Home Depot Tuff Shed Conversion (BOTH WITH FULL 2ND STORY)

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hey yo its Bo Brotherton were better together life and the shed to house Facebook group I am hanging out on my messy front porch of our shed to house my family of six live in about 800 square foot in a shed that we converted into our full-time house it is 16 by 44 with two sleeping lofts for my kids and I always want to share with you cool designs whenever I see them I went to Home Depot and I saw these two shed two houses one is a sixteen by twenty and one is a sixteen by sixteen they both have full second stories that you can stand up in now doing a shed to house I always do preach quality and customer service because it's kind of like buying a used car you really want to be able to trust the dealer and the manufacturer that you are going with I'll talk about that later and also at the end of the video I'm going to share with you the full price of how much these two sheds these two buildings cost at Home Depot [Music] here is one that is a two level and it's more of like a conventional kind of looks like a house a little bit is you walk in here and you see like this open space and it's not bad I think this is gonna be really cool as a studio shed office space it's a it's a cool little design and you can have a kitchen over here maybe a bathroom maybe a couple of little couches over in this side here's the stairs I like these stairs especially more than ours it's feels more full-sized okay then as we come up here to the second level as you can see I can fully stand up it's not bad one thing that I am feeling right now is up here we're right at a really busy highway and you can feel the wind so anywhere near a freeway I can kind of feel the wind in the building and that's something that in r16 by 48 barn-style more long and lower you don't really have that feeling of wind I don't know if that means that my house is better built than this one what I would want you to see is that there are different options for shed to house alternatives you don't have to do the barn style long that you could look at finding a builder that would do an on-site build for you and this is a really cool one like if you want a full two-story this is a great great option you know what else is a better option smashing that like button for the YouTube algorithm [Music] all right so this is a sixteen by sixteen shed with a full lofted second-story so it kind of is a little bit tighter on the sides but on this one of course it's a little bit smaller of a footprint but it really is a lot of the same design as the previous one this one is going to have a lofted second-story say but it's going to be a full story so let me show you in here so it's kind of the same layout if you can put like a little kitchenette maybe a bathroom at least a toilet over there get a much much smaller space of course you have then you know you want to replace these and doors with more proper doors I like how they have the two by twelves on the top plate okay what I did notice here is these are more like my stairs there's just a little bit narrower I think it's because of the smaller footprint of this overall building now I would definitely want to upgrade the floor in here and then now up here in the second floor still you can stand up I cannot express how I would much prefer to have a full story in our kids sleeping lofts it's a bummer that's why I think you can build this on site I'm not saying like if you were to go with the United portable building or you know and find a local dealer with them for us here in Texas it is farm and yard and then in Mississippi it's rebel outdoor products we love those guys with United you can do an on-site built for something similar to this so you don't have to be locked in to the shed look they will come and they will build it a second-story man as I'm here again the second story you can feel the movement of the wind so I don't know if that's the construct of it or if it's just how having a full story and one of these floor plans are I'm not sure why you can feel the wind as much as you can it's possibly because it's not tied down like for what United would do they would put hurricane straps built into the frame before you do the outside siding they would have hurricane straps built into the frame that you can anchor down to the ground that will add so much more stability so it's not a bad idea the thing that I like most about this is that you can come here and kind of see these ideas where you can watch our videos to get different ideas this is cool the main thing is you do not have to be locked in to having a very small off now of course having something built on site will increase the cost but do you know what doesn't cost a thing destroying that like button for the YouTube algorithm alright so those are the two options for these sheds that I found now again I'm not sure of the craftsmanship of these two manufacturers I do know that I fully trust United portable buildings they are so picky that they don't even allow the nails to nail holes like you know the butts of nails on the siding they go through and they putty and sand all of the nail holds on your siding your exterior siding because over time one he just Casey the owner just thinks that it looks bad but for two it's because that eventually over time those will wear out and water can seep into those buildings now I am bummed that I did not get United portable buildings for the shed the house that we currently live in I didn't know about them beforehand I wish I would have known and I want to be able to tell you guys about them this is not a sponsored video at all I just want to be able to show you what the options you can see at Home Depot and they make a call to a manufacturer that you trust and you like that it's very very important that you can meet with the manufacturer and talk to the people who actually build these things okay so let's talk about the price for these the lofted barn shed that does have both of these have a full second-story that price is gonna be seventy six zero six that's the price that they had listed there for all of the features for that building seven thousand six hundred and six now as I'm going back to look at the image there I don't know if that includes all of the windows that they had probably it does not include any of the windows and there might be some added features so I'm not a hundred percent sure about that that might just be a base model and they might have add-ons for each of these that are more expensive okay so now talking about the sixteen by twenty that had the full second-story a more typical pitched roof that cost is going to be ten thousand eight hundred and eighty eight and again looking at the image here it looks like that is not including all the windows and then I'm sure that there's probably some add-ons that that building that I showed you had that this price doesn't include now I know what a lot of people are gonna say hey I feel duped you know you I thought I was gonna look at a full shed converted house so this is again this is just to give you options so you can take and talk to your manufacturer that you trust and if this is a manufacturer that you trust that's great go with it I personally do not think that you're gonna get the customer service from Home Depot that does not make sense at all and I know that that Home Depot just reps this company but it's just something that I'm not really sure how it's gonna work but if you want to see how someone can convert a wooden box into a livable home you can check out the playlist right up here how to convert a shed into a house it is exactly how we have converted a sixteen by forty-four into our full-time home so if you want to see it this is it and all the that's completely up to you it's all the basics also if you want to know cost you can go up here to better together live.com slash report that's better together live.com slash report and that will give you the cost for what we put into our house you want to know how much it cost that is your list right there that is how you can find out how much all these details cost it is very important for you to budget and to know how much these things cost whenever you're trying to convert a shed into a house also go check out shed to house on Facebook our Facebook group is a group that it's about sixty-five thousand people in their group that my wife and I started it's just amazing so many people in there doing exactly like this so many questions of people dreaming of what how to do this so go check that out so get the report and go to the Facebook group alright guys thanks for hanging out smash the like button and we'll see y'all on the next one bye
Channel: Better Together Life
Views: 706,384
Rating: 4.8977942 out of 5
Keywords: better together life, home depot, converting a shed to tiny house, shed house, garden sheds, shed homes, cheap sheds, living in a shed, shed living ideas, converting a shed into a studio, sheds to live in, kids play house, bug out location cabin, tuff shed, shed life, storage sheds, sheds for sale, low cost shed life option, homestead buildings, shed to house conversion, home depot tuff shed conversion, how to convert a shed into a tiny house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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