Home Assistant VM + Z-Wave setup in Proxmox | Proxmox Home Server | Home Lab

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hello everyone and thank you very much for watching this is me Mr P welcome back to another episode in the proximox Home Server Series in this video we'll show you how you can set up from zero to fully functioning home assistant virtual machine and not just I'm going to show you how to set up a home office home office home assistant from scratch but I'll show you how Z-Wave smart plugs working with a home assistant I will use aotech Gen 5 USB Z-Wave Hub which has already been plugged in in the proxbox in a box box and I will use these two smart plugs this one the Square One Is AO Tech smart plug with the USB connection so if you gonna buy this you can have a USB cable or power going let's see to your phone or something and this is called vibaro they they are two versions of these this is the one with the USB there is others that don't have USB in there like a a pound or so cheaper all the stuff that I'm gonna show in this video I will leave a link to these products on Amazon and if you want to go and purchase them but basically I'm going to use the aotech Gen 5 USB Z-Wave USB USB hub to control these two Z-Wave devices so let's start setting up a home assistant virtual machine inside the proximox first thing we need to create ourselves a virtual machine to run home assistant I'm going to click on virtual machine but button here or create VM button and right now I'm just going to give a name which is going to be h a OS Dash way T So homeless a home assistant OS Dash YT under OS I'm going to choose we will not use any media because we're going to import the drive already with the home assistant already set up and Linux you leave that by default in 6 dot X you leave that by default and the systems I need to change from bios default bios to UEFI and choose the location to store there is small ufi image so this is where it's going to go under disks I will choose this to SATA just to speed up a bit and from 32 change to something else that 32 we will delete this hard drive anyway but the home assistant drive that we will import is 32 gigabytes as well so it's going to be hard to detect which one to basically destroy and it's going to make more sense in a couple of minutes but it's going to be easier to spot which one we create and which we will import so I'm just going to change to some let's say you can even change to 13 for example just to stand out in the list under CPUs One Core is not that great I would say two is is minimum memory 2 gigabytes of RAM is fine but if your proxbox host or your proximation machine has some free RAM available I suggest to increase that up to four just to make everything running faster Network we're going to leave everything by default confirm everything by default I will not click Start after crate and press finish so right now the virtual machine is getting created and once it's created let's wait for a second yeah that's it so we have virtual machine created but there is no media that we're going to use to set up because the media what we're going to use is already pre-config the home assistant Drive to do to find that to find the drive you just go somewhere and Google and Bing in Google just go and search for Home assistant and you will find the page obviously a link will be in description below but it's just I'm showing you how you can find that image so you on the home assistant page I will click get started installation and I click alternative or you can scroll down you click alternative it says Auto Scrolls to the location I'm going to click on Alternate but as you can see home assistant can be installed a variety of devices I was actually running home assistant for quite some time on Raspberry Pi and then on Windows you can run on a Mac as you can see generic ax86 and tell nux you can run on that so I'm going to click alternative and the KVM slash proximox that's what we need I will right click and choose copy now go back inside my proxbox click on the Node on a PV PVE sandbox the proxbox name and the shell you first need to check if wget exists uh in my case as you can see it shows a message is saying if you see a line saying something about the help that means the program is installed if you if you if you don't have that just run a w a i apt install wget and it's just going to say nothing to install because it's already installed so I'm going to write w get space and paste let the link press enter and right now wget basically goes and then loads that archived image of the home assistant drive that we're going to use to import into the virtual machine and get home assistant running so I'm gonna wait for this to get unloaded and it's done next thing you need to um extract this file because at the moment it's in exact file which is our hype file to extract we're going to use a program called p7zip if you don't have that just again app install p7zip if you follow my video about setting up a dip iOS in a proxbox and if you're using the same proxbox instant you probably already have that installed but if you don't just run like I just saw apt install p7zip so I'm going to clear the screen and right now I have this home assistant downloaded I need to extract this by running a command called 7zr SpaceX for extract and a file name in my case as you can see it's a home assistant West version 10. press enter and right now 7-Zip will go and get this file extracted it's extracting in a q cow 2 format and this is great but the during import process we still we will still need to force it to import as a q cow to format because it's going to be much easier for us to do backups so it needs to run at the qcau2 setup so right now I have two files actually let's go do this way so we have actual archive and we have the file that we extracted now the ID number make sure that you select the correct ID number of your home assistant in my case is 100 because it's the first ID number but if you have a bunch of item VMS and stuff running make sure when you create home assistant VM make sure you know take a note of ID number you don't want to import the drive into a wrong VM so to import the drive what we need to run is called qm and then write disk import 100 and then give a name of the file in my case as you can see home assistant.q cal2 now you need to space and then specify a location where the this drive needs to basically moved because it's a fresh proximal setup I mine is used local but let's say you have a ZFS connected and other stuff you already you should already know where your drive is located so you just make sure you put the the right name here in my case it's just going to be local but yours might be something else so just make sure you put the right location and then Double Dash format equals Q cow 2 and press enter and it's going to right now go get this file that we extracted set everything up and import the drive into the 100 um of the ID VM ID number 100. and the hardware right now I have this drive which it says unused disk 0 I will double click and this it automatically picks up SATA is one because Theta 0 has been used I'm just going to say everything is fine and click add and now as you can see this is show 32 and this is 13. if I kept the original driver 32 I will be like okay which one I need to remove yes I know I say to one that is the right one and say to zero I need to remove but this way it just makes a bit life easier for you guys this is stands out straight away that this drive I need to remove so you just select the the drive that was automatically created during DM creation process you just select that in my case as you can see 13 G I'm just click detach say yes then select at the bottom which says and use disk and then click remove and yes and proximately just going to delete that completely before you run VM now you need to click on options click on a boot order and click edit and now I need to put the tick next to SATA one because this is going to boot from CD-ROM it's not going to find I'm gonna try to do a network Boot and if I will not put the tick it's going to try to run it will ignore the drive but I'm going to say yeah Drive is include and just make everything easier I'm just going to click and drag that to the top so I'm going to say this is older I want the stuff to get checked during a boot process and obviously the first one will be Drive click ok now on the console before we Press Start I need to let you know one thing you need to do when the VM starts as soon as you will see a proximal slogan and at the bottom it's going to say something like press escape to set up configuration or something you need to press Escape so just skip keep an eye just watch what I'm doing so click Start and now we'll wait for proxbox to show up and press this Escape as you saw that the bottom it says something starts something just press Escape get into a virtual machine bios setup now I need to go and select devices using arrows arrow keys on a keyboard click device manager secure boot configuration press enter attempt secure Boot and press space and say that's fine press enter what that does that is removes the safe boot check if you leave this X on there is a big chance that the home assistant VM will not start at all so once you've done all that you can press F10 to save and press y to confirm then Escape escape and once you're on this main page click reset and select reset and press enter reset base it means restart so I'm going to say yeah I want that to be restarted so it's restarting now let's wait for a second to for that to go okay it was saying start boot options that's the one so I press Escape at that point and that's when the I managed to get into a boot configuration so right now leave this VM to start it's going to take about 20 30 seconds so I'll be back when this VM is fully functioning and here we are VM is started and one of the lines here will present the IP address that you need to access so my case is ending room 184 I'm going to open a new Tab and put colon 8123 is the port number for Home assistant press enter and right now another page web GUI will show up you're going to say it will take up to 20 minutes for home assistant to set up everything so in the background is doing all the file preparations we're basically doing making sure that VM is fully or all the files are fully prepared and ready to go before home assistant starts from my experience it's never took longer than 2-3 minutes just leave that going for about two to between two and three minutes actually before even finish talking is running anyway so name name is basically the name of your uh let's say home assistant instance so I'm gonna say home assistant and then username gonna be Mr P I'm gonna put the password something easy mine one is just one two three qwe just put whatever password you want click create account now you need to fill the information you can't leave the blank otherwise their home assistant will complain so I'm just gonna fill up that United Kingdom time zone Europe London yes currency will be G good Great British pounds made to metrics uh that's fine click next uh it's asking you are you all okay to send basically Anonymous data to uh home assistant team with their usages you can turn them on and off it depends on you on the next so right now this is the home assistant because I already have my main home assistant running on a hole in my house and there's a bunch of stuff already set up it's already detected some of the things like for example my router detected the router two options it detected my 3D printer running on the Raspberry Pi zero two w and a couple of things that by two yeah so I'm gonna just click finish and here we go we are inside our home assistant setup and that's it this is home assistant everything is great if I click around there is a bunch of stuff we need to go device at the moment that's where you'll find all the devices you can see it's detected for them and asking me am I do I want to set them up I'm just going to ignore them and I will click on the settings system then click hardware not Hardware sorry system and then at the top there is this turn off button click on that expand more options and say shut down the system it will not shut down the proxbox but it will shut down the um the virtual machine it's going to say shut down the system I'm okay with that so this is right now home assistant is basically getting uh closed if I go to back to proxbox I will start seeing things happen in the terminal that home assistant is getting shutting down what why I'm doing this is that I need to right now assign the my Z-Wave USB hub to this Vision machine so click while this is happening actually I need to wait for this to completely be off because some of the virtual machines will moan that you attaching USB drive while machine is still active so let's wait for this to finish okay it's off so now I select the right home assistant uh the right virtual machine the icon should change in about a couple of seconds here we go to a gray icon under options and also on the hardware I'll click on ADD and choose USB device I suggest go buy USB vendor the reason why that if you decide to move the USB hub from let's say USB port 1 to USB port 2. the proximos will go and search for for vendor ID number but if you know that your us your Z-Wave Hub will be always plugged in in that USB port you can go by USB port and choosing this one like in my case it's going to be this and it's going to be Port 2-1 I will go by the vendor ID number instead and I know this is the one that I need to pick because it's definitely not the key umu USB tablet this is the 10658 but let's say you have a bunch of stuff showing up here I suggest the way I did or my main proxmox instead of where I have at least 12 or 15 showing up here is that I plugged in the USB C wave USB hub into the um into proxbox and I went just any random virtual machine on my wall you can use this one right now open this drop down and just take a screenshot of that then disconnect your Z-Wave USB hub and then screenshot after and just see which basically thing is missing just go like a Spot the Difference so I'm going to select this so a known device some of the USB hubs by Z-Wave USB hubs will will be detected properly and will show up the name like there is a aotech gen 7 USB hub which is definitely like showing a full name but I know this is definitely the 10658 because this is the one I've been using for quite a while so I'm going to click add and as soon as white line shows up that means the the M detected that the USB drive has been assigned so now I can go back to a console and click start now so right now home assistant starting with the Z-Wave USB hub assigned to this virtual machine so let's wait for this to finish it's booting up if I click on here it says connection loss reconnecting in the web GUI and actually this will Auto refresh as soon as it detects that the digital machine is up and running so let's give a second or so to start actually start did here we go it's a starting home assistant supervisor to do home assistant start that's it so now if I click on settings devices there's more stuff showing up here and one of them it says TTY acmo and at the bottom it says z-way and this is the pro the home assistant virtual machine detecting that it is the Z-Wave USB hub detected and assigned to this to double check that uh is definitely TTY ACM zero I can click on the settings go and click on a system Hardware then click on the old hardware and look for the ID number in my case our as I was saying is zero six five eight and it says this location it's in Dev slash t2y ACM zero that's great I'm gonna click on the settings now I'm going to click on the devices I'm going to say yeah I want to configure that I'm going to click yes obviously there is a way you can do this you can click on add-ons and go and add the add-on by the Z-Wave team but you can go actually it's there I missed it that's the one you can install this if you want or you can go via the actual devices setup and click through here if you can't see this one in here maybe your home assistant setup while you're doing this having a hard time to detect this you can go the settings add-ons and install click on ADD Store and install through here I'm gonna go in the devices and click configure do you want to set up this device it gives me a location and serial number everything I'm going to say yes and now it automatically goes and downloads installed Z-Wave JS plugin gets that installed it's asking you a bunch of stuff you can leave this all blank because the home assistant will generate the unique Keys between its open operating system let's say and actually is B Hub just to make sure that everything's communication is secure so I'm going to say submit and let's wait for home assistant to finish the JS setup while it's actually doing there is another plugin which is called MZ wave GIS UI so you can choose where you want this to be located I'm going to say a new location I'm going to call it home office and fine if there is another plugin that I've been using well I was using for quite a while then I decided to move back to uh the normal z-wave.js is this is the one and I'm not showing this one for uh the reason that this is this is quite complicated for the beginner who's just learning what the Z-Wave stuff is I suggest to go with the other one to learn how PCC wave setup happens and Etc as this one will give you way more configuration but this is way it might feel a bit like overwhelming when you open up the dashboard of Z-Wave you z-web.js UI and just like oh my God I don't know what everything is happening here and you just stop using Z-Wave devices so let's go back inside the the settings devices and I'll click on configure and right now it shows that uh Network connected means like Z-Wave network is up it's one device if I click on devices it shows a z stick Gen 5 and this is by company called aotech it says AO labs and right now I'm gonna start adding the devices with the devices to add like for example these two smart plugs Al Tech smart plug and a vibaro when you're buying a Z-Wave plugs it always will come with the manual obviously please make sure you read the manual properly because the way that this plug is needs to be set up is totally different how this needs to be set up there like this one for example it has a button here on the side so if you're looking from a front here in UK this is where the button located where on this AO tech one is here in the at this at the front there and these buttons in the Z-Wave devices called action buttons so first we're going to set up a z um the AO tech one I'm gonna just plug that in into my extension cable so just it's right now start it should start cycling through the colors to make sure that means that it's been reset is never been paid to any USB hub Z-Wave USB hub so that's it so that is ready so right now I'm gonna just click add device and it's searching for device I can skew our score QR scanner code I always say I can because it's a proximal certain stuff so I'm just gonna press this button once and this right now initiating the pairing mode it starts broadcasting the signal to every Z-Wave USB hub around this plug to say look I I'm available please please put me in your friend list and this is what just happened it's been added to the friend list and if I'm going to click view device and let's close that so right now the Z-Wave Hub USB hub detecting everything what this plug can do at the moment just shows like a sensors and stuff but just give another couple of seconds or so it should start populating all the more configurations to have I just press refresh so I'm just going to log back in and press keep me logged in here we go more stuff showed up so this is the one the plugs the the actual switch so I'm gonna hold like this if I can pick it up I'm going to say on on on off and once if you set up the home assistant there's a fresh instant under the overview is going to be the full dashboard which is called home and this is where the the stuff will just automatically starts showing up so this is the Smart Switch 6. it says that it's basically consumption 0.02 kilowatts and stuff I'm gonna say yeah I want to turn that off and it's off I want to turn that on and it's on and it's showing up back and forward the way that this is set up is slightly different so what I'll do now let me plug that in first this is a barrel plug like I said it's different setup to initiate the the pairing mode with the aotech one I had to press one with this one the side button needs to be pressed three times in a quick succession one two three and another thing at the back of this plug there is a serial number and the first five digits it's pin code for this plug in this case my PIN code should be 61084 just to make sure that I will not forget 61084 I'm just gonna quickly do like this 1684 just to show up that if I will start yapping more and I will forget the pin number I can go and refer back to this tab so let's go back to settings devices and let's click on a z-wave.js we now it says two devices if we click on this this two device is showing up so right now I just need to plug in the fibaro one into the socket it starts glowing in a different color it's a different shape and a different patterns of the colors so let's wait for this to uh I think that's it that's in appearing mode and button is located at this side so I need to press one two three let's click add I'm going to say one two three and right now is broadcasting the pairing signal and right now as you can see there's a bunch of numbers it says pin now code was 61084 press submit and right now is loading so let's give a second here we go divide it in the Z-Wave Hub is interviewing this device so it's finding out everything about this device what it can do what kind of sensors it has um what kind of stuff it can do like everything about it so right now it says fibana wall plug and one two one is actually if you're going to look online if you look for FG wpg one two one is the one with USB connection to the side and one two zeros without just a quick quick information for you so as you can see this is this one shows a bit different information than the previous one but it does it has this on and off switch so I'm just going to say on as you can see start put the sort of like it's I think a cyan color around it off and what's a quite interesting thing about these plugs is that if I'm gonna right now select the battle and click on figure I have a bunch of options I can change here so if I scroll down it should say where it says uh when load is on I will want to have the red color so let's wait for this here goes change to red this is what quite useful when for example I had a couple of plugs here to my office desk so just by looking what color is this is on I can say that if there is a power being provided to whatever device is connected here or not like for example downstairs uh one of my uh one of these plugs have been useful with TV so just opening the door and having a quick look what color is behind the Telly I can know straight away the tele is being turned off on or not because it's quite hard to see from a status LED of my TV if it's actually on and off so I just want to turn it off when I go for example to badges to make sure that I don't waste energy or because UK in UK electricity prices are goes through the roof so this is the setup on this one let's go back to the device list let's look on a smart switch six if I click on configure this has a completely different setup process and set up information Etc and what kind of things you want to do with it what how how often how often data needs to Bulldog right now he says automatic reporting interval 600 seconds where on the battle one is going to be probably 3600 seconds let's double check if I remember correctly where are you uh here we go 3600 energy reporting interval and consumption and stuff so that's it we have a fully functioning home assistant setup in the proxmox P proxmox visual environment or proxmox PVE and it's running and right now I have USB hub Z-Wave USB hub connected and everything is runs perfectly and because we selected the Q cow 2 a setup is much easier right now for us to do a backups let's run a backup for example and just in case if I want if I I'm planning to do something stupid or go and try something in the home assistant the backup is great great thing to have and qcal2 file format of the main Drive allows us to do snapshot as well so I can go and say fresh install and say take a snapshot okay it can do because it's on a backup mode anyway it's much easier to do snapshots and I do snapshots uh once in a while when there's a big update of a home assistant just to make sure that the update will not break anything because I don't want to go and start re-configuring 15 20 smart plugs and stuff it just because the um the update just messed with the stuff so is it this is how you get home assistant running inside the proxmox this is how you set up the Z-Wave your Z-Wave devices and I showed you with the aotech and the bottle on all these devices and our USB hub all the links to this I stuff you will find description below below the like button I would appreciate if you you would click a subscribe Button as well anyway thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: MRP
Views: 951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox home server, home lab, proxmox how-to, visualizer home assistant inside proxmox, HAOS, How to run Home Assistant in Proxmox, setting up z-wave smart plug with home assistant, proxmox home server series, how to self-host home assistant
Id: _wHs_BL4PW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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