot a video separately and then download it from your device on your computer and then upload it into youtube and then share it with your client right one two three four five steps or you can just put a system in place that does it for you uh because in business we teach this in our business class you know you can calculate a profitable inspection fee how do you know you're making money how do you know that your inspection fee is making you money how much profit is in your inspection fee when the phone rings and it's someone who wants to schedule a job do you know that you're going to make money on it it's all about math it's not about guessing and in business in very general terms in the home inspiration business you want to you want to think about it as a fraction a number divided by something else and on the top of the fraction the numerator is your money and you want that as big as possible you want to grow you want a grossly large amount of money gross revenue on the top divided by what time and if you have a very big top a lot of money divided by a little bit of time you're making a lot of money if you're lopsided and you're making a little bit of money and it takes you all day to make that money then you're not going to be successful what you want to do is increase your gross revenue there are methods and ways business resources through internachi where you can gross increase your gross revenue and you can reduce the amount of time one of the best ways to reduce your amount of time is to become knowledgeable by taking classes from a home inspector college not another college not another school that charges you a lot of money and they're not accredited and not accountable for anything and they don't have any upgraded or revised curriculum and no textbooks 20 year old textbooks great nope so you want to know as much as possible you want to know more than you actually need to know why to be a smart head no to reduce your time because in in this fraction right you want to increase growth how do you increase gross revenue oh uh we can help you reduce your time we can also help you increase your gross revenue by training you and other ancillary services so you can bundle services together and make more money so you're not just doing a home inspection service you're doing three or four other services all at the same time without adding a lot of time because you want to keep that denominator the bottom part of your fraction as small as possible so we provide you with resources processes systems in place to reduce your time to manage your time and marketing and business resources to increase your gross revenue you want a ton of money divided by a little bit of time you want to squeeze that time uh here's the structural part the basement looks good i love my inspection report not too many words very concise things like this like floor joists are made of dimensional lumber two by tens good right there's a sump pump there's the attic right no signs of active water penetration visible today improvements recommended insulation on the attic access panel bathrooms the sink drain was slow and shower doesn't have a panel access panel everything else looked good carbon monoxide detectors there's some things there in the kitchen missing plate cover the kitchen worked correction further evaluation um asked the seller about all these cables my client was freaking out about the cable so i just couldn't uh distract them from that they didn't understand cables and phone cables and things like that and it looked like there was extra ones there weren't but my client wanted to know about that i didn't have to put it in the report by putting the report for my client a big deal standards of practice and then there's illustrations you stick illustrations in there pictures videos illustrations and these illustrations um high-definition illustrations come from internachi's gallery we um we can take a look at that that's at nachi.org gallery gallery that spice up your report and helps you explain things so agile slash gallery thousands of images of every system and component of a house so if you want to talk about framing or something like that um you can talk about heating there's heating systems um there's the uh what should we talk about um a buried oil storage tank what's it look like it looks like that right so use illustrations to spice up your inspection report and these illustrations are free through internachi's gallery for every member and we have them in spanish as well if you wanted to put agua instead of water um the report conclusion and walk through is where we are very clear about um what we have done we can't see behind walls right therefore you should not regard this inspection as a guarantee or warranty as a homeowner you should expect problems to occur roofs will leak basements may have water problems and systems may fail without warning we cannot predict future events for these reasons you should keep comprehensive insurance policy whenever i inspect a roof not we can go to the roof section again but um i say like i'm not guaranteeing that this roof won't leak it may be leaking right now it's just not raining um and then there's a section for pre-closing walk-throughs about describing finding defects now and making sure that they were corrected or attended to before closing that's another way of providing increasing revenue now there's only a few ways you can make money in the home inspection business and one of the best ways is to make sure you're keeping in contact with your clients providing them consistent valuable information and increasing the number of times that they use you so if you can double the amount of inspections per client you've just doubled a lot of money uh and there's a lot a letter for your clients um sorry for the homeowner the seller they want to know that um well i told them that um all the inspectors wore shoes that were indoor only shoes so if you see any marks on the carpet it wasn't us wasn't the inspector we do we wore indoor only shoes we check over 500 different things and we may have moved something like um the blinds or something could be askew we apologize we want you to check these things and here's our contact information if you're moving into the same neighborhood so that was the inspection and the inspection report and let me see some questions here while you take a look at the url if you wanted to know where to get everything that's at nashville.org everything and visit our online courses accredited home inspector college at internachi.edu has your inspections changed drastically because of covid i talked to inspirations all over the country there's not much change going on sometimes there's a recommendation for no one to be there and if there's someone there to stay away and the inspectors are wearing face masks but the real estate agents are a little bit difficult to talk to so you just simply invite them to an online coffee meeting and a lot of inspectors are doing that they're cold calling inspectors uh real estate agents and inviting them to a virtual coffee um [Music] let's see so gregory says i use factory soft software perhaps a little more spend the spendy a little more expensive but worth it for him so i would agree with that um so the the best thing that helped our company uh become special and different from all the rest was to invest in an infrared camera my first infrared camera a long time ago was five grand and i put it on the credit card and uh i was like what am i going to do now so we raised our prices why because we added value incredible value overwhelming value my clients perceived this to be incredibly value valuable this is valuable information this this made us the best inspector just made it made us better inspectors and when you're different and providing incredible overwhelming value then you can demand higher prices and when you demand higher prices you got more money to play with which means that every client of mine after i purchased my infrared camera for five thousand dollars was actually just paying for the infrared camera so we don't like overhead we don't like to add overhead to our business we don't we don't know where's the home maintenance book the whole maintenance book right it's two dollars and seventy cents per client you give away three right one for the occupant or home seller right one for the agents and one for your client three home maintenance books it's a lot of money yeah it's like almost 10 bucks so you raise your fee raise your fee 10 bucks so you don't have overhead you don't increase your overhead you allow your clients to pay for your infrared camera you allow your clients to pay for their own home maintenance book right so don't increase your overhead increase the value you provide increase your brand to be so special and overwhelming that you're going to make their lives so much better that they are going to give you their hard-earned money and you have a reason to demand higher prices because you're special different and incredibly valuable yeah um i'm looking i'm looking a few years ago yeah i don't know um i'm looking at mike's i don't want negative drain went through the purchase probably and if i was flooded i don't know um it doesn't mean i determine cracking looking at the questions as fast as i possibly can we're responsible for a solution to a defect such as are we responsible to state a solution to a defect such as epoxy in the basement wall that you discussed aren't we liable for heck yeah yeah don't don't feel like you have to diagnose the problems all you have to do is report upon the conditions upon the indications of a problem that you both observe and deemed to be material you do not have to tell anybody in written format how to fix the things that you found wrong right so gary no you are required to inspect and report upon the defects the material defects that you've both observed and deemed to be material uh would you consider you don't have to say like oh this is how i would fix this yep don't do that let the let your recommendation for professional to further evaluate and correct handle that would you consider that crack a minor or major defect uh it was a major defect in my report which included uh which really was just uh the recommendation for the epoxy by a professional because i knew that that's what um was needed right so i made that specific recommendation but i left it up to the professional there's water coming through and there's a crack in the foundation they can be affects by epoxy it's just obvious yeah um and it was a major defect because when my clients move in and the basement is completely empty i bet there's a couple other cracks that are leaking or have water marks coming from them and uh i would definitely get a phone call of that so i'm not going to make it a minor problem a minor problem is something like changing a light bulb changing the air filter maybe changing the thermostat maybe i don't know upgrading a thermostat um minor problems you know there's a scratch in the cabinet or door or something like that major is you need a professional to further evaluate and correct mike says he has 350 to 400 photos per report that is amazing shouldn't the condensate line discharge into waste plumbing not necessarily um only in some areas some areas you're not allowed some areas you're allowed uh ideally it would just discharge outside uh or it can be if if you think it's gonna freeze it can go into the sump pump but you have to watch you can't just shove stuff into uh the drain line right i love i had a sump pump once discharged the tube and they drilled a half inch hole into the sewer line on the side of it and just stuck it in there right so you can't do that either so it's like a yes or no randy says ben i like your videos off that's awesome thank you very much sean um do you measure the house's dimensions to figure out the appropriate amount of ventilation needed nope you just estimate the ventilation yep it's all estimates all general things we don't measure anything i don't even you know i don't you don't have to quantify like when you're using the infrared camera and you take our infrared training courses there's a huge difference between qualification and quantification quantification is measuring things we don't want to quantify anything as a home inspector we don't count or measure we don't care what the what the moisture content reading actually is on our measuring device metering device moisture meter we're looking for abnormal abnormalities anomalies odd things things that are short tall too much too big something like that a big crack something like that we're not actually measuring anything especially when it comes to infrared it's all qualitative there's a difference between that um that looks like really good there's a few other questions they're kind of repeating a lot of people are just saying yep oh uh ryan asked do you handle a 40-foot aluminum ladder on your own i do uh is almost impossible almost impossible it's really scary too because when that thing goes up uh boy it's just it's way up there but whenever i needed it i needed it and it was really just i think it was a lot of uh just show too i mean i used it in a dozen years i was a home inspector i probably used it four times i can remember each time um so yeah i i liked driving around with it it was part of my brand i had a big truck i have a big van huge the biggest at first it was the biggest truck and then the biggest van that i could afford with big ladder racks and that's how i approached um our business we wanted the tools that just overwhelmed any of our competitors when you look at our trucks our vehicles they were just overwhelmingly beautiful just oh wow look at all those ladders and you know my partner was a a roofer so they were we were really comfortable in getting on roofs and using ladders a lot of software questions i think i answered a lot of software questions um [Music] so i'm going to i think what i'm going to do is end it because we're on hour three so if you are going to um enter your ce credit hours as an energy member it's not one it's not two hours it's now three so we've been at this at three hours i really love the idea of having a three hour free live online home inspection training class i hope you learned a lot it's been an honor to teach you tonight if you have any questions we're all on the contact page my email is ben internachi.org your education team is education internachi.org and the marketing team is on the contact page and the member services team is on our contact page you can contact us at any time for any questions i'm going to go through your questions i'm going to export them and go through them and see if i can reply to you individually with uh you know the really good questions that we haven't gotten to yet in this class but that was a lot of fun that was i had a ball i had a blast so i hope you learned a lot please feel free to um register for the next webinar and that's at nachi.org webinar nachi.org webinar and that's where we all are so i want to say goodbye to you all uh thanks for a great evening i love hanging out with home inspectors and talking home inspection stuff hope you learned a lot i know i did i'll see you next time i'm ben gromicko from internachi that's the international association of certified home inspectors and this is a free online home inspection training class i'll see you next time stay safe bye
Channel: InterNACHI® Ben Gromicko
Views: 11,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internachi, ben gromicko, home inspector, home inspection, home inspection training, home maintenance, class, become a home inspector, California home inspection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 17sec (10457 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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