Home Depot Clearance Price Tag Secrets

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how's it going you guys it's scott with everyday home repairs and the mission of this channel is to help you save time and money by taking on those home repair and maintenance projects yourself in that same vein let's talk about saving money and specifically how to get great deals on clearance items at home depot now why i pick home depot because in a survey of over 4 000 of the viewers 62 percent of you said home depot is your default go-to home improvement store and home depot actually with the clearance price tags has a rhyme or reason just by seeing what the price ends in you can kind of decode and see what's going on knowing if you're getting a great deal now or maybe you should just hold off a few weeks to see if you can get an even better deal and when i say better deals i mean some people actually get items for one penny which could save you 50 hundred or hundreds of dollars so give me a couple minutes i'll show you where to find these clearance deals and a tangible example of how home depot will reduce those prices over time and how much time is in between those price reductions so let's jump into it where can you find the clearance items and there's two different locations that you usually find at home depot or other big box stores you're going to find a collection of clearance items on an end cap now that is not the end caps you see at the front of the store where you see the collection of ryobi power tools or makita power tools or other high profit margin items that will be the end caps in the middle of the store classically you're going to find an end cap they'll have all the power tools maybe hardware like buckets of screws that are on clearance that's a classic clearance end cap you'll find in the middle of the store pretty much any home depot and then on the walls of your store think the flooring department and the seasonal department which would be like lawn and garden you'll usually find a few collection of end caps there which will have clearance items the second location is in departments like lighting where pretty much the clearance items are just on the normal shelves since they're such a large supply and lighting because the designs come and go they have a lot of clearance items and that is where you can find some of the best deals so speaking of deals let me tell you how to decode these price tags so you know if you're getting the best deal and also how long is this item gonna be at this price so first up is when home depot just starts to move an item on clearance and often these are not very good deals these classically would be items that end in a 98 a 50 a zero zero so they might be 42.98 or 36.50 these are the first iteration of clearance and you'll usually see that might only be a 10 reduction on the original price and sometimes the price tag actually doesn't even show the original price so really home de was just trying to get your attention with the yellow price tag and putting it in a clearance section the next iteration would be when a price tag ends in an 06. now this usually does start to increase the discount maybe 25 percent 35 50 and that 06 indicates that price will stay that way for six weeks until the final reduction and that final reduction then is when a price tag ends in o three these are usually great deals and you might actually see a 75 80 percent or even further discount to move that item now when an item gets to 03 that means it has three weeks until it's either going to be donated or scrapped and this is where that penny price comes in so if an item that was 03 goes past the three weeks and then a home depot associate does not move it off the shelf it gets hid behind products it gets kind of lost it goes past that three-week time period they actually move that off of their system off of their inventory so if you find that five weeks later or six weeks later you go through the checkout that might ring up for one penny and it does happen and let me know if you guys have ever done that i'm curious to see what examples you might have what product did you buy and did you get it for a penny so the penny items are definitely a scavenger hunt you're basically looking for items that end in 03 and the date on the tag would be maybe two months or three months in the past right because the date on the clearance tag is when when it started to go through the clearance sequence right it maybe went to 32 and 50 cents then it went to 16 and six cents then it went to seven dollars and three cents then it should have got scrap but it didn't so if you took that seven dollars and three cent item after when it should have been scrapped you go to the checkout it could ring up for just a penny but again that's kind of to chance you might be purchasing it for seven dollars and three cents so here's an example of the full sequence on the same product it starts off at 89.98 then the first price reduction goes to 85 even then it reduces to and six 68.06 it would stay that price for six weeks and the final price reduction is twenty three dollars and three cents and it'll stay that way for three weeks now if by chance this v belt stayed on the shelf past that three weeks you might be taking that item thinking you're gonna pay twenty three dollars and three cents you go to the checkout ring it up and it only rings up for a penny which would be kind of awesome if you actually needed a v belt now hopefully this helped you out if you guys have any experience with this let me know down in the comments let me know what discounts you're getting and especially if you ever got those penny items we talked about now pretty soon we'll be going from winter which we're in right now to spring which means i have a few maintenance items to take care of if you guys want to check out my checklist to help you around the house check out this video right here it'll run you through the complete checklist and it'll also show you the link to download the pdf so you can put it on your fridge and have it for your own reference so thanks for joining me on this video and we'll catch you on that next one take care
Channel: Everyday Home Repairs
Views: 32,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home depot clearance, clearance item, finding deals home depot, penny items at home depot
Id: NJ7R2z-2Awk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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